HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-10-02; City Council; 6020; Petition for Carlsbad Blvd. Traffic Harzardsc October 2, 1979 c. Rtty & a .-----_- DATE : SUBJECT: REQUEST TO PF?ESENT A PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL - HELEN JORDAN, CARLSBAD BOULEVARD TRAFFIC HAZARDS _____I_------ .---- _I____- _--- STATEBENT OF THE MATTER Helen Jordan has asked that she be permitted to present a petition to the Council regarding traffic hazards on Carlsbad Boulevard. The Traffic Safety Commission has met to consider the Carlsbad Boulevard traffic problems and has developed a series of recommendations. Most of the recommendations will be implemented at staff level. The Council must approve changes in speed limits and truck routes. Both the Council and the State must approve changes in parking lot configuration along the beach. The inclusion of Washington Street in the CIP is a policy discussion to be made by the Council. Safety Commission felt that the pedestrian hazard situation should be'reevaluated after the completion of the street widening project currently under construction., The Traffic . EXHIBITS 1. Letter and petition from Helen Jordan. 2. Memo from City Engineer to City Manager of September 21, 1979. RECOMMENDAT1 ON If Council concurs, approve the recommendations of the Traffic Safety Commission Council Action: 10-2-79 Council approved the recommendations of the Traffic Safety Commission. September 10, 1979 Honorable Mayor and Carlsbad, California Members of the City Council Via: City Manager It is requested that a representative be permitted to present a petition to the Council at the earliest meeting possible relative to the traffic hazards faced daily on Carlsbad Boulevard. Attached is a list of suggestions for improving this situation. Helen Jordan 3474 Carlsbad Boulevard Carlsbad, California 729-0716 We the residents,property owners and renters urge you to make any changes which will alleviate the traffic hazard that we and the many visitors to our State Beach face daily on Carl Shad Boulevard . Tt is extremely difficult for the phjsically able to cross this strwt',for the the Senior Citizens and the disabled it is imnossible. The crosswalk is more dangerous than jay-walking. I. qur suegestions include: A. 3 ?t?p signs every two bl ocks ; 3. Pedestrian's control traffic signals li- SRt?F?d bumDs 5.r 6. A1 ternate rout2 for trucks. T,ower speed limit and strict enforcement by radar continuously. -_ A' MEMORANDUM - September 21, 1979 TO : City Manager FROM : City Engineer SUBJECT: CARLSBAD BOULEVARD TRAFFIC PROBLEMS City staff has become increasingly aware of the traffic problems that are occurring on Carlsbad Boulevard during the height of the summer season. Due to the significant number of inquiries through the Engineering Department, Police Department and the City Council the Traffic Commission considered the problem at their September 10, 1979 meeting. As a result of that meeting, the Traffic Safety Commission recommended the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. On That the three parking lots south of Tamarack Avenue and north of the Power Plant be combined into one, with a single entrance and a single exit. The parking lots will be designed to permit the traffic the best possible sight distance and access on to Carlsbad Boulevard. Eliminate parking at the entrance and exist of the Encina Fishing area to improve sight distance. Presently, vehicles are parking along the guard rail on the east side of the Boulevard adjacent to the Encina Fishing area. Cars park here restricting the sight distance of automobiles attempt- ing to leave the fishing groundsas well as compounding the difficulty for pedestrians trying to cross the street. Reduce the speed limit on Carlsbad Boulevard between Tam- arack and the Power Plant to 35 mph. Consider the elimination of Carlsbad Boulevard as a truck route. the day followins the Traffic Safety Commission meetinq, the City received a letter from a Citizen's Group concerned-with pedestrian safety on Carlsbad Boulevard between Tamarack and Oak. The Traffic Safety Commission met in special session Monday evening, September 17, 1979, with citizens concerned about traffic and pedestrian safety on Carlsbad Boulevard. The citizens expressed concern over traffic congestion, excessive speed and pedestrian safety. The City Engineer gave a brief synopsis of current changes in progress which were previously approved by the -2- Carlsbad Boulevard Traffic Problems September 21, 1979 City Council or recommended by the Traffic Safety Commission. These included reflectorized restriping after construction of the bike route project, the proposed elimination of truck routes on Carlsbad Boulevard, the provision of left turn pockets, provisions for striped median islands, modifications to the Encina Fishing area parking lots, and the proposed uniform speed limit of 35 mph for Carlsbad Boulevard. Each citizen wishing to speak was given an opportunity to be heard. The suggestions and concerns expressed by the citizens were: 1. Post stop signs at intersections. 2. Install additional traffic signals (possibly pedestrian 3. Install raised median islands. actuated). 4. Establish 25 mph speed zones. 5. Increase level of police enforcement. 6. Pave Washington Street as alternate traffic route. 7. Install additional crosswalks. 8. Prohibit U-turns. 9. Install amber warning lighting. After the open citizen discussion, the Commission considered each suggestion. The Commission felt that the current construction project would have significant impact on the traffic problems on Carlsbad Boulevard and was reluctant to make additional recommend- ations until the results of the project could be evaluated. The Commission made the following specific recommendations: 1. Place an additional crosswalk at Cherry Avenue. 2. Install reflectorized beading on crosswalks. 3. Eliminate Carlsbad Boulevard as a truck route from Elm 4. Consider Washington Street improvements to establish an 5. Request additional enforcement by the Police Department. Avenue to Cannon. alternate route for beach traffic. The Commission noted that other pedestrian and traffic safety items should be addressed after the completion of the current construction and restriping program. Les Evans City Engineer T.R mmt 3360 Car$sb?d Blvd. CsrlsbFd, LA Oct. 1, 1979 Carlsbad City Council: we regret thr?t we c-nnot attend the Council meeting. we kiv-ve m-de -2la,ns to be out of town. However we are Goncerned ibout the s"feLy of the users of Cmlsb d B1T.rd. Please listen qore s fe -nd enjoyzble scenic route. to sugqestions of the residents qnd mxke a Yours truly, C h s, r 1 o t t e C i Val1 e ri ..