HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-12-04; City Council; 6090; Public Hearing - Master EIR 567 PC Res 1561 Village Area Redevelopment Project4 0- a. .- , CITY OF CARLSBAD ’ AGENDA BILL NO: DATE: December 4, 1979 DEPART~IENT: Housing & Redevelopment . SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARIXG - MASTER ENVIRONME?Ti‘AL 1PE”IF’CT REPORT 56; STATEMENT OF THE MATTER: At its meeting of November 14, 1979, t-he Planning Commission con: !{aster ~nvironmenk Impact Report # 567. After due consideration, Commission adopted Resolution 1561, recommending that the Council certify EIR # 567, or the Master -Environmental Inpact Report for Vill-age Area Redevelopment Project o . These items are then routinely scheduled for consideration at a 1 noticed public hearing. . In this instance., the Environmental Impa Report should not have been routinely processed, but heltj i-n obey until the time and date of the hearing 02 the plan. RE COMMEYDATIO2J It is recommended that the Council remove this item from thle Agen pending consideration at the time of the‘Publ2,c Hearing on‘ the Redevelopment P1 an o .. .. Council Action: 12-4-79 The item was removed from the Agenda and staff was directec to renotice the matter for hearing.at the appropriate time. * vnnw nT m hnTTm’1P 70 * 0 0 - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING EIR-567 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California at 6:OO P.M. on Tuesday, December 4, 1979 to consider the Environmental Impact Report, EIR NO. 567, for the Village Area Redevelopment Plan. APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad PUBLISH: November 24, 1979 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL e * NOTICE OF PUBLIC HIEARING 4 EIR-567 NOTICE 'IS HEREBY GIVEN 2haX Zhe Planning Ccrrnminsian 06 the CiQ 06 Cattihbad wiRR hoLd u public kcatling at ;the City CuunciL Chambeu, 1200 Elm Avenue, CatRabad, CURidOhMia a;t 7:OO P.M. an Wednenday, Nuvmbet 14,th, 7979, $0 conhide& Xh& Envihanmenfal? ImpacX RepuhX #567 dafl ,the ViUage Ahea Red eveteopmeni Plan. Thane pehnonn wiahing ko speak on .the paopoAa.t atre cotrdialty invi;te$ kt0 at.tend $he public heating. please calR 729-1167 and aah bot khe Redeve&opmefi.t Seckian 06 ,the. PRanniiMg VepaaRmenS, APPLICANT: City 06 Cartldbad PUBLISH : Navembetr 3, 7979 CITY OF CARLSBAB PLANNlNC COMMISSION I& you have any quedXkon a Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of Son Diego County 3088 PIO PICO AVENUE e P.O. BOX 248 0 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 0 729-2345 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled ma 1 am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general circul published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general characte which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of F subscribers, and which newspaper has been established and published at regular ;nterva~s in th City of Carlsbad, County of Sun Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one next preceding the date of publication o notice hereinafter referred to; and that the r of which the annexed is a printed copy, has published in each regular and entire issue o newspaper and not in any supplement there the following dates, to-wit: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING EIR-567 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIWN that the planning ‘Commmion of the CI~Y of Carlsbad will hold a public heankg at the city Councll Chambers. 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California at 7 w P M on Wednesday, November 14th ig79, to consider the Environmental Impact Report #567 for the Village Area Redevelopment Plan the proposal are cordially invited to at- tend the public hearing Ifyou have any questions please call 7241181 and ask for the Redevelopment Section of the Applicant CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION November 3 1s ................................. Those persons wishing to speak On ................................. 19 Planning Department ................................. 19 - C J i579, November 3.1979 - ................................. 19 ................................. 19 I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing i! and correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of San D State of California on e 3rd day of --&YYer 1979 / I/ / LLf ;lJ Clerk of the PI \ -\ <r. n x<,- - “ A’, / i 4 2M 15-79 L.. ." 0 0 PIEP/rORANDUM DATE : September 4, 1979 TO : Paul Eussey, City Manager FROM : SUBJECT : DRAFT MASTER ENVIRONMENTAL IYPACT REP0P.T Jack Henthorn, Redevelopment Coordinator w The Redevelopment Staff has completed the analysis of the environmental impact associated with the Village Area Redevelopment Plan. A copy of the draft Master Environmental Impact Report has been filed with the Secretary of Resources, State of California. ** The attached draft Vaster Environmental Impact Report is provided for your review. JH:jd ;?* Filed with other EIR's e 0 <I b L INITIAL STUDY SUMMARY DATE : August 14, 1979 TO: FROM: Brian Milich, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: EIA. NO. 567, VILLAGE AREA REDEVELOPMENT PLAN James Hagaman , P1 anni ng Di rector >// 4" DISCUSSION The City of Carlsbad is presently witnessing a decline in the viability of the City's commercial core. In order to check this deteriorating condition and revitalize the Central Business District, the City has established a Redevelopment Agency. The primary function of this Agency is to prepare a redevelopment plan which guides and regulates development within the downtown study area. A preliminary plan has been prepared entitled the "Village Area Redevelop Plan". The overall goal of this plan is "to create a pleasant, attractiv accessible environrrient for living, shopping, recreation, civic, cultural and service functions through restoration and new , private/publ ic develop forms which preserve and enhance the existing character of the Village Area and surroundi rig communi ty. " More speci f i cal ly , objectives of the plan i ncl ude: - Encouragement of resi denti a1 variety - Density restrictions - Revitalization programs - P1 anned commercial development - Pedestrian/bi cycl e orientation - Tourist and recreational orientation - Restoration and rehabilitation programs - Stimulate private investment - Enhance general circulation and public transit - Establish design control The City's Redevelopment Area is generally located west of 1-5 and east of Ocean Street, incorporating the City's Central Business District and portions of the contiguous area. landuses, including industrial , commercial and residential , in addition to several vacant parcels. In filling out the environmental impact assessment form, the Redevelopme Agency has indicated that the activity could affect the functioning of the existing community, in addition to possibly resulting in the displac of community residents. intensify the development of the downtown area, along with increasing the ambient noise level. This property includes a variety of Also, the Redevelopment Plan may serve to I. - " e a -.. .. .\ The Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance states that "if it is determined that the project may have a significant impact on the envi ronment ( "envi ronment" is defined as soci a1 , economi cy and physical conditions), an environmental impact report will be prepared and processed as provided in this chapter". (Section 15040) define significant effect as "A substantial, or potentially substantial , adverse change in any of the physical conditior within the area affected by the activity including land, air, water, minerals, flora, fauna, ambient noise, and objects of historic or aesthetic significance". Therefore, since the Village Area Redevelopment Plan is being developed with the intent of creating major changes in the City's downtown core, there is a potential that this plan may result in a significant impact on the social, economic and physical conditions of this area. Recommendation It is recommended that it be found that the Redevelopment Plan may have a significant impact on the environment, and that an environmental impac report, consistent with the Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance and the California Environmental Quality Act, be prepared. Justification 1) The State EIR Guidelines The proposed plan may result in a substantial modification to the study area, including the possibility of displacement of existing residents. The social, economic and physical conditions of this area would be modi f i ed by the Redevel opment P1 an. 2) 3) The Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance requires that proje which may have a significant impact on the environment must have an environmental impact report prepared. BM:ar 81 14/79 .2 c 0. / ,I - 0 ER 1‘ 1 R 0 M $? EN T A L I F9 PACT Pa S S Z S S ME XT F Q R M t <,,. - -&E** 8%$o* .86 - EIA NO. Date: Naix of Applicant: CWoF ~~~~ I P,?S4res s : 1- ELE\h BAR5M.E Permit ~pp’iied FW: VIM€ Mep, g- w PUN Case Nos.: Location of Proposed Activity:& ATWN&NT x) BACKGROUND INFORMATION Id., Give a brief description of the proposed activity (atla any preliminary davelopment plans), - , w\uPG= #&EZPL p?€z€u- -a tSF =‘s C-4UWA.L ZtN~A~ VJmN TW-hht mlb‘mD TO -aT f3t~ W~kksPi G-BhP’S ~r;tll”p~h ~510- dlsrPflCT, &D m ~oo~~Ti~ 2. Describe the activity area, including distinguishing natural and manmade characteristics; also provide prt?ci slope analysis when appropriate. ~riJAo€5 - -q=v& eilsrMes as1 3. Describe energy conservation measures incorporated into the design and/or operation of the proJect. U/f FORM I 44, Page 1 of 4 PLAXNIMG I' ' 0 0. )' .. ENVIRONYENTAL WFACT ASSESSMENT FORM 11. Envircnrnenta? Impact Analysis Answer the fDl'lowing questions by placing a check in the appropriate space. - Yes .. 1. Could the project significantly change present land uses 2. Could the activity affect the use of a recreatfonal .. fn the vicinity of the activity? P area, or area of important aesthetic value? 3. 'Could the activity affect the funct;oning of an established communi ty or neighborhood? 4, Could the activity result- In the dispfacement of comun i ty res i d en t s ? .. - 5, Are any of the natural or man-made features in the activity - % x - .area unfque, that is, not found in other parts of the -- County, State, or naticn? 6, .Could the actfvity significantly affect a historical or . archaelogicaf site or its setting? - -0 - 'a Could the activity significantly affect the patentfa1 . use, extraction, cr conservation of a scarce natural res- 8- Does the activity area serve as a habitat, food source - nesting place, source of water, etc. far.rare or endangered wildlife ot: fish species? - 9. Could the activity significantly affect fish,,wif5liie or plaiif life? - 10. Are there dny rare or endangered plant species in the activity area? 11, Could the activity change existing features of any,of the city's lagoons, bays, or tidelands? 12. Could the activity change existing Features of any of the City's beaches? - 13. Could the activity result in the erosion or elimination of ,agricul tuml 7 snds? 14. Could the act-ivity serve to encourage development of presently undeveloped areas or intensify dmelopmeht .o ozlrce? - . .e c -. C. -. - .\ of already dcvelopcd areas? -2s.- FORM 44, Parje 2 of 4 ' .. . I - i?S - 0 0 " - 15.- Wi72 the activity require a variance from established &vironrnental standards (air, water, noise, etc)? -- 16. Will the act-ivity require certification, authorization or issuance of a permit by any lccaf, State or Federal environmental control agency? - Will the activity require issuance of a variance or conditional use permit by the City? '18. Will the activity involve the application, use, or disposal of potentially hazardous materials? _I 99, Will the activity involve construction of facilities in a flood .p1 ai n? 20. Will the activity involve construction of facilities on a slope of . 25 percent or greater? -. 21. Will the activity involve construction of facilities in the area of an active fault? 22. Could the activity result in the generation of significant 23. Could the activity result in the generation of significant amounts of dust? 24. Will the activity fnvolve the burning of brush, trees, or Could the activity result in a significant change in the 17. u_. __ . . . amounts of noise? .- 4%- a- - .. . other materials? . I_ -25. . uality of any portion of tne region's air or water resources? 9 Should note surfaceg ground water, off-shore) e - 26. Will there be i significant change to existing land form? (a) indicate estimated grading to be done in cubic yards. . . (b) percentage of alteration to the present land form. - - .- (c) maximum height of cut or fI71 slopes. .27. Will the activity result in substantial increases in the use of utilitie sewers, drains or streets? x 111. State of No Siqnificant rinvironniental Effects If you have answered yes to one or more of'the questions in Section I1 but yc think the activity will have no significant environmental effects, indicate J reasons bel ow: . . .* 0. .' .. ,. >. I. FO'RM 44, I page 3 of 4 0 0, ) .“ - “,a: .. IV: Comients or Elaborations to Any of the Questions in Section 11. (If additional space is needed for answering any questions, attac additional sheets as may Signature : Date Signed: Conclusions (To be completed by the Planninq Director). Place a check in the appropriate box. ( ) Further information is rec@red. ( 1 It has been determined that the project will not have signi environmental effects. ( ) You must submit a preliminary environmental- impact statenent by the r’ollowing date. to discuss further processing of your project, in accordanc Chapter 19.04 of the Municipal Code. (/TYou should make an appointment with the Planning Dire e. DATE RECEIVED: - =/- /$ -7q I f Revised December 22, 1978 .-.*-s* .r.- %.-,.....__ 1 1 .% 1 P” . *& e e ." 1200 ELM AVENUE TELEP CARLSBAD, CALlF0f"A 92008 (714) 7 citp of ~iir~~~b NOTICE OF DEXTR~fINATION 567 - * TO: CW"YCLLERK SECRETARY FOR RESOURCES LOG NO. County of San Diego 220 West Broadway Room 1311 San Diego, CA 92101 Sacramento, CA 95814 1416 Ninth Street 1 pmn TITLE: Village Area Redevelopment Plan PRQJEcr ADDRESS: Redevelopment Area located west of 1-5 and east Central Business District and portions of the VI II ur ci~ iriy ~iie L I LY' s e.. I PERMIT APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad - - ENVIROMIENTAL, IMPACT OF THE PROJECT a STATUS OF PROJECT WILL hQT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT EFFECT WILL/p.IAY HAVE A SIGNIFICANT EFFECT CI APPROVED 0 DENIED n ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT hQlNE COMPLETED PURSUANT TO CEQA a U. COMPLETED PURSUANT TO CEQA A copy of the a Negative Declaration n EIR with supporting documents is available for public review at the Planning Department, City Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008. RATE: SIGNED: JAMES C. HAW, Planning Director 1 m s. ., c 5 p d 7. \ i k ‘“Ikj ;,..-; L .i. ‘j : Mayp:: ad Cfty Corlnci 1- FRQ:.I : City. Xanag?~ 1- *; 1. . OC31_‘0?.,~~~ j.2, 2970, r? .’. a- S!JB,JT3CT : VIT,iAGE ‘5J-igL STRZETSCAPE Aj<:) pl4.KJIWG L(;T DE:SIG?.‘; - :INFO RNA ‘1: 1: 31.3 rl J-1-j.e Red?velopment: Coor.din.ntc;.r has p-r.o~17i.d:ed. my office w.it:h ~i re.po;:rt GZ~ tlie sta-tus of !:>..2 abDve i-1O.LCd iten. ‘The for y,qtr krlformation, . coord:’,na.tior ’ s memo and a,l:t~.chii;e~r,s a.re ficreby prp~-jd& , _. % I i/ /{,/ j,/f ’> ‘, L?”e)[ ,9 ) t :v /gJ?, ;2=:?&‘2- &-L,,$1 I (j J * J7ayn.e L)erne t z 3* u.’.J JWD : J’C : m ,. d .. 8 'a B. .. I \; Y MEMOM.N DUN -__------ h DATE : October 12, 1-979 TO : Cit,y Planager FROM : Redevelopment Coordinator, Jack Hentho SUBJECT: VILLAGE AREA STREETSCAPE AND PARKING LOT PLAN _______ Background As a part of the CiCy's fourth year Housing and Community Development Elock Grant Progran, Council allocated funds for the above noted purposes. Subsequently' a contract was awarded to the firm of Bissell-flugust of Newport Beach for the provision of design services. Preliminary drawings were presented to che Village Area Redevelopment Project Area ConmLttee on July 19, 1979. . Subsequently a report was forwarded to Council- sumxarizing the comqittec's cormnentary, and advising that staff would .authorize the consultant to proceed to final design mless otherwise directed by Council. Hearing no objections from Council, members of staff authorized finai design c;f the parking lot: portion of the contract and refinement of the form it became -evident that existing topographical and hour;da.r: data was inaccurate and inadequate. A detailed survey of the parking lot site was completed in late August permitting completion of construction drawings. Curr,eii t S t a. tcs Parking lot cons tructiori drawings reflecting the conf igura-lion -shown in Exh.ibiC 1 are currently undergo-ing plan check by Engineering. In addition, bid specifications arc also undergoing a similar check. As sooii as the plans and specifi.- cations are released by Engineering they will be presented to Council f@r authorization to request construction bids. The proposed streecscape plan is being put into document form at this time. fl Xerox mock-up is attached as Exhibit 2. Verb and gra.phics are beirtg prepared for off-set (printing) process The mock-ups are provided simply to acq-uaint us .clJith the pro- posed format of the final docurrent. Recommendation It is recommended khat copies of this item be distribut:ed to the City Couacil fer inforn1ationa.1 purposes. streetscape> design. As parking lot construction drawings took -- .. _.I_ ----I .. I' .' ,e @ '. * . t\ B .. ,. % v? rn 0 0 z > I- i 5 2 X . .. __..__. __-. 13 I- > z __-_ .._- 5 in 2 . -. . _____ .-. - _- - I.n. J &' 1 co X? ;$ $01 1'' E 4 0 $-a ---- 7 $2 (nmo g< -4 -4 p 5% wmr $2 -4m R" cxn < m IP) i:n Cn g $G * :7; a .I_ -,-..--. *..". I /--.-. I..-+.) ===rn-= =-m==m q --- ------I--- c 0 P E a E 8Tj w J c 1 -'I I' \i \ b, I I1 '\ I 3 \y\ ' ,6 I ?? 3 9 I f % \ I I I \ \ \L ' .1 I ' 4 I * _---- . t ~18 \ !I "I' 9 I 1) \ I i L C 7 I v) 6) * 2 E= 3 t -u------m---m # I- Y Y “m--I- 1. / I -mmn 0 m-mmmH==rn===a =z mI Bm +G R x 0 0 fr? v) m < 9" rn om r -I v) -r -+ :: E 1 : T ---------- 3AV Wl3 nlYl s.w ‘MV aNvm ~~==~==~rnrn~rnm 5 ----- =-==-=-= < a3 c 3 e E z w a > z 2 Q ;a x e m~m=m====--m- 3 4 5 z Q P 2 B -=-====m=m==rn $ 0 0 : 6 Rmmm-DI=mmD=m t e 3 r-- d A +xg 4 $$ 9 "> P E 2% 3 T x F I if- a a tsm 3 0 03 3 a icc gs) 0 #t 7T a R=U~R~~Rm~R~II I * a i * 4 - Si$! q.+( LI P -T 5 P! e *A 5 [ 5 . E.$ 4qJ TI Qg 19, ?Gz (8)- 5 8.3 WD -0 m- a e 9 3: a 5 E= c =n==m==mmmmmI ! B m = __ = R = = =.= m D =,__ 4 a m + __---- e 11 r "8 3 5 8 I, Ep !! 2 I!! I' I a 44- 13 8 0: 'Plla n .. .a k a dl 5 e 3 \I " li Tc ,r I i 0 .. -. CARLSBAD - .. VILLAGE AREA . . REDEVELOPMENT PLAN e. *. DISCUSSION DRAFT NO.AL ' .. ONLY LI_ - ., SuUE .. -, .1979. ' * .. .. ... ' .. . : 0 .. .. .. . .I .. 0 -. .. .. :. . .e .. .. .. .. - \ 0. e .. e . \. * -. F. .' .. .I .a - . .; . -. t - .- 7. --, $-- --t *. '0 a CAdtSBAD VILLAGE AREA REDEVELOPPENT PLAN e f. 0 0 a. b . -0 m .- CONTENTS * 0. - 0 -. 0 0 d( -9 .. -0 PAGE CIC PART .- o--.-- .. 9 d a 0 4 . ._ re 3. 3 4 e , A, PREFACE - - so- .* o o o o e 0 90 0 o o o oeo-* o .. .. Bo a INTRODUCTION . a e - . 0 0 k- - - *- e 0 - o e - - .. .. c. QrfqwmkEb q DE'ira em?e .v * -- 1 OB.* e s 5 Eo PROPOSED AGENCY ACTIONS e 0 a. 0 * 0 6 0 e- 0 0 e " .. 1% e * .-j. Fl a De USES & CONTROLS o . e . 0 o0 0' -0 0 e 0 0 -0 *e 8 0 - *!h" 0 *w * SF, FIN@?CMG . o c e 0.'- e* S" e--* o .- o - o e 6 o. o 2s 0- - Go PROPOSED CITY ACTIONS e e oo.-o e b 2 e -O 0 o - k9 .. r;* .. X, APPENDICES - 0 *. n-LQduS&. O. E, P~SJ ADMINISTRATIO% e . - o a ord - . e .me =* '- - - 29 - . c po :.r . --.. - .. O. 0. ~ 0. * * a ae. -'BOUNDARY MAP ' .. 0- 0 0 0- .. 0 ., - . 0 .- 20 PLAN DIAGP!ZGYYS *. b. C~~.CU\~+~OK 0 1. - .. .. .. 3o GENERAL 11.L"ACTS 0 I .. * s a d .. -_ .0 00 0 9 0- 0 .. 'w ' B. 0 0 0 0 . .-a .. . .. .e . 0. 9 * Q .. 0 .a 0 0 * e 0 4 e 8 0 0 0 0 ? eo 8 .* 0 0 . * 9. -. a * 0. 0 0 '0 0 ,. a,* 8' -9 e e e 0' a . 0 .. .. e . PART A: . . PREFACE .. *. .. *. *XnCentiVe to business' &evelopment is lacking but even if it existed $he physical capacity to accomnodate business is lacking. This same. lack of incentive decreases the inclination bf the individual property owners or enterprises to modernize. . . -. .' -- ' e .. AS a conse- . . pence the process of deterioration sets 'in until community finds . a commercial SI= cieveloking in its very mias't.:. 8 P. 25 Community Development Plan - A Master Plan - Carlsbad, California, by Gordon Whitnall and Associates, 1957, . e* * 'A Report on the Elements of * 8 4. - .. .. * The ab& quotation is a concise depiction o * Of the situation found in much of' the existing commercial dev& ZUent within the Carlsbad village area, Without concerted acti.7 the City - and the business community, outdated' sites , incapable convenient and efficient service will continue to foster tFe * - d. . - process, commonly called blight. *. .I . Carlsbad is not the only city in the county faced -. with a b -* declining comxerical core. The inevitable deterioratiop .. of es lished commercial areas 2s well documented in cities- throughou -., - cbunty,.'stat;e and nation. Equally well documented is the fact . this deterioration cannot be overcome without joint public-pri Private investments in store fronts and dollar da 'sales (d'n;qd+ have-met with as little success as public parki . L- -commitment.- . .' aiil public ZSLII. construction, ' Examples of' the failure Of thes types of approaches abound. . Strengthening of the residential fabric of the inner city ahould acconpany the revitalization of the commercial core. H revels of incentive can be created for commercial redevelopmen as a result of the availability of cLose.in concentration of F . chasing powers. This commercial residential interplay is esse * ' e 1 i to ensure healthy, dynamic inter-citj' area. ' e 0 * . 0 *. 0. .* .'(Q 1.' 8 'I *. I I .. a. Redevelopment plans hiqtorically have taught us that government eo Cannot solve the problems of declining Jnner-city areas. key to SuCceSs is a "partnership" concept wherein private reinvi ment can be meshed with public expenditure, in short the public The I 0 e and private sectors e must cooperate for the purpose of leveragin1 their individual efforts. This plan is an effort .. to begin a true partnership concept, bri the public and private sectors together so that the goal of .. .. .. creating a liveable urban environment can' become a reality. ... ~. .~ e. I. " -.* e h e. .. 0 .. . .. a : 0 .. *. .. \ 0 0. .. .. a :* -a v .. .- d * .. 3. PART B : INTRODUCTION Format and Preparation I The redevelopment plan for the Village Area of the City Of Carlsbad consists of Part 1: Plan text and Part 2: appendices. The redevelopment plan has been prepared by the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency, pursuant to the community Redevelopment Law of the"State of California, . the Bylaws of the Redevelopment Agency and all applicable 4 local ordinances and State statutes. Project Goal 0 i The overall goal.of4the Village Area Redevelopment Project is to create a pleasant, attractive, accessable - 8 environment for living , shopping, .recreation, civic , cultural and service functions through restoration and new, private/public development forms which preserve and enhance the existing character of the Village Area . *. * and surrounding community. The Objectives of the Plan A. . .Encourage of a variety of residential accomodation and amenity in thevillage Area so as to increase the advantage of'close-in living and convenient core shopping, toward * the end of encouraging' a diversity of age, income and ethnic characteristics. 0 Bo Restrict the highest residential density to areas in or near the Village Center. c. Introduce programs to revitalize all areas which are deteriorating or have high potential to become deteriorated .. . I .3 ** “7,. I -. . D. Provide an organized system of commerdal land uses to .- a .. be grouped in a village setting, rather than a strip or * . sprawled commercial manner, Such . uses should include administrative and profession’al offices, retail outlets’, and public offices, .. E. Provide, within the vPllagecoRgf .z area, a variety of . 44 0 i spaces and locations for specialty, unique, and attractia e shops with strong pedestrian orientation. and spaces should be interconnected with attractive pedestrian belts incorporating landscaping and/or Locations e .. unique texture e 9 * F: Provide a variety of commercialo tourism, and recreation2 activity, especially close to the beach, in conjunction c .* with special entertainment facilities, restaurants and other uses which will foster a village concept ani. no“t .- -- - r, - 0 . a’61etrhentally impact residential usage. 0. 6. I’ Provide for pedestrian. and bicycle access to the. developr * *. - clusters and open areas, .. - H.. -Provide for visual amenity through such means as 1andscaI court yards, attractive and.hamonious architectural forms and vest pocket parks, .. -. .. ‘ ’ . . X. Arrest.decay and decline throughout the project area . through restoration and rehabilitation of str’uctures, Guide developmenk to preserve asthetic and cultiral quality. .o 4- 0 .., r, 0. K. Stimulate and attract private investment. .\ 0. .. t. It. Provide a‘convenient circulation system with an emphasis .. upon ease of access and convenient; saf,e and attractive off-street ‘parking arcas. I .- $1 4 ' M. Accommodate existing and 'future local and yeghd ,.::-jg '' 'Ne Establish the Village .. center area.as ,he No~~h'~oUnty1~' '- *. - public transit facilities, *. * focus for specialty goods and services, Establish design control in keeping with the desired village atkosphere, e 0. .I .. *. PART C: GENE= DEFINITIONS AS US& in this plan the following words shall mean: "Agency" - the Carlsbad Redeveloppent Agency, duly constituted by action of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad under the provisions of Health and Safety Code of the .. - . -% . State of California. .. "City" "City Council" !'Committee" The city of Carlsbad, California. r- City council of the City of Carlsbad, California. .. -* Carlsbad Village Project Area Committee as .e tc 0. .. mandated by the Redevelopment Law to advise the Agency prior to plan adoption and during the hp1ementatio.n - stages of the project, ' "Planning Commission" The city of Carlsba?ifs Planning -.. . Commission. . . .. ''Plan" "Project Area*' The Village- Area Redevelopment Project Plan .Number 1. The Redevelopment Project known as the . .. Village Area Redevelopment' Project Arm Numbor On@ p the boundaries of which are shown on Exhibit A, and wherever, this name appears, it shall mean the same as the Village Area Redevelopment Project, description of this area "bt?yat ~ 6~ .. -.. PqjC - g . . 0.. 0 Whenever . ** . e. The legal I_ a. .* .. , 3 c. 5 kt77 .. .. -e '"Redevelopment .. Law" The Community Redevelopment Law of the e, State of California (California State Health . Code, Sections 33000 et. seq.) 0 and Safety 0 . 0 *Specific Plan" A precise plan primarily designated to e 0. implement the r.edeveloprnent plan for the village area - a: of the City of Carlsbad. '%tatel' .The State of California. .. .. . .e .* .'Inner-City" - The historic Carlsbad town site. The inner- .. city inLXudes yhf e wfa Xoundd AT i9UWd Ihs& & .a -IsI ~ 'f-s, f&aGC- ~CP~M GZ;?~ &SWk-&-&f€$ The Village Area . o Re'deveiopment Project area is a part of'this inner city area. -. B .. .. 'zoning Ordinance" A specific plan u&eu 9 which building .i .a . .. heights, building bulk and land use are reguiated and - -. under which territory is divided into land use districts Or zones. - .. .. I 0 Unless otherwise stated'the Zoning Ordinance .. z- . shall mean the zoning maps and regulations'of the City P 8 e .O of Carlsbad. e. -I 0. :f!&stee Review Board" - A review board consisting of highly qualified. persons with an interest in the field- . from the city staff * to advise associated committei 0 9 - 0 . of urban design t and pmemccjev;:' d x. 0 '.; sha/l de .L~I~+C& * and the Agency, The bard will evaluate development . 0. . proposals as they relate to the Village Improvement Man and intent of this plan, .o * .t -*. * .' '* 0 .'? ** * "Village beSt3n %,Manualst The Aqency's official. statemen It ' of design and land use policy for :the project area. ernbodies developmental criteria and guidelines which 'e .e 0. 0 .** IALF WAAI ut= uscu LU ~LZQZI~ ~~ie goals ana oqeccives nocea herein. It 'addrcsses such matters as' texture, spatial .. .. 0. * .. .. relationships, amenity, asthetic quality landscaping, coU&ards , plazas, parking designs, etc. .. * "Procedure Manual" A. procedures manual is established for -: &e Purpose Of providing a clear understanding to all 0. paxties iivolved, of the process under which development '4: 0. .. - - . Q projects and proposals will be reviewed, . ._ 4 .. 115uba\-co,s,"- .. ~fcje design ~~P;,L/R/ w/ZCkdmss *& ;~jqq/lpr QGCS uh~~;tL /end %em se/~er -.~2rt+lrc project erect-.. by--&&&/h ,Y /hft s 7"o WdfC igpAn;?9vc Lamd use f?NP@rn@&PC - I. . ehan ~4osL'si-P&/.-% rh %+E: /+@x@-/reJ<~& '/a -GI? +hG pur$ase$ a-+ 4&/S. p& * th@io Gfls+ruif<bfl #m -- .L I. . - &lis 14 wps-;L€!?Wce t *p7.~'dei+dtiCrliL a;; y -4Ldd~~ @&?y&tm- *or repnir M/k)rC='A bCC.f/K?5 LxIt* fj *- 5Wucfuy9. Z;kdI be:' @ce/r;r.c- 4 & b-s_v7ec*/cm2 fi-cc. fJb*&$= fldd<iZt;HS, hkem Y '-5 4ymi-P scsrc=AvMs u9. 7% x 0. .- - .. .: '???enf p/&n* 7hfle dp&?dk .. */IC//&@ /&k?gbvH .. -- .- e. 'SVbar&s.*; - - .. .- .* 4 . .. -b - .- * :be& CmS++YC\lkti~**..s.t+k if nem .espc-$fm:-d y .. . :Se;'rp&l,f& &~h.-Q's/t$Z &k?tii-t$ Gt s-.&pU~~U&i, i . *a hk5 beefi -r,=m ud. ob/ w p'"~.~~dds s+ut? - *e 'any p mm% t.;d b fid aceQA 50 +.CCY.{ 0. . .. -- &- +-&& U&[w& cg2L?qisf,i*5 bu/lc(/YiyY .* SUt.~+f wh 7. /(-h/c . *. a. a- 0 .. *.",- "3 ?. "" 5 .. 0. Llyl*m $*&h $ SI br.- -I -* . .. . 0 . 0 . 08 a .L . a . a. .' , *. \; Q .. 0 00 .. 0. a b m .I . .. o :. .a 4 e. .. 0 ..e b/7C -Qy . ..D. ~e.77 LEGAL DESCRIPTIQN All those portions sf the City of Carlsbnd, County of San Diego, State of California described as follows: BEGINNING at the -st Westerly corner of hlt 58 of Granviile Park tb. 2, according to ]kip thereof KO. 2037 filed in the office of the County Recorde. sf San Diego County, June 18, 1927; thence along the Sorthmstcrly, Norther and Northeasterly line of said piap 2037 to the most Easterly corner of bt of said Yap 2037; thence leaving the boundary of said Lot 133, Easterly to most Westerly corner of Lot 174 of said Map 2037; thence continuing Easter1 along the Southerly line of said Lot 174, 20.00 feet nore or less, to the Easterly line of the State Highway (brlsbad hulevard) as granted to the S - of California in &ok 266, page 240 of Official Records; thence Northeaster along the Ezsterly line of said State Highway and along the Easterly line c the State Highway (Carlsbad Boulevard) as granted to the State of Californj in deed recorded bn bok 316, page 309, of Offici21 Pecords to the most KOI westcrly corner of land described in deed to KcEihan Furniture Co., a Cali- fornia corporation, recorded January 3, 1975 as File No. 75-001664, being a point of intersection between the Easterly line of said State Highway an1 the Southwesterly line of State Street, 60.00 feet wide, as shown on rhe ri of the County Assessor of said Snn Diego County; thence Northeasterly, rad line of said State Street, being also a point in the boundary of land desc in Parcel 7 in deed to the State of.California recorded August 19, 1974 8s XO. 74-223647; thence Southeasterly along the &rtheasterly line of said 5 Street to a point in the Sortherly line of Lot 19 of Seaside Lads, accort -to Yap thereof Eo- 1722, filed in the Office of the County &corder of Sa Diego County, July 28, 1921, thence Easterly along said Eiortherly line to (j Northeast corner ~f said Lot 19, being also a point in the Easterly line ( land described in deed to R. R. Pabinson, et WE, recorded July 6, 1972 as NO. 174347; thence along the 'G?esterly boundary of said Robinsonfs land No . O"03' East to the Northwest corner thereof; thence South 89"50' East alon the Northerly line of szid Robinson's land 2nd its Easterly prolongation thereof No. 2492, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San'Diegc County, August 4, 1948, thence along the boundary of said Lot 1, South 5€ East, 89.97 feet and South 77"39' East to a line drawn perallel with and feet Westerly of the West line of a 40.00 foot easment for private road show on said map 2492; thence Southerly along said parallel line and itq Southerly prolonzation to a point on the Southerly line Or' h&una Drive q shown on Flap of Seaside Lands Eo. 1722, being also n point in the Northe 8' line'of Lot 20 of said Seaside Lands; thence South 89"50' East along the erly line of said Laguna Drive to the most Ezsterly corner of Lot 46 of Seaside Lands; thence continuing South 69O50' East along the Suthcrly 1 of said Laguna Drive to a point on the Northeasterly line of Fmrth Strt (Jefferson Street) as shown on Yap of Carlsbnd Lands, Map 1661;. filed ir office of the County Recorder of San Diego County Narch 1, 1915; thence dr Smtheasterly along said Hortheasrerly line to the most Westerly cornel Schellnnd Sites Addition to Carlsbad, according to Php thereof KO. 2145 .in thc office of the County recordcr of San Diego County, Fe.bruary 20, thcncc continuing Smtheasterly along said Easterly line of Fourth Stre the most Westerly corner of Lot 14 of said Php 2145; thcncc Northeaster the most Northerly corner of said Lot 14; thence Southeasterly to the R Westerly corner of Lot 20 of said Php 2145; thcncc Mortheastcrly to the $+* from said Sbuthwctsteyly line of State Street to a point on the Hortheaster a the most Westerly corner of Lat 1 of Buena Vista Gardens, according to Mz * e 0 . Page 1 of 4 8. a-- Northerly corner of kt 26 of said Nap 2145; thence Southeasterly to the most Easterly corner of said Lot 26; thence Korthcasterly to the most Southcrly corner of Lot 27 of said Pap 2145; thence Borthcasterly to the most Eastcrly corner of Lot 31 of said Map 2145, thencc Northwestcrly to the Northeast Westerly boundary of land described in deed to W. Joseph Parisi, et ux, recorded November 10, 1969 as File No. 205432; thence Northerly along said Westerly boundery and its Northerly prolongation, 330 feet to the Northerly line of Tract ll.7.of said Carlsbad Lands, according to Kap thereof No. 1661; thence Easterly along said Korthcrly line to an intersection with the South- westerly line of California State Highway XI -,= - 2B; thence Southeasterly -along said Southwesterly line of the State Highway to the most Easterly cornel of Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 1311 filed iA the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, February 16, 1973, being a portion of said Tract 117; thence along the Southeasterly boundary of said Parcel 1 South 48*22'27" East 26.59 feet to an angle point in said Southeasterly boundary of said Parcel I; thence continuicg Southeasterly along said Southwesterly line of the State Highway to the Xortheast corner of land described in deed to the State of California recorded Februxy 16, 1968, as File 80. 27350; thence along the '- brthwesterly line of said State of California Land, Southwesterly to an intersection with the East line of land described in deed to Vera hguilar .e Soto, an unmarried woman, recorded June 3, 1968 as File No. 92031; thence Northwesterly along said East line 10.00 feet to a point in the h'ortherly theiic'e Southwesterly along said brtherly fine to a point in the h'esterly line of land described in Parcel €I of Judgement of Final Distribut; -on on Waiver of Accountir.g in the Estate of Darrell Alexander Kelch, also known as Darrell A. hklch, deceased, Superior Court bse Na. PN 1232, a copy of which was recorded Pky 5, 1975 as Pile KO. 75-106699; thence Southwesterly in a straight line to the most Northerly corner of Lot 17 in Block 58 of Town . of Carlsbad, according to Y'p thereof No. 77.5, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, February 15, 1895; thence ?long the Korthwesterly line of said Lot 17 and its Southvesterly prdlongation, to the most Kesterly corner of Lot 17 in Block 40 of said Bkp 775; thence Southeasterly along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 17 Block 40, acd its Fautheasterly prolongation to the most Westerly corner of Lot 17 in Block . . 42 of said Nap 775; thence Southwesterly along the Southwesterly prolongation of the Worthwesterly line of said Lot 17, Block 42 to a point of intersection with the Northeasterly line of Lot 8 of Industrial Tract, according to Hap thereof No. 1743, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego to the most Easterly corner of said Lot 8; thence Southwesterly along the Southeasterly line of said Lot 8 and its Southwesterly prolongation to its - * intersection with the Southwesterly line of the Atcheson, Topeka and Santn Fe Railway Right of Way, thence Korthwesterly along said Southwesterly line to an intersection with the Eortheastcrly prolongation of the Southeast line of Block 16 of Town of Carlsbad, according to Nap thereof ND. 535, filed in Southwesterly along said Southeast line and its Northeasterly prolongation to the most Southcrly corner of the Northeast half of the Southeast half of said Block 16; thence Northwesterly along the Southwesterly line of said h'ortheast half of the Southeast half to the most Westerly corner of said Sorthenst half of the Southeast half of said Block 16; thincc Southwcstcrly along the Northwesterly line of the Southcost half of said 'Ulock 16 to thc h'orthwest '*corner of thc Southeast half of said Bloclc 16; thcnc;? Southcasterly along . * .- corner of said Lot 31, being also an angle point in the . . ' line of that *portion of Oek Avenue as vacated and closed to public use; .- * , County, January 3, 1923, thence along said Northeasterly line, Southeasterly . the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, May 2, 1880, thence Pagc 2, of 4 9. I . 9. .. 'm:' 9 ,e the Southwest line of said Shutheast hilf of Block 16 to the most &Utherly 'corner of said Southeast half; thence Kortheasterly along the Southeast lint of said Southeast ha2f of Block 16 for an intersection with the Eorthwtster 17 of said Map 535; thence Southeasterly-along said Northwesterly prolongat and said Northeasterly line to the most Easterly corner of -the Northwesterl 100,OO feet of said k'esterly 150.00 feet of Block 17; thence Southwesterly along the Southeasterly line of said Korthwcsterly 100.00 Feet and its Sout westerly prolongat'ion to a point in the Southwesterly line of the Northeast 150.00 feet of Block 18 said point: being the most Southerly corner of 1nr.d described in deed to John W. Kodgers, et 31, re'corded July 24, 1975 as File No. 75-193415; thence Southeasterly along the Southeasterly prolongation 1 the Southwesterly line of Rodgcrs' land to an ansle point in the Northerly Boundary of Tract 100 of Crlsbad Iands, Yap 1661, being also a point on t Northiesterly boundary of land described in Parcel 1 in deed to Theha E. Williams, et al, recorded Ifarch 9, 1964 as File No. 43082; thence along th boundary of said Parcel 1 of said Williams deed, Southwssterly 31.50 feet the mast bsterly corner thereof and Southeasrerly 64.00 feet to the rest Easterly corner of Parcel 2 of said Yillians deed; thence leaving the bow of said Parcel 1 and nlong the boundzry of said Parcel 2, Southvesterly Il feet So an angle point in the Southerly boundary of Tract 100 of said FIap thence Southeasterly along said Southerly boundary of said Tract 100 to if most Southerly corner, thence Southeasterly in a straight line to the mos h'orthcrly corner of Block 20 in said Pkp 535; .thence South 34O33' East a1 the Kortheasterly line and the Southeasterly prolongstion of the Eorthess b line of said Block 20, 140.00 feet to the most Eortheasterly corner of la described in deed to Ciebis Pro'perties, a partnership, recorded September 1977 as File No. 77-371495; thence r?long the boundary of said Ciebis' lar ' follows: Southeasterly 53.00 feet, core or less, to the most Easterly cc . thereof; thence South 55"27' ?:est, 60.00 feet; thence South 34"33' East, . ~ feet; thence S3uth 55O27' West 60.00 to the most Xortherly corner of lnnc described in deed to Ceibis Properties, a partnership, recorded Septembei h 1977 as File No. 77-371497; thence leaving the Ceibis land first abovc dt and along the boundar? of the Ceibis' land last described above, as 20110- Southeasterly along the Kortheasterly fine thereof, 210.00 feet to the m Easterly corner thereof: thence South 55'27' West, 128,59 feet to the be Of a tangent 10,OO foot radius curve, concave Xortticrly, thence Southwes Westerly and Northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 5 arc distance of 15.71 feet; thence leaving the boundary of said Ccibis' . Northwesterly ii a straight line to the most Southerly corner of land dc in deed to the State of California recorded August 25, 19G7 as File No. thence along the Westerly boundary of said State of California land Kor 30"39'55" West, 301.73 feet to the Northwesterly corner thereof; thence a the boundary of said State of California land Northerly in a straight 1 the most Southerly corner of Tract 94 of Qrlsbad Lands, Nap 16.61; then . Northwesterly along the Southwesterly line of said Tract 94 to the most * corner of said Tract 94, bring also a point in the Southwesterly line o 13 of Town of Carlsbad, Map 535; thence continuing Northwestcrly along 'Southwcstcrly line of Elock 13 to the most Westerly corner of said Bloc thence Northwestcrly in a straight line to thc most Southerly corner 0. 8 of Town of Carlsbnd, according to Php thereof Wo. 365, filed in the < of the County Rccordcr of Srtn Diego County, .February 2, 1887; thcncc Nc Westerly along the SOuthwestcrly line of said Block 8 to the most West Pq prolongation of tlic Eorthcasterly line of the Westerly 150.00 feet of Block % , e Page 3 of 4 IO 0 .. .. .. .. corner thereof; thence continuing Northwest in ,a straight line to the most 'Southerly corner of Hock 7, Nap 535;,thence Northwesterly along the South- Korthwester1y.h a.strnigh't line to the most .Southerly earner of Lot 85 of Granville<Park Ho. 2, according to bhp thereof Eo. 2037 filed in the office of the County Recorder af San Diego County, June 18, 1927; thence continuing Eorthwesterly along the Smthwesterly lines of Lots 84, 83, 82, 81, 80, 79, 78, 77, 76, 75 and 74 to a point in the Southwesterly.linc of said Lot 74 being the Southwesterly*terminus of a line in the Korthwcsterly boundary of said Lot 74 with a distance of 70.21 feet; thence leaving the boundary of said Lot 74, continuing Northwesterly in a straight line to .the most Southerl: corner of Lot 69 of said &p 2037; thence continuing Northwesterly a1or.g the Southwesterly lines of Lots 69, 68, 67, 66, that portion of La Cresta Avenue adjoining bts 66 and 61, Lot 61, 60, 59 and 58 to the Point of Eeginning. ~ -4:F- .. west line of Block 7 to the most Westerly corner thereof: thence continuing * 1R:DLS . .2/28/78 lISC NOTE: This legal description is for the purpose of identifying the boundaries of the Redevelopment Project Area of the City of Carlsbad. other purposes without benefit of a'complete title search. This description should not be relied upon for any ' .. .. .. .?. .. P .. * . .. .. - 4 I \ I. 8 P '. * . .. .. . .. ' t . Pa& 4 of, 4 to P 1 1 6 ' PMT D: PERMITTED USES ti CONTROLS .Planning & Land.Use Considerations I. A. The prpjected patterns of land use: and circulation within . . .t=he-project area are shown .graphically on Exhibit B, . . f .. the Village Area land use diagram. 8, The Agency, upo*n !request , may allow residential comm.evL\o\ ' a development in J qi subreas . -. -. a. provided that the proposed residential development is @compatible with the s&rounding area' and doe5 i.of dMrYf adequate internal residential order and amenity. addition, no residential - the ground floor of any development.in an area designate In usage shall be permitted on -. - e. - .-.. for commercial usage. OS 'Q . -- C. All of those areas designated as generally residential on Exhibit B may not-include any uses other than resider un1es.s.. specifically .stated within the subarea within which said designation is located or unless special pelXliSSiOn has been obtained frdm the Redevelopment- -a < -0 9 - - . e. ." 0 * 4 -. e.- ' * a* 0. *. .. 0. a Agency. The Agency shall encourage-the development of .e -* a wide range of housing types in resiyential areas of the proj'ect and shall endeavor to achieve a mixture of housing for all economic sepents of the city of carlsb therein. 0- * \ .- * 0. 8. The Redevelopment Plan shall be regarded as the princil specific plan for the project area and it shall take ea * precQdence where it is in conflict with other specific .. % O* .. plans,, regulations and standards. e * .* e. .. *. 1 ' E. Sirkets, alleys a'nd other public rights-of-way may be ' ' _.' altered, vacated,'narxowed, deckedover, extended or br cfoked'where such action is esseritial to the orderly implementation an'd execution-of the plan. If the . . .. re . .- .* e. B. All new construction shall comply with all applicable . 'stapdards, .. statutes and locally adopted building, electrical, heating, '. The Agency shall endeavor to substantially increase the area of pub1ic.and private open space within the project area, Open space may take the form of parks, vest ventilation, 'housing and public a . codes creep+ a %ee -'Fie&- h.e&CrJ e C. ~ pocket parks, play areas, plazas, fountains, enclosures, . -. 4. * .. e. patios, and similar landscaped features, In areas where appropriate, sufficient open space . B, ' between buildings and clusters of buildings shall be maintained or created to provide adequate sunlight, e a ventilation, privacy, fire safety..and general livability AX1 signs shall conform to the standards set forth in * .. - the guidelines of the Village Improvement Manual. - .. E. - -- ?, 1( F. The Agency shall assure adequate -parking, td t . c\e>i%nGbeJ s+-~~-~~s GC b iiyt\sqmotcrcyctc . 5 ab& VI The Agency shall require all utility lines and structure io be placed underground, unless it determines that .. *undergrounding with respect to certain lines would be .. G. o econopically or physically inappropriate. oi. . No land use'or structure, which by' reason of appearance .traffic, smoker glare, noise, odor or other factors wh would be incompatible with the surrounding areas shall be permitted within the project areao *- b 0 . e. 0 .. % 0 x. Subsequent to redevelopment,' rehabilitation, or devel01 .e pursuant to the plan, no parcel in'the project area, 0 .* e including any parcel retained by a conforming owner/pa shall be resubdivided without: the prior approval of th . .a* . Agency. J. FhG Agency is authorized to grant exeinptions rroni tne s ' limits, restrictigns and controls established by the plan. each and every case approved as a condition to its granting of a request for an exemption. ' The *Agency must make the following' findings for 1. plan would result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships which would make development inconsistent with the general purpose and intent of'the plan, or; 2, unique to the property or the proposed development which do not generally apply to other'properties or developments which have .the same standards, restrictions and controls, and; 3. The granting of an exemption will not be i'njurious or materially detrimental to the public welfarel other properties or improvements in the project area, and: 4.- the standards established in the Village Improvement Manual. shall impose such conditions as are necessary. The application of certain provisions of the There are exceptional circumstances or conditions ' .. . The granting of an exemption will not contradict, I In granting of exemptions the Agency K. Prior to the Agency's official consideration of a development proposal, the application and all accompanying documents shall be submitted for review in accordance ' with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, I as amended anu such other'statutcs as may be applicable. * . 6. .* . 0. .. .. . c l,s '> , Village - Improvement Manual i A. , The' Agency, in cooperation .. with .the, Planning CQmmi3SiQat shall .formulate, adopt,. and . ' make ..generally available, an fnpr.ovement manual for the Vill'age Area Redevelopment Project. statement of its design guidelines and iand use criteria for: the redevelopment, rehabilitation, conservation and general development of the project area. . * '. .- ., The manual shall be the Agency's official '0 .. 0. . B. The manual shall include developmental objectives, .. . e-; land use and design criteria and' shall address the -following : .i. '. The arrangement. of space -and land use in. the project .. .. .. . ._ . . .- a. area. 0 .. .. .* 0 2; Building .coverages; building 'setbacks, 0 building. - .e , .. bulk and height: building intensity;' the siting of ^. - 3 3 .- 0- .- . . 0 *. D .i . structures and open space 3e quality of the project and'the village &rea. j in geneqal, Preservation and promotibn of. the environmexital .,, . . - 4. The development of a circulation system which promotes ef f eetive transportation throughout the project area and which establishes and maintains effective linkages between the project 0 area and the other parts . -0 9 . of the planning area agwell as othef urban centers .. ' #. 5, Civic and environmental, design ". . located in the North County region. . .. ^... ....,.... 0. e . :.. a featufcs which.establish 6* Landscaping $ 4 '; street 4. plaza,enclosurc and mall the character of the project a .. at * 0. .. d f uyni ture ,. c .. 0 . E/ 1. > ‘. Sf C. The 9 Manual may be amended by the Agency in’ ‘ order to rGf ine, update or improve the manual’s guidelines . Proposed amendments to. the manual shall be a . weferred to the Planning commission for its review, report and recommendation. # - *o -0 * Historical Preservaklon .. I a Sites of a s-ignificant historical nature should be . preserved and enhanced by surrounding development where appropriate. Procedures Manual .. * .. The Agency, in cooperation with the City, shall formulate adopt, and make available a procedures manual for the *, Village Area Redevelopment Project, The manual shall ‘Z set forth the procedures necessary - for processing of development proposals and shall pCovi.de for expedient z review periods for project development proposals and major rehabilitation projects. . Conformity with the General Plan/Preliminary Plan A; Statement of General Plan Conformity: This plan conforms e to, and is a more detailed refinement of QLd portion G.3 of the Ginera1 Plan of Carlsbad,Aadopted by the City . dh Council ‘ahd: an$ amendments Wktrh kc\Xle been r\la 2 ‘i o €3. Statement of Conformity with Preiiminary Pia;: This plan is based upon, and carries out the preliminary plan, heretbfore adopted by the Planning Commission and * presented- to the City Council and Redevclopment Agency. I . =* e 0. * . 0. . ‘. q 3 . 4. .i .. . *. Q D ,. - * PART E: PROPOSED R?XlEVELOPPlENT AGENCY ACTIONS . General Act ions A* e 0 Ih 0. e IIk order to achieve <he objectives 'of the Redevelopmenk .e .. * * Plan, the ACJ ency .proposes to ;nderkKe and ikplement the Eollowing actions: xc * Partkipation by owners and tenants. 2, Relocation. of residents and &sin&ses where necessa 3. booperation with other public .. entities, . .. 'a . .. - .o .. . .e 4. Propenty management - .. 5. PXOpC3Zty acquisition- -* .. 6. Property dispbsition. . '7. Derhition ciearance, public improvements and site 0- 0. .. *. . .. - . preparathn. . .' .e ~~&w~~cLL\o~ a' by TenanCs and O~mers " 5. - Wherever possible ~ persons who are owners 'of &ai proper 0 0- in the 0 project - area . shall be given'the opportunity, - ---. c 4 - . e pursuant to such rules as adopted by the Agency to D D. participate in redevelopment byi * ** .. 3.. 2- Aqubzing adjacent or other proper-t-.y from the Agenc: by puxcfiase - or ex'change- s&h participation shall be RetaLning all or a portion of thew property, or *e -a \ a .e - * d&ermin& on a case by case basis and is contingent. ' .. 0 * . upon the exist nce of-a binding agreement through whic * the property retained or 'acquired Gill be ultimately developed in conformity with the plan and subject to - Q .. ** a11 provisions contained therein- 0 .. I The condition &f improvements, the reduction of the '- - total number of parking spaces'wlthin .. the project are thc clhhikion of certain land usesl the vakntion of .. 0 6 . . *. f .. - . -- 0 . . .a -. .. .1 .. .* .. --. . streets, the construction of new public inprovement and .s 0 . the' ability of owners to finance Gcquisitibn and developmen .Jin accordance with-the plan are some, but not all .factors which will be taken into' account in finalizing -. . any owner pa;ticipation agreement- 5th~~ 14Lrnaklon is avq 4 .. Fram A9ehcy SbP-F,. . 3,- qea will be ektended reasonable.preference to re-enter into business within the project area if they otherwise meet the requirements prescribed by the plan, Persons who are engaged in business in the project e ars quid% D -. * e .A .-_ -..- -- . -- o Relocation of Residents land Businesses -- .- .. .* The Agency, or its designated agent shall assist a11 who may be displ'aced by project activity in finding - .. .. . .. e8 . -.. a other suitable dwellbgs or busness locations. fndzvidual: - and families shall be assisted'in finding housing chat a e is decent, safe, and sanitary, within their financial - means, reasonably convenient loiation and otherwise suitable to theirr needs. in order to carry out the project with the minimum amount of ahardship to persons who may be displaced &OR - ..e .These efforts shall be undertake] 3. . 0 -0 . * . .. i *. their homes by the redevelopment activity. Paymeits to .. displaced persons, including families, business concerns and others for moving e<penses and o-ther direct losses . . .. 0. 9 t . of personal property or any other benEfits will be made' \ in conformance t7ith the California Uniform. Relocation saw. In the event: that federal funging 2s utilized all respective stitutes and regulations will bg followed in assisting those relocated .as a result of utilization of . .. . a e, those funding sources. ' . -lp 4 I . *. a. C!oop&ration with Public’ Entities - O. .. ‘A. The Agency shall seek the aid and cooperation of other . ‘public entities , hcluding commiktees and ’COXU@S~O~S activities of such bodies in ordler to accompPish the e e and shall attempt to coordinate. this plan.with the 0 -. 0 : purpose of redevelopment- * XP: is -. recognized that cedain .- publ’ic entities are’authorized by State law to cooperate .. - 00 - 0 . with or without consideration in the planningp implement; 0- . .* 00 or operation of this project. . . OB. : The Agericy is authorikd, but not required, to make - c- payments, in 1ieu.of property taxes to one ar more taxing agencies. The.Agency recognizes that the powers contained in Section 33670 of the Redevelopment Law can affect the capacity of taxing *. puplic services .) - Accordingly the- agency will cooperate %n every way possible to insure tfiat the report of the * fiscal review committee, when and- if called upon to be % e 0 agencies to provide 0 9 *- 0- .- -:formed by the Countyo will. depict accurately the fiscal -- e.. _..,.. .. b - I . .. . . Smpacts OE the proposhd project. - ___ ~ .. 0 Property PIanagement .. * During such time as property in the .. project area, 1% O* 0- -0 bY the Agency,. said property shkl be under the manage .. .. * and con.t=rol \ of the Agency- Subject property may be I 0- rented or -. leqsed by the Agency pending disposition fox 0. .-.. . - ~ .. *- * redevelopmento L.__ ___ ~ 0. - . Eicquisition of Property . A. f The Agency may acquire all real property located withi’ the project area. The A+?CY, however, is not eompell tb acquire all ptoper6y located therein. The Agency m acquire real property 0 by gifto devise, .exchange, purck - 0 -* 0. . -E--, m-3nC a- Bo The Agency shall not acquire interest.in oil, gas or other mineral substances within-the project area e>;=& .. .. to I where necessaq to preclude driiling or excavation -. - .* f * : - C. within th;! project area, In order to implement the redeveiopment plan a& eliminate s *-e . the condikns within the project. area; which make 4 - redevexopment necessary, it is in the public interest e- that the Agency use its power of emin%nt domain to acquire real property within the project area. The Agency is not authorized to acquire yb\;c\Y' . - owned land in the project area in the absence of the involved public agency's consent. becomes private property by deed,*lease OX otherwise before the Agency completes land acquisition -within the entire project area, the Agency iS hereby authorized ... - .- .. * i 0 - Do If such property -a'. . * 0 - . f . . to acquire such properky. e E.' $le 'Agency is authorized to &quire any or all intexest in real property'or structures, including, but not .. . *. Xipited to fee title, deeds and 'easements. .. F: The Agency may orily acquire real property upon which an : 0. - .. - . existing building is located irhen' the Agency proposes *. io redevelop, rehabilitate o'r consolidate the real property in question and the'owner .. has not agreed to the execution of an.officia1 oiher participation agreement. The Agency shall geperally not acquire personal property, tlowever, where necessary in the implementation of the . .. -. . G. . . 81 0 . plan, *the Agency is authorized to acquixe personal .. .. .* property in the prdject area by any lawful means except .. * t .* *. * *. 0 * - - e. Property Disposition e A. *. All agreements -for the disposition of land by 'the Age'ncy , including owner participation ag,reementg, shalI Pnclude provisions recogniz5hg and requiring that in. order to provide adequate safeguards * to ensure that the process Q€ redevelopment ~$11 be carried ouk pursuant t? -the plan, the €ollow&g conditions awe ' 0 *. * -4 *e * .e .. oe 0 . -. necessary? . .. 0 1. The purchase or'leasing-of land is for kedevelopm . and not for speculation. The Agency shall be reserved such powers and cohtrols as may be necessary to preven transfer or use of the property for speculation purpos 2. The subject land shall be built -t upon and/or imprc a* $n conformity with applicaPPe deveiapment 'standards ar declaration of restriction attached hcreto. -. ? *3, In order to assure that' developmedt and constructit 0 .) * - .e .. -e .. .. -. 8. Will be carried out in a manner which will .- effectuate tRe purposes of the plan, all developers and other .- . - .. participants shall submit preliminary architectural . * *e -.plans, site and landscape plans, final plans, including landscaping and design'plans and specifications of the impqovements proposed to be constructed on the land for approval by the Agency. specifications, developers and, if required by the w - As a part of such plans and 6.. pgency, owner participants, shall submit the schedule: 0 *. ' for: the - commencement and completion .of such improvemen1 0 .. ' Also, such plans and schedules shall be submitted 0 I. within the time specified in the'kespective agreement .. ... with such deyelopers akd owner participants. 0. ** -l . 1 - ' e.. & and for &e contracting parties, their,'h&irs., , ' I. I- . ' ,executorsr administrators and ass.L&ns, there shall be, e .. .. .no discrimhation against,-.or . segregation. .. of, any .. :pexson' or group of persons '6x1 . account of race -. r : creed , kg%'? 1, .. ' .' color, natronal origin or ancestq in the sale, lease, ' . . : sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, or 'enjoyment of . 8 .- . , ... . 3. .. .. .- .. . .the premises' therein described, nor shall the contracting parti-e's or .any persons claiming under or through them,. -.. .. - . . .a .' establish ,or permit;' any such' practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the 3essees, sublessees, or vendees on the premises described.. The Agency is'authorizcd to clear buildings, structures, . -. .. ' .. -. .. .. 0. .. selection,'location, number, use or occupancy of tenantg, pernolition, Clearance, Public Jmprovements, Site Preparation .Al ., 4 ., . . . .. ._ .. .. a. .. ..- . and other improvements'-from any reax propedy in the -. A .. .r -- *.. e. - . __ . ___ 0; ? . project area as required to carry.out the puirpose and '.. .. .. .. . . ' - .intent. of the Village' Area 'Redevelopment Plan. - . a .- .. .. .- . , .. * .. .. ~ Bo ' The Agency is &thorized''to C~U&-, provide, undertake .? . . OX to m&e provisions with a-ny person or p&iic 'entity ' . !I e .- for the installation or construction of : I:public . : . .- impxov.ements or public utilities .', Such' improvements may be locatid within ox outside of the. project area as . .. .. . .. .. . .. 8 *. . necessary to carry c& the plan,: Streets, 'curbsr gutters, sidewalks, sewers,'storm drains, traffic signals, street .tree's, electrical distribution .sy,stems r ' 'natural gas distribution *. systems, water .distribution systems, fire hydrants, parks, plazas, motor vehicle parking facilities, landscaping and pedestrian mallsr publ-ic signing, graphics and str& furniture 'are all .* .. .. e. . .. .' 0 8 . '.. 'I a ,,2*k:+\ +I?; ilefinition of public improvement, L .. . but 8 such improvements are not necessarily 0. limited - . Q ' thereto* 0 e' e C,' &y real property. owned by the Agency may be prepaxed .. .ox.caused to be.prepared as a buflding site 'by the . Agency. All such actions will ;e cazlried out within * ' 0 .e . .. 00 .. \ .. the L'imgts of ,gpplicable law. fmy. building 03: structure owned by the Agency may be rehabilitated by the Agency within the limits of applica law. \ The Agency is autRorized to move"or caused to be moved any structure or building to a location within or 0 l e .= D. .. e-. e 0 -E. D. * -0 - outside of the project area so long as such actions are undertaken in carrying out: .the redevelopment plan and * 0- ' -_ _- are in accordance with all applicable >egglbtions. F, -In order to encourage conservation and rehabilitation of premises located withjh the project area the Agency 5s authorized to assist said owners thrQugh the provisio- .. of advice, encouragement and fkther assistance as :may become available. .. "- b .- a .. . ,.. .. --.- - I-_ - -_.. . . I* - ... ,r .. a a SO . PART F:. METIfODS OF FINANCING Proposed Financing Methods - General . .. '. .*. A. .The Agency is authorized to finance this project with . .financial assistance from the City of Carlsbad, the .< . State of California, Federal government, property tax .. increments, interest income, Agency funds, or any other 0. .. .. .. available source. 4 . 0. B. Until adequate tax increments 02 other funds are available Or sufficiently assured, to repay loans and,permit borrowing of adequate working capital from sources other than the City, the City will make'available .- in the -form of loa& €or survey.planning apd for the operating capital and nominal administration of this project, The City, as it is cagable, .. may provide additional assistance- through loans and grants €or 9. +e/ - funds .* - e. -?.- - -D- - -. - . . various public facilities. .* 0, .* C. ' The Agency is authorized to issue bonds in amounts .. * ** - * ' . .I . be 6UffiCient to finance all or a portion of. a project, The Agency is authorized to obtain advances, borrow Q : *. funds, and create indebtedness -in carrying out the plan.: Paymen; of .principle and interest on such advances, funds and indebtedness may be'made.wtihi.tax increments or such other funds as may become available * through the redevelopment agency. .. ' ** d Limitations 8 a Prior to the finalization of the draft redevelopment .. 0 . . plan the following items will be a&Iressed .. in accordance , . with section 33333.2 of the Health and Safety Code: . 6 Q * k! 8. .. .. a n.z * .. .. A. Limitation on the .number of dollars of: taxes which may I .. .. be divided and allocated to the Agency pursuant to . . .. Section 33670. Establishment. of a time li6tit on the establishing of loans, advances and indebtedness to finance in whole or in part the redevelopment project. 8, .. 6 # .' . C. Limitation not exceeding 12 years, for the corntencement of eminent domain proceedings to acquire property within the project area,' In addition, the following. items will be addressed in .the final plan: 1. e. .. The establishment of a limit on the amount of .. o funds and indebtedness which can be.outstanding at one time without an amendment of the. redevelopment plan. 2. allocated to the Agency would be, pledged to increasing and improving the community. supply of housing for persons with low and moderate income. (Section 33334.2) .. .. .* Program wherein not.less than '20% of. all taxes -0 ' .. e. 0' . 3. . A provision that whenever dwelling units housing persons of low and moderate income are destroyed or removed, as'a part of the implementation of the redevel project, the Agency, within-four years of such removal will replace said units in kind, 01 4 Tax Increment Financing All taxes levied upon taxible property within the Village Area Redevelopment Pro.ject Area each by and for the benefit of the State of Calif,ornia, County of San * .. . Diego, the City of Carlsbad. or any 'diqtrict or' other ,. '. . d.26 . .. public corporation hereinafter sometimes referred to as tgxing agencies, after the effective date'of the ordinance approving the rqdevelopment plah shall be divided aG follows: . That portion of the taxes which would be produced by the rate uponewhich the tax is levied each year by or for each of the taxing agencies, upon the total sum of the assessed value of the taxable property in the redevelopment project, as shown upon the assessment role used in connection with the taxation of such property by such taxing agency, last equalized prior to the effective date of such ordinance, shall be allocated to and when collected shall be pqid into the funds of the respective taxing agencies as - taxes by or for .- said taxing agencies on all other property are paid (for the purpose of allocating taxes levied by or for any taxing agency or agencies which did not include the territory in a redevelopment project on the effective date of . such ordinahce, but to which such territory has been annexed or otherwise included after such effective date, the assessment role of the County last equalized on the effective date of the ordinance shall be used in determining the assessed valuation of the taxable property in the project on the effective date); and a. a 0. A. 0. .. e- D . &' - e 6 B. That portion of the 1evied.taxes each year in excess of such amount shall be allocated to, and when collected, shall be paid into a special fund of the redevelopment agency to pay the principle of, and interest on loans, . * '. .' x 27. I. ,. 'p .. I. - .. monies, advanced. .to or indebtedness .(whether funded, r-efunded, assumed, ' or otherwise) incurred by such redevelopment agency to finance Qr refinance, in whale # .' _. a ok in partl such redevelopment. project, Unless and .. until the total assessed valuation of the taxable property in aeredevelopment project exceeds the total assessed value of the taxible property in such project as shown by the last equalized .assessment role referred to in subdivision (A), all of the taxes levied and collected upon the taxable property in,such redevelopment project shall be.paid into the funds of the respective taxing agencies, 0 ._ .. When such loans, advances; and indebted .. .. 0 : t if anyo and interest thereon, have been paid, all of .. .. the monies thereafter received from taxes upon the taxable property in such redevelopment project shall be paid'into the funds of the respec-tive taxing agencies as taxes on all other property are paid. The poetion of taxes mentioned in paragraph (B) above are herein ' . . irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principle and interest'on the advance of monies or making of .. . b .. b 0 loans or the incurring of any indebtedness (whether funded, refunded, assumed or otherwise) by. the Agency to finance ~r refinance the project in whole or in part,. to specific advances loans f and indebtedness as appropria 9 The Agency is authorized to make such pledges as a carrying out the project. ' e. a. .. .. .. ,. * e 2s. -1 PART G: Cooperative Undertakings ACTIONS PROPOSED TO BE TAKEN BY THE CITY *The Ci'ty shall aid and cooperate with the Agency in carrying out this plan and shall take any further action necessary to . insure continued attainment of the purposes of this plan and to prevent the continuation or spread in the area Of the conditions which create blighting influences. proposed to be taken by the City may include, but not be limited to the following: - A. Requirements that public utility companies abandon _. Actions ' and/or relocate their operation and public rights-of-way as appropriate to carry out this plan. Opening, closing, vacating, widening, or chanjing-the grades of streets, alleys and other public rightsofway and other necessary modifications to streets, the street lay out-and other public rights-of-way. Institution and completion of proceedings necessary to effectuate changes and improvements in publically owned utilities within or affecting the project area. D:' The effectuation of any other proceedings necessary to carry out the project in accordance with the Village Area Redevelopment Project Plan Number One. B. .. 8 C. -. *. a * PART H: PLAN ADMINISTRATION Enforcement The administrative enforcement of this plan or other documents formulated pursuant to this plan shal'l'be performed by the City and the Agency. . '. w- .. AkK. .. ., ' The provisions * of this'plan or other .. document.s formulated pursuant to this plan may also be enforced by court litigati instituted by either the Agency. or the City. -e Further, any. documents recorded' expressly for the benefit of owners of. property within the project area may be enforced by such . ' property owners in addition to the City or the Agency. .. Duration Except for the non-discriminatory and non-segregation provi: which shall -run in perpetuity, provisions of this plan shal: be effective. and the provisions of other documents formulatt pursuant to this plan may be made effective for 25 years from the date of adoption of ,this plan .by the City Council and Redevelopment Agency, .. * .. .. ,. Amendment .. . c . '. ' This plan may be amended by the procedures established by ' . the California Community Redevelopment Law or any other .. procedure hereinafter established by l.aw. u. \ e. 0 .. .. .. .e .. 0 .. 8 a. .. * . .. 2% 3a .a TR AV EL SERVICES. COMMERCIAL 0. e -- ,' . _-.. - - ,< ...... .- - : f . .' - .- .. -. -0.0 . 0. f. . I -*3;fillD USE J3ESf.GNA.~XO?JS . .- - -. .. . -- * l a* 'a ; .. .- .* .. ' _. .- - ...... . a\ - Encaursges. retail carnmercj-a: .I Fkt-[,f+-L-: fil?FA. :e . ..... .. i- - - ., f -tj.pe?!agc- CD Con~tionally permits auto service. -. stations .. ', - .. .. .. .f - . ..... . '. '. (. . '. -- -* . * .I -- *.- ._ - use above grauqd, comnlckchl.. - - .o ... ... .. . -. . _. .. - -. i.-, . -: -. ; -. . .- . .. ; $p&ai Treatmene Area - Delincate; -z$ area wl-t'ich requh@S - . adheranee to ' Standards in *order to VainCain akd enhance -. 0 ..... -0. .- . .. -. - 0 .__ - . .- -. .- ....... f ...... .. .. ..... - . : specicii character Ana. environindnt~ -_ .. .: . . -. . .... .. -. = * :a . -. e. .. , 0. .. -. . - ~~F~~-~ Lm/mjjusT2ik.t-. ~nco&a+i uses -o~ a mcxe ' iiltense-. &m;nerci ..... '. (. . ,' nag%>:e - than. those- penn%tted in' the CBD%rea',' Includes -. a *- _&. ... . '~ks co~,onl.y rez'erred to as pr-t commexcia.l/liyht jndu -_ ... .-.*-. _.. .. ....... bousing, restaurants, retail sexvices providing for."Chk ' ._. eco'nttenience t teEare or e.ntertainmen t oc , tfid txave~elr e -- - .'. : _. . i 0; .. serve the .patron .custo;;ler provided that scch uses not . .- otherwise permitted- in ,this zone shall b2 o;?cratcd iii &k 0 __. .. I .... . - -- ... * .- -. -:.. ........... t.:\& *. . ..... ...... ... ... ...... ' .' .. ...... . . --* . .- . 0.1. ; ....... - - -*..---. > . . * .: -:; .......... -; .,.*.. - . .-. .x .- . _.. - ..;. . - *. ... - . _. ... TraVel Services. Cormercinl' - Provides areas to function 2s ce fox pxrists and. traveleFs, Should encourage transient' X3se.s include hotel,. motel and incidental businessds to .. same building and in conjunctioa' t6th pzrmitked use;' . .westacrzzts with a cock'i..ziJ lounge -as s.n in-tegxal prt; arc galleries; handicraft .shops; .- - bonazidc . . dor;;b-ina~ion.-Distrlct - Should pernit r&s%entj.al r c;?m!erkial .- . - -. ~ ._ . i-'-- .. ..... . -* ... ..... -. . - .. . -:.-. 7-. .... . ._. ..I . - ... .. *e - .----, ;+., * . .- antj.quc'"stores -. .- .. ....... ... . -_ . ,. .... i. .. ._ .... . -.- --. - :. .... - commeicizl . ofZice, . PrCmary usage should be'oj5ice . comurcial .with other uses -20 conjunctkon -as approved by;Project area Cuirmittce; -agency- -. _* . : ,. .t .. - .- 0.. ..... - -. .i -. .- . ..... ...... ... and prLbztc faci1,itics .. . - .-: -:. -. --. .. . --._- . . .- -. ~ . - -- -- . ,:.. ~ , -* . - -.. .. .- . . __. .. .. . .-..*. _o ....<?>-- .. pcn.'~l>aiie - Xtncluaes e&.sting public .. . .:. ;+-. .:e-. - .* . -. .. such as. p&:s and schools - . .Recer,-t=ly acqubcd . public arr ........ axe included wiain the zonhy desiynation. in. existelice m. . _. - ..... :. ..... .- . . .. I. ~5-913 .Tjcncicy - .._ ~es~i~&tial -, Encourage. ,kesii~en~ia~ density OE & .I,- .a cco\r$-utcc .- LJJ.&~\- :Res .. wuAoL4 . .. .. .-*. . 'i .. -~Lixim Density Rcsidc~tj-a,l -*Enconragci: I-esidential -.dens ..: ... -. 'I .... .. .- # * .. .. . .- ..... a I- - .- q .'. ---_ .. -- - __ .. - - .,.. .... :atz the eimci of acquisition:, . 0 ...... .. p. 7 .- ... .. : - .. .. .. , .. ..:-a " Ll2YnOC-e im-tevse *. mx3?-J . , , .. -* * .. .. 0- ., .. rt.o*pmv 1CD.e more.%d<';&,hs\.e .. * :%aki.L\Clj 0, - :X-es-i&&&Q - .. ..,..* .. LJ~,I~,'C&J~++-L '~o$,~ES'% ,. JlIST.R\LT..,- - . ,. -0 usage. .. 0 . L 0 ... .- f ". ,. 0 e .. ._ -> 0 . .= 0 0 .. I. . I, .. *. 0 , .. . e. .. * !. ..... .. ' 0 - .. ._ .. m. PRiMARY ROUTE . p&- . .. SECOMDARYROUTE *. e @ a BUS ROUTE . . - .. . ' @ TRANSFER POINT m u m m.0 L. BICYCLE ROUTE .f * - )?EDISTRIAN ROUTE .. . , __ ., *. - 0 . .- , 0. b .. .. .. . C. . ... *. II (I 1200 ELM AVENUE. TELEI CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) i Cltp of CarIs’bab NOTICE TO ALL RE DE V E L G P P“, E M T 14 8 E A P RO P E RT Y OWN E RS Our records show that you cuwently own property focated within a very special area of CarlsSad.1- Your area has been selected by the Cjty Council and Redew1 opment Agency to receive special attention, ‘At this very moment steps are befng taken to develop a specific plan of actior for your area. You arc invited to participate in the develcpment of ,this plan. velopment Froject Area Conmi ttec has beer? meeting regularly every Tuesday at At th55 tjce t!-ie Comnittw feels that its Village Area Redevelopmer?t Plan is worthy of your review artd, coirment. Copies of the Plan are stif! available -_ at City Hs?~, the Chgn;ber of Cm,merce, .and Carl sbad Pihf i c Library. i h2 Committee cryes yotc to ‘ohta-in alii review a mpy of the ?lan. The Plan 1‘s witten in a broad, legal forpat to ensure coinpl-iancc with variw State Statutes. mre spcci f-ic ~lanning 2nd implementation efforts can be underaken. The CGT- ma’ltee, withir! two weeks, will begin to mderteke these mre specific steps with tne iicw7oi:anent cf design and land use standards. The CoinrnS ttee i iwi tes your comments on the conceptual Vi 11 age Area. Reduvel opm Flan prior- io makicg final recoxnendztjons to the City Corrncil and Redevelopin Agency, A hearing has been scheduled for this purpose at the fo’llowinc time, date arid place: 7:30 P.M. - June 14,,1979 City Council Chambers 1200 Elm Aveme Carlsbad, Caf Sfornia Your Rede- . 7:30 A.M. .in XI effort -to prepare a plan for presentation. . The docrinient should be reviewed as. a franework wit.hin which kfe !ook forward to your attendance. VILLAGE RE!)EVELODF ENT PROJECT AREA COXMITTEE -- PL‘ EVE L OPW i XTsECz SI:. C?<’:.! ! T Kenncth I. Chriss Chiirpzrson : Tticirra I. ‘:layes Vice-Chdirper Fiorri: W. CockIran Hantcr ’ Jeffrey ChznF)p Ve-ber J5-A // 9/y -* p&a,2gd#&BR m?rlith $F !- riss % .. Ycrber ’ Cf.1a.i I’pe&ctn L ;b // z DATE : AUGUST 7, 1979 TO : FRON: City Manager SUBJECT; 1.IAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL STATUS RZPORT ON VILLAGE AREA STREETSCAPE DESIGN INFORNAT ION Attached is a report prepared by the Redevelopment Coordin regarding -the current status of the Village llzea Streetsca ard parking lot design. The report explairrs in setail wha is currently being reconmended as the appro;riztz course c action in the opinion of the Village RedevzlsTz.3nt Project Area Connittee .) If, upon review of the report, you desire a ?:z~.al _- presen: staff will schedule. one at your convenience- -xr however, agree with Committee I s recomiendation, staff xLi.1 proceed accordingly unless otherwise directed - 4 PAUL D. BUSSEY City Hanager PDB : gb a-ttzchmeat