HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-11-06; City Council; 5791-1; OLD LIBRARY- CITY HALL BUILDING |FORMERLY PART OF OLD CATHOLIC CHURCH BUILDING|i. Initial: Dept .€Id - C. Atty;, e @ CITY OF' CARLSB:'?D AGEWDA BILL NO. 5791 Supplement No. 1 DATE: DEPARTMENT: City Manaqer Subject : -- November 6, 1979- _- C. Mgr. \ /' - OLD LIBRARY/CITY HALL BUILDING (Formerly Part of Old Catholic Church Building) Statement of the Matter 1_- A joint request has been received from the Carlsbad Senior Citiz Association and Carlsbad Historical Society for assistance in co necting a sewer line to the building which was moved to the Magel property (1.33 EDU's required). At the March 20, 1979 Council meeting, authorization was given ti the Historical Society to move the building at their expense to the northwest corner of Magee Park, that the building be locked and not used until a foundation was placed under it, and subsequ Council direction. A concrete block foundation is now in place and the building nas been set in place. Additionally, staff has now received a request fron the Carlsbad-Oceanside Art League to use the building for displays by local artists. By letter dated Sctober 5, 1979, the Carlsbad Historical Society has requested approval to rehabilitate the building as well as Council consid- eration of some monetary support for materials. Before the building can be used as requested by the two groups, sewer lines, electrical connections, plumbing, some plumbing fixtures, and some interior renovation will have to be accomplis1 The estimated cost is approximately $32,000 to $43,000. Exhibit 1. Letter from Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association and Carlsbz Historical Society dated August 6, 1979. 2. Estimate of cost requirements fron Building Official dated 8-29-79. 3. Letter from Carlsbad iiistorical Society dated 10-5-79. 4. Letter from Art League dated 10-3-79. 5. Report from Assistant City Manager dated 10-23-79. 6. Facility Layout of Magee House. That Council refer this information to the Parks and Zecreation Commission, requesting them to hold a public hearing for all interested citizens' groups to give input to the Commission for report to the City Council. Recommendation Council Action: 11-6-79 Council referred the matter to the Parks & Rec comnission fc hearing and report. I. -, Incorporated in the State of California, June 25, 1975 Corporate number 738726 A Non-Profit Corp CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS[ ASSOCIATIC 2945 Harding Carlsbad, California r- Phone (714) 72s August 6, 1979 ,-- c- To: The City Council, through the City f'kinager City or' '.arlsbad, California Subject,: Request for consideration of Sewer connection for Old Catholic Zh The Carlsbad Seniar bitzens 1 Association joix with the Carlsbad Historical Society in asking for conside-ation of the City in ass'bnce with the connection to the Sewer line for the 131d Catholic Church B uiPdkg which was moved recent,ly to the &gee Property. There is a great -need in the Community for more meeting rooms and halls for the various activities of all the groups who desite space, and the Parks and "ecreation department, too, is feeling the lack of facilities with lessening of quarters avaihble frorn the schools since the passage of ?reposition 13. Any help or advice on the part of the City Council or Staff which might assist in the eventital use of sewage facilities would be appreciated. There have been offers of h elp in the rnanpower to achieve the connection, once it has been made available. Sincerely ., P- -3 L &' , Bard of D'frectors. Raymond L. Ede President fip/ d&TLZZLV 0 0 THE FOLLOWING IS AN ESTIMATE OF MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS TO ESTABLISH OLD LIBRARY FOR USE. GAS LINE, WATER SERVICE AND METER. 750. to 1,000. SEWER AND FIXTURE REPLACEMENT. 4,000. to 4,500. ELECTRICAL, SERVICE PANEL, 7,000. to 8,000. FIXTURES, PLUGS AND SWITCHES. REPAIR AND REPLACE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS 4,000. to 5,000. BEFORE BUILDING IS SET DOWN. FUMIGATION OF BUILDING FOR INFESTATION. 3,500. to 4,500. TO IMPROVE ESTHETICS OF BUILDING EXTERIOR 1,500. to 3,000. AFTER SETTING DOWN ONTO FOUNDATION. PATCHING, PAINTING A'ND REPAIR OF INTERIOR AND NEW RAMP. PA I NT I MG EXTER I OR. 4,000. to 5,000. BALCONY 5,000. to 7,500. 1. IF USED. 1,500. to 3,000. 2, IF NOT USED. 500, to 1,000. DISCONTINUE USE OF UNDERSTAIR STORAGE. 200. to 250. 31,950 42,750 August 30, 1979 - Received from Richard Osburn, Building Official 0 0 October 5, 1979 Mayor Ron Packard The City Council 1200 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, CA. 92008 Dear Mayor and Members of the City Council: I am happy to report that the project of moving the Old St. Pat' Church to its site in McGee Park was completed successfully in September. Through generous contributions of The Friends of the Library($700+) and from the Humphries Construction Co, who built the foundation The Historical Society was able to go the extra mile and actually complete the move including the foundation at a cost of $4,580 total costs. There are still many things to do to make this excellent 1500 square foot structure safe and useable to the community. Arrang ments have been made,for instance,to insure that all utilities a brought to the building during construction of the Park thanks t and lighting, water system, landscaping, gas heating, painting and repairing of stucco still needs to be accomplished. Although most of this work will be volunteered, the costs of the materials in a large part will not be donated; The Historical Society therefore is making the following request formally to th city. The Historical Society after showing good faith and its ability to perform constructive tasks on behalf of the community in havi safely, effectively and economically, by incorporating and encou aging the aid of other civic organizations permanently relocated the Old St. Patrick's Church/City Eall/Library including the con struction of the Foundation, requests the City of Carlsbad to a1 the Historical Society of Carlsbad to act as project manager for the total restoration of the subject property. The historical Society will seek out, organize and utilize Community support ar financial aid to complete the project to the degree that the con munity will participate. For taking on the responsibility of the completion of this pro]€ the Historical Society requests that the City of Carlsbad make available for the purchase of materials the Three Thousand Nine Hundred Dollars(S3,900)that was allocated for the demolition of subject property in the contract for the construction of the City of Carlsbad the city staff, Joe Eqgleston in particular. New electrical wir a e Harding St. Center. We would suggest that these funds, if granted for the specific use above, be administered by the contracts administrator to assure the city that they are being used in proper and designate manner. orable body does not elect to provide those funds to the project as proposed, to continue to see the project through to completio through funding provided by our Society and other community grou Enclosed is a preliminary schedule for the accomplish.ment of the necessary work to completely restore the building to community use by the time the landscaping of McGee Park is completed in th Spring of 1980. The Historical Society will endeavor even if your hon- TIME TO ESTIMATED COST DATE PROJECT C OM!? L E TE Oct. 15 Repair Stucco 2 Weeks $200.00 31 Prepare Exterior Nov- 1 Paint Exterior 2 Weeks $600.00 15 and Roof 30 Repair, Clean 2 Weeks $300.00 Prepare Interior Dec. 1 Paint Interior 1 Week $250.00 15 Rewire Interior 1 Week $250.00 30 Run Gas Heating Lighting Line. Run Water 2 Weeks Service. Run Sewer Line. $3500.00 $800.00 $5650.00 Alternatives: Construct Full Bath $1100.00 Chairs and Tables for 100 People $1750.00 Total Costs of Materials and Non Volunteer Labor $8500.00 These numbers are obviously less than those presented you if the project were to be completed by bidding procedures through governmental process. We believe that this project can be compl by a combination of community effort and city support at or near this cost. 0 0 Please give us the opportunity to complete the building re- furbishing, and let the community involvement do its share along with the city. Very truly yours, ~ -2 i P ~~+&"- "@---+g/.N oL * Roy J. Ward Director For the Board of Directors Carlsbad Historical Society R JW/ sa 0 0 P. 0. BOX 11 CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 GALLERY 2937 MADISON AVENUE CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA /' 729 - 7524 Uctober 6, i979 i';lqcr rconaid Yackard City EulJ 3;sjrn nveI2u.e CE rls bad, Cn qdo:>i3 Uear :;b. i,kyc)~, I'he ~crlsbed-~cLa~~side lirt ~e'-~u.e is a ncjn-poI'it crqacizat5.w i;,hicll IIE s been c;jbr~..tin2 2.~1 JiiOrath CO~~~QT since 1 951e 'Jl'he 196 ..ien;'r:e;-s 2.~~2 ds2:cat;eL anzi pat~~ns -r.jiio help cne rirt Uec'LEue in 2.ts apt edricatizn, co1mimit7 sorvics ana schola .le hcve arim3Ll.T s:,cnsore5 E Sz~~defit Art; ACOY, a Zzrnbersiii-r dh~~ 2 t the ;'aL=Psbad. LibL-.:Jpy, 8 l-ay ii my Ibiall QJE~oR:, zst uis-slays lri holidqr lark am ceskriside iierbos ..-e we regularly col;ierr!Lr,g =!rt scholc.rsnins to stxknt: 2.z CIC a nsit,e ZLL~ Carlsbrt il5-h dchcols, rs vel1 as ccjiits-ibute to a :.iedal of ~oiior r.t ci1-2 Ccstn ~cllege, 8 cultural hi$h ight in the comr,lunity. ~.e 7~rt;ict- -7 hair, t~ie Aiciirtn cIi' 3~ii; pic c 2nd dgyiq4- paraaes. I.YL~ Annual. All-5aiT uie-;o C: u.iity syt 5hciXr r eld et the dr-q-i2avs rlcCde,ngr eLch *Lu us3 sl:cnsoi-ed ij-; ~cae Apt LCE~U~, is munity events, 31.1 I ?IS ~,-,e ;ieni-oi+ uitfzens Our mont -1y meetiP.ps 8x*e he2 a~ t,pe C,nplsbad Library Por which we are reat13 irdebted. UT) to now, the iiyt &e i2.e h2.s LccupieG a s.n.alj. olri resi-ience OR 2937 idcra on ist~eec, c;crlsbz.d, 0ane.d bp Oce:>nsiCe 3edera1 ".-vinss. rental. t;, use this buiioini, tL? iiisplaj- ~,vcrks oi' OUP :rimbeis, mcr ti, st~re a sIfLali amount oi' ecv-iytwnt. Item si~.~ -8 as easels, aispiay riai'lles 3 hospitality su?>lies, etc, ,Y'zc, IGaliery is o_;,en to the +bile five dags a weeic aizh Apt Lea2:u.e zmnbcrs in at;en- .de pay them a minimal .- me. Xoz, ;.;E; mve been asked bjl uceartsicle dedei~al l--inqs to abandon '~1~2 r,re,iiscs by 'i.;ze end of ueccmbcr 19'&. r e kn3c 2 It has ~CCIW to CUI' attertiyn tnrt t~e Old 6t. Pakickis Cnurch nas been moveci onto the JarSee vopertg tc: ba lctilized in some fashion as an historicE1 msmmnt, by P'ebruary 190~1. Is tk.ei.0 a cossibiii,j zrat tlie be: i:ae could. fin,' I? aeiv home in the cL1urcltr? .e cc;uld eiJiance the Trclperty w1Ln trie ciispia; <-~f art, ?rovj.de maripcner dEily 2s iios~s and. ncstesses, and contribute a mdest rentel, #e cnvisicn this amangement to erhnco tne vzlue ci' this nttraaction to visitcy-. i'he res!,onse to tnfs be eeFerly awaited. cst;ic;n by tne City Courlcil 31' Ccrlsbaix will 13 i nc e~ e 17~7, +- ST~' ia hirschberg k ;e s 5. dent cc: sh e 0 DATE : OCTOBER 23, 1979 TO : CITY HANAGER FROM : Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: OLD CITY €€ALL-CATHOLIC CHURCH BUILDING In March, 1979 the City Council gave their consent to the Carls. bad Historical Society to move the old City Hall-Catholic Churc building to the Magee Park site. At that time Council instruct that before it was placed, it would be necessary to have a foun dation constructed. A foundation was constructed by volunteer labor and the materials and the building was set in place in th Magee Park site. They further directed that it could be used by the Library for book storage and sorting but not by organi- zations. In August, 1979 the City Manager's office received a joint request from the Carlsbad Historical Society and the Carlsbad Senior Citizens for hook-up to the sewer and the necessary E.D. to enable the building to be used. In October, a request was received from the Carlsbad-Oceanside Art League to use the building for art display and instructional purposes. In Octobc a letter was received from Roy Ward, on behalf of the Carlsbad Historical Society, asking the Council permit them to rehabili, tate the building and consider authorizing $3,900 for material They thought this amount was earmarked previously for demoliti of the building. This sum of money was a HDC Grant and no por of that grant was earmarked specifically for the demolition of the old building. Mr. Ward's letter indicates that the buildi can be rehabilitated for approximately $8,500. The City's Bui ing Official estimates rehabilitation of the building to be between $32,000 and $43,000. Since there is so much interest in this building and its rehak litation, staff feels it necessary to bring the matter before the Council and recommends that they refer the matter to the Parks and Recreation Commission and ask that they hold a publi hearing for citizen input as to the best use of the building. When this is accomplished, the Commission should return a re- port to the Council in order that a policy decision can be mac WILLIAM C. BALDWIN Assistant City Manager WCB : gb :i -1 i 0 0 ' :s -. _I !.I .. I ; r i i----I_l." r '+ z: 3 b-. i- I w CY: CJ? :< s: -r; 13, [- 1 ::3 I n 0 i:r: >-I .;j /* I/? -.:< i,f >-~, ,I/ ?C -ri; /i ri u t-+ $4 !---I ri I4 CJ L) .., .c;: 1.4 e,. VI t-i +> ;'J cn J.': C) "1 GI I.'. 1 02 [Gl c*3 !LC c1 ,rf .,A C) ri 'd C) <!I d c/, 2, ;. > z. . .,.