HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-10-02; City Council; 6014; Fire employees class/salary schedule changesCZ?Y OF CARLSBAD --I_--- October 2, 1979 -- -- DATE : DEPARTMENT: PERSONNEL C. Dept=H3E€ Atty. c. Mgr* 5-i Subject: PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY SCHEDULE CHANGES FOR FIRE EMPLOYEES -- As previously reported to the council the city's consultant, Ralph Andersen and Associates, has completed the study of the city's existicg classification plan. The staff presented the entire plan to the council stating that separate portions of the plan would be introduced for council approval following council's receipt of the classification plan and manual as prepared by The staff is now prepared to introduce to the council for adoption those portions of the study that apply to fire employee positions. . Ralph Andersen and Associates. Fire employee portions of the plan continue existing classifica- tions and titles with two exceptions. First, the title FIREMAN is changed to FIREFIGHTER. Second, a new classification titled FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTOR has been added. The new fire prevention classification establishes a new segmet to the fire service career ladder. As the city grows the need for full time specialized fire prevention personnel becomes more apparent and, consequently, has been addressed by the addition of-the classification to the plan. Exhibit Resolution No. 595Cwith Exhibit A adopting fire employee classifications. Resolution No. 57.56 with Exhibit A adopting an amended Salary Plan for fire employees. Recommendation If Council concurs, adopt Resolution No. 695 < adopting fire employee classifications and Resolution No. -s9flb adopting an amended salary plan for fire employees. Council Action: 10-2-79 Council continued the matter to the next regular meeting. 1 5 '6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 5 ' 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 5955 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN OF THE CITY . OF CARLSBAD. WHEREAS, a study of'the city's existing classification plan has been completed; and WHEREAS, certain amendments to the city's classification plan have been recommended; and WHEREAS, the City Council concurs in the recommendations to amend the classification plan for fire positions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Classification Plan of the City of Carlsbad is hereby amended by the addition of the class specifications and titles as shown in Exhibit A for fire employees, attached hereto and made a part thereof. The class specifications and titles adopted shall supercede any previously adopted class specifications and titles previously adopted. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of 'the Carlsbad City Council held on the . a. . day of , 1979 by the following vote to wit: AYES : NOES : ABSENT: RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST : ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) Exhibit A FIRE CAPTAIN DE F I N I T ION Under direction, to perform management, supervisory and technical work in fire fighting, emergency rescue, fire inspection and fire training activities; and to do related work as assigned. 3 I EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Plan and execute work assignmsts of fire suppression and rescue personnel in an assigned company. Respond to fire alarms as commanding officer, and as such is responsible for the fire supervision and performance and safety of assigned fire fighting personnel. Direct fire fighting, rescue and emergency medical operations until relieved by a superior officer. Operate radio- telephone equipment. Supervise and participate in salvage and overhaul operations. Supervise and assist in rendering first aid at an emergency incident. Supervise the assignments and work of emergency medical technicians (paramedics) on an assigned shift basis. Direct the cleaning of quarters, equipment and apparatus at fire station. Inspect personnel and maintain discipline. Instruct personnel in the proper use of safety precautions; assure adherence to established safety standards in daily operations involving personnel and equ i pmen t . Instruct and drill fire department personnel in fire fighting. methods, techniques, and related subjects. Supervise and participate in the inspection of buildings and installations for fire hazards and fire safety systems as required by State laws and City ordinances. Assist in planning and conducting the Citywide fire prevention program and education program. Assume administrative responsibilities involving the department's budgeting, purchasing, equipment maintenance, and personnel functions. Prepare reports and maintain records. May be required to respond to fire calls during non-duty hours. May serve as a paramedic. team coordinator and supervisor if properly trained, certified and appointed to such duties by the Fire Chief. May be assigned a variety of special assignments involving emergency medical operations, fire prevention, department coniniunications and others. Supervise, train, and evaluate subordinates. Serve as Acting Assistant Fire Chief as assigned. I 1 74 Fire Captain (Cont'd) - QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: Principles, practices, and procedures of iriodern fire fight protection of lives and property. Rules, regulations, and operational procedures of the Fire Operation and maintenance of the type of apparatus and equ used in modern fire fighting activities. First aid and CPR. ng and Department. pment Principles of supervision, training, and performance evaluation. Mechanical, chemical and related characteristics of a wide variety of flammable and explosive materials and objects. Local geography including the location of main and hydrants and the major fire hazards of the City. Ability to: Communicate clearly and concisely, orally and in writing. Conduct thorough fact finding inspection and investigation. Operate apparatus and equipment used in modern fire fighting acti vi ties. Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Supervise, train, and evaluate assigned staff. Experience and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. would be: A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities Experience Four years of municipal fire fighting experience. Education High school diploma or equivalent, supplemented by the equivalent of 60 urii ts col lege course work in Fire Science, Necessary S,pecial Requirements Possession of an appropriate California driver's license. Possession of an Emergency Medical Technician I certificate. 75 -_ i" *' DEFTN IT ION FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTOR Ur?der direction to perform technical work involving fire prevention inspection; and to do re'iated work as assigned. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Conducts fire prevention inspections and participates in fire safety training and arson investigations throughout the City involving structures and open areas, Assist in reviewing existing fire prevention policies and regulations and in recommending new fire prevention ordinances and revisions to existing ordinances. Prepares reports of inspections and complaints; follow up on complaints to see that nazards are eliminated. Prepares and issues pernits for the sale, use, storage an2 transpariation of explosives and other flammable materials, Inspects facil ities for hazardous processes, publ ic asserb'lies and related acti- vities and recommends corrective action. Assist in the conduct of building plan check reviews and inspections with the City's Planning and Building and Safety Departments to assure corpiiance with fire safety codes, regulations and sound fire prevention practices; checks building plans for con formi ty w i th codes. Participates in a publ ic fire prevention and safety educatSona1 program; answers inquiries from the publ ic regarding fire prevention matters. .- .I QUAL I FICATIONS Knowledge of: Principles, practices and procedures of modern fire fighting and protection of lives and property. Rules, regulations and operational procedures of the Fire Department. The mechanical, chemical and related characteristics of a wide variety of flamable and explosive materials and objects. The operational and maintenance requirements for the various types of fire apparatus and equipment. Ability to: Cornrvnicate clearly and concisely, orally and in writing. Detect and evaluate a wide variety of hazardous condi tiorts and materials. Learn to conduct thorough and detailed factfinding investigations of fire incidents. - 1. - . Effectively organize and document facts leading to criminal prosecution. Operate apparatus z.nd equipment used in modern fire fighting operations. Establish and mf- ~15: cooprstive working relationships with those contacted in the course of ..ro.-k. !- .. .* Experience and Education Any combination equfva-lent to experience and education'that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: A Experience Two years of municipal firefighting experience. Education High school diploma or equivalent. course, State Fire Academy courses, and Center for Management Development courses, or their equivalent, in Fire Science and supervision in compl i.ance with departmental policies. Cmpletion of college level - Necessary Speci a1 Requi remen t Possession of an appropriate California driver's license. Possession of an Emergency Medical Technician I certificate. FIRE ENGflEER DE F I i4 IT I ON Under supervision, to operate and maintain fire trucks, fire fighting and rescue equipment, and fire stations; to participate in fire prevention -activities in protecting life and property; and to do related work as assigned. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Drive and operate fire equipment. Maintain fire apparatus and other emergency vehicles. Respond to incidents and select the most direct route to the fire. Lay hose lines, and operate engine pumping equipment a5 required. Man nozzles to direct stream of water on fire. Assist in overhaul and salvage operations. Respond to rescue calls and administer first aid. Operate radio-tel ephone equipment. Inspect equipnent, perform lubrication , inake minor adjustments and repairs, and maintain fuel and oil supply. Wash and test fire hoses. Clean station quarters and equipment and maintain a clean and orderly condition in and about the fire house, Study Fire Department rules and regulations, fire hazards, and fire fighting techniques. Participate in fire drills and training exercises. Conduct fire prevention inspection and education programs. Prepare reports with respect to equipment maintenance and work operations. Instruct fire personnel in the operation and maintenance of fire equipment. Respond to fire calls during non-duty hours. Serve as Acting Fire Captain as assigned. QUAL I FI CAT IONS Know1 edge of: Street system, the physical 'layout of the City and the location of f i re hydrants. Fire fighting methods and techniques. Operating and mechanical principles involved in the operation of fire apparatus and equipment. Fire hydraul ics. First aid and CPR. Rules, regulations, and operational procedures of the Fire Department Fire Engineer (Cont'd) - !hi9 to: Establish and maintain cooperative relationships v:ith those contacted in the course of work. Understand and follow oral and written instructions quickly and correctly. - - Operate fire equipment and apparatus. rlaintain fire equipment and apparatus. Think and act quickly in emergencies. Write clear, concise and accurate reports. Perform field calculations in hydraulics for proper and safe operations at emer2ency scenes. Experience and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide th? required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience Two years of fire fighting experience. Education High school diploma or equivalent. Completion of college level courses or their equivalent in Fire Science in compliance with departmental policies. Necessary Spec i a1 Req ui remen ts . Possession of an appropriate California driver's license. Possession of an Emergency Medical Technician I Certificate. 77 FIKEr IGI-1TER DEF I NIT ION Under supervision, to fight fires and to participate in fire prevention activities in protecting life and property; to operate and maintain fire fighting and rescue equipment, and fire stations; and to do related work as assigned. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Serve as hose operator in fire fighting situations including pulling working lines, manning the nozzle to direct the stream of water on the fire, placing, raising, lowering, and climbing ladders, and assisting in overhaul and salvage operations. Respond to rescue calls and administer first aid. Clean and inspect equipment, perforni lubrication, make adjustments and repairs to equipment, and maintain fuel and oil supply. Clean and test fire hoses. Operate radio-tel ephone equipment. Clean station quarters and equipment. Study Fire Depzrtment rules and regulations, fire hazards, fire fighting tech- niques, and related subjects. Conduct fire, prevention inspection and education programs. Participate in fire drills and training exercises. Respond to fire calls during off-duty hours. Participate in continuous training in fire prevention, inspection and suppression through both simulated and on-the-job exercises. May be assigned as a paramedic if properly trained, certified and appointed to perform such duties by the Fire Chief. Serve as Acting Fire Engineer as assigned for emergency re1 ief purposes. QUALIFICATIONS Know1 edge of: Rules, regul ations, and operational procedures of the Fire Department. Ability to: Demonstrate physical endurance, agility and strength sufficient to meet the established standards of the City. Demonstrate a high degree of mechanical aptitude. Learn fire fighting methods and techniques, the operation of fire fighting equipment, street location and physical layout of the City, and major traffic and fire hazards. Think and act quickly in emergencies. 78 - Firefighter (Cont 'd) Ability to: Understand and fo??ow ora? and written directions pumqjtly and accurately. Deal courteously and effectively with the general pub1 ic. Establish and maintain cooperative relationships with those contacted in the course of work. - Experience and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that coul d 1 i kely provide the requi red know1 edge and abi 1 i ti es is qualifying. Necessary Special Requirements Possession of an appropriate California driver's license. During the Probationary Period: Complete a fire service basic training program. Acquire an Emergency Medical Technician I Certificate./ 79 1 9 10 11 12 _. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 . ' 23 24 25 26 27 20 RESOLUTION NO. 5956 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE SALARY PLAN FOR FIRE EMPLOYEES FOR THE 1979-1980, 1980-1981 and 1981-1982 FISCAL YEARS BY ADDING THE CLASSIFICATION OF FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTOR. . WHEREAS, the City Council did on July 23, 1979, by Resolution No. 5852, adopt a Salary Plan, and WHEREAS, subsequent to tnis Salary Plan adoption, the City Council adopted the classifications which apply to fire employees; and WHEREAS, the classification of FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTOR was added to the fire employees classifications; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED.by'the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the classification description and title of FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTOR, Salary Range 39, is added to the existing Salary Plan. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the day of , 1979, by the following vote to wit: AYES : NOES : ABSENT : RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST : ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk SEAL^ City of Carlsbad Classification and Salary Range Schedule Fire Employees Fiscal Year 1979 - 1980 Classification Fire Captain Fire Engineer -Fire Prevention Inspector Firefighter Range 43 39 39 35 Biweekly Range A B C D E Range '3 5 601.07 631.24 662.78 695.76 730.82 35 39 662.78 695.76 730.82 ,767.29 805.86 39 43 730.82 767.29 805.86 845.85 888.61 43