HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-12-04; City Council; 3552-14; Construction of Magee parkCITY OF CARLSBAD Initial : Dept. Headg E AGENDA BILL NO. 3552 - Supplement #I4 DATE : December 4, 1979 C. Atty DEPARTMENT: Engi neeri ng C. Mgr. SUBJECT: CONSTRUCTION OF MAGEE PARK - CONTRACT NO. 1069 STATEMENT OF THE MATTER I' On September 18, 1979, the City Council accepted bids and awarded Contract No. 1069 for the construction of Magee Park,to Michael Straub. not reflect the relocation of the old City Hall/Library to the site. Modifications to the irrigation system and the landscaping plan must be accomplished to accommo- date the relocated structure. No provision has been made to provide underground utility lines including water, gas and electric lines up to the old City Hall/ Library. Accomplishing the undergrounding at this time would preclude trenching at a later time after the park is in use. $3,858. in Area 1, Park-in-lieu funds; hoc;ever, there are funds available in the Federal Xevenue Sharing Unappropriated Fund Balance. The plans for the work did The additional work is estimated to cost There is only $655 The Parks and Recreation Director concurs in the work. EXH IB ITS Copy of Public Works Project Change Order Resolution No. 6005 authorizing transfer of funds RECOMMENDATION Approve the undergroundin of utilities to the old City Hall/Library at Magee Park and adopt Resolution No.6 8 05 authorizing transfer of funds. Council Action: 12-4-79 Council approved the undergrounding of utilities to the Old City Hall/Library at Flagee Park, and adopted Resoltuion 6005, authorizing transfer of funds for construction of Magee Park. __ CITY OF CARLSBAD - PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT CHANGE ORDEK CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 DATE 11 /6/79 CONTRACT NO. 1069 PURCHASE ORDER NO. 004405 BUDGET NO. 3D20 CONTRACTOR 'S NAME Mike Straub PROJECT NAME AND NO. Construction of biaqee Park - Contract !do. 1069 ACTION: Add utility lines (sewer, telephone, water, gas'and electric) to service old City Hall at a lump sum cost of $4,437.00. Original contract amount Change Order No., 1 New contract amount - APPROVAL: Date .i . Field Engineer $1 77,664 .bo 3,858.00 $1 81 ,522 .'OO i CONTRACTOR: BY DATE Depart me n t He ad Date Magee Park Chronology Events Re Usage---Park and Buildings 5-21-74 Council adopted Resolution 3423, generally expressing intention to accept bequest of Florence Shipley Magee, subject to conditions re use for parks and recreation activities or as location for historical society headquarters. 5-18-76 Council accepted staff recommendation re assignment of rooms and use of Magee House - Rooms B, C, D, E, I?, & G for exclusive use by Bicentennial Historical Society; Rooms A, I, J, K, L, M & N for general meetings and classrooms; room M could also be used as a kitchen on small scale; Rooms K & 0 for storage; and Room Q for Parks & Recreation Control Center for park and buildings therein and would be manned by staff member. 7-5-77 2-21-78 4-18-78 11-7-78 12- 19- 78 3-6-79 3-20-79 9-4-79 Adopted Resolution 5134, approving agreement with Lawrence Black and Associates for Master Plan design of Magee Park. Magee Park Master Plan submitted to Council, and returned to staff for preparation of newreport, with directions to present project remaining within budgeted amount of funds. Council approved Alternate #2 (Irrigation, landscaping, walkways, parking lot, lighting, lawn bowling, shuffleboard and picnic tables at construction estimate of $.139,000) , with deletion of lawn bowling, walkway and lighting araund lawn bowling area and with addition of the restrooms. Council denied request of Senior Citizens' Association to renovate the barn to be used by them as a food cooperative. Council agreed to allow Historical Society to renovate Magee barn, subject to submission of concept plan to Council within 90 days, construction to be completed in one year, and plans to coincide with existing plans for landscaping and completion of park. Council accepted letter and proposal from Historical Society and agreed to allow them to proceed with their plans for the barn. Council directed the Historical Society be allowed to remove the Old City Hall Building from the Harding Street Community Center at their expense, to the northwest corner of Magee Park, and that such building be locked and not used till a foundation is placed under it and subsequent Council direction. Council directed the Friends of the Library be given permission to use the old church in the Magee Park for a period of time from 9/5/79 until 6/1/80 for the purpose of storing and processing books. RESOLUTION NO. 6005 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR CON- STRUCTION OF MAGEE PARK - CONTRACT 149. 1069 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the transfer of Three Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty Eight Dollars $3,858.00) from Federal Revenue Sharing Unappropriated Fund Balance, Account lo. 22-000-0900, to Federal Revenue Sharing, Magee Park Project, Account No. !2-170-3020, is hereby suthdrized and approved. 2. That the Department of Finance Fund Transfer No. 25 on file in said iepartnient and incorporated by reference herein is approved. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad it a regular meeting held the 4th day of December , 1979, by the 'oflowing vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Packard, Anear, Lewis and Councilwoman NOES: Councilman Skotnicki Casler 1 ABSENT: None 4*e/5/yfiL/ RONALD C. PACKARD, MAYOR \TTEST: .l b d& @& \LETHA L. RAUTENKRfiN , CITY CLERK (SEAL)