HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-11-06; City Council; 6046; New Planning Position to act as Program ManagerCITY OF CARLSBAD ' Initial . Dept Hd. AGENDA BILL NO.: ;: � O H � Cty. Atty DATE: Cty. Mgr. DEPARTMENT: Planning SUBJECT: NEW PIANNwG POSITICN TO ACT AS PWWM MANAGER FOR MAJOR PLANNING ACTIVITIES NOW IN PROGRESS Statement of the Matter The City Council, in- approving the 1979-80 City budget, a?so approved a eanprehensve two year planning program. 'This program included the following specific projects: I. Develcgwnt of an interim growth managa6ent plan: II. A Master EIR ito be prepared by consultant and adnli.nistered/processed by City staff, to include physical ars'i non-physical constraints on develgmrxit, agricultural poricies, public facilities. III. A General Plan Review and policy input. IV. A permanent Growth Managenent Plan., ; In analyzing this program'in conjunction with existing wcirk'loads and recently submitted ar aAivated-projects•such as the la Costa, Carlsbad Oaks, and Carrillo Master 'Plans, Japatul Specific Plan, Agua Hedionda IGP and bur, i.nvblvetwnt with the Coastal staff with the remaining coastal. zone relativd to the Mello Bill, 'the sower master plan, and the Palomar Airport Master Plan process, I have concludgd that a Principal Planner position- to coordinate and supervise the programs and activities -of the ICP and Advanced Planning programs is needed as' soon as possible. Exhibits. . •bw=dndum.frcm James•Hagaman, dated October'•29, 1979. . Memox�ndum from Jerry Pieti, dated September' 26; 1979• Memorandum from James Hagaman, dated July 31, 1979. Principal Planner job description E wutiva Salary Schedule Organizational Chart ReccaTnm-clation • if -City Council concurs with our proposal to hire a Principal Planner to coordinate the advanced planning and local coastal programs, instruct staff to proceed immediately to.inplement the hiring of a Principal Planner to fill the budgeted position. , .JCH:ms AGENDA BILL NO. 6046 Page 2 Council Action: 11-6-79 Council instructed s.t- ff to proceed immediately to implement the hiring of a Prirt:ipal Planner to fill the budgeted position. MEMORANDUM DATE: October 29, 1979 TO: Wayne Dernktz, City Manager FROM: James C. Hagaman, Planning Director A C.1 SUBJECT: NEW PLANNING POSITION TO ACT AS PROGRAM MANAGER FOR MAJOR PLANNING ACTIVITIES NOW IN PROGRESS OR ABOUT TO BE INITIATED The City Council, in approving a new program for the budget, also approved a planning position as a program manager. The new program includes the following specific products: I. Development of an Interim Growth Management Plan. II. A Master EIR (to be prepared by consultant and administered/processed by City staff, to include physical and non-physical constraints on development, agricultural policies, public facilities). III. A General Plan Review and policy input. IV. A permanent Growth Management Plan. At the City Council's request, the Planning Department presented a two year program instead of the original three year program. As part of this consideration, ex.is;Ling major projects, such as the La Costa Master Plan, Japatul, Agua Hedionda LC;P, the revised housing element were not de-emphasized. Subsequent to that report we can not anticipate, within the next year, additional activity in the Carrillo Ranch and Carlsbad Oaks Master Plans, major activity in LCP south of Palomar Airport Road, the Master Plan of Satellite Sewer Plants, and Palomar Airport Master Plan. The Council adopted the Planning Department's proposal to hire a program manager to administer the goals covered in the pro- posed program, while not de-emphasizing other major program activities. This program manager position was to be at least at the level of Associate Planner. To arrive at the proper level of the new position, I have re- viewed the overall activities of the department with a view to maximizing the effectiveness of our operation in conformance with the recent classification study. I have concluded that currently too many persons are reporting directly to me. Some of this is simply due to the lack of experience within the department while the rest is current organizational structure. In order to minimize this situation, I have placed a Principal Planner in charge of the entire Current Planning operation and have instituted training in basic procedural matters. In view of recent statewide laws and court decisions requiring more and more detailed administrative procedures, we cannot ignore our needs in this area. The second part of my review and analysis involved the nature of the LCP and Advanced Planning presrams which also demand substantial time. Adding the new budgeted position at the associate level will increase the demands on my time. Much of my tims then would be spent coordinating the overlapping respon- sibilities between the various programs. I do not believe that such an approach will allow me to perform effectively for the City in advising the Council and Planning Commission and assisting the public with their problems. Instead I have concluded that the appropriate level for the program manager is the Principal Planner position. A Principal Planner would be in charge of both theAdvanced Planning ind the LCP programs as identified in the approvedbasis. constant coordination and supervision needed on an everyday I believe this would keep all the programs and projects on track and provide the necessary ccomplish the major desires of the City Council. We are becoming increasingca flexibility to a reful, busy with matters which have to be dealt with in a very comprehensive manner. Therefore my recommendation is that the City proceed to hire a Principal Planner to head up both the Local Coastal Program and Advanced Planning as expeditiously as possible JCH:ms MEMORANDUM `lam DATI: . September 26, 1979 SEE 2 8 TO '+ Planning Director �979 ctr�- o FROM . Personnel Director rJ�nnjgnf CARLSBAD • D�'p;tr ne SUBJECT: HIRING PLANNING PERSONNEL The City Manager informed me today that the requirement for additionally authorized Planning Department personnel must first be returned to the City Council,for action. This memorandum will serve to remind you that we are currently accepting applications for the position of ASSOCIATE PLANNER, the closing date for taking of applications being October 26, 1979. If the City Council authorizes the hiring of additional Planning personnel at the associate level, conceivably applicants can be taken from the list developed from the current recruiting. If on the other hand the council authorizes an additional PRINCIPAL PLANNER, this will require recruiting in accordance with the classification standards. We are prepared to act either way, but feel compelled to point out that the principal position, once authorized, could'be more rapidly filled by an associate level classification. ROME N. PIETI P/vs DAM TO: FROM: . SUBJECT: July 31, 3.979 Paul Bussey, City manager ' It James C. Iiagaman, Planning Director REVISED BUDGET PROGRAM DESCRIPTION (Previous Memo 6/22/79) At the Council budget hearing of 7/22/79,'the Council directed stuff to investigate an alternative approach. The approach did not constitute a drastic deviation from staff's original proposal brit established slightly different priorities. Essent-ally, the Council expressed a desire for an accelerated program with more .emphasis on up -front growth management. As a result, we have re -thought the program outline. As you will see on the attached copy entitled "Oatline for Comprehensive Planning Program", we have accelerated the process and expanded the Interim Growth Management Plan section. In our previous proposal we were proposing to Zit the program into existing staff time. The program was to be administered through the Advanced and Local Coastal Program sections of the Planning Depart•- •ment. Recogni.-.i.•ng the Council's desire to expedite the program, and their expressed emphasis on keeping the process rolling, we recom!end a change in our original appraoch. Administrative Alternative To insure immeaiate attention to the proposed Comprehensive Planning Program, a shifting of priorities in the responsible sec- tionswould have to occur under our original proposal. Because, in staff's opinion, existing projects, such as the La'Costa Master Plan,, Calavera Hills Agua Iiedionda LCP, and Japatul IndustrialPark, should -not be de-emphasized, we propose an'alternative. ,The alternative would consist of the addition of a program manager. The program manager (Associate level minimum) would be responsible full --time for administering the goals covered in the attached outline: (Outline for Comprehensive Planning Program). A full-time program iraznage'r would. insure timely 'handling of all those matters relating to the identified goals. In other words, the step process as outlines would stand a better chance of staying on -track with someone working on it without other first: priorities. The addition of a program manager will require some organizational adjustment within the department to assure a coordinated program, rather than fragincnting the various programs within the department. Ile will approach management: with such a proposal in the near future. Revised Outline The: revised outline places the development of an Interim Growth Managcment Plan ;I.G.td.P.) as first goal and priority. This does not: differ signif;Icantly from our previous proposal. Ir.t eri.m growth management was included in the previous outline 'as a part of the General Plan review. In the new proposal, staff Zees the I.G.M.P. and General Plan review occurring practically simultaneously (see attached tiro line). This can be attributed to the direct supervision of the recommended program manager. We feel that most of the basis for I and II on the outline is immediately available and necessary tasks can be accomplished in -House. Using I and II as the foundation (similar to our previous proposal), the.master Environmental Impact Report (M.E.I.R.) can be begun. With direct supervision of the program, staff estimates 10 months to accomplish the M.jrjf.R. Ile have not changed the approach to the from the previous outline. As a result, the cost estimate would not need to be,revised ($100,000 to $125,000). Additional funding, however, would be necessary to provide the recommended program manager plus related support ($30,000 to .$40,000). In the final step, IV "Permanent Growth Management Plan", a few of the previously proposed goals have been combined. For example, general plan amendments and zoning consistency have been placed under the larger category.. With.a coordinated approach -that can be provided by a full-time staff -administrator, we feel these 'steps can be combined in an effective manner. It is difficult to anticipate the costs for goal IV not knowing the results of the entire process, in particular, the M.E.I.R. A rough estimate would be $30,000 to $50,000 depending on amount o£- consultant participation. With this revised proposal we have placed more immediate emphasis on growth management and shortened the process by 1 year. The key to this is combining goals and placing one person in charge of managing completion of the program. Still the overall intent and flow of the approach is retained. The t is, there is a comprehensive approach to the important planning issues at- -hand and a step by step sequence for handling these issues. The 14.I.E.R. purpose is not lost or diluted, and the final product (Permanent Growth Management Plan) remains based on.framework of substantive policy and information. JCIi : T11: ms 7/25/79 7/31/79 Y _. OUTLINE FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING PROGRAM I. Development of. Interm Groti;th Management Plan (1 G.M.P.) A. Use seder allocation and captial improvement program as core. B. • Use compilation of existing directives from Council ' and other influencing agencies. C. Anticipate/assume certain influencing variables, based on existing sources, D. Include interim agricultural policy as part of I.G.M.P. based.on City and other directives. E. Link I.G.M.P. to remainder of comprehensive planning program to provide i;or future modification. Staff time: 6 months,,in-house. sj II. -General Plan review and policy input. A. Review General flan. B. Identify inconsistencies,'conflicts, etc. C.• Recommend action for interim consistency. , D.. Complete policy framework for master Environmental J Impact Report. Staff time: h months, in-house. ! � III. blaster EIR (Comprehensive document prepared by consultant (s) and administered/processed-by City Staff) A. Request for proposals, contract negotiation and consultant. i selection. B. Administration, input, close monitoring of consultant ' progress bv City Staff. • C. Draft EIR orepared and distributed. •D. Extensive _eti iew process. E. Final EIR (acts both as an analysis of existing plan and guidance for revision and implementation). Staff/consultant time: 10 months. , �. .,t P *• >, f n r ht t) : is io 5 a Growau Maanag Me.a,. . !•a ..._. . cox—D!i-:t :2 .f and consultant(s) as dictated by master �MR. A. Framework 1. From EIR f • 2• General Plan Amendments a. • New elements b. Long range strategy B. 'Establish Plari C. Zone Code Amendments i P. Specific Plan Update, a Staff/consultant time: �9 months. PRIM,IPit,. PLAUMER 1)iil�)1!I'f IUI! trader gencra! direction, to assume lead supervisory responsibility for major 1)lan- 1111KJ p1'JP1';il, (IS assignt d; to per —(-,I diffichllt and COn;p1CX Professional Staff t•torlc; to "Ssist in the coordination of day-to-day departmental administrative i act•iv'it:ies; and to do''elated t•rork as assigned, 1?);AITLCS OF DUTIE_S Ass•isl- in the developman-t- and •implementation of goals, objectives, policies and ,•iorit:ies. , Provide lead supervision al-idguidance to other professional staff -in(] participate in the conduct of cowplex studies relating to the social, economic and physical j' (levelop,nent of the conmunity. Assist in coordinating a program of staff assistance to the planning ComisS iOn, Redevelop.;lert Agency and other com:hlissions and conrnitt:ees in planning matters, ( - including the preparation o1` reports and recomnendations. Assist in the coordination of routine departmental purchasing, personnel, budget and related administrative activities. Make authoritative interpretations of applicable regulations and policies. •Respond to difficult citizen complaints and requests for information. • Itapresent. the City 'in the community and at professional meetings as required. Develop and re, iced departmental policies and procedures and assist in imple- hnerhting policies and%procedures upon their approval. Meets with developers, architects, engineers and others involved in privately sponsored residential, cm.—flercial, and industrial projects; assist in the review 's and evaluation of project plans for conformanbe to established land use regu- lations, codes, and policies. Coordinates -and participates in the preparation or ordinances, resolutions, .and rep,01ts to the City Council, Planning Cbmilissioll and others regarding departmental Planning activities. Assist in budget preparation and administra`fion. Coordinate program activities with other,City departments and divisions, and with outside agencies. < Supervise, train and evaluate assigned staff. May serve as Acting Planning Director as assigned. Q ALLIFICATMIS hnotllc'd;) L. of: Principles and practices applicable to planning, re(levelopuu;nt and . s biasing proaranls, . Vri'l... pal (Cunt'( I,�►wolcddoOf• Applicable federal, state and local lairs and regulations. } . . Organization and f:nictions of the various agencies involved in the planning, redevelopment and housing process. Principles and practices of organization, ac!ministraticn,,budgeting and supervision, , Abilih, to: Communicate clearly and concisely, orally and in t•triting. Prepare and interpret ordinances and fo►ailate land use and housing pol i ci es . , Collect and analyze data and develop complex plans and reports. Establish and maintain cooperative relationships frith City officials ` and employees; the general public and representatives of other agencies. Properly interpret and make (decisions in accordance with lairs, regu- lations and policies. Supervise, train and evaluate staff. ExxPerience and Education Any combination equivalent 'to experience and education that: could ; likely provide the required knowledge and abilities troul d be qual i •f y- •'. ing. Atypical tray to obtain -the knowledge and abilities trould be: ! rJx>crience Four years of increasingly responsible profess, onal•planning, i redevelopment or housing experience. • .Education I 4 Equivalent to a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major ►vorl; ih planning, public administration, I community (development, urban design or ►^elat:ed fi(:ld. A master's degree in planning, public administration, business administration or related field is desirable. , CITY Or CAI2LSI3AD v SC[II:DCILL`� . . •• . ' EXECUTIVE SZtI,1`R_ --• • NAGEMBNT LNVRL II Fiscal Year 3.979-80 , t •'Sulk, 1, 1979 . . • Eg•�ectiVe ` ;ch) RANGE (r,ow-H.. 3� -. TI'.E 519 » 61a • ADMINISTRP•' I'IVE AIDE 580 - 692 r ASSISTANT II ADMIN C�Z�,T7t E ' 550 •- 65G ' ?1DNiINISTRAZ`IVE ASSISTANT I 699 .. 849 . cm AT FINANCE DIRECTOR 683 » 022 11S5Ia _A }ERINTENDEt�T M ENT MAINTENANCE SUP II73 •- 1063 EQUIP . �' IRE BAZ'T.ALION CIIIEF 683 » 822 PARRS SUPLRJUTENDENT 707 - 88.1 N5pECTOR PLAN CgECIVI. a50 - 1033 POLICE C XTAIN 750 » 960 • POLICE LIEUTENANT - . 926' ^ 1113 PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER ' . 849 3.033 PRINCIPAL PLANNER .. G33 - 822 RI;CREA TION SUPERINTEND%t:T a30 -- 1007 PROGi2A:d r G99 _ nNAGERri9 gZ;DEVELOPidLN'P E R:L�] ENDENT • INTIaNA,•CE SUl .M� G99 » 849• STREET .UTILITIES MATUTENANCE SUPERINTENMILT M Responsibilities Master Plans Specific Plans Local Coastal programs Growth Manage- ment Comprehensive Planning, grog. General Plans. EIR Adminis- tration Research Special"projects CPO projects PLANNING DIRECTOR Secretary to Responsibilities Planning Director/ Minute Secretary to Secretarial/ Planning Commission clerical support Planning Dept. Agendas/Minutes Senior Clerk Steno DCC & PC Administrative assistance Senior Clerk Steno Special projects Advanced Planning Zoning Administration Principal Planner Principal Planner VACANT OCCUPIED Planning Associate OCCUPIED Planning Associate VACANT Planning Assistant OCCUPIED EPlanning, Assistant Planning Associate CCPI_ED _ Planning Assistant L Planning Assistant VACANT (LCP) OCCUPIED Planning Assistant VACANT (LCP state funded) Planning Technician OCCUPIED Responsibilities Public Infdrmatian Staffinj Planning cases Initial Environ- mental Review Business License review Sewer allocation Implementation CPO programs