HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-01-02; City Council; 6118; 911 Telephone SystemAGENDA BILL NO. DATE: CITY OF CARLSBAD t.o Life JANUARY 2, 1980 DEPARTMENT: __ ~C::.:I:.:T:.:Y~M::.:AN::.::A~G::.:E::.:Ra:..-------- Subject: 9-1-1 T'::LEPHONE SYSTEM Statement of the Matter c. c. The City of Carlsbad, as well as most California cities, has complied with the state 1;equirem~n~ to 1.nstall 9-1-1 emergency telephone service. Senate Bill 374 which will be heard early this year, would negate the state's financial participation and would make it a local responsibility. The City of La Mesa has contacted all the San Diego County cities requesting their support in opposing Senate Bill 374. Exhibit Letter from Gayle T. Martin, City Manager of La M.esa. Letter from Bob Wilson, Senator 39th District. Resolution No. Reco111mendation If Council concurs, ~dopt Resolution Ne,. lf1 () 3 ·1 opposing Senate Bill 374 and instruct staff to notify appropriate parties. Co un c i1 Act i on : 1-2-SO Council adopted Resolution 6037, opposing Senate 3ill 374 and instructed staff to notify appropriate p~rties. Sr ATE CArnl)i. ~ACRA>-11:t,,"TO 9561.f: (910) H5•3952 ~lGS Su.: D1Eco A,·E~CL SA~ D,1cco 9~110 (7H) !l:17-71:9 November 6, 1979 ?-1arie G. Mangan, City Clerk City of La Mesa Post Office Box 937 La Mesa, California 92041 Dear Marie: BOB \VILSON SENATOR THIRTY-NINTH DISTRICT COM~ln'T£&S Cu.UP.HAN ELEC1JO!',,S & J\£Arron110"'{MZ:HI CHAll\).IAN St:LlCT CoJ.s~nntc o:-: Fun & CA)I& \\'1Lt>LtrE )S"l>ICIAJ\r B1.•11sus & Pnortn10Ns JNSVJ\A.,cz; & FINANCIAL ]NITIT\."TJO"\S Joi~'"T CoH,1rn1:r:: o.., ToP.T Luau.lTY SEL1:CT Co,r~ITTEE OS ;t'UU:. St:1'.\"JCES Thank you for sending me the City of La Mesa's Reso~ution No. 13885 rega:r.ding the "911" Emergency telephone system. Currently, Senate Bill 374 by Senator Holmdahl addresses the '11 911" system. If passed, it would make the following ..-:hanges: Repeal the mandate that cities and counties establish a "911" emergency telephone system by the end of 1985. 'Repeal the state tax on intrastate telephone calls (of one·-half of one percent), effective January 1, 1980. Allow local government to implement a 11 911 11 system locally, if they desired. •Allow counties, with approval of a majority of cities in the county contain~ng a majority of the population, to impose a telephone users' tax with approval of two-thirds of the voters. Provide that the State En\ergency Telephont' Number Account in the State's General Fund remains for purpose of receiving revenues due and paying claims for submission of plans during 1979-80 fiscal year, pending future legislative direction on refund of the balance to rate-payers. Enclosed is a copy of SB 374. The measure will be heard in 1 ' j ' t ! i • ! 1 } ! November 6, 1979 City of La Mesa Page 2 the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee sorr.etime after the first of next year. Sincerely, • t,6d-M~ BOB WILSON Bt-1:sld .Enclosure l l, '' i \ ' ! : ' AMENDED 1N SENATE MAY 4, 1979 SENATE BILL Introduced by Senator Holmdahl · February 12, 197~ - No. 374 . An act to ftfflefld Section lil:OOG add and repeal Arb"cle 6 (commenci11g with Section 53100) of Cbapter 1 of Part 1 of Division 2 oi:inie 5 of the Government CuJe, aiid to reJ)(?al Part PO (comme11cing with Section 41001) of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, relating to taxation, to take . effect immediately, tax levy. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST SB 374, as amended, Holmdahl. Emergency telephone: users tax. . Eusting law requjres local public age,1cies to establish a . uniform emerge_ricy telephone service by certain specified dates. · · . Tbis bill would repeal such requirement. The existing Emergency Telephone Users Surcharge Act imposes a surcharge on amounts paid by ever·y person in the ~tate for intrastate telephone communications. The State · Board of Equalizatioµ is required to set the surcharge rate, which shall not exceed three-quarters of 1 %. :i:hls eiH wettld ~ too¼ the surcharge rate shall ~ exceed Effie/half ef -1:-%-: Tl!is bi11 would repeal the Emergency Telephone Users Surcbarg<:: Act effective July 1, 1979. This act would go into immediate effect as a tax levy. · . Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes .. State-mandated local program: no. 98 30 SB 374 -2- The people of_the State of C,1/ifornia do enact as follow~: 1 SEGI~~ ~ · Seetiofi rn ef the Revenue ftfld 2 SECTION 1. Article 6 (commencing with Section 3 53100) of Chapter 1 of Partl oEDivision2ofTitle5ofthe 4 Go1'emment Code is repealed. 5 SEC. 2. Article 6 (commencing with Section /53100) is 6 added to Chapter 1 of Part 1 of Division 2 of Title 5 of the ·1 Government Code,. to read: 8 9 Article 6. Local Emergency Telephone System 10 11 xloo. Et-':J:'J' local public agency within its respective 12 jurisdiction may establish and have in operation a 13 telephone service which automatically connects a person 14 diali11g the dit:;"!ts "911" to ;m established p11blic safety 15 answerii1g poiJ1t tl1rough normal telephone service 16 facilities. 17 SEC. 3. Part 20 (cominencing with Section 41001) of !8 Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code is repealed 19 effective July 1, 1979. · 20 SEC. 4. The Emergency Telephone Users Surcharge 21 Act as it read prior to its repeal by Section 3 of this act 22 shall continue in effect for purposes of collection and for 23 24 25 26 27 28 making refunds and credits by the State Board of Equalization. No collection pursuant to this section or the Emergency Telephone Users Surcharge Act shall be made for billings occurring after June 30, 1979. . , 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 SEC. 5. Une;.pended balances and receipts in the State Emergency Telephone Number Account shall remain in such :1ccount pending a legislative direction to refund such bal:mces tv rate payers after t1ppropriations ' for claims in the 1979-80 fiscal year. ) q'-ft,ttffi6ft ~ i5 amended te rea&. · - .lHOOG:-Following approval ef the Budge~ ~ eaeh ~ beginning with l-fie ~~ fa¼' ¼he W79t8G fiseal yeftt'; the eoftfd shtill detern'l:ine, &ft tlle 005i5 of expendihtres authoriswd itt ~ Budge~ ~ to ee made ft.em the !!Sffit:e Emergeaey :felet~ Number Aeeettnt!! ift the General Fttttd and ttS estimate ef the 98 60 ) ·1 I -3-SB 374 1 charges for iatrtlstate tclcphoHe corn:111:unieatioo~ services 2 te whieh !-he sureh1u-ge will~ ft surcharge i'ftte ~ 3 it: f":timatcs will. pFOduee sufficient re't'enues ffi tt:md ~ 4 ~ aathot"izech Stteh ffite shell ~ ClfCCCe 5 etielhalt ef -l percent. 6 SEGB-: 7 SEC. 6. This aqt provides for a tax ley'y within the 8 meaning of Article IV of the California Constitution and 9 shall go into immediate effect. I • 0 l 2 3 RESOLUTION NO. 6037 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE.CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFOR.i.~IA, OPPOSING SENATE BILL 374 WHICH WOULD NEGATE THE STATE'S E'T.NANCIAL PARTICIPATION IN THE 9-1-1 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM 4 5 6 WHEREAS, the 911 single number system for calling emergency 7 services has been in the development stage for many years; and 8 WHEREAS, all cities and counties throughout California 9 have relied on this legislation and have suhmitted final plans lO for 911 systems; and 11 WHEREAS, a large percentage of the 911 plans have met the 12 State 911 standards, have been approved by the Communications 13 Division, Department of General Services, State of California, 14 and cities and counties with approved plan.s _are proceeding to . 15 implement installation of their approved systems with State 16 financial assistance. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 City 25 Ill 26 Ill 27 Ill 28 Ill NOW, THEREFORE, BE ,IT RESOLVED by the City council of of Carlsbad, California, that: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City of Carlsbad opposes Senate Bill 374 which would negate the state's financial participation in the 9-1-1 emergency telephone system. 3. That all appropriate authorities be furnished a copy of the City of Carlsbad's resolution in opposition to Senate Biil 374. the Ill Ill Ill Ill 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 2· City C~,uncil of the Ci t:y of Carlsbad held on the .z .... ru..._d __ day 3 of 4 January , 1980 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis and 5 6. 7 8 9 NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: 10 Councilwoman Casler --~c ~,f RONALD c. PACKARD, Mayor 11 /),,1,,-1-f"'-_c,.-=-1!-L-CU,.!..&..~!l.A.a,aaa._ 1~~-t.' l;.3 (SEAL) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 V -\ Mr, Robert M, Applegate City Manager City of El Cajon 200 East Main Street El Cajon, California 92020 Dear Bob: November 13, 1979 Friday, November 9, 1979, Councilman George Bailey and I were discussing with Mayor John Reber the current status of the "911" emergency telephone system and the impact Senate Bill 374 will have if it is enacted in the coming session of the Legislature, As you probably know, the Legislature first mandated the 911 system bacts in 1972 and subsequently provided a surcharge on telephone bills to provide funds to local governments for the installation and operation of the system. Implementation of the system was found to be far more complicated and costly than originally contemplated, which has caused delays. However, in recent months it has been progressing rapidly with approval by the Communications Division, Department of General Services, State of California, of the plans of many cities and counties and clarification of the State's intention to pay for installat:ion and oper- ating costs. With that assurance, many of us have ordered the necessary equipment and installation by the telephone company. Now comes Senate Bill 374 which would negate the State's financial participation and make it a local responsibility, I am enclosing a copy of Senate Bill 374 and a copy of a letter from Senator Bob W:i.lson analyzing the effects of the bill, Also enclosed is a copy of a resolution adopted by the La Mesa City Council which should have made some reference to the pending Senate Bill 374, but the resolution was prepart?d at the request of CPO that we indicate our stand on "911" and no mention was made at that time of Senate Bill 374. ADMlNISTRATION BUllOINC, 0130 AlllSON AVENUE, LA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92041 I (7141 46),6611 ;; • Mr. Robert Applegate November 13, 1979 Page Two I believe it is quite important that cities throughout California take a stand against Senate Bill 374, otherwise, if the 11 91111 system goes forward it will be at our expense. ~n,erely, / ::t:.-!.~ City Manager GTM:em cc: Mayor Reber ) D, Benninghoven · San Diego County City Managers CAO, County of Gan Diego L. I i ~ .. i i. T I } . ! f ' I I