HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-12-13; City Council; 5120-2; Police pistol range property salen /--"-, '. * e& I @ CI'I'Y OF CARLSBAD 0 J w -- -________- AGENDA BILL NO, -... 5120 Supplement I No. 2 I_ DATE : DXPARTPIEHT : City Manager C. Mgr. $ Subject : Initial :& C. Atty, Dept I Ed e -Yl --- --__ - -_. -9 -_ November IL5, 1977 -- - SALE OF POLICE PISTOL RANGE PROPERTY (Old Carlsbad Dump Site) --__- -- Statement of the Matter Standard Pacific of San Diego had made an offer of $25,000 for 2.9 acres (plus or minus) previously used as a dump site and now house the Carlsbad police pistol range. At the July 5, 1977 meeting of the City Council, Council authorize staff to complete the details of the sale at the agreed upon price of $25,000. The agreement between the City and Standard Pacific has been apprc by the City Attorney subject to a completion date concurrent with the date of the final map on the property. The buyer will deposit $5,000 in escrow as good faith. If escrow does not close in accol with the agreement, the sum of $2,000 will be retained by the Citl with all escrow expenses being the buyer's responsibility. The City may retain the use of the pistolerange until receiving 30 days notice to quit the property. being made to obtain another pistol range location. Preliminary arrangements are Exhibit Agreement Recommendat ion If Council concurs, approve agreement by minute action and authori the Mayor to sign. Council Action: 11-15-77 The matter was continued to the meeting of November 22, 197 11-22-77 The Council approved the Agreement for Option to Purchase a purchase of real property, and the Mayor was authorized to execute said agreement. ,* .A 0 0 ab 8 .X AGFZlZMEEE FOR OPTION 33 PURCHASE A??D PURCXASE OF REAL PROPERTY . On the terms and conditions of this agreement, tne CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, herein called "Seller", agrees to sell to STANDARD PACIFIC OF SATJ DIEGO, herein called "Buyer", and Buyer agrees to pmchase from Seller the real property, herein called "Propertyt1, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, as more particularly described in Fxhibit "A" and depicted on Fxhibit; '' B", each of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein, being 2.9 acres, more or less. _. AFEICLE I - PURCHASE PRICE: Section 1. -A Amunt of Purchase Price. The purchase price for the property to be paid by Buyer to Seller shall be the sum - of Eight Thousand Six Hundred 'Iventy-ke Dollars per acre, estimated to bc the total sm of 'Itventy-Five Thousand Dollars to be determined and paid as herearter set forth. .- Section 2. me nwnber of acres included in said Property, as well as the - Sumey of Property and Determination of Purchase * Price. exact boundaries and exact legal description of said Property shall be determined by a survey of said Propei7ty to be made at t'ne sole cost and expense of the Buyer, Should the area of the Property as deterinin by said survey vary *om 2.9 acres, the purchase price shall be adjusted accordingly%at the rate of Eight Thousand Six Hundred Twenty- bllars per acre. 0 0 ' ., X .* Section 3. - Paymnt of Purchase Price. The total purcnase price for said property as determined in Section 2 above shall be paid by Buyer to Seller in cash through escrow on or before the close thereo Section 4. -- Deposit. Coricurrent with the opening of escrow as hereafter provided, Buyer shall deposit in escrow the sum of Five Thousand Dollars as good faith deposit for the performance of this apement by Buyer, which sum shall be credited to the purchase price at close of escrow. t'ne time limits hereinarter set forth or by reason of failure of any of the conditions to this escrow as hereinafter set forth or by Buyer's default, then said sum (less Two Thousand Dollars and tie escrow cancellation charges) shall be returned to Wzyer. Dollars shall be paid .to Seller in full liquidation of all damage and not as a penalty to compensate Seller for, in effect, giving Buyer an option to purchase the property while Buyer sought approval of the developraent and by Seller having its property withdrawn Porn the market during the term of this agreement. In the event this escrow does not close within !The Two Thousand ART1CI;E 2 - TD * Section 1. - Marketable Title. Seller shall convey to Buyer or its noriLnee, through escrow, good and marketable title to said propert] in fee simple, as evidenced by a standard form of CLTA title insurance policy in the fbll amount of t'ne purchase price free and clear of all liens and encumbrances:, monetary or otherwise, excepting only non- delinquent real property taxes; and easenents, restrictions, reservatic and. rights-of-way of record as shown on the preliminary report of title as hereinafter provided which have not been objected to by Buyer. 2. *. t: a e Section 2. - Preliminary Report of Title. Within twenty days after opening of escrow, Seller shall cause to be prepared by title cornpany and delivered to Buyer a prelinftnary report of title to subject Property. preliminary report; of title not objected to by Buyer twenty days after receipt of such preliminary report to Buyer shall be deemd accepted by Buyer, and Buyer shall thereafter have no rigiit to cornplain of title being conveyed ar insured in such condition. Any items, exceptions or conditions shown on said AKPICLE 3 - ESCROW Section 1. - Opening of Escrow. Within ten days of the acceptance of this agreement, Buyer shall cause to be opened an escrow for the consmtlon of the sale of the property pursuant to the terms and conditions of this agreement at the office of Title Insurance and Trust Company, 220 "A" Street , San Diego 92111. .- This agreement, together with such general instructions as escrow shall require, shall constitute escrow instructions. Section 2. - Proration of Taxes. All ordinary real property 4 taxes levied or assessed against said Property shall be prorated between Buyer and Seller on the basis of the latest available tax bills and thirty-day mnth as of close of escrow. Section 3. Bonds - and Assessmnts. Any existing bonds or improvement assessments that are a lien or assessment against said Property at the time of escrow closing, shall be paid in full and retired by Seller prior to the close of escrow. Section 4. - Expenses of Escrow. All expenses of the escrow described in this agreemnt shall be paid by Buyer. 3. 0 0 Section 5. _I_ Close of Escrow - Conditions. Escrow shall close within thirty days after a final map, including the property, has been approved by the City Council and prior to the recordation of said mp. wlring said thirty days: A. Buyer shall deliver into escrow the purchase price in cash. Seller shall. deposit into escrow a conveyance of the property to Buyer or its norxinee in fee simple. Buyer shall deposit into escrow a standard form of CLTA title insurance policy. B. C. Section 6. Expiration, This agreement shall expire and the escrow shall temninate'tf the escrow has not closed by December 18, 1979 . *& .: /ec/. - mrIcL;E 4 - rasmEous Section 1. - Possession of Property. Possession of said propert Buy shall be delivered to Buyer at close of escrow as herein provided. hereby gran'cs Seller a revocable license to use the property free of rent for purposes of storage and police pistol range which uses shall be revocable at any time upon the giving of thirty days notice to ceasc such use and quit the property. use pursuant to the revocable license herein set fort'n, Seller agrees to hold Buyer Pee and harmless f'ron any and all clair?~, demands, caw3 of action or damages, 5ncluding attorney's fees, arising f'rorn or relate to Seller's use of the property pursuant to the revocable license granted herein, whether or not such use is authorized by such license. d In consideration of such rent-Pee Section 2. - Right of Fntry. During the escrow period, Seller hereby grants to Buyer the right of entry in and to the subject proper 4. '. e 0 . L, to perform any and all of the investigatory matters set fort'n in this Article. Buyer hereby agrees to indemif'y and hold Seller, the propert, of Seller, and the property subject to the agreement, me and harmless *om any such costs, expenses, liabilities, or charges. fbrther agrees tnat, should this agreemnt be terminated or cancelled for any reason not the fault of the Seller at any time before good and mketable title to saLd property has been conveyed to Buyer, Buyer shall, at the written request of Seller, repair any dmge done to said property by any engineering, geological, or surveying work performed thereon by Buyer, and to restore said property to the same condition it ifas on the date of tinis agreement. Buyer Section 3. -- Notices. Any and all notices or ot'ner cormmicatic required or perdtted. by this agreemat or by law to be delivered to, served on, or given to either party to this agreement or by the title company as escrow holder shall be in writing and shall be propeyly delivered, given, or served when personally delivered to any meder of the party, Buyer or Seller, to vihom it is directed, or in lieu of such personal service,, when deposited into the United States mail, first class, postage prepaid, addressed to Buyer at 7906 Convoy Court, San Diego, Ca. 92lll, or to the Seller at 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, 92008. address for the purposes of this section by givT.ng written notice of such change to the other party, Buyer or Seller, in the manner provided in this Section. e ELther party, Buyer or Seller, may change his Section 4. - Attorney's fees. Should any litigation be comenced between the parties hereto concerning said property, this 5. 0 e '1 agreement, or tne rights and duties of either in relation thereto, the party, Buyer or Seller, prevailing to such litigation, shall be entitled, in addition to other such reliefs as may be granted, to a reasonable sm for his attorney's fees in such litigation which shall be deternined by the court in such litigation. Section 5. T&ie of Essence. Time is expressly declared to be of the essence of this agreemnt. Section 6. Wai.ver. -- ?"ne waiver of any p&y to this agreement of a breach of any provision of this agreement shall not be deemed a continuing waiver of any subsequent breach, whether of the same or another provision of this agreement. Section 7- - Successors and Assigns. Buyer reserves the right to assign this agreemnt and all right, title and interest thereunder, and this agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, successors, assigs, administrators, executors, and persona- representatives of the Buyer and the Seller. * .* Section 8. - Eh-tire Apeement. This instrument contains the entire agreemnt between Buyer and Seller respecting said property, and any agreement or representation respecting said property or the duties of either Buyer or Seller in relation thereto not expressly set forth in this instrument is null and void. L Section 9. - Offer to Purchase. ?"ne Buyer's signatures hereon constitute an offer to Seller to purchase the real estate described above. Unless acceptance hereof is sised by Seller and the sised copy delivered to Buyer, eit'ner in person or by mail to the address shown above within t'ni.rty days hereof, this offer shall be deemed revoked. 6. r 0 0 .. .- Section 10. - Acceptance. By his signature on the following page, the Seller accepts this offer to purchase and agrees to sell the property on the tern and conditions above. This agreement is dated November 22, 7977 BUYER: i t >,I , STNDAFD PACIFIC OF SATJ DIEGO 8sa *I.( r') , j et/ /,', , ) ,\ ;?,I J i ,, ; ' rI I \' i '; 4> : ' ",I k. , , 5 . .!) ,I/ '\ ' .!I! 5 , 7. '. ,,- )I \.I SELLER: ,.% ATTEST: .\* x' , 1 .' I>>!.." ,a* .I' I, CITY OF CARLSBAD, a rmmicipal , ; .( , .; 'I jl *$q ; ; , , >* 's: z,' i ' ' ;e. *I,l i ?qg$!$t~dm, Gity Clerk F @J&& corp9ion //;Ape a%- Robert C. Frazee, Mayoibl APPROVED AT TO FORM: &e y Vincehf, F. Biondo, City qvA&iA.Al& 1 7. CITY OF CARLSBAD 1rd0 ELM AVENUE 0 CARLSBAD, CALlFORNlk 22008 729- 1181 DATE RECEIVED FROM . ..-,.-,",, , . ..& ,...., . _.. * EJj B J TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Attn: William Baldwin 1200 Elm Ayenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 DATE December 13, 1979 LOAN No. REFERENCE Standard Paci City of Carls ESCROW NO. B-1031104 In connection with the above transaction, we enclose: CLTA [7 IJ Policy of Title Insurance ALTA 0 a Escrow closing statement PJ Our Check # 237035772 in the amount of $ 24,914.69 0 Deed from IJ Deed of Trust executed by 0 Original Note for $ made by in favor of n Fire Policy # issued by Amount $ Expiration date. 0 Copy of recorded document which you requested 0 Receipted tax bill Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions &qRLsGf3 Dump 0 &LC B-PLIcG k-TbL WGE- tl Any recorded documents to which you are entitled will be forwarded. Thank you for giving us the opportunity of serving you. Title insurance and Trust Company B ATICOR COMPANY ESTIMATED FINAL OSTATEMENT @STATEMENT NO - - B-1031104 DATE E.O./T.O. NAME - Kathy Eisenhour/mb 12 /13 /7 9 SELLE R/LEN DE R City,of Carlsbad Attn: William Baldwin 1200 Elm Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 ADDRESS + BUY€ RIB0 R ROWER Standard Pacific of San Diego 7906 Convoy Court, San Dfego, CA ADDRESS DESCRIPTION SALES/PURCHASE PRICE DEPOSITS RETAINED. BY: EXISTING LOAN BALANCE EXISTING LOAN TRUST FUNDS DEPOSIT TO: Title Insurance and Trust EXISTING LOAN -TRANSFER FEE NEW LOAN WITH: LOAN DISCOUNT FEE FHAMTG. $ INS. RESERVE $ TAX RES. $ RECON. FEE $ CR. REPORT $ TAXSERVICE $ LOAN FEE $ APPRAISAL FEE $ INTEREST $ INT. @ FR TO $ $ TOTALLOANCHARGES TAXES $ FR TO INSURANCE $ FR TO INTEREST $ FR TO 5 FR TO S E 1 ::;iNT.iNT. $ FR TO RENT DEPOSIT TITLE INSURANCE PREMIUM FOR 1 NDORSEMENTS $ 24,914.69 a OWNERS c? JP @ STR (5 c LOAN 0 ALTA ESCROW FEE RECONVEYANCE FEE RECORDING NOTARY FEE DOCUMENT PREP. TRANSFER TAX co. $ 27.50 OTHER (INDICATE) LESS CREDIT BBR/RESALE BINDER REFUND TAX COLLECTOR COMMISSION INSURANCE PAYOFF LOANTO PRINCIPAL $ I NT EREST $ INT. @ FR TO $ PREPAYMENT PENALTY .$ RECON. FEE $' $ $ LESS LOAN TRUST FUND DEPOSITS $( ) TOTALPAYOFF CHECKTo Standard Tacific of San Diego BALANCEDUECOMPANY TOTALS SIGNATURE SIGNATURE SIGNATURE DEBIT Ci 24,914.69 25,2 I 173.75 108.00 I 14.00 5.00 27.50 . 7.06 25,250;OO 25,; SlGluA-I)'?E e 0 ,-. ES 231 (7-73) H TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST Order No.. B-1031104 Attn: William C. Baldwin December 10 197 Date. ..................................... ! ............. 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 .......................................... THE CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 Please Sign and Return the Fol Satisfactory: ................ Escrow Instructions ................ Commission Order ... x ......... .Amended Instructions 1 - FOR THE EFFICIENT HANDLING OF YOUR ESCROW, TIC OR bill of Sale WE ARE SENDING YOU THIS CHECK-SHEET ON WHICH WE HAVE CHECKED CERTAIN MATTERS WHICH REQUIRE ................ Description YOUR ATTENTION. .......................................................... YOUR PROMPT DELIVERY TO US OF THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS WILL BE APPRECIATED. ANY PAPERS EN- Public and Return: (Notary sho Please Sign, Have Acknowledged name of State and County) CLOSED WE BELIEVE TO BE SELF-EXPLANATORY. SHOULD YOU WISH FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL ON US. ................ Deed S INCERELY , ................ Trust Deed and Note .......................................................... Please Fill Out, Sign and Return: ................ Statement of Identity Title Insurance and Trust Company BY rent Statement ......................................................... Please Furnish Us With: ................ Inventory of furniture, et( ................ Fire Insurance . . rent funds necessary to close Estimated amount is $.... ......................................................... A TlCOR COMPANY ESCROW .INSTRUCTIONS/ 0 ORDER/ESCROW NO. B-103110i DATE December 0 TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY n The original escrow instructions dated January 4, 1979 are hereb; amended and/or supplemented as follows: As a matter of record only, with which Escrow Holder is in no way concerned, Standard Pacific agrees to permit the City of Carlsbad to continue to use subject property as a pistol range and may continue to use same until Standard Pacific notifies the City. Standard Pacific agrees to notify the City by mail 45 days prio: to the requested termination date. The City will continue to maintain standard liability insurance until termination. This agreement shall survive the close of escrow. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged and in full forc and effect. CITY OF CARLSBAD STANDARD PACIFIC OF SAN DIEGO :,L ’ 1 IT (J ,#IT &xJ’&G+&-- [</ 4’,-) y-- 0 2yL/ 2”” 76- a? 4: j @;.z ES 231 (7-73) e 0 gj TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST B 1031104 Order No ...... 7 ..................................... Date ..... De. c.e.?!b.e.C.. . !%. .&. 9.7.9.. THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Attn: William C. Baldwin 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 0 Please Sign and Return the Foll, Satisfactory: ................ Escrow Instructions ................ Commission Order X 1 ................ Amended Instructions bill of Sale ___.____________Description - FOR THE EFFICIENT HANDLING OF YOUR ESCROW, WE ARE SENDING YOU THIS CHECK-SHEET ON WHICH WE HAVE CHECKED CERTAIN MATTERS WHlCH REQUIRE YOUR ATTENTION. ............................................................ YOUR PROMPT DELIVERY TO US OF THE NECESSARY Please Sign, Have Acknowledged t DOCUMENTS WILL BE APPRECIATED. ANY PAPERS EN- Public and Return: (Notary shou name of State and County) CLOSED WE BELIEVE TO BE SELF-EXPLANATORY. SHOULD .... X ......... Deed YOU WISH FURTHER INFORMATION, ................ Trust Deed and Note PLEASE CALL ON US. S I NCERELY , ........................................................... Please Fill Out, Sign and Return: ................ Statement of Identity Title Insurance and Trust Company BY ................ Rent Statement .......................................................... Please Furnish Us With: ................ Inventory of furniture, etc fire Insurance ................ Funds necessary to close Estimated amount is $..... ................................................ A TICOR COMPANY 0 w NOTICE OF RETUHNtU UULUMtlUISr # 9 TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST THE CITY OF CARLSBAD * Attn: William C. Baldwin Our No. B-1031104 ' 1200 Elm Avenue : Carlsbad, CA 92008 Your No. Standard Pacif! Date December 6, 1979 We are sending you the items checked below: @ Escrow Instructions dated January 4, 1979 0 Receipted tax bill which has served our purpose. Copy of covenants, conditions and restrictions ordered by you. Preliminary Title Report dated as of Recorded instrument which you sent to us for examination. Flat to be used with the order number shown above. Policy of Title Insurance per your instructions. Kathy Eisenhour/mb Escrow or Title Officer County ATICOR COMPANY January 4, IYIU 0 Linda K. Whittaker, 4 ES 280 I Agreement for m ion to Purchase The, attached _and_Eurchaspum$y and between --CI-U-OF CARLSBAD I -, as -%lkTp--- __._ - --, and stadW2d--P_aC~f~~ Die as Buyer __-_ - , dated ---!!!OEeEbe.Z 2_2,_-1-%72 ______ , is to be construe as your escrow instructions, and you are authorized to act thereunder insofar as closing your escrow is concernec The following general provisions are hereby incorporated and made a part hereof. It is mutually agre these instructions are entered into by the parties hereto for the purpose of enabli: Insurance and Trust Company to close this escrcm, but it is in no wa intended to i way m p-es &ache5 hereto. All funds received in thi? escrow shall c dcpositcd with other escrow funds in a general escrow account c accounts of Title Insurance and Trust Conipany, with any State or National Bank, and may be transferred to an other such general escrow account or accounts. All disbursements shall be made by check of Title Insurance an Trust Company. Any ccinniitment made in writing to Tit!c ;mu:ancc aliu irust Company by a bank, trust company, insuranc company, or building and loan or savings and loan association, to deliver its check or funds into this escrow ma: in the sole diwetion of Title Insurance and Trust Company, be treated as the equivalent of a deposit herein of th amount thereof. sup lmt or supersede that certain agreement executed & and between .......................... (?fNERAJ, P~OVISIONS--.----------------------- All adjustments to be niadc on a basis of 30-day month. Recordation of any instruments delivered through this escrow, if neccssary or proper in the issuance of t€ policy of title insurance called for, is authorized. No examination or insurance as to the amount or payment of real or pcrsonal propcrty taxes is require unless the real property tax is payable on or before the date of the policy of title insurance. If any party to these instructions obtain a loan on thc land involved, and during thc pcndcncy of this escrok you are authorized to furnish thc lcndcr, or any one opcrating on its hchalf, any inforination concerning this escrok including, hut not limited to, a ccrtificd copy of the escrow instruction? arid my anicndments thereto. Execute on bchalf of the parties hereto, form assignments of intercst in any insurance policies (other thi title insurance) called for herein and forward theni upon close of escrow to the agent n4th the request, first, th insurer consent to such transfcr or attach loss-payablc clause or makc such other additions or corrections as m, have been specifically requircd herein, and sccond, that thc agent thclcaftcr fortl.ard such policies to the parti entitled to them. In all acts in hi3 escrow rclating to fire insurance, including adjustments, if any, you shall 1 fully protected in assuming that each such policy is in force and that the neccssary premium therefor has been pai Unless you arc otherwiw <pccificdly requcstcd by written instruction? so to do, no examination nor insuran as to the applicability, amount or paymcnt of any transfcr tax, imposed by any local, city or county ordinance I otherwise, is required through this escrow, as the same will be takcn care of by the pxiies !:=ret:, or-i:s;de d escra scd you are not to t; ioncerncci with the payment of any such tax. Time is of the essence of thcv instructions. If this escrow is not in condition to close by , any party nhcl tlicii shall Iinte fully conipl~cd nith 111\ instructions may, in writing, dcmai the return of his moncy and/or propt'ity; hit if noiic h~c coniplietl, no tlcmand for return thereoE sh, be recognized until fivc day< aflcr tli- evmv lioldcr rhnll ha\c rnailcd coIiicc of such dcrnand to all other parti at their respective addrcsscs slionn in the cscrow instructions. If no such demand is made, close this escrow soon as possible. Tax Statements to be mailed to Buyer at addrcss shown. Seller: CI Y OF CARLSBAD BUYER: ST- PACIFIC OF SAN DEW B$? Rdbert C. Frazee c' Any amendment of or supplcnient~ to any instructions must be in writing. I L-/-- - ____ -=?p-!- _._ Si nature ____ -_- ___ ____ ____ Seljcr BH: Robert M. Allan BUY Si ature )&!!& A?- ,s4,- IC Signature ___.- _.. - __ ____._ Signature--- - -.-- - __ ___ BY: Jerry Saxe, , Address 1700 Elm~lrr?2,~ad.-CA_92008 AildressLXZO-Wm- .* -4 F - v a,-.-* 1 b. L, L 0 $ 0 i ();’r71:(j:,/ ‘.L’tl F‘(fi~(,?M:X A: il) !’[If {(,I !X;[,; Op N,j”)i, €);;:P~T?L~~‘ . 01-1 tiic tcms ;cui coriciit.ions of t;!iis agrxr-.a!L, tile CITY OF CM<LS13AD, a rfiwici gal corpration J herein called “S”Ilc,r”, Zgrees to sell to Si1/’~i!’d3iU PIKTF’IC OF SKI DZI<CX), herelin calkd ‘‘GayerT1 J arid Buyer ~yrees to purrchaze fmn Scl.ler the r%l. pria,r)-zrt,y, krvin called “Property”, in the City of Carlsbaci, County of Sa? Lziego, State of Czlifornia, as ore pTw!:ic~dwly d.esc.: ui ibed in Mibit “A” end &picked m FX-I ib5.t ” R”, each of which is att;a.c d hni-eto and iiicorporat;erl l!ei-~eiri, bc.j.iig 2.9 awzs J nore or ltss r rm.[c!x I - PUI<Cllfi.SE __- PHICZ Section 1. L_ ~XJIXIL of Purcliase Price. Tne yxchase price for t‘hc pr.‘oi):?rty to b-? paid by Buyer to Seller si7:il.l c” the SIJ’I of Ei@k 5?iou:;?:id Six Huidrcxl ‘i\ient;y-CZos hllars per iicr.2, esl;ir?.at;eb to he the total sim of ‘~\:~:ity--I~i~<; 3iousarid lhllars Lo be C~Lcmxinecl ani paid as he?.re,?fi,::r set; forth. Sect:lon 2. ‘ihe ri;xkr of acres inclu6ed in said Pmp;.rty, as well as the ---__ Survey of IYoperty a-vci - Lkteirninnt.ior~ of Purchase v Price. exact ‘xuida~ics arid. sxact; le& descript icn oi’ sal6 Property shall 1)” ~?~.:i,<~~i;l[:~:~<.l i!:: ;1 SI^:' r) f’ :;?.i .I !’l-cy?i t:,v to IP r ;>i, t,lir? :wlc cost arxj exp-c‘ri;;~‘ o.? tiic I),I.,<!J.T. S’:m~h.d t,k arcs of’ t!~ ~rty x ckLermine by :;>-i.(j :;\lr’ij v:!.:-y fIcq 2.3 ac:-c:, , tile l,u:~!i;:r;ct p;.’i i‘-i s?!al.l i;c ;:c.?jujt,<:d ac(;c,:~ii rlp;l~; ;;.b t,\r ~~:~h? of’ 1,;ip))t; ‘~’I~CXEZI:~ S’i.:; !ir itir>+:::i Y\rcnty-( .. ih:Llars pb>r Zct?. - 6’ I * + q ~)a,y:eri~ or I~.lr~c~l:t~~:e I'ricc. 0 LIit: tof;al purch2se _.____-- _..~..--- _^_____ Seci; .io:) ? price fat, scli.d pro2zIty 21.5 detc!minxl j.ri Sect io11 2 t:b:)~~<: :jhi!.l be 1ni.d by @y;w to S2lI.c~ :i.n ca:;ll L?iral.$i escrow on or k,?or.? tip: clozo themof SecL.io,r )I. D.3poi;i.t. Chricurrdc \i.ith th:; oning of' escrori as _--- hereafter prov.ldcc1 J F3u;rer. sliill ckposit in escroi:! t21-3 SLIT of' Five Triousarid Ihllars as good fa.iti.1 dcyosit for the pcirC'or:xice or this agrxrxwt by t3i.uet', v.;hich sum skill be crvditecl to t?z pimhas2 prj.c2 at close of escrolvr. In the event tliis escro;? dons t:ot close uithin the tire 1ir;Uis hereinaf'ter s~3t f~rL?i or by reasor? of i'ailurc of any o? the corici_i.t!'_ons to t;!i i s e:;n,ro-.~ as h?reir?sftcr :;ct; ~*c)?:,'!-I or by Buyer's ckfalt, t'iinn said SLJZI (less 2j.io '!housmd 1hlI.ai-s CZ-.~ the cscrovr czmcellation chat2gc!;cs) shall b? reLurnzd to EfUyer. i%ll~~s shall be paid to Seller in full lQuidatio2 or^ 21.1 d~~iage and not; as a pencd.ty to coipC:nsat.. F21.1cr for, in ef'f'cct, ,r;i.ving Euyer an option to purcha:;? the pvoperty while Iluyer soil@ ?:yv-~vd. of the developsimt ar:d by 3::l.ltsr havir?:; it;s property witifPz,x fYon the nar'rtet ciur.iq< tk tern of t1ii.s agreerwnt . T"'zt Txo Slho'smd Mi'i'-ICE 2 - TTi7-C Sectioil 1. fhrketaiblc Title. Seller s11Cill COYX~ to Wyer or ___- its novLn?e, tix-ouzh escrou, goo:i axl n.ar!:etxhlc title t,o safcl property j.11 cLv? ::,lr.plq J :I;., <;b-j :j,~.[icc>cl t)> 2 ~t,:!;~~.?2y:l forin gf' C~~~'!~. i .i i,!c :jq:ilr'zctce policy 2rl i.h:; f\i 1..I a-mnt; 0;' ti12 pir~?ix;c pr)i (:ti 1'1 :l.i(:n:; :u::.l ~t~~~i~~:.~)r'~i?i~~!:i , r:!o:ic?i,;lt,:; or ot;iic:r\:i.:;c, c;: &~,j.~i:!~l~n~ 1y;nl. pr.o;lnl.i,;j t,;iytts; :lncl ea:;u wii.,:; , r~.:itr.'.c.t..lrj.:.lg, rcservatic and. ~ii~~I~~-~~~~-~,,:~~; oi' ry(:i)TyLI il!; :-;tic>:,;;l on t;iic- 1ue3 :ill; ;;?.c';,~ lTi)OT,t: of t;it;lc. 2:j ti::r*<: i yr: f'tc:r. ~!~y)vidc(i v!!ii.c?l havtt riot been ci3j CC~XI ts OJ~ ~~JTCY. .:i c:l mr of all 1:;; or11.;y t-lcxl- .. 2. . . ~cct;io:i ,a ____ ~~I~~~:~.j.t,~~.~i~~,~~ ~ ...__-.- -.-. Ti[,i;ort; _.._--__._._ of tTi.tl(-!. .i.t.-:.in t\.icr:t;; clays L-L iifier o;!r.A:i ti% of' c:;cr,a:;!, ::f.:l It:r :;ILCI.~. c;~uc;e to be ~;~Y;T;W:X~ t); t,:ble CO.TX~;I ;~ci ci~llivcrtd to IJ\.QcY C? pruil.ir:firiac.y report :IC tit;lc to suS,ject; f'rqm%y. pi.cli.nki3.r;r rY9or.t o!' title riot objected to by F3uy:~i~ :?;?nt;y d K''- '$3 after. reczipt of sucii yrcl.iAninmy repor% to Uqi/er ~34-1 be deerred acc?ptxl b;: F:uyc?r, arid RLqi"r shd.1 thcrearter have ~3 rkjit to coqhin of title beins eaiiv?ycd ar insured in suci: coxStli.on. kiyi. i.Lc~x5, excepiAoris or condit.;.c.r!r; s3s.m on s-aid ld<i'l(;iJ< :S _. ESCRO;./ - - Seck i.on 1. C$cri.i.ni; of t;scro:.i. VLiLiiin tzn Bc?;-s of th,e __-__-_- l__l___- acc-sptaxe of this a;;r.eexmt;, Buyer shall cause Lo bc? o?mecl a? escrovr for tnc consuJ~nLilon of' the sale of the pmp~?rty pursmt to . the terns aqd co:ic?itions of this apcmnt at; the office of Title i21swax2 aqci 'fiYS'i chmp?!ly, 220 "At' Str.?Ejt;, scan l>i..z~;o 921.11. - Ki- : L~~s a:.?-e-cr-.;.nb, tcgethnr viith such fperaJ. irist;mc?io?s as escrolr shall rcqul-m, s?-:zU cori:;t;it;utc escro:,r :instmct;i.onz. S3ct:ioi-i 2. --- I'roration of 'i'a;c?s. LLI. o~-dinz~;i. real property taxes levied or ziss-zssed against said Property shall b-2 prorzted. bsk;r-2-zn B.iyzr czr..c! Szl.ler on the b,?sis of the latest ~1zilab1.e tax bills w.d thirty4a.y mnth as of clos? of escrow. v Sr:::+,ic+i 3. : ;i;rmtc;. /my e:.:Fc;L; ':;; boxk or iix 2: 1.icn 01' ax; , a:T;ziwk szicl h~pcrt>- a',; t;iIc t,jr<' of' c::;cpw c:l.osjtng, ~114.1 LC r::.id i.ri full zrd re'i2rr.d ii;: ?<.! I1c:t' 1)ric)rB to Lhz c:lo:;tt ol' cscrob-r. Ks::L;:j cy1 11. I;jy)ctist.s 01' !;;:jcrovI. MI. exp;r):;:s oi' til2 escroir .___ _-_.--.-_-. --- ---- - 4' $,sty; .., t),-,,-l .-<., :I-') * Lk1.i:; ;?~-;rczirc,nt siial. 1. tx: paid by Huj:cr. 3. I 1 Sect ion !-,e _--_~..-.._____I_ Close of‘ 1;scroLj - Co!idition:i..@~~;cra:.i __._ sta~ close within thirty d;ws xXer 2 f’iml r?~;), including tk property, ha been.approved by th2 CLty Coimci:l. <x!cl p;.ior to the recordation of said rap. c I Ihring scGd thirty .days: A. €?uy?r slid1 dzllver into escrow the purchase price in cesl?. B. Seller shall. deposit into escrow a conveyance of the property to kysr or -its nontnect in fee skpk. Buyer shall deposit into escrow a stmclard form of CLTA ti‘ile .Insu_ranc-? policy. C. Secticri 6. ~iration. Tnis agreement; shall expire and the .. . -@ escrow shall terminate if the escroivi h;?s not closed by .. .. December 18, 1979 &d - EJZL’ICLE 4 - r/zTsc&!~Kous - Section 1. Possession ol‘ Ibp?rty, Possession of sdd. propertj Buy€ shall be delivered to Buyer at close of escrow ils; h-zrein provkkd. hereby &rants Seller a revoc23le licerise to use.the property free of rent for purposes of storq;;e md pclice pist~l rzqge vhZch LSES sha2.l. b2 revoczble at any tire u;cn tb.3 giving of thirty days notice to cease such use md c?iiLi; t;i~ pm~-?r<:;. use pursu,mt Lo I;ha ~~-?i/o~~.’:~J.~~ l.i.ccnzje licrxiin scl; f’orkii J Seller ag-ees to hold bver fk’c? and h~mQc?ss .frm my 2nd al.1 c-LLah;, d?r-E-?dS, Cam€ of action or dwzg;25, hcludinz attor;;;,.y’s .. fees, ,xris.i.ng fro;? or relate to Seller’s me of tile pro;ezty pursum‘i. to-t‘tt’e rcvocab1.e licsnse ~;r~t.it;o(i klere.ir1 J v:::eth-?r or’ not :;u.ct! u:;e j.s aixt,hgr.ize:l by such license. .* 111 cc.nsitlcmt.Ion of smh rent-fkes Sl;?ct;j.on 2. H$$k 0;’ Ikty;. 1,lring LIE: c:;c,rcxr period, Seller - .__ ____--.._ ._._ _.-_- he.rmeb;j i;;r,a.nts t,~ K:i:;:;r th:: ri$t of en‘iry iri cu;d to tile srbjc-ct proper r 4 * 60 perfom my 2.:. ea I:L of' LIE jnvestigatory mat;t;t. e set forth in this * i Article. of Seller J zxl Lho property subject to the apyccr?:-m+;, f'ree md harmless f'rorn av sxh costs J expenst?s, liabilities, or charges. Buyer further agrets that, should this apeemnt be ternimtect or cmcelled for a_rg rczo;? not th? fmlt of the ,Seller at .my tin? before good and rrarketable title to said property has been convcyed to Euyer, Euyer shall, at the mitten request of Seller, repair any ciaage done to said propsty by any mGi.r,eering, gmioglz&.l, or suneying work Ferforzecl theruton by Buyer, ,and to restore said prop~rty to the same corrldition it vas on the date of tnis agreement. C?:\;er h-zreby appes to :'uidemify atid Iiold Sc.llcr, the property Sectto2 3. Ijoticzs. Any and all not.ices or ot'ncr camuqicatia required or p-zmitted by this agreerent or by law to be ckliverecl to, served on, or E;ivt:;i to either party to this apexrent or by the title conpany as escrovi holdsr shall be in writing and shall be properly delivered, g;%wn, or sc?rved when personcd.ly dc:l.i.ve~-l to any mmher of the party, Buyer or Seller, to whom it is d_irected, or in lieu of such persogal se?q.i.ce, wnen deposited into the Lhitcd States nail, v first class, posbg3 prepaid, addressed to Puyer at 7906 Convoy Court, Sarl Die@, Ca. 92111, or to the Seiler at 1200 Elm Awnue, Carlsbad, @lifornia, 9?003. E-Lthcr party, Ehycr or Se:L:Lcr, my change his a:ldt-css f'w t,!!:! ~ILI!~:~:;~:~:; ot' [;hi.:; :;~:cL.lcri t)y I:i vir!;; v;ri.LL:x inL:icc o.f' such chang;e to tlic oti)c.r. i~art;y, BiIycr or %1Lcr, In t.he rxnner profi(1eci in this %!ci;4.nn. %ctic.n 4. ___ Attotn:?y's _-_.- -.-- fee:;. S[mu.Lci cviy lit.i#i-c;n tie - b' corn?cnced bi?t;r.!een th2 partics hcrcbo concemirg sai d property, this 5. I * , aguucrxnt, , 0;' th:.: .i.ghL:; CYK! 6iit.i t::; of' e:it;licr it 1 dR zt;!.on tkreto, the party, Luy?~ (x' S,5Llcr, picaTl-i;:s to such :1 .i.t;.il:at;.i.o?, shx?!.l b-ct cnti'ilcci, in adclit;i.on to ot;:'i:r suc5 reliefs as m:q 122 pwitzcl, to a rsasomblc S'IL:I for his af;torm:y 's fccts in such 1. iLj.@tio:i r::hich shall be 4?txri,ximd by t,k courk 51 such litigation. &cLLi.nn 5. --- ?'in-? or" Kssmce. - Tiim-;1 is expre::s!_y cleclzr?d to be of th-2 eswicr' of this iLyry:-cfirznt;. Setion 6. Iki.ver. Tihe waiver of .any party to this agreement of 2. br~ac3 9f c?n:y ~KY~~S-IG~ ~f t2-1.k agreement shall not be deemed a continuins 1;;:1 i.\;nr of ::;?:I suSssqccmL breacli, vdIctk~' of' the SX?? or amther proi;Lsim of this a:;ri-nemnt. Section 7. Succe:j:;ors md. Assigns. Euycr rcszres the ri@it' . to assign this zk;re&mt ,met all right, title aid .ini;e-es'; themmder, zxl this agx the heirs, suc~=~s;sors, asslgis, ackintstzators, executors, ztrd p~rsonal r;.presCnt&li;es oi" t'nz Buyer. cu;d the .%ller. rit sha.1.l i~ binding unon and :inur?c to the bene-fit of - Sec';.ion 8. - Ihtire P,FTeesiP~it . 'Ih:'is instr~irnt?at con'iahs the cnt irc a;,rs?crumt betwen Guyer md Seller respecl;ing scald. property, and U~J' ape t or representation respecting sai-d property or the dutles or" 2it!!er R,uer or Ssller Iri relation thereto not expressly snt folt3 :I3 t? 1 s 5 ;+;.K~.J~:YIc 1s r1ii11.1 arid voici. ,. see::.; i.c*:~ 9. ()i'i'ci, t:) ]jj.ry:!1:j.:;c. 'y[i;! I$i!;<:r~' :; :;.I ;;::L~;~.Yz; krmn _____ .____._._-.__- constit~itc ;::I of'f'cl, t,o S<t:Ller to purchiisc: ttw rwil cst.;:l'ie d-c.scri'czd &3v;?. Ur11 c:::: ac.c:::pt.aiici! II~PCO;' :i :; sigr~:d t).y Scll t:r ~2~1 til.: si,pecl CaIj? ciel.iirc;.cici t;o I:~I;\'c;~-, c .it!ic!r :i ri ~:!I~:;O:I 01' by 1xI.i 1 t.3 ti PC! aiidP23S - b' :jtl:y::3 ;I~KYJ.C- tri th It1 i;hir.t;h. &QT; h;.!rco.f', thi.:; off'cr si-i:ill be cl.xxci1 Ti? vo!~;tl(l . G .. I q a! _____ ---. - e .. .. 7 1 L SC: ct 1j.c): 1 1.6 . [I,? c:::j~t ;L' :cx . 1 5L~ ii I:; s:i t7 ~1fj1~7; tile f'ol lo-A.ric i pa?;?, the Se'Ll.t:~> ~(:c?L)~c; tt1.l s oJ"~'cT' LO l)IIt.'Cl>XC 21.11il C:F'??S tCI Yell the property r~ri til: tcry:s :~tl c<>;?cll'i i G;?S ~?OC)VC. 5b.i~ ?;;ry.c;,:-?nt; :i.s Cat~d. ~ -______.__ November 22 z 1977 ELjYFX : .I S;Tii jD,'Q<) E)I\CII;'%C 017 SfJ ] Um-0 fl22 -' J I,, .I \' *! .. 81. . 1. ________ -. ___----- - ,? ', , .-,:lorti I<* m.m, I'rt,Si-d?nt .' ))' --_____ _--- Zerr B+. Sax~ Assi.stant %cretrj .Q I .' pxxsT: p:LTJ;I{: .. .. .. .. CYL?! O? C.~;B!ll>, it rxmicipal . j ' *' 3' ''J l~~~~~J~j,~~z~ k? g~<,~,.& cori\a'htton - . ___ .--. .. . . .. ..' /d!!!- - i 9 ... .. l.~qga?jj:. t F nct3!17iJ-;, city Clcr;c ! ../.I p Ly7 ;<' ,/ 1.1 p 1 .,d. LC. .% -.-d-L._%-- &xrt C- I+azr-e, i,:2ycd v A?pmvm Kf rr(-J i?Ofc!I: /I $7 I,.. __ . -_ -31:d-t v.i~r~&-~~; 11'. 1; ~(-1: .. - C' 7- I e e $1 w 1. .. r I STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ) COUNTY OF SAN DlEGO ) 5s. I. Rargaret E.Adarns. (;it> (;tt-~!i oi tllfs (:it). ot (:;111\\1a(l. (:(IIIII~! (11 S,III 1)icyo. St;ktt. 01 (:;iIitortii; . ... p;iwd :11) itlt,c*titig tlicrc,ol. ;it tlic- tiriic. ;irrtI I)! tlic- \.otc, tlicrc. i\ iunv oIi filt- ill tii!. officx.: tlr:it ~IIY WIIW cotitLtitis ;I fd, trr Iiert*Ii>. cx.rtit!. ttl;tt I 11~tt (8 (oi,lp,rrl,tl ttlt: ~iii.t,goiii:: ~~oI~~~ \\.itli t1i~ (irigiii,iI ntlol)tcd I)! witI (:it! (:(~iiIltij. at , st~tc~l. u~liicl~ origiiul aqreenent ;tiid c~irrt'( t tr%itiv,riI)t tlirrc-froiii ;III(I of the, I\ liofv tlic.r.c~)t. acireement. . reclular * b' . \\.itrt(%5< it!! It,ltlti ;irlt~ t1l0 \~\<II 01 \<ii(I (:it! of (:;(~I\I),~(I. tIii\ 28tbl;,J of r)ecen!b,e.r 1977 . ... .. .._.___ '. ' 7 d.F@& (:it). Cl(\rk 7 , '.,, ( s1:.i\.. I IJl'l $-DON'T SAf 1T ONBER-DEPART'~~ENT M~M~R~N~ AM TO Bill DATE 12-4-79 19 PM David Faries Std. Pacific (Bob Allen) Title Insurance and Trust will be sending you an escrow amendment within the next several days to sign and send back. Std. Pacific would like to go ahead and close now on the dump site property. Lo REPLY ON THIS SHEET FROM 7 WILMER SERVKX &NE STANDARD INTER DEPT. MEMO FCRM I e 0 I STANDARD PACIFIC OF SAN DIEGO November 1, 1979 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. William Baldwin Subject: Option to Purchase Old City 2.92 Dump Site Gentlemen : As you know, escrow has not closed on this property due to the City sewer moratorium which has prevented recordation of the final map. The option agreement provides that the option shall terminate if the escrow is not closed by December 18, 1979. When the agreement was negotiated, it was anticipated tpat the moratorium would have been lifted by now. Although the moratorium undoubtedly will not be lifted this year on our property, we are agreeable to close escrow prior to December 18, 1979. to a twelve (12) month extension of the agreement to December 18, As an alternate we would propose to agree 1980. The option agreement provided that the purchase price be based on a survey of the property. of Survey Map Number 5412 which shows the property is 2.89 acres. In accordance with Article I, Section 2 of the option agreement the purchase price would then compute as follows: Enclosed please find a copy of Record 2.89 acres x $8,621.00 = $24,914.69 The legal description of the property, which was based on the record of survey, is contained in the preliminary title report which we have previously approved. A copy of the preliminary title report is enclosed. We are looking forward to hearing from you at an early date. Very truly yours, IC OF SAN DIEGO Robert M. Allan President tb En c 1 os ure s 7906 convoy court / san diego, California 92111 1 (7741 Pa- - Title Insurance and Trust Company 220 "A" Street P.O. Box 1150 San Diego. California 921 12 714 239 6081 ', 0 Q w- i TfltE IhSLRANCE AND TRUST 220 '*A'' 5TREET P.C. BCX 115C SAN ClEGO, CALfFCRhIA 92112 714-239-6CEl 0 c, G JAhL'isRY 16, 1578 MQXITTAKER ESCROW YUUP REFE9ENCE: t3U'rEP: STAhCARD F4CIFfC OF SAh Di%G& CUR CRCER NC- : 2 C3 1 1 C4 IN RESPQKSE TO THE APCVE PEFfREhCEC APPLICATICN FCR b PCLICY OF THAT IT IS PREPIRED TO ISSUE, OR CAC'SE TC BE ISSUEO, AS CF it-€ OAT€ PCLIfY CF TITLE INSCI-PAN&€ DESGRff2ING Tt-.E LANO AND TkE ESTATE LOSS UHICH CPY E!€ SUSTbIhfO 3Y REASCN OF AhY DEFECT, LIEA CR E:YCC:ME?F\ANCE NET SHCHh OR REFERREC TO AS Ah EXCEPTIOh BEtCk CP TITLE IIS5URCINCEv TITLE IKStiRAhCE bNO TRUST CUHPANY HEREeY PEPCPTS HEREQFv A CALIFCPNIA LAhG TITLE ASSQCIATICN STAEcDARD CGLERAGE FORY OR iNTEREST TFEREIN FEREINAFVER SET FGCSTFc IIUSUIIIQG AGAINST hi01 EXCLUDED FRfC CCVERLGE PURZtlPhT 'TC TbE PRINTED SCHECULESw C;CNCTTIOf%S AND SltPULAPfChS Cf SbIC PGLICY FURCe THIS REPORT -Ab0 4NY SUPPLEPEhTS CR A?4ElaGw€tatTS THERETC- IS .ISSL'EO SCCELY FOR TFE PURPOSE Cf FAClLITATIhS It-€ PSSUAFcCE OF A POLICY DESIRED THAT tIbEItlTY 3E ASSUt4E.C PFICS TC THE ISSUAhCE CF A CF TITLE ~NSURA~CE PM RC LIJBILITY IS AZEWED HEREEL rF IT xs POLICY Of TfTLE 1hSURbNCEp A PINCER 6R CCPPITYEhT SHCCLC; BE R EQU E STE C* I2APEt3 AT 7230 A-Me AS CF JAhUbRY 59 197E TITLE OFFICER: KEh CPVfQ SIGRED: dd L@/fid --- 'i 32-- THE ESTATE CR IRTEREST IN THE 1bhE kEREIAAFTER OESCGIEEO QR REFERRI TC*CCLEREC BY THIS REPCRT TS: A FEE TTTLE TC SAIC ESTATE CR INTEREIT AT THE CAT€ HEREOF IS VESTEO Ih: fP€ CITY CF C4QLS840. 1C31104 PAGE 1 1. 0 Wk c -C AT THE DATE HERECF EXCEPTlUhS TC COVERAGE Iy ASCITIGA Tf THE PRIhTER EXCEFTlChS PAC EXCLCSlGhS COhTA'fh6fa IN SAID POLICY FORC kCUtC @E PS FQLtCkS: I., TAXES NCT ab ROLL 2- AK E4SEPENT AFFECTING TH€ PCRTION OF EblO CAhb bhC FCR TCSE IN FAVOR OF : CCLNTY CIF SAh ClEGC FCR : PUBLIC PUAU PtiPPCSES PURPOSES STATE0 XEPEINo ANC I hCiCENTAL FURPOSES RECCRDEO : 4UGUST 299 1547, IN BOCK 2487, PAGE 64 CF CFFICIAI PECCR&S AFFECTS : 15 STRIP CF LANO 40 FEET klOEt 20 FEET CA EACH SI01 FOtLCWIhG CESCRIBEO CEhTER LINE: BEGIhNIMG AT ENGINEERS SYBTICN 14 + C4-01 la*O,T, ON THE CEhTfR LZNl CCUhTY RCAD SURVEY NU- 925 bCCORDXMG TO CFFIClAL PLbY THERECF OM F VVE CfFlCE CF COUNTY SURVEYOR CF Sbh OIEGC COLk7Yv ?PENCE NCRTH 10: WEST 216.39 FEET TC TFE BEGIhluIhC OF 4 CURVE. TO THE RIGbT HAVING A UF 500 FEETI THENCE ALCNG SA10 CWVE TFRCUGH A CENTRAL AhGtE OF '16 CISTANCE CF 140-64 FEET9 THENCE hCRTH l.4°3U'40'* EAST 106.57 FfET T BEGPhNfNG Cf A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING b RAOfUS OF 125 FEET9 TFE ALCNG SAID CURVE THRCtGH A CENTRbL AtrtGLE CF 85OU9' A CIZTAItCE Cf 1 FEETI THENCE SOUTH 8Oo2O02On EAST 7.35 FEE? TE TPE EEGINkIhG OF A THE tEfT HAVING P RACIUS OF 200 FEET, THEhCE ALONG SblO CURL€ TkRC EAST 256-66 FEET TO THE EEGfhELIPG CF P CURVE TO THE LEFT PAVfhG A CF 500 FEFTt THENCE ALONG SAIC CLRVE THRCLGW A CENTRA1 AhGLE OF 29 CENTRAL ANGLE aF 45015* A oisnrm cF 15~35 FEET, TI-E~CE NORTH 54 OIST~CE QF 256.13 FEET? THEME WRTH 2~w*+a** EAST 233.54 FEET T FEET, THENCE NCRTP fj~m*30'# EAST 832~4 FEET TO THE LEGI INNING CF BEGlKNfhG OF A CURVE TO THE RIGkT HISVlNG A R4DIUS OF 200 FEET* THE ALUttG SAID CVRVE THRaUGl- A CEhTRPL AhGLE CF 34*CI1'50" P CISTAhCE C TC TI+€ RIGHT HALING 4 RBCIUS CF 460 FEET9 THENCE ALONG SdlC CURVE 8IJ0Oe'5On EAST 223.85 FEET TC Tk€ eEGfNhIMG CF A CURVE TO TI-E RICk d CENTRAL ANGLE C!F 25°57B20'9 A DISTIKCE CF 202.15 FEET, THENCE NOP A RADIUS CF 550 FEET* THENCE ALCNG SAIC CURYE THROUGt. A CElrTFAC Ah 470~~ A DISTANCE OF 45~13 FEET TC A PM~T IN suo LCT "P FRCH ~i INCF PIPE FILLED WITP CUhCPETE? PARK1R.G fHf YCST WESTERLY CCPiYER E LOT, @EbPS SCUTH 83O37'2E" WC5T 4641e61 FEET, blk BCCOROCNC TC PLAT CN FILE I& THE CFFTCE CF CCUN'IY ZLPLEYGR GF BIEGU CCUMTY ENTITtEd 'uRCAD ZURVEY hC. 345". SAiC PNSTRUPEIVT bLSC GRAhTS TI-E PJGPT TC EXTEND AND CblNTAIN CRAINAGE ST3KTURES Ah0 EXGAUATICN AhC EPUeAhKPENT StEFES EE'UCNC . THE LIMITS CF SAIC RIGHT OF WAY WPERE RESUl2EC FOR CC&STRtCTIOh nNC WIMTENPNCE. - 'IC31LC4 FPCE L * c 0 W' hlCTE: THE INTEREST 'IN SAID CASE bbS SIhCE PASSED 10 THE CITY OF C EY d DOCUYEhT RECOROEC MbRCh SI IS629 RECCkbEA'S FILE Nf3- 40619 CF Q, OFF IC IAL RECCRDS - (1, THE COU&TY Cf SbN IIIEGU RESERVES A RIGHT GF WAY FOR PUBLIC FIGHfrtPY THfE SCUTHWEZTERCY 30 FEET THERECF. 3, bh EASEPENT AffECTlNG THE PCRTiOh OF S4ID LAhC AAC FG8 TI-€ IN FAVOR OF : CCLNTY i?f SBh OfEGC FCR f PUBLIC HIGHbAY PURPCSES PURPUSES STATED I-~EKEIHI 4NQ IhCICENfAL FURPOSES * RECGR C EO : WARCH 51 1562, RECCFCEP'S FILE NC- 4C61S BFFECTS : THE SCUTk!4ESTERLb 30 FEET. THIS CCPPARY INCICPTES Tt-A IhG RECUIREMEhTS WbST BE 654281 MUST €!E OBTRIhED- z 1 1031104 PAGE 4 I 0 w THE LAND REFERREC TC !-€REIN IS SZTUATEC Th THE STATE Ci= CAtIFCRNIAy COUNTY OF $AN QIEGU, 4NC IS CESCRIBEO AS FOLLGHSZ c TPAT PORTION CF LCf 'J" OF THE RANCtiQ PC-L'b HEDICWDAr Ih ft-E CObNTY CIEGQ, ST4TE CF CbLIFORhIb, PCCOACINC TC PAP THEREOF NC. 823 FILED OFFICE CF CCUNTY RECCRDEF OF S4h DIECC CaChTYt NCVEHBEP 16, 1E96. CESCR IBfC AS FOLLCLrS: 8 BEGIIWNG AT A POINT IN SAIO LOT r*.iH FWP ~HICH A- 6 nct. FIPE FrLL 8i*ao*3o~q MEST* 4642~1 FEET- zm PC~INT (IF BEGI~NI~G BEING CN ~tl~ BOUK 765, PAGE 117 CF uwIci4b RECCROS CF SAID COUNTY, WEME aar 4v2wv WEST 267.07 FEET TC A FOM oh WE CENTER LINE CF CCU~T~ Sam LIME* TFE CENTER UF WHICH BEARS SOLTH 31*25*2t~ WEST 550 FEET CONCRETE, MARKIhE THE PUST kESfEALY CCRbEP OF SA'IO LCT. BEARS SOLT 53lrTHERLY LINE GF THbT PARCEL CF L4kC CChVEYEO TO HARICIN POLYES, E TRUSTCRS OF THE WORTH CbPtSeAD IPPROVENEhT ASSOGIATIOh @Y DEEO Rft SCUTHERLY LihE NCRTF fB"LT'?Cn EAST, 134-32 FEET TU Tf-E SCLTVfASft CCRNER OF SAID PARCEL AMC VBE TRUE POINT CF BEGINNING, THEhCE SCUI SURVEY NO* 745, ACCCPUIRG TC CFfICIPL PLAT THERECF GN FILE IN THE OF COUNTY SURVEYCR CF SAN OIEGC CCtlNTYe SblD POINT BEIKG Oh P CUR! SAID PClMTp TFfNCE NORTHWESTERLY bLCNG 2610 CURVE AND SAfE CENTER THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE Cf f9°4U*f4n 4 CiSTANCE OF 1e8-93 FEET* Ti LEAbIhG SAID LIhE, hQRTH 2"5?'25'P kEST 323-38 FEET TC THE NORTHkE CQi3NER OF SAID PbRCEL CQKVEYED ff HARICh HOLMES, ET AL, 4s TROStCl THEKE ALONG THE NORTPERLY AM NCPT~EASTERLY LINE aF SAIC CAW, tv 75*30* EAST 271,45 FEET 6ND SCUTP 24°55*2Ca EAST 318-77 FEET TO Tl POIhT CF BEG-INNIhG, 1331104 FPGE 4 0 7 PLANNING CONSULTANTS ENGlNBEERlNG COMPANY 1 AND CIVIL ENGINEERS 3088 PI0 PIC0 DR. SUITE 202 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 P.O.BOX1129 PHONE AREACODE714 729-4987 October 26, 1979 Mr. Robert Allan STANDA’iR13 PACIFIC OF SAN DIEGO 7906 Convoy Court San Diego, California 92111 Dear Mr. Allan: Enclosed are copies of portion of Record of Survey 5412 redorded March 29, 1960 as file No, 64379. These exhibits show the dump containing 2.89 acres o I would recomeind you make reference t Record of Survey 5412 and the 2.89 acres in your escrow and pur- chase of the above property . If you have any questions, please call. Robert C. Ladwig RCL : ml encl : -v 1 - (,. {j 1.3 m >. j ;: 1- L f v *- P pbx r% uk s $4 I2 I "/ 24/7 7 3 START? 888' 200' 210 ' 968' 200' n752954e' 270960' 201' ~500954~' 267280 t 203' U4327e' 204' @ 200' 5000000' 5000000~ cc @I' s245846e' 318720' 202' +t ~312421~' 55OOOO' ' k 1 ,' clt' A a 188.93 019-40-5 3.9 95.405 186.003 oog-'jo-26.g -3 et t 302585%' 323619' t 200' tt I t @ ~60-46-50 7e ,006 -3 * 838' 200' 201'202' x)3t10550000' 204' x)O t * 125778.6 sq' -2.80747 acre 3, @ 965' OLt '3 6 j i !J,4 ,j $7 8 '.UL .s 5- <r 5' ". rC. &IL- c *? ;) Gl- )I( /'I F )i <la>* /A 1.' 2- 2.. ", $* 7 t I j- I - L* / .,' r >* fj1- I' { L / *I* * <> I f -A / *; , ,4)JP j: i !." 24< . ' ' A'., ;ir,t h i i- /I. :'.- "Y \. ? I :- iq;: . ,?ii 13 v 7-;jv! < A?-. 2. .a ' @' I $* t; 2 j I .I' 8 -' & 64379 I uy"".2.5, 19 G9 I @a Y ! I 1 6i - -- .,-+ ' I Cr v . k..9 , .. 1 I. fi \.., Wfb - ', +.. . .., ,. . .I - ,, - .,y :, , ,’ ~ / p ” I .. I -, i ,’ ,,: .r ,. ’ ’ /. i, , . .. i J .,’,, ’, . ,’ I ’, I- ~. .d .”; )‘ / _”* ~ .-L<;& -. .. .. 2.. . -~ /.‘. . / .. /”’ _- . ..-~- T. i !< c: c TO 77 (4-73) NOTICE OF RETURNED DOCUMENTS g - TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST . City of Carlsbad Our No. 1031104 . c/o Robert Frazee - 1200 Elm Ave. Your NoCity of Carlsbad/ ' Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Pacific of San Di Date January 5, 1978 We are sending you the items checked below: 0 Escrow Instructions dated m Preliminary Title Report dated as of January 5 1 1978 X Supplement dated January 26, 1978 0 Recorded instrument which you sent to us for examination. 0 Plat to be used with the order number shown above. 0 Policy of Title Insurance per your instruc 0 LZ: j Receipted tax bill which has served our purpose. Copy of covenants, conditions and restrictions ordered by you. County ATICOR COMPANY 0 0 Tilt€ IASCIRANCE AND TRUST T 220 llA'l 5TFEET P.C. BtX 115C SAN CIEGO, CALIFCRhIA 92112 714-239-6CEi JANARY ler 1578 WHITT~KER EscmW YOUP REFE9ENCE: BU'rER: STAkCARO FbCIFIC OF Sbh DIEC-C CUR CRCER Nf, : 1C311C4 IN RESPORSE TO THE AeCVE PEFEREhCEC APPLICATlQN FCR P PCLICY OF TITLE INSURAIVCEt TITLE IkiStRAhCE 5N0 TRbfT COMPANY HEREEY PEPCRTS THAT IT IS PREPdREO TO ISSUES OR CALSE TC BE ISSUED, AS CF T1-E DATE HEftECFt 4 CALIFCRNIA LAFiC TITLE ASSOCfATICN STAIriDARD CGLERAGE FORP POLICY CF TITLE INSCPANCE DESCRIeING TI-€ 1AND AN0 TkE ESTATE OR INTEREST TPEREIN FEREINAFTER SET FCRTk, INSURING AGAI&ST LOSS w-irct-i CDY BE SUSTPI~EO 3~ REASCN of AAY DEFECT, LIE^ CR EYCC#BRANCE NCl' SHCWh OR REFERREC TO AS Ah EXCEPTIOh BELCk CP CENCITIONS AND STfPULATlChS CF SAIC POLICY FORP. THIS REPaRT -Ah0 AkY SUPPLEMEhTS CR AMEbC~EhTS THERETC- IS ISSL'EO FtOT EXCLUDED FRCP CCVERPGE PURZUPhT TC TtE PriINTEO SCHECULESt SCLELY FOR WE PURPOSE tF FACILITDTI~G WE rssuAIvcE aF A POLICY aF TITLE INSURA~CE PAC NG ti4eILm IS ASEUCEO HwEeY. IF IT IS DESIRED THAT LIABILITY BE ASSUMEC PFICR TC THE ISSUAACE CF A POLICY OF TITLE IhSURANCEv B EINCER OR CCPrJITYEhT SHCI'LD BE REQUESTEC, CATEC ai 730 A,&. A: CF JA~U~RY 5r H?E - THE ESTATE CR IhTfffEST IN THE LPhD i-EREIhAfTER OESCFIEEO OR REFERRE TC CCLEREC 6Y THIS REPCRT IS: A FEE TITLE TC SAIC EST4TE OR INTEREZT AT TPE CATE HEREOF IS LESTEO ih: TPE CITY CF CAQLSBAD. IC31104 PAGE 1 a e c AT TtiE GATE HERECF EKEPTIOPS Tt COVERAGE IN AOCfTIGh TC THE PRI~TED EXCEFTIC~S A~C EXCLLSICM CmTAmEc rN SAID PaLicY FORP kCuCC e€ AS FUttCkS: 1. TAXES NCT ON ROLF., 2, A& E4SEPrENT AFFECTING THE PCRTiOh OF SbID LAhO PAC FCR TPE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN9 4NG IhCICENTAL FGPPOSES FOR : PUSLIC ROAD PUPPCSES IN FAVOR OF : CttNTY OF $Ah CIEGC RECCROEO : AUGUST 299 1547, IN B'JCK 24e7, PAGE E4 Cf CFFlCliAL AFf ECTS Z A STRIP CF CAN0 40 FEET kIOE, 20 FEET GR EACH SIOE PECCRCS FOLLCWXI~G cxsmrwo CE~TER LrNE: SEGIhMING AT ENGINEERS STATICN 14 + C4,Cl P-ff-T. ON THE CEhTER LXNE fCUhTY READ SURVEY NO. 925 BCCOROlNG TO CFFICIAL. PllT THERECF ON FI TI+€ CFfICE CF COUNTY SURVEYOR Cf Sbh OIEGC CQt'hIYv TFEKCE NCRTH IO34 OF 500 FEET9 THENCE ALONG SA10 CURVE TPRCUC-H A CENTRAL AhCLE OF 16O DISTANCE OF 140.64 FEET, THENCE PCRTH i4°30'40'4 EAST 106*5? FEET TO BEGIhMING Cf A CUUVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING d RAOIUS OF 125 FEETI IWCEh' ALONG SAIO CURVE THRCClGH d CENTRbL ANGLE CF 85O09' A CISTARCE CF 18 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 80920'20'" EAST 7135 FEE? TO TPE EEGINhIhG OF A C THE LEFT HAVING b RACfUS OF 200 FEET, THEhCE btONG SbfD CURLE TfRCU CENTRAL ANGLE OF 45°15m A OISTAhCE CF 157.35 FEET, TbEhCE NORTH 54O NEST 210.39 FEET fC TI-€ 8EGHhklhC Of 4 CURVE TO TVE RIGFT HAVING A I EAST 256.56 FEET TU THE EfGIhRIhG CF A CURVE TO THE LEFT PAVfhG A R CF 500 FEET* THENCE ALONG SAIC CLRVE TWUGH A CENTRAL A~PLE aF z9t DISTPhGE OF 256a13 FEET, THEKCE NORTH 25*C3'40" EAST 233-54 FEET TC BEGfhNlhG OF A CURVE TO THE RIGhT HAVING A R4OIUS OF 200 FEET. THEb FEET, THENCE NCRTk 59°11'3048 EAST 832-54 FEET TO THE BEGIlriNING CF 1 TC Tff RIGFT tiALING A RCICIUS Gf 400 FEET9 THENCE ALONG SAIC CURVE 1 ALOhG SAID CURVE THROUGt- A CEPTRAL AhGtE Cf 36°07150' b OISTAhCE Cf A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 2!05?'20" il DISTPhCE CF 202a15 FEET, THENCE NOR1 88OOG*50" EAST 223.85 FEET Ti3 TkE f3EGiNhfNG Gf A CURVE TO TkE RICH1 47OC6' A DISTANCE Of 452.13 FEET Tt A PCIh7 ih SAIU LC1 "J" FRCW WI A RADIUS Cf 550 FEET, THENCE ALCNG SAIC CURVE THROUGI. A CEbTPAL AN1 INCk PIPE FILLED HITF COhCREfE, PAPKIhG TF.E YCST kESTERLY CCflkER 01 LOTI FEARS SCUTH 83°37'21'' WEST 464L.62 FEET, 4Lt ACCORDIWC TC PLAT CN FILE IN THE CFFTCE CF CCUNTY ZLRLEYGR Gf 13IfGO CCUMTY ENTITLED "RCAO SURVEY hC. 745". SAIC TNSTRilPfNT dCSC GRAhTS TtE F1Gf.T TC EXTEND A40 PPIMTAIN THE LIMITS CF SAIO RIGHT OF WAY #FER€ RECUIREC FOR CCNSTRtCTlOh ctumaix STWCTURES ARO EXGAVLT ICN am EPEAMWENT SLCFES EELCNC AKC YbINTENPNCE, IC311C4 FLCE z e e Rei€: THE INTEREST IN SAID CASE MS SI~CE PASSED 70 THE CITY DF CIIF i3w r c I AL RECCRDS EY d OOtUYEhT RECOROfC MBRCh %* lS52r RECCQOER'S FILE NU, 40619 CF THE COURTY Cf S6N OIEGO RESERVES A .91CHl CF WAY FOR PUBLIC PIGHGrdY b THE SOUTHWESTERLY 30 FEET ThERECF, 3. bFr EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PCRTIOh OF SAID CAhC AhC FQR TbE IN FAVOR OF : CCLNTY CF SDh OXEGC FOR : PUBLIC HIGhkAY PURPCSES AFFECTS : THE SCUTkHESTERLV 30 FEET. PURPOSES STATED FEREIffr AN0 IhCICENTAL PURPOSES RECG R C ED : MARCH 9, 15023 PECCFCER'S FILE NC- 4C61S 4, NOTE: IAFCRPATICN iA PCSSESSIllh OF THIS CCluPAFtY ZNCICPTES TkAT CiVXSICN CF LAND IS CONTEMPLPTEC IF1 THE CLPRENT TRAhZICTICh CIVlSIUN CF LAND kOULl: APPEAR TO FALL WITHIN THE PURVIEh OF Tt-E SUBDIVISION PAP ACT AND AS A PREREQUISITE TC THE CLQSIRG QF SAID INVULV1bG THE LbhE CfSCRIBEC IN THIS PEPCRT, SUCH CCNJEMFLATEC TRANSACTION* AT LEAST ORE OF TI-E FOLtUWIkG REGUIREMEhTS PtST 3E ACCCPPLISHEO TO THIS CC#PClhY*S SbTISFACTiCh: flj THAT A SUBDIVISION PAP PbS 3EEh RECCRCEO IN CCCPLIAhCE kiTt! . THE SUBDIVISION PAP ACT CR WELdTEC LOCAL CROINANCES; 121 TI-AT A PARCEL MAP H4S PEEN PECCQUEC Ih COPPtIAKtE kIVH Tt-E SUEDIVISIOK FtllP ACT trR RELATED LOCAL O2DlhANCES; OR I31 THAT A CERTIFICATE Cf CCtPCIANfE AS PROVtDEO FCiF iN THE SUBCIVESICN CAP ACT HbS f3EEPi RECCRDEC; @R THAT CTHER SATISFPCTCRY EVICERCE INDICATING COMPtlCIhCE OR NCbVICLPTXQN BE FURRI$ttEC* 14) A WdIVER AS PROVIOEO FCR IN THE SUeCIVISION VAP bCJ IG,C* 664281 MUST eE CETAIhEO, 1031104 PAGE 3 *I e e THE LANO REFERREC TC tEREIN IS SITUATEU Ih THE STATE CF CAtfFCRNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, 4NC IS CESCRIBEO AS FOLLOHS: TPAT PawruN CF tci WJ" OF THE RANCHO PGL'P HEOIONDA, Ih T~E COUNTY c ClEGQt STATE CF CbAIFORhIdr PCCORGINC TC PAP THEREOF NC, 323 FILED 1 CESCREBEC AS FOtLCkS: BEGlhYING AT A POINT IN SAID LOT "J" FRCP CHICH A 6 IhCt FIPE FILCEI: CONCRETE, YARKIhC THE POST kESTEPCY CCRhEP Of SbIO LCT, BEARS SOtTH 81°00'30'3 HEST, 4642-77 FEETv ZPIO PDINT CF BEGIhNIhG BEING EN ThE SOUTHERLY LINE CF THbT PARCEL Cf LdKC CChVEYED TO MARION )fOLYES, ET TRUSTERS Of THE NORTH CbPCSEAO IPPROVEMEhT ASSQCfATICh eY OEED RECO BOOK 7659 PAGE 117 CF OFFICIAL RECCROS Cf SAID COUNTY? Tt€hrtE BLOhC SOUTHESLY LIKE NORTP 7CJ01S'3Cn EAST, 134*?2 FEET TO TtE SCLTFEASTER CORNER OF SAID PARCEL ANC TPE TRUE POINT CF BEGINNIhGr THEhCE SCUTH 49O29'50" WEST 267-07 FEET TC A FOIhT Oh ThE CENTER LINE CF CCUhTY SURVEY NO, 7459 ACCCPOIhG TC CFflCIfiL PLAT 'THERECF ON FILE IN THE 01 OF COUNTY SURVEYCR CF SAN DIEGC CCUNTY? SbIfl POINT EIEIKG Oh A CURVE SA10 LINE, TbE CENTER OF WHICH BEARS SCLTH 31*25'28" hEST 550 FEET I SAID PClMTt TP'EIVCE NORTHWESTERLV PLCNG SLIO CURVE AND SAID CENTER L LEALIhG SA10 t1hE1 hCRTH Z057'25@' WEST 323.38 FEET TIS THE NORTHkEST CORNER OF SAID PdRCEL CUKVEYEU TC MdRICh HUL"1ESv ET AL, 42 TRrYSTCRS THEACE ALONG THE NQRTFERLY AhO NCRTFEASTEACY LINE OF SAlC LAhCt hOR OFFICE CF CCUNTY RECCROEP Of Sbh DIEGC CClUhTY? NCVEMBEP 16, LE969 THRUUGH 4 CENTRAL ANGLE GF 19O4C'54" 4 OISTANCE OF 188.93 FEET, THE 75O30' EAST 271.45 FEET 4NU SCUTk 24*55'3C" EAST 318.77 FEET TO THE Pum;T CF BEGINNIAG. 1031104 FBGE 4 \ I - -* J { -. i 4- .t I Q .. L22 % I \:.:-a. 7- r: i y-s:. c J- -- . -* --&--. .- >.1 e II) ic TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST January 26, 1978 Title Insurance & Trust Attention: L. Whittaker RE: Title Order No. 1031104 Your No. Cjity of Carlsbad/Standard Pacific of San D Gentlemen: In reference to Preliminary Report dated January 5, 1978, please delete Item No. FOUR (4) in its entirety. Very truly yours, d?h 9CLJ,/- Ken David Title Officer Is 1 3 i r i Title Insurance and Trust Company 220 "A" Street P 0 Box 1150 San Diego, Caltfornl 921 12 714 239 6081 /i ATICOR COMPANY a e TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST January 12, 1978 Re: Escrow No. B-1031104 t City of Carlsbad ATTN: Robert C. Frazee 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Gentlemen: We are enclosing your Agreement for option to Purchase and Purchase of Real Property dated November 22, 1977 in which you are selling property to Standard Pacific of San Diego. Our standard form of General Provisions are incorporated in said agreement, and we require your sig- nature on the indicated copy. for your files. You may retain one copy If we can be of assistance to you in this matter, please don’t hesitate to call. Sincerely yours , TITLE INSURANCE & TRUST CO. . <- ___- r/;p\ <x.- ~ LA” i Lbca ?A/ 1 ’9 Laurie\.zimmek \ Escrow DepaTtment enc .. Titie insurance and Trust Company 220 “A” Street P.O. Box 1150 San Diego, Californla 921 12 714 239 6081 ATICOR COMPANY i JanUary 4, 1978 0 Linda K. Whittaker, rpzk$y and between - CITY OF CARLSBAD , as Seller -,and Standard Pacific of San Dj as Buyer ,dated November 22, 1977 , is to be constn as your escrow instructions, and you are authorized to act thereunder insofar as closing your escrow is concern The following general provisions are hereby incorporated and made a part hereof. It is mutually agr these instructions are entered into by the parties hereto for the purpose of enabl Insurance and Trust Company to close this escrm, but it is in no wa intended to way “dif& supslement or supersede that certain agreement executed & and between parties a ache hereto. All funds received in this escrow shall%e deposited with other escrow funds in a general escrow account accounts of Title Insurance and Trust Company, with any State or National Bank, and may be transferred to a other such general escrow account or accounts. All disbursements shall be made by check of Title Insurance a Trust Company. Any commitment made in writing to Title Insurance and Trust Company by a bank, trust company, insuran company, or building and loan or savings and loan association, to deliver its check or funds into this escrow ma in the sole discretion of Title Insurance and Trust Company, be treated as the equivalent of a deposit herein of t! amount thereof. .......................... ENERA& P~OVISIONS------------------------ All adjustments to be made on a basis of 30-day month. Recordation of any instruments delivered through this escrow, if necessary or proper in the issuance of tl policy of title insurance called for, is authorized. No examination or insurance as to the amount or payment of real or personal property taxes is require unless the real property tax is payable on or before the date of the policy of title insurance. If any party to these instructiom obtain a loan on the land involved, and during the pendency of this escroy you are authorized to furnish the lender, or any one operating on its behalf, any information concerning this escrov including, but not limited to, a certified copy of the escrow instructions and any amendments thereto. Execute on behalf of the parties hereto, form assignments of interest in any insurance policies (other tha title insurance) called for herein and forward them upon close of escrow to the agent with the request, first, tha insurer consent to such transfer or attach loss-payable clause or make such other additions or corrections as ma have been specifically required herein, and second, that the agent thereafter forward such policies to the partie entitled to them. In all acts in his escrow relating to fire insurance, including adjustments, if any, you shall b fully protected in assuming that each such policy is in force and that the necessary premium therefor has been paid Unless you are otherwise specifically requested by written instructions so to do, no examination nor insuranc as to the applicability, amount or payment of any transfer tax, imposed by any local, city or county ordinance 01 otherwise, is required through this escrow, as the same will be taken care of by the parties hereto outside of escrov, and you are not to be concerned with the payment of any such tax. Time is of the essence of these instructions. If this escrow is not in condition to close by ~ any party who then shall have fully complied with his instructions may, in writing, dernanc the return of his money and/or propcity; but if none have complied, no demand for return thereof shaI be recognized until five days after the escrow holder shall have mailed copies of such demand to all other parties at their respective addresses shown in the escrow instructions. If no such demand is made, close this escrow as soon as possible. Tax Statements to be mailed to Buyer at address shown. Any amendment of or supplements to any instructions must be in writing. BUYER: STANDARD PACIFIC OF SAN DIE0 ,~ Si ature Signature __I ______I_____ Signature Addres~_1200~2.~rA~8 Seller El!?: Robert M. Allan Buyer BY: Jerry Saxe, Address2633 Pl ai rexmniAPs3 u j 0 v 'I AGR33/XI fl EDI < 0:-"110?1 To Pa:Q MSE Id Ill I'Ul Kl VSE OF PUL P?s3:'F:RrY . On the term c?;id conditions of this agresmik, tile CITY OF CAIXSBAD, a nxiicipal corpration, herein called "Seller", qyyes to sell to STKWWiI PACIFIC OF SKI DIEGO, herelin called "&jrer", arld Buyer.agrees to purchase from Seller the rea proprty, h3rei.n called "Property", in the City of Carlsbad, County of Sai mego, State of CXLifornia, as nore particularly described in Exhibit "A" zlrd d-spicted 03 FA?ibjt '' R", each or srhich is attach& hereto and ircorporated herein, bs:ins 2.9 acres, more or less. J!?LTICLE I - PUI3CIIASE PKIG Section 1. Pirv~rnt of Purchase Price. Tne pwchase price - for the property to b-2 pxid by Buyer to Seller shall b-c3 the slm of Eipat 'I"riousx,rld Six Eu?Cired 'i3ienty-Che Dollars per acr?, estinated to. b the total sm of 'i'wnty-l~ive Thousarid Collars to he &teF.l?iitined and paid as herealFter set forth. - Sectlon 2. The na-her of acres included in said FYoperty, as well as the Survey of Property and &tei-?ninatSon or Purchase Price. exact boundarks and. exact legal descripticn of said +Property shall be cli.i;~mhl~d h~ ~1 SUT~.Y!~~ of' SP.~CI ~VOPS~~~V to I)? n2.$52 at tile sole cost a~ii eA.ens.e of the Elam. bg sxid survey var;d f'rorn 2.3 acres, tine pur7ch;;e prlce shall be adjuted accordingly at; the rate of' Ei$h Thousand SIX fiwic?red Tiirenty- ibxiars p- or acrc . Should thc area of the Pxp7erty s deterrminl . ____ -... . _. . -... . , .. . . . . .. - . . __ . __.___ a -', > Sectio, e. ~:~r.eni of fhmchase fyice. pie tot;& pwckase price for mid praprty as determined i.ri Section 2 above shdl be paid by BLVer to Seller :in cash through escrow on or hefor2 the close thepeo Section 4. ~~3posit. mricurrent \;it11 the opning or escmw as -- herearter provided, By;rer> shdl ckposit Zri escrotr thi SLJFI of Five Tnousand lbll~vs as good f8ith deposit for the per?o,~13nee of this agrmxmt by Bnyer, ~hich sum shall be created to the purchase price at close of esc-row. ti?e tirx limits here-inaf'ter S& forth or by reason of Tailure of any of the corlditions to th-is eszro-;i as hereinsfter :;?t forth or by Buyer's &fmlt, then said sm (less Wo 'Ikous-md Dollars axi the escmw cancellation charges) sltiall be returned to Euyer. lhll~~~ shall be paid to Seller in full liquidation or" dl ifaia,oe and not as a penalty to coxpensate 22ller for, in effect, giving Euyer an option to purchase the property vhlile Buyer sought cu~)-~vdl ?ye of the developsit aril by LSeller havirg its property wlithdz-z;;? *on the &let during the tern of this agreement. In the evsnt this escrow does not close within Trio TKO 'i%_ousmd Hj'JICE 2 - .yr?U w Section 1. P,'m!&ziblc Title. Seller shall conwy to mer or its nopinee, t'r;,-ough escrow, gocd ad marketable title to sad' property jli *? sir.iple, c?'i ev.idmccti by 2 staximd form of CIY3. tftlc insu~ai~ce p~licy in the i'ull c?rr.ogxt of the pwchase price fre 222 clear of all liens aid enctL?.3rancm, i:ionet,?^r-y or otkriiise, exc-;?ting only nori- delinr!uent real. property i;am!s; znd easerients , rest?!-ctions, reservatior and. ri;$ts-o_f-i.:ay of record as shmr;i ori the prelirGmr: mport of title 2s h3ro:inafter. grovidcci v.4iTch have not ken 03Jected ts bjr EupxD 2. -.. . .. ...__. .. --.-. _I_. - . .. - Sect io@. ~- f~elir~xinary l<eport; of Titi. -- m \!it>in trrentg days L-L seer o?,--.nj.ng of escrcw, Seller shall cause to be pre~zc-x-i by ':de co-rpmy 2nd delivered. to Buyer a prelirmayy mport of' title to ~LLI j ect Property. preli-*ny; report ol" title not objected to by Buyer' t?renty d~% a%er receipt of such prelixinwy repoi% to Buyer s%l1 be deer:& accepted bg Buyer, aqd Eqer shall thereafter have n3 rigit to corplain of tit12 being eonwyed G'r insured in such coz&tion. Pa? it em, exceptiofis or condit ior!s rj'n0;m 03 sxid AFG'ICLE 3 - ESCROI? Section 1. --- QpdinF; of Escrow. Within ten da2-s of tile acczptaqce of this aLgree;xnt, Buyer shall cau.se to be opined ai escrovr for the consuJxatlon of the sale of the property pursmk to . the terns ard conclitions of tnis agreemnt at the office of Title 2iswzicz ad Wust !lmpany, 220 "A" Street, Scan Diego '&is agreer?nt; , together writh such g?neral instructions as escroYr shall requl-re , shall coristitute escrox instmcticms. 92111. - . Section 2, Froration of Tzes. All ordlnq,~ real property taxes le-~ed or assissecl against said Property shzll be prorzted b&x-zen Buyr-?r ar-6 Seller on the basis of the latest avzllable tax bills zud thirty-cia;; rorith as of close of escrow. v Sx%io:i 3. Eon:is azd &ssessrents. Any exiskk~; boxk or ...._-.. __..-_ ___. j-,mrov-2:c-cn~ ~s~,'s'::::zr!Ls tjiat i?re a lien or assess?mL ag~inst SEX Proprty a: the t3rr-t. of escr0-t.I closlng, shdl be pi2 in full znd retlred '0;i S2:Ller prioy to t'ne close of escrow. Snctjon 4. z>p<:nses of pscrox. All. expnsss of .ths escroir -_I___.-.- &s<:i-,i'o.r:3 ri71 this .qp?iz-enL shall bc p,aid by Buyer. 3. .-_._.- .-.-. .. . -. .-. -. - ...._._ __ ___..... _-*_ __- __I_ I e m ., .. Section 5. Close of Escrorr - Conditions. Escrow shall- close within thirty dqp dter 2 flml rxq, including the property, hx beensapproved by the City Cbimcil md pl-ior to the recordation of said pap. Ihring sed thirty days: A. Buyer shdl deliver into escrow the purchase price in cas3 . Seller shall deposit Into escrow a conveyance of the property to Euyer or its norxinee in fee simple, Buyer shall deposit into escrow a stmdard form of CLTA title insurance policjr. B. C. Section 6. -- miration. %is agreement shall expire aid the -a escrow shall termhate if the escrov ha not closed by December 18, 1979 po: - - _L_ AZi'ICCE 4 - €liTSC&!2TEOUS Section 1, Possession of mperty. Possession of sad propert3 Buyc shall be delivered to Buyer at close of escrow as herein provTded. hereby grants Seller a revocable license to use the property free of rent for purposes of stor=e arld police pistol range which uses shall be revocble at any the umn the giving of thirty days notice to cease such use zrd cplt the pro??cy. use pursuant to the revoc&Iz Ii-cense herein set f'ort'n, Seller agrees to hold Buyer f'rze and harless f_rorn ay and all clair's, der27ds, cause: of action or &ix?ges, including attomeji's fees, arisirlg fi-or? or relate to Seller's use of the pro2erty pursumt to the revocable license gpxted herein, r.::lether or not such use is authorized by such license. Section 2. Ki@ of Ixty. Gxing the Pscrov period, Seller T-q ccrsZdem-tion of swh rent-fYee _I_______ hereby 'grants to DAyer the ri$t of entry Tri ard to the stbject propert rr. e w to perform my aqd all of the investigatory matters set forth in this Article. kyer hereby agrees to indemify aid hold Seller, the propert of Seller, ard the property subject to the agcercent , free and harmles: f'rorn any such costs, expenses, liabilities, or charges. Buyer f'urther agrees tiiat, shoiLd this apeemnt be terminatt?d or cmcelled for ayly reson not th? fault of the Seller at any tin2 bifore good and mrketable title to said property has been conveyed to Euyer, Euyer shall, at the written request of Seller, repair any damge don2 to said property by any engineering, geological, or swvey-bg work perforzed the-Ton by Buyer, ard to restore said property to the same camlition it 11as on the date of tiis agreement. Section 3. Ibtices. Any and all notices or other cammicatic -- required or pelmitted by Ynis agreerient or by law to bf! d2livered to, served on, or given to either party to this agrement or by the title conpany as escrcw holdel- shall be in writing and shall be prope@ly delivered, gven, or served when personally delivered to any msrrber of the party, Buyer or Seller, to whom it is directed, or 3-1 lieu of such person& sewlce, vhen deposited into the Lhited States nail, first class, postzg? prepdd, addressed to Euyer at 7906 Convoy Court, San Diego, Ca. 92111, 01- to tk Seller at 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, mlifornia, 92008. add_rcss for thle purposes of this section by giv-ivg written riotice of such chang to the other party, Buyer or Seller, 2n the rmer pro-fided in this Section. w Either party, kyer or Seller, pay change his Sectiofi 11. Attorney's fees, Snould any litigation be - conqmced betmen the parties hereto concerning said property , this 5. a W . - ,. .,’ 5 agreerxnt;, OT tn-? rights md &dt.ies of‘ either in relztion thereto, the party, Bup:? or Sdler, pevziling to such litigation, shdl bt? entitleci, in adfitiog to other suc5 reliefs as may b-2 graqtect, ,to a reasonable sui for his attorney’s fees in such litig3tion which shall be rieter.;.Cried by thz cowt In such litigation. Szction 5. Tim of’ Ess2nce. Tire is expressly cteclwed to be of th? esseilc? of this agreemnt. Sctrion 6. Miver. Tne waiver of any party to this agrcenent of a breach of my provisim of this agreement shall not be deemed .a lver of my sujsequent breach, whether of the s:~ or zwtner provisioi of t’ht.:; agreenent . Section 7. Successors aid Assigns. Euyer reserces the right . to assigr! this z,greer&nt and all right, title arid ink-rest theremder, ad. this ageer;mt, shall bs bindiM unon and inure to the bene-fit of the hzirs, succzssors , assl,ys , xhinistrators, executors, ard <srsonal represent&ives of the Eqer and the Seller. Sectlon 6. - &tire Ageerrtent. ’k4s instruixnt cor%ains the entire agrssmfit between Buyer ,and Seller respecting said property, aid .my ageemnt or representation respecting saZd proprty or tine ciutles of’ either Bwer or Seller 5n relation thereto not expyessly set foit3 _iri th5.s i.nstmr?-?nt is null and void. .. Sectlioii 9. Offer to llv.rc!mse. Tnc Ihg’cr’ .c; sipatuzres hereon _______.-_- constitlj”e ::I of’fer to Seller to purchase the real estate described $xn.~. Uritess acccptancc hemof 3-s sigxxl by Seller mil tne sigmd co~y delri-vereci to &i.yer, either in p%son or by mail to the afidress sh9-3 abov-c- t.<.thln thirty 2-s heyeof, this offer sh.all be d-?errect rc: voked.. 6. ____. _. .- . ._ . . . . . --. . _.._______._. *.L a ,w ,( I. . j .I' ,&ctioi? 10. kc+mce. E32 his sigiatum on tile fotloxir!! page, the Se:Lley accgpts 'chis ori'er to pixrchasc and. qpes to sell the property 03 th? tern5 and con&tiGns above. mts qpen..-?nt is d&ed - November 22, 1977 BhjrAC : , .I STAiiDPuXD PACDIC OF S!21 DIEEX) i 1, I ,I \ I. I: . .. B, ,' ,. .. .' 1,) " )\' \' I I, ' . -*-L7, Jer . ' Saxe Assistank %cref;ayy ATEST: S-JF:j< : .. .. .I ,! CITi OP CilRLSBAD, 8 rxmicipal. . ., * ; .. .. '* *. i . 'J '4' & ,tA;JdLf* Ad y &dGAw corpcjgztion I , ., f.l;rt.gar t E. Aclai, City Cle~% I ' ,' < ,/' (1 ,//- [ *LC: /9c7 *&,c $ ... .. ~obert C. Epazee, Ikycd * APPrnW AT TO FOE4: q, Gy( 1 - ?y-JJ\ ' ),/I IO ),2\ ., &.-- --_. -_- /,,/-- - Vit-lce1 I i P. Li.ionc!o, CILi:yv& tCjl.;?-?Y 7. . . . . , . .. . ._ .. _. ... - _.._____ __c - .__.._. ~ .....__... - -. . L w 0 .I ,+: 1% STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ) COUNTY OF SAN DlEGO ) SS. I. .t*.%rgaret. E..Adams. (;it>. (:I<T~ (if tIit. (:it? of C;~~Isl):id, (httity of Sail ilicyy), Stxtr of Californi, hert.t))- certit). that I htL.ts cotili);irc>(l tfw f(irtBg(iing c'oI)!' n.itIi tlw originaI . .. aareemen.t. ... ... _._.__ pnssed nn adopted h!. witI (;it>. (:(iiiiic,i~. :~t . .. repu1.a.r ....... . . .. . ti~tit~g tiiercd, at tlw time and 1)). thy vote tIierei stattd. wliich origiri:il ... . .aareement . . . ... . is IIOIV on Fil~ in illy o1fic.t.: tlut the sittiw contains a full, trt and correct trai~\c~ript tlit.rc.frotii ;intl of thcb wliole tfirwof. \Vitiicsss hi!. liati(1 Llrltl tlic, sw1 of s;ii(I (;it). of (;ar1sI)il<I, tliis ..28thin,, of ... Dece .nber...! 97.2. .._...__._.______. ,' .. ', ' 2f &.F(L (:it!. Clvrl; 7 .I,. (SI<:\\., i ./. .,,I bt"' e STANDARD PACIFfC OF SAN DIEGO 6 Jmuary 3, 1978 Title Insurmce & Trust Coapany San Diego, California 92112 Attention : Tom Boonan P. 0. SOX 1150 Linda Whitt aker Gentleaen : Enclosed glease find a copy of 'qAgreement for Option to Purchase and Turchzse of Zeal Property" received by us this date along with the Deputy City Clerk9s cover letter dated December 28, 1977, The Agreement 3aving keen fully executed by the City has been accepted by our Yirz ugoi receipt this date. You are hereby imtructed to open escrow and prepare instructions imediazely upon receipt of this letter. Our deposit check for Five T~ousmd Doliars ($5,OOO.OO) as provided for in Article 1, Section h, Ls delivezed to you herewith. Questions iri regzd to this escrow should be directed to the under- siped for 3uyer, and William C. Baldwin, Assistat City Manager, 1200 Ela A-~enm , Czrlsbad, California represem5rg the Seller. 92008, telephone 714/729-1181 , -_ Tf you kave any Questions, please call me. Very tIQly ;/O-LCS, Robert 1.1. AJlzri ?resident c- bD Eric103 Urcs CC: XiKLiZQ C. 3ddv5ny City Nzxnager ti /' 79M convoy court / sdn diego, California 92177 1 (714 HTE IT- TQ Asst. City Attorney DATE Nov. 23 19 77 P M RE: Agenda Bill #5120-Supplement #2 Sale of Police Pistol Range Property Following up on our conversation of this date regarding I ment, Page 4, which in effect prescribes the length of the option we are granting, has not been filled in. Before the Mayor signs it, you should settle the matter with Standard Pacific, fill in the date, get them to initial it and then the Mayor can sign the agreement. 1 'IJ' REPLY ON THlS SHEET FRoM City Attorney - - WILMER SEFWCE LNE ST*P\3CRI: ~7.9 DEPT MEMO FORW 11 2 I r e 1200 ELM AVENUE TELEPH CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) 729 Office of the City Manager November 1, 1977 Mr. Robert M. Allan Standard Pacific of San Diego 7906 Convoy Court San Diego, California 92111 I have requested that an opinion be obtained from the City Attorney concerning the status of Quail Ridge, C. T. 74-4 and Sea Pines, C. T. 74-16 as they may be - affected by Senate Bill No. 239. . President *\ a /’ I have also asked MI:. Baldwin of my office to contact ‘\i you relative to the police pistol range, and he should 1 ) 1 be able to resolve any problems relative to that issue. ,a22 - a,!. PAUL City Manager D, B SSEY t / PDB:vm cc: Assistant City Managerrdr :G&&;p@Ai . ‘* L 5 t 0 a ! TELEPH( (714) 729- 1200'ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Otfice of the City Manager cBCitp et QLCar%$lbab Lr October 12, 1977 Robert M. Allan, President Standard Pacific ofi 7906 Convoy Court San Diego, California 92111 Dear Bob : I have reviewed your "slight" change in our agreement relative to your purchase of the pistol range property. I do not find this to be a slight change, rather it puts the City in the position of guaranteeing sewer connections. This we cannot do. Therefore, I am returning the purchase agreement and presume that we have no agreement for your purchase of the property. Very truly yoursf San Diego (4" iypJ?$O& WILLIAM C. BALDWIN . Assistant City Manager WCB: ldg Enc . . w .u 4 -. .c e d l I_ e Section 5. Close of Escrow - Conditions. Escrow shall close within ninety days after a final map, including the property, has > been approved and sewer service is available. During said ninety days : A. Buyer shall- deliver into escrow the purchase price in cash. , Seller shdll deposit into escrow a conveyance of the property to Buyer or its nominee in fee simple. Buyer shall deposit into escrow2a standard form of CLTA title insurance policy. €3. C. Section 6. - Expiration. This ageement shall expire and t'ne escrow shall terminate if the escrow has not closed by the 90th day after City sewer. service becomes available for subject property. ARTICIE 4 - rnsmLwous - Section 1. - Possession of Property. Possession of said property shall be delivered to Buyer at close of escrow as herein provided. property free of rent for purposes of storage and police pistol range which uses shall be revocable at any time upon the gLving of t'nirty days notice to cease such use and quit the property. of such rent-free use pursuant to the revocable license herein set forth, Seller agrees 'LO hold Buyer fYee and harmless from mj and all claims, demds, cams of action or dmges, incluc2Lng attorney's fees, Dising *om or related to Seller's use of the property pursuant to the revocable license granted herein, vinether or not suck use is authorized by such license. Buyer hereby grants Seller a revocable license to use the In consideratio v Section 2. Ripbt -- of Entry. During the escrow period, Seller D hereby grants to Buyer the right of entry in and to the subject prop 4. * a b' STANDARD PACIFIC OF SAN DIEGO September 28, 1977 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: William C. 13aldwin Subject: De% Bill: Due to the recently implemented moratorium on City sewer permits, I made a slight change in the purchase agreement which I believe is in the best interest of the City, the propeAy owner and ourselves. the agreement and are herewith forwarding same to you. Please let rn how if you have any problems. Very truly yours, 2.9: Acre Police Pistol Range With this in mind, we have executed four copies of IC OF SAN DIEGO Robert M. Allan President tb Enclosures (4) ;rgo6 convoy court I san diego, California 92111 I (7141 1 &e->-' 0 e AG&F/E]E FOR n.- A\ i 0'I.y.L: m PmQi4EE ).?a PUXCHRSE OF REAL P30'3TY 02 t?e terns zzd colzditions of this agreenect, the CIT GF CAE?ZS3:1D, a rxriicipCL cor~poraticn, herein called "Sell&', =Res to sell to S2KZ%P& PACIFIr3 OF SAii DIEGO, herein called "3qer", zqd %yer wees to purchase from Seller the ~al propwty, herein called "Pmpe:&y", in the C5ty of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, Shte of G?XYx=n5a, as more pmticularly described iz Exhi'oit "A" ,mc ckpicted 02 ExlWoit *' B", each of which is attached hereto and irlco-?orate6 herein, being 2.9 acres, more or less. AXTICIS I - PURCHASE PRhcE Sectlm 1. L_ Fmmt of Furchase Price. "ne pixchase price for the proparty to be paid by Buyer to Seller shall 5s the s'm of Eig& '30us~ri.5. Six EEci2kd Twenty-be Dollars per acre, estbated to be I.,% total sm of T;re;rlty-Five Ynousand Collars to be &tem?ed and paid as he:ez:Zer set forth. L' Sectim 2. - Sm-vey of Property and Determhatlcn of Pwchae Pi?ice. 'i-;?_s 1 ST or xres included in said Property, as well as tne exact bum-a??ies &id exact legal description of said 3mpertjr shall be detedzed b;i 2 swvey or" said F'ropei.ty to be mde at the sole cost and exyerise of 3e 3upr. Should the area of toe FYc-prty as determine by s&d surc~y vary -*om 2.9 awes, the purchase prlce shall be adjusted acccm5kzgly at the rate of Eight Thousand Six Hmdred 'Itrenty-( -. __ -uzs per acre. # a a Sectio2 3. - Pqyrect of %chase Price. The tot,& _swc:?ase price for said prope:%y as determined in Section 2 om shall be paid by Buyer to Seller 2~ c~h through escrow on or before t:re close therec I? Sectlon 4. %posit. Conclrrrent with the oFwi2g OL escrow as -- hereafier provided, Baser &?all dqosit in escrow the s'm of Five Thousand L'ollars as good feth deposit for the perfo-rmmce of this agreement by Buyer, vki:clrl sur shall be credited to -the purcnase price at close of escrow. Lr_ the event this escrow does r-ot close within tne tine lir31ts herein<aiier set forth or by reason of fdlwe of any of the carditions to tnis escmx as hereinafter set forth or by Buyer': deI";ult, theE said sun (less Two nousand Dollars ard the escrow cawellation charges) shall be returned to Byer. Dollars shall be paid 'LO Seller in full liquidation of all daage and not as a penalty to cagemate Seller for, in effect, givizg Buyer an option to purchase tke prope-fiy while Buyer sought artroval of the developrierh zqd by Seller havbg its property witiidra:;m ~fron the r.mke' during the term of this aF$eer?ent. The Two 2kousand Amcx 2 - TITLE: Sectior~ 1. ?'a&zet&le TTtle. Seller shall corlvey to Wyer or its nomime, through escrox,;, good %rid marketable title to sa2d p-ropert in Pee simple, z evidenced by a standard form of CLTA title insurance policy in the fill am.owt of the purchase price fTee ad clear of all liens and eflcwhrar-ces, ronetary or otherwise, exceptaig o~ly non- delinquerit real property taxes; and easerients, restrlctions, Yeservati avld rights-ot'aay of record 2s shorrn on the prelb6nzu-y repox of title as hereinaner provided which have not been objected to by Barer -____ ----__ 2. 0 a Seck5m 2. - Pre:lbir,ary Eieport of Title. Within te;enty days 2-c~ o-,enkg or“ escro:.;, Seller shall cause to be prepsed by title cc-zy ZTC delivered to %yer a preliminary report of “i L.tk to 73-p’ .--L.~Lad =-_.-nfiY7- -cor% of tLtle not objected to by Buyer tsenty days s~5t-s-z:t ?%?sr-Ly. &TI;: itsps, exceptions or conditixs sh0t.m on said acsr receist of su.ci-i pelimha-y report to Buyer sh&l be deer:=d zccqted by ??dyer, and Nyer shall thereafter have no r@it to CO@&Q of title being zofiveyed sr insured in such coratiofi. ARi’IC‘LE 3 - ESCROW Sectiori 1. Opening of Escrow. Witnin ten days of the accz~,t~.ice of this agreerrent, Buyer shall cause to be opened an escl-m for the consumation of the sale of the property purslmt to the t-1~~ md conditions of this agreerent at the office of Title 3is;~zcm 2-d ?-mst Go?pa;?y, 220 “A” Street, San Diego ijL%S =eer:-erA, - together xith such general instructions as escrow S’TEL- requ?re, shall coristltui;e escrow instruct ions. 92111. P-’ -_ Sectioii 2. - Prorztion of Taxes. All ordinmy real progerty L ~ ..-,-. - t,c~ca lev5eu 02 assessed against said Property shdl be prorzted z;nd Seller e? the basis of the latest wailable +U;tiu bills ,-&e -.<.: - ’ b-L~cy-day rmth as of close of escrow, SeetCoc 3. Barids - acd Assessmnts. Any existlag boids or irpx-s-~erect zssessmnts that are a lien or assesmeflt against said. Pm;2:”;y at the tirce of escrow closbg, shall be paid 5n full and retire5 b;, kller prior to the close of escrow. - ~eck~ci 4. - upenses of ~scrow. All expenses of the escrow .- _1 cksc~~o2-a 22 533s agesmat shal be paid by Buyer. 3; e 9 SectLon 5. Close of Zszrc;:i - Com3itio-m. Escrow sh&1 close wLthin thirty days after a f3~l mp, hclud!ng the prope;dy, h~s been approved by the CLty Gosicil ad prior to the recordaticx of sad pap. During s~=i t'nmy 623;s: A. Byer sha2-L Geliver into escrow the purchase price ir, cash. Seller sl.1211 deposit 2nto escrow a conveyance of the prc9erty to 3aye-i. or its noxhee in fee sirple. Buyer shall deposit b-to escrow a standard forn of CLTA title icsurzxe policy. B. C. Section 6. Expiratioz~. This agreement shall expire z?d the escrow shall termkate if tne ~SCI'OVJ has not closed by AZICE 4 - ~7S~~~I";OuS L_ Seetic2 1. Pcssessicn of Property. Possession of said propert) Buy€ shall be delivered to 3~yer at close of escrow as herein pmvided, hereby garlts Seller 2 revoc&1e license to use the property IYee of rent for puqoses of starage zx?-pollce pistol range which ~l~es shall be revocable at aiy tLxe u;3or the giving of thirty days no';ice to cease such use and qdt the r;r.ope:<y. use pursuant tc the revocaij~e iicense kreb set forth, ~el~er agrees to hold Wver fYee m5 'namless from any and all elairs, demzds, cause: of action or damges, bcluLx?g 2ktorney's fees, arising f?c*r? or relate( to Seller's use of the I;rop-r;ty pursuault to the revocable license granted herein, whether or no'; such use is authorized by such liceime. Rring tile escrow period, Seller In consideratics1 of such renk-,+es Section 2. - P2@t of --- q7. hereby ce;rarits to Suyer tlrre r<@?k or" entry ki zs.5 to the sdject propert 14 . e 9 to per_fom ary ax? all oi” the investigatory matters set forth in this firtick. kye~ hereby epees to indemify and hold Seller, the propertj of Seller, md the prope;%y subject to the ageermt, free and harmless I?G~. my such costs, expenses, liabilities, or c?a:qp. Buyer F~&:ier agrees t‘nat, shoijld this agreerent be texLcated or cancelled for my rezor; not the fzdt of the Seller at any tine before good and rzc2etdN.e tltle to sed property has been conveyed to Buyer, Buyer sW1, at the vsrittec request of Seller, repair my dmge done to said property by a~y engineering, geological, or surveying work perfomed theEon by &yer, and to restore said property to the same confition it tras on the date of tnis agreement. .- Section 3. -- r:otices. Any and all notices or other cammicatic reqdred or permitted by this agreer;.Rqt or by law to be delivered to, served on, or given to either party to this agreexent or by the title cori~my as escrow hol&r shall be in writing and stall be properly delivered, Gven, or served then personally delive;xd to arty nernber of the party, Buyer or Seller, to vhoE it is directed, or in lieu of such persoc.61 service, ~j;~en Ceposited into the Vnited States mail, I’irst class, postage prepaid, zd&essed to mer at 7906 Convoy Court, n >yi ~LZTS, :zz. 92111, ay to til2 Seller 2-t 1290 ?<“F3-ue, Cmlsbad, Ca22forni2, 92008. ~E~PSS fo? t% pwpcses of t3is section by givZ?g wyitten notice of such charge to the ot?ier party, Euyer or Seller, 2-n the mer pro32ded i? this Setion. =?her party, Bu37er or Seller, my change his Section 4. - Attorney’s fees. Should any litigation be ccmewed b&~i?e;i the pa-ties hereto concernirg szld property, this 5. * 0 a agreenenk, or t'ne rights aid duties of either in relation thereto, the pa&y; 3uyer or Seller, prevziling to such litigatiari, shall be erititled, i_rl addition to otkr such reliefs as rpay be granted, to a resomblz SUI? for Ms attolmeyv's fees b- such litig2tion wiriich shall be 4ete:rZned by the cozt LT such litigation. Sec-LFcn 5. - Tixe of' Fssence. Time is expressly declared to be of t3e essence of this agreemrit. Sectlor?_ 6. Wa3.ver. me waiver of any party to this agreement -- or" a breach of any provisiog of this agreement shall not be deemed a cofitkuirg m3ver of any subsequent breach, whether of the same or aaother provision of this zreement . Sctiofi 7. - 3d:cessors aid Assigns. Buyer rsserves the right' to =sign this agreerint and all ri,@t, title and inkerest thereunder, ad this zqyeement shdll be b2ndhg upon and inure to the benefit of <?e heirs, successors, assigns, administrators, execLlf;ors, and persona! represerntakives of the Buyer xqd the Seller. Sectlor 8. mtire Agreement. This instrmnt contains the entire agreeK2r;t betmen Bq7er and Seller respecting said property , and any agemefit or represmt&ion respecting said property or the 112s cf' eic:?-i_ep bye? a? Seller in relation thereto nat eqyessly set forth ii Clis inst-merlt is null and void. Szctiofl 9. - Offer to Puchase. ';ne Buyer's signatures hereon constitkte an offer to Seller to purchase the real estate described zbove. Unless acceptance hereof is signed by Seller ayld the signed copy deliveled to Bwer, eitner in person or by mail to the address sho.m above within thirty days hereof, this offer sM1 be deened revoked. 6. 1 .. , :- v *, 0 e Sectim 10. - Acceptmce. By his signatwe o? t:ie ?ollowipg pag2, the Seller accept:; this ofTer to purchase md a<gses to sell the property 03 the terns 2315 condtions above. r- ~4s qgeere2t is dated BUJYFJ: STNJILLW PACIFIC OF SEJ DECD &-fyj?GT : SmpL : CITY CP CARISBAD, a ~micipal corporation Hwgaret E. Ackm J City Clerk I3obe:d C. Razee, Nlyor ~~~~()T,ii~ j;? 8:s z? Vincent F. Biordo J Cit;~ kkk~r??y 7. ,l 0 0 I '\ ~ DATE : November 1, 1977 TO: PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATOR FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: STANDARD PACIFIC OF SAN DIEGO <% QUAIL RIDGE -- C.T. 74-4 SEA PINES -- C.T. 74-16 I received a letter from Standard Pacific of San Diego, dated October 28, 1977, in which they asked for information concerning their tract maps of Quail Ridge and Sea Pines, Some, if not all of this information, will require the Attorney's opinion. Would you please seek the appropriate opinion from the City Attorney? separately. I am sending a copy of this memo to him f? $kt. PAUL 4 . BUSSEY City Manager PDB : vm cc: City Attorney / % Assistant City Manager . I- 0 STANDARD PACIFIC OF SAN DIEGO 0 & \ -.-- October 28, 1977 L CfR Q:: Cp.3 rr) q @& cq$ Mr. Paul Bussey City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Quail Ridge - C.T. 74-4 @[! 9; 5: 91 L Sea Pines - c.rr. 74-16 Dear Mr. Bussey: We respectfully request a review by the City of Carlsbad regarding the subject tentative maps and the effect of the recently signed California Senate Bill No. 239. The expiration date of tentative map Quail Ridge is December 17, 1977, and the expiration date of tentative map Sea Pines is November 6, 1977. of time that a sewer or water moratorium is in effect. Our analysis of SB 239 and the effective date of the Carlsbad Sewer Moratorium of April 17, 1977, indicates that the subject maps would be extended the appropriate period of time 8s applicable within the terms and description contained in the bill. We are presently proceeding with all necessary requirements and procedures to record the map Quail Ridge prior to its expiration in December. This will require submitting all approved plans, documents, bonds and agreements to the City by Bovember 23, 1977, with Final Map approval scheduled for the December 6th Council Meeting. of SB 239 to these projects and any other comments that would indicate Quail Ridge may not legally be approved or recorded. We also anticipate purchasing the City pistol range property We would appreciate your office expediting the preparation of necessary escrow documents , grant deed and resolutions to achieve this time table. An enclosed copy of SB 239 describes extensions I of time that apply to tentative maps that expire during the period % Therefore, we need an early response as to the applicability \ iT I with close of escrow concurrently upon the recording of the map. 1 \ , ----.=-=- -.,"------------ /--- *\\ /------ n ?9&i convoy court 1 san diego, c.lifornia 92117 1 1714 a 0 J -, Mr. Paul Bussey City Manager City of Carlsbad. Page Two October 28, 1977 We hope to schedule a meeting with your office ehy next week to discuss the zbove request. assistance . Very truly yours, STANDARD PACIFIC OF SAT1 DIEGO \~ Please call if we may be of any t M. Allan Pr e s i dent * tb En closure cc: C. Samuel Blick, Attorney at La57 I@. Vincent F. Biondo, Jr., City Attorney i "? .J . *. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST .\ tive map would expire would be extended by any period during which a water or sewer moratorium is in effect, provided the morato- , rnia do enact as follows: d (b) -The expiration of the approved or co tentative nap shall terminate all proceedings - ** % Ch.883 . . tentative map. :. _’ (c) Upon application of the subdivider filed prior to the expiration c, of the approved or conditionally approved tentative map, the time \ at which such map expires may be extended by the legislative body or by an advisory agency authorized to approve or conditionally ‘\.;A ’ approve tentative maps for a period or periods not exceeding a total of two years. If the advisory agency. denies a subdivider’s application for extension, the subdivider may appeal to the legislative body within 15 days after the advisory agency has denied the extension. . ‘. .,..‘. ,.,_. “,. ‘- ; ’ *, _ - ,,,:.. .I_ .: ;i. : ; _ . . . _ .‘,_ ,. : .__:, ., ,‘:.,, ,. . . . _; ;, , I, . . . ..:. . ,..,:. . :- 1 . . : 1 _‘, :. , . .,. . 1-1 .,-, :- : ,, ,. _ : ‘: ‘. ), ~ >L‘ .,. :.>” >,,:: .I. ,..,._,,.. .,’ ;:i-‘i ., :: T. s - 1.. _. ,. .’ ,::. . .,. : -: :. _ , .,. :. . . . ~ ;. . -f’ *-. ‘.. _ ._._I ._’ ‘1 ,_....* ‘I- ., ._ ‘. 7 .*‘. ‘.-- ._ I, 1 _‘.. o ., .y . . .: . . .-) ’ . . . . . . ..- : ,’ y;-, 1. . .. . _ ,. _’ 1. “:: _ , ,,. .’ ._:. 8,:‘. c.,-- .,.-; ,: :‘_ ‘.:__,k’, . .‘f’ ‘7’ ‘- _( ;. ‘.’ , . . . .._..> ‘_ . . . _ L.’ ‘. ., .,.... .‘ _., . . _ .I ,’ 1 c. . . .,,i*: ,.. i... - . , .,,.’ _“_._ I. ;‘,., ; ‘., ., I . ,.. .., I . ._.. * ,.:-.:.., , , . . . . _. .’ ,.: I. f ..J, ,.: -’ ..A .’ cd&.‘.-, ‘: _.’ . : ‘.. i .a$ -.,:.. _. :; f : - ._. ..: ,- -. . ,.:.. ._ “.:,...‘< . . : . ‘_.’ ” ,‘,,! :. :,.!‘.“. __ : . _. b.. ._. _. . ,’ ” . ,,.. /, :.,‘: . ‘.’ : , : _ A.‘.: : :,:, .:- ‘., (I ‘:ib.:l”‘” ,_ .‘a- :,. _ :. ..:.. . . ” ., r:,. ._ ^ :.. - : *.=. 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