HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-01-15; City Council; 5571-5; California Library Services Act Money CLSAt� rt � CITY OF CARLSBAD , AGENDA BILL NO. 5571--Sapp. #5 Initial: Dept. Hd,� C, DATE : January 15, 1980 C. Atty. DEPARTMENT: Library C. Mgr. k Subject: ,s CALIFORNIA LIBRARY SERVICES ACT MONEY (CLSA) i Statement. of the Matter .At their January ,2, 1979 meeting,. Council instructed staff to establish a d f C 1•f L`b S special fund for the equal access money receive rom a 1 ornta t rary erv�cea •A'Li, CLSA, which would require Council approval prior to expenditure of said fund. At the Library Board of Trustees meeting on.December 19, 1979, the Board voted -unanimously to request Council to release CLSA money ($9,891.00) to purchase additional periodicals on,microform. Exhi bi is Resolution No.�approving fund transfer. t Memo from Library Director to City Manager dated 1-9-80- i i t Recommendation If Council concurs, adopt Resolution No.JZQ I# approving the expenditure of $9,891.00 by the Library Department for purchase,of periodicals on microform. Council Action: •1-15-80 Council adopted Resolution 6064, approving the expenditure of $9,891 by the Library Department for purchase of periodicals on, microform. ; MEMORANDUM January 9, 1980 TO: City Manager FROM: Library Director SUBJECT: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, CLSA -- AGENDA -BILL 5571, Supp. #5 Attached is the background information you requested on the California Library Services Act and our participation. We have included a copy of the entire Act, however the portion dealing with how the funds are to be used is contained in the paragraph (c) on the bottom,of the first page. Also attached are copies of the first page of each supplemental agenda bill up to the present. GEORGINA/D. COLE Library Director GDC:CH Enclosures (6) f f iNOT• WRITE IN THIS SPACE d FOR FILING AD?, L`ISTRATII'E REGULATIONS QTH THE SECRET,�RY OF STATE CM222%a corm-tzt cece $cry: 1131:.1) ; Cony below is hereby certified to be a true and correct copy of -regulations adopted, or amended, or an order of repeal by: CALIFF 1?`IT_A LI!!P,*y SI`MCPS BOARD (A;tac7) — — — Date of adoption, amendment, or repeal: July 7, 10. 88 By:. California State 1•1"cra_rian (Title) DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE a ORDER ADOPTING, AMENDING OR REPEALING ! REGULATIONS OF THE CALFR.MIA LIBRARY SERVICES HOARD After proceedings held in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act (Governnent Code, Title 2, Division 3, Part 1, Chapter 4.5).a.*1d under the authority of and to implement, interpret and make specific Charter 4 (corzseacing with Section 18700) of Part 11 of the Education Code and pursuant to the A ^istrative Procedure Act, the California Library Services Board hereby adds Articles 1,20, and 6 and I of Chapter 2 to Part I of Title 5 of the California Aeministrative Code, as follows:• CHAPTER 2. CALIFORNIA LIB1 RY SERVICES Art•: ,cle 1. General Provisions, Section 20160. Scope. The regulations contained in this chapter shAl imple- ment the California Library Services Act, Chapter 4 of Part 11 of Division 1 of Title 1 of the Education Code, beginning with section 18700.thereoi. Section 20101. General Provisions. (a) The State Board finds that it is in the best interests of the citizens of California and best fulfills the purposes of the Act (Chapter 4, part Ill Division 1, Title 1, Education Code) that libraries participating in any one program of the Act participate in all ap- plicable ;proorg=s of the Act. (b) Any public library participating in programs of the Act shall,, under section 18724(h) of the Act, provide access to the library's bibliographic 1sd location data upon request from the State Board for inclusion in the ap-- 3ropriate data base established by the State Board in implementation of the act. The access shall be provided in such fora, scanner, and frequency as :re Agreed upon between the State Board and the library. (c) Funding distributed according to California yibraxy Services Act provisions may not be used to support other than library purposes. To comply with Education Code Section 18703(c), the funding may not be used to replace local funds for library services, but only to supplement the local funding to further the purposes•of the Act. )OA I.A FOR FLING ADMINSTRATIVE REGULATIONS �• ),V7TH THE SECRETARY OF STATE t ! wont 10 Goronln.nl Code S.c7ion 1 iJ80.1) L F 2 Section 20102. Special Filing Provisions for 1978/79. (a) Filing dead- line for 1978/74. Libraries wishing to participate in any progracs of the Act, except for consolidations and affiliations (sections 18732, 187519 and 18752 of the Act) in 1978/79 cyst file the necessary documents, de- scribed in this chapter by September 1, 1978. ' (b) Opt?:on for Joint Filing of 1978/79 and 79/80 Documents. The documents required for program participation in 1978/79 may, at the local jurisdiction's discretion, be incoxrjorated into the documents also to be filed on September 1, 1978 for 1979/80 participation to the extent that a single docu=ent can cover the requirements for each of the two years. This provision is in force only this one filing deadline. All future year dead- lines are as described in the following regulations. (c) Filing Deadlines for Consolidations and Affiliations for 1978/79 and 1979/80. Libraries filing for consolidation or affiliation rants under section .18732, 18751, and .18752 of the Act in 1978/79 and all later years must follow the procedures and deadlines described in Article 5 of this chapter. - Section 20103. Waiver of Filing Date. The State Board may waive or reset any filing dates required by'these .regulations, if the State Board deter- rines that so doing would best serve the purposes of the Act. Section 20104. Eligibility to Participate. Funding under any program of the Act shall be provided only to libraries which are physically and administratively located within'California and which meet any additiona..l eligibility criteria required for specific prog-zam participation. Section 20105. General Requirements for Participation. (a) Public Library �Participation Authorization. Every public library wishing to participate in any of the programs ,of the Act must file with the State Board an author- ization'by the jurisdictional governing body for that library's pzrticipa tion. The authorization must be in the form and manner and be filed by Ithe date specified by the State Board. (b) Public Library Certification. Upon the authorization by the juris- dictional governing 'body 9 the head librarian of each public library washing to participate in the programs of the Act must file a certification of eorspliance: with provisions of the Act. This certification shall rema", in effect until the library jurisdiction no longer cocplies with the stated provisions. The certification shall specifically include compliance with Education'Code Sections 18703(c) and 18724(e). If the library or jurisdiction is no longer in compliance, the head librarian shall notify the Board no later than September 1 of the fiscal year affected. 1.18 CITY OF CARLSBAD- _- i,L N0. S: ' - / �► .. T_n ..t-ia? : Dept.Hd_ DATE: JanuarY'2;-1979 C. Atty.� f DEPARTMENT: Library C. Mgr.. . Subject: _ Inter -library loan (ILL) reimbursement - Statement of the Matter Resolution No. 5531 authorized the Carlsbad City Library to'participate in the California Library Services act (CLSA). Under the provisions of the Act, a quarterly ' reimbursement shall be made to participating libraries to offset the handling costs which the lending library incurs in filling a successfully completed inter -library loan transaction. The amount is $2.26 per transaction. This amounts'to a total of $388..72 for Carlsbad in.the first quarter. The majority of libraries in the Serra System have indicated a desire to have the ILL reimbuisement revert to the Serra System to offset funds lost'as a result k of the CLSA funding" formula.,. The Research Center located in the San Diego Public Library will be inidequatelp funded unless the libraries return the local ILL funds ? 'to the System- The Library Board of Trustees voted to have the $388.72 in ILL funds- i turnea over to the System if the Council approves of such action, along with all subsequent ILL reimbursements. - Exhibits 1. -Breakdown of funds due Carlsbad for"first quarter reimbursement. 2. Resolution No,. Recommendation If Council concurs upon adoption of Resolution No.. ti' lo.L%� _, direct the _ Mayor to authorize the State Library to send the ILL reimbursements directly to the i 'San Diego County Library, the fiscal agent for the Serra System, with only an - accounting to Carlsbad., Council action: 1-2-79 Council adopted Resolution 5648, authorizing transfer of funds from the Carlsbad City Library to the SERRA Cooperative Library ; System; and Council instructed staff to establish a special fund for the equal access money received from CLSA,, which wouid'require - Council approval prior.to expenditure of said funds. :� _�I CITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. 5571 - Sup. #2 Initial: ' Dept. Hd . GGtf,� DATE: April 3, 19.T , C. Atty.U) DEPARTMENT: City Manager C. Mgr. i Subject: CALIFORNIA LIBRARY SERVICES ACT MONEY (CLSA) 1 ' F , Statement of the'Matter , At their January 2, 1979 meeting, Council instructed staff to establish a special fund for the equal access'money received from , Caiifornia Library Services Act, CLSA, which would require Council approval prior to expenditure of said fund. _ At the Library, Board bf Trustees' meeting on February •21, 1979 the Board voted unanimously to request Council to release CLSA Money ($7,217.60) to purchase resource material for the Library's Business and Technology collection_. Exhibits - Letter dated 3-1,6-79 from Library Board of Trustees ' Recommendation -That City Council approve the expenditure of $7,217.60 by the Library,Department for resource material for the Library's Business { ' and Technology collection. ; ' CITY & CARL'SBAD + U AGENDA BILL NO. 5571 - Sup. # 3 _ � • Initial; DATE: Dept. Nd • �— C. Atty.Y! 1 . DEPARTMENT: Library. C. Mg G • r' ` Subject: ' F .,CALIFORNIA LIBRARY SERVICES ACT MONEY •(CLSA) Statement•o€ the Matter !f At their January 2, 1979 meeting, Council instructed staff to establish a special fund for the equal access money received from California Library Services Act, CLSA, which would require Council-approval.prior to expenditure of said'fund. ' At the Library Board of _Trustees meeting on April 18, 1979 the Board voted unanimously to request:Council to release CLSA money ($3,752.00) to purchase _ f -replacement books for the Children's,collection.. Exhibic'ts -Letter dated May 31, 1979 from Libra'ry,Board of Trustees. Memo from Daniel Arnsan, Children's Librarian,•dated April-25, 1979. 'Recommendation That City Council approve the expenditure of $3,752.00 by the Library Depart-ment for. replacement'books for the Children's collection. 4 Cauncil•Action 6-19-79: Council ,approved the expenditure. of $3,752.b0 1iy •the Library Department.for replacement books for the Child-fen's Collection. 5571- 14 AGENDA Is1�,7� 1,'O.r. _ �. _..__.___..�.�..� AC;�L.3Jd. YU?►'1•k:: �..JE August 7= 1979 . C. 11tix.- DEPARTZ:Jh'�'.• Library C. 3igr_ _— CALIFORNIA LIBRARY SERVICES ACT MONEY (CLSA) 'State"ent• of the 14atter *theirAt Januar .2 1979 meeting, Council instructed staff to establish ' } a special fund for the equal access money received'from California Library Services Act,.CLSA, which would require Council approval prior to expenditure of said fund. w • ' At the ,Library -Board .of ^Trustees meeting on June 20, 1979; the. Board voted "(i?,i2-onyunanirocs to request Council to releaseCLSR .60)'to purchase periodicals, on mi cr•oform Exhibits • Letter dated .July lr,.1979 ,from Library Board of Trustees. Memo from Ray Brookhart,,Head of.:Reader Information Services, dated t r June 15, 1979.' '. �.- Resolution.No•. 6 •?6:.6 approving.fund transfer. Recommendation • „ _.. �..� _ _,_ . _ - �; If Council, uncurs, adopt' Reso'l uti on No. tM S• approvi ng the expendi ture ` • of $12 .g9.60.by the Library Department for purchase of periodicals on microform, •'Council Action•: ' • .f .' . _ tE E• - , 8--7-79 wCounc.il-adopted__Reso_luti-on•.5865; ♦;authorizing the -transfer of fu:.ds for purchase of; peri odi cal s on microform. - 3. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2� 24 25 26 27 28 *w. RESOLUTION NO. 6064 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR PURCHASE OF PERIODICALS 014 MICROFORM. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the transfer of nine thousand, eight hundred ninety-one dollars and no cents (9,891.00) for the purchase of periodicals on microform be -made from the unappropriated fund to the Library Dues and Subscriptions Account is hereby authorized and approved. 2. That Department of Finance Fund Transfer No. qO on file in said department and incorporated by reference herein is approved. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held on the i s t h day of ,l a n„a ram_ , 1980, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis and Councilwoman Casler NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: �- ALETHA L. RAUTENY.RANZ, City Cler (seal) , " f/ : � -1 RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor