HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-11-26; City Council; 5993-2; LCWD effluent disposal line.- . . .. . . . . .- L. . -. CITY OF CARLSBAD Initial : Dept. Head R, AGENDA BILL NO. 5993 - Supplement #2 DATE : November 26, 1979 c. Atty \)f& C. Mgr. DEPARTMENT : Pub1 i c Works SUBJECT : LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT EFFLUENT DISPOSAL LINE STATEMENT OF THE MATTER The City Council authorized staff to negotiate with the Leucadia County Water District for the oversizing of the District's effluent disposal line. The attached agreement sets forth the terms offered by the District. They are that the City pay the change order cost ($16,721.55) plus administrative and engineering costs ($1,575.00) in return for which we will receive 29% capacity of the enlarged line. No maintenance costs will accrue until we start to use-the line. All regulatory clearances and permits have been received.' .- EXH I B ITS 1. Staff report from Public Works Administrator dated November 21, 1979 . 2. Negative Declaration 3. Coastal Commission Staff Report 4. Resolution No.&003 approving agreement with Leucadia County Water District RECOMMENDATION It is staff's recommendation that Council: '1. Approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor to execute said agreement on behalf of the City; and 2. Authorize expenditure of $18,296.55 from the Sewer Construction Fund. 11-26-79 - Council Action Council adopted Resolution No. 6003 and authorized expenditure of stated amount from Sewer Construction Fund. TO : FROM : DATE : SUBJECT : MEMORANDUM City Manager Pub1 ic Works Administrator November 21 , 1979 OVERSIZING LEUCADIA EFFLUENT DISPOSAL LINE The City Council, on October 16, 1979, authorized staff to negotiate with the Leucadia County Water District for the oversizing of their effluent disposal line. The purpose of the oversizing was stated to be for the purpose of serving future reclamation facilities that Council might au- tho r i ze. The oversizing was authorized by Leucadia County Water District subject to our payment of the change order cost ($16,721.55) plus their adminis- trative and engineering costs to effect the change order ($1,575.00). This amount, which is approximately 15% of the total cost, will give us 29% of the total capacity. The attached agreement sets forth the terms offered by Leucadia County Water District. The oversizing has received authorization from the State Coastal Commis- sion and has received a Negative Declaration from the Planning Depart- men t . RECOMMENDAT I ON It is staff's recommendation that Council: 1. Approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign; and 2. Authorize expenditure of $18,296.55 from the Sewer Construction Fund. RAB : VEB L. 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 NEGA'IIVE Dl'CLI\P&TION -- TELEPHONE: (714) 729-1 181 EIR DETERMINATION -- Ts?zF: : LCCATIOH: - Easterly of railroad tracks from north side of Lanakai Mobile Home Park (La Costa Blvd. undeveloped) northerly to Encina Water Pollution Control k'aciiity. ppaEcr ~~smp~~j-: The City's Public Work's Department is proposing a project involving oversizing a future effluent fail safe line which is ---- -- being constructed in conjunction with the reactivation of the water reclamation system for the Leucadia Sewer Treatment Plant. The proposed fail safe line would be enlarged from 14 inches to 16 inches in antici- pation of future sewage needs in the south Carlsbad area. -- c_ - -- - -- - -- - I_- - CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION 631 Howard Street, San Francisco 94105 - (415) 543-8555 November 8, 1979 To: STATE COMMISSION FROM: MICHAEL L. F'ISCiyER, EXECUTIVE DmCTOR SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR AMENDMEKC TO PERMIT NO. A-159-79 (Leucadia County Water District - LCWD) In the case of permits issued by the Commission under the Coastal Act of 1g6, the Commission Regulations (Section 13166) permit applicants to request approval by the commission of amendments to the project or permit conditions. The Coastal Commission may approve an amendment if it finds that the revised development is consistent with the Coastal Act. Commission hold a public hearing on the request, and after closing the public hearing, vote on the request. this permit, subject to conditions, to construct a total of 3,450 feet of 14-bch force main sewer pipeline along existing rights-of-way to convey excess treated effluent from the Leucadia Reclamation Facility to the ocean outfall at the Encina Treatment Plant (Exhibit 1). The pipeline construction is the coastal zone portion of a sewage treatment project that ultimately will re- sult in the reactivation of the Leucadia Reclamation Facility. requests an amendment to increase the size of a portion of the pipeline from 14 inches in diameter to 16 inches in diameter. The staff recommends that the -* . 1. Develomnent &scriDtion/Prooosec! Amendment. The Commission granted The applicant .- 2. Backnound. The applicant's original proposal was to construct the sewer line with 14-inch diameter pipe. conditions that excludes agricultural and steep slope lands in the LCW sewer service area from sewer service or assessment unless a coastal development per- mit or a certified LCP would allow the development of such land. found that this condition was necessary because the reactiva-kion of the Leucadia Re- clamation Facility will result in an increase of the LCWD treatment capacity, which, without such a condition, could result in growth inconsistent with the policies of the Coastal Act concerniqg agriculture, erosion and treatment works (30241, t302L& 30253, 30412.). The Commission's decision on this permit was based on an earlier Commission action (Appeal No. 15-76, Encina Treatment Plant) that affected U'dO as weU as other local governments and special districts in the Carlsbad area. The Commission granted this permit with a - The Commission - Subsequent to the Commission's decision on this permit, the City of Carlsbad made a request to.the II=wD that they seek an amendment to increase the size of the permitted pipeline. According to a letter from the City of Carlsbad (Exhibit the city made this request to "provide the City with treated effluent disposal . . capacity for any future facility that may be authorized by the City Counsel and for which all necessary regulatory permits have been secured." paring a master plan and an EIR for a satelite treatment and reclamation facility and the city states that "should such a facility ever by constructed in the southerly part of the city, the calculated risk taken by the city in oversizing The City is pre- -2- Leucadia's line [at the time of initial construction] could be very cost effective." The added funds needed for the oversize pipeline would come from a city construction account. Water District Board, the board approved the proposal, and then made the amend- ment request. capital The city presented this proposal to the Leucadia County STAFF FECOMMEN13ATION: The Commission hereby grants a permit for the proposed development, subject to the conditions below, on the grounds that the development will be in con- formity with the provisions of Chapter 3 of the California Coastal Act of 1976, will not prejudice the ability of the local government having jurisdiction over the area to prepare a Local Coastal Progam conforming to the provisions of Cbp ter 3 of the Coastal Act, and will not have any significant adverse impacts on the environrnent&Ain themeaning of the California Envizormental Quality Act. 11. Findinas and Declarations The Commissionfinds and declares as fbllows: 1. Amendment Description. _- The amendment allows the applicant (VI) to in- crease the size of the permitted pipeline from 14 inches to 16 inches in diameter between station points 7a56 to 30288 (as shown on tb-project plans). The increase in size will not provide any increased sewage treatment capacity, but will pro- vide the City of Carlsbad with additional treated effluent at some f'uture the the city constructs a sewage treatment facility. 2. Growth Inducemer-t. The Commission' s concern with sewage treatment facilities in this area of San Diego County are that (1) increased treatment capacity is growth inducing and my result in develo ment of agricultural and steep- slope lands inconsistent with the Coastal Act and (2 P assessment of such lands to finance treatment projects also tends to increase development pressure. condition on the original permit, as well as on an earlier permit that affected the applicant and several other local governments and service districts (Appeal No. 15-76), agricultural and steep-slope lands within the various juris- dictions' control are excluded from sewer service and assessment unless a coastal development permit or a certified LCP allows development of these lands; the intent of this condition is to prevent a commitment of these lands to urban uses unless such development would be in conformance with the Coastal Act. disposal capacity if As a .. The proposed amendment does not provide any increase in sewage treatment capacity and, therefore, is not growth inducing. The City of Carlsbad recognizes that they are taking a financial risk by funding the increase in the size of the LCWD pipeline without holding any permit for a facility that disposal capacity provided by the increased size. finds that granting this amendment in no way implies a committment to approve any future sewage treatment project. Any treatment facility proposed in the future that would affect development in the coastal zone would require application for a separate coastal development permit and would be subject to review for consistency with applicable Coastal Act policies. The Commission notes that one could use the The Commission specifically . . .I__. .. . t". A -3- of the conditions on approval of Permit identical to the condition on the permit that is the subject of this amendment request (Exhi'oit l), and it requires the City of Carlsbad to exclude its agricultural and steep slope lands from sewer service and assessment. in the event that the Commission was to approve a treatment project that would allow Carlsbad to use the increased disposal capacity provided by this amendment before the conditions of Permit A-15-76 were met, similiar provisions to prevent premature conversion of agricultural -and steep slope land to urban uses wauld be required as a condition on approval. In summary, the Commission finds that (1) agricultural and steep slope lands are protected from premature development by the condition on the original permit, (2) the increased pipeline size will be funded from €ram a city -of Carlsbad constructio fund-rather than through an assessment of agricultural or steep slope lands, (3) granting this amendment in no way implies a cammitment sewage treatment facilities, and (4) no increase in sewage treatment capacity is provided by this amendment. development beyond the control of the original pernrit, A-15-76 (Encina Treatment Plant) is Furthermore., - approve any subsequent Therefore, the proposed amendment does not affect Thus, the Commission finds that the amendmen$, as proposed, is consistent with the policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act and is consistent with past Commission actions; .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1E 1s 2c 21 2: 2: 24 2: 2E 27 2E RESOLUTION NO. 6003 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT FOR OVERSIZING OF AN EFFLUENT DISPOSAL LINE _- The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as follows: 1. A certain agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Leucadia County Water District for oversizing of Leucadia County Water District's effluent disposal line, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 1 and made a part hereof, is hereby approved. 2. The Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. *. an adjourned- PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at /regular meeting of the City Council held the 26th day of November , 1979, by the fol- lowing vote, to wit: AYES: Mayor Packard, Councilmen Skotnicki, Lewis, Anear.and Councilwoman Casler NOES: None ABSENT: None YOR ATTEST : (SEAL) ! e. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT 1 -- - AGREEMENT TO OVERSIZE EFFLUENT LINE day of THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this 9 -- 1979, by and between LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, hereinafter referred to as ltLeucadia", and the CITY OF CARLSBAD, hereinafter referred to as "Carlsbad". WITNESSETH Leucadia has awarded a contract for the construction of a pipeline to transport secondary treated sewage effluent from Leu- cadia's treatment plant "to the Encina ocean outfall. wishes to have additional capacity for Carlsbad's use constructed Carlsbad for a portion of the pipeline. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AGREED BETWEEN LEUCADIA AND CARLSBAD AS FOLLOWS : 1. Leucadia has negotiated a change order in the form at- - tached hereto as Exhibit A. Carlsbad will pay to Leucadia the direct cost of the change order in the amount of $16,721.55, plus the incidental out-of-pocket costs of accomplishing the change order in the amount of $1,575.00. Carlsbad agrees to pay the fore- going amounts to Leucadia prior to the time Leucadia authorizes the contractor to proceed with the change order. 2. Upon completion of construction, Carlsbad shall own 29% of the capacity of the enlarged line which is depicted in Exhibit B attached hereto. Carlsbad's share of the total design capacity of the enlarged line from Station 7+56 to Station 30+88.55 is 1200 gpm (peak flow). sively for the transportation of secondary treated sewage effluent to the Encina ocean outfall and for no other purpose. Carlsbad may make a connection to the pipeline depicted in Exhibit B at such Carlsbad and Leucadia shall use the pipeline exclu- .- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 16 17 le 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 point and'in such a manner as is approved by Leucadia, which ap- proval shall not be unreasonably withheld. . -- 3. After Carlsbad connects to the pipeline, Carlsbad and Leucadia shall share all costs of maintenance and repair in pro- portion to their respective percentages of capacity. Leucadia shall perform, or have performed, all required maintenance and repairs, and shall bill Carlsbad for Carlsbad's share. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this agreement effective the date first above written. ATTEST CITY OF CARLSBAD RONALD C. PACKARD, MAYOR CITY' CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT '- Y BY -2- .. ' j Engineering4cience .. .CHANCE ORDER NO. Date November 5. 1979 ! 11750 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite 220 ._ San Diego, California 92121. I -... Addition .f?E&&&x $16,721.55 . , 1 Supplemental to Contract for Construction of: Wastewater Reclanrat2 on Svst em Reactiyaltion - Scl.dj&gi IT .. -. ... 1979 . e. .. . Dated October 31' .- ! I .. .. j OWNER Leucadia County Water District -, . . . I . and 111 ... .. 5: . .... __ . -. -a- . ....... .' ONT TRACTOR DO^ Conttactina CO. .+ - ... .. I .... .. -* . .. . f' _. . -. . p-7- - a The following change in the contract drawins and specifickionr is proposed: ' '. ... ... .. . -. : ..... .. .- ' .. !.* me Contractor sh fittings, valves . sary to provide a 16" diameter.force ,main from STA' 74-56 '...I to' STA 304-88.55 as shown on revised contract drawbangs .... '.;. C-2,' C-3, C-4 and C-5. . .This. sLze shall. be installed 'in I lieu of the 14" diamnter force 'naiu, as origiually bid for accordance wfth . .... . i .. '-b - ... 3ECOMMENDED: - DsrD: .... Engineerhg-Science ' . *' YET ADDlTlON. ..... - ,- i ... .i . ... .. .- . ..... : ...... -1 . .- . . i.c -. :~ . * -. 3.. . 5 ... .. . c .. .. _., .... .-. : . .... .- .. -.. . .- ...... . , .- .. ' .3 . .;.. .:;*-, - c .'* .. . . :.. -t. it .,' .... I. >:" ... ._..I , I ii ....... .,-- . ... ... . '.. . -.. . ..f. . ..... '. , . .. ........ -. . -. . *-.a . .. !. - - .I ._ * . ".. - . - .. . ,. :. . I-. : : . : . ".: . <i. ...... ?-' ... .# :?.. . - .. . .-- .% .. ... ...;$'-.-?'* .. .. .- .... ... . _. . .. .: ..-. ~ -:. . I ~ . ., _. I. . - .... .. kFFICe MANAGER Leucadila Couutv Water District ... OWNfR . I ... ..... .. .. : - .... a. AGENCY .. ..... .. ..... -2. .... ... ... f .. '.. .. .. -. .-. BY: " . BY: ... .. ; - .I -. .. -.. .. ..... .. .. * J.' . ..... ...... . .i. . -. . e. . made DB VOQUI~DQ. - CHhNGES: All workm.n&lp and mmtarl~ls called tor by thb Order hall be lully'k. sccordmcewlth 8heortg:nal Connrc Documonh hofH "'the wmrmry ba epplid withour ronlllct to Ihs condition9 ~t lo* bv %hh Ordry. Th* tho foI compl.tlng the Contract will not b- eItMdr( unlns DRD,.~)~ proridd for In thi, Ordmr. ....... .... -. -... ... -. ___-_- .. EXHIBIT ''A'' :.. '. _. ., ' . -. EXHIBIT B THE PLANS ARE ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK