HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-11-06; City Council; 6043; RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING A LEASE AGREEMENT FOR OFFICE SPACE AT 800 GRAND AVENUEc V CITY OF CARLSBAD e 2 Dept. INITIAL Hd. 2 AGENDA BILL NO. (,u 04c3 DATE : November 6, 1979 Cty. Atty.& DEPARTMENT: Redevelopment (Planning) Cty. Mgr. l*-,&-q 'I ,* SUBJECT: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CA.RLSBAD APPROVING A LEASE AGREEMENT FOR OFFICE SPACE AT 800 GRAND AVENUE. STATEMENT OF THE MATTER As a part of the 1979-80 budget, Council approved $3,000 for the lease of office space to house redevelopment operation. The actual space lease was delayed pending the outcome of reorganization studies. In June, 1979, the Housing Authority's lease on its office on Jefferson Street expired and the Authority was placed on month to month tenancy. Effective October 1, 1979, the rental rate for this space was increased from $350 to $475 per month. The attached report from the Redevelopment Coordinator present the current office space status and proposes that the Council approve a lease which would accommodate the entire reorganizec operation in one area. Report from Redevelopment Coordinator dated 10/29/79 City Council Resolution Yo. 53 If Council desires to approve the rental of office space it should approve Resolution No. 4-77'', authorizing the Mayor to sign a lease agreement for 1460 sQuare feet of office space at 800 Grand Avenue until June 30, 1980, at a rental rate of $876.00 per month, and providing for four (4) one year option' EXHIBITS R E C 0 MM E N D AT I 0 N Council Action: 11-6-79 Council directed staff to continue their search for suitab office space and to report back, said report to include th possibility of utilizing space at the Kreuger House, Hardi Street Community Center and Old City Hall on Magee Propert w (c MEMORANDUM DATE : October 29, 1979 TO: Wayne Dernetz, City Manager FROM: SUBJECT: OFFICE SPACE ~ FOR HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT Jack Henthorn, Redevelopment Coordinato @,/ At its meeting of October 16, 1979, Council was advised that a report would be presented regarding the office space needs of the housing and redevelopment activities. Due to factors noted below it appears appropriate to address this item at the next Council meeting. Introduction This issue requires resolution in that: a) The Housing Authority's lease on Jefferson Street expired in June and office space rent has been increased from $350 to $475 per month effective October 1, 1979, with another increase to $500 scheduled for January 1, 1980; b) Redevelopment operation were authorized to seek office space as a function of the approval of the 1979-80 budget. Rental funds in the amount of $3,000 were allocated to fund suitable space. c) The human services position cannot be appointed until space is made available. Given the above noted factors and the availability of space, it appears appropriate to address this issue: Need Currently, the Housing Authority maintains an office in a converted house at Jefferson Street. The facility is in need of numerous repairs and lacks parking and handicapped access. Redevelopment maintains an office in a portion of the Planning Department which also serves as a hallway/exit. Recently completed floor plan modifications contains no space for this operation. According to a space study conducted by S.U.A in 1978, the space requirements of the combined Housing and Redevelopment operations approached 1210 square feet exclusive of restrooms, hallways and conference areas. ---- 0 e Ava i 1 a bi 1 i ty Small office spaces (less than 600 square feet) are readily square foot facilities appear to only be available on a 1 imi ted basis. Staff has located 1460 gross square feet of floor area at 800 Grand Avenue (intersection of Grand and Harding). The space is in two sets of offices in a single building within the La Jolla Federal complex. The ground floor set of offices contains 900 square feet and includes two restrooms, storage area and a secretary/reception area in addition to two offices and a conference room. The offices are accessible from Grand Avenue with no barriers to handicapped. Handicappe parking is available within 30 feet of the entrance and a bus stop is available directly across Grand Avenue from the complex. It is anticipated that the ground floor would accommodate the Director of Housing and Redevelopment, the Housing offices, joint storage and conference facilities. The second story set of offices contain 560 square feet including one restroom and three office areas. It is anticip? that the redevelopment, block grant and human services personnel would be located in this space due to the relativelg lower level of client contact. Careful scheduling of appointn should eliminate the need to conduct meetings in the second floor space. The acting Executive Director of Housing has toured the facilities and found them to be acceptable. Lease Terms The space (1460 square feet) is offered at $.60 per square foot, per month, or $876 per month total. Lltilities and janitorial costs are not included. It is not anticipated that janitorial and utilities will represent a significant increase over that paid at the Jefferson Street site. Standard insurance coverage is provided under the City's policy. The initial lease period runs through June 30, 1980 to accommodate the City's fiscal year. In addition four one year options are available at a consumer price index adjusted rental. Fund Availability - The redevelopment budget contains $3,000 allocated to office space rental. In addition, the budget contains approximately $5,000 in salary savings from the human services position vacancy which, upon authorization of the City Manager, could be transferred to offiice space rental. The housing operation has $400/mo allocated to office space, although there is currently $475/mo liability. In addition, the housing budget contains funding for utilities and janitor. available in the Carlsbad Village area, However, 1200 (2) * The total cost of the lease for the remainder of fiscal year 1979-80 is $7147.80 including a $325 security deposit. 1979-80 Redevelopment Budget (rental) $3,000 1979-80 Housing Authority ($400 x 7 mo) 2,800 1979-80 Redevelopment Salary Savings +5,000 TOTAL 10805 Availability for Utilities 3653 Projected net salary saving $2353 Lease Cost -7147 Telephone 8 Electricity -1300 Conclusion Funds are available for the lease of space as proposed in the attached lease. The terms of the lease are among the most reasonable found given the City's inability to enter a long term lease. Recommendation Therefore, it is recommended that this item be presented for Council consideration at its meeting of November 6, 1979. JEH: ar (3) LJ . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 l8 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a e RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A LEASE AGREEMENT EETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND FOR THE LEASE OF OFFICE SPACE AT 800 GPAND AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does hereby resolve as follows: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT =SOLVED that the City Council o City of Carlsbad does hereby approve a lease agreement subm by Coastal Finance Corporation, a copy of which is attached and incorporated herein by reference as if set forth in ful BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor of the City of C is hereby authorized and directed to execute said document behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the City of the City of Carlsbad held on the 1979, by the following vote, to wit: day of AYES : NOES : ABSENT : I RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk (SEAL) I I Secti;ity' depdsit .......................... .- ............................... $.............e ............................ $ .... dg.>..:..!& Other ....................................................................... $ .................................................... $ ........................ TOTAL ...................................................................... $ .................................................... $ 1 ....................... 025 C i- In the event that this lease is not accepted by the Lessor within .............................................................. business days, the total deposit received st Zesste hereby Dffers fB Jease from Lessor the premises situated in the City of ............................................................ Carlsbad County of ................................ San Diegc tate of, .............I Californxa ' ' 800 Grand Avenue, Building "B" , Suite B-13. ............................................ described as ......................................... ............................................................................................................. of 1,460 sq. ft. @ 60C per sq. ~..~- _____ - Et. & Suite B-6,7, 906 Sq. ft. for a to upon the following TERMS and CONDITIONS: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... , ............ ................................................................ ..................................................... .................................................................................. 1. TERM: The term hereof shall commence on ........................................ November 7 ! 79 June 30 ..................... .........., 19 ........, and expire on ............................... r ............................... 2. RENT: The total rent shall be $ .......... $6 ! ............. 832 .! ............ 80 .................., pa able as follows: ............. $700 80 on Nov 1979 and q the ., See item #28 for lease extensior item 7 ____.: ................................... t ......... r ....................................... first day of each month therea2ter. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ nal conditions and terms. -. .............. ......................................................................................................................... ........... .--. ............. ___.. ...... .............................................................................................................................................................................................. ......- .............................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................... .........I ................ I_____ ........................................................ All rent s a 1 e paid to Owner qr is authorized ;Ig nt, at the follo: ino. address: ...c .Q astax Financial Planning Corp. Box ............................. 2243, Oceanside, California 93504 ............................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .... or at such other places as may be designated by Owner from tim t time 3. USE: The premises are to be used for the operation of ............................................................................................................................................................ and for no other purpose, without prior written consent of Lessor. 4. USES PROHIBITED: Lessee shall not use any portion of the premises for purposes other than those specified hereinabove, and no use shall be i to be made upm the premises, nor acts done, which will increase the existing rate of insurance upon the property, or cause cancellation of insurance said property. Lessee shall not conduct or Dermit any sale by auction on the premises. 5. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING: Lessee shall not assign this lease or sublet any portion. of the premises without prior written consent of shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any such assignment or subletting without consent shall be void and, at the option of the Lessor, may terminate tt 6. ORDINANCES AND STATUTES: Lessee shall comply with all statutes, ordinances and requirements of all municipal, state and federal authori or which may hereafter be in force, pertaining to the premises, occasioned by or affecting the use thereof by Lessee. The cornmencement or pendenc federal court abatement proceeding affecting the use of the premises shall, at the option of the Lessor, be deemed a breach hereof. 7. MAiNTENANCE. REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS: Lessee acknowledges that the premises are in good order and reoair, unless otherwise indicated he at his own expense and at all times, maintain the premises in good and safe condition, including plate glass, electrical wiring, plumbing and heating in: other system or equipment upon the premises and shall surrender the same: at termination hereof, in as good condition as received, normal wear and teal shall be responsible for all repairs required, excepting the .......... A1.l .... o.uk.S.f.de .... building .... and ...~~~.~und...~intenavlc which shall be maintained by Lessor. Lessee shall also maintain in good condition such portions adjacei3 to the premises, such as sidewalks, driveway. bery, which would otherwise be required to be maintained by Lesscr. No improvement or alteration of the premises shall be made withcut the prior written consent of the Lessor.Prior to the commencement of any substan ment, or alteration, Lessee shall give Lessor at least 2 days written naiice in order that Lessor may post appropriate notices to avoid any liability for lien 8. ENTRY AND INSPECTION: Lessee shall permit Lessor or Lessor's aEents to enter won the premises at reasonable times and upon reasma1 purpose of inspecting the same, and will permit Lessor at any time viithln sixty (60) days prior to the exciration of this lease, to place upon the prem Let" or "For Lease" signs, and permit persons desiring to Ime the same to inspect the premises thereafter. 9. INDEMNIFICATION OF LESSOR: Lessor shall not be liable for any damage or iniury to Lessee, or any other person, or to any property, occurr premises or any part thereof, and Lessee agrees to hold Lessor harmless from any claims for damages, no matter how caused. 10. POSSESSION: If Lessor is unable to deliver possession of tht premises at the cornmencement hereof, Lessor shall not be liable for any dama, nor shall this lease be void or voidable, but Lessee shall not be liable for any rent until possession is delivered. Lessee may terminate this lease if poss ered within .................... days of the commencement of the term hereof. 11. INSURANCE: Lessee, at his expense, shall maintain plate glass, public liability and property damage insurance insuring Lessee and Lessor with as follows: ........... 10.0.,.00.Q .... p.r~ .~x.k. ..;.&qa.ge .... w.&h .... lesso,r .... named .... as .... +sur& ....................................... Bdmi lii s tra tive Off ices ................................................................................................................................................ ................................ ._. ............................. ..................................... raf use .... dis.pasal .......................................................................................................................................................................................... :: ................. ........................... 2 3.Q. Q. .,. 0. MI.. . pub!? LC: .... Y .lab.i 11 %.y.. ..vu fi... .l.ess.ur.. ..n med ... as .... msur.ed ........ _.. ....................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Lessee shall provide Lessor with a Certificate of lnsura'nce sho:ving Lessor as additional insured. The Certificate shall provide for a ten-day written the event of cancellation or material change of coverage. To the maximum extent permitted by insurance policies which may be owed by Lessor or Lessee, Lessee and Lessor, for the benefit of each other 12. UTILITIES: Lessee agrees thaf he shall be responsible for the payment of all utilities. including,&&. gas, electricity, heat and other servic premises. 13. SIGNS: Lessor reserves the exclusive right to the roof, sida and rear walls of the Premises. Lessee shdl not construct any projecting sign or prior written consent of Lessor which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 14. ABANDONMENT OF PREMISES: Lessee shall not vacate or abandon the premises at any time during the term hereof, and if Lessee shall ab premises, or be dispossessed by process of law, or otherwise, any personal property belonging to Lessee left upon the premises shall be deemed to b option of Lessor. 15. CONDEMNATION: If any part of the premises shall be taken or condemned for public use, and a part thereof remains which is susceptible under, this lease shall, as to the part taken, terminate as of the date the condemnor acquires possession, and thereafter Lessee shail be required to of the rent for the remaining term as the value of the premises remaining bears to the total value of the premises at the date of condemnation: prc Lessor may at his op?ion, terminate this lease as of the date the condemnor acquires possession. In the event that the demised premises are condemn such portion is condenined that the remainder is not susceptible for use hereundEr, this lease shall terminate upon the date upon which the condemnor All sums which may be payable on account of any condemnation shall belong to the Lessor, and Lessee shall not be entitled to any part thereof, pro Lessee shall be entitled to retain any amount awarded to him for his trade fixtures or moving expenses. 16. TRADE FIXTURES: Anv and all improvements made to the premises during the term hereof shall belong to the Lessor. except trade fixtures o may, upon termination hereof, remove all his trade fixtures, but shall repair or pay for all repairs necessary for damages to the premises occasior: 17. DESTRUCTION OF PREMISES: In the event of a partial deslruction of the premises during the term hereof, from any cause, Lessor shall same, provided that such repairs can be made within sixty 160) days under existing governmental laws and regulations, but such partial destruction this lease, except .that Lessee shall be entitled to a proportionate reduction of rent while such repairs are being made, based upon the extent to )A such repairs shall interfere with the business of Lessee on the premises. If such repairs cannot be mad!? within said sixty (60) days, Lessor, at his 0 same within a reasonable time, this lease continuing in effect with the rent proportionatelv abated as aforesaid, and in the event that Lessor shal such remirs which cannot be made within sixty !60) days, this lease may be terminated at the option of either party. rights of subrogation which might otherwise exist. Ti@?e 9 nave tile iigiii tu dppiy iiic QCLUII., __r ....... p_, ..... - .~.. .... - 21.1 A!ToR'HE.YS FEES: In case suit should be br der, or because of any act which may 2 possession of the premises, by either party, the prevaeparty shall be entitled to all costs incurred in connec@ith such action, including a reasonable 22. WAIVER: No failure of Lessor to enforce any term hereof shall be deemed to be a waiver. 23. NO'~ICES: Any notice which either party may or is required to give, shall be given by mailing the same, postage prepaid, to Lessee at the premise the address shown below, or at such other places as may be designated by the parties from time to time. 24. HOLDING OVER: Any holding over after the expiration of this lease, with the. consent o! Lessor, shall be construed as a month-to-month tenancy $8.76..&!0 __.. @.u.s _..__ and _.__ C.:..??.d.z _.___ i.!!c.r!?.a.?.e _____ as .___ Er.ov.?.d!?d __.. bk;l m#r&?otherwise in accordance with the terms hereof, 25. TIME: Time is of the essence of this lease. 26. HEIRS, ASSIGNS, SUCCESSORS: This lease is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the heirs, assigns and successors in interest to the partii 27. TAX INCREASE: In the event there is any increase during any year of the term of this lease in the City, County or State real estate taxes oyer and ab of such taxes assessed for the tax year during which the term of this lease commences, whether because of increased rate or valuation, Lessee shall pay presentation of paid fax bills an amount equal to ............................ % of the increase in taxes upon the land and building in which the leased premises are event that such taxes are assessed for a tax year extending beyond the term of the lease, the obligation of Lessee shall be proportionate to the portion of 'neluded in such year. 28.) Lessor grants to Leesee the option to extend the lease period for f additional one year periods under the same terms and conditions except re stated in paragraph #29, subject option shall be exercised within 90 days mediately following July 1 each year. During that 90 day period, the prc of paragraph 24 shall remain in effect. 29.) On July lst, 1981 and each and every year thereafter, during the tc this lease and any extension thereof, the annual rent provided in paragr; shall be adjsuted for such years to relect any increase in the Consumer Index for the San Diego area, published by the Bureau of Labor statistic2 United States Department of Labor for all items United States. On July : the annual rent provided in paragraph 2 shall be adjusted to reflect the instance shall such increase exceed twelve (12) percent- 30.) Lessee is authorized ot make minor office alterations as long as t' structural integrity is not compromised. An such alterations or modific shall be at Lessee's expense. for recovery of the premises or for any sum due h in the above noted CPI occuring between November 1979 and July 1980. In ENTIRE AGREEMENT: The foregoing constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and may be modified only by a writing signed kj both part Exhibits, if any, have been made a part of this lease before t'he parties' execution hereof: ............................................................................................................ ............................................................ ...-........... .................................................................... .........._......... .......................................................... ......................-............ The undersigned lessee hereby acknowledges receipt of a copy hereof. DATED: ...................-....-......................-.............. ................................................................................................................................... gent .... ..................................................................................................... .................................................................,............................................................Address ............................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................. Phone ........................................................................................................... By ........................................................................................................... ........................... .......................................................................................................... ACCEPTANCE The undersigned Lessor accepts the foregoing offer and agrees to lease the herein described premises on the terms and conditions herein specifiec to pay to .. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... the Agent for services rendered and authorizes Agent to deduct said sum from the deposit received from Tenant. This agreement shall not limit the rights of Ai any listing or other agreement which may be in effect between Owner and Agent. In the event Tenant shall purchase the property from Owner prii the sum of $ .................................. (...._........................................................................... : ............................................................................................ .. ................ of this lease, Owner agrees to pay the Agent a sales commission of .............................. % of the sale price. The undersigned Lessor hereby acknowledges receipf of a copy hereof. DATED: ........................................... ........................................................................................ ............................................................................................... Owner's Authorized Agent 0 @ 6 DATE : SEPTEMBER 24, 1979 TO : CITY MANAGER FROM: Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: REORGANIZATION OF HOUSING AUTHORITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. At its June 5, 1979 meeting, the City Council approved in concept reorganization proposal presented by the City Manager. The first phase of the reorganization called for the merger of the Housing Authority and the Redevelopment Agency to create a Community Devc ment Commission to be known as the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelor Commission. In order to carry out this reorganization, the City Council must take a number of actions. The required Council act] are outlined below. Discussion As provided in the Health and Safety Code, a City with a Redevell ment Agency and Housing Authority may combine such agencies to operate as a single entity. The single operating entity thus cr would exercise all the powers and duties formerly vested in the separate agencies. City Council members will continue to sit on the governing body of the merged agencies. Separate Housing Aut and Redevelopment Agency meetings will no longer be necessary an all business would be conducted during a single meeting. The staff of the two agencies would also be merged to provide be staff resources will be more effectively utilized. In addition positions already existing in the two agencies, the position est lished by the City Council in the 1979-80 Budget to coordinate Human Services will be assigned to this Department. This is the only added position. The other positions in the new organizatio will be filled by employees already assigned to Redevelopment an Housing, although certain of these positions will be revised and therefore certain new classifications will need to be created. The employees in the new organization will all be City employees providing services to the Commission through a City-Commission agreement. The Redevelopment Agency currently operates in this manner. Housing Authority employees, however, are currently employees of the Authority. Upon reorganization, these employee will become City employees and be assigned to positions within t revised organization. (see Appendix A) management direction and control. By combining the two agencies Outline of Required Council Actions Attached (Appendix B) is a memo dated 9-14-79 from the Redevelo1 ment Coordinator which discusses and outlines the procedural acl the City Council must take to accomplish the reorganization. Ir his memo, the Redevelopment Coordinator discusses the creation c Ib e Page 2 September 24, 19 Reorganization of Housing Authority and Redevelopment Agency a "Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee." This advisory committee would serve as successor to the existing advisory "Housing Commission" to the Housing Authority and the Redevelop- ment Agency's "Project Area Committee." The members of the exist Housing Commission and Project Area Committee have been briefed on the reorganization proposal and on how the new advisory com- mittee would be constituted. The City Council's actions necessary to implement the reorganizal are as follows: 1. Introduce an ordinance which declares a need for the Housing and Redevelopment designates the City Council as the governing body of the Commission; and authorizes the Commission to transact Agency/Authority business. (Ordinance No. )22, Commission to function; 2. Introduce an ordinance which establishes a Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee and establishes its membership and duties. (Ordinance No. )z~q ) 3. Adopt a Resolution providing compensation for Com- mission members. (Resolution No. 5-7 62 ) 4. Adopt a Resolution approving an agreement between the City and the Commission permitting Commission's use of City staff and other resources. (Resolution No. 63 Adopt a Resolution amending the City Classification Pla to create the positions of Housing and Redevelopment Director and Secretary Bookkeeper. (Resolution No. 696 Adopt a Resolution amending the Miscellaneous Employees Salary Plan to establish a salary range for Secretary Adopt a Resolution amending the Executive Compensation Plan to establish a salary range for Housing and Re- development Director. (Resolution No. 3-966 ) 5. 6. Bookkeeper. (Resolution No. 49b 5) 7. 8. Introduce an Ordinance to amend the Muncipal Code to establish the position of Housing and Redevelopment Director as an exempt, management position. (Ordinance The merger of the Housing Authority and Redevelopment Agency in1 the Commission will not be effective until 30 days after adoptir of the above outlined ordinances. However, in the meantime the staffing changes may proceed and for all practical purposes the staff will begin to operate as they will under the Commission. Staff is currently investigating the availability of office spa( to adequately house the Housing and Redevelopment staff. Adequi floor area exists in the present housing office for the combine( staffs, however, this facility is in need of significant improvt I9 e rage J Reorganization o Housing Authority and Redevelopment Agency . September 24, and may not be available on acceptable lease terms. report will be presented to the Council on this mattes at a late: date. An addition; /F FRANK N. MANNEN Assistant to the City Manager FNM: gb Commission ---_ (City Council) I I xecutive Director 'Housing SC Redevelopment 1 Advisory Committee i (City I ~__ - - Agency Counsel 1 Administrative (Housing Programs) Administrative Programs) 7 Programs) nETIilYUI 0 0 MEMORANDUM DATE : September 14, 1979 TO: Paul Bussey, City Manager Agency Counsel Special Agency Counsel Redevelopment Coordinator w FROM : SUBJECT : FORMATION OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION TO BE KNOWN AS CARLSBAD HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Introduction As directed, I have prepared documents necessary to effectuate a reorganization of the operational aspects of the Carlsbad Housing Authority and the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency. This assignment is a result of Council action on a comprehensive reorganization proposal a Course of Action The attached documents activate a Community Development Com- mission, an entity created by State law to permit Housing Authority and Redevelopment Agency operations to be carried out under a single operating board. as the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission. The following acticns are necessary to activate the Commission as its advisory committee: Step I - Adopt an ordinance which: This entity will be known A. Declares a need for commission to function. B. C. Authorizes the Commission to transact Agency/ Designates the City Council as the Commission. Authority business. Step 11- Adopt an ordinance which: A. Establishes an advisory committee and delegates housing and redevelopment advisory roles to the committee. B. Rescinds documents establishing the Housing Commission and Project Area Committees. Step 111- Adopt a resolution providing for compensation of Commission members. a 0 Step IV - Adopt a resolution approving an agreement between the City and the Commission permitting Commission use of the City staff and other resources. Discussion In order to reach the recommended course of action outlined herein, staff analyzed options ranging from simple merging of the staff functions of the two entities, to complete d-isolution of the Housing Authority. Since disolution of the authority resulted in a direct reduction in the City's ability to address housing issues, these approaches were eliminated. Simple merger of the staff functions would require City - Agency-Authority cross agreements; continuation of separate meetings (probably somewhat confusing to the public); maintenar of two advisory bodies and a need to cross agree on any housing related activities undertaken in concert with redevelopment (such as Section 8 guarantees or types of combined projects involving local/federal programs). Although this approach would not legally require that all redevelopment items be reviewed by an advisory committee, it would require that all Housing Authority business be so reviewed. However, in practice, most redevelopment agencies desire some sort of advisory review prior to considering items scheduled to come before them. Due to the limited benefits associated with the above noted approach it was also eliminated. The end result of the analysis is the course recommended herein - a single entity, capable not only of exercising powers granted to both housing authorities and redevelopment agencies, but capable of taking on such other activities as This ensures that housing, redevelopment and other related activities can be carried out without a multiplicity of committees, agendas, minutes and related infra structure. In addition, this streamlining provides a "one stop" center where potential participants in housing and/or redevelopment programs can receive information. Implementation of the Community Development Commission form would eliminate the necessity of maintaining two advisory committees by merging the Housing Authority's advisory "Commission" with the Redevelopment Agency's "Project Area Committee" to form a "Housing and. Redevelopment Committee" responsible for advising the Housing and Redevelopment Commission on all matters to come before it. The structure of the Committee ensures that its actions will reflect social the Council may desire to delegate. e e as well as economic considerations, Finally this approach will ensure that housing and redevelopment programs will compliment one another. Agency Special Counsel, at the direction of the Agency Counsel, has reviewed and found the attached documents to be legally correct. Recommendation It is recommended that this package, along with necessary meeting of October 2, 1979. administrative changes, be presented to Council at its AA/ar .2 . * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 w 0 RESOLUTION NO. 5962 A RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PROVIDING FOR COMPENSATION FOR CARLSBAD HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEMBERS. WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Health and Safety C Section 34100 et seq, the City Council by Ordinance No. declared that there is a need for a Community Development Co sion to function in the City; and WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. the City Council declar itself to be the commission and the Council Members are serv /as commission members, performing duties of both Redevelopme Agency and Housing Authority; and WHEREAS, the City Council now desires to provide for cc sation for its duties as commission members: 16 ' 17 1. The members of the commission shall receive their and necessary expenses, including traveling expen: incurred in discharge of their duties. 2. The members of the commission shall be paid other 19 20 special meeting of the commission attended. No m< shall receive compensation for attending more thar four meetings of the commission during any calendi month. I ' 27 28 , i RONALD PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk 1 (~EA;L)