HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-01-15; City Council; 6131; Allocation Contingency Reserve 1979-80 Salary Benefit Adjustment.¾CJ::NDA GILL NO. _.:__(g_{.;J...,I'--_______ _ PJ.Q.l:~: JANUARY 15, 1980 -~---,-J-----·---:--------- Inii:i;1l:: Uept.Hd~J Co Atty. ........ "t-,{af§.· :~uJ:,jccF:-ALLOCATION ·OF \:ONTINGENCY RESERVE -1979-80 SALARY A. ,. ~ENEFIT A_DJUSTMENT ACCORDING TO MEMORANDA OF UNDERSTANDING The 1~79-80 operating budget contafr1.s a reserve for conti,ngencies account · in the general fund amounting to $567,500. The purpose of this account ~s to provide for the additional salary and benefits budgetary requtrements dictated by the terms of the Memoranda 9£ Understanding approved by the City Cbuncil £or fiscal year 1979-80. The Finance Department has calculated the actual additional sala•l'Y and benefits budgetary requirements for fiscal year 1979-80 ·of the General Fund, Sanitation Fund~ Redevelopment· • Fund, and Water Enterp"tises Fun·d. Accordingly, these additional salary :and benefits budgetary requirements specified by the terms nf the Memoranda of Understanding are as follows, by fund:. .General Fund Sanitation Fund • · · •· Redevelopment Fund Water Ente'l'prises Fu.nd Total Salary ahd benefit adjustment $506,632 • 7,836 3,742 23,025 ~541,235 As previously noted, funds are available for the general fund salary and benefit adjustme.nts in the general fund contingency reserve adju~tments account. Funds required for appropriation to satisfy the salary and. benefit adjustmerits in the Sanitatiorl, Redevelopment, and Water.Entetprise Funds will be appropriated from the unappropriated.fund balance ·acc9unt }.n the~e funds. • EXHIBIT ~1emo to t;he· City Manager, dated .January 4, 198'0 •' Resolution No. oz CK:?-(p • RECOMMENDATION Approll,e Resolution It l, 0 Slo Cou·ncil Action: 1-15-80 Council .adopted Resolution 6056, authori~ing transfer of funds · to cover additional salary ard benefit costs associ.ated with variou~ City Memorandums of Undergtanding signed during 1979~80. . . •. MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: January 4, 1980 CITY MANAGER FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ALLOCATION OF CONTINGENCY FUNDS TO COVER COST OF 1979-80 MEMORANDUMS OF UNDERSTANDING The attached analysis of the inrreasea cost £er salary and fringe benefits resulting from the Memorand\tms of Understanding signed during 1979-80 is the basis for two fund transfers that should be submitted to the council at the January 15, 1980 meeting. During the 1979-80 budget process a contingency accountwas established in the general fund to cover any costs that might result from salary negotiations. This account amounts to $567,500 of which $506,632 will be required for general fund costs. The Water, Sanitation and Redevelopment funds did not have contingency funds established and will require appropriations from the respective fund balances to cover these salary related costs. The amounts required are Sanitation -$7,836, Redevelopment -$3,742 and Water -$23,025. The total additional salary costs amount to $541,235 or $26,265 less than the anticipated cost of $567,500. JFE:lw Attach. .. i -( l I .. . 0 ~ • .. l> -, ; I' ) . ' ~ t < -I t t .. . ?. " ~ RESOLUTION NO. 6056 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TllE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, f,U'fIIORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO COVER ADDITIONAL SALARY AND BENEFIT COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH TIIE VARIOUS CITY MEMORANDUMS OF UNDERSTAND- ING ~IGNED DURING 1979-80. WHEREAS, the City Council has entered into various memorandums 7 of understanding during fiscal year 1979-80, and 8 WHEREAS, the salary amounts reflected in the 1979-80 budget 9 dld not include any adjustment for increases based on these 10 memorandums of understanding, and 11 WHERilAS, the 1979-80 budget includes a contingency account 12 in the general fund established to cover any additional salary 13 costs during the 1979-80, and 14 WIIEREAS, the Water, Sanitation and Redevelopment funds did 15 not have a contingecny account established to cover these cos~s; 16 NO\{, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the 17 City of Carlsbad, California as follows: 18 19 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the transfer of funds from the general fund 20 contingency account to other general fund accounts to cover the 21 aforementioned costs (fund transfer No. 38) is authorized. 22 3. That the Water, Sanitation and Redevelopment funds shall 23 have amounts transferred to cover the aforementioned costs from 24 the respective uni,;ropriated f~nd balance account in the amounts 25 reflected in fund transfer No. 39. 26 XXX 27 XXX 28 XXX 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, by the City Council of the City 2 of Carlsbad 3 the 15th 4 wit: 5 AYES: NOES: at a regular meeting of the City Council held on day of January , 1980, by the following vote, to Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis and Councilwoman Casler None 6 7 8 ABSENT: None ATTEST: 9 10 .,0, ll iM1~N/Mff,'~ 12 13 (SEAL) 14 15 16 17 18 ).9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -2- l ' ,i i