HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-12-04; City Council; 6092; School Fees - Vista Unified School Districtf Q CITY OF CARLSBAD ~"~ AGENDA BILL DATE: DEPARTMENT : NO. & ft ? a DECEMBER 4, 1979 CITY MANAGER Initial:"^ Dept.Hd. C. AttvW C Mor ^-~ 1 K\ ^r^/A/ fl/ii '""• Subject: SCHOOL FEES - VISTA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Statement of the Matter A portion of the Vista Unified School District lies within the City of Carlsbad. The City Council has not previously adopted school fees for the Vista Unified School District. Although no develop- ment is immediately contemplated within that portion of District lying within the City, Chapter 21.55 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code requires the City act on the District Resolution of Over- crowding. The fees recommended by the District recognize the limitation imposed by recent amendments to the state law and the Carlsbad Municipal Code. If the City Council concurs in the findings of the District on recommended fees, the fees may be implemented by the adoption of the attached Resolution. Exhibit Letter to the Carlsbad City Council from Vista Unified School District dated November 7, 1979. Resolution No. 6010 . Recommendation Adopt Resolution No. 6010 &nd direct gtaff tQ request school district to submit schedule reauired by Section 21.55.190 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Council Action: 12-4-79 Council adopted Resolution 6010, establishing standards for the amount of fees to be required as a condition of approval for residential developments within certain areas of the Vista Unified School District, and directed staff to request school district to submit schedule required by Section 21.55.190 ofthe Municipal Code. Unified School District 1234 Arcadia Avenue, Vista, California 92083, Phone (714) 726-2170 November 7, 1979 City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Sirs: Enclosed is a copy of Resolution 79-10 which was adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Vista Unified School Dis- trict at a regular meeting held on November 5, 1979. Attached to the resolution making finding of overcrowding in school attendance areas is a copy of Board Policy 6000 Developers, Subdividers, and Builders Contributions to Mitigate Impacts on School Facilities. Sincerely rice .ntendent of Schools clp Ends. RESOLUTION MAKING FINDING OF OVER- CROWDING IN SCHOOL ATTENDANCE AREAS 79-10 On Motion of Member Reyes seconded by Member Minor » tne following resolution is adopted; WHEREAS, for some time past there has been a continuing and substantial increase in population within the boundaries of the Vista Unified School District to the extent that the school facilities of this district have been over- loaded; and WHEREAS, a very significant proportion of the increase in population in this district results from construction of residential units in new housing developments in the district; and WHEREAS, in the absence of assistance from developers in the form of financial contributions or dedications of land this district would not have financial resources adequate to provide proper educational facilities for all the children residing in this district; and WHEREAS, Chapter 955 of the 1977 Statutes (SB 201) added Chapter A.7 (commencing with Section 65970), Division 1, Title 7 to the Government Code making provision for financial or other assistance by developers to school districts if the governing board of a school district has made a finding con- cerning overcrowding in one or more attendance areas of the district including data specified in Governmnent Code Section 65971, NOW THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that pursuant to Government Code Section 65971 this board makes the following finding: (1) Conditions of overcrowding exist in the following attendance areas of the Vista Unified School District which will impair the normal functioning of educational programs in those areas: (a) Vista High School (b) Lincoln Junior High School (c) Washington Junior High School (d) Beaumont School (e) Bobier School (f) Casita School (g) Grapevine School (h) Monte Vista School (1) Santa Fe School (2) Examples of and reasons for overcrowding are: (a) At the present time the Vista Unified School District either owns, leases or rents 44 relocatable classrooms and 14 trailers, all of which are used to accommodate increased student needs. (b) Currently, 11,951 residential housing units have been identified as planned or under construction during the next three years within the boundaries of this district (which also are the boundaries of the Vista High School attendance area). Based upon current occupancy 108 rates averaging .3 children per housing unit, this housing increase will generate 3,585 new students. During this three-year period the district will graduate 2,23^ students, thus creating a require- ment for 45 additional classrooms and resulting in an enrollment which will exceed the capacity of the schools of the district. (c) This district does not now have financial resources to provide additional needed classrooms and facilities. Financial or other assistance from developers of new residential developments is es- sential if the district can hope to provide minimally adequate facil- ities to educate properly the students who may be expected to reside in the district in the near future. (3) All reasonable methods of mitigating conditions of overcrowding have been evaluated and no feasible methods for reducing such conditions exist» Methods of mitigating conditions of overcrowding which have been evaluated In- clude the following: (a) Attendance area boundaries (other than those of the Vista High School which are the same as the district's boundaries) have been adjusted and relocated in an attempt to correlate available facil- ities with student load. This means of reallocating students cannot provide any real solution to overall district overcrowding and has no effect at all upon overcrowding In the Vista High School atten- dance area. (b) Extensive busing of students has been undertaken but here too, this method cannot reduce districtwide overcrowding nor does It provide any solution to the High School attendance area over- crowding. (c) Double sessions and year round school programs have been evaluated but this Board considers that such arrangements would have a negative impact on the educational programs of the district and would impair the normal functioning of those programs. (d) Relocatable buiId ings have been acquired to provide needed classroom space but there is not appropriate space for locating additional buildings of that sort in a number to cope with expected additional student load, and furthermore such buildings are not a satisfactory substitute for permanent classroom buildings. (k) The already overcrowded conditions in this district and the explosive population growth projected for this area can only be accommodated by new schools for the long-term; use of relocatable or temporary-use buildings and busing of students are stop-gap measures for the near-term only and in and of themselves do not significantly reduce the overcrowded conditions, especially in the High School attendance area. Support by developers in the form of financial con- tribution or dedication of land is necessary in order to try to keep abreast of population growth, and even with that assistance any significant reduction In the overcrowded conditions of the schools will be difficult until permanent additional classroom buildings can be constructed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that Clerk/Secretary of this Board forward certified copies of this resolution to the City Councils of the cities of Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Vista and to the Board of Supervisors of the County -2-109 of San Diego, together with copies of this District's policy on the subject of "Developers, Subdividers and Builders Contributions to Mitigate Impacts on School Facilities" to illustrate the type and scale of assistance considered appropriate to meet the needs of this district. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Governing Board of the Vista Unified School District this 5th day of November , 19 79 by the following vote: AYES: Members Minor, Reyes, Campo NOES: Members None ABSENT: Members None ABSTAIN: Members Hagar, Kief STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGOi ) I Joseph L. Reyes Clerk of the Governing Board Diego County, California, do and correct copy of a resolution meeting thereof held at its regular place of meeting at the time and by the vote above-stated, which said resolution is on file in the office of said Board. of the Vista Unified School District of San hereby certify that the foregoing is a true adopted by said Board at a regular Clerk -3-110 BOARD POLICY NO.6000 IfclifM $CllOOl DiStrlCt DATE ADOPTED: 4-18-77 *DATE REVISED: SUBJECT: DEVELOPERS, SUBDIVIDERS, AND BUHDERS (XNTRIBOTICNS TO MITIGATE IMPACTS ON SCHOOL FACILITIES COGNIZANT OFFICE: Superintendent/Staff APPLICABLE PROCEDURES: REFERENCE: In order to insure adequate school facilities within the Vista Unified School District, the Superintendent is authorized to verify District approval of construction of living units to the appropriate municipal or County agency when the developers, subdividers, or builders assure the District that appropriate contributions will be made to the District for each living unit in the subdivision or development. To insure equity for all builders/developers, the basis for computing a fair share contribution will be $500 per housing unit for a single family house on a 10,000 square foot lot. This correponds to an R-l zoned lot in the city of Vista which comprises a major portion of the District. Other zoning classifications will be expected to contri- bute a fractionally larger or smaller amount in keeping with their probability of generating school age children. The formula for computation is: number of acres (43,560 sq.ft.) [$500 x (F)] = Fair Share Contribution area in sq.ft. of zoning Note: (1) F is the modifier applied to specific zones; i.e., R-l, A,B = 1. R-2 = .75, R-3 - .50, R-4 = .35, E-l - 1.5, A-l = 2. Mobile Home sites = R-4. (2) Other agency zoning regulations will be related to the Vista regulation based on similar square footage. Nothing in this policy precludes the District from receiving other forms of contributions which would provide adequate school facilities. In fact, after the direct impact of a proposed development is identified,the most appropriate and feasible mitigation should be recommended and negotiated with a developer or group of developers. This policy will be reviewed annually for applicability to District needs and for the purpose of adjusting fee schedules to account for inflationary factors. The consumer price index, both nationally and locally, will be used as one reference point. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 6010 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING 5 STANDARDS FOR THE AMOUNT OF FEES TO BE REQUIRED AS A CONDITION OF APPROVAL FOR 4 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE VISTA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT. 5 . : g WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 4.7, Division 1, Title 7 of the 7 California Government Code, the City Council of the City of 3 Carlsbad, California has adopted a School Facilities Dedication 9 and Fee Ordinance (Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.55); and 10 WHEREAS, Section 21.55.150 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code 11 provides that the standards for the amount of fees to be required 12 pursuant to such ordinance shall be determined by the City Council 13 and set by resolution. The City Council's determination is to be 14 made after consideration of recommendations from the governing 15 board of the affected school district; and 16 WHEREAS, the City Council is in receipt of recommendations 17 in regards to the amount of fees from the Vista Unified School 18 District. Their recommendation is attached hereto as Exhibit A, 19 and is made a part hereof; and 20 WHEREAS, the City Council fully considered the matter at 21 their regular meeting of December 4,. 1979 at which the City Council 22 determined to concur in the standards as recommended by the Board 23 of the Vista Unified School District; 24 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the 25 City of Carlsbad as follows: 26 A. That the above recitations are true and correct. 27 B. That the standard for the amount of fees to be 28 required as a condition of approval for residential developments • 1 within that portion of the City of Carlsbad, which is also within 2 the boundaries of the Vista Unified School District, shall be as 3 contained in Exhibit A. 4 C. This determination is based upon the City Council's 5 concurrence in the recommendations made by the Governing Board 6 of the Vista Unified School District, including the facts support- 7 ing such recommendations as contained in Exhibit A. 8 D. Unless the decision-making body especially determines to 9 the contrary, the City Council hereby determines that the following 10 findings and requirements shall apply to any residential develop- 11 ment of fifty units or less: 12 1. All such developments shall be required to pay fees in accordance with the schedule in Exhibit A. 13 2. The City Council has reviewed that portion of the 14 General Plan which applies to the Vista Unified School District and finds that it provides for 15 the location of public schools. 16 3. That the fees to be paid shall be used for the purpose of providing interim school facilities. 17 4. That the fees to be paid for each unit bear a 18 reasonable relationship to the burdens placed on the School District by such unit and that the 19 fees will be used to mitigate that burden. 20 5. That the school facilities to be funded by the fees are consistent with the City's General Plan. 21. E. The standards adopted by this resolution do not at this 22 time require the dedication of land. The Vista Unified School 23 District is developing Standards regarding such dedications. When 24 the District is prepared to make their recommendation in that 25 regard, the City Council intends to amend this resolution to 26 include provisions for requiring the dedication of land as they '27 determine to be in the public interests. 28 I -2- •1 2 3 4 5 6 . 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 4th day of December i 1979 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis and Councilwoman Casler NOES: None ABSENT: None RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City ClerkY . (SEAL) - 3 - •'•' ?• EXHIBIT A to Resolution No, Unified School District 1234 Arcadia Avenue, Vista, California 92083, Phone (714) 726-2170 October 11, 1979 Honorable Board of Supervisors • County of San Diego 335 County Administration Center San Diego, California 92101 \ Honorable Board: / County Code Section 82.503 Tequires that each school district file a report annually with the Board of Supervisors which accounts for the use of school fees collected by LUER and which specifies those attendance areas which are overcrowded. In addition, this year the school districts are asked to pro- vide a report on "success and problems encountered as a result of implement- ing the (fee) ordinance" and to provide a new.fee schedule which is con- sistent with AB 8 guidelines for "Interim facilities". Accordingly, the Vista Unified School District wishes to report the follow- Jn9: : 1. Funds Collected By LUER :v ^« As of July 1, 1973 0 ' As of July I, 1979 • •» $52,675-00 '''•',,"•'• •': J . • ' . '. . . - 2. Use of Funds "'-• >:-y~.; All of the funds collected were applied as partial payment toward the purchase of eleven relocatable classrooms in 1978-79- As of ' "July 1, 1979 the balance in the account Is _0_. 3. Status of Overcrowded Schools The Vista Unified School District, which includes unincorporated areas of the county, is comprised of one high school attendance area - Vista High School. That attendance area was overcrowded as of July 1, 1979 and continues to be overcrowded during the fall term, 1979- At present, more than half our schools are using some relocatable classrooms. A resolution to that effect will be presented for adoption to our Board of Trustees on November 5, 1979- A copy of that will be forwarded to you when adopted. Report on Implementation of School Fee Ordinance The Vista Unified School District has had relatively few problems as a result of implementing the school fee ordinance. This may Honorable Board of Supervisors Page 2. October 11, 1979 . be partially attributable to the fact that our fees are among the lowest In San Diego County. There have been some minor accoi'nting problems in connection with the transfer to the school district of funds collected but these seem to have been resolved. 5. New Fee Schedule ; We have decided to retain our present fee schedule which pro- vides for a variable fee, contingent upon zoning, up to a maxi- mum of $500 per housing unit for a single family home. This fee schedule is actually somewhat below what could be justified as the cost associated with "the amount necessary to pay five annual lease payments for the interim facilities" under AB 8 guidelines based upon these assumptions: - / . • ' a. Cost of one relocatable classroom $52,000 (Principal* and interest over five - years) - • ,.;••;•• • .;• .•.•'-•• ,".. • " . .;; ' b. One relocatable classroom houses / approximately 30 students, so the cost per student is • $ 1,733 c. At the present time, new housing units are yielding .^ students per unit. . ' -d. Multiplying the cost per student times the student yield per uni t wi 11 cji ve the justifiable fee •' •• : charged per housing unit. Using our data we have: Cost/student ($1^733) X student yield/unit (.k) = fee/unit ($693). While the student yield per housing unit is in a constant state of flux and may cause us to increase our rates in the future, we feel that our maximum fee of $500 with a justifiable fee of $693, indicates that our fee schedule meets the AB 8 guidelines. Sincerely, Richard B. Newman Administrator, Business Services -I i ,""RBN:bb cc: Di rector of LUER Franck, LUER Planner ' Werner, County Department of Education Price