HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-11-06; City Council; 6044; 1978-79 audit reports presentationThe final Audit reports for the City of Carlsbad and City Water submitted to the City and are herewith submitted to the Council f o r ac c ep t an ?e .. . Department for the fiscal year.ended June 30, 1979 have been .. *. Exhibits . : . 1978-79 City of Carlsbad-Audit Report dated June 30, 1979 1978-.79' l?lemo.randum from .Finance Director to the City Manager dated 10-24-79 Memorandum from-Finance Director to 'the City Manager date8- 10- 26-79 'a City of Carl'sbad ilrater Department. Audit .Report. dated 'June 30, -1979 ,Auditors Memorandum.of Advisory Comments, 1979. . . c .. .. Recommerl da t i o ns .. If Council 'concurs, accept' 1978-*79 Audit Reports .for the City of' .Carlsbad and Water Department for the period ending June 30; 1979. *. ' Coun'cil Action: l'l'-6-79 Council accepted the 1978-79 Aud.it .Reports for .the City of' 'Carlsbad -and the Water Department for the perib'd ending Ju.ne 30, 1979 *. b .. DATE : OCTOBER 26, 1979 TO : CITY MANAGER FROM: Finance Director SUBJECT: 1978-79 AUDIT REPORT INTRODUCTION The Audit of City of Carlsbad financial records for fiscal year 1978-79 has been completed and is presented herewith for your review. The auditors would like to meet with you, at your convenience, to answer any questions you may have regarding the audit process and procedures or the audit report. As you can see, the audit report has been prepared in two sections. The "City of Carlsbad" report includes audited statements for all city funds, including the water enterprise funds, as of June 30, 1979. The second report is a detailed audit of the Water Department operations for 1978-79. Although the first report provides most of the necessary information for determining the financial position of the city, the water audit is necessary to fully assess the water operation and to meet the water revenue bond requirements. THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUDIT REPORT Although the audit reports include a great deal of information, only a few major points will be covered in this summary. Any detailed questions can be answered through written or oral responses as they arise. The auditors opinion as stated on page one of the report is important from the standpoint that no "exceptions" have been taken in the offering of the opinion. An exception, although not necessarily negative, may indicate that some deviations in the accounting procedures or some major change in accounting policies exist that should be considered when using the report as a reflection of the financial position. CASH As of June 30, 1979, the City of Carlsbad had a credit (negative) cash balance of $180,179. At the same time, the City had a total investment portfolio of $12,836,378. The negative cash balance comes about in situations where checks have been issued but not yet cleared the bank. Although the book balance has been re- duced to reflect these checks, the bank balance will not be reduced until the checks clear. It is not the City Treasurer's policy to invest the float on a regular basis, however, it does occasionally happen in closely managed investment plans. If desired, a detail analysis of the city's cash balance and the October 26, 1979 Page 2 restrictions thereon can be prepared for your information. The scope of that analysis is beyond the intent of this report. REVENUES The City of Carlsbad received a total of $10,870,126 in revenue from all sources in 1978-79. The audit report reflects this in several places rather than in one figure since the total revenue in each fund is most important to the financial statements. This is an increase of $644,041 or about 6.3% over the final estimates used during the preparation of the 1979-80 Budget. The attached schedule of actual vs estimated revenues, Schedule A, indicates that the primary increases were found in the General Fund -$277,605, Gasoline Tax - $36,205, Federal Revenue Sharing - $20,133, Water Funds - $24,138 and other grant funds not normally reflected in the City of Carlsbad Budget - $260,968. Of the total $644,041 increase in revenues, over $240,000 or 37% was due to additional interest received due to higher than anticipated rates on the investment of public funds. About $261,000 or 40% of the total increase is due to grant type funds that the City of Carlsbad has historically excluded from the budget process. Such funding sources as CETA, State grants to Parks and Recreation and anti-recession funds are included in this category. The remaining 23% or $143,000 is the net effect of increases and decreases in the other sources of funds. This $143,000 represents about 1.3% of the total $10,870,126 revenue realized by the city in 1978-79. EXPENDITURES The Audit Report reflects a total expenditure of $11,572,115 from all sources during 1978-79. This figure includes $476,005 of expenditures from funds such as CETA, Local Transportation Funds and Park and Recreation grants that have not historically been reflected in the city budget process. Although the total appropriations for all funds during this period were $15,987,619, this figure includes the establish- ment of the General and Gas Tax capital and operating reserve funds of $3,521,138 as well as about $2,286,000 in appropriations carried over from prior years. comparison of expenditures to appropriations on a fund by fund basis. The Audit Report provides a direct The expenditure estimates prepared early in 1978-79 were used in determining the beginning fund balance for the 1979-80 Budget. As Schedule B shows, for the funds normally reflected on the comparative statement of funds, the actual expenditures for 1978-79 were $485,672 under the budget estimates. This amounts to an under expenditure of 4.2% on a total basis. gives a comparison of estimated vs actual expenditures for 1978-79. The major variations in the Gas Tax, Sewer Construction and Federal Schedule C October 26, 1979 Page '3 Revenue Sharing funds are due to changes in the capital expenditure plan during the year. The variation in the Sanitation fund is primarily due to the timing of accounting for revenues and ex- penditures for the Encina Sewer Treatment Plant and a savings in the Sewer Department. FUND BALANCE Schedule B has been included primarily to give a general picture of the beginning fund balance for 1979-80 as presented in the Audit Report compared to the balances shown in the 1979-80 Budget. By definition, a Fund Balance is the excess of assets over liabil- ities for any given fund, Therefore, it represents that funds's ability to pay outstanding obligations and support future operations. The fund balance at the end of a fiscal year is directly affected by the revenues and expenditures that take place within that fund. As Schedule B shows a relatively small over or under estimate of revenues or expenditures can have a marked impact on the fund balance. For example, the estimated beginning fund balance for 1979-80 in the General Fund was $2,386,975. The audit figure (adjusted for continuing appropriations) is $2,833,736 or $446,761 over the estimate. This increase is due to a $277,605 or 4% under estimate of revenues and a $169,156 or 2% over estimate in expenditures. Even though both estimates were very close to the actual outcome, the ending fund balance was underestimated by $446,761. RECOMMENDATION Although I have tried to touch on the four major areas of concern at audit time, I'm sure there are other questions I have not covered. An audit for a City of our size contains a considerable amount of information and requires more than just a brief over- view for complete understanding. If any additional information is desired either the audit staff or the Finance Department will respond. I recommend that the audit reports be presented to the City Council at the next Council meeting. Both the Auditors and City Staff will be available to respond to whatever questions the Council might have, S F. ELLIOTT / bnance Director JFE : gb Schedule A - 1 - CITY OF CARLSBAD COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL REVENUES 1978- 79 1978- 79 1978-79 DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED ACTUAL INCREASE PERCENT (per 1978- 79 audit) REVENUE REVENUE (DECREASE) CHANGE GENERAL FUND Taxes Property Tax Sales and Use Tax Transient Lodging Tax Franchises Business Licenses Real Property Transfer Tax 1,450,000 2,300,000 580,000 14U,000 205,500 120.000 1,460,418 10 , 418 2,389,832 89 , 832 499 , 448 (80,552) 141 , 189 1,189 186 , 845 (18,655) 142,971 22,971 TOTAL 4,795.500 4,820,703 25,203 0.5 Licenses and Permits Construction Permits 150,000 119 , 202 (30,798) (20.5) Intergovernmental Revenue Alcohol Beverage License Vehicle License-In-Lieu Grants Homeowners 6 Bus. Inv. Tax Highway Users Tax Cigarette Tax 16 , 500 400,000 85,500 135 , 000 4,000 132 .OOO 13,357 494 , 190 (3,143) 94,190 19,502 (65,998) 152,900 17,900 4,042 42 167,484 35,484 TOTAL 773,000 851,475 78,475 10.2 Charges for Services Zoning 6 Subdivision Fees Sale of Maps 6 Publications Plan Checking Fees Engineering Fees Library Fees Ambulance Fees Refuse Disposal Charges Recreation Fees 2 , 413 2,394 26,895 352 2,182 11,000 10,000 60,000 71,000 6,000 30 , 000 300 , 000 12,000 13,413 12,394 86,895 71 , 352 8,182 28 , 638 300,222 10 , 711 (1;362) 222 TOTAL 500,000 31,807 6.4 531,807 Fines and Forfeitures Vehicle Code Fines 110,000 450,000 129,504 621,493 19 , 504 171 , 493 17.7 2 /" i- Earnings on Investments Miscellaneous Reimbursed Expenditures 0 the r Revenues 39,000 38,769 (231) 86,000 68,152 (17,848) TOTAL 125.000 (18 , 079) (14.5) 106,921 TOTAL REVENUES 6,903,500 7,181,105 277,605 4.0 4 ,- . Page 2 Schedule A _. CITY OF CARLSBAD COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL REVENUES 1978-79 1978-79 1978-79 ESTIMATED ACTUAL INCREASE PERCENT DESCRIPTION (per 1978- 79 audit) REVENUE REVENUE (DECREASE) CHANGE OTHER FUNDS Gas Tax Gasoline Taxes Interest TOTAL Sanitation Sewer Service Charges 6 Fees Interest TOTAL Street Lighting Assessments Interest TOTAL Sewer Construction Sewer Const. Revenues Interest TOTAL Federal Revenue Sharing. Grants Interest TOTAL Park-In-Lieu Fees 250,000 42,000 292,000 321,500 22,000 343,500 209 , 500 500 210,000 240,000 100,000 340,000 420,800 66,585 487,385 Fees Library Bonds Property Tax Interest TOTAL 25,200 28,000 4,000 32,000 Sewer Bonds Property Tax Interest TOTAL 140,000 2,500 275,307 52,898 328,205 319,658 23,675 343.333 209,643 934 210,577 208,115 134,774 342,889 423,095 84,423 507,518 37,970 28,656 5,205 33,861 144,864 4,698 142 , 500 149,562 25,307 10,898 36,205 (1,842) 1,675 I1671 143 434 577 (31,885) 34,774 2,889 2,295 17,838 20,133 12 , 770 656 1,205 1,861 4,864 2,198 7,062 12.4 0.0 8.3 0.8 4.1 50.7 5.8 5.0 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL REVENUES 1978-79 1978-79 1978-79 DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED ACTUAL (per 1978-79 audit ) REVENUE REVENUE - WATER (all sources) OTHER GRANT FUNDS TOTAL ALL FUNDS 1,450,000 1,474,138 -0- 260,968 10,226,085 10,870,126 Page 3 Schedule A INCREASE PERCENT (DECREASE) CHANGE 24,138 1.7 260,968 - 644 , 041 6.3 m W !z a a, rl 5 a a, A u m n bLo brl M\D rlM NN rl nn v a a, a 7 4 u d .d m a nww Dn wzz d 5 rcI a, m 0 c, h d m a c 7 rcc 'd 0 +I 0 c, d a, c, cd c, m a, > *rl c, cd k cd 2 VI a, m 0 a k 5 a E m .r( k a d n WW bU cd a- uo L $$ n M n cn b 0 \D N M 0. U n M un VI1 10 0 0 d b 00 VI rl cn n n U n M b+ 0 0 rl 0 rl \D n v n M v 01 0 VI b b I n km 0 La, k a u 5 cd mc, .d a, a, & c, d .rl cdb d 3 0 2 m h d rl cd E k 0 d L) Lo co b cn VI rl M n n W 0 cd k *m amcd aa 0F:m 7d acwo 0 d m a, u E: cd d cd P a F: 7 VI a a, c, u .d k c, m a, k a, 5 a, Od dmw 7 a,cd rcc 2 a, n rl v rl cd k a, d a, L7 .. CITY OF CARLSBAD Schedule C Estimated vs Actual Expenditures 1978-79 Estimated Actual Active Percent Expenditures Expenditures Over (Under) Active Over 1978-79 1978-79 Estimate (Under) Estimate General 8,333,239 8,164,083 ( 169,856) ( 2.0) Gas Tax 377,270 245,000 ( 132,270) (35.1) Sanitation 463,035 326,662 ( 136,373) (29.5) Street Lighting 195,042 200,087 5,045 2.6 Sewer Const. 289,000 410,347 121,347 42.0 Revenue Sharing 98,353 74,738 ( 23,615) (24.0) Park-In-Lieu 164,887 178,690 13,833 8.5 Library Bond 19,001 19,285 284 1.5 Sewer Bonds 130,892 121,780 ( 9,112) ( 7.0) Water 1,511,093 1,355,438 ( 155,655) (10.3) Total 11,581,782 11,096,110 ( 485,672) ( 4.2) CITY OF CARLSBAD MEMORANDUM OF ADVISORY COMMENTS 1979 I GEORGE A. PETTRS0N.C P. A. RICHARD E. EVANS, C P. A THOMAS J. BRACY. C. P. A. GEORGE A.PETERSON & Co CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 7516 IVANHOE AVENUE LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA 92037 TELEPHONE (7141 454-6176 MEMBERS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS September 4, 1979 Honorable City Council City of Carlsbad In connection with our recent examination of the City of Carlsbad's financial statements for the year ended June 30, 1979, we tested the City's internal accounting controls, reviewed significant accounting policies and procedures and certain financial and administrative practices for the purpose of determining the scope of our examination. Since our review of the system of internal control was made to enable us to express an opinion on the financial statements, it would not necessarily disclose all weaknesses in the system which may exist. The following comments and observations relate to the City's accounting and practices that came to our attention during the course of our work. COMPUTER OPERATIONS AND CONTROLS We reiterate our prior year's recommendation that con- sideration should be given to additional data processing equip- ment and applications and,in order to assure that all input and output data is properly controlled, the City should have an Electronic Data Processing Manager who would control the input data, processing and data files. COMPUTER OUTPUT - Computer generated output required for the audit was obtained from the computer at various dates,resulting in data -2- sources not being in agreement with one another. This resulted in a myriad of journal entries, which required a continuous reconciliation of year-end balances. We recommend that the City establish a year-end cutoff date and obtain all required computer output data required for the audit at that time. We have also prepared the enclosed memorandum relating to our tests of internal accounting controls and suggestions for improvements. These matters were not of such magnitude that they significantly affect the fair presentation of the financial statements. However, they do require management's review and evaluation. A copy of this letter and the attached memorandum is being sent to Mr. Jim Elliot, Finance Director. Copies of the attached memorandum should also be made available to appropriate individuals responsible for maintaining the City's internal accounting control methods, procedures and other matters for study and implementation. We appreciate the outstanding cooperation from your staff that our personnel received during the examination of the City's financial statements. Very truly yours, GEOBGE A. PETERSON & CO. Richard E. Evans, Partner i - - CITY OF CARLSBAD MEMORANDUM RE INTERNAL CONTROL AND ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES Year ended June 30, 1979 For the purpose of determining the scope of our recent examination of the City's financial statements for the year ended June 30, 1979, we reviewed and tested compliance with the City's system of internal accounting control. As a result of such review and compliance tests, we. recommend the following revisions for improving and strengthen- ing the existing internal accounting control: CASH The City's outstanding checklist was grouped together by series of checks. This resulted in additional work in verifying the clearing of the outstanding checklist at year-end. the outstanding checklist. We recommend that checks be listed individually on The City had a check run which covered checks written in both June, 1979 and July, 1979. The entire check run was picked up as accounts payable. This required preparation of a detail analysis to transfer June checks from year-end accounts payable to a reduction of cash. We recommend that a check run be generated at year- end to record expenses in the proper period. The City had not been receiving adequate information concerning disbursements out of the workmen's compensation cash account from the insurance management company. Considerable time was spent in analyzing and reconciling this account. We recommend that the City should make sure that the insurance management company provides all the necessary information as needed. INVENTORY The Water Department's perpetual inventory system has not been effective during the year ended June 30, 1979. Total reliance has been placed on physical inventory resul- ting in an inability to determine from the perpetual inventory records the balance of an item at any point in time. We recommend that employees responsible for inventory control be given the training to ensure the proper use of a perpetual inventory system. ENCUMBRANCES During the course of the audit, we observed that improve- ments could be made in the implementation and utilization of the encumbrance system. The balance sheet accounts 0620 Encumbrances, 0621 Reserve for Encumbrances, and 0622 Prior Year's Encumbrances, could not be reconciled to supporting detail. The computer listing of encumbrances (encumbrance journal) required pages of purchase order adjustments to get it to agree to the actual open purchase orders at year-end as determined by the purchasing department. This required a very complex and time-consuming reconciliation by the auditors to get the information required. The encumbrance method of accounting is a basic part of governmental accounting. We recommend that the encumbrance method of accounting be properly implemented. The City may want to consider sending personnel involved to governmental accounting seminars to insure familiarity with the concepts and mechanics of encumbrances accounting. We also recommend a review of computer input data prior to its being entered into the computer system to ensure proper coding and application of encumbrance accounting mechanics. .- FIXED ASSETS There is inadequate control over transfers, disposals and sales of fixed assets. It is not possible to identify such sales or transfers with certainty as to department or cost basis. We recommend that a fixed asset inventory be taken in the near future. A new complete listing of assets owned would enable the City to institute policies which would give it control over additions, reductions, and transfers. However, some assets would have to have their cost basis estimated or assigned a zero value, as the real cost basis would not be determinable from the existing records. Water Department fixed asset records are kept on a manual basis. We recommend that these records be set up on the computer. ACCOUNTING RECORDS Our observation from the past two audits indicates that several years records are maintained to satisfy various requirements. These records take up considerable storage space. If they were microfilmed, space could be conserved and time would be saved in retrieval. .- DATE : OCTOBER 26, 1979 TO : CITY MANAGER FROM : Finance Director SUBJECT: RESPONSE TO MEMORANDUM OF ADVISORY COMMENTS FROM GEORGE A. PETERSON AND COMPANY Upon completion of the financial portion of the City's Audit Report, it is customary for the auditor to prepare a summary of administrative findings that do not directly affect the financial position of the City. The City's auditors, George A. Peterson and Company, have prepared the attached memorandum of advisory comments to be presented to the City Manager and Council. In the past the City Manager has asked the Finance Director to respond to the auditors' comments in the management letter be- fore transmittal to the City Council. Based on this precedent, I have prepared the following comments. COMPUTER OPERATIONS AND CONTROLS I believe the City Manager, City Council and former Finance Director recognized the need to improve the data processing system in use in the Finance Department. In response to that need, the City Council instructed the City staff to begin the process of choosing a consulting firm to aid in the selection of a substitute data processing system. The Council also appro- priated a total of $42,000 ($27,000 from 1979-80 and $15,000 from continuing appropriations) to cover the consulting costs and first year system costs. This process is underway and it is anticipated that a new system can be installed by the end of the fiscal year. As for the need for a data processing manager, under the current system, management of the system has not been a serious problem. As long as responsibilities do not significantly expand I do not feel a separate position needs to be created. data processing system is expected to serve other departments, some consideration should be given to hiring a computer operator/ manager as the responsibilities expand. Probably more important than the question of a data processing manager, is the requirement for controls over the system data input and data files. There should be one centralized source for control of the data that goes into the system and the manage- ment of the data stored within the system. If the new - * October 26, 1979 I, Page 2 Under the current Finance Department structure, no one person has ultimate responsibility for data integrity. Although this is a shortcoming of the present system, I would recommend waiting until the administrative branch of City Hall has been reorganized and the Assistant Finance Director's position has been filled before any restructuring takes place. Also, the type of system chosen to replace the present computer may have some impact on the final assignment of responsibilities. COMPUTER OUTPUT The auditors' recommendation of instituting a fixed year-end cutoff date is well taken. Although it makes the year-end operations slightly more demanding on the individual departments, it will significantly improve the audit process, and in the long run the total accounting system. Where possible this year, all books will be closed as of June 30, rather than leaving the accounts open to collect straggling entries. We will discuss this further with representatives of George A. Peterson and Company to insure that the proper procedures are established. CASH Three comments were made regarding the keeping of the City's cash records. First, bank reconciliations have been prepared manually taking advantage of several accounting shortcuts. Basically, the auditors have asked that rather than combining the total amount of sequential outstanding checks, the checks should be listed separately on all bank reconciliations. This is relatively easy to accomplish and will be implemented immediately. The replacement of the computer system should improve the overall handling of bank reconciliations by offering computer generated listings of outstanding checks. Second, the year-end cuttoff process has caused considerable con- fusion. As indicated in a previous response the Finance Depart- ment will work with the auditors to establish a better control over year-end reports and cutoff dates. bank accounts, particular attention will be paid to establishing a feasible method for recording checks within the proper period. In the case of cash or Third, the City has entered into an agreement with R. L. Kautz, a workers compensation management firm, for the administration of the City's workers compensation claims. Until recently, Kautz had not been supplying sufficient documentation of checks written on the City's special workers compensation checking account. to the end of fiscal year 1978-79, Kautz began supplying all docu- mentation necessary to satisfy the auditors by adding a check register to their monthly reports. the audit staff and they now feel confident that sufficient docu- mentation does exist. Prior This has been discussed with - October 26, 1979 Page 3 INVENTORY During the last quarter of 1978-79 the Water Department lost several key employees who were directly responsible for the keeping of the water inventory system. This did have an affect on the integrity of the inventory records kept between April and June of 1979. As of the end of the fiscal year these employees had been replaced and were relatively well acquainted with the requirements of the sys tem . I will confirm with Mr. Greer that the water inventory system is now operating as it should. Both Mr. Greer and I will see that the appropriate employees have been trained in their functions. ENCUMBERANCES As of July 1, 1979, the Finance Department has amended its method of accounting for encumbered items as directed in the auditors' memo. We agree that this change is long overdue. Also, as the opportunity arises, we will be sending key department employees to relevant accounting classes Governmental Accounting Systems. to improve the level of knowledge of The revised encumberance system does require a considerable amount of additional effort due to the programs used by the Singer com- puter system. Hopefully, we will be able to improve this system through modifications to programs supplied with the proposed re- placement system. FIXED ASSETS There is no question that the present fixed asset system is severely lacking in controls. if kept up at the required level. if sufficient staff time could be invested to monitor the fixed asset files, record purchases, deletions or transfers, or tag new equipment. Of the many accounting functions, the fixed asset system has generally seemed to be the least pressing. I agree that a fixed asset inventory should be taken and that it would be desirable to perform this inventory in the near future. I do not, however, feel that the present functions of the Finance Department can be set aside long enough to do justice to the task at hand. I also do not feel that the issue is pressing enough to recommend that a consulting firm be retained as was done in 1975. Not that the system cannot work efficiently The system could be effective At this point in time, I recommend that this project be temporarily postponed until the reorganization of the administrative branch of City Hall has taken place and the ambulance billing and business license functions have been transferred to the Finance Department. I am sure that these moves will require some reorganization of the Finance Department and reassignment of duties. the Assistant FinanceDirector's position should be filled and functioning sufficiently to supervise the inventory process. Also by this time A - * October 26, 1979 F Page 4 ACCOUNTING RECORDS The microfilming of accounting records has been a subject of interest to our department for some time. During the past several years, the auditors have suggested this as a solution to the growing flood of paper our office has to store for varing lengths of time. There is no question that microfilmed records would save space. There is also the fact that if these records were microfilmed, we would be able to give up a storage shed now used for paper storage, thereby saving about $500 per year. I do not know the cost of a microfilming program and, therefore, cannot recommend that we enter into this as a solution to the problem. I would like to investigate this further and come back to the Manager with an analysis of the costs of a useable micro- filming system and present my recommendations at that time. I would like to express the department's thanks to Mr. Fil Rinoso and Mr. Steve Rice for their valuable assistance and patience during the course of this audit, Their professional knowledge and approach was a key factor in the success of the audit process, JAMES F, ELLIOTT Finance Director JEF : gb attachment CITY OF CARLSBAD REPORT ON FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (WITH SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL) YEAR ENDED JUNE 30. 1979 CITY OF CARLSBAD TABLE OF CONTENTS Exhibit Auditors' Report Financial Statements: Combined Balance Sheet - All Funds Combined Statement of Changes in Fund Balances General Fund - Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Encumbrances Special Revenue Funds - Combined Balance Sheet Other Special Revenue Funds - Combined Balance Sheet Special Revenue Funds - Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Encumbrances Other Special Revenue Funds - Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Encumbrances Special Revenue Funds - Combined Statement of Changes in Fund Balances Other Special Funds - Combined Statement of Changes in Fund Balances Debt Service Funds - Combined Balance Sheet Debt Service Funds - Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Fund Balances Sewer Construction (Capital Projects Fund) Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Fund Balance Water Department (Enterprise Fund) Statement of Operations Water Department (Enterprise Fund) Statement of Changes in Retained Earnings Water Department (Enterprise Fund) Statement of Changes in Financial Position A B C D- 1 D-la D- 2 D-2a D- 3 D-3a E-1 E-2 F G- 1 G- 2 G- 3 Page 1 2- 3 4 5 6 6a 7 7a 8 8a 9 10 11 12 13 14 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Exhibit Trust and Agency Funds Combined Balance Sheet Summary of Accounting Policies Notes to Financial Statements Supplemental Schedules: Combined Schedule of Investments Schedule of Utility Plant in Service Schedule of General Fixed Assets Schedule of General Obligation Bonds Payable Schedule of Water Revenue Bonds Payable Schedule of Revenues - General Fund Schedule of Expenditures and Encumbrances - General Fund H AA BB cc DD EE FF GG Page 15 16-17 18-23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 GEORGE A. PETERSON. C. P. A RICHARD E. EVANS, C. P, A. THOMAS J. BRADI, C. P. A. GEORGE A.PETERSON & Co. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 7816 IVANHOE AVENUE LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA 92037 TELEPHONE (714) 454-6176 MEMBERS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AUDITORS' REPORT Honorable City Council City of Carlsbad, California We have examined the financial statements of the various funds and account groups of the City of Carlsbad for the year ended June 30, 1979, listed in the foregoing table of contents. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the aforementioned financial statements present fairly the financial position of the various funds and account groups of the City of Carlsbad at June 30, 1979, and the results of operations of such funds and the changes in financial position of the Water Department Fund for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. The accompanying supplemental schedules and the columns on the accompanying combined balance sheet and combined state- ment of changes in fund balances captioned "Total - Memorandum only", are not necessary for a fair presentation of the financial statements, but are presented as additional analytical data. The supplemental schedules have been subjected to the tests and othkr auditing procedures applied in the examination of the financial statements listed in the foregoing table of contents and, in our opinion, are fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. GEORGE A. PETERSON & CO. -1- m r- d 0 m rl v u? u? v? 9. d co W OD N v? m d W d 9. rl u? - r- d W m N W - u? - q d W W m - m m m m m v? - W W M m m d - v? m r- M W m m N d 0 0 0 m v N d 0 0 0 r- P 0 N 0 0 0 P P In d 0 0 0 m M c\I 0 0 0 N OD m m m P W N 0 m 4 .-. $2 0 V4J 4 4J.n 9. mmmw m rnNOr-4 0 dPPW . .... m r-mmo N mdmm m NN E 3 5 rl c- rdax 4J hrl ooc I: E+ $0 W M W r- w m 1- N io 9. 9. m m m q rl u? v N m m rl 0 W m m m m W M m d u? P m Q1 W d m m u? W r- m m 0 N rl * In W 9. W 9. rl ii? W r- P m 0 W u? m m m m r- 9. N ii? m ln u a, (0 ln rd rl rd +J 0 €- TF 9. m m d 9. Tr 9. m W rl 9. .... ddmw m WdrlTF m 9. orl N in \D r-4 -I m m W M 9. In W m TF m rl CII rl E dk m a-4J LlE+n ala, mc uo c-7 c mn 9. N m m d 0 W m 9. d u) u c a, E e, u rd u VI d a ..-I V c rd c ..-I rcl 0 4J (0 a, 4J 0 c a c m u) m .4 V 4 d 0 a D c 4 4J c 7 0 O u a w 0 h L4 i 3 ln m C .4 h c 5 a E 0 U 5 a, a, m m mw N N OF- P P r-0 OM mm ~m dd Wd 9. m .. 0 w mo N m N md m W a- I M 9. M M m I N I In- Wd Inm N-4 .. N ow P Md w -9. . .. m NN N 9.N d m am o d NO 0 rl Inm w d a5 kC 03 CL a, u . .I w mw o 0 corn r- 9. 44 5 a, 5 I 7 52 ffl 5 c 0 n a aJln NU ..-I c ul L40 ov Em m .d ea 3 m .4 -1: 4 -x ww a, 4J- a X ..-I w d m h a, c a, 0 ml r- P m 0 W m wmw NNln dr-m mmv ... r-do WNm wo 40 r-0 r- W m 0 9. m m Q 9. a, a, q m rl ONOP -Ir-OP r-NO0 moor- coa,mm .I.. ~mmw N mcr WN mm wm crrl NO NW m m N 9. r- N m m m N Q r- N m Lo m, c -4 c Ll m V c vi rLl u m a m Nm 9. ~m i ='/ me d 0 0 0 m m 9. q 9. m m d cy d Q N In m 4 0 W m m m W W In rl Lo u c a, +J u Lo d m .4 V c m C .4 w 0 u m a, u 0 c V c m m .4 V .-! 4 0 a 0 c .r( 4 c 3 0 U id w 0 h 5 m m 2 E 3 Lo 0. c TI x c id a E 0 U id ar a, m a, um c alLc Lc E aa mu h c U&a,? mmua 5 ac mw a- 0 0 0 mr-w mmw mmd W rl r- q N 0 in 9. r- d Nor- m FOP w NOO m oor- m mmw N ... .. wmm w N ... mm~ mrlq N 9. N ln m rl m l-l N N m m (I, (I, mo WN em 00 44 .I Nm v, Wa, NW .so r-m Qrl l-l .. (I, Lo a arc 43 RW m XL. ma ar m cn N 0 0 P W m m N m 9. m m m Fi 4 I W I In W cy W Q rl m w m m N r- W m r- 0 rl m N r- W 0 m m cn m 0 ri N m w dal I - m m In -f d m m m rl m m d 0 m m 0 N - N W W m m r- rl m I? U 3 m VU ZZ W4 5, c 0 4 Lo m .r( c 0 u .--- w Id u 0 P a c 3 L , ,.I EXHIBIT B CITY OF CARLSBAD COMBINED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - ALL FUNDS Year ended June 30, 1979 General Fund Special Revenue Funds Balances, June 30, 1978 $3,855,776 Adjustment to prior year's accounts and taxes receivable Res tat ed Balances June 30, 1978 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expen- ditures and encumbrances Adjustment to prior year's en- cumbrances $1,114,839 Sewer Construction Debt (Capital Total Service Projects (Memorandum Funds Fund) Only) $104,107 $1,261,341 $6,336,063 116,011 116,011 -- 3,971,787 1,114,839 104,107 1,261,341 6,452,074 (982,978) 187,389 42,358 (67,458) (970,689) (23,728) 45,946 Change in reserve for continuing appropria- tion 255,963 (228,972) Inter f und transfers (3,241,397) 3,091,397 Balances, June 30, 1979 $ (20,353)$ 4,210,599 22,218 26,991 $146,465 $1,193,883 $5,530,594 See accompanying summary of accounting policies and notes to financial statements. -4- \ . ,', . EXHIBIT C CITY OF CARLSBAD GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES EXPENDITURES AN11 ENCUMBRANCES Year ended June 30, 1979 Revenues: (Exhibit FF) Taxes Licenses and permits Intergovernmental revenue Charges for services Fines and forfeitures Earnings on investments Miscellaneous Total revenues Final Budget $ 4,795,500 150,000 769 , 000 420,000 110 , 000 450,000 209,000 6,903,500 Expenditures and encumbrances: (Exhibit GG), General government Public Safety Public works Leases 6,209,759 2,700,391 1,333,670 231,658 Total expenditures and encumbrances Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures and encumbrances Actual $ 4,820,703 119,202 851 , 475 531,807 129 , 504 621,493 106,921 7,181,105 3,945,326 2,634,839 1,366,437 217,481 Over (Under) Budget $ 25,203 (30,798) 82 , 475 111,807 19,504 171,493 (102,079) 277,605 (2,264,433) (65 , 552) 32,767 (14,177) 10,475,478 8,164,083 (2,311,395) $(3,571,978) $ (982,978) $2,589,000 See accompanying summary of accounting policies and notes to financial statements. -5- rl l B a H I mo mo -m m 40 .. md W co mo no 030 .. mo r- m v? 00 mo mo W mo .. io wo 00 NO rl rl v? 40 mo mo m m d d v? mo mo do d N d v? 9.0 mo m N mo io mo 9.0 NO rlm d .. m v, WO NO mo m m In v? mo mo m0 .. mN m m m v, +J m Tr r- Tr m m m W W 0 rl m m N P 0 0 W N 4 N P W m N d rl d m m r( 9. W 9. t. W m m - N W m cf m rl v N 9. 9. d rl 0 rl P r- m W rl 9. m rl N d P r- m rl rl N d W rl m d N W m m ml m 21 N 01 aJ u C m d 5 a 2 [ir m m m m W m m v? m m Q' m r- v, m 0 m m m m v? N 9. w rl rl v? rl N 0 m m N rl io r- m m m N -l v? N N P m m U? W W r- m m d v? d r- r- W v? m m W r- r- m m 0 W v? fflw aJu Ti c urn .rl rl dim .4 R R mQ .4 c d3 w mrcf uc om f-. 7- ffi H % w I m -lo WO mo WN 9.4 co .. iJ? iJ? -r m 9. m io v? m m Ln m W r- v? 0 m In m m v, N 9. 9. d d v? iJ? P m m W N d (0. N N r- W v? m W W r- m m d io d ml m m io m P r- m 0 W io m m +J ar ffl (0 m 4 m 4 0 €4 0 0 0 d m N P m m 0 W 0 0 m rl m rl N r- W 0 m W 0 C 4 zl c 4 tJ cv) oc uo .ri L.u om w .r( L. aJa BO $4 L U Rd Loa ma a rl W m cn m 9. m cf m W m m 4 0 rl 9. d W W rl m 0 W W d m m r. 0 d W m 0 .rf u 4 rl .rf a -4 rl 7- 5 ci 0 E+ 9. m LTl N d m N 9. m I k rl 0 ca m a0 c 0 ffl.4 7 ocuh 4mm k+J €+ 0 rl m W N m 40 9.9 dW m N w 0 N N m 0 In rl N m N 2- I m 0 cf m d E w w 3: w w u 2 5 2 m c 0 I .ria 4 m c uffl7 K Oh 4v aJ k W m m 4 0 rl co tn uc m 4 a ffluc kr: 7 u tnf4 m TI d r- W rl m I W I 0 +J ffl m u 0 r- 0 r- 9. m m 0 ID W d v, V w PI m 0 0 0 r-W NW 9.0 .. mm dd 0 N m v? u C 7 0 U V m OW Wrl Pcf NN cfN .I ffl a K m 9. m m N r- mo WN em ~m .- 00 dd v, d m +J 0 b w 0 x Li tr, C .-! h L2 5 0. E 0 u u m m aJ m m rl b E H H m X x w b w w X rn I a ox d4J va mccc >WW3 W E ma art e: rl m CI 0 E- rn E w Lo VI 4 (It In0 40 mo rl rl ri (It - o m r rl - v) mo 1-0 wo mo N _. v) 00 00 00 do U m .. (It mo no d0 00 NW 4 N .. v) 0 0 0 0 0 0 rl (It u? - l- rl m m N VI - - mo mo In d 10 .- -m W P) v) 0 Ln om 1) 0 :I Nm NP- W mo m a v) in I (It (It v) m m 4 0 W rl N (It 0 0 0 0 0 0 rl in (It - 11) m m m m m W m (It m u W m m m rl m CI 0 i- ul N o rl v) N 0 P ri if? m (It 4 N m (It (It (It (It mu mw ww rlP (It v) wcp rlW riu ww .. mr- (It m V fflc 47 PW xbl ar u mo ma u CO 7u vm 07 4n m N 9. ri N 0 0 P rl rl N m N 0 N m m 0 Ln N rl rl m m W .4 u .rl d .rl a .rl 4 d u 0 i- m m cp N N i' m m rl 0 W d N 0 0 0 0 0 0 rl v) 11) - v) (It (IF W M rl 0 ri N v) 0 0 0 0 0 0 rl 11) m v) - (It m in m In 0 W M v) I W I m 0' c Lnffl rl mu 7 .i c C +m 4 .r. d cm 4 P oc a m'o h+J u 47 om c w w-4 m rl ).I rl ma ma m uc 30 P om &h E- ffla 72 ma c ffld 7 aa u rlm u.2 m 4c 0' P P N d 0 m zy d K 5 K .d ow 0 rl P W W .- ffl a, u -0 Q c m m m P W 72 K 7 0 0 5 u-l 0 N l a 9. 0 9. W N m 0 P m P m 0 W m m m W m Q) 4 m P 0 m m W 0 m .- r- P m 0 ri N m W W m 9. m m 0 N m N W .- P m W W d m (0 a, 7 C a, > a, L. d m u 0 W cf cf N m W rl m Lq N m 0 m W m P rl N 01 9. 0 01 rl m W P 9. P r- 0 0 0 N m N W W W N m 0 0 0 m U N N m .- .- 0 m d 9. 0 cf W N m P P m W m P W 0 m d In N W m 9. N .-I W W P .- N N t3 I m m m 4 4 - u? N zy 0 d * m m io- ! u? H - P m 0 m W .- ri u? - - m m 0 W N * N N In 0 9. d * - - - h m In N .- N io- m - ,-. E n X X LJ m H N 0 P m P 9 v) -I u? t3 I 0 0 N m N m 03 Tl P m 9. 0 0 0 0 rl N 0 0 m m 9. W 0 0 0 N N m 0 m W m P N 9. 0 4 m m W m P cp P u? 0 W m m m W m m N q q W W N 0 .- m 9. m m In P W W N m m m N m I & .- 0 CQ LO K u m.4 3 0 C4JL c-la5 L!4J €- 0 m m m * u? W W .- 0 N vt N W m -s W .- t3 - v) u? io- io- io- m 0 m m N .o a 2 v) u? ri W m P u? I P I m 9. W P 0 0 0 N m W 0. m W N N 9. .- P W 9. m m 0 N m m W m .- m .- ::I m P 0 m LnIn 001 m0 !n m m P m 9. m P N v) v) u? P m w wo m w w om 0 m 9. mr- mm om NW ww mN 4 .. N P N m .9. :I 1 - .-I . . - .. m m m WP r- 4 0 mm NWNW w? u?" u a, m LIh .- ln tJ, K h K a .4 E U m a, a, m '0 7 n ha, 5 7u K X UC m W 3 z W a Y .4 u ffl w L. a, 3. 0 wu 1Lz xw w rriV 4JK om E i l a ox duum accc sua3 aJ E tnL a< a, a (It 5 N l a b H m 3: X w H m N -? 4 0 r- m m P rl m m m 0 N I-( W m m m m m m m W 9. U W m 4 m m W N Lo ULo ha, 3v crc 5 PLI a3 xu aJc aJ 4 m5 4Jc 05 E 2-2 m N cr rl m N U 4 (It 0 P m m r- rl (It m m m 0 N ut rl -? m (It - 0 W m m - (It m W W W W ut m m P r( N N ut c, a, D P 3 a I h a 5 c 3 h a, s 0 - m N -? r( v (It ut m cod I 41 u? ut 0 P m m N d (It m N N m rl (It 0 r- m m N (It (It m m m m W (It W 0 W W N m (It u a, tn 5 3 a - LI a, 3 h aJ > 0 2 - m m W N N .-I m m W W ,- m m m m W 0 W 4 m 0 N 0 P m m N rl m N N m 4 0 m r- m N m m m m W U 0 v W m N Lo a, 3 c ar > aJ LI rl m u 0 E - 0 0 W m - (It 0 P W P rl m (It m m m 0 N W P d m v ut (It" m -? W N N (It OI u? ut I 5 r- I NO Wr- W 4 m m W m m P I" m W r- N ut m W U W W o? a [i z H m I: 0 V In r' P m W N p\ (It (It x u Llm cuc 5 ch 5m tn C n m Id .rl rl I drl ma, I d $1 €4 0 A W 05 m 0 N - (R W 4 m In m N (R 0 0 0 0 W * r- r- q 0 4 w N 0 m -J rl w v) N p. w m v) 0 m P u) ih rl In N In N 4 (R 4 q P W m (R W rl W N m N (R m m m -s d 4 rl (R m am Ud m- p. F 0 cv P 0 -? rl v - N W m m w rl Y m W m m W r. d 0 r- m cv q m m W 0 m d 0 rl m m w In 0 rl rl - 4 rl P 0 W m m - W rl u) 0 N m m m m W P ” m I N P m m m rl Y I 0 0 0 m m - 1 N r- 0, m N N - m m m m m d Tr I - P m m m m ” 0 am c!4 1m 4w LIm a,c cL4 HU clm m a, c, 0 a c d 0 a F c 4 4J c 7 0 0 Id w 0 X I in F c .rl G c Id a E 0 u m ar v) m m Q I wE+m m6.a Oln - In N -3 d v - 0 0 m m - m m CT N N - In m m Ln m - m 00 v - a 0 d m U - m W P m W r- m m d 0 03 d N 0 0 0 0 0 0 d - W d m W 5 c m 2: 30 wu uvl oc clm CLI I-u t m I m EXHIBIT E-1 CITY OF CARLSBAD DEBT SERVICE FUNDS COMBINED BALANCE SHEET June 30, 1979 Library Sewer Bond Bond Total Fund Fund ASSETS Cash Investments, at cost Accounts and taxes receivable Accrued interest receivable Total FUND BALANCES $(96,614) $(1,985) $(94,629) 239,000 89,000 150,000 2,565 486 2,079 1,514 735 779 $146,465 $88,236 $ 58,229 $146,465 $88,236 $ 58,229 See accompanying summary of accounting policies and notes to financial statements. -9- EXHIBIT E-2 CITY OF CARLSBAD DEBT SERVICE FUNDS COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCES Year ended June 30, 1979 Revenues : Taxes Earnings on investments Total revenues Estimate Over (under) budget Expenditures: Debt service Appropriation Over (under) budget Library Bond Total Fund $173,520 $ 28,656 9,903 5,205 183,423 33,861 174,500 32,000 $ 8,923 $ 1,861 $141,065 $ 19,285 149,893 19,000 Excess of revenues over expenditures $ 42,358 $ 14,576 Fund balances, June 30, 1978 104,107 73 , 660 Fund balances, June 30, 1979 $146,465 $ 88,236 Sewer Bond Fund $144,864 4.698 149,562 142,500 $ 7,062 $121 , 780 130,893 $ (9,113) $ 27,782 30,447 $ 58,229 See accompanying summary of accounting policies and notes to financial statements. -10- EXHIBIT F CITY OF CARLSBAD SEWER CONSTRUCTION (CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND) STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCE Year ended June 30, 1979 Revenues : Capital contributions Sewer line costs Earnings on investments Total revenues Estimate Over (under) budget Expenditures: Sewer construction Appropriation Over (under) budget $ 204,264 3 , 851 134 , 774 342 , 889 $ 2,889 410,347 715.400 $ (305,053) Excess of revenues over expenditures Fund balance, June 30, 1978 $ (67,458) 1,261,341 Fund balance, June 30, 1979 $1,193,883 See accompanying summary of accounting policies and notes to financial statements. -11- EXHIBIT G-1 CITY OF CARLSBAD WATER DEPARTMENT (ENTERPRISE FUND) STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS Year ended June 30, 1979 Operating revenues: Water sales Connection charges and other fees Total operating revenues \ Operating expenses: Water production and purification Water transmission and distribution General and administrative Total operating expenses Operating income Non-operating revenue: Earnings on investments Non-operating expenses: Interest and fiscal agents' fees $1,308,601 12,240 1,320,841 711 , 563 291,996 266,277 1,269,836 51,005 153,297 204,302 85,602 Net income $ 118,700 See accompanying summary of accounting policies and notes to financial statements. -12- EXHIBIT G-2 CITY OF CARLSBAD WATER DEPARTMENT (ENTERPRISE FUND) STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS Year ended June 30, 1979 Balance at beginning pf year Add: net income for the year $2,731,749 118,700 Deduct : Increase in reserve for bond debt service Balance at end of year 2,850,449 66,190 $2,784,259 See accompanying summary of accounting policies and notes to financial statements. -13- EXHIBIT G-3 CITY OF CARLSBAD WATER DEPARTMENT (ENTERPRISE FUND) STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION Year ended June 30, 1979 SOURCE OF FUNDS Operations : - Net income Items not requiring current outlay of funds: Depreciation and amortization Total operations Decreases in restricted assets Increase in reserve for construction Contributions Decrease in working capital Total APPLICATION OF FUNDS Additions to utility plant in service Retirement of revenue bonds Increase in construction in progress Increase in restricted assets Total VARIOUS ELEMENTS OF NET DECREASE IN WORKING CAPITAL Cash Investments Accounts receivable Accrued interest receivable Inventory Prepaid expenses Accounts payable Due to general fund Bonds payable--current portion Accrued interest payable Deposits $118 , 700 133,743 252,443 47 350 30 185 119,968 14,412 $464,358 $197,402 95,000 29,157 142,799 $464 358 $ (31,471) 40,010 (9,481) 708 (30,928) 1,554 20,240 -0- (5,000) 2 806 (2,850) Total See accompanying summary of accounting policies and notes to financial statements. -14- EXHIBIT H Total ASSETS CITY OF CARLSBAD TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS COMBINED BALANCE SHEET June 30, 1979 Cash $ 283,814 Investments, at cost ~,249,000 Accounts receivable Accrued interest receivable 4,145 Total assets $1,536,959 LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ 74,619 Deposits 1 , 462,340 Total liabilities $1,536,959 Trust Trust Sewer Funds Funds- Revolving Payroll Miscel- Fund (Note 9) laneous $ 884 $214,814 $ 67,332 57 , 000 294,000 4,145 $ 57,884 $214,814 $365,477 $ 81 $ 64,814 $ 2,983 57,803 150,000 362,494 $ 57,884 $214,814 $365,477 Contractors $ 784 898,000 $898,784 $ 6,741 892,043 $898,784 See accompanying summary of accounting policies and notes to financial statements. -15- CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounting policies of the city conform to generally accepted accounting principles as applicable to governmental units. The following is a summary of the significant policies. BASIS OF ACCOUNTING The General, Special Revenue and Debt Service Funds are maintained on the modified accrual basis of accounting. Under this method, revenues are generally recorded when considered to be both measurable and available, otherwise when received in cash. Expenditures are generally recorded when incurred or encumbered, except prepaid expenses, which normally are not recorded and interest on long-term debt, which is considered an expenditure when due. The Capital Projects, Enterprise and Trust and Agency Funds are maintained on an accrual basis of accounting. Such method provides an accruate matching of revenues with asso- ciated benefits. UTILITY PLANT IN SERVICE The Water Department utility plant in service is stated at cost. Expenditures for additions, renewals and betterments are capitalized; expenditures for maintenance and repairs are charged to expenses as incurred. Upon retirement or disposal of assets, the cost and accumulated depreciation are eliminated from the accounts and the resulting gain or loss is included in income. Depreciation is computed on the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the assets. GENERAL FIXED ASSETS General fixed assets purchased are recorded as expenditures in the respective funds at time of purchase. Such assets are capitalized at cost in the general fixed assets group of accounts except for streets and sidewalks. No depreciation has been pro- vided on general fixed assets. -16- (Continued) CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES GENERAL FIXED ASSETS (Continued) In recognition of current interpretations of accounting principles relative to leasehold interests, certain lands and buildings being leased by the City under lease contracts con- sidered to be noncancellable, were capitalized at cost in General Fixed Assets. The unpaid portions of lease rentals allocable to cost (principal) are set up in the appropriate liability accounts. -17- CITY OF CARLSBAD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 1--CASH AND INVESTMENTS The City maintains one general bank account for all funds. Investments are purchased through this account and are then allocated to the respective funds based upon excess cash balances. Included in the general fund cash of $(188,336) is $3,399 kept in a separate checking account which is used for workmen's com- pensation payments administered by an agent. NOTE 2--RESTRICTED ASSETS At June 30, 1979 the use of certain Water Department assets is restricted as follows: For construction: Cash Investments Accrued interest receivable $ -0- 375,982 4,290 Total For debt service: Cash Cash with fiscal agent Investments Accrued interest receivable Total For customers' meter deposits: Cash Total restricted assets 380,272 -0- 137 , 799 557 , 864 4,130 699,793 25,144 $1,105,209 - (continued) -18- CITY OF CARLSBAD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 3--WATER REVENUE BONDS PAYABLE Water revenue bonds payable are special obligations of the City and are secured by a lien on gross revenues of the Water Department. At June 30, 1979 authorized but unissued 1970 revenue bonds amounted to $575,000. The bond resolutions require the City to impose taxes and charges sufficient to maintain net revenue coverage of 1.35 times maximum debt service requirements in any future year and 1 times any other obligations payable by the Water Department. Net revenues for these purposes in the year ended June 30, 1979 fulfilled these requirements. Also, pursuant to the bond resolutions, the City has maintained the required insurance coverage to the extent reasonably necessary to pro- tect the City and the bondholders. NOTE 4--RETIREMENT PLAN The City's trusteed retirement plan is mandatory for all full-time and regular part-time employees from the first day of employment. For the year ended June 30, 1979 the City contributed 9.406% of salary for miscellaneous employees and 17.878% of salary for safety employees. Miscellaneous employees contribute 7% of the remainder of total salary less $61 for all salaries over $184. Those with salaries less than $184 contri- bute 7%. The safety employees contribute 5.64% to 11.65% based on age upon beginning service with 'the City, of 100% of monthly salary. The charge to expenditures for the plan was $550,586 for the year ended June 30, 1979. NOTE 5--VACATION AND SICK PAY BENEFITS As of June 30, 1979, employees of the City had earned but not taken vacation and sick leave benefits which, at their current salary rates on such date, amounted to approximately (Continued) -19- CITY OF CARLSBAD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 5--VACATION AND SICK PAY BENEFITS (Continued) $536,000. their employment, the City is committed to make cash payments to them on termination or retirement at the salary rates then in effect. Under existing policy , Police and Fire Department employees are eligible to receive one-fourth to one-half of their accumulated and unused sick leave for those retiring employees who have worked over ten years and over fifteen years, respectively. If annual leave is not taken by the employees during NOTE 6--LEASED PROPERTY UNDER CAPITAL LEASE The City participated with the County of San Diego in the Carlsbad Building Authority under a joint-powers agreement, dated October 1, 1967, for the construction of a Civic Center and its subsequent use by the City. The City is obligated to pay an annual base rental of $36,000 plus amounts necessary for other specified expenses of the Authority as provided for by the lease. The lease shall remain in effect for forty years from the date of the agreement or until all revenue bonds assumed by the Authority and interest due on the bonds have been paid or provided for, whichever shall occur first. The property shall automatically vest to the City at the end of the term of the lease. The City's leasehold interest has been valued at $460,201 which represents the discounted value of the total lease payments to be paid under the lease. The lease obligation has beenmlued at the discounted value of the remaining annual lease payments as of June 30, 1979 at $334,619. The City participated with the City of Oceanside under an agreement dated May 16, 1978, for the purchase of an automated circulation system for their respective libraries. The City's share of the purchase price is $102,025. The lease obligation has been valued at the discounted value of the total remaining (Continued) -20- CITY OF CARLSBAD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 6--LEASED PROPERTY UNDER CAPITAL LEASE (Continued) annual lease payments (5-year lease purchase agreement) as of June.30, 1979 at $79,225. The City is currently negotiating a lease with the City of Oceanside whereby the City will lease public parking near a major shopping center from the City of Oceanside for a total rental of $700,040 ($70,000 annually for each of the first ten years and $1 annually for each of the remaining forty years of a fifty-year lease.) NOTE 7--RENTALS UNDER OPERATING LEASES On August 18, 1969, the City entered into an agreement with Rancho La Costa, Inc. to lease the Fire Station No. 2 for a monthly rental of $775, plus taxes and certain operating costs. The lease terminated August 17, 1979. Under an agreement, dated August 21, 1969 with the Parking Authority of the City of Carlsbad, the City has leased the off-street parking facilities surrounding the Plaza Camino Real Shopping Center. The City has agreed to pay an annual rental of $138,400, plus taxes, insurance and other operating costs. The lease terminates on the date the revenue bonds issued by the Parking Authority have been retired or provision for payments made. The last of the bonds mature October 1, 1995, but are callable from October 1, 1979. On November 21, 1972, the City entered into an agreement with the Tri-City Auto Dealers Association for the construction of a road and its subsequent use by the City. The City is obligated to pay an annual rental of $54,658 through 1983, subject to certain conditions to be met by the Association. The following is a schedule by years of minimum future rentals on non-cancellable operating leases as of June 30, 1979: (Continued) -21- CITY OF CARLSBAD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 7--RENTALS UNDER OPERATING LEASES (Continued) Year ending June 30, 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Later years Total minimum future rentals NOTE 8--PARK-IN-LIEU FUND $ 194,220 193 , 058 193 , 058 193,058 138,400 1,557,000 $2,468,794 The Fund requires subdividers of land to dedicate a portion of the land or pay a fee for the purpose of providing park and recreational facilities. The amount of land required to be dedicated is based on the gross area of the subdivision determined by a density formula. In some instances a fee is required to be paid in lieu of land dedication. The amount of the fee is based upon the fair market value of land required to be dedicated. As of June 30, 1979, eleven park lands have been dedicated for which values have not been assigned. Ten park lands have been designated for dedication. NOTE 9--SELF-INSURANCE/WORKERS' COMPENSATION The City adopted a self-insurance/workers' compensation plan which went into effect September 1, 1978. An initial reserve of $150,000 has been set up for this purpose and included with deposits in the payroll trust fund. (Continued) -22- CITY OF CARLSBAD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 10--FUNDS ESTABLISHED IN FISCAL YEAR 1978-1979 Maintenance and Operation Reserve Fund This fund was created to meet the City's fluctuating need for operating funds. The sum of $1,000,000 has been appropriated from the unappropriated General Fund balance. Capital Construction Reserve Fund This fund was created to accumulate long-term capital improvement program developed by the City. The initial funding was provided by appropriations of $800,000 from the unappropriated Fund balance and $1,380,138 from the continuing appropriation account of the General Fund. Gas Tax Construction Reserve Fund This Fund was created to carry over funds from year to year for the purpose of accumulating funds for capital projects. The initial funding was provided by appropria- tions of $190,000 from the unappropriated Fund balance and $151,000 from the continuing appropriation account of the Special Gas Tax Street Improvement Fund. -23- EXHIBIT AA CITY OF CARLSBAD COMBINED SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS June 30, 1979 Description Certificates of Deposit: Rancho Santa Fe Savings & Loan Glendale Federal Savings Allstate Savings & Loan Association San Diego Federal Savings & Loan The Chartered Bank of London First National Bank of San Diego County Bank of America Security Pacific National Bank Coast Federal Savings & Loan Association La Jolla Bank & Trust La Jolla Bank & Trust La Jolla Bank & Trust La Jolla Bank & Trust Central Federal Savings & Loan Association Crocker National Bank Crocker National Bank Crocker National Bank First Federal Savings & Loan Association Southwest Bank Southwest Bank Southwest Bank Southwest Bank Southwest Bank Southwest Bank Southwest Bank Southwest Bank Southwest Bank Southwest Bank Hawthorne Savings & Loan Association First Federal Savings & Loan Association Gibraltar Savings & Loan Association California Federal Savings of Santa Monica of San Diego Savings Account: Bank of America Total investments Interest Rate Amount 10.750 10.750 10.600 10.875 10.375 10.000 10.375 10.000 10.750 10.750 10.500 10.300 10.000 10.500 10.250 10.250 11.375 10.625 9.900 11.000 10.600 10.600 10.650 10.650 10.250 10.250 10.250 10.375 11.500 9.000 10.875 10.500 $ 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 150,000 500,000 900 , 000 100,000 300,000 100,000 500,000 600 , 000 100,000 600,000 2,000,000 100,000 100,000 600 , 000 1,200,000 500 ,000 300,000 500,000 500 , 000 500,000 375,000 500,000 800,000 100 , 000 100,000 100 , 000 100 , 000 5.000 11,378 $12,036,378 See accompanying summary of accounting policies and notes to financial statements. -24- c 0 .rl 4J m TI V a, k a (II a, 0. Ll m ar: a,u :I d 0 N M 01 W 9. 9. 4 N m m. 03 W 0 ri m W W 0 rl m W W 0 r- 9. W a P W 0 9. W m 9. 9. m m N 9. ID \D W d m W W W m m W rl m m 9. r- Ln 9. N m m r- 9. 4 W W 0 W m m m Ln 0 N r- m m rl N W W W rl Ln W a m r- W rl W W Ln P rl W W m P m 4 a co W W m 9. W W N r- a m P rl m W m m m rl W Ln m P P W m P W rl W W m m W 0 W W r- m rl W N N N rl W W 9. 0 0 9. r- d 9. Ln m m m 0 m W W r- N m 0 N m m Ln W P r- m 9. rl 9. 7- r- m 9. rl cfl rl ffl 0 KK 0 .d rl Lo fflK .rl 0 E fflu K7 mn )i .r( c,L4 c, klP. m .r( Ea ha kK aJ5 E- l W 0 W N 0 W l a P m 0 N W 9. P m 9. rl :I El ffl a, u .r( ? a, ffl '0 m ffl h aJ +J aJ A I m rl W 9. N v, W N W m m rl v) m Y 0 W Ln a rl W N W W !In r- N m m 0 r- P N m m a m W N ln +J K a L4 T! h G a Ll .d L. u? 0 Y ln m 00 r. a, c, 0 K 9. T2 c a ffl aJ w VI 0 u u? 9. mw pa m Lnw P P mm 0 m rl .. .d u .d ri 0 a ts K .r( v, +J c 7 0 0 m w 0 h i! ? 0 ma am K" 1 b P Ln W m W W 0 rl 9. W W W W rl 0 N W W 9. m Ln W m m r- r- m N Ln 0 rl P QI N P Ln 9. m W In m a W m N N a, N r- W 5 +J m [r K a r: a .d h c a E 0 u m C 0 .rl a E am Llo a .r( +Ju 00 mm '0 C m +J K a, E a 3 tr W .?I u m u Lo 0 +J ? d T3T3 CK r-i ma rl .ri 2 ffi EXHIBIT CC Land Buildings Other improvements Furniture and equipment Leased property under capital lease (Note 6) Total general fixed assets CITY OF CARLSBAD SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS Year ended June 30, 1979 Balance Balance June 30, 1978 Additions Disposals June 30, 1979 $ 336,174 $ $2,289 $ 333,885 689,985 689,985 2,432,224 47,915 2,480 , 139 1,481,188 470,761 460,201 102,025 $5,399,772 $620,701 4,660 $6,949 - 1,947,289 562,226 $6,013,524 See accompanying summary of accounting policies and notes to financial statements. -26- EXHIBIT DD 1962 Sewer Bonds Series A 1962 Sewer Bonds Series B 1962 Sewer Bonds Series C CITY OF CARLSBAD SCHEDULE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS PAYABLE June 30, 1979 1966 Library Bonds Years of Maturity July 1 1980-82 1983-87 1988 July 1, 1980-86 1987-88 1989-90 1991 July 1 1980-81 1982-84 1985-86 1987 1988-91 Interest Rate Principal Due each Year Amount Due on June 30, 1979 3.50% 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.70 3.70 3.75 January 1, 1980-82 4.50 1983-89 4.50 1990-91 4.50 1992 4.50 $ 30,000 40,000 50,000 40,000 40,000 90,000 100,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 Total general obligation bonds payable $ 90,000 200,000 50,000 280,000 80,000 180,000 100,000 30,000 60,000 40,000 25,000 100,000 30,000 105,000 40,000 25,000 Total $ 340,000 640,000 255,000 200,000 $1,435,000 See accompanying summary of accounting policies and notes to financial statements. -27- EXHIBIT EE CITY OF CARLSBAD SCHEDULE OF WATER REVENUE BONDS PAYABLE June 30, 1979 Amount Principal Due on Years of Interest Due each June 30, Maturity Rate Year 1979 Total WATERWORKS REVENUE BONDS, 1958 July 1, 1979-81 4.25% $ 35,000 $105,000 1982-84 4.25 40,000 120,000 1985 4.10 40,000 40,000 1986-87 4.10 45 , 000 90,000 1988 4.10 47,000 47,000 Total $ 402,000 WATERWORKS REVENUE BONDS, 1960 July 1, 1979 4.25 5 , 000 5,000 1980-86 4.25 10 , 000 70,000 1987-88 4.00 15,000 30 , 000 1989 4.00 60,000 60 , 000 1990 3.875 65 , 000 65,000 Total WATERWORKS REVENUE BONDS, 1970 - Series A July 1, 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989-90 Total 7.00 6.00 6.15 6.30 6.40 6.50 6.60 6.70 6.80 6.90 6.00 Total water revenue bonds payable 55,000 55,000 60,000 60,000 65,000 75,000 80,000 85,000 90,000 95,000 100,000 230,000 55 , 000 55,000 60,000 60,000 65,000 75,000 80 , 000 85 , 000 90,000 95,000 200,000 920,000 $1,552,000 See accompanying summary of accounting policies and notes to financial statements. -28- P EXHIBIT FF CITY OF CARLSBAD Year ended June 30, 1979 SCHEDULE OF REVENUES - GENERAL FUND Taxes : Property taxes Sales and use taxes Transient lodging taxes Franchises Business licenses Real property transfer taxes Total $1,460,418 2 , 389 , 832 499,448 141,189 186 , 845 142,971 4.820.703 Licenses and Permits: Construction permits 119,202 Intergovernmental Revenue: Alcoholic beverage licenses Vehicle licenses-in-lieu Grants Homeowners and business property taxes Highway users tax Cigarette taxes 13 , 357 494,190 19 , 502 152 , 900 4,042 167,484 Total Charges for Services: Zoning and subdivision fees Sale of maps and publications Plan checking fees Engineering fees Library fees Ambulance fees Refuse disposal charges Recreation fees Total Fines and Forfeitures: Vehicle code fines Earnings on Investments Miscellaneous: Reimbursed expenditures Other revenues Total Total Revenues 851 , 475 13 , 413 12,394 86 ,'895 71 , 352 8,182 28,638 300 , 222 10,711 531 , 807 129 , 504 621,493 38 , 769 68,152 106 , 921 $7,181,105 See accompanying summary of accounting policies and notes to financial statements. -29- CITY OF CARLSBAD EXHIBIT GG SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES - GENERAL PUND Year ended June 30, 1979 General Government: City Council City Manager City Clerk General government City Finance Director City Treasurer City Attorney Personnel administration Planning Purchasing Parks and Recreation Library Non-departmental: Capital improvements Insurance and bonds Community promotion Auditing Dues and memberships 1911 Act expense Senior citizens Retirement Community assistance Final Budset Actual $ 24,147 108 , 094 76 , 656 201,465 51,206 3,470 163,132 79 , 106 321,587 22 , 307 737,492 604 , 242 2,344 , 026 789,366 34,000 3,000 14 , 050 5,800 28 , 361 594 , 172 4,080 $ 23,769 108,735 72,414 185,978 51,915 2,491 159,646 76,087 230 , 708 21,292 542,116 573,523 Over (Under) Budget 476,720 (1,867,306) 689,525 (99 , 841) 34,958 958 3,025 25 10 , 058 (3,992) 5,621 (179) 30 , 219 1,858 4 , 800 720 641,726 47,554 Total 6,209,759 3,945,326 (2,264,433) Public Safety: Police protection Fire protection Building regulation Civil defense 1,382,881 1,378,237 (4 , 644) 1,074,003 1,055,814 (18,189) 241,807 198 , 827 (42,980) 1 , 700 1,961 261 Total 2,700,391 2,634,839 (65,552) Public Works: Engineering 352 , 263 317,589 (34,674) Streets 575,028 517,852 (57,176) Mechanical maintenance 16 , 613 36 , 576 19,963 Public works administration 100,813 108,814 8,001 Utilities maintenance director 25,428 30 , 839 5,411 Waste collection 222 , 185 321 , 459 99,274 General government buildings 41,340 33,308 (8 , 032) Total 1,333,670 1,366,437 32,767 Leases -____ 231,658 217 , 481 (14 , 177) Total Expenditures and Encumbrances $10,475,478 $8,164,083 $(2,311,395) See accompanying summary of accounting policies and notes to financial statements. -30- CITY OF CARLSBAD WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT ON FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (WITH SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL) TWO YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 1979 i Auditors' Report Financial Statements: CITY OF CARLSBAD WATER DEPARTMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS Exhibit Page Balance Sheet Statement of Operations Statement of Changes in Retained Earnings Statement of Changes in Financial Position Summary of Accounting Policies Notes to Financial Statements Supplemental Schedules: Analysis of Restricted Funds Analysis of Changes in Utility Plant in Service Schedule of Revenue Bonds Payable Analysis of Reserve for Construction Analysis of Reserves for Bond Debt Service Schedule of Operating Expenses AA BB cc DD EE FF 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 GEORGE A. PETERS0N.C. P, A. RICHARD E. EVANS, C. P, A. THOMAS J. BRADY, C. P. A. GEORGE A.PETERSON & Co. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 7816 IVANHOE AVENUE LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA 92037 TELEPHONE (714) 454-6176 MEMBERS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF CERTIFIED PUELIC ACCOUNTANTS AUDITORS' REPORT Honorable City Council City of Carlsbad, California We have examined the balance sheet of the City of Carlsbad Water Department as of June 30, 1979 and 1978, and the related statements of income and retained earnings, and changes in financial position for the years then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the aforementioned financial statements present fairly the financial position of the City of Carlsbad Water Department as of June 30, 1979 and 1978, and the results of operations and changes in financial position for the years then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting princi- ples applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. The accompanying supplemental schedules are not necessary for a fair presentation of the financial statements, but are pre- sented as additional analytical data. The supplemental schedules have been subjected to the tests and other auditing procedures applied in the examination of the financial statements listed in the foregoing table of contents and, in,our opinion, are fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. GEORGE A. PETERSON & CO. September 4, 1979 -1- mmom inmmw mmwm .... ddFi.3 r-l I I 0 m a, c 1 r, m m P .-I m Tz m d moo ma^ ~~mm dm Ir-OIIs o... mm m o in ", N . 0 rl mm Nin rum m-. wrl w r- in w r- ... I N N m m -F W 4 r- N U 0 N N m on CI I d q N 0 m q r- d m a, .rl u + rl .rl a .rl d d m u 0 I? I I. mow oom in In m ... 000 ,I <', )I, U r- a a 0 PI d a Is m r- m d m m a, > a, -0) a, rl m u 0 E- m a P It 0 M a, 3 9 m P m rl Nor- r-or- NO0 ... oor- minm mmW I $ w a, d R x m a - E 0 u-r a, d R - w w v) z E- 3 d E- Z 0 V 2 m H a H 4 I? m ti c x W* H 0 u -0) a, +J 0 I oommmw mor-mr-o NdPJOOrl :I N N m W N in m I ...... mmommo rlrndcorl d m m a u -0) u a, -0) -0) m m 4 u w 0 x -0) u a, m -0) m m u al m m m a, c,u moa, orl L-u UR -0) *>moa, m.4 a, m muom a u U .4 L- L! u c a, I4 7 0 E- L- al .c u 0 (0 a, L, rl rd L) 0 E- -. m rl u 0 E m u 0 E- a, .rl a,w Lo J u EXHIBIT B CITY OF CARLSBAD WATER DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS Year ended June 30, 1979 1978 OPERATING REVENUES Water sales $1,308,601 $1,238,171 Connection charges and other fees 12 , 240 43,527 Total operating revenues 1 , 320,841 1,281,698 OPERATING EXPENSES (Exhibit FF) Operating income NON-OPERATING REVENUE Earnings on investments 1,023 , 717 51,005 257 , 981 1,269 , 836 153,297 106,497 204,302 364,478 NON-OPERATING EXPENSES Interest and fiscal agent's fees 85,602 91,245 NET INCOME $ 118,700 $ 273,233 See accompanying summary of accounting policies and notes to financial statements. -3- CITY OF CARLSBAD WATER DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS Balance at beginning of year Add net income for the year Deduct Amount appropriated for property acquisition Increase in reserve for bond debt service Balance at end of year EXHIBIT C - Year ended June 30, 1979 1978 $2,731,749 $2,865,234 118 , 700 273,233 2,850,449 3,138 , 467 -0- 350 , 000 1 66 , 190 56,718 66 , 190 406,718 See accompanying summary of accounting policies and notes to financial statements. -4- EXHIBIT D CITY OF CARLSBAD WATER DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF CIIANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION Year ended June 30, 1979 1978 SOURCE OF FUNDS Operations: Net income Items not requiring current outlay of funds: Depreciation and amortization $ 118,700 133,743 $ 273,233 119,331 Total operations Decrease in restricted assets Increase in reserve for construction Increase in contributions Decrease in working capital 252,443 47 , 350 30,185 119 , 968 14,412 392,564 23,334 20,855 202,916 -0- Total $ 464,358 APPLICATION OF FUNDS Additions to utility plant Retirement of revenue bonds Increase in construction in Increase in restricted assets Increase in working capital in service progress Total VARIOUS ELEMENTS OF NET INCPIEASE (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL Cash Investments Accounts receivable Accrued interest receivable Inventory Prepaid expenses Accounts payable Due to general fund Bonds payable - current portion Accrued interest payable Deposits Total $ 197,402 95,000 29 , 157 142,799 -0- $ 464,358 $ (31,471) 40,010 (9,481) 708 (30,928) 1,554 20,240 -0- 2,806 (2,850) (5,000) $ 639,669 $ 337 , 830 90,000 15,905 94 , 390 101,544 $ 639,669 $ 19,018 16,000 69,163 (805) 16,976 (3 , 801) (3,119) (13,337) 3,452 2,997 (5,000) $ 101,544 See accompanying summary of accounting policies and notes to financial statements. -5- CITY OF CARLSBAD WATER DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounting policies of the Department conform to generally accepted accounting principles. The following is a summary of the significant policies. BASIS OF ACCOUNTING The Department's accounts are maintained on an accrual basis of accounting. Accordingly, revenues are recorded when earned and expenditures when incurred. UTILITY PLANT IN SERVICE Utility plant in service is stated at cost. Expenditures for additions, renewals and betterments are capitalized; expen- ditures maintenance and repairs are charged to expenses as incurred. Upon retirement or disposal of assets, the cost and accumulated depreciation are eliminated from the accounts and the resulting gain or loss is included in income. Depre- ciation is computed on the straight-line method over the esti- mated useful lives of the assets. -6- CITY OF CARLSBAD WATER DEPARTMENT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 1--CASH AND INVESTMENTS The Department, in conjunction with the City, maintains one general bank account for all funds. Investments are purchased through this account and are then allocated to the respective funds based upon excess cash balances. NOTE 2--REVENUE BONDS PAYABLE Revenue bonds payable are special obligations of the City and are secured by a lien on gross revenues of the Water Depart- ment. At June 30, 1979, authorized but unissued 1970 revenue bonds amounted to $575,000. The bond resolutionsrequire the City to impose rates and charges sufficient to maintain net revenue coverage of 1.35 times maximum debt service requirements in any future year and 1 times any other obligations payable by the Water Department. Net revenues for these purposes in the year ended June 30, 1979 fulfilled these requirements. Also, pursuant to the bond resolutions, the City has maintained the required insurance coverage to the extent reason- ably necessary to protect the City and the bondholders. NOTE 3--VACATION AND SICK PAY BENEFITS As of June 30, 1979, employees of the Water Department had earned but not taken vacation and sick leave benefits which, at their current salary rates on such date, amounted to approx- imately $37,000. If annual leave is not taken by the employees during their employment, the Water Department is committed to make cash payments to them on termination or retirement at the salary rates then in effect. Under existing policy, Water Department employees are not paid for their accumulated and unused sick leave upon termination or retirement. -7- d m .c, 0 E ONO~ o mmo w or0 m m~om w r-ow In 00 0 mo w TmN 0 L1 d r- mm r- .-w 0 NN 4 oorw w -0 w ... . .. . mrnow r- r-m~w m r-Vd m .... . d vt E H N /I moo r-m~ I r-m- I r-mw dm -..- mm 0 d vt 4 A I All .- m I .... -mu, dN vt mo mo mm 0 u a c m v) a %m ffl a !x a: ti > a 0 c7 z z z 0 w m E 4 H H TI m-3 uru C 44 0 a a: w > c4 0 F: m H X x W m m c- mo +m m ria, P 7 b W m 9. d rl N I 0 I M rl m d N M N W m m rl Lo W 0 rl m I 0 I I 0 I In iD 0 rl m 9. m m m P 1 0 I 0 9. W Lr 9. 9. m N m W W W W m m I 0 I rl m -a P m Lo N m m I. m m Lo 0 N I 0 I P m m Fi cI( W W m ri W ri m m ln r- 4 M W Lo P m rl m m m m m d m m m rl m Lo m P P m m P rl W m m 4 Q N N N I 0 I 4 W m d 0 0 p. P ri 0 W m m P I 0 I N 0 N m m m m W P I 0 I v) I 0 I m I 0 I VI I 0 I ,.A I 0 I I 0 I I 0 I I 0 I m N W (/t W m v)- N Lo m m m rl rl u? e 0 ..- Lo ..- > 0 a m m Url c- rdo -im rd QaJ C 2 b P I 0 I PW mw 9.m Fir- rl(U .- p.m W m m rl M N io m m P v 0 I 0 I u? ln 9. P W N m m mm wm mw mFi .. NO d W W W m rl I 0 I I 0 I 9. W W W m rl -a rl W W 0 W m I 0 I 9. P P 0 ri m 0 N m m m 9. m Lo W m P m I 0 I I 0 I m W m P m M W N m 4 m P rl m W m Ln r- m m P Lo N m 0 rl m m W 0 W W 4 m m m m m P N P Lo m d In m m ul I 0 I I 0 I 0 m m m m m 0 m N 0 m m m rl m P P W W P r- P m w'i v) (/t N N N 0 W 0 r- W m W v)- m N 4 I 0 I I 0 I m W m m N N ri ri m I 0 I I 0 I m W 0 4 m I 0 I m 0 r- r- N m m Lr m W N I 0 I I 0 I P m 9. .- d .- .A ..- w 0 u m a, u 0 c z H a c rd 4 0 a Dl c 0 '4 u 3 R u c a, E a .r( 3 F u 0 10 a 5 m c 0 ..- 4 17 c, m a rd a a L. a, u m 0 0 m 5 rn m -4 )-I a m 'd m u m 4 72 m a m si Lo x u Li m vi x c. ..- 0 LI a, m a, m Li U mm au EL: oa UE UaJ m mu 'C m m D ..- a m u c E a .d 4 m +J 0 h Lo rl rl a, 3 M m 0 c, 2 c &. a, Li a, z a, L -4 h 3 t7 w P EXHIBIT CC CITY OF CARLSBAD WATER DEPARTMENT SCHEDULE OF REVENUE BONDS PAYABLE June 30, 1979 Years of Maturity WATERWORKS REVENUE BONDS, 1958 July 1, 1979-81 1982-84 1985 1986-87 1988 TOTALS WATERWORKS REVENUE BONDS, 1960 July 1, 1979 1980-86 1987-88 1989 1990 TOTALS WATERWORKS REVENUE BONDS, 1970 - Series A July 1, 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989-90 TOTALS BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, JUNE 30, 1979 Interest Rate 4.25 4.25 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.25 4.25 4.00 4.00 3.875 Principal Due Each Year Long-Term $ 35,000 $ 70,000 40,000 40,000 47,000 47,000 40,000 120,000 45,000 90,000 367,000 5,000 -0- 10,000 70,000 15,000 30,000 60,000 60,000 65,000 65,000 225,000 7.00 6.00 6.15 6.30 6.40 6.50 6.60 6.70 6.80 6.90 6.00 55,000 55,000 60,000 60,000 65,000 75,000 80,000 85,000 90,000 95,000 100,000 -0- 55,000 60,000 60,000 65,000 75,000 80,000 85,000 90,000 95,000 200,000 865,000 $1,457,000 Current $35,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- 35,000 5 , 000 -0- -0- -0- -0- 5,000 55,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 55,000 $95,000 See accompanying summary of accounting policies and notes to financial statements. -10- I CITY OF CARLSBAD WATER DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS OF RESERVE FOR CONSTRUCTION Year ended June 30, 1979 Balance at beginning of year Add: earnings on investments Balance at end of year $350,087 30,185 EXHIBIT DD $380 , 272 See accompanying summary of accounting policies and notes to financial starements. -11- EXHIBIT EE CITY OF CARLSBAD WATER DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS OF RESERVES FOR BOND DEBT SERVICE Year ended June 30, 1979 Revenue Bonds 1958 1960 1970 Total Balances at beginning of year: Bond debt service $ 19,702 $ 42,193 52 , 357 67,519 Bond retirement -- Totals 72,059 109,712 Add revenues: Earnings on investments 444 3 , 602 Transfers from water fund 46,682 19,511 Totals Less expenses: Interest and fees Principal payments Totals 47,126 23,113 16,991 9,307 30,000 5,000 46,991 14,307 Balances at end of year: Bond debt service 19,837 50,999 67 , 519 Bond retirement 52 , 357 -- Totals $ 72,194 $118,518 $290,911 118,205 409.116 22,844 148,710 171,554 59 , 305 55,000 114,305 348,160 118,205 $352,806 238,081 590,887 26,890 214.903 241,793 85,603 90,000 175,603 418,996 238,081 $466,365 $657,077 See accompanying summary of accounting policies and notes to financial statements. -12- EXHIBIT FF CITY OF CARLSBAD WATER DEPARTMENT SCHEDULE OF OPERATING EXPENSES Year ended June 30, 1979 1978 WATER PRODUCTION AND PURIFICATION Salaries and wages Power Supplies and expense Purchased water Depreciation Totals WATER TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION Salaries and wages Power Communications Maintenance Pump station and reservoirs Meters and services Transmission and distribution lines Depreciation Totals GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE Salaries and wages Operation and maintenance- mobile equipment Professional services Office supplies equipment maintenance Small tools and supplies Maintenance and supplies, buildings Taxes and insurance Contributions to retirement plans General expense Collection fees Depreciation Cost applied to utility plant in service Totals TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 38,661 1,234 1,649 645,110 24,909 711,563 144,009 6,313 584 9,839 29,002 81,967 20,282 291,996 100,617 8 , 035 8,183 32,497 2,991 257 51,776 43,023 2,597 238 26,470 (10,407) 266,277 $1,269,836 .$ 31,376 1,422 2,601 522 , 950 24,909 583,258 125,408 3,352 818 5,217 16,898 4,496 78,177 234.366 64,414 6,575 6,249 28,916 5,442 396 34,531 45,071 10,640 220 15,519 (11,880) 206,093 $1,023,717 See accompanying summary of accounting policies and notes to financial statements. -13-