HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-11-06; City Council; 6053; Proposed City Council PolicyCITY" OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL MO. (D Q ^_ DATE: November 6, 1979 DEPARTMENT:City Manager Subject:PROPOSED CITY COUNCIL POLICY: POLICY DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Statement of the Matter - Attached is a proposed policy statement which is intended to provide an outline of the City Council policy development process used to develop City goals and objectives. The Council sub-committee on goals and objectives, Council members Casler and Skotnicki, has reviewed the proposed policy and has requested that the policy be submitted for consideration by the full Council. Also attached is a copy of the revised Goals and Objectives as adopted by the Council at its June 26, 1979 work session. Exhibits Proposed Council Policy No. 27 Revised Goals and Objectives Recommendation If the proposal is acceptable, Council action is to adopt the policy by minute motion. Council Action: 11-6-79 Council adopted Council Policy No. 27, with inclusion on page- 1, 3rd paragraph, next to the last line, after the word basis, of the words (5 years). . - C. .' OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: ADMINISTRATION Specific Subject:City Council Policy Develop- ment Process. (Page 1 of ] . . ... 97 2 pages) jI icy No. *•' Date Issued Effective Date: Cancellation Date Supersedes No. jCopies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and | Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File i PURPOSE: The purpose of this Policy Statement is to provide an outline of the City Council policy development process^ "fo establish a procedure for periodic review and evaluation of progress toward implementing City goals and objectives; and to establish a date for the annual review and updating of goals and objectives. BACKGROUND: The City Council has established a policy development process to enhance the Council's ability to clearly determine and define goals and objectives to guide the allocation of City resources to meet the needs of the community. This process is designed to provide for an orderly process of policy development that will provide an opportunity for meaningful public impact. The goals and objectives established through this process will provide guidance for the City staff when developing budgets and action programs. Through this process, the City Council will be better able to carry out its policy making responsibility and the City staff will better be able to respond to the policy direction of the Council. Although the City General Plan establishes policy guidance and direction in land use and related matters and certain master plans provide guidance in other areas, this policy development process is designed to address a wider scope of policy issues on a short term basis.to provide clear direction in allocating City resources. (f( The process is intended to be informal in nature in order to maximize the potential for community input. The process must, however, be adequately structured to help insure that a useful and timely product 'will be produced. STATEMENT OF POLICY Developing Goals and Objectives 1. The City Council shall during the month of January review existing goals and objectives statements. The Council shall make pre- liminary comments and amendments £o existing goals and make suggestions for additional goals and objectives. The Council shall set a meeting time to hold a policy development workshop and public hearing to provide an opportunity for residents, community groups, and City boards and commissions to provide input. City staff shall f / OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: ADMINISTRATION Specific Subjectivity Council Policy Devel- opment Process (Page 2 of >licy No. 27 2 pages) Date Issued Effective Date Cancellation Date Supersedes No. Copies to:City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File provide written notice to all City boards and commissions and interested community groups of the xvorkshop date and invite the participation of all interested parties. A public notice shall also be published in local newspapers inviting citizen participation. 2. Following the workshop/public hearings, a Council subcommittee shall- be designated by the Mayor to prepare proposed goals and objectives statement for City Council consideration and adoption. The Council shall adopt final goals and objectives statements during the month of February. 3. Following adoption the staff will develop budgets and action programs which will provide for the implementation of the adopted goals and objectives. Periodic Evaluation and Review of Implementation The Council shall on a semi-annual basis review and evaluate progress toward implementation of adopted goals and objectives. The staff shall prepare a brief report and analysis of progress toward implementation of goals and objectives for Council review and evaluation in December prior to the beginning of the Council's annual policy development process and in June prior to Council adoption of the annual operating budget. CITY OF CARLSBAD GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Adopted by City Council June 26, 1979 UTILITIES MANAGEMENT A. Storm Water Control (Goal) 1. Develop Master Plan for storm water control in City. (Objectives) a. Complete Master Plan study by mid 1979-80 fiscal year, b. Upon completion of master plan study, develop strat- egies and programs as appropriate for implementation of master plan study. B. Water and Water Reclamation (Goal) 1. Develop and commence implementation of a master plan for the treatment and reclamation of wastewater in accordance with the areawide Water Quality Maintenance Plan. (Objectives) a. Develop a utilization plan, including long-term agreement for the use of a reclaimed water - 1979. b. Develop a model of institutional arrangement for treatment and distribution of reclaimed water - 1980. c. Develop policies concerning cost allocation between waste water treatment and reclaimed water sale and distribution - 1980. (Goal) 2. Consolidate authority and responsibility for water ser- vice to the residents of the City and Carlsbad Municipal Water District under City administration. (Objectives) a. Form a subsidiary district of the CMWD in 1980. (Goal) 3. Review existing plans and develop a comprehensive plan for the provision of water service to all Carlsbad residents. (Objectives) a. Develop a master plan for the N.W. quadrant - 1980. b. Develop a master plan for the consolidated City/CMWD "back bone" system - 1982. c. Expand plan developed in (2) to include an all-city water service enterprise. 1984 (Goal) 4. Review storage and transmission facilities to serve all areas of Carlsbad. (Objectives) a. Rehabilitation of the El Camino Real transmission line - 1984. b. Expansion of city-wide storage facilities to provide for a 15-day supply at normal usage. (Goal) 5. Develop a policy for the management of major water enterprise assets not currently used. (Objectives) a. Retain water rights in the San Luis Rey Valley and Kelly Field. b. Develop a long-range plan for the beneficial use of the San Luis Rey well field to include cooperative arrangements/agreements with the City of Oceanside for: (1) Treatment (2) Transportation (exchange of water) through the May Company inter-tie c. Develop a policy regarding utilization/disposition of the Lake Calavera property. II COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A. Planning (Goal) 1. Insure orderly and predictable growth so as to enable the City to provide required services concurrent with need. (Objectives) a. Develop public facilities management system during fiscal year 1979-80. b. Develop urban land development time table by end of calendar year 1980. c. Coordinate Capital Improvement Program with elements in a and b above. d. Adopt specific plans for special treatment areas depicted in General Plan. B. Housing (Goal) 1. Make available affordable housing for all economic segments of the community. (Objectives) a. Update the Housing Element of the General Plan by the end of calendar 1979. b. Prepare a referendum under Article XXXIV, of the State Constitution for the April 1980 election. c. Implement the housing plan during fiscal year 1980-81. d. Provide maximum allowable rental units under Section 8 Housing Assistance Program. e. Adopt a senior citizen housing ordinance in 1979 pro- viding low-income rental housing through trade-offs. f. Maximize the potential use of mobile homes and mobile home parks as alternative housing. g. Evaluate alternative methods of providing for mobile home park locations. C. Industrial and Commercial Development (Goals) 1. Encourage neighborhood commercial to serve the southern "area of City. 2. Encourage industrial relocation to areas designated for industrial use on the General Plan or to non-residential reserve areas of the City. 3. Encourage commercial and industrial development which will enhance the City's economic base. D. Red eve1opment (Goal) 1. Create a pleasant, attractive, accessible environment for living, shopping, vacation, civic, cultural, and service functions through restoration and new private/ public development forms which preserve and enhance the existing character of the village area and surrounding community. (Objectives) 1. Adopt Redevelopment Plan in 1979 calendar year. 2. Adopt Design Manual (Development Standards) for Project area in 1979 calendar year. 3. Develop guidelines for owner-participation agree- ments in 1979. 4. Prepare Streetscape plan for Village Core area. 5. Initiate demonstration Streetscape improvement project during 1979-80 fiscal year in project area. 6. Acquire property for pedestrian pass through on State Street by 1981. 7. Encourage diversified residential development in and adjacent to the Redevelopment project area as a continuing objective. 8. Develop a study for the provision of adequate parking in the Redevelopment area. 9. Develop incentives to maximize the redevelopment potential of private property in the project area. III. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT A. Agricultural Policy (Goal) 1. Preserve economically productive agricultural land in the City's sphere of influence. (Objectives) a. Adopt an agricultural preservation policy. b. Review-General Plan for any necessary amendments to implement agricultural policy. B. Air Quality Management (Goal) 1. Implement the Regional Air Quality Strategy. C- Lagoon Management (Goal) 1. In cooperation with State and local agencies, encourage development of lagoon management plans to achieve and maintain water quality standards, reduce siltation, preserve wildlife habitats and where appropriate, enhance recreational opportunities. D. Noise \ (Goal) 1. Achieve and maintain an environment which is free from excessive or harmful noise. (Objectives) a. Develop noise regulation and enforcement programs with emphasis on off-road vehicles, motor boats, and aircraft. IV TRANSPORTATION A. Streets (Goal) 1. Extend or improve collector streets and arterials through the older developed areas in the northwest quadrant of the City. (Objectives) a. Extend Tamarack east to El Camino Real in 1980 (by Developer). b. Extend Monroe from Elm to Marron Road in 1980 (by Developer). c. Widen Tamarack Avenue from Adams to Carlsbad Boulevard in 1981 (by City). d. Extend Elm Avenue from Monroe to El Camino Real in 1982 (by Developer). (Goal) 2. Provide the major components of the circulation system as required by new development in the north- east, southeast and southwest quadrants of Carlsbad's sphere of influence. (Objectives) a. Extend College Avenue from Lake to El Camino Real (via Elm and Tamarack) in 1980 (by Developer). b. Extend Alga to Melrose (Rancho Santa Fe Road) in 1981 (by Developer). c. Construct College from the Japatul Business Park to Palomar Airport Road in 1981 (by Developer). d. Extend Avenida Encinas to Cannon in 1982 (by Developer). e. Widen Carlsbad Blvd. to four lanes from Tamarack to Cannon Road in 1982 (by City). f. Widen the Agua HedicndaBridge to four lanes in 1982 (by City). g. Extend Hillside Drive west to Park Drive in 1983 (by Developers). h. Widen Palomar Airport Road to four lanes from 1-5 to El Camino Real in 1983 (by City). i. Extend Avenida Encinas to Poinsettia in 1984 (by Developer). -5- j. Extend Poinsettia west to Carlsbad Blvd (including grade separation) in 1985 (by City). k. Extend Cannon east to El Camino Real in 1985 (by Developers). Traffic Safety (Goal) 1. Improve traffic safety and flow along major city thorough- fares. (Objectives) a. Construct traffic signals at Palomar Airport Road and Paseo Del Norte in 1979 (by City). b. Construct traffic signals at El Camino Real and Tamarack in 1979 (by Developer). c. Construct traffic signals at Palomar Airport Rd. and El Camino Real in 1980 (by City/Developer). d. Construct traffic signals at Pio Pico and Elm in 1980 (by City). e. Construct traffic signals at Madison and Elm and inter-connect Elm Avenue signals in 1981 (by City). f. Construct traffic signals at Interstate 5 and Palomar Airport Road in 1981 (by City/CALTRANS). g. Construct traffic signals at Carlsbad Blvd. and Cannon in 1981 (by City). h. Construct traffic signals at La Costa Blvd and Rancho Santa Fe Road in 1981 (by Developer). i. Construct traffic signals at Palomar Airport Road and Yarrow in 1981 (by Developer). j. Construct traffic signals at Interstate 5 and Tama- rack Avenue in 1982 (by City/CALTRANS). k. Construct traffic signals at Monroe and Marron Road in 1980 (by Developer). 1. Construct traffic signals at Elm and El Camino Real in 1982 (by City). m. Construct traffic signals on El Camino Real and Levante in 1982 (by City). n. Construct traffic signals' at El Camino Real and Camino Vida Roble in 1982 (by Developer). o. Construct traffic signals at El Camino Real and Japatul Road in 1982 (by Developer). B. Traffic Safety, Con't. (Objectives) p. Construct traffic signals at Palomar Airport Rd. and College in 1982 (by Developer). q. Construct traffic signals at El Camino Real and Kelly in 1983 (by City). r. Construct traffic signals at Elm and Monroe in 1983 (by City). s. Complete center island medians on El Camino Real in 1984 (by City). t. Construct traffic signals at Palomar Airport Rd. and Avenida Encinas in 1984 (by City). u. Construct traffic signals at Carlsbad Blvd. and Poinsettia in 1985 (by City). v. Construct traffic signals at Alga and El Fuerte in 1985 (by City). w. Construct traffic signals at Cannon and El Camino Real in 1985 (by City). C. Alternate Transportation Methods (Goal) 1. Develop alternate methods for transportation of city and industrial employers to and from work. (Objectives) a. Complete Carlsbad Boulevard Bike lane project in 1980. b. Develop plan for preferrential parking for car pools at City Hall. c. Organize public - private study team to promote the use of alternate transportation methods for major employers in city such as van pools, sub- scription bus service, etc. d. Encourage development of people mover system at Plaza Camino Real. D. Parking (Goal) 1. Provide adequate beach access parking. (Objectives) a. Study beach access parking needs. b. Develop cooperative program with State Beach & Parks. — 7— c. Identify City owned sites that may be used for beach access parking. V HUMAN SERVICES DEVELOPMENT A. Libraries (Goals) 1. Extend library service to the southern area of the City. 2. Implement Library Master Plan as adopted by City Council. (Ongoing) 3. Develop program for the establishment of a new central library near the geo-center of the City. (1979-80) B. Parks and Recreation (Goal) 1. To acquire, develop, and maintain parks, recreation facilities, and open spaces for all segments of the City and to economically provide and promote diver- sified recreational opportunities for all age groups. (Objectives) a. Revise/update existing (11/74) Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. (January 1980) b. Develop a 5 year expenditure plan for park-in- lieu fees. (September 1979) c. Divide City into four service sections, analyze existing facilities and services, and propose specific actions. (June 1980) d. Develop large central community park (10 to 50 acres) to meet needs for active recreation (i.e., developed lighted, multi-purpose turfed areas), (on going), and other active recreation facilities. e. Promote inter-agency coordination and cooperation of community recreation service organizations, school districts, Girls Club, Senior Citizen Association, Boys and Girls Club, YMCA, Scouts, Little League, Bobby Sox, Pony League, Soccer Association, and other such agencies. f. Develop on-going funding strategies to implement land acquisition and development and self- supporting recreation program. -8- C. Social Services (Goal) 1. Reexamine City's role in providing social services and develop a social services element to the General Plan. (Objectives) a. City Council determines the role the City will play in providing human services. b. Establish a Human Services Committee during 1979-80 fiscal year. c. Establish an appropriate staff position to coordinate Human Service programs in 1979-80 final budget. d. Update and maintain the Information and Referral Guide in early 1980. e. Develop plans for use of the Community Center. VI GENERAL GOVERNMENT A. Intergovernmental Reorganization (Goal) 1. Establish service territory boundaries coterminous with the City limits to enable the City to directly provide .all required municipal services within the City limits. (Objectives) a. Develop a plan to provide for the merger of special district territory within the City into the City organization. b. Review and revise, if required, the City sphere of influence where appropriate. B. Personnel Management (Goal) 1. Improve personal satisfaction in the job environment. (Objectives) a. Provide expanded facilities to adequately house City operations. b. Develop a suggestion award program. c. Develop an incentive award program to recognize outstanding employee performance. -9-