HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-11-06; City Council; 6038; REQUEST TO ADDRESS COUNCIL - SUPERVISOR PAUL ECKERT PROPOSED REVISION TO REGIONAL AIR MANAGEMENT PROCESS7 e CITY OF CARLSBAD 8 9 c- AttYc :.k AGENDA BILL NO. b O,? r Initial DATE : November 6, 1979 DEPARTNENT : City Manager C. Mgr,! Dept . Hd, - SuSject: REQUEST TO ADDRESS COUNCIL - SUPERVISOR PAUL ECKERT Proposed Revision to Regional Air Management Process Statement of the Matter In a letter to Mayor Packard dated October 19, 1976, Supervisor Eckert requested time at the November 6, 1979 Council meeting t discuss proposed revisions to the region's Air Management Proce I Exhibit Letter with attachments from Supervisor Eckert dated October l! _" ., Council Action: 11-6-79 Council expressed support for continuance of the current co-lead relationship with CPO and APCD as it relates to the Regional Air Management Process II e r *- w Nci. 26 TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1988 RESOLUTION RE NEGOTIATED PROPERTY TAX EXCHANGE RELATED TO JURISDICTIONAL CHANGES On motion of Supervisor Williams , seconded by Supervisor Bilbray the following resolution is adopted: any exchange of property tax revenues occasioned by jurisdictional changes between the areas affected; and WHEREAS, under such ci rcurnstances the Board of Supervisors is authorize( negotiate such property tax revenue exchanges on behalf of services areas or special districts; and WHEREAS, the attached jurisdictional changes between the County, City a WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has negotiated with the affected spec districts and city to determine an equitable exchange of property tax revenu appl i cable to such juri sdi cti onal exchange; NOW THEREFORE result in the property tax exchanges shown on the attachment. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors shall, on behalf of the adopting agencies, notify the County Aud and the Local Agency Formation Commission of such negotiated exchange of pro tax revenues by forwarding to them a copy of this resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Dif State of California, this 26th day of July , 1988 by the following vol WHEREAS, Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99 requires the negotiation ( speci a1 districts are prcpcszd ; and IT IS RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the listed jurisdictional changes shall AYES: NOES : Supervisors None Supervisors Bilbray, Bailey, Williams, and MacDonald ABSENT: Supervisor Golding - - __ . STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, KATHRYN A. NELSON, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors County of San Diego, State of California, hereby certify that compared the foregoing copy with the original. resolution pasF adopted by said Boardr at a regular meeting thereof, at the tj by the vote herein stated, which original resolution is now on my office; that the same contains a full, true and correct trai therefrom and of the whole thereof. Witness my hand and the seal of said Board of Supervisor: Clerk >& -f the , Bo JJysup By Maria A. Tiscareno 2nd day of August, 1988 KATH N A. NELSON CUf *&&&.&> (SEAL) De 'f b7 W Q NEGOTIATED PROPERTY TAX DISTRIBUTION ALLOCATION OF BASE REVENUE AND ANNUAL TAX INCREMENT (ATI) LAFCO PROPOSAL: Questhaven Business Centre Part 2 Reorganization (Annexation to Marcos; Detachment from Carlsbad) (Ref. No. R088-8) TAX RATE AREA: 09083 Current Base Current AT1 Proposed Base Propc Juri sdi ct i ons I nvol ved Distribution Distribution Distribution Distr County General $ 395 .30323711 $ 395 .30: County Library 0 00000000 20 .Ol! San Marcos FPD (annex) 0 .oooooooo 79 .06f City of Carlsbad (detach) 209 .16171749 0 .oo City of San Marcos (annex) 0 .oooooooo 110 -08 All Other Taxing Jurisdictions 694 .53504540 694 .53 $1,298 1.00000000 $1,298 1 .oo Basis for Transfer: In accordance with current property tax negotiation procedu base revenue and annual tax increment (ATI) currently allocated to the detaching (Carlsbad) is to be transferred to the annexing agencies (City of San Marcos and Marcos Fire Protection District) except when an annexing city is a city in the C library system, i.e., San Marcos, a portion of the base and AT1 shall be allocat County Library. Therefore, to establish the distribution of Carlsbad's share be City, fire district and County Library, the amount of base revenue and AT1 each in the predominant tax rate area in the City of San Marcos (TRA 13001) was conve percentage of the total base and AT1 available to the three agencies in that tax area. Each agency's percentage was then applied to the Carlsbad share to determ distribution between the three agencies, COURTNEY;BDLTRO~-Z~.Z;SV EXH I B-l Tippp Note:AlI data per = c r-t--- I -\ h I t\ Q dL:\r I ILlb L4 -- I :2 s, H J '$4 sa E', I: b? QUE ST H AV E N BUS1 N E SS CENTRE - LEGAL: A Portion of the T12S, R3W, SBBSSM - NW "/4, SW'f4, SEC 29 Car I s b a Meadows Dr. V IC1 NITY MAP NO SCALE Santa Fe Rd. City of Carisbad I County of I Sari Diego west Coast Desicln B e 1111 -Y I= G BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 1600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY, ROOM 335 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 9210 (6 19) 236-2249 TOM HAMILTON CHAIRMAN BOARD OF SUPERVISORS April 18, 1984 Ms. Aletha L. Rautekranz City Clerk 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 Dear Ms. Rautekranz: Thank you for your letter of April 5, 1984, with informat on the Carlsbad City Council's adopting Resolution No. 75 requesting the County of San Diego to enter into a Joint Powers Agreement limiting operations at McClellan-Palomar Airport. Since the City of Carlsbad is located within the Fifth Su visorial District of the County, I have referred your let to Supervisor Paul Eckert. I am certain that his office will be contacting you direc concerning this request. Board of Supervisors TDH : mf cc: Supervisor Paul Eckert Clerk of the Board -7. PA-- \ sL.=.-+2-. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1981 m Y No. 9a mSOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ESTABLISHING THE COUNTY CRIPIINAL JUSTICE FACILITY TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION FUND On Motion of Supervisor Hedgecock , seconded bq Supervisor Eckert , the following resolution is hereby adopted: WHEREAS, the Eoard of Supervisors is required by law provide suitable criminal justice and court facilities; ai WHEREAS, the ability of the Board to acquire, rehabi. construct, finance and lease such facilities, including a facilities necessary or incidental to the operation there and to provide for the payment or repayment of obligation entered into for such purposes, is severely strained by r of limitations upon County revenues; and WHEREAS, to assist in the establishment of adequate criminal justice facilities, Chapter 1171 of the Statute5 1981, effective on January 1, 1982, provides for the crei of a Criminal Justice Facility Temporary Construction Fi (the "Fund") and the imposition of certain surcharges up( filings for parking, nonparking, and all other criminal t to be deposited into such Fund: and WHEREAS, the Act becomes operative upon the adoptio an appropriate resolution by the Board of Supervisors; NOW, THEREFORE, the Board o€ Supervissrs e€ the CGC of San Diego does hereby resolve, declare and determine follows: 1. Implementation of the provisions of Section . rr 0 0 n 68073.4 of the Government Code and Section L206.8 of the Pe Code is necessary to the establishment of adequate criminal justice facilities in the County, and implementation of sai Sections, effective January 1, 1982, is hereby ordered. * 2. Pursuant to said Sections, there is hereby establ effective January 1, 1982, in the County's treasury a sepal trust fund known as the San Diego County Criminal Justice I Temporary Construction Fund. 3. Effective January 1, 1982, deposits shall be mad the Fund in accordance with the provisions of Section 6807 of the Government Code and Section 1206.8 of the Penal Cod vided, however, that payment of $1.50 for each bail deposi collected shall not be required in respect to bail collect relating to parking violations alleged to occurred prior t January 1, 1952. 4. The monies in the fund shall be payable only foi struction, reconstruction, expansion or improvement of Cot criminal justice and court facilities and for improvement County criminal justice automated information systems as in Section 68073.4 of the Government Code, as added by Ch of the Statutes of 1981. 5. The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors is instru transmit a copy of this Resolution to the judges and the the courts of this County, and to any entity within this that processes its own parking tickets with the request 1 bail schedule amounts be increased as appropriate to ref: surcharge provided for by Chapter 1171 of the Statutes o effective January 1, 1982. / LA. ,JL< /y.+ . z e e PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego, State of California, this 15th day o December, 1981, by the following vote: AYES: Supervisors Hamilton, Fordem, Hedgecock, Bates NOES : Supervisors None ABSENT: Supervisors None --- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss. County of San Diego ) I, PORTER D. CREMANS, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County c State of California, hereby certify that 1 have compared the foregoing copy original resolution passed and adopted by said Board, at a regular meeting the time and by the vote therein stated, which original resolution is now o office; that the same contains a full, true and correct transcript therefroi whole thereof. Witness my hand and the seal of said Board of Supervisors, this 15th December, 1981 - PORTER D. CREMANS Clerk of the Board of Supervisors qdeLczL&- By Beatrice Mitchell Deputy SFAL . * * No. 9b ON MOTION of Supervisor Hedgecock, seconded by Supervisor Eckert, the Board of Supervisors notes and files a status rep01 on the Automated Regional Justice Information System (ARJIS) and defers action on appropriating any of the AB 189 fund monie support ARSIS until the Board receives a report from the Offkc Management and Budget proposing guidelines and candidate projt for expenditure of said funds; authorizes staff to reimburse ff cities for direct aihinistrative costs incurred in inpl€Srtenti2< AB 189; authorizes the cities to delay implementation of AB 18! as it applies to parking tickets, until February 1, 1982, if needed,in order to reprint or otherwise change parking tickets reflect the additional $1.50 surcharge required by AB 189; nott files a report outlining why the AB 189 funds may not be used y of the Central Intake Program; and authorizes staff to develop proposal to use AB 189 funds for the establishment of- ARJIS. Roll call on the foregoing motion results in the following ' AYES: Supervisors Hamilton, Fordem, Hedgecock, Bates and El NOES: Supervisors None ABSENT: Supervisors None --- & ss. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of San Diego ) I, PORTER D. CREMANS, Clerk of the Board of Supervisars 0: thc of San Diego, State of California, hereby certtfy that I have cornpi foregoing copy with the original order adopted by said Board at a meeting thereof held December 15, 1981 , by the vote therein stF which original order is now on fIle in my office; that the Same t01 a full, true and correct transcript therefrom and of the whole ther Witness my hand and the seal of said Board of Supervisors, thj day of December. 1981. PORTER D. CREMANS Clerk of the Board of (SEAL) By Beatrice Mitchell DeF BOARD TOM FIRS PAUL SECO CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 1600 PACIFIC HWY. ROOM 402 ROGE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 (714) 236-2321 JIM B FOUR PAUL F I FTI m 0 THlRl MRS. PORTER D. CREMANS CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS December 30, 19 In compliance with the Maddy Local Appointive List Act 1975 (AB 1013) we have compiled the required listings c all Boards, Commissions and Committees appointed by thc Board of Supervisors. The list contains the committee names, names of incumbe dates of appointments, term expirations and qualificatj for the positions. The appointments list is available to the public for a of $7.99 plus tax, a total of $8.50 which, in accordanc with the Act does not exceed the actual cost. It can, czsrs2 be seal witii~rit charge at tne office of tne Cler the Board of Supervisors, Room 402, 1600 Pacific E-Iighwe San Diego. T+H* - KATHRYN XELSON Assistant Clerk of the Boarc of Supervisors PDC:KN:vk 12/29/81 ' December 30, 1981 SUPERVISOR PAUL ECKERT, DISTRICT Must be a resident of San Diego I Must have the time and interest necessary for effective service - Will not be made before January unless ant ernergenc)~ exists. Persons appointed to fill such a shall onlv serve on an acting ba final a pointment can be made on a given a g ove. Term expires: 1/3/83 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION concerning this vacancx?, contact the Authority, or Helen Owens, staff support, 236-5256 e 0 No. 9 On December 1, 1981, Board Order No. 16, the Board of Super' ordered action held in abeyance on the recommendation of the Off of Management and Budget concerning the establishment of a Count: Criminal Justice Facility Temporary Construction Fund to adopt a resolution establishing said Fund; took certain action and re staff to report on the! status of the Automated Regional Jus Information System (ARJIS). At this time the Board conside matter. There are on file the following letters in opposition imposition of a surcharge on certain criminal fines and par violations as conternpl-ated by the Board: Cihy of Chula Vis Board of Supervisors Document No. 631039; and City of El Ca Board of Supervisors Document No. 631095. There now is presented to the Board a letter, Board of Supe Document No. 631458, from the Assistant Chief Administrative Off supplementing information concerning the implementation of AB It the status of ARJIS, and making certain recommendations concernj the establishment of a County Criminal Justice Facility Temporal Construction Fund. Following brief discussion, ON MOTION of Supervisor Hedgecc seconded by Supervisor Eckert, the Board of Supervisors approves principle the Automated Regional Justice Information System (AR; and refers to staff for a report for Board consideration with p! and statistics on arrests, conversion of The City of San Diego': parking fees to offset the City's ARJIS cost, and other options Roll call on the foregoing motion results in the following AYES: Supervisors Hamilton, Fordem, Hedgecock, Bates and : NOES: Supervisors None ABSENT: Supervisors None --- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of San Diego ) 5s. 1, PORTER De CREMANS, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of th Of Sari Diego, State Of California, hereby certify that 1 have cornp foregoing copy with the original order adopted by said Board at a meeting thereof helb December $5,,. 1981. , by the vote there?,, st- which original order is now on file In my office; that the same ~0 a full, true and Correct transcript therefrom and of the whole the Witness my hand and the seal of said Board of Supervlsors, tt - day of DeCe mber. 1981. . PORTER D. CREMANS Clerk of the Board of By Dona E. Trurnble (SEAL) DE \ April 2, 1981 TO : Supervisor Paul Eckert (A5001 FROM: Director, Department sf Public Works (0332) (565-5162) SUBJECT: Interest in Palomas Airport by City of Carlsbad Summary of April 2, 1981 meeting held in your office with yourself, Fr Aleshire and R. J. Massman: Mr. Aleshire provided me with an appraisal report prepared for the Cit: Carlsbad by Carlton Pippin, a copy of a March 24 letter signed by Mayoi Packard sf the City of Carlsbad which sumiarizes a City proposal to acc 130 acres of County property, and with a topographic map on which Mr. I identified 25 acres, more or less, he stated the City wished to acquirt preferrably by purchase. After you left the meeting I told Ilr. Aleshire that the department wou: initiate three actions. 1. The department would initiate a request for an appraisal by an PL4L appraiser for the 130 more or less acres, including the 25 acres Mr. Aleshire identified as being of interest to the City of Carlsba This appraisal would be to the highest and best use and it would no be constrained to an evaluation based on open space zoning, The department will initiate a request to General Services and to t BQard of Supervisors land evaluation committee (Supervisors Hamilto and Hedgecock) to evaluate the revenue use to which this property could be placed, recognizing the land rent restrictions for airport purposes and also recognizing that building revenue could accrue tc General Fund. The department would initiate another request to FAA to ask if the County must return FAA money used for the purchase of land, should sell land. I told Fr. Aleshire it was our belief that this would occur and that for this reason we would prefer to recommend leasing rather than selling, The final answer, of course, rests with FM and Board policy. revenue from a Pease to the one-time revenue from a sale. 2. 3. I believe the Board would prefer the continuing / - April 2, I a r Supervisor Eckert 0 - 2- I told Mr. Aleshire that it was only after Board policy direction, recei of appraisal, and firm response by FAA that the County would be in a pos to make a firm response to the City's informal or formal proposal. Rr;. EIASSMU, Director RJM: prm cc: "'4"----.- D artment of Public Works Supv. Bates; Supv, Hamilton; Supv. Fordem; Sup. Hedgecock; CAO; DC R. Dominguez; H. Gonzales, Director, General Services Dept.; A. \?a1 Director, Airports Division, Public Works Department; Frank Aleshir Supervisor Jim Bates - Must be a resident of the County. Must not be an employee of the County nor any business which may create a conflict of interest. Will not be made before January 15, 19 la an emergency exists. Persons appointe such a vacancy shall only serve on an ‘m until final appointment can be made on listed above. TERM EXPIRES: 1/3/83 FOR ADDITIqNAL INFORMATION concerning this vacancy, contact the Nominating of Ci ti Zen Parti ci pati on Coordi nator , 236-2722 s or vi sit room 208, County Center, 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA., 92101. BOAR m TO LU RO JIM SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 0 (714) 236-2321 PA 1 e T t= CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS e 1600 PACIFIC HWY. a ROOM 306 - CHIEF ADM I i CL CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MRS. PORTER D. CREMANS December 29, 1980 In compliance with the Maddy Lmal Appointive List Act of 1' (AB 1013) we have campiled the required listings of all bar( caarmissions and Gmnittees appointed by the Ekxrd of Sup visors. The list contains the cannittee names, names of incurr&nts, da of appointments, tern expirations and qualifications for positions. The appointments list is available to the public for a fee $7.08 plus tax, a total of $7.50 which, in accordance with the does not exceed actual cat. It can, of course, be seen witk charge at the office of the Clerk of the Board of Suprvisc Rocm 306, 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego. $dm d&e?Lub PORTER D. QlEMANS Clerk of the Board of Sy?ervisors PDC : KN : vk 12/29/80 8 COMMUNITY Supervisor Lucille V. Moore (District 2) -- __ ___. - Must be a resident of San Diego County. Must have the time and interest necessai far effective County service. Nust be an elected public official or a representative of an elected public off. Will not be made before December 15, 19; an emergency exists. Person appointed ' such a vacancy shall only serve on an a 81 basis, until final appointment can be m the date given above. Term Expires: 6/30/81 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION concerning this vacancy, contact the Nominating or Citizen Participation Coordinator, 236-2722, or visit Room 208, County Center, 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego 92101. -e *’ a J fl CmUNTY OF SAN Df I NTER-DEPARTM ENTAL CORRESPONDENCE October DA IE TO : Board of Supervisors FROM: Office of Management and Budget (A214) x2001 RESOLUTION RE NEGOTIATED PROPERTY TAX EXCHANGE RELATING TO JURISDICTIONAL CHANGE Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99 requires that prior tc effective date of certain jurisdictional changes, the gover bodies of the affected jurisdictions shall establish, by re tion, the amount of property tax to be exchanged. On October 30, 1979 (27), your Board adopted Policy 3-45 tc create guidelines for negotiating the amount of property ta be exchanged when jurisdictional changes occur. The Office of Management and Budget has negotiated on behal the County and Special Districts an appropriate exchange of erty tax in accordance with the guidelines established in E Policy B-45. The agencies involved in these jurisdicti,mal include the Borrego Springs Park Community Services Distric Borrego Springs Park County Water District, the City of Cai and the County of San Diego. The attached resolution represents the negotiated property exchanges. It is my RECOkZNDATION: That your Board Adopt the attached resolution accepting the negol property tax exchange as listed. STOCK b82-3344 -L- muc.toDer 0, IY~W ' *m supervwrs Hoarc! or Discussion: The Koll Annexation is an island annexation to the City of Carlsbad. Carlsbad is planning to utilize part of this property for a waste disposal site. The negotiated property tax exchange takes into consideration the special conditions which exist at this site. f?:vje\:i:;ed by Not n2edec b fp$ 0% $$-J&&f&(---J P.9 L.'Zj LJ P -- CGGns;.! JLC.4- ___ ,_ J -i! 3. SAUVAJOT, Director Off ice of Management and Budget /@&,., c:.M 53 / &ex?!- ____--- --- FISCAL IMPACT STATEPINT Pi:: ch3&1g _. J b,.;!diior ~ -- -- JBS : TH :df The amount of property tax revenue to be transferred to the City of Carlsbad as a result of the X011 Annexation is esti mated at $1,000 for 1981-82. ADVISORY BOARD STATEMENT None deemed necessary BOARD POLICY APPLICABLE B-45, Property Tax Exchange Resulting From Jurisdictional Change At t a c: hen t s cc: WFCo Auditor & Controller City of Carlsbad ** c II, 0 1) i RESOLUTION RE NEGOTIATED PRQPERTY TAX EXCHANGES RELATING TO JUXISDICITONAL CHANGES On motion of Supervisor I SE by Supervisor , the following resol is adopted: WHEBEAS, Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99 requirc negotiation of any exchange of property tax revenues Cjccasi by jurisdictional changes between the areas affected; and WHEREAS, under such circumstcices the Board of Super7 is authorized to negotiate such property tax revenue exchai on behalf of the County and special districts; and WHEREAS, the attached jurisdictional changes between County, special districts and cities are proposed; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has represented th affected special districts and negotiated with the affecte to determine an equitable exchange of property tax revenue cable to such jurisdictional changes; NOW THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the listed jurisdict changes shall result in the property tax exchanges shown c attachment. IT IS FURTEER RESOLVED AND ORDEIiED that the Clerk 0: Board of Supervisors shall, on behalf of the adopting age] notify the County Auditor and the Local Agency Fornation ( sion of such negotiated exchange of property tax revenues forwarding to them a copy of this resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Supervisors of t County of Sal? Diego, State of California, this da p 1980, by the following vote: WPKOVE~ , y ;o FC~’; j,>dg LE~?,L~N COLlfity CGbii-,i BY /---:== /--- -e-------” /-- Deputy 4.7 044 W m NEGOTIATED PROPERTY TAX DISTRL SUTION (Annual Tax Increment) / 1. Dissolution of Borrego Springs Park County Water District (LAFCo BDT80-3) and latent powers for Borrego S;?rings Park Community Services District - LAFCo $LP 80-3, Original PT Negotiated PT Distribution Distribution ____ San Diego County .22775105 .22775105 Borrego Sgxincjs Park CSD .08706748 .19003272 .58221623 Okher Jurisdictions -58221623 TOTAL 1.00000000 1.00000000 Borrego Springs Park CWD .lo296524 - Base Property Tax: The total base property tax allocated to Borrego Springs Park County-Water District will be trans- ferred and added to the base of Borrego Springs Park Commu- nity Service District. 2. Koll Annexation to the City of Carlsbad - LAFCo # CA 80-8, Original PT Negotiated PT Distribution Distribution San Diego County (Incl. Libr) -35445108 .23393771 City of Carlsbad - ,12051337 .64554892 . .I 64554892 Other Jurisdictions TOTAL 1.00000000 1.00000000 --I__ l- 0 0 -%* 1 v -i COUNTY OF §AN DIEGO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Telephone. (714) 236-22 ROGER HEDGECOCK ' CHAIRMAN July 24, 198C SENATOR JAiIES R. MILLS 815 Third Avenue Chula Vista , California 9201 7 Dear Sefiatoi- Mi 11 s : On June 16, 1980, the Regionil Administrator, Region IX, of the Environ- mental Protection Agency (EPA) notified Governor Brown that the EPA was officially initiating a series of actions as result of the California Legislature's failure to pass enabling legislation which will allow the implementation of a vehicle inspection and maintenance (I/i4) program. The procedures provide for a period of 90 days from the date of notifica tion for the State to remedy this situation. If no I/M program is appro by the Legislature in that time, Federal funds will be withheld from non attainment areas of the State, which includes San Dieyo County. The Board of Supervisors of San Diego County actively supported legislat which would have authorized an excellent, cost-effective I/M program. Unfortunately, the legislation failed passage in the Legislature. On July 9, 1980, our Board of Supervisors reaffirmed its support of an I/M program, and directed that the San Diego County legislative delegation t urged to support legislation which will authorize an I/Pl program, while providing for the necessary consumer safeguards. The County's Washington Representative has reported that the consensus of the California delegation in Washington is that the Federal law requ. vehicle 1/11 programs cannot easily be changed. Further, there does not seem to be much interest in the delegation to relax the Federa? law for California. It appears, therefore, that the solution to the problem li in Sacramento. Withholding of these funds would have a severe impact on the entire cou including most of the incorporated cities. The most significant potent losses to the region are in sewerage and highway construction funds. T Metropolitan Sewerage System alone could lose up to $200 million, if secondary treatment facilities were mandated. The State Department of Transportation calculates a potential loss of $86 million in highway construction funds in the next year and up to $305 million in the next 5 years if these funding restrictions were to remain in effect for that period. 1600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY, SAN DIEGO, CALiFORNlA 921 01 July 24, 1980 0 2 0 r SENATOR JAMES R. MILLS .- I In addition, withholding of these grant funds could affect numerous sewerage and highway projects throughout the County. listing from the cities describes some of the projects which would be in jeopardy, as we1 1 as the Comprehensive Planning Organization's Section 175 Air Quality grant application in the armunt of $488,009. The County of San Diego could potentially lose Federal funding of more than $11 million if an 1/14 program is not implemented. project which would be affected is the Sail Elijo Hater Pollution Control Facility. construction funds. moratorium in the Cardiff and Solana Beach Sanitation 3istricts until funds become available. Other projects are: the widening of Pornerado Road north of Poway Road - $1.5 rnilliop; road widening and installation of storm drains on Mission Road in Fallbrook - $5OO,di)O; and the entire FY 1980-51 Section 105 grant which provides funding support for the Air Pollution Control District's annual program - $538,090. Because of the detrimental effect of this action on the quality of life throughout the San Diego region, the San Diego County Board of Superviso strongly urges you to support legislation which will enable this regioli to implement an effective I/M program. The attached The most signific This project could lose up to $8.5 Million in design and This loss of funds could result in a building ECOCK RH : kdm cc: All Cities in San Diego Attachment 0 0 .- c i Attachment PROJECTS SUBJECT TO WITHHOLDING OF FEDERAL FUr.IDS Amount Project Description (in millions) $ 24.0 Encina Sewage Treatment Plant expansion. This plant serves the communities of Leucadia and Encinitas and the cities of Carlsbad, Vista and San Marcos. Improveinent and expansion of Oceanside sewage treatnient faci 1 i ties, effl uent di stri buti on and sludge disposal sys terns. Street improvements over next 3 years in the City of San Dieyo. Widening of 3rd Avenue in Chula Vista Highway bridge replacement in Del Mar 9.1 9.9 1.3 1.0 0.3 Highway iniprovement in Oceanside 0.3 0.2 0.3 Street improvement in Imperial Beach 0.2 Freeway i nterchange improveinen t in Nati onal Ci ty Street improvenient in Lemon Grove Street improvement in La Mesa & 0 0 I C~~UNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Telephone (714) 236 227 ROGER HEDGECOCK CHAIRMAN 1 1 June 18, 1980 Frank Aleshire, City Manager City of Carlsbad Yesterday, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to discontinue its participation in the Comprehensive Planning Organization (CPO). In taking this action, the Board of Supervisors directed me to explain to you why we have taken this action; and why we sincerely feel o withdrawal from the CPO is a necessary and positive step toward reestabli ing meaningful and valuable cooperation between the cities and the County The County of San Diego has been frustrated for several years in its attc to have the CPO focus on the key issue facing this region. The planning regional transportation systems, air quality, water and wastewater systen been largely completed for this region. We need to move on together in 1 forming these regional plans into reality through policy and action progr undertaken by our own respective agencies. Yet, we're stuck -- continuir devote over $3.4 million dollars of this region's resources to the CPO fr planning, and replanning. For instance, how many studies of the airport tion can we really justify to our constituents? Earlier this year, the Board of Supervisors seriously considered withdral from the CPO. At the urging of the CPO Board of Directors and the recomi tion of the County Chief Administrative Officer, the Board of Supervisor determined to continue its participation in the CPO, and to pursue proce and policy changes within the CPO which would clearly focus and define t role. We sincerely believed that the CPO's role could be clearly and su defined as one that complements and assists, rather than frustrates, the and the County in carrying out coordinated programs to provide services build facilities. Although we have made a concerted effort to activate changes from within CPO, as indicated in the following recent examples, our efforts continu stymied by the "unique procedures" under which the CPO operates. 1600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY, SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA 92101 June 18, 1980 Q 2 b A 8 Mr. Aleshire -- At the April CPO meeting, the County Representative to the CPO reques that final adoption of the CPO Overall Work Program (OWP) be delayed month. The rationale for this request was that there were eight to n new representatives to the CPO Board and that the County had proposed some substantive changes to the Work Program (particularly in the air quality area) which we believed deserved response from the CPO staff thorough consideration by the new CPO Board. The CPO Executive Director informed the CPO Board that adoption of tt OWP at that time was imperative to meet federal deadlines. Subsequer communication by County staff with federal officials indicated that 1 was a suggested, but - not a mandated, date for submission of the OWP. Therefore, time was available for a virtually new CPO Board of Direci to really understand and debate the OWP. The CPO staff did not want to occur. -- The County APCD's proposed changes in the air quality programs of tht OWP were primarily aimed at providing - more pass-through money for lo~ government demonstration projects in implementing the RAQS. The CPO objected to these programs and without consulting with the CPO Board Directors submitted a letter to EPA strongly urging that the APCD's posed program changes be ignored and not funded. Continued obstruction by the CPO staff of legitimate concerns about the f of San Diego County can no longer be tolerated. The San Diego County Boa Supervisors feels it is imperative that all local elected officials reali the future of our communities depends on decisive and cooperative action. planning has been done: we need to implement the plans. In our opinion, CPO, as presently structured, is preventing rather than fostering this tr tion. We therefore believe we can no longer be a part of a misdirected C We remain available for open and constructive discussion with you and all council members regarding alternatives to the CPO. We intend to keep ope channels of communication and urge that you continue to work with us in c cooperation on issues of mutual concern. GECOCK, Chairman Board of Supe rv i sor s RH: jr i / , :h ( 0 e $gc .F B BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 1600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY SAN DIEGO. CALIFOR.NIA 92101 (714) 236-2293 F October 19, 1979 - Honorable Ronald C. Packard Mayor, City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mayor Packard: This is a formal request for time at your November 6 Council meeting to discuss the County's proposed revision to the region's Air Management Process. The County Board of Supervisors, acting as the Air Pollution Control Dis- trict (APCD) , believes significant improvements in the regional clean air program can be achieved if APCD is the sole lead Air Resources Management agency. The Comprehensive Planning Organization (CPO) and APCD have shared the official leadership role through preparation of the Regional Air Quality Strategy (RAQS) plan to meet federal clean air standards,. However, the major planning phase is over and implementation of RAQS is now at hand. co-lead process and the biggest drawback-has been lack of firsthand involvement by the cities in the region. CPO delegates don't have the time nor the expertise to analyze and make recommendations on air qaality strategies; conse- quently, the Board of Supervisors is suggesting that APCD be placed in the center of the air quality effort and that direct liaison to each city be established to increase city participation in the decision-making process. The incorporated cities, the County and transportation providers like the North County Transit District CNCTD) and the Metropolitan Transportation Development Board (MTDB) are agencies which must impl'ement clean air tactics. monitors air quality and is directly responsible for reporti progress towards attainment of clean air standards and sub- mitting plans to the state Air Resources Board (ARB) and the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). There have been problems with the existing APCD The County proposal would not remove CPO from the Air Management Process; CPO would be included as a transporta- tion planning agency. But APCD would be placed squarely in the middle of the clean air effort for better coordinatic ViSTA OFFICE: 325 SO. MELROSE DRIVE. VISTA. CA 92083 TELEPHONE 758-6826 8 0 Honorable Ronald C. Packard October 19, 197 Page Tw ' City of Carlsbad Advantages of the revised process: 1.' Each city would have an equal voice in the process. 2. City involvement and participation would be increas There would be a direct communication linkwith eac city through a staff liaison person. 3. Centralization of the Air Management Process in APC will mean less costly, more efficient operation. Administrative overhead would be reduced and progrz accountability simplified since APCD would monitor performance and have direct contact with each implt menting agency. 4. APCD would attempt to involve cities and transport; providers more by distributing grant dollars to thi where appropriate for specific tasks in the clean ; program. - 5. APCD would not control city efforts; it would assi them with technical and support services in seekinj solutions to problems of meeting air quality stand, 6. Increased city role would bring revision and implei tation of clean air tactics back to the community level where better public opinion and input can be promoted u Historically there has been little if any role for citi in air quality efforts. Cities have only been directly in- volved after plans were finalized. They were left out of upfront planning stages because (1) there was no provision i the structure to involve them and (2) there was no technical staff directly available for analysis. The proposed revised process would correct those deficiencies. The County is not suggesting removal of CPO from the --- process. dination Group wit'h transportation planning agencies and others (MTDB, NCTD, CALTRANS, City/County Managers Associ- ation). The CPO Board of Directors would also consider and act upon plan revisions along with all cities and transpor- tation planning agencies prior to APCD consideration. The County is interested in establishing a workable process for timely regional attention to air quality issues. possibility of state and/or federal enforcement action sur- faces, APCD would alert the city staff and work with them to seek an acceptable solution. CPO would still be on the Air Quality Program Coor If the a 0 .% , Honorable Ronald C. Packard October 19, 1979 Mayor, City of Carlsbad Page Three I hope my comments have clarified the County's position and rec-ommendations on revising the Air Management Process. Rich Sommerville, the County Air Pollution Control Officer, can answer any technical questions you might have. Mr. Sommerville or a member of his staff will attend the council meeting with me, or he can be contacted by telephone at your convenience at 565-5900. . Very truly yours, Supervisor, Fifth District PE : CH: nw Enclosures cc-: Vice-Flayor Anthony Skotnicki Councilman Gixard Anear Councilwoman Mary Casler Councilman Claude Lewis DRAFT FOR DISCU 0 0 PROPOSED IEVISION TO lHE AIR ,Il!4N.4mIEhT PROCESS ANXI AIR QUALITY PRL)GFXY COORDINATION GROUP 10/10 . Policy Smry The Regional Air Quality Strategy (RAQS) is a continuing cooperative effort involving the entire community: Comw of- San Diego, .&e Cities of San Diego County, the Comprehensive Planning Organization, and transportation agencies. designed to provide a cooperative and effective process wherein each agency in the County which has a functional responsibility for a part of the clean air program will retain responsibility in that functional area while, at the same time: (I) improve program accountability and amstration by assigning the lead agency responsibility for Air Resource Xmagement to the Air Pollution Control District, and (2) improve progm coordination, participation and dissemination of information by establishing direct lines of codcation between the Air Pollution Control District, Cities, County, Comprzhensive ?ld~g Organization and transportation agencies. the Air Pollution Control District, the This revision is ~ Attaiment and maintenance of clean air standards require technological Transportation controls over stationary and mobile pollution sources as well as transporta- tion strategies. Presently, technological controls, but not transportation measures, play the bjor role in abatkg air pollution. measures are likely to play a more important role in the future; however, the nature and extent will be a function of the effectiveness of technologi coEtrols . Land use is a responsibility of the County, the Cities and the Port Authoe Responsibility for transportation is jointly held by the County, Cities, Port Authority, Comprehensive Planning Organization, Metropolitan Trznsport tion Development Board, Xorth Couiity Transit District and other transit operators. The Air Pollution Control District is clearly responsible for technological controls on stationary sources of pollution. Additionally, the District has been and continues to be responsible for assessment and analysis of control strategies, emission inventorying, air pollution monitoring, meteorological analysis and air quality models. functioned as the lead agency for incorporating trampoflation tactics intc and revising the Regional Air Quality Strate? for review and adoption. Once the plan \<as adopted locally, the District accumulated and prepared the required material for sub,nittal to the State Air Resources Board. District also has and continues to interface with the State Air Resources Board and Federal Environmental Protection Agency during those agencies' plan review and adoption. The Air Pollution Control District is responsible for reporting progress towards attainment of the air quality standards and identify needed revisj to the plan to the Environmental Protection Agency and Air Resources Boarc Tracking progress of transportation controls by a separate agency under different authority can be more effectively handled, in terms of program The District The .. i 0 @DRAFT FOR DISCUS - 2- coordination and adhixistration, by the reporting agency (APCD). Concernir needed revisions to the plan, implementkg authorities should be assured direct lines of communication with a single responsible air management ager in order to avoid inefficiencies and improve dissemination of information t coordination between local decision-making bodies , transportation service agencies and regulatory agencies. Again, this can best be accomplished by It is appropriate therefore that the Air Management Process be revised to recognize lead agency responsibility in keeping with the responsibility an authority that the agency has in a functional area and that this process b submitted to the Air Resources Board by the Air Pollution Control Board. Coordinating Process Achieving and maintaining clean air standards requires transportation strz as well as technological controls over direct pollution sources. The cor1 strategies and controls will affect all San Diegans, the business commit all local governments. Success of the program requires a system of public involvement and inter-agerzcy coordination. Toward that end, the followinl revisions to the Air Management Process are designed to assure monitoring program effectivevess and provide the opportunity for program revision th- continued involvement of interested ad affected citizens, groups, and lo( government. 1. The responsibility and authority of eAxisting agencies will be used carry out the Regional Air Quality Strategy (RAQS); no new agencie will be created. Comunity, Business and Public Agency Participation. The Community Resource Panel, consisting of a broad cross section public interests and affected public agencies, as a Citizen Advisc Panel to the Air Pollution Control Board, shall continue to funct: The Air Pollution Control District will provide staff support. Fj of vacancies or additional appointments shall be recommended by t)- and approved by the .4ir Pollution Control Board. The Comunity €4 Panel shall also serve the 208 Water Quality Program by reviewing regional population forecasts. In addition, the Panel's particip monitoring program implementation will be enhanced by reviewing a menting on the annual reasonable further progress report. ne Pa comments will be provided to the Air Pollution Control Board, May City Managers o Coordination with the Cities and the County. 'Rte Air Pollution Control District will be responsible for provic coordination and technical assistance to the County and Cities involved in car:rying out and/or updating the Regional fir Qualit: Strategy.. Each City and the County will designate a liaison per: with the Air Pollution Control District. This person would pref, 2. 3, 0 DRAFT FoR DISa - 3- a J. be the City knager, Director of Planning, or Director of Transporta- tion. a) Dissemination of Information: Information concerning important Coordination will occur in the following manner. issues will be provided on a continuing and timely basis. The Ai Quality Program Coordination Group id1 report at least semi- annually to the City and County b!anagers as well as the Commit) Resource Pmel. In addition, the annual reasonable further prop report required by the Environmental Protection Agency will be provided to the Xayors, Air Pollution Control Board, in addition to County and City Managers. Any coments concerning the report prepared by the Cornunity Resource Panel will also be provided. coordinated on a city-by-city basis through the desi-mted perso1 If a general revisiqn or redirection is necessary, the process in item c) below will be used. Review and Assessment of Additional Tactics for 'which the Cities and County are the Implementing Authority: Proposed tactics will be documented and submitted to each jurisdiction through the designated person and an assessnent will be requested. nature and extent of the assessment will depend upon the tactic; however, implernentabilityy fiscal and operational impacts are major concerns. The Air Pollution Control District will arrange a meeting, as needed, with the County and City to discuss releva issues related to the above assessment. The tactics will be rev: (or even abandoned) as appropriate, based upon this input. In sf cases it may be necessary for certain tactics to be brought back for additional review after revision. Revision of the Regional Air Quality Strategy: tactic has been subject to the review in item c) above, it my be included as a proposed revision to the Regional Strategy. In that case a plan revision will be prepared by the Air Pollution Control District and approved for distribution by the Air Pollu- tion Control Board, City and Comprehensive Planning Organization, be made to docket the item for consideration by elected official: Once this process is completed, the strategy will be mended to respond to appropriate concerns. X pLib1i.c hearing will then be set before the Air Pollution Control Board to consider a revisio to the Regional Strategy. -A smary of City and Conprehensive Planning Organization actions y conditions and/or concerns will bl provided to the Board at the time the hearing is set. b) Implementation of Adopted Tactics: Generally, this will be c) The d) Once a proposed Distribution will be to the County, each A request will e DRAFT FOR DISCI 0. -4- 4. ?he Air Quality Program Coordination Group shall be composed of a designated representative from the CPO, "DB, CGTWYS, NCTD and County-City bknagers Association. will be the designated representative of the Air Pollution Control Board and will be the chairman of the group. Control District will provide staff assistance to the Group. This Group will be a key element necessary for coordinating the continue mlezentation and revision of the Regional Air Quality Strategy. The Group will assist with monitoring the air quality program, evaluating the effectiveness of tactics being irirplenented, identi6 1 needs for revision, and in intergovernmental coordkation and infoi tion. The Groq will report at least semi-mually to the Ccmmunit Resource Panel and City and Comty Nanagers on the status of prop bplenentztion. The Grovq will also assist in the preparation of 1 annual reasonable further progress report which will be provided tc the Commity Resource Panel, Air Pollution Control Board, Msyors , County and City bIanagers. of air quality related intergovernmental and adninistrative probler Kork programs will be developed by agencies according to functiona: responsibility. The Air Pollution Control Office The Air Pollution The Group will also pursue resolution wp/L R. J . SO;*YERl? LLE Air Pollution Control Officer S' AIR P.OL&TION CONTROL %STRICT .. e COUNTY OF SAN DIECO RJ. Smmwille 9150' Air Pollution San D Control Officer (714) 5 October 16, 1979 PFOPOSED LEVISICY? TO THE AIR MANAGBgm PRDCESS The latest version of thi! proposed process has been enclosed for your consideration. rrsdified to include a spcific elenent concerning dissemination of information. element that was originally intended in the version provided ym at the recentr County-City Ih?agers Association. Also, X am taking advantage of this opprtunity to pint out why the present process needs to be chagc ad the advantages the propsed revisions will provide you. This region, like all other affected regions throughout the nation, has transition& €ran planni,?g to inplementation. The Clean Air Act was &IC in 1977 to include m initial planning phase followed by rquiremmts fc implementation on a continuing basis. Failure to imprement in temi of legally enforceable rneasures can result in construction and fcrnding restrictions which are ccmmnly referred to as "sanctions". Sanctions ' apply if the plan is not approvable or, one approved, not implemented. These are briefly discussed klow. o Itern 3, Coordination wit? the Cities and County, has bee Tbis addition specifically enluxrates and strengthens w Ban on Major Stationary Sources; stationary source shall be constructed or mdified in any nonattai area if the emissions frcm such facility will cause or contribute concentrations oE any pllutant for whxh a pollution standard is exceeded in such area, unless, as of the the of application for 2 jFermit for such construction or modification, the plan neets ^the . requirements relating to nonattainmsnt areas. Thus, the San on mi stationary sources has been.in effect since that time. There are currently no propsed sources in San Diego affected. After June 30, 1979, no mayor 0 Ocruuer lo' Ly -2- 8 kU - 'I The bQlicztion of interest to you is that if a major industry plans locate in your area, applications can be prcessed but construction ennot cmmnce until the applicable portion of the plan is approvsc o FUnding Restrictions; There are two elenents, discretionary and noidiscretionary. Ahinistrator of the Environxtental Protection Agency shall not appri any projects or award any grants authorized by the Clean Air Act an the Secretary of Transrprtation shall not approve any projects or a1 any grants un6er Title 23, United States Code, other than for safec ms transit, or transprtation improvemerits projects related to ai quality iqxavenent or maintenance, in any air quality control regi in which any national primary standard has not ken attai where transprtation control measures are necessary for t attainnent of such standard; and, where the Governor has not submitted an adequate plan or reasonable efforts toward submitting such a plan are not being made. The nondiscretionary element provides that the (1) (2) (3) Tne discretionary element allows the Administrator to withhold, condition or restrict sewer grants if a plan is not zpproved or no being carried out. The hiplication of these provisions is clear. will be unique to each city. instantaneous; rather, a negotiating procedure will be used. The potentid irnpac Also, funding restrictions will not Givm these circumstmces it is inportant that each city be closely associated with the process and be continually inforred. revision to the present process will provide you with the ream to do &- that. Disser?ination of Infornation On? agency will be accountable fm coordinating Lhe entire program SQ will knw where to go for spcific infomation. Infomation identifyi irprtant issues will be provided on a thely basis. In addition, SUE re-mrts will be providd to you regularly so you will always knm? whc rerjion stznds. The reports you receive will contain input from a RUI& involved agencies. in addition, the annual report will k provided tc my~r 2nd will include caments'fron an irx3eLpendent broad based cmmi1 aciviscry panel: As a result you will be asured of adequat? informat upn t;;?ich you can draw your am conclusiori, assess the iqlications your am city and take appropriate action &fore a p- roblem kmes cr. The propsed e 0 e-. - -4 6,. Revising the Plan . If additiond tactics for which the cities have Lqlementing authority E found to be necessary, you will be provided candidate tactics so that yc can assess +he inplenentability, fiscal and ogerationdt aspcts early ir process. developent of any plan revisions. s,pcific revisions to specific cities. Furthemre, you will be able tc acccqlish this within tne context of the total effort sine you will kx well informed. While a lot of thought has gone into prepanrmg this revision, it is likt that you my be &le to suggest constructive changes. If you have idea! please give me a a11 (565-5900). Through this process you will be able to participate in the It may even be possible to tailor s$j25@+ /L- R.J. ZZzL Air Pollution Control Officer TWS: jo a a September il, 1979 * COMMITTEE OM THE HANDICAPPED Supervisor Eckert (District 5) Must be a resident of San Diego Co Must have the time and interest ne sary €or effective service. - Will not be made before September unless an emergency exfsts. Perso. pointed to fill such a vacancy sha serve on an acting basis until fin< Term expires: 1/3/83 pointment can be made on the date , above. D - ___ -- a FOR ADDITIONAL INFQRMATTON concerning this vacancy, contact the NI Authority or Citizen Participation Coordinator, 236-3234, or 1600 Highway, Rm. 375, San Diego, 92101. a * I September 11, 1979 ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON DRUG ABUSE Health & Social Services Advisory Must represent a Public Drug Progr Must have the time and interest ne sary for effective County service. - Will not be made before September ’ unless an emergency exists. Persc g pointed to fill such a vacancy shr serve on an acting basis until fii above. ---I_ Term expires: 2-16-81 pointment can be made on the date FOR ADDJTIONAL INFORMATIClN concerning this vacancy, contact the Nor Aittlior1t.y or Citizen Participation Coordinator, 236-3234, or 1600 1 1iighwny, Rm. 375, San Diegc, 92101. Supervisor Eckert (District 5) - Must complete a training course laws and County ordinances regal ning, zoning and land use, condi County Counsel prior to assuminc Must have the time necessary foi tive County service, Will not be made before October unless an emergency exists. Pe pointed to fill such a vacancy Py serve on an acting basis unt Term expires z 1/3/83 appointment can be made on the en above. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORJ!IATIOM regarding this vacancy , contact t iny Authority or Citizen Participation Coordinator, 236-3234 Rm. 375, County Administration Center, 1600 Pacific Ewy., S. - 41 0 September 4, 1979 a COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP (CAP ublic rnembe Supervisor Hedgecock (District 3) - Must be a resident of San Diego C Must have the the and interest r sary for effective County service Will not be made before Septembes ’ unless an emergency exists. Per: -- - __I___I pointed to fill such a vacancy SI Term expires: 6/30/80 pointment can be made on the datc serve on an acting basis, until above. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION concerning this vacancy, contact the No1 Authority or Citizen Participation Coordinator, 236-3234, or Rpn. 3 1608 Pacific Highwayl Sari Diego, CA 92101. i e \ August 27, 1979 Supervisor Bates (District 4) Must be a resident of San Diego Must have the the and interest effective County service. - m Will not be made before Septembt m unless an emergency exists. Pel pointed to fill such a vacancy Term expires: 1/3/83 serve on an acting basis, until pointment can be made on the da above. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION concerning this vacancy, contact the Authority, or Citizen Participation Coordinator, 236-3234, or vi County Administration Center, 1600 Pacific Hwy., San Diego, CA 9 (0 m CHEDULED VACANtlE August 27, 1979 . SAN DIEGUITQ COUNTY SERVICE ARE Supervisor Eckert (District 5) a Must reside within the San Dies - ' Service Area. Must have the time and interest for effective County service. Will not be made before Septed unless an emergency exists. Pr pointed to fill such a vacancy serve on an acting basis, unti' Term expires: 1/3/'83 pointment can be made on the d, above. . FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION concerning this vacancy, contact the Authority or Citizen Participation Coordinator, 236-3234, or vis County Administration Center, 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego, C re ri, e 3) c2 T B DOARD OF SUPERVISQRS . 1600 PACIF~C HIGHWAY SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92101 (714) 236-2293 PAUL I FIF August 2, 197! Board of Supervisors County of San Diego 1600 PaciPic Highway San Diego, California 92101 Dear Board Members: I feel that the best interests of San Diego County constitt would be served by support of a helicopter emergency services program for Health Services Area 14. It is my recommendation that our Board: Adopt the attached resolution favoring an emergency hellicopter service and forward the resolution to University Hospital to support their application for a Certificate of Need. DISCUSSION: Health Services Area 14 includes San Diego and Imperial Counties and covers 8,400 square miles of coastal plains, mounta: and deserts. The total population of 1.8 million people is distributed so that 8001,000 reside in the City of San Diego, anol 800,000 reside in the more densely populated communities imrnedial adjacent, and the remainder are scattered throuqhout the rest of the sparsely populated areas. Much of the region is difficult tc traverse by land transportation. Each weekend, 75,009 - 100,000 persons retreat to the mountains and deserts for recreztion, crea problems in the provision of emergency medical services. Despite the fact that Health Services Area 14 has developed an exemplary emergency medical system which has drawn praise from the Director of Emergency Medical Services for the Department of Health, Educa and Welfare, an emergency helicopter program would greatly improv provision of urgent medical care to remote areas. University Hospital submits that reaching persons in need of emergency medical services in inaccessible areas, providing them with pre-hospital treatment and rapidly transporting them to an appropriate emergency facility can best be achieved using helicop ambulances with trained medical personnel aboard. The University VISTA OFFICE: 325 SO. MELROSE DRIVE. VISTA. CA 92083 TELEPHONE 758-6628 August 2, 197' Board of Supervisors County of San Diego Page Twc 0 a x< s of California Medical Center proposes to provide a life flight system for Area 14. The system centers around the use of an Aloutte I11 jet helicopter, stationed on the helipad that is at the University of California Medical Center's Out-Patient build which they propose to dispatch with an attending level physicia and trained flight nul-se from the division of Emergency Medical Services at the University of California Medical Center. The helicopter will have a top speed of 120 miles per hour, a range of 150 miles, and will be capable of transporting two patients under advance life support conditions. It is proposed that the helicopter crew will react to pat: stabilize them at the scene, and transport them to the nearest hospital with landing facilities and appropriate treatment cap: bilities. The only patients that will be transported directly tertiary care units (burn, trauma burn, head injuries, spinal ( injuries, and special infant care) at the University of Calif01 Medical Center, will 'be those referred by outside physicians.ar those that fall within the criteria of protocol that is being developed. University Hospital states the system will be desii to guarantee that present patient transportation arrangements 7 - not be superceded when patients" needs for treatment can be me by existing land ambulance providers. Respectfully submitted, Supervisor, Fifth District FISCAL IMPACT: No County funds will be utilized to finance this program. PE : WL : nw c a a i'z YL RESOLUTION OF THE-B6PEM=SW-S OF S&N----D-I.EG15 C0UNT.Y IN SUPPORT OF EMERGENCY IIEIJI COPTER SERVICES FOR HEALTH SERVICES AREA 14 i>" 31-o-T-I--R - ___ 9s Superv-txm------- - , t-he following r-csol WHEREAS, the County of San DiegD has remote mountainous ai desert areas without reasonable access to vital lifesaving medical care; and WHEREAS, San Diego County's rural back country areas attract thousands of visitors each weekend for recreational pursuits; and WHEREAS, the Medical Center of the University of Californ at San Diego has proplosed creation of an Emergency Helicopter Service which would facilitate reaching persons in need of emergency medical services in distant areas of the County; and WHEFIEAS, such an airborne emergency neCica1 unit would be invaluable in remote residential and recreational areas relatively inaccessible by conventional means; NOW THEREFORE \ IT IS RESOLVED THAT: It The Board of Supervisors, County of San Diego support in principle the concept of Emergency Helicopter Services for Health Services Area 14. c\ Passed and adopted by the Be-a-~d of Sspervisors, County of San Diego, State of California on this 2/)-4 day of August, 1979, by the following vote. * AYES : NOTES : ABSENT : e= 0 Q August 14, 1979 MENTAL HEALTH ADVISORY BOARD Supervisor Moore (District 2) Shall represent the public in - in mental health. No member of this board, or t spousel shall be a full or pa employee of County mental hea services, the State Departmen Health, Department of Benefit ments, or a Short-Doyle contr facility. Will not be made before Augus 1979, unless an emergency exj Persons appointed to fill SUC vacancy shall only serve on i ing basis until final appoint can be made on the date giver m a Term Expires 2-21-82 above o FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS VACANCY, contact thc Authority or Citizen Participation Coordinator, 236-3234, or v: 375, County Administration Center,. 1600 Pacific Hwy., San Diegc e a August 14, 1979 E CABLE TELEVISION REVIEW COMMISSION Board of Supervisors . Must not have a direct interest in cable television industry. Must be a resident of San Diego COI Will not be made before August 28, unless an emergency exists. Persoi m appointed to fill such a vacancy sl m only serve on an acting basis unti: 11_)1 appointment can be made on the datt FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS VACANCY, contact the No1 Authority or Citizen Participation Coordinator, 236-3234, or Room : County Administration Center, 1600 Pacific Hwy., San Diego, CA 9211 .- Term Expires 9-1-82 1 0 a August 9, 1979 EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE COMMITTEE American College of Emergency Phy (1 vacancy) e Must represent the American Colle - Emergency Physicians. Must have the time and interest n sary for effective service. m Will not be made before August 2: m unless an emergency exists. Per: pointed to fill such a vacancy sf Term expires: 6J30/82 ly serve on an acting basis unti: appointment can be made on the d c----- FOR ADDITIONAL INI’ORMATTON concerning this vacancy, contact the Authority or Citi;<en Participation Coordinator, 236-3231, or Ro County Administration Center, 1600 Pacific Hwy., San Diego, 921