HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-01-15; City Council; 6132; Request for Fund Transfer, ........ CITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. lo I 3-2 INITIAL Dept. Hd. DATE: -------=-J~a_n~u;ar~y"---'1_5~,...._.1=9~8~'1--_______ Cty. DEPARTMENT: ____ P_l_a_n_n_i_n ___ g ____________ Cty. Mg~. -=;~IZ=:--- SUBJECT: Rf.QUEST FOR FUND TRANSFER STATEMENT OF THE MATTER For the past two years, the Plannjng Department has been sharing space with Redevelopment staff. During this time, the Planning Department has had a minimum of two authorized positions unfilled due to turn- overs. In addition, due to the lack of floor space, our Planning Technician was forced to use a drafting table both for drafting and "desk" work even though only a portion of the Technician's responc;i- bilities relate to drafting. The Department has now been restructur.ed and reorganized. Two planners have been added to the present staff to bring the department to the full complement of planners. As a result, certain capital outlay items which have been delayed are now needed to equip the department:.to pro- vide the necessary desks, chairs, bookcases, etc. for the new personnel. Due to the unfilled positions, funds previously budgeted and not utilized are not currently budgeted. Unspent funds for personnel positions not previously filled are available for these purchases in Account No. 1-152-1110. It is requested that the suro of $3,000.00 be transferred from Account No. 1-152-1110 Regular Salaries to Account No. 1-152-3900 for the purpose of purchasing departmental equipment. EXHIBIT Resolution No, looS?, authorizing transfer of funds within Department No. 152 FY~BO Budget. nequest for Transfer of Appropriations Recommendation Adopt Resolution Ho. 6057, authorizing the transfer of funds within the Planning Department 1979-80 FY Bvdget. Council Action: 1-15-80 Council adopted Resolution 6057, authorizing transfer of funds within the Planning Department 1979~80 FY Budget. City of Carlsbad REQUEs(Jo_R T_~AHSFER __ o:F APPROPRI' .. -iO!-;S Department : ..;;P_l:.:a::.:.·n::.:;n:.:::i~n;.;;i.g ______ ..:.... __ Dept. No. so-001 To:-~inance bepartrnent. Transfer -From -$3,000.00 EXPLAIIAnou: Date January: Tran1sfer To 01.;.:152-3900. + $3,000.00 2, Tran·sfer 'of excess-· _sala:t-y funds due. to vacf'nt position ·to cover purchase 'of office equipmen·t nec~ssary to accoron'to.date 1980 ... . filled position. -~•-": City Hanager Report REFERRED TO CIT~ .. . ft"; -·· ' . -. i . ; .• ... · .. . ' : . -Nanagar for Action.~~---- t,pprovcd as Requested As Revisc~tl--- Action of · City ·Cound1 :. Rccor,:'.'lE:nda ti c.n ... ------ .llupt. of Financ~.I -,------- [I e p t . o r F i n <in c e II o • •• ·J I' -,J.. 'r - ·H1 ---'--- _..__ __ ' City Manager By_,_. _____ _ Send 2 copies ttl the Department l RESOLUTION NO. __§_Qll 2 l\ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING 3 THE TRAN Sl:>ER OP FUNDS WI'rHIN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1979-1980 FY BUDGET 4 5 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad 6 as follows: 7 1. That the transfer of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) 8 within the Planning Department 1979-1980 FY Budget from Account 9 No, 1110 Salaries to Acco•.mt No. 3900 Equipment to provide 10 equipment for staff is hereby authorized and approved. 11 2. That t,he Department of Finance Fund Transfer No. 37 --- 12 on file in said department and incorporated by reference herein 13 is approved. J.4 PASSED, APPROVED AND ACOPTED by the City Council of the 15 city of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held on the filb__day of 16 .uauuarL__, 1980, by the follol'ling vote, to-wit! 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis and Councilwoman Casl~r NOES: None J\l1SENT: None RONALD c. PACKARD, Hayor J\'l'TEST: Jl:,f.rf4.~ RA~,!' LJ, ,,_,, City Clerk (SEAL)