HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-12-18; City Council; 5138-3; Modification of Public Improvementsw CITY OF CARLSBAE m Initial : DATE : December 18, 1979 C. Atty c. Mgr. DE PART M E NT :. AGENDA BILL NO. 5'/3p- I-lf- if3 Dept. Head E Eng i neer i ng / _c MODIFICATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED FOR CT 77-7 SUBJECT: STATEMENT OF THE MATTER I The developer of CT 77-7 has requested that the City Council review the condir of his development and not require the installation of curb, gutter or sidewal along Highland and Oak adjacent to Lot 28. The original conditions of the sut division seem to remove the curb, gutter and street widening requirement in f; of retaining the pine trees. The issue of sidewalk is not specifically addrer The Engineering Department feels that sidewalk could be installed without dam: to the pine trees. -- EXH I B I TS 1. 2. Petition of Property Owners 3. Memo from City Engineer 4. Vicinity Map 5. Letter from John' E. McCoy Photos of Highland and Oak RECOMMENDAT I ON Delete any requirement for street widening, curbs and gutters on Highland and adjacent to Lot 28, but require sidewalk instal lation. Council Action: 12-18-79 Council directed that the improvements not be required at t-ime, but that the requirements be satisfied with a lien c a e CARLSBAD DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Builders 6 Developers 390 OAK AVE., SUITE ‘0’ P.O. BOX ‘B’ CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Telephone (714) B6V, 23, 1979 &ppg &:L-u u i;g : L @i*y C5U.nd.l 1200 Eb me, Garbbad, Cs. 92006 He: CZ 77-?+ Bea. No, 5177 Minor Subdfoision Bo. 399 D@&P H&ers of the city Couacilr @e we preparing firma1 plans on the &me dtwe%qment,, having been gr&ed sewer pedks on “ov, %ha and wuld appreoia%e %he Counollts reconsideration 02 Item D-7 of Res, No, 5177, concern- kg ;iE8prsveme&s on Iiighland Dr. and Oak Avenue. The root; structures sf the mata.r@ pines in tkis lsczzt9on vd probab3.y be damaged in t’sbe esavatfoa (2 fi.) for the concrete curbs and streets. the tress at a higher elevation, but would not seme any usam pur^ The Gowail le& the ~ESCTE%~QE~ to the C&ty Sngimer, but we wish B r@consideration and el.binat%on of %his cundLt&ian br the G~rndJ. as ft is entirely useless and ~51% destroy the na.taral, sur- soundhqp of this intersection, PLease advise ff we can f‘umLsk a“$ adc93tionwl informtion, Xt would be possible to instal1 the s&dmdi,ks beW PcluTs Bery truly, I=WBm ~~~~~T CW. s’ / GC: city Engineer b a/. ”J . SM/$ a w p w 11' W e' 4 Nov. 26, 1979 To: City Council, Csrlsbad :$ef the ro ert owners near the intersection of Highland 1 and Oak Avenxe, Czrlsbad, wish to petition the City Council to elim ate the installation of curbs, gutters and. sidewalks at the northea corner of HighIan6 Dr. and Oak Ave. in connection v5th iinprovements for CT-77-7. PP ir Ke wish to retain the rural atmosphere of this stree-t and feel that, the pine trees in this area csuld be damaged by such inst ation. Your cooperation in this regard vii.11 be appreciated. Name : Address : Kb& 64 k clvt. Yo/b Ay&Afl&P/ -%7 /L /SLdJjL t)&& '\ \!??FCC, -7, 30 - 57' \AL&- OWL& f LJf4j Jz7/2/ k/Lzz;,$,z&& .l5--42 0 a6 z < 02, d r\ < e\ I. ,d. AT k 1 -> /' o / , :*-*s - I . 32f;7Lm3 - JL) YJHAL ' .'&/& &-/&,>4:: 2>., 368.7 ~ r ?L'/- d D/ -8- -- ~*----z? c- ?gfl,&&&<2!ifi&M v' L P :%tpkY-Lh- \ &QL( k!G-bGkA -*.15---, . _,-----.. ---.--_I__- _-"_ "___ "-- - < --- - - _- ._ - . -. a e MEMORAPIDUM 6 TO : City Manager City I Engineer 1 FROM : DATE : December 7, 1979 SUBJECT: Modification of Public Improvements Required for CT 77-7 CT 77-7 has received a sewer allocation and final plans are being prepared for public improvements for the tract. As a condition of development, the City Council included the follol All public improvements shall be installed on Valley Street, Oak Avenuep Elm Avenue and Highland Drive to City standards except for a modified street section adjacent to Lot 28 which would allow for the retention of approximately 12 mature pine trees located within thl existing right-of-way. The improvements adjacent to Lot 28 shall be to the satisfaction of the City Enginee Additional right-of-way along Lot 28 may be required to facilitate the retention of these trees. The official City engineering standard s pecifications as adopted by Resolution 1843 are hereby modified as they apply to this subdivision in accordance with this condition. The Engineering Department has studied the project site and h the following observations: 1. The existing pavement on Highland Drive is about 25 feet w 2. The existing pavement on Oak Avenue is about 26 feet wide. 3. Without removal of trees, no street widening or installati curb and gutter may take place on Highland or Oak. 4. Sidewalk can be installed on both Highland and Oak without damaging trees, but will require some additional right-of- on Highland. 5. No other street improvements exist on Highland or Oak in t vicinity of the proposed development. LE :mt ‘g M/&Lhw5 DE!. -------- , W W - --I- -. -. .-- --^xI -I e--...L- -----'-+---- I_.-.- I- d IGHLAUD lookrnq hdrtl\ /oakkg e4st --. - .-- - -....--TC--- I_I_____ . __ _I 1 ._ . _^______ _---- 11-1~1-_ __- [