HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-10-17; City Council; 5619; Sewer Allocation Request ConsiderationCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. ^(0 / 9 ' Initial: DATE: October 17, 1978 DEPARTMENT: Engineering _• C. Mgr. U ject: SEWER ALLOCATION REQUEST CONSIDERATION FOR PROJECTS OUTSIDE THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA Statement of the Matter At the October 3, 1978 Council meeting the Council continued two redevelopment area sewer allocation requests until after the redevelopment plan is approved (early next year). Staff was directed to present all pending sewer allocation requests, including the Jerry Bryan photo studio/office building project at the next meeting. (Please, see the attached memorandum.) Exhibit Memorandum dated October 12, 1978 from the City Engineer with attachments Recommen dat i on That City Council not allocate any of the remaining 6.3 EDUs until such.a time in the future that a new allocation system is implemented. \ Council Action: 10-17-78 Council instructed the^Crty Attoroey\to prepare the necessary documents allocating 2\3 EDU's to the Mohtessori School, and determined that the remainin-g 4.0 EDU's not be allocated until such time in the-^ftrture that a new allocation system is implemented. "^.. MEMORANDUM TO: City Manager FROM: City Engineer DATE: October 12, 1978 SUBJECT: SEWER ALLOCATION REQUESTS At the October 3, 1978 City Council meeting two requests for sewer alloca- tion were presented (Blankenship - 6.7 EDUs; H. Von Packard - 3.0 EDUs). My memorandum dated September 28, 1978 indicated that 6.3 EDUs remain from the previous allocation system. It is important to note that these 6.3 EDUs are not now in any specific category, but are available for allocation for any use that the Council determines to be in the best interest of the community. This is important because, previously, the "contingency" cate- gory was restricted to City projects, failed septic systems and redevelop- ment projects. Staff has received numerous requests for information as to the availability of sewers. Most of these inquiries have been informal. We have discouraged many prospective projects during informal discussions; however, some have formalized their requests to City Council and have been the subjects of several agenda bills (see "Sewer Allocation Summary" at- tached to my September 28, 1978 memorandum). The City Council decided at the October 3, 1978 meeting to continue sewer allocation requests from the redevelopment area until after the redevelop- ment plan is approved. Public hearings on the redevelopment plan are an- ticipated during the first few months of 1979. Another item at the same Council meeting was carried over for some addi- tional information regarding a sewer/septic system for possible considera- tion for sewer allocation since that project is outside the redevelopment area. The Council also was interested in considering all sewer allocation requests that had been received as of that date. With respect to formal applications to Council (outside of redevelopment area) that we have recently received, I can list: 1. Las FI ores Professional Plaza - 6 EDUs - Located on the southwest corner of Pio Pico and Las Flores, this request of July 25, 1978 was continued at applicant's request pending septic system soils testing. 2. California Aquaculture - 1.0 to 3.6 EDUs (phased construction if only 1.0 EDU granted) - Located on the north shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, this was requested on September 22, 1978. 3. Jerry Bryan Photography Studio/Offices - 5.0 EDUsl - Located on the east side of Pio Pico between Stratford Lane and Laguna Drive, this May 9, 1978 request was withdrawn June 20, 1978 based on using exist- ing EDU credit for studio and septic system for remainder of building. 4. Montessori School - 2.3 EDUs - Located on Pine Street, this September 24, 1978 request is for the enlargement of existing facility by 2807 square feet. -2- Besides these requests, we have had numerous requests (mostly verbal) for sewer allocation. Some projects have proceeded on the basis of septic systems and are under construction. Others are now working on soil tests for septic system approval. Still others have not pursued either Council appeal or septic systems as an alternate. Projects such as Papagayo (280 EDUs); Covington (300 EDUs); Buena Woods #3 (30 EDUs) and many others would have or could be considered just as eligible for allocation now that the restrictive requirements of Resolution 5371 have been changed. Reso- lution 5371 had created only two categories: (I) Community facilities and (2) contingencies. Most proposed projects did not qualify at that time for either category and were so advised by staff. It would be difficult to limit consideration for sewer allocation to the few who made formal applications when there are so many others who took staff advice that they did not qualify and, therefore, did not formalize their requests. Because of the relatively small number of available EDUs and the potential number of requests that would be received now that the restrictions of Resolution 5371 have been eliminated, it is my recommendation that no al- locations be made from the 6.3 EDUs until such time that a revised sewer allocation system is implemented. Tim Flanagan City Engineer TCFrVEB Attachments PAUL 5. SWIHSKY WILLIAM N. SAUCR, JR. A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION LAW OFFICES OF 5WIRSKY S 5AUER AN ASSOCIATION INCLUDING A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 2965 ROOSEVELT, SUITE M CARLSBAD. CALIF'ORNIA 92008 TELEPHONE (71-*) 729-1197 MAILING ADDRESS POST OFFICE BOX II8S July 25, 1978 Mayor and City Council City of Carlsbad Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Elm Avenue . Carlsbad, California 92008 Honorable Mayor and City Council: On July 6, 1978,I-.wrotei to the C.ity.Manager requesting six equivalent ing units for the propasedprojecteatTrPvl^ Pico and Las Flores in bad. A"copy' of the letter "is "attached" hereto , marked Exhibit "A" and hereby incorporated by reference. - It is hereby requested that this entire matter be placed on the Council Agenda as soon'as possible so that the Council be allowed to determine whether the project be allocated the equivalent dwelling units from the contingency categories. It is my understanding that the contingency categories include failing septic tanks, community development rehabilitation programs, redevelop- ment areas, capital improvement programs and a reserve capacity for other exceptions to the sewer moratorium. • I would appreciate the opportunity to address the Council at such time as this matter is considered. . Very tr WILLIA . SAUER WNS:bcs End. cc: James Hagaman Planning Director September 22, 1978 Mr. Paul Bussey, City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Re: Request For Sewer Connection California Aquaculture, Inc., is a company involved in the hatching and growing of Southern California abalone for commercial use. Being a coastal dependent industry, Cali- fornia Aquaculture, Inc., has searched during the last four months for an appropriate coastal site along Southern and Baja California. Physical requirements for this hatchery are exacting as average annual seawater temperatures, high quality ocean water, and access to appropriate areas where beach strewn kelp is plentiful (the abalone's chief food source) are of the highest priority to the success of this venture. Paul Ecke's 6.6 acre parcel of land adjacent to the Aqua Hedionda lagoon was selected for the above mentioned reasons. We understand that there are limited sewer hook-ups available for new development in the immediate area. Therefore, on behalf of California Aquaculture, Inc., we request a portion of the remaining sewer capacity. We believe our impact on the existing sewer system would be minimal as will be briefly outlined. Mr. Ludke of your staff has reviewed preliminary drawings of our project. The plan includes a total of 6,400 sq. ft. of enclosed buildings which will serve as offices and primarily research facilities. We anticipate employment of about twelve (12) full-time people. Using Carlsbad's calculations of 30 galIons/day/employee, we will generate approximately 360 gallons/day. No industrial waste will be created as a result of this project. However, in view of the present sewer 2921 Roosevelt Street • Post Office Box 590 • Carlsbad • CA 92008 • (714) 729-8973 Page Two, Letter to Mr. Paul Bussey regarding a request for sewer connection, September 22, 1978 situation, our first phase of this project may be accomplished with capacity equivalent to one EDU. If our allocated sewer capacity only allows development equivalent to one EDU, we will only expand our facilities at such time as additional capacity becomes available. Obviously our request for capacity to accommodate 12 employees at 6,400 sq. ft. is desirable, however, the project is still viable with capacity equalling one EDU. The present zoning on the project site is RA-10,000 which allows for greenhouses and agricultural uses. Although aquaculture is not specifically described, the intent of the RA zone would seem to include aquaculture as an acceptable use. In addition, the Agua Hedionda EIR and Specific Plan, as well as the Coastal Commission, has recommended this site for aquacultural uses. We feel that the City of Carlsbad would benefit directly from this aquacultural operation as it will create a substantial tax base. Existing oversea ventures are producing "million dollar crops". The City should also consider that this project: 1. Does not increase demand for park and school services. 2. Will create job opportunities within the community. 3. Will not create adverse visual, noise or odor impacts. 4. Will not generate high traffic volume. California Aquaculture, Inc. was formed by scientists and engineers with extensive technical expertise in the aquaculture industry. The first abalone farm was built five years ago, overseas, and is now growing ten million abalone a year. A tremendous and ever-expanding market has placed extreme pressures on the natural Southern California abalone fishery and latest statistics indicate failure of this industry in the near future. Because of its unique role, California Aquaculture, Inc. would provide abalone seed to San Diego County and the State of California for replanting operations which are due to begin along Southern California kelp beds during the next few months and continue well into the future, if the experimental plantings are successful. Page Three, Letter to Mr. Paul Bussey regarding a request for sewer connection, September 22, 1978 We feel that in view of this discussion, our request for sewer capacity should receive favorable consideration. We appreciate your time and effort on our behalf, and if we can provide any pertinent data to your decision, please dont't hesitate to call us. Sincerely, ft^Wo^vucik^ Pr—/e Sandy \J Lanning Consultant The Agatep Corporation -id California Aquaculture, Inc. rbryan o r • '• ' '•• ':•'; *" -:.. Post Office Box 748 " -/ Carlsbad, California 92008 "' k Phone 729-3680 photography jmages today - memories forever 9, May 1978 Mr. PauVBuss^y City' of Carlsbad-' Carl sb&d^GA- 92008 Dear Mr. '/4tfs < ul*<•*' =t > Chi September 1.977 I purchased the lot and small house on. the corner of Pio Pico aiidvLaguna Diive. (AssM,Paice:J #156-164-28 § 29). The house- is ;. currently connected to the Cailsbad sewer system. Vl. • ': ;^ " • '•''-• I > ' ••( • " :.•:.-'-.•,, I pu/cbased the propercy- with the intent of building a new studio fox my business>5 Jerry Bryan Photography and professional office rents 1 space, This use.iis consistent with the>; General Plan designation for the subjectpropert)$t^ .&: ' <;^-;!H- Shortly after purchasing the property, I discusses the matter of sewage capacity with Mr. Jim Hageiman of the City of Caxlsbad Engineer ing Department, At that tiffifti, I was told that, if J was to demolish the existing one-bedroow house, 1 would' be allowed ta Cfnnect *. single watercloset for my proposed structuj c>« t • , , .- '€7^', 'Vn". ''»*•*<•.•" On this basis, I engaged a civil engineer and a building designer to design a professional building and a septic system for the Jot maximizing. the size of building and Allowing for separate plumbing for one single ' ,. watercloset,! which would 'be connected to the existing seweo?. The remainder of the building to- be 'Served, by the septic- system. .,.'',• j -\,J- V '- V,v;^, ' r^H^vJfA <* •••••:•:•::•: , ' ' • -vV .'-?••''.. We^aret'now at the point* where the County of San Diego HesJtb Department has substantially approved our 'design for a septic system s but is primarily with holding, approval awaiting' ^'letter from the .Engineering Department of • the City o£: Carlsbad stating^'that we will in fact be a] loved to connect one waterc]oset,'to the city sewer ''system in addition: to the use of a septic system for^sewage disposal 'for 'the remainder of the building, '*••"',I would 'like to request that the City of Carlsbad issue such a letter at this Your*prompt attention to this matter will be greatly appreciated. } Sincerely, .k J- Jerry Bryan ."%-' CARLSBAD MONTESSORI SCHOOL 740 PINE AVENUE • CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 • 714/729-3461 X A NON-PROFIT CORPORATION September 24, 1978 Executive Director: PAMELA J. CRISMAN, BA.MA, Montessori Teacher Training Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 RE: Sewer Allocation for Construction of^Atitfttlon Dear Members of the Carlsbad City Council: The purpose of our letter is to seek approval of our plans to increase the size of the Carlsbad Montessori School and to request the issuance of the necessary sewer allocation and building permits. The Carlsbad Montessori School is a non-profit organization created in 1977 to bring to Carlsbad and North County quality, non-sectarian, private education. The Montessori Method allows the child to work on selected tasks of interest in a prepared environment which features the teacher as programmer and director of the learning process. The emotional environment abounds in love, security, understanding, and consistency. Since incorporating on a non-profit basis in 1977, the Carlsbad M]itessori School has provided the community with parent workshops, a "Teach Your Child to Read" program which was held in the Carlsbad City Library, and assistance to the Child Development program at the Carlsbad High School. We have also provided programs to Oceanside High School and Mira Costa College audiences. We will continue to give classes, workshops, and programs for this community. Since the school opened in September, 1977, the number of students has increased and we have reached our maximum capacity and now have a waiting list. We currently enroll children from ages 2% to 7. We have had a number of requests from our parents and from members of the community to expand our program to include all of the elementary grades. Our plans and projections are to include an elementary program through sixth grade by January, 1979. We have sought space to rent which would be suitable for our needs. At present there is a State Law which requires that the facility include 35 square feet per child inside and 75 square feet per child outside. This was a problem in locating a proper facility. We feel that expanding our present facility is the only alternative that we have at this time as we do have adequate outside space. We need and respectfully request your favorable consideration and approval of upgrading our sewer allocation for construction of the addition to the school Sincerely, j - C.V57XQjvrj<scj">i I. Crisman to-, i Crisman A FASCINATING WORLD FOR YOUR CHILD