HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-12-18; City Council; 5182-7; Coastal Bike Route - Hazard Elimination Programc- b CITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. J/ 82 - 4 &y I DATE: December 18, 1979 DEPARTMENT: Engineering Initial : SUBJECT : COASTAL BIKE ROUTE - HAZARD ELDLINATION PROGRAM STATEVENT OF 'THE MATTER The Federal Hazard Elimination Program provides funding for projects resulting in reduction of accident rates through improvement of signals, signing, striping and channelization. The City applied for funds for several projects and was successful in obtaining funding for the signing and striping portion of the Carlsbad Boulevard Bike Route Project. The portion of Carlsbad Boulevard from Oak to Tamarack was ap- proved under this program by FAU. In order to receive these funds, the City must exemte an agreement with the State Department of Transportation. The grant amount is $15,000. .. EXHIBIT Resolution No. bo.Jt/ RECOIJMENDATION Adopt Resolution No. to a/ Council Action: 12-18-79 Council adopted Resolution 6021, approving the agreement with the State of CaJ ifornia, Department of Transportation. 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Qcitp of QsrIsbab December 26, 1979 E. A. Kubichek CALTRANS, District 11 P.O. Box 81406 San. Diego, CA 92138 Re: Program of Local Agency Federal Aid Safety Improvement Projects in the City of Carlsbad Enclosed per instructions please find two orig- inals of Program Supplement No. 2 to Local Agency- State Agreement No. 11-5308, covering use of Fed- eral-Aid 168 Funds for regulatory signing and painted channelization on Carlsbad Boulevard from Oak Avenue to Tamarack Avenue. Both originals have been executed by the City of Carlsbad, and have copies of the authorizing reso- lution {Resolution No. 6021) attached per your request. After execution by your agency, please return one original to this office. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. I. .. .- RAUTENKRANZ ALR: krs Enclosures (2) TELEPHONE: (714) 438-5621 cc: Les Evans, City Engineer c1.l *- e-. c c/ EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor STATE OF CALIFORNIA - BUSINESS AND TRANSPORTATION ,.I PJ :*- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 11, P.O. BOX 81406, SAN DIEGO 92138 28 November#, 1979 11-SD-o-cw. Assistance Act of 1978 A & &’ 1 )LA. ’r I 3[ ig Surface Transportation Section 168 Hazard Elimination Program - 111 71-955051 HES-SlOl(2) i 7%- c--y 5 - ~ \,\ . , * ~r15,~l~.,i~,.,~ i.L.ddi $1 ~ ’ \ Mr. Ronald A. Beckman Director of Public Works City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention Mr. Les Evans G entl emen: Attached are two originals of Program Supplement No. 2 to Local Agency-State (b’ Agreement No. 11-5308 covering use of Federal-Aid 168 Funds for regulatory signing and painted channelization on Carlsbad Blvd. from Oak Ave. to Tamarak Ave. in the City of Carlsbad. Please execute and return both originals of the Program Supplement with copies of the authorizing resolutions attached. Please type in the date of execution and the authorizing resolution number on each original in the space provided on the first page of the Program Supplement. Upon return of both originals, CALTRANS Will then execute the Supplements and send one original back to the City of Carlsbad.. Sincerely, Jacob Dekema wg/d E.A. u ichek District City-County Projects Engineer REhkw Attachments cc:W RD otson/ JERising DMartin . , r.. I $’! . I -: 1979 1 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15, 16 17 16 19 RESOLUTION NO. -- 6021 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLS~AD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTKENT OF TRANS- PORTATION, FOR USE OF FEDERAL AID 168 FUNDS FOR REGULATORY SIGNING AND PAINTED CHANNELIZATION ON PORTIONS OF CARLSBAD BOULEVARD I The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That certain agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the State of California, Department of Transpor.tation, for use of Federal Aid 168 Funds 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 for regulatory signing and painted channelization on portions of Carlsbad 1 I Boulevard, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked as Exhibit "A", and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby approved. 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to exe-cute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Ci'ty Council i of the City of Carlsbad, California, held the 18th day of December, 1973, l by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen Packard,' Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis and NOES: None Counci 1 woman Cas1 er ABSENT : None A n \ # By:' Anita Dabk M;irphy, Deputy City 'Clerk l (SEAL) City of cal Agency Carlsbad Date -- supp lemcn tuio.. 2 To Local Agency-State Agreement No .11-5308 - HES-S101(2) 11-SD-0-Cbd PROGRAM OF LOCAL AGENCY FEDERAL AID SAFETY IHPROVEMENT PROJECTS IN THE .. CJTY OF CARLSBAD LocaL Agency . Pursuant to the Federal Highway Safety Act, the attached hereby incorporated in that Master Agreement for the Federal- Aid Program which was entered into between the above named LOCAL AGENCY and the STATE on subject to all of the terms and conditions thereof. . "Programl' of Federal Aid Projects marked "Exhibit B" is , and is -- The subject program is adopted in accordance with Paragraph2 of Article I1 of the aforementioned agreement under authority of City/XX&mXy Resolution No. 6021 approved by t h e C i ty Coun c i 1 /KX~X~XBB~~DPLS~E~XB~ on December 18. 1979. (See Approved for State + District Dimctor of Trunspoytation ' District 11 - Department or Transportation copy attached). CITY OF CARLSBAD Local Agency ALE%HA L. RAIb7iENKRANZ " Deputy City Clerk Du te Form DH-OU-431 (Rev. 10/79) e. Date : November 16, 1979 Program SupplFment NO. 2 4 /) To Master Agreement Noll-530 City of Project No. HES-S-lOl(2) _- - SPECIAL COVENANT for use of Iten 169.1 Funds to match Federal Bridge Replacement, Highway Safety and Safer Off-System Funds. Funds required to 'match Federal Highway Funds in the project will be provided by the St.ate as authorized by Item 169.1 of the Budget Act of 1979 and allocated by the California Transportation Commission. In the event Item 169.1 funds less than the amount shown are required, ~~xaxx~x~SXX~$X~XX~~X~~~ the ,excess will be returned to the Statewide reserve. * In the event Item 169.1 funds greater than the amount shown are required, a~XaXxax~Z~X~8X~XW8~~~~~~~ -the required amount may be adc',ed subject to the availability of funds and provided said addition of funds can be made prior to the execution of the Federal-State Project Agrcenent. .. Iten 169.1 funds will not be available for increased project c0st.s following the execution of the Federal-State Project Ag r e eme n t . After completion of the final cost accounting for a project, any unexpended Item 169.1 funds will revert to the Skatcwi.de reserve. As required by the California Transportation Commission Resolution for all recipients of 163.1 funds, the Local Agency shall report to the Commission prior to July 1, 1980 the uses made of the 163.1 '* funds; how the recipient conformed with the uses permitted by the . rclcased were used. ' xcsolution,. and how the local agency matching funds that were . m t; E! .x x W F: .. -A '0 c I 0 I 0 0 ul rl 02. . . I '- .If\ a .: 0 0 0 Lii rl io- . aru a, rdrdl eo k E E ijrl-,,, iJ Q). Xt-4 a, m 3 a w 5 F: Ti Id rl a x 0 m City of Imal Agency Carlsbad Date .* *P supp 1ed.h tLG- 3 To Local Agency-State Agreement No .~qh~ HES-SlOl(2) 11 - 8 D-- 0 - Cbd PROGRAM OF LOCAL AGENCY FEDERAL AID SAFETY IMPROVE~~IENT PRO:ECTS IN THE Pursuant to the Federal Highway Safety Act, the attached "PxiZgram" of Federal Aid Projects marked "Exhibit B" is hereby incorporated in that Master Agreginent for the Federal- AiG Program which was entered ixto between the above named LOCAL AGENCY and the STATE on , and is subject to all of the terms and conditions thereof. Paraqraph:! of Article I1 of the aforementioned agreement , The subject program is adoptel! in accordance with c '''' ' F CARLmA D 9 'LocaZ Agency -- a) Approved F<J~ State Dis trli c' t Di z8cc tor of' Trans por ta t ion District: 11 Department or Transportation -- Form DH-OIA-431 (Rev. 10/79) .. .a November 16, 1.979 Date: Program Supplvment No. 2 To Master Agreement Noli-530 -- Local Agency Carlsbad ’ I’ City of Project No. HES-S-lOI(2) SPECIAL COVENANT for use of Itern 169.1 Funds to match Federal Bridge Replacement, Highway Safety and Safer Off-System Funds. Fun2s required to match Federal Highway Funds in the project will be provided by the State as authorized by Item 169.1 of the Budget Act of 1379 and allocated by the California Transportation Commission. In the event Item 169.1 funds less than the amount shown are required, ~~x~xx~~~~~X~~X~XX~W~~X~ the ,excess will be returned to the Statewide reserve. 4 In the event Item 169.1 funds greater than the amount shown are requircd,~~S;KXX~~PP$fLX~gX~X~~~~X~X~~ the required amount may be a?i!!ed subject to the availability of funds and provided said addition of funds can be made prior to the execution of the Federal-State Project Agreenent. a. Itcn 169.1 funds will not he available for increased project costs following the execution of the Federal-State Project Agreement. Alter completion of the final cost accounting for a project, eny une::penCcd Item 169.1 funds will revert to the Skatewide reserve. hs required by the California Transportation Commission Resolution for all recipients of 1G3.1 funds, the Local Agency shall report to the Commission prior to July 1, 1980 the uses made of the 163.1 funds; how the recipient conformcd with the uses permitted by the rcsolution, and how the local agency matching funds that were r-clcascd were used. 0