HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-11-06; City Council; 6050; National League of Cities city membership.c Initial: B 1 Dept-Hd- - C. At y-\ c. Mgr. 9 * @ CITY OF CARLSBAD ' AGENDA BILL NO. b 6' 6-0 DATE : NOVEMBER 6, 1979 DEPARTMENT : CITY MAXAGER Subject : CITY MEMBERSHIP IN THE NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES Statement of the Matter The Mayor received a letter from the League of California Cities urging the City to rejoin the National League of Cities (NLC). The City dropped its membership in NLC in July 1978. The dues for the last year the City wqs a member of NLC, 1977-78 Fiscal Ye was $400. Information obtained from the League of California Cit indicates that the dues for membership in the NLC for the City of Carlsbad (cities in 30,000-40,000 population range) would be $1,C annually. The benefits of membership include being a member of an organizat that represents the general interest of member cities before the executive and legislative branches of the Federal Government. Vc membership, based on city size, in determining NLC policy. Techr assistance in dealing with the Federal Government. Subscriptions to NLC magazine and other publications. A contact and assistancc office when City officials visit Washington D. C. ., Exhibits - Letter to Mayor Packard from League of California Cities dated October 26, 1979. Excerpts of Council Meeting minutes dated July 25, 1978. Recormendat ion None Council Action: 11-6-79 Council expressed desirability of rejoining the National L of Cities, and directed staff to take the appropriate acti 0 @ League of ca fwwk cities Sacramento, California Caiifornia Citie October 26, 1979 Work Together Dr. Ronald C. Packard Mayor City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92808 Dear Ron: More than ever before, it is imperative for cities to be organized in a united front in t face of numerous assaults on our ability to sustain local control over our cities' varic destinies. The National League of Cities (NLC) is tailor-made to fill this need. T primary service they deliver is the representation of cities' needs and interests before t Administration and Congress. We are told that Carlsbad has decided against affiliation with NLC. In light of fisc restraints facing us all, this decision is understandable; but considering alone 1 consequences should NLC not succeed in gaining re-enactment of General Reven Sharing-federal aid that most of our cities rely on for basic support-we have much lose in relationship to the small amount required for dues payment. This could prove to one of those "penny wise, dollar foolish" decisions. NLC works for the benefit of all our cities, regardless of whetner they are affiliated not. Clearly, if a majority of cities decided against NLC membership, we would all lo the most effective voice we have in Washington. We hope that your city will reconsid and accept this invitation to re-join the National League of Cities. Sincerely, pp&'+f u 35 +€"/d ds4*,-.- x&--- George B- uljan --' 1st Vice President, LCC 2nd Vice President, LCC Tom ,." radley ,/ Mayor, Eos Angeles Council Member, Roseville Mayor, Long Beach President, LCC tb/gb/tjc:nl 1400 K STREET SACRAMENTO 95814 HOTEL CLARENONT BERKELEY 94705 900 WlLSHlRE BLVD SUITE 702 LOS ANGE (916) 444-5790 (41 5) 843-3083 (21 3) 624 4934 WL ClT$*@ OF CARLSBF ' ,-/- \ Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 6:OO P.M. . ' ROLL CALL: EXECUTIVE SESSION: Council discussed various methods by which budge reductions could be approached; and concurred that a budget reduction of one and one-half million dollars would be necessary. Governmental Meetings and Travel / Council discussed the matter of governmental meetings and travel, a budgeted item in every department. It was the concensus of Council that the matter be analyzed by staff, and a a reduction of between 25% and 50%. quested an analysis of the matter as to those received as a result of a subscription, and *of California Cities, . The City Manager-stated staff is preparing a . placement of all .vehicles and possible methods report as to the current policy regarding re- of changing the policy. Training and Education Council expressed a desire for a cut in trainin and education, and requested a report back as to methods of reduction in this area. Chamber of Commerce by the CharnSe-r of Cornrnei%ce' and. whether any City funds should be expended for any af the service CouncS1 referenced a letter received from Mr. Bob Ladwig, President of the Chamber of Cornnierc which noted the amount of funds previously re- ' i )quested and offered suggestions for a*33% reduc tion of the requested funds. 0 * .IE. *+ DATE : NOVEMBER 2, 1979 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM : Assistant to City Manager SUBJECT: NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES Agenda Bill No. 6050, Item No, 32 The attached brochure was received from the National League of Cities after the packets were run. It will provide additional information relative to membership. & FRANK N. MANNEN Assistant to the City Manager FNM: ldg Att. < , ..r z!~'u W'rn'TT oc, &,&&lp ,a' 5 (nlmlg 0 HI~I -!* m 0- - -e- a 00, 4- ail-= - ", \b, o\_ GI 4 ;d +- 4 p.J fl N tc, (? m m (*I .I Lr, d 8- e- c L, cj 0\/(3\lmlp'\D \D mae m c~) r;!- * Tl- *"A 10 ul vl w w -,- p t- 00 00 00 0 4dH"C c-2 ---- m = c\l mlr-lqln_i\a_lQ Pi m- m-l? e, r- qjm \o_\oo_ ('1 ! . <*I .r 0 r-'l c ' -3 j IC I > I c "? I 'r. 15 I c? 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