HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-10-16; City Council; 3481-23; Plaza Camino Real Expansion.- .I_ .__....- __--.-I - _____I____ - __ I -- ---- -I- - - SUBJECT: PLAZA CAMINO REAL SHOPPING CENTER EXPANSION PRECISE PLAN CONDITIONS STATEMENT OF THE MATTER On February 6, 1979, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 5676 approving A1 ternate Precise P1 an 24B for the expansion of the Plaza Camino Real Shopping Center. conditions of the Precise Plan are not yet complete. The sotres are scheduled for openings on October 20, 1979, but certain EXH IB I TS f,.j+ 1. October 2, 1979 letter from May Stores 2. t/ 3. October 11, 1979 memo from Planning October 11, 1979 memo from Engineering 4. Resolution No. 5676 Approving Precise Plan (PP24-B) * 5. Improvement Agreement/Bond for Parking Lot Improvements 6. v 7. Improvement Agreement/Bond for Traffic Signals October 11 , 1979 memo to City 'Council from City .Engineer RECOMMENDATION 1. That the City Council authorize an extension of time for completion of the subdivision improvements CT 76-18 2. If the Council wishes to allow occupancy prior to completion your action is to approve a temporary occupancy on conditon that the items outlined in Exhibits 2 and 3 and any other outstanding obligations are completed by October 1980. AGENDA BILL NO. 3481 - Supplement #23 Page 2 Council Action: 10-16-79 Council approved staff recommendations, subject to requiring completion of outstanding obligations within 6 months, with the exception of the channel and related parking, which is to be given a year for completion. The May Stores Shopping Centers, Inc. A Subsidiary of The May Department Stores Company October 2, 1979 Paul Bussey City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Paul : We have met with city staff regarding the Certificate of Occupancy for Plaza Camino Real Phase 11, and there are three items which will require a time extension to allow occupancy. Each of these items will be completed and, of course, we will post bonds where necessary to assure their completion. I would, therefore, ask that you request from the City Council a revised completion date for the following items so that we may receive a temporary occupancy permit allowing Broadway to open on October 19, 1979, and the mall and Sears to open on October 24, 1979. Access from the south parking lot through the mall to Brsadway will also be required on October 19: 1. The installation of the signal at El Camino and Marron Road, including the connecting signal in front of the movie theatre is estimated for completion on February 1, 1980. A bond will be posted as required by the City Engineering-Department. 2. Parking lot landscaping and permanent surface improvements where not already completed will be completed by December 1, 1979. Again, a bond will be posted. 3. The future signal at the corner of Marron Road and Monroe, when developed, will be constructed, with the estimated construction approximately two years from now. Executive Offices, 10738 West Pic0 Blvd., Suite 1, Los Angeles, California 90064 Tel. (213) 879-1850 475-3501 Paul Bussey City Manager -2- October 2, 1979 Completion of the channel reconstruction and parking north of the existing channel will also be bonded. The California Department of FishLand Game has required that the portion of the existing channel between the westerly end of the Oceanside sewer treatment facility and the intersection of the new channel with the existing channel remain open until June 10, 1980, This is to provide a wildlife habitat area during the winter months before the spring hatching season. Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated, wy truly yoqrs, - L-fames D. Williams JDW/dg cc: Rick Eisenberg MEMORANDUM DATE : October 11, 1979 TO : Les Evans, City Engineer FROM: Bud Plender, Assistant to the Planning Director 6r SUBJECT: PLAZA CAMINO REAL, CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - PP-24A Planning staff has reviewed the approved conditions of Precise Plan 24(B) to determine if they have been met and/or what is required prior to occupancy of any of the proposed new buildings. The following is a brief statement on those conditions that need to be considered prior to occupancy. Condition 9 requires that the applicant participate with the City in reconstruction of phase one parking, the improve- ments of Marron Road, and a bus transfer station relocation. The reconstruction of the parking lot or the improvements of Marron Road are not complete. Bonds for the parking lot improvements have been signed by the developer and the City has received funds for the widening of Marron Road. The bus transfer station has not been relocated, however, we have accepted an amendment to Precise Plan 24 that indicates a new location. Therefore, condition 9 has been satisfactorily met. Condition 10 requires parking, landscaping and irrigation plans to be submitted for Planning Director's approval. Plans have been submitted by the applicant but to date have not been approved. However, as noted above, bonds have been accepted guaranteeing the improvements. Since the parking has not been completed, occupancy of any of the proposed buildings will cause some degree of inconvenience. Presently there are 4395 parking spaces available in the center. This is a ratio of 4 3 parking space per each 1,000 square feet of gross building area. of about 100 spaces may be made available shortly after the opening of Broadway. However, the final parking lot will not be totally completed until at least after June, 1980, due to constraints of the Department of Fish and Game, and problems associated with the relocating of the flood control channel. The final parking lot will have 5,728 spaces (or park& ratio of 5.0 spaces per 1000 square feet of building. Staff believes that the interim parking ratio of 4.3 is acceptable to permit the occupancy of new buildings. Bonds have been accepted to complete the parking lot. Condition 10 has been satisfactorily met. Additional parking 13 more than presently existing) and will have a I. Condition 13 indicates that off site slopes are to be landscaped and maintained. The Parks and Recreation Department has not approved landscaping and maintenance plans for those slopes. Planning staff has contacted the applicant and asked that landscape plans be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Department. We have also requested processing by Parks and Recreation in a timely manner. However it's not possible to plant these slopes prior to Broadway occupancy therefore I suggest a bond for their improvement be agreed to. In addition a maintenance agreement is necessary for the continued maintenance of these slopes and benches prior to occupancy. These provisions must be accomplished before occupancy. Condition 14 requires that facilities such as storm drains, desiltation basins, etc, that would affect water quality in the Buena Vista Lagoon to be installed by the applicant. Bonds have been accepted to guarantee this requirement. This condition has been satisfactorily met. Condition 18 requires adequate pedestrian ways between the theatres and adjacent commercial development on the south side of Marron Road and the main parking lot of Plaza Camino Real. They have not been installed, however, the landscaping and parking plans shall include these requirements. The completion will need to be done prior to occupancy. Also Condition No. 18 requires the relocation of the bus transfer facilities. This will be accomplished by PP-24C, and therefore will not affect occupancy. There are other conditions that have not been completed or totally resolved, however, those conditions are engineering matters and are being resolved by your department. Attachment City Council Resolution No. 5499 BP : ar .2 . .. .~ .. 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 P c i3 18 19 20 23 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 5676 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE- CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS A REVISED ALTERNATIVE PRECISE PLAN (PP 24-B) FOR THE EXPANSION, OF THE PLAZA CAMINO REAL SHOPPING CENTER. WHEREAS, the agreement.. between the applicant and the City of Carlsbad, which proOides for the expansion of the Plaza Camino Real Shopping Center, requires that the details of that expansion be submitted to the City Council for . approval in the form of a Precise Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council, on August 2, 1977, by the adoption of Resolution No. 5166, approved the Precise Plan (PP 24) for the Plaza Camino Real expansion; and WHEREAS, on August 1, 1978, the City Council, by the adoption of Resolution No. 5499, approved an Alternate Precise Plan (PP 24-.A) to provide for the contingency that the expansion of the center would include a third major department stare; and WHEREAS, the applicant wishes to revise that alternate I plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Director has determined that this application has satisfied the requirements of the Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972 by prior compli- ance in that an Environmental Impact Report was certified for the project which has been fully considered byxthe City Council as part of this action; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of f, the City of Carlsbad, California as follows: 'J 1 2 '3 4 6 7 9 10 11 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A. That'the above recitations are true and correct. B. That the findings nade by the City Council irr connection with the Alternate PrecTse Plan (PP 24-A) as contained in City Council Resolution No. 5499 also apply to I this revision and constitute the findings of the City Council in this matter. i L C. That the environmental review of the proposed revised Alternate Precise Plan has been completed pursuant to CEQA and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. . ' D. That the.revised Alternate Precise Plan is hereby approved subject to all applicable requirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to the satisfaction of the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. This approval is granted for the property described in the application and as shown on the revised Alternate Precise Plan labelled Exhibit A', dated February 7, 1979 on file in the Planning Departrnent'and incorporated by reference herein. This approval is subject to all conditions of Resolution No. 5499, which are incor- porated by reference herein. The applicant shall comply with Section 1603 of the Fish and Game Code. This approval shall not be effective until and unless arrangements satisfactory to the City Council are made to accomplish the relocation of the Buena Vista Creek sewer trunk line and other utility lines if such relocation is required. The applicant shall be responsible for the maintenance of the Buena Vista Creek Channel as shown on the Precise Plan labelled Exhibit A, dated February 7, 1979 on file in the Planning Department and incorporated by reference herein. By the acceptance of this approval the applicant agrees to provide insurance and to hold the City and Parking Authority harm- less from any liability arising from the Buena Vista Creek Channel between Jefferson 2. t .. .I -. .. 3. . 1 2 4 5 '6 7 8 .. 9 10 11 12 0 6 is 20 21 22 ' 23 24 25 26 27 28 and El Camino Real as it now.exists or will exist after relocation and from the work to be done pursuant to the Precise Plan. .@ * > E. The applicant shall'have the option to develop the shopping center either in accordance with Precise Plan (PP 24) as approved by Resolution No. 5166 or in accordance with the Alternate Precise Plan .(PP 24-A) as approved by Resolution No. 5499 or in accordance with the Revised Alternate Precise Plan as approved by this resolution. . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, at a regular meeting held on the 6th day of February , 1979 by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis and NOES : None Councilwoman Casler fldd 03*t RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST : ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City rk (SEAL) 3. MEMO RAN DUM TO : City Council FROM: City Engineer DATE : October 11, 1979 SUBJECT: COUNCIL OPTIONS TO PERMIT OCCUPANCY OF MAY STORES EXPANSION Condition Counci 1 Option and landscaping and irrigation systems according to approved pl ans . upgrading . 1. Installation of parking lot improvements Accept an improvement agreement L L'C * and bond for the completion of the improvement. and bond for the completion of the work. 2. Traffic signal instal 1 ation/relocation/ Accept an improvement agreement Lr '> 3. Marron Road widening. ' '. 4. Landscaping of offsite slopes Accept a cash deposit for May Stores share of the project. Accept an improvement agreement and bond. The time of completion for the following improvements required as conditions of the subdivision have not been met: Condition Counci 1 Option ,L si 1. Relocation of the Buena Vista Creek Extend the time of Completion Channel. 2. Set monuments. Extend the time of completion. The following items should be completed prior to store openings: 1. Placing of sidewalk along the Plaza entrance off Marron Road at the theatres. a, C' 1 11 -, i \ I & it" c. 2. 3. Looping of the waterline along Monroe Road. Execution of maintenance agreements for the Buena Vista Creek Channel and the Marron Road Slopes. Les Evans City Engineer LE:mmt MEMORANDUM TO : City Manager FROM: City Engineer DATE : October 11, 1979 SUBJECT: PLAZA CAMINO REAL PRECISE PLAN 24B On February 6, 1979, the City Council approved Alternate Precise Plan24B for the expansion of the Plaza Camino Real Shopping Center. In addition to the conditions outlined by the Planning Department there are several conditions of the Precise Plan required by the Engineering Department which are not yet complete. Specifically, the uncompleted items are: 1. The installation of a traffic signal on Marron Road at the Cinema 5 Theatre. 2. The relocation of the traffic signal at El Camino Real and the Plaza Camino Real entrance. 3. The upgrading of the traffic signal at El Camino Real and Marron Road. 4. The widening of Marron Road. The May Company has also provided the City with Faithful Performance Bonds to complete certain conditions of their subdivision. Unfortunately, the improvement agreements covered by the bonds state that the improvements will be complete by August 2, 1979. Not yet completed is the reloc- ation of the Buena Vista Creek Channel and the monumentation of the subdivision. In accordance with the October 2, 1979 letter from May Stores, the time of completion of the channel relaocation project should be extended to August 2, 1980. The time of completion for the monumentation of the subdivision should be extended to January 1, 1980. The Precise Plan also describes the agreement for the main- tenance of the Buena Vista Creek Channel by the developer. This agreement should be provided to the City prior to the granting of oocupancy of the stores. May Stores have provided improvement agreements and bonds to cover the cost of installation of the traffic signals and the Marron Road widening. The Engineering Department concerns would be fully satisfied if the developer would also sign a channel maintenance agreement. LE : mmt