HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-11-06; City Council; 6057; Joint Use School Facilities - Parks and Athletic- 'AGENDA BILL NO. fp 03 7 DATE : .November 6, 1979 DEPARTMENT : Pu Recreation Initial- Dcpt . Udm C, Attpe& C. Mgr?------- Silbject: JOINT USE SCHOOL FACILITIES - PARKS AND ATHLETIC FIELDS Statement of the Matter At the joint meeting between the City Council and Carlsbad Unified tkhool District Board, the City Council agreed to consider the request for inclusion of additional projects in Phase I of the proposed joint athletic field development plan. The attached report outlines the pro- jected costs of adding these projects, including start-up costs and ongoing maintenance expenses. In summar'y, the total development costs for Magnolia and Kelly schools would be $54,000. This amount would be shared equally by the City and School District ($27,000 each). The Encinitas Unified School District will contribute $20,000 for develo ment of Levante Park. Total school districts' contributions would be 47,000 for development. Total City costs for development will be $50 , 000 as previously approved by Council. Kelly schools, $12,000 for Chase Field lighting and $ll,OOC) for Levante. Additionally, the City would incur $60,000 start-up and first-year maintenance costs for a total City contribution of $110,000. It has been proposed that the City take over the ongoing maintenance and that the school district pay the costs for utilities. The City's costs for ongoing maintenance are estimated at $46,000 Ser year (1979 dollars). The school districts' ongoing costs for utilities have been estimated at $4,720, which includes water and power for school fields only. The Council should take into consideration the annual maintenance cost when making a decision on development costs. The breakdown on this would be $27,000 for Magnolia and Exhibits 1. Memorandum dated October 31, 1979 from the Parks and Recreation 2. Alternate Financial Summary (10/31/79) Director to the City Manager. Recommendations 1. 2. Direct staff to prepare agreement between the City and School District 3. Direct staff to prepare necessary appropriation items for Council Council to determine the elements of the development program and the policy regarding assumption of annual maintenance expenses; for carrying out above; action. AGENDA BILL NO. 6057 Page 2 Council Action: 11-6-79 Council authorized staff to present the School District with the proposal that the City pay for the development and continuing maintenance of Magnolia Phase I, the City pay one-half the maintenance for Magnolia Phase I1 and Kelly, the City fund the lights for Chase Field as proposed, and directed staff to pursue the completion of Levante site. MEMORANDUM TO FROM : DATE : SUBJECT : J. Wayne Dernetz, City Manager David L. Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director October 31, 1979 City/School Joint Development - Athletic Facilities As a follow-up to the joint City Council/School Board meeting held October 9, 1979 regarding multi-use athletic areas, the following is submitted for your review. At the above meeting, staff gave an athletic field progress re- port to the City Council and the Carlsbad Unified School Board, and also proposed various recommendations, as directed by Council, with regard to equitable expenditures for the development and maintenance program for potential athletic areas. During the ensuing discussion, the School Board expressed concern that the only project involving their school district was in the suggested Phase I of the athletic field master plan. The School Board requested that Council consider including Magnolia Phase I1 and either Kelly Elementary or Valley Jr. High in a revised proposal. Council stated that they would consider their request after further staff input. On October 11, 1979 a meeting was held in the City Manager's office with the Parks and Recreation Director and the Superin- tendent of Schools to discuss the issues presented at the joint Council/School Board meeting regarding cooperative development and maintenance of school district property for multi-use athletic activities. After evaluation and discussion the following recom- mendations were suggested. The City and school district share equal costs in purchasing materials and/or labor for Magnolia Phase I and 11, and also for the development of Kelly Elementary playfield. It was also agreed that the school district pay for utility costs and that the City would be responsible for ongoing maintenance programs at the above-mentioned school sites. It was further agreed that the existing use agreement between the school district and the City be revised and updated. The following is an expenditure summary of the various proposed sites: REVISED EXPENDITURE PROPOSAL SITE ACRES COST Magnol-hase I 2.16 $13,800 TOTAL 8.74 $54,ooo Magnolia Phase I1 2.48 15 , 200 Kelly Elementary 4.10 25,000* JCIncludes Labor It is proposed that the $54,000 be divided equally between the City and school district; $27,000 each. Approved 1978-1979 City Funds City share of above projects BALANCE $50,000 27,000 m Of the remaining $23,000, the following projects are proposed: Chase Field Lights (Material Only) $12,000 Levante School/Park (6 acres) 11,000 TOTAL s23,ooo Total City/Joint School District $27,000 Total City - Other Areas 23 , 000 GRAND TOTAL rn If the Council and school district approve the afore-mentioned development programs, the maintenance issued must be addressed. It has been suggested that the City pick up the ongoing main- tenance of Magnolia Phase I, I1 and Kelly. There is also an agreement with the Encinitas School District for the maintenance of Levante School/Park and they will be contributing $20,000 toward development. The total of all the above sites that will require ongoing main- tenance is 14.74 acres. to acreage ratio of one person per 7 acres., Therefore-, to main- tain the new proposed acreage will require two additional Park Maintenance Worker I positions, as well as the necessary mainte- nance equipment. include mowing, edging, aerification, verti-cutting, fertiliza- tion, applying of approved chemicals and repairs to the automatic irrigation system. for a new satellite crew: The Department has established a manpower The maintenance of the proposed areas would The following is a breakdown of start-up costs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Personnel, 2 Maint. Wkr. I $29,000 (hcLudes kinges ) Vehicle 7,700 Trailer 2,500 84" National 3-gang mower 3,800 Misc. Other EauiDment 2.000 Special Supplies* (fertilizer,irrig. 15; 000 replac-t , chemicals, soil amend. , etc) TOTAL $60,000 -2- The various equipment costs are a one-time item, however personnel, maintenance items and equipment replacement are ongoing expenses. It has been estimated, based on current 1979 budget figures, to maintain Class B (average difficulty areas) it costs approximately $3,000 per acre, per year, which includes personnel, maintenance operations items and capital outlay equipment. To maintain the subject 14.74 acres, and ay for utilities at Chase Field, it would cost approximately ! 46,000 in 1979 dollars. It should also be noted that if the City is required to maintain the subject school areas, scheduling of maintenance could be a problem. The school district currently mows their turf areas on the weekend because of the high intensity use during the week. SUMMARY OF COSTS CITY SCHOOL DISTS. A. Elementary School Sites Development $ 27,000 --$4/,000 B. Levante Development 11, 000 C. Chase Field Lights 12, 000 D. Utilities 4,720 E. Start-up Equipment 60 , 000 TOTAL $110,000 $51 , 270 Ongoing Maintenance, 1979 Dollars $ 46,000 Utilities (School Fields Only) $ 4,720 DLB : vlh -3- n C cn U 00 00 00 00 ” M R? 0 ’d F H H 0 2: cn c) 0 en rj cn ” v, CC q 0 0 0 ” rn‘d r ” 3 Y 7T (D Y 3p 8: cn OOO3bl~O 000000 000000 up. .. c) 3 0 w cn * H CA ‘8 r U M t-J 0 \ w t-J \ 4 a M d cn U