HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-01-15; City Council; 6135; PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO PERMIT THE REACTIVATION AND ENLARGEMENT OF EXISTING WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT - LA COSTA LAND CO AND SMCWDe 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD INITIAL .'c, + - AGENDA BILL NO. 6 /!yS , ~~d*~~ Cty. Atty. Cty. Mgr. sl January 15, 1980 DATE : - DEPARTMENT: - Planning SUBJECT z PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO PERMIT TE;;E REACTIVATIOTJ ~.ti~ - ---- ENLARGEMENT OF EXISTING WASTEWATER TF!EATMENT PLANT. ' CASE NO. : PDP-3 APPLICANT: LA COSTA LAND CO. AND Si'vl( STATEMENT OF THE MPlTTER The request is to reactivate existing inactive 200,000 gallon per sewer treatment plant to a 600,000 gallon per day treatment plant, The process will be aerobic which mininizes odor problem. The effluent produced by this plant will be placed in a 57 million ga: reservoir south of the treatment facility. Water frolr. this resen and from the plan will be disposed of by spraying in landscaped areas. (Land application) . It is proposed that future development will provide dual vater syz to use this reclaimed water for landscaped areas within developn?er their developments. The remaining 100,000 gallons will be used ir developments in the San Ptarcos area. At the Planning Commission meeting the applicant made a full presc explaining all aspects of this project, especially those not full: covered by the EIR project description or their application. T! applicant submitted an addendum to the "Summary Description", Exhibit F-1, dated 12/28/79 that sumvarizes the additional informi provided by the applicant at the Planning Commission hearing. EXHIBITS Planning Commission Resolution No. 1578 Staff Report dated 12/12/79 Summary Description, dated 9/25/70, addendum 12/28/79 City Council policy on Satellite Treatment Plants Revised June 1, Regional Air Quality Control Board, Order 79-23 Exhibits A, B and D dated 11/15/79; Exhibit C dated 12/12/79 The La Costa Land Company will use 500,000 gallons of this water j ; Exhibit G dated 12/20/79; Letter from James C. Hagaman, dated December 31, 1979 - RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission and Planning Staff recommend that the Cit] Council direct the City Attorney to prepare documents APPROVING PDP-3, as per Planning Comission Resolution No. 1578, and furthe add-ing condition 23 as contained in the letter from James C. Haganan, dated December 31, 1979. Council Action: 1-15-80 Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents i PDP-3 modified to include additional concerns of Council .I 1 y Y .. *1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3-4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 Q PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1578 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR: A) REHABILITATION OF THE EXISTING TREATPZNT PLANT AND ITS ENLARGEMENT TO A B) CONSTRUCTION OF A SEASONAL STORAGE RESERVOIR TO HOLD THE TOTAL OUTPUT OF THE PLANT OVER A 90 DAY WINTER PERIOD, AND C) A RECLAIrYLED WATER USE SYSTEM CASE NO. : PDP-3 APPLICANT : La Costa Land Company and San Marcos County Water District WHEREAS, a verified application fior certain propert to-wit: A parcel of land lying within the northeast quarter of Section 30, Township 12 South, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Meridian, in the County of San Diego State of California has been filed with the City of Carlsbad, and referred tc Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said application constitutes a request as 1 by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS this project complies with the requirements City of Carlsbad's Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1 and the State Environmental Quality Act, in that the pro: I has been processed through Environmental Review and the 1 posed Precise Development Plan will not cause any substar environmental impacts, and an environmental impact report cereified by the San Marcos County Water District for thj project. Appropriate mitigating measures will be taken c I I 1 subsequent actions to approve development of the site. I 1 December, 1979, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prc WHEREAS the Planning Commission did on the 12th day 1 - c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 .F 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 W e by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing a staff report was F and all persons desiring to speak on the subject Precise Development Plan.were heard; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commi of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: A. That the foregoing recitations arle true and correct. B. After consideration of all evidence presented, the I Commission finds the following facts and reasons to The proposed Precise Development Plan ensures compat of the development with the General Plan because: a. The General Plan Land Use Element designates a 1. public utility in this area. Subsequent development in the area served by tl treatment plant will be consistent with the Ger Plan because all zoning in the service area is consistent with the General Plan. b. 2. The proposed Precise Development Plan ensures compa- of the project with surrounding development because a. Adequate measures are required as part of the approval to mitigate any adverse impacts the p may have. b. The location of the project in a valley will r I adverse impacts to surrounding property. 3. It has been determined that the proposed Precise De Plan will not result in any significant adverse imp to the environment due to the following reasons: a. The conditions of approval include mitigation measures outlined in the EIR certified by the Marcos County Water District and mitigate pote adverse environmental impacts. 1 b. The project will be subject to further review ' approval by effected State and Federal agencie Said review constitutes additional environment impact assessment, and insures the project's compatibility with the natural manmade enviror 4. The proposed Precise Development Plan provides for facilities as necessitated by development and/or ay in the area: PC Reso #1578 Page 2 -2 \ c c* * -7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e a. The proposed wastewater treatment facility will serve as a complimentary use to the existing Encina Water treatF.ent plant by providing the a with additional sewer capacity. b. The proposed reclamation facility will reduce t amount of potable water necessary to serve this area in the future. Said reclamation system could allow for the pre servation and continuation of agricultural prod d. All other public facilities will be available a c. time of development. e. The project is specifically exempted from the City's Public Facility Fee Policy (City Council Policy No. 17). C. That the Planning Commission, recommends APPROVAL of PDP-3, subject to the following conditions: 1, Approval is granted for PDP-3 as shown on Planning Commission Exhibits A, B and D, dated 11/15/79, and Exhibit C dated 12/12/79, Exhibit F, dated 9/25/79, Exhibit G dated 12/20/79, and Exhibit H dated 3/29/7 (Order 79-23 issued by Water Quality Control Board, on file in the Planning Department and incorporated reference. Development shall occur substantially as shown on these exhibits unless otherwise noted in th conditions. 2. In addition to the approval of the development indic in the exhibits noted above, all other requirements appurtenances as listed in this approval shall be in on the final Precise Development Plan. Eventually all water treated by this treatment plant be reclaimed and used in a Type I method. To ensun eventual Type I use, the applicant shall prepare to satisfaction of the Director of Parks and Recreatior and the City Engineer, a document outlining the met? for Type I use. It shall contain a plant list of dr tolerant vegetation, water absorption rates per plar soils, and the gallons of water per acre needed to accommodate the proposal. The document shall also i criteria for operating, maintaining and monitoring t irrigation area and system. This shall be done pric certification of the treatment plant. I I 3- 4, Prior to approval of the final Precise Development I the applicant shall submit written approval from the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board that overflow system from the storage reservoir is accept PC. Reso #1578 Page 3. 93 + .. t .Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 e e 5. The Water Master shall monitor the construction of t wastewater reclamation and distribution system in 01 to avoid cross-connections with potable water lines. 6. The irrigation system shall be maintained and operai by the San Marcos County Water District under a con- tractural agreeiment with the Home Owners Associatioi that is to give the District total assurance that 1 would always have the ability to discharge the effli 7. If the final design for the treatment plant is to ii an embankment along San Marcos Creek at the plant tc guard against flooding, then a 1601 permit from Cal: Department of Fish and Game is to be obtained for tl alteration of the streambed. 8. Seepage from the floor of the reservoir is to be co. and returned to the reservoir. 9. Prior to issuance of building permits for Phase I1 I ment (See Exhibit H Order 79-23, Page 2, Paragraph 1 the applicant shall submit, to the satisfaction of Director of Planning, an archaeological report indic the impacts and mitigating measures with the constr of the plant site, reservoirs and any lines, spillw( seepage collectors, or any other appurtenances whic! impact archaeologically important sites. 10. Prior to approval of final Precise Development Plan the treatment plant, the applicant shall secure eas ment rights for the City prohibiting the location o any habitable buildings within 100 yards from the processing equipment or treatment facilities of the wastewater treatment site (excluding maintenance and control buildings), as indicated in Exhibit C, I I dated 12/12/79. 1 I reservoirs. 11. Grading plans for all facilities shall be approved i the City Engineer. Such plan shall include provisi to limit grading, cut and fill and excavation to th minimum areas necessary to prepare construction sit 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 I 12. Surfaces shall be graded to direct runoff toward de drainage facilities and away from any cut and fill slopes. 13. Land shall not be cleared of vegetation except imme diately before grading, and grading should take pla only during the dry season (April 16 to October 31) unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 14. All graded slopes shall be stabilized for erosion control immediately following grading by the develo ///// P. C. Resolution 1578 Page 4 .- t \ . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3.3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 25 27 28 -\ 0 e 15. Landscape and irrigation plans for graded areas shal be submitted for the approval of the Planning Direct as part of final Precise Development Plan. The land shall be designed to screen the treatment facilitie: surrounding properties. Plans shall include fast-gi tall trees as well as a combination of shrubs and yi cover. Plants shall be drought tolerant, fire retar where necessary, and easily maintained. 16. Natural vegetation shall be retained wherever possik 17. All pumps, generators and other noise producing mecl: shall be placed underground and/or shielded in such manner to reduce noise to a maximum of 55 dba at prc line to all facilities. 18. Final plans for treatment facilities shall indicate lighting to provide adequate nighttime operations. Such lighting shall be designed in a manner so that nearby residences or public streets are not adverse1 affected. The lighting plan shall be subject to thc approval of the Planning Director. 19. The treatment facility, reservoirs and mechanical appurtenances shall be totally enclosed by a fence E minimum of 6' in height, with an addition of barbed designed for security purposes. The applicant shall provide evidence to the City En5 that the method for the disposal of sludge created 1 treatment plant has been approved by the appropriate agencies. All equipment proposed to be placed on any roof sha; screened from public view and subject to the approvz of the Planning Director. The Final Precise Development Plan shall be a reproc copy which incorporates all requirements of the appi Prior to signing of the final Precise Development P: the City Manager shall determine that all applicable requirements have been incovporated into the plan a1 that all conditions of approval have been satisfactc met or otherwise guaranteed. The final signed Prec: Development Plan shall be the official site layout I for the property and shall be attached to any application for a building permit for the enlargemei of the treatment plant on the subject property. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting 0: 20. 21. 22. I 1 I Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, ///// .5 PC Reso #1578 Page 5 f .\ ' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 0 on day of , 1980, by the following to wit: AYES : NOES : ABSTAIN : ABSENT : EDWIN S. SCHICK, JR., CARLSBAD PLANNING COP ATTEST: 26 28 27 I I PC Reso #1578 .6 Page 6 r e e .- e .. STAFF REPORT .\ - nATE: ?,Ca:,c,mber 12, 1979 TO : Y lannil.? :ommi s s ion FROM: Planning De, 3:-tment CASE NO. : ZC 207, SUP-4, L-~>-3 APPLICANT: La Costa Land Co u'3 San Marcos County Water District REQUEST: (1) CHANGE OF Z~NE FROM L-c (~:~.ited Control) TO P-U(Pub1ic Utility) AND F-P (F'I~;?~ Plain Overlay) FOR A FIVE ACRE SITE LOCATED WEST OF RANCHO SANTA FE AT THE ENTRANCE TO SAN PlARCOS CANYON. OF A FLOOD PROTECTION WALL AND ACCESS (2) SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO PERMIT DEVELOPMENT ROADWAY RAi4P WITHIN THE F-P OVERLAY ZONE. (3) PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR: A) RE HABILITATION OF THE EXTCI'TNG TREATNENT PLANT AXD ITS ENLARGEMENT TG A CAPACITY OF 0.6 MGD, B) INSTALLATICN OF A RECLAIMED WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM; C) CONSTRUCTION OF A SEASONAL STORAGE RESERVOIR TO ifOLD THE TOTAL OUTPUT OF THC PLANT OVER A 30 DAY WINTER PERIOD, AND D) A RECLAIMED WATER USE SYSTEM. BACKGROUND Location and Description I of Property The site of the wastewater treatment facility is approximate 800 feet west of Rancho Santa Fe Road, ~orth of the intersec of Questhaven Road and Rancho Santa Fe.Road in the north eas' La Costa area. The two reservoir sites are Oil property owned by the La Costa Land Company. One is approximately 3000 feet to the southwest of the treatment plaEt, and the other i.s approximately 4000 feet to the south. I_. --- ' The wastewater treatment facility is at the entrance of the San Marcos Canyoin in a reaitively flat, nayrow valley. The two reservoir sites will be placed in shal1.0~ valley's. Existing Land Use Subject property: All the property in question is vacant except for the sewer treatment pl.ant as explained above. approximately one mile. approximately one mile. North: The nearest residence to the north is South: Mostly vacant, with some residential a a . ,- -\ East: Mostly vacant, with some industrial build.ings approximately one-half mile to the east. development approximately one mile to the west. West: Mostly vacant with some residential 'History and ReLated. Cases ---~---ll__l---- PDP-2, City Council Resolution No. 5871, approved 8/7/79, Satellite Sewer Treatment Plant, Lake Calavera Hills. 'PDP-2 is similar to the subject application in that it is a small. satellite type plant with wastewater storage facilities The approved City Council Elesolution for PDP-2 is attached. City Council Policy on satelite treatment facilities: At the time of considering PDP-2, the City Council adopted satelite sewer treatment policies. The policies are in two parts: one being city wide poli.cies - of these one pol.icy requires that satelite treatment. facilities be aIso designed for water reclamation. .. PDP-1, City Council Resolution Nc. 5812, approved 6/19/79, E xp a 11 s i on o f the En c i n a Fa c j. 1 i t y . This application differs from the subject applicaton in that PDP-1 is a larye kreatment facility without water r~cl~rnation ZC-206/MP-149 (2)' Req.i:est for rezoning and Master Plan Amendment to delete a portion of northeast La Costa from the La Costa Master Plan. This area will. be served by the subject treatment plant. There actions are present-1.y being processed and are schedul.ed for the January 2, 1980 City Coun meeting. -- __I_______---- __-__I_ ---- _I____ -I-l.L-ll_--_~l- I_ -._._ __ .--__-..._--__ __ -____- __ -.-____-I Jo i n t A g e n c y Wa s t ew a t e r Tr e a t me n t --.-_. -~~._- E NV I liON E4E N T A L 11.1 P ACT I Ti ?!' 0 RP.1 A T I 0 IJ ___.- -- .- ____ -I_- An ?,<nvironmental. Impact Report as been certified by the . San Marcos County Water District for the reactivation wastew? project. Since the project is within the incorporated boundaries of the City of Carlsbad, the City as a responsiblc agency did review and comment on this Environmental Impact Report. In addition, it is our responsibj.lity to determine that the mitigating measures as indicated in the Environment; Impact Report. will be met or there are overriding considerat.: -2- 0 (b -I .' approving the prQjcct, A copy of this EJR has been distributc for your information. GENERAL PLAN INFORMATION Land Use: The Land Use Element of the General Plan indicates a public utility site for the wastewater reclamati.on project, therefore the project is consistent with the General Plan. The reservoirs are in areas indicated as low-medi um residenti _I_- A storage ]:.eservoir is considered compr,tj.b:Le with residential development. Thererore the project is consistent with the Land Use Element of the General Plan. Public Facilities: The goal of the public facilities element is to provide a comprehensive pcbiic services and facilities for the citizens of the City of Carlsbad to insilre that all necessary public facilities wi.l.1 be available concurrent with need in connection with the develcpment of the City pursuant to the balance of the General Plan. The reactivatio of this wastewater trea-tment facility meets this qoal of the public facilities element. Other Elements: These applic?.tions a.re consistc>nt with all o elements of the General Plan. Major Planning Considerations --. 1. What impacts will the reactivat;.on and opeyakion 05 .. ___-_I_ this plant and reservoirs have on the area 2nd havetthe! been sufficiently mitigated? 2. What are the potential. qrowth indiicing irrpzl=ts caused by the project and will the projects have precedence fo: s'imil-ar proposals? Wh.at will thcsc precedences mean to the planning process of the publ<.c facilities managemen. program? 3. What guarantees have been established to ensure that the treated water will he propel-1.y used for irrigation as a substitute for neb: potable water? 4. Is the proposed expansion desirabl~c in terms of City policy? 5, What significant environmental impacts, i.. e. , noise, visual aesthetics, odors, will rc:s;ult from the proposed projects, can these impacts be suEficient,ly mitigated? Discussion ZC-207: The property was zoned L-C when it was annexed to t .City last year. The L-C zone is a holding zone, therefore, the proposcd zone change is necessa.ry to brinq the property into consistency with the General I?lan category of public -- -3- 0 a '- uti.lity. The flood plain is necessary since the Corps of . Engineers has indicated a portion of the. property to be in a designated flood plain area. SUP-4: A Special Use-Permit is required for all development Special Use Permit i.s basically a report from the City Engineer on the impacts of such development. The City Engineer has .determined that the proposed construction in the flood plain will not have an adverse effect on surroundin! or downstream properties (see attached report from the City Engineer). PDP-3: The applicant submitted a summary description of the project, dated September 25, 1979, whi.ch is attached. Also the EIR has a project description which explains the proposal The. project has been approved by the California Regional Wate: Quality Control Roard on March 26, 1979. See attached 1.etter dated March 26, 1979, and Order No. 79-23. The reservoir and dam must be approved by the State Division of Dam Safety. The applicant believes approval will be forthcoming about Decembcr 20, 1979. Per City zone requirements the project a1 requ$res City approval. The C<.ty's authorj.ty is land use- As per Section 21.36.050 of the Carlsbad Flunicipal Code, the City is to determine if the project 2s consistent with the P-U zone. The intent of the P-U zone is to provide compatibi of the devel.opnent with the general plan and surroundi.ng development; ensure that due regard is given to environmental factors; provide for publ.ic improvements and other conditions of approval necessitated by the development. This narrowing of the City's responsibilities may not appear consistent. with the City's involvement in the Lake Calavera Hills satelite treatment plant. The two projects differ in that the. J,ake Calavcra Hills plant is to be Ci.ty owned and operated, and the water is generated and reclaimed totally within the City; whereas the proposed San Yarcos County Water District plant is to be owned and operated by a special district. and some of the water is to he generated and reclair outside of the City. San Marcos County Water Disfrict is water treatment and water distribution. , Questions have been raised on the jurisdictional responsibilities and the distribution of reclaimed water. The question has been rer'ei to the City Attorney's Office. The present inactive plant has the capacity for 200,000 gallons per day. As requested the plant will be enlaryed in two phases. The first phase is for 270,000 gallons per day, the final will be for 600,000 gallons per day. It will be many years before the actual maximum capacity wi.11 be met. The process is to be aerobic, which minimizes odor prohl.cms. The project includes water reclaimation, by using the water €or irrigation. A balancing reservoir is proposed for the irrigation water to the southwest, (Rancheros). It -- in a flood plain as per the Flood Plain Overlay Zone. A however, a special district with authority in both waste -4- 4 w 0 \ is possible that this 4.5 million gallon reservoir will not water during low wat-er demand periods. This is a reservoir to the south with a capacity of 57 million gallons, giving a 90 day reserve. The water reclamation will be irrigation (land treatment) in specifically designed land- scaped areas to be approved wi.th later land developments. Initially reclaimed use will be Type 11. Iiowevcr, as development occurs reclaimed water will be used by these developments as Type I. (Type I use i.s water used in a manne that would normally be served by the potable water system. Type I1 usc is water used in a manner that normally would not be served by the potable water system). During low or no reclaimed yater deman'ii times the effluent from the plant will he pumped to the reserve rescyvoir. ,Duri irrigation the effluent will come directly from the plant ant the reservoir if needed. Therefore the reservoir will have c periods the reserve reservoir will overflow. There is a spil way planned that will deliver the water to the San Marcos Creek drainage basin. The Reqional Water Quality Control Board has indicated that the chemical content of this dillute overflow will meet their specification. However, they have requested monitoring. The wa.ter will be given secoridary treatment and will be safe for irrigating near resideiiccs. The EIR indicates that the sprinklers will have OW trajectories to reduce water drift. The irrigation rates ~7ill be low to stop runoff, and collectc ditches will be constructed at the toes of slopcs to return runoff to plant. Also there will be collect.or ditches at thl reservoir:; to return seepage to the plant. This application is similar. to the Lake Calavera Hills in that it is a satellite treatment plant. Eowevcr, it differs somewhat in -the process in khat airak-ion process tqi11 be in open tanks instead of the "race track" canna1.s of Lake Calavera Ili.1.i~ ./ Although t-hc "race trackaG is superior as a method and saves energy, thc equipment. for the tanks are there and there isn't sufficient space for the "race tracks" Staff does not believe that the treatmcnt plant and reservoi will have an adverse impact on surrounding areas as proposed arid condltioned. The plant is relatively small and the process minimizes obnoxious elements. Reservoirs will appea as lakes in low density residential areas, be fcnc.cd and t1iE water use should not stagnate because of fluctcating lcvcls. The plant will not be growth inducing by itself, it will, however, speed up development in the area. If the City wisk control of growth in the area, R more effcctive.method wouli .be a growth management program. City policy on wastewater treatment plants require Type I use of t.he reclaimed water (use of thc water in areas that would norma1.ly be served by potabl.e water). . be needed. A reserve system i.s also proposed that will hold COiiStantly fluctuating level. It is possible that during he? -5- e e <* t? . '. La Costa Land Coixpanl7, however, will attempt to reduce the ~ypc 7:I use as devc:lopment occurs. They believe that in tin\€! all of the rc:claimcii water will be used in a Type I manner. As proposed , the district would require that each user de,monstrate tk1.a t there j.s suffi.cient land available for the disposal. of effl.uc:it generated by the development. These developments will. have to provide dual.. water system for irricjation 11::~ of reel-aimed water and the .potable water supply Sal? Marcos County Katci: Dist.irict r as proposed , will operate thc plant aiid reclaiincd water distribution. It will contract wit]i the h ?owners ?.ssociation to use' the water. A possible prol2lcm, :'LC; ~;~.lat the San tvlarcos sewer and water jurisdictions do not have consistent boundaries. .There maybe a question if San Marcos. Count17 I.!ater District can distribute reclaimed wa-ter in areas they do not serve with sewer. The project description i.ndicatcs that 400,000 gallons per day generate outside of Carlsbad will be reclaimed in Carlsbad. Sludge from the treatment will he pressed dried, but will not be placed irl dryinq beds for complete drying. There is an odor gencxil-aLed from bed drying and it takes space. Instead the pressed dry sludge -&Till he trucked to a solid waste d:i.sposal. site. This could he a prob'iem from water leaking froin trucks at the disposal site. Although the Regional N?Aker Qual-! i-y Co~ti-01 Zoard has approved the project, staff has recoirlj11c;?c!nrl a condition rea-uiring the review of this di sposal mcthod by tlie County Health Department , County Department of Solid :.!aste Xanagament , Regional Water Quality Corltrol ]]o,--rd and Eep~rtment of Fish and Game. Thc ETR irliiicates that adeguate soils for land irrigation may be difiricult to fi.nd in the area. Evidently soi.1~ should be 2 to 3 feet deep for adequate drainage. Most soi.1 in arc!c: are less than 18" deep and are on top of bed rock or clay ilepo..;its. Therefore, it is important that the appl j.caiit: supply the City with an irrigation schedule that re3 ates soils, vegetation and water requirements. This i-nFormation should also include 'analysis on slopes , leaching needs, moxi.itori.ng systems , and land properties r etc. The "exarni.n,zt.ion of criteria" appendix to the EIR indicates that the st.oragc of 'i1-1~ seasonal reservoir needs to have a 95 millinn gal lo:^ capacity. The proposal is for 57 millio gal.lons (scc Exhj.bi.t "A") . It has becri confirmed by the applicant and the CiCy's Public Works Administrator, that th RIP, is in crror and the 57 mi.3.1ion gallon reserve is sufficient for a 90 day reserve. There is no fail safe system designed for plant malfunction, This is consistent with the Feyional Water guality Control Board acti.oiis on these plants. Evidently. the incidence of -6- e e . , plant malfuiiction is minor and can be quickly remedied. As cxplain~ii earlici- f the Regional Water Quality Control ,Board has approved the overflow system of the reserve reservo sohe of the da.ta or statements made in this report are not substantiate(? by the information contained in the EIR or summary dcsi:ription. However, representatives of the applica, will attend 1:he meeting 'io answer your questions and supply data and sui,s-i:antiation. R c c o mm e n d E: 1 --.-.- ZC-20'1, __" staff' recOli\ine11ds that ZC-207, be AF'PROVED - as PU with FP Overlay ilis per tiic attached legal map, for the following reasons: .I.. The proposed c11ar:ge of zone is consistent with the Gener;ii Plan sii~ce the P-U Zone specifically allows publjc facilities as indicated on the General. Plan Land IJse Map. --------__-. 2. The I?-U zone ue-~,~~Fres a Precise Development Plan of Developxent. Conditions may be placed on the PDP to meet rcquirencnts of the General Plan or any other needs. 3. The siie is physically suitable for .the type of use sincc: the site is adequate in size and shape to accommod plant. 4. The piro<cct is consistent with all City public faci1.I.l.y polj.cics and ordinaiices since the reactivation of this facility will provide sewer service in the service arez. 5. The proposed change of zone will not cause any substanti enviroiiiiienta.1 ii-cpacts f and an environiaental impact repor?. has bc~n certified by the San Marcos County Water QistricL for this project. Appropriate mitigating measu?. PS wi 1.1. hi- taken on subsequent actions to approve deve1apiiient on the site - 6. The flood plain overlay zone will reauire Engineering Repor t on impacts of construction on flooding. . , SUP-4: Si-.aEf recori:ii~.cnds that SUP-4 be approved based on the ___-. --_. fol~l owing !:'indi.ncj:; and subject to the condition that all a:; shown on SIJP-4, Exhibit A and B, dated November 15, 1979, on file in Che Pl.ai1nj.ng Department. Findincjs 1. The Special USE! Permit is consistent with the purposes d e v e 1 o pruc 11 I- an d e 1- o s i o ii p ro t c c t. i on me a s u r e s o c cur s ub s t an 1: i a 1. l_-l_.-- of the flood 1)lain Overlay Zone because the proposed erigi.nr:cring improvements to the site adequately mitigate the flood hazard to the site, and have been 1nad.e conditi. of a1:~prc~val. -7- e 0 . 2. The c;i.t.y ~riginecr has found that no increased flood dange is 1j.lrciy due to the construction of the wall. Additioiia the roc:ktrs11 seems sufficient to protect the treatment plant froxi the LOO year flood. 3. The Special Use Permit is consistent with all applicable specific and general plans because: A. Tiic use of the site for a wastewater treatment facil<.ty is in conformance with General Plan Land U:.:c El.ement designation of public utilities. R. 'Ph e prop o s c c3 en g i 11 e e r in 9 imp r ov erne n t s to the s it e j.i:tpelemnt the Public Safety Element's goal of ninirni.zing I-njury, loss of life and damage to property resulting from flood disaster. 4. The ir,su;ince of the Specj.al Use Permit will not adversel. affect cr unduly hinder, restrict or alter the water carrying functi-or, of the floodplain because the proposed engificcring improvements specifically provide for the safe, cffi-cierit disposal. of storm water. 5. TliC project is cri?isi.stent with all public facility pOliC.lcr sj.nce the site will be .used .for a wastewater 6. The subj cjct application has compl-ied with the requiremen of the: C:i.'iy of Carlsbad Fnvironmental Protection Ordinar hcca.n:-;t an Environmental Impact Report has been certific by thc applic-ant, and San FIarcos Courity Water District. PDT-3:' Stcif-f reconicends that FDP-3 be ap.proved based on the foliowl.;?g findinqs and subject to the fo-llowi.niJ conditior 3. . The [ji:~l:osed Precise Development Plan ensures compatibi __._ -. of the- dcvelopv,eiit with the General Plan because: A. The General Plan Land I7se Element designates a pu!:llic utility in thi.s area. l? . Sl.>!,scqucnt development in the' area served by the Lr-catment p1.ant will be consistent with the Genera Pl.an bccausc: all zoniny in the service area is consistc.nt with the General Plan. 2. The proposed Prcicise Development Plan ensures compatibi of tlic L'roj ect with surrounding development because: A. Adcq.uate rncasures arc required as part of the approval. to mitigate any adverse impncts the property may have. -8- 81 a a ,. B. r!rh;? local-icn of the project in a valley will reduce adverse impacts to surYounding property. 3. It has been Zetermined that the proposed Precise Devclopn Plan wi.11 not result i.n any siginficant adverse impacts to t11c cnviro:~inent due to the following reasons: A. 7'he conditions of approval include mitigation rceasures outlined in the EIR certified by the San l'rarcos County Water District and mitigate potential adversc! environnenta.1 impacts. . B. The project will he subject to fu,rther review and npproval by effected State and Federal agencies. S a i d x e v i e ~i con s t i t ii t e s e n v i r o nme n t a 1 impact assessment, and insures the p.roject's compatibility with the natural manmadc environment. add i t i on a. 1 4. The proposed Precise Development Plan provides €or publ..i c faci1:ities as necessitated by development and/or appuova1.s in the area: A. T'he propc~sed wastewater treatment facility will scrve as a complimentary use to the existing Eric:ina sewer treatment plant by providing the area wi.th additional sewer capacity. B. r?iic prokosed reclamation facility will reduce the 2rnoGnt of potable water necessary to serve this area in the future. C. Said reclanation system 'could allow for the pre- servati.on 2nd continuation of agricultural producti D. All. oLhn?- pcblic facilities will be available at time of dcvclopment. E: . ?'he projc:.ct is specifically ctxempted from the City's Public Facility Fee Policy (City Council L'olicy No. 17) . C: o n d i. i: io ri F I.. LievcIopinent of the site shall occur substantially as _____..__ ~ ___-.... -- indicated i~n the project description of the certified EIR, J:xliibit F, dated 9/25/79, and as shown on Exhibit A, 13, C, D, and E dated 11/15/79, except for modificati that. r:ay be contained herein and minor modifications no ted plant operational efficiency that are approved by thc Public Works Admi.nistrator. . -9- . I, * a * ' ~ 2. In addition to the approval. of the development indicated in the exhibits noted above, all other requirements and on the final Precise Development Plan. . . appurtciiances as listed in this approval shall be indicat 3. Evcntually all water treated by this treatment plant shal bc reclal-med and used in. a Type I method. To ensure Type I use, the applicant shall prepare to the satisfaction of the Dircctor of Pzrks and Recreation, and the Public Work Administrator f or his designee, a document outlining the method.% for Type I use. It shall contain a plant list of d.rouqi1t tolerant vegetation, water absorption rates per p.lar!L: and soils, and the gallons cf water per acre needed to a.ccomniodatc the proposal. The document shall also include criteria for operating, maintaining and mor:i.toririy the irrigation area and system. This shall hc done pric:x to certification of the treatment plant. 4. Prior to certification of the treatment plant, the applil shall submit writt.en approval from the San Diego Regiona Water Qual-ity Control Board that the following matters have bcion met or are to their satisfaction: A. Adc:luate nonitoring programs have been established to c'etcrmlne salt build-up in soil irrigation by th reclaimed water. .. B. lidc:quat-e ~.noni'ioring programs of algae growth in Batigu.itos Lagoon to determine of such build-up is c~uscici by the proposed irrigation program f or scc.page from the reservoirs. C. Is the ~vcrflo~ system from the reserve reservoir io the Sa:! Harcos Creek drainage basin acceptable. 5. 'The FJai-er Plastcr shall monitor the construction of the WFlStC\*J2?e?C recI.amati.on and distribution system in order to avo:i cl cross-connections with potable water lines. 6. The i.rS.gatio:i system shall be mai.ntai.ned and operated by the Saki Mascos County Water District under a con- tracturi:l ayl-cement that is to yi.ve them total assurancc t.hair. tl~cy would al.ways have the ability to discharge tht c f f 1. ii r' r: i: - 7. The final. desj.cj:i for the treatment plant is to include an cmbaiikment along San Marcos Creek at the plant to guard against flooding. A 1601 permit from California Dc?yartii:c~nt; of Fish and Game is to be obtained for the alteration of the streambed. 8. Seepage-. from the floor of the reservoir is to be collcc and returned to the reservoir. -10- 4 e m . , 9. Prior tp certification of the treatment plant, the applicant shall submit, to the satisfaction.of the Director of Planning, an archaeolo.gica1 report indicating the impacts and mitigating measures with the construction of the p1.a:it site, reservoirs and any lines, spillways, seepage col.lectors, or any other appurtenances which impact archaeologically important sites. 10. Prior to certification of the treatment plant, the applicant shall secure easement rights for the city prohibiting the Location of any habiJable buildings within 100 yards from the southern edge of ths wastewatc: treatment site and the outside edge of the access road as indicated on Exhibit A, dated.11/15,/79. 11. Grading plans for all facilities shall be approved by the Cj.ty Engineer. Such plan shall include provisions to limit gradinq, cut and fill and excavation to the minimum areas necessary to prepare construction sites to reservoirs. 12. Drainage facilities adjacent to the treatment plant shal be designed to accommodate a 100-year flood and protect the treatment pl-ant and reservoirs. These facilities shall be constructed concurrently with grading activity. .- 13. surfaces shall be graded to direct runoff toward desiyne drainage facilities and awa57 from any cut and fill slopes * 14.. Land shall not be cleared of vegetation except irnmediatt before grading, 2nd grading should take place only during the dry season (April 16 to October 31), unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 15. All graded slopes shall be stabiliscd for erosion control immediately following gradi-ng by the developer. 16. Landscape and irrigation plans for graded areas shall be suhmi-tted for the appr0v.a.l of the Planning Director. Ths landscaping shall be desi.gned to screen the treatme facilities and reservoir from surrounding properties. Plans shall include fast growing, tall trees as well as a combination of shrubs and ground cover. Plants shaJ.3. be drought tolerant fire retardent where necessary and easily maintained, The approved 1.andscaping and irri.ga shall. be fully installed prior to the City final approv for the facilities. 17. Natural vegetation shall be retained wherever possib1.e. 18. All pumps, generators and other noise prodicing mechani shall be placed underground and/or shielded jn such a manner to reduce noise to a maximum of 55 dba at propel line of all faci.lities. -11- e e , , *’ . -b I\ - ‘ 19. ~inal plans for treatment facilities :;hall i.ri:i.icate lighting to provi.de adequate night Line 0pei:i-r-I:io~~S. Such lighting shall be designed in a mnnncu so that nearby residences or public streets are not. ,~dversel.y affected. The lighting plan shGll bc subjccl-. .to the approval of the Planning Director. 20. The treatment facility, reservoirs 2nd mec:Ii;i:lic:al appurtenances shall be total.1~ enclo d b’Y ‘! renee Li ’ minimum of 6’ in height axd designed for sc-i~fity purposes, subject to the requirements of t.hc State Water Quality Control Board. 21. The applicant shall. provide evidence 110 tlic City Enyiiicc Chat the method for the cli.sposa1 of r;:Ludyc> (-~iiatcd by the treatment plant has been approvc.6 by t_h~ sppropriatc agency. 22. All equipment proposed to be placed on any YOC,~ shall be screened from public view and subject to t!ic appi:oval of the Planning Director. 23. After app]coval, the applicant shal.1. .sii!irnik ii reproducih. copy of the Precise Devel.opment: Plan xh<ch L~corp~ratcs a1.1 requirements of the approval to the Ci I:y !lanaqe:r for signature. Prior to signing of --the f? r!J ‘Precise Development Plan, the City Manager shclll d ?I X i. n e i: h :: e all applicable requiremetcs have bi’.c:!-i inco r;>-tcd into the plan and that al.1 conditions of ::12pr0\7al have been satisfactorily met or othcir~ise cjuii1:;:nteed ~ ‘.;‘lie final signed Precise Development Plan shzl .I. be I-?>(> offi cial site layout plan for the liroperty anrli shai~! !.IC, attaclieci to any application for a bui.lding 31 mi t fc : -i: h e enlargcment of the treatmcint plant ox-. the scki ,ect property. At t a c hm e n t s Summary ~escription, 2epter;lbe~ 15, 1979 City Council Resolution No. 5871., LC11 ‘L’L-~ tmc11’: PI dEt City Council Policy on Satellite Tri?at;ii!(>i‘i?:. Plaiit-, reviscd -d__l__l- June 1, 1979 1979. 3/29/79, with attached Order No. 79-23. . ’ Report from City Engineer re: floodplain, ci;itec? Novcmbcr 28, Letter from the Reqional Water Quality C‘ontroZ noarc3 datcd, Legal Map for ZC-207 BP: ar -12- EXBEBIT F e @ 9/25/79 S U hpI !,?A RY D E S C R I PT I 0 N of SAN NARCOS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT WASTE \YATER RECLAMATION PROJECT September 25, 1979 , @ PROJECT NO. 02 i (I) c September 25, ., ._. The San Marcos County Water District waste water reclamation project compasses four District elements, all of which are essential for a functioi sys tern : (1) Rehabilitation of the existing District plant and its en- largement to a capacity of 0.6 million gallons per day; (2) installation of a reclaimed water distribution system; (3) construction of a seasonal storage reservoir to hold the total output of the plant over a 90-day winter period; and -. (4) a reclaimed water use area. The existing plint, 1oc;ted on San Narcos Creek just doWrrstream from Santa Fe Road, is about to tic repaired and improved after years of use as operator’s training facility. site to permit treatment of larger flows. of biological secondary treatment, using the extended aeration version of activated sludge process. Secondary effluent will be filtered and chlori An emergency generator will supply electricity to operate ti- Rew units will be added to structures now The refurbished plant will be . before use. during commerci a1 power outages. An aerobic digester for stabilization of excess activated sludge wil provided, as well as equipment for mechanical dewatering of digested slut Dewatered digested sludge will be available for soil conditioner, with st hauled to a sanitary fill approved by the Regional Ia!ater Quality Control ., Ir \ * .. The kter Quality Control Board has issued “waste discharge requirements” PI rnitting the reclamation program to take place. Because Of its totally aerobic design, the enlarged plant will be odor free, serving as the Conmuni ty sewage treatment plant. The existing units operated for many years without odor problem wh’ The reclaimed water distribution system will consist of a 12-inch pip line extending both west and south from the District plant. The westerly will lead to a 4.5 million gallon balancing reservoir in the Rancheros De Costa subdivision, about 3000 feet from the plant site. From this point, z will be pumped throughout Rancheros De La Costa .. and other proposed subdivi to designated areas of dgricultural use and landscape irrigation. /\ total zoo 98 -308- acres will be irrigated, resulting in a water demand averaging 500,000 lons per day. San Marcos County bdatcr District is presently,seeking a mar for the remaining 100,000 gallons per day. I The southerly branch of the distribution system connects the plant t seasonal storage reservoir, located east of Rancho Santa Fe Road, some 35 south of the plant. Capacity of this earthfill reservoir will be 57 mill gallons, someihat greater than needed to retain the full plant output OF lion gallons per day for 90 days. The seasonal storage reservoir will a1 “float” on the distribution system, automatically feeding stored water bz the irrigated area as demands increase. permit and supervision of the State Dcpartnlent of Water Resources’ Divis Safety of Dams. Construction of this reservoir -2- i a e ," ~ 'I . * i T/)c eltjrc piaste watrr reclamation operation is under the control of Regional Kater Quality Control Board, which has issued Order No. 79-23, cow ing recl aimed water qual i ty , a1 ong with permissible arid prohibited practice: in the reclaimcd viater use area. In compliance with Order No. 79-30, all reclaimd water ::ill be used for irrigation and there will be no discharge ( effluent to strcms or otti?r bodies of water. -3- L-c TO P-Lj c DCC Date: &c 4 PC Dat L-C 7-7 p-u. * Assessor Eook: --- ---___-_- c- x //IO/ 1 f -< - ia e 0 /2-28-79 c-- < $;:A a: !.. t ayb IcK ENGINEERING COMPANY 1 'A'N"D""C'?L%'&~E% 3088 PI0 PIC0 DR. SUITE 202 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 P.O.BOX1129 PHONE AREACODE714 729-4987 ADDENDUM TO "SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF S.M.C.W.D. WASTE WATER RECLAMATION PROJECT" DATED 9-25-79 1. Summary Description has been deleted from this project. A hyd pueumatic puinp located near the treatment plant will be used ri Tnis will greatly reduce the expense to build and maintain th( sys tem. 2. The dam embankment is designed for the "Probable Maximum P tation". This guideline is from Table 3(Hydrologic Evaluation lines), page D-13, Appendix D of Volume l(Report of Chief of E on the National Program of Inspection of Dams)of the National of Inspection of Dams Report issued May, 1975 by the Departmen Army, said report issued in response to Federal Public Law No. the National Dam Inspection Law. The dam is classed "high hazard"(that is, if the dam failed, i create loss of life), and "intermediate" size class and theref< designed for Probable Maximum Precipitation. Construction of this reservoir is under permit and supervision State Department Division of Safety of Dams, perinit No. 854-2. The above information was provided by Stan Gizienski, Woodward Consultants. 3. The following information concerning seepage control at the reservoir was excerpted from Woodward-Clyde's "Design Memorandu logic Study, Geotechnical Engineer and Design Services for Rec Water Storage Reservoir No.1, La Costa, California, San Marcos Water District Reclamation Project,'dated September, 1979, Pag The balanbing reservoir as discussed in the September 25, Seepage Control Features The seepage control elements of the design consist of an i core, an upstream blanket, a chimney drain and collector p and a series of relief wells. The geometries of the core and the chimney drain were disc in the previous sections. At the bottom of the chimney dr there is a 6-in. diameter, perforated ACP(Transite Class 2 drainage pipe that collects the seepage water(Sheet 5 of t The perforated drainage pipe at the toe of the chimney dra lrlischarges into twc~ unperforated collector pipes: one wit invert at about Elevation 522.25 feet, and another with in -7 e /. * .,-'~r?ye 2 of 4 ,' c 1'' - '* at about Elevation 520.0 feet. The two collector pipes lead into the concrete-lined sump at the downstream toe pumped back into the reservoir. Although the available geologic data indicate that the bedrock is tight, some seepage might occur in the upper 20 to 40 feet of the weathered rock. To intercept this possible seepage, a series of 35 foot deep, 5 inch diameter wells will be'drilled into the bedrock of the dam at 6-foot centers. The line of well:;, which will be located at the base of the chimney drain, will be filled with free-draining filter material and w.ill discharge into the perforated pipe. of the dam. Any water accumulated in the sump will be 4. The site plan submitted with the Precise Development Plan k. changed from the original application. The amended plan now avoids the archaeological site at the northeast corner of the E and also incorporates improved circulation. 5. Reclaimed water use, See attached "La Costa Northeast Irrigation Plan". e e / 1 /'. - * &24 :I)$* I:-&.: k" -?--- PLANNING CDHSULlAf~TS ENGINEERING COMPANY I ANDClVlL ENClNEtRS _- 3088 PI0 PIC0 DR. SUITE 202 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 P.O. BOX 1129 PHONE AREACODE714 729-4987 . BXf CH LA COSTA NORTHEAST IRRIGATION PLAN (1) Briefly described, the irrigation system will consist of two major phases. The first phase will utilize so-called Type I1 application, which will gradually be replaced by a Type I(2) system a5 development occurs. Although Type TI application is less desirable than Type I, it is an interim measure cnly and is necessary for the reclaimed water system to be viable. Such a phasing is necessary because La Costa is required to acce and use a far greater percentage of the water produced by the pl than will be generated by them(83% and 33% respectively, equal t 500,000 gpd and 200,000 gpd). In later development this will no a problem. The Rancheros Subdivision, for example, is a large development(average 3.8 acre per dwelling unitland will consume much more water than it will produce. However, these lots will most likely be developed individually, and permanent landscapinc - installed at that time. Therefore, an interim system is require to consume the water generated from the San Marcos area. The interim system will be an asset to the area because the plar chosen have a wide tolerance range for water consumption(from 16 inches per year natural rainfall up to 64 inches per year). ThE fore, as Phase 11 replaces the Type I1 landscaping, the plants \ Survive and continue to beautify the area. The plants chosen are also very salt-tolerant and, with occasioi leaching with potable water,will easily accept the salts in the reclaimed water. We have also chosen deep-rooted species to break up the clay-li! soil and so encourage percolation. (1) Type TI use is water used in a manner that normally would be served by a potable water system. Type I use is water used in a manner that would normally b served by a potable water system. (2) 0 e / :-,"- * -- - *. /* /''I *. - : - - The application rate averages 2500 gallons per day per acre; however this application rate ranges from 980 to 6600 gallons per day per acre(January and July, respectively). La Costa's allocated storage in the reservoir is 47.5 million gallons. In the Phase 1 program, as much as 47.0 million gallon: may be stored, however this will stabilize to 46.8 million galloi in Phase PI(based on an average 30 year rainfall figure with a 50% safety figure added). . Xn summary, we believe that, although Phase I: is a necessary seg rnent of the overall reclamation project, and brill eventually be phased out, it will leave the City of Carlsbad and La Costa an area that is aesthetically pleasing and beneficial to them. v I_ c 9- MF!u:ORANDUM e e DATE : May 30, 1979 REVISED : June 1, 1979 TO : FROM: RE: Paul Bussey, City Manager James C. Hagaman, Planning Director AdI; CITY COUNCIL POLICIES GX CALAVERA HILLS 'WASTEWATEE TREATMENT PIANT The Carlsbad City Council has approved the following new city policies in their consideration of the Calavera Hills kreatrner plant. I have listed the policies in two groupsr the first bc those policies applying to the City generally and the second being those policies related directly to thie proposed Calaver; Hills wastewater treatment plant, A) City Wide Policies: 1. It is the City Council policy and determination tha satellite treatment facility is acceptable in the n east drainage basin of the City. The City Council has determined that no wastewater facility will be considered by this Council unless is also designed to be used for water reclamation. The City Council has determined that it is necessar develop a city wide reclamation policy including th principle uses of reclaimed water a-nd has requssted staff to develop a work program for a reclamation p City Council has requested City staff to prepare a program €or agricultural land preservation for the City Council requested staff to prepare a work pro: providing for mitigation of growth inducing aspect: considered in the Montgomery report as fol.lows: a) Public facilities element and capital improvemu Mandated General Plan review every three years 2. 3. 4. 5. prOgKaIn b) c) Urban land reserve program. d) Growth monitoring program. e) f) Specific Plan for special treatment areas. Work plan which includes a City growth managem program, -.i1-FP1..----; *-+e*.?-?? 1- '?w *z?-7-?? -32 30, :,dm 1972 - paul@y=Y /Rev1 June 1, 1979 i B) Determinations directly related to Calavera Hills: 1. City Council indicated a preference for the alternat site 3-B identified in the Montgomery Report. City Council indi-cated desire to review pump station sites along with the treatment facilities for envirc mental considerations. City Council accepted the percolation beds containef the Montgomery Report and indicated their desire to and analyze potential recharge arleas near Rancho Cai Mobile Home Park. City Council determined that additional f ailsaf e 1i1 beyond the normal back-up systems to be built into 1 plant not be included for raw sewage and further de: mined it would delay a decision on an effluent fail! system until an overall Master Plan of satellite trc plants has been adopted by the Council. City Council'determined that a 1.2 mgd plant will b initially at the Lake Calavera Hills site. City Council determined that the financing for the will be prGvided by the developer and that the deve and staff shall enter into negotiations which will, hopefully, require a minimum of reimbursement and C involvement in the financial aspects of the project When staff and developer complete their neqotiatior shall return to the City Council- for their approval City Council determined that the City will maintair operate the plant after completion. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. JCH: jd 6/1/79 .'. - CDMLINL) L. OWUY . -- _-- STA!t C.' C?!tfORtilh .._-....__.___ - __ __ --.- - -_ -_. . . . ___- .--. --- . -I_ . - . - - - - ___ - -. . ___. . - . - .- .-. - .-.- ,' .: 1 . ' .,I /'j .- <>.(.. rj * r 1 .": ,.-- c ,!+ LI FOR ({ 1 /, p, E G 1 o NAL Y;I";,'FER Qv .. ik i!TY C 0 HTR Ot BOAR t l SAH OiEGO REGiOtl 61S4 MISSION GORGE ROAD, SUIIF 105 SAN DIFCO, CALIFORNIA 92\20 T€lEPHONE: (714) 28631 14 jqEy ;,.'a, ;:u R1( AP1 LOWRY & /,.I.JOC. Oat MARCH 29, 1373 $AN WGU a- MR. JAMES F. rqct(cY 1111 S ECR ETA R Y/G c f! LO A L NE. i: A G E R MAR .. 3 0 1979 S}..ld r?&Rcos CnUr41-Y WATsZ g!. STR I CT 788 SAN MAACGS ~?!oU:.C\!:~~CD SAN MARCOSg (:>.',,. 1 FORI.; E A '32&9 DEAR MA. MCKAY: RE: ORDER No, 79-23 ENCLOSED ARE TWO COP;ES OF ORDER No. 79-23 WHICH VAS ADOPTED BY ti^ CALIFO REGIONAL WnTr-ri QUALI?Y CCHTROL BOARD, SAN DIEGO REGION, ON MARCH 26, ESTABLISH RCQU~REP"I~~.~S OR THE SAN MARCOS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, WASTEWATI 1979 R~~ZCLAMATI.~~~ PXOJCCT I-;rInn SAN ?ljiRCOs CREEK. COMPL I ANCE WITH THE REQU I REMEI. OF ORDER No, 79-23 MIL iNVOLVE CONSIOERABLE EFFORT ON THE PART OF THE SA? MARCOS C0LJr:TY WkTCG DISTRICT, STAFF OF THE REGIONAL BOARD WILL BE MAKING QUENT lNSF'L:C'T'!ONS 1.0 FIFSLJRE THAT COHPLIANCE IS ACHIEVED. WE WILL BE PLEA TO WORK WiT!i YOU A?;:? :\sSiST YOU if4 AMY UAY POSSIBLE AT ALL TIMES- PLEASE NOTE THfl EkC!..GSEfi PION ITOR I NG PROGRAM REQUIRED BY ORDER Koa 79A23v Ybordi-roRitd~ EEPORTS SL!ALL a€ FURNISKED, UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, CONTAIN) REQUIFtED INFOR;-:ATIOII AT T)%E FREQUENCY DESIGNATED IN THE MONI.TORItiG PROGRS FAILURE TC SUZPtlT THC REQUIRED HONITORING REPORTS CONSTITUTES A VlOLASlOl THE ORDER >.NO IS A PliSDEI-9EkNCR LINGER DlVlslON 7, CHAPTER 4, ARTICLE 'kt 5' 13268 OF -riic rJ,hLircr;;;iA WATER CODE. THE FIRST tiot.ir~~~ii;C REPORT PC:~IOD REQUIRED DY ORCIER Nq. 79-23 WILL BEG! COPlMENCEMEI.Ii- OF THE D1SCHARGE. THE MOM~TO~~:~;G DATI, t~~is~'a~ SUD~IITTED ON THE ENCLOSED FORM. YOU SHOULO ALL INFORMAT!ON REp!jIRCD TO COMPLETE THE FORM. ON RECEIPT OF THC REPORT WILL REVtE'w )T AN0 TRAtJSMIT A NEW BLANK FORM YO BE USED FOR THE NEXT RE( REPORT WITH OUR ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND COMHENTS. PLEASE CALL. MR. N~C~$I~EL MCCAMN AT THE ABOVE NUflBER IF YOU HAVE ANY QUES IF WE CAN EE OF ANY ASSIS~ANCE -ro YOU. VERY TRULY YOURS, LEONARD OUFITP'AN EXECUTIVE OFFICER ENCLOSURES J' CC: MR. OtNNlS O'LEARY, MR. LAtrNY MERAIN, MR, JOHN MCLUOURN w/ENCL, ' -7 3 ( ;' ;-\ , (;= I. 4-J (1 (t' q *, 4 '. ~. s. CAL:LFOi?i!IA REGI OXAI, P:AT~.R QUALITY cormoL BOARD SAlJ DIEGO REGION ORDER NO. 79-23 VASTE D I SC ILARGE REQUIRENEWTS FOR SA:: 1.kW.COS COUi?TY WATER DISTRICT WASTDI .m EX 13 EC LA~T I ON PR o JE c T li%R S.Ml 1,ViRCOS CREEK The California Iie:{.,lonal. Viater Quality Control Board, San Diego Region (he] Regional Board) ~ rinds tht : 1. bk. James F. ?4cKay, Secretary/Gcneral Manager, San Marcos County Watc Distri-ct (District ), ss itted an incomplete Report of Waste Dischare( December 5, 1978, p~op .in€ to treat and dispose of up to 0.6 millic gallons per dzy (?X;:)) ir, a wastewater reclamation project to be local southerly o€ TA;e Szri ;.krcos and easterly of La Costa i.n San Diego Cc After recejpt of rUdl Lizzal information requested by Regional Board : *he cornpleked Repmt of ?,lzste Discharge. was accepted on February 22, 2. The discharger pro~:?scs to rezctivate and expand their activated sluc secondary treatment ;pl.s.l-'i located near San hlarcos Creek downstrem 0: Ssnta Fe Road. begam ocear, d.i.sposal -th:-o~gTh the Ericina Water Pollution Control Faci The Distric-5 wishec to reactivate the .treatment plant to (1) reuse w that might. oi;herhris.c: be discharged. to the ocean, and (2) provide add wastewater trcatnerit ei15 disposal capacity; Additional treatment un be added thus brin;;ic;: the plant's total capacity to 0.6 MGD of oxi coagulated, filteJ:ec! 2 and disinfected wastewater. The 0.6 I4GD of trczteci s;zstewater would be used to irrigate landsca crops, and open spai=e. Excess effluent would be disposed of by land cation. Provisions -.~ocld be made to dispose of up to 0.5 MGD within Rancho LC Costa de\. ' * _nt on 177 acres. It is anticipated that ad uses would bz dcveloI;cci in the Sail hlarcos area to establish a demand The p!.zzt -":as taken out of service in 1969 when the 3. remining 0.1. liCD of trc::.ted wastewater. 4. The Di.strict proporcs to construct a seasonal storage reservoir (175 €cet) that vould coni::Sn the trcatinent plait's effluent output for 5 The reservoi.r wou1.d store effluent during periods when irrigation di could not, bo used bccause of inclernent weather. The location of thc water trea'imcnt 2nd storzge facilities are shown in Attachment No. I Order. 5. The discha.r[:er re2orts that the sludges produced by the treatment p2 would be aerobically digested then mechanically dewatered. The pro( sludge would be made av:iilable for nearby agricultural or landscapec and surplus dieested r,l.utige would be disposed of at an approved snnj landfill. '1Yic disch::rger reports that the Eiicina Joint Povers Rcgic a e '. .. ,, - -Order No. 79-23 - 2- Sewerage' &enc:y iJT'I'SA) is currently studying an alternative regional solids hzndlinr, i)n:rm and iY carried out, the District's sludge wo1 be transported -t,s -he Enciria llater Pollution Control Facility via se' The District pipop:jses to irnplelnent the above pl.ans in two major phasl The fi-rst pha.r;c: ?wi.Gd be t,he rehabilitation of the existing facilitil provide B treat it capacity of 0-2 IGD. The 1.75 acre-foot storage : voir would be c 3lcted in this initial phase and a portion of the i. gatioa system with sxfficien-t piping to irrigate 75 acres (0.2 MGD) ' Rancheros De L? Ccs'ia de:Telop:nent within the Rancho La Costa develop The no:t phase ~:o:;ld invclve expandi.ng the wastewater treatment and capacii;.ics to C.6 FXD. ?'ne treatment portion of this phase is expec be operational vi-Lhin nine nonths after beginning operation of the f phase; however, t:!e disposal capabilities are expected to be provide incpilicI;t,s as t):le ~;z.,,sie:rater flows increase. efflUeI1i &i.Sy/O:j?l sites Ere shown in Attachment No.11 of this Order. The District prci;'zses to instdl a dual water system in the Rancherc cost 9 s i1bdivi . me systea uould distribute potable water while t gatiori of lari:3 and crops. The La Costa Land Coxpany, dtvelol would (2.) ins the dc31 2istribution system; (2) provide area fo~ water ilisposal~ xthin the suSdivision; (3) establish a .plan of pl.a:it (4) ~OJX; a.n o!-i;tr!izc.tlon to n-nage and operate the disposal system; use con:!-i-tion:s, ccii-enants and restrictions to ensure individunl hone partici.;aztion. Gil??r ~LLJ- uater system would likely be proposed fl dispo:;;il- areas ' they ii~c iieveioped. The dischnreei- ;-ep3sts +:he5 the full treat.ment and disposal facilit pro'vid:? sever er-;ict for about 2,hOO single family dwelling uni level of dcve nt is oxTccted to take 11 years to complete. The and 1939 v;is.t respec Li-rely. 6. . The general locations 7. s y s t cjc -6:s d- d te 'irezted wastewater to the estate size lots 1 8. i pr flom are expected to be 0,135 MGD, 0.506 IrIGD, 9. The 11ji;Lrict ts ihcL the project is for residential developmer and I ndi: c -t ri ii tevaLe1- floi;s are not; expected. The District MOC the ui;e of on self'-regenerated water softeners and the expecte? water to-tal di:;;so?,ved s0.iid.s (TDS) with Co1orad.o River water as the 1,100 i,+y/l. 'Tire ex-,ec-tc.c? bl cnd of Northern California water in the would lover ti::: cff].uent f s TES to 850 mg/l. The Ui.s-tri ct st:p->Ij.es potable water to the 'development area and CVI obtains its wa:Ler sup>ly fron the San Diego Courity Water Authority water siipply j.:; inported Colorado River water and Northern Califori At %lie present tine a blend containing 529 mg/l TDS is being distr: however, this blcnh and hence water quality is subject to change. 10. 11. The di.sch;~rgct- reports thxt the wastewater treatment , transmission age fn.ci]:ities ~:otil.d bc protected against runoff and flooding by 1 freyucncy ra.infai 1 s and rlooc~ flows. ?%e District further reports public would be excluded from the wastewater treatment and storage ., 0 - 3- ', e . Order No. 79-23 I 12. MI-. Dennis O'Leary, I,om-~ and Associates, consulting engineer for thc . District, reports that the volume of subsurface flow leaving the disr irrigation zr'c'as. is not expected to cause surface seeps as it moves C: stream undercround. Ids. O'Leary further reported that if the assumpt regarding underflow prove incorrect, one or more of the following me: would be used. to stop su.rfacing of leachate: (1) revising irrigation practices in areas contributing to surface seeps ; (2) capturing seep: and recycli.i:g to the rc-clxntion operation; (3) planting phreatophytc key Iocations; (4) capturing seepage for use elsewhere; (5) capture : for use in decorative lzkes/evnporation ponds; (6) capturing seepage ocean dispos:il i;inrou~h the Encina. JPRS.4 system; and (7) capturing SCl for d.esalting vith product water being used beneficially and waste b: being discharged to thz ocean. The discharg2r reporkis that the precise 1ocati.on of the landscaping areas would not be kno:;n until the subdivisions are designed and app As such, tho data rcviewed in preparation of drafting these waste di requirements vere not si%e specific. As ,a result, the Regional Boar in cooperation tiith the State and County Health Department staffs, w review ,and zpi)rove the spe'zific disposal sites. The approval of the ment and dispxzl conce$~ adbessed in- these waste discha-ge require is not eppr~-~:al of specific disposal areas and. methods. The lj2stric-L reports t:r?at they would accep'i basic responsibility for wa.stewater rec1anztj.orl project including the ultimate responsibility meeting tl;c:;i. t:astc discharge requirements. The day-to-day operatic irri.gation facll.ities and schedules vould be by a separate properly eiiti'cy, which is cfirrF;:.Ll;r under stucly. supervise the opera-tinz organization to ensure that waste discharae do not occui-. The existin2 and proposed expansion of the wasteweter treatment fac: are locatec ii: the SI2'- ,& of' the NE;", Sectioll 30, T12S, R3W, SBBKM. 'I? posed effl~~~it stor;iz;c pond is located in the 71% of the FR@G, Sectior T12S, R3W, SBCGM. The pz-o'?osed effluent disposal areas would gener: located j.n SecLions 19, 20, 29 and 30, T12S, R3W, SRB&bl. The waste. rcclamation project :is located in an &rea with no groundwater quali. ob2 ectives in the Snn 1-iarcos Ilydrologic-'Eiubunit of the Carlsbad Hycl The "Comprclicnsive Water Quality Control Plan Report for the San Di, Region (9)" (Basin Plan), adopted by this Regional Board on March 1 and approvcci by the State Water Hesources Con-trol Board Qn March 20 and updated by the Regi.ona1 Board on February 27, 1978, established following objectives for surface and ground waters in the San Marco logic Subunit i , 13. 14. The District would instruct 15. 16. @ -4- : 1 e L Order No. 79-23 -. - --_ -._..- +-- -__ Concentration not to be exceeded more than 10 percent of the time Surface water Grow dwater3 - Consti tccr1t. ~_-_- T0t;a.l dissol 500 w/l 1,000 mg/i Chlt.oride 250 W/l 400 mg/l Per c cnt Sodi iL9 60 60 s lil fat e 250 mid1 500 w/1 Nitrate - 10 mg/l Nitrogen & 221 *x - Iron 0.3 mell 0.3 %/I Man &:an e s e 0.05 . mg/1 0.051~g/l Me thy1 e il e b luc: 3. c 1; ive s uii s t an c e s 0.5 me/l Boron 0.5 w/l 0.5 ng/l Dissolved o,xyi:en *H Turbidity 20 JTU 5JTu Flu or' id e 1:o md1 1.0 ng/l 0.5 me/l Odor None None Color 20 :' Units 15 Unit ---*__----- 17. The Easin Phi: 2.3 so cort~5ns the following prohibitions applicable to propcsed disc "Dischnri:c cjf trezted or untreated sewage or industrial waste- water, exclusive of cooling water or other waters which are cl?emica:l!y uchangcd y to a watercourse, is prohibited except in cases whc're the quality of said. discharge complies with -the receiviv; bo?~'s i;rt-t;er quality objectives. "Dit oc hz c I~JTI~ --,.< oT treated or untreated sewage or industrial wastes ?c-i or ~ola-:ie as to cause sustained surface €low or pondins on lands not oxned or under the con-Lrol of the discharger is proh5.L-i-Lcd exccpt in cases defined in the previous paragraph .. - * The gromdwa-tcr 01)jcc-l;ivcs do not apply between €Iwy 78 and El Cmino Rea: ** Concen-L-xnLions of nitrogen and phosphorus, by themselves or in combinatic. with other nut~~.iciil;s, sh3l.l be maintained at levels below those which stj late :.i.lg?-c and. er:icrgcn'v plant growth. Threshold total phosphorus (P) cor centrn.-Lions sh:1.71. not exceed 0.05 mg/l in any stream at the point where j enters amy standins body of water, nor 0.025 mg/l in any standing body 01 water. ***liincty percent or more of naturdl seasonal minimum oxygen concentration i NOTE: 3TU = Jackson Turbidity Units mg/l.= milligrams per liter more than 5.0 me/l mintaincd zt least 90 percent 'of the time. L Order No. 79-23 0 - 5- 0 and in cases in which the responsibility for :ill downstream adverse effects is accepted by the discharger. "The dumping or deposition of oil, garb:!&e, t,rxsh or other solid municipal, industrial or agricd t,ural 1-aste directly into inland waters or watercourses or adjactiit to the water- Icourses in any manner which nay pedt its bein& washed into the watercourse is prohibited. Land grading and similar operations causin,- soil disturbance 11 which do not contain provirions to rriininize soil erosion and limit suspended matter in area runoff are prohiLblt,ed. " 18. Surface waters in the San Marcos Iiy&rolo&i_c Subw1-L are beneficially 1 for :. (a) Agricultural supply (b) Water contract recreation (c) Nonwater contact recres?;ion (e) Wildlife habitat (f) (d) Warm freshwater habitat Preservation of rare and endangered species 19. Groundwaters in the Sm hkrcos !iydrolog;c Subunit PIC beneficially us for: (a) Municipal and dorxstic suF;>Iy (b) Agricultural supply (c) Industrial service supply The San I4arcos County \later District has prepnl-t 2 c2 final environmnt impact report in czccordance witk the Cal ifurnia ?nvi rormentsl Quality (Public Resources Code Seetior; 21000 et seq.) mid the State Guideline 20. 21. The Dtstrict has changed or altered the project as fo3lows: a, Vegetation in the landscaping to reef. ivc xcclahcd wastewater ?K! be selected not only for its oi-nnaent-il VCIUC Ixit. also for its high consumptive use and potential for high xiutrient removal. The effluent will be second2i-y trentrd ir1cludi.r;: coagulation, filtration, and disinfection to a level safe for irrigation neai residences. Low trajectory sprinklers will be used to ~usril qainst the dri of atomized reclaimed watcr into neighboring hones. The irrigation rate will be regulatcrl so that, Lhere would be no runoff. As an additional saf'eguarii against runoff and seepage, collection ditches will be placed at the toes of slopes. b. c. d. 0 e Order No. 79-23 -6- e. Water collecteii zt the toes of slopes will be monitored for phosphorus and I;< tr@gen concentrations. High coJ1centrations will all for rr.r_;?lication of‘ the water to the landscaping; low coiicentrztionr could allow discharGe of the water to the creek. Such rmA-iitoring is especially important during the first railis of t,!~ rainy season arid as salts are periodicaI.ly leacl cti from Lhe soils in the landcapcd areas. If necessary, plant capcity trz%-offs could be arranged to discharge leachate Lhrougl- an ocean outfall. f. There wiil be L collection ditch below the dam to catch any seepwe from the reservoir. That water would be returned to the reservoir. g. .The proposed ireztr.e?t plant design will have back-up systems to prevent adverse irqacts in case of €ailwe of the main system. h. Construction or“ the reclnined vastewater irrigation system wil- compL:, -,cit,h Titlc 17 of the California State Administrative Coc by 5ncludicg z water master on the job to monitor pipe con- nections end to prei-ent cross-connections of the reclaimed watt lines with potr~ble -.<zter lines. i. The jrrigation systm vi11 be maintained and operated by the San I:nrcos Coixt~- Vster District under a contractual ngreenent that will Give t: total assurance that they will always have the ability tc, Cischarge the effluent sa€ely and efficiently. The pimpsc:d se;rn:;e trea+,mer,t faciliti es will use aerobic proc to minimize ill? pteritial for odor. A sludge filter press wil used zt the en& cl^ the treztzent process to minimize the stora time of sludge c:isiLe. The sludge handlcd through the filter will bc transprted offsite to a county landfill or to be used domesti c gardens. Mzlfunctions in the trcntmerit system result in odors will lac:t in most cases only a €el7 hours and rarely m than o;Je or two d3j.s. Also, there Will be enough fluctuation the level of ‘L;a’Lcr in the reservoir through either irrigation or the infusion of rainwzter to prevent odors from occurring a reservoir due to stagnation of the effluent. j. 22. Tkle chanl;cs or aI.tpi-ztions of the project mitigate or avoid the adv >rater quality impacts of the project. 23. The Reg? on:LI I3oa-d h:a considered 81-1 environmental factors associa with the proposed discharge of waste. 24. The Regional Board h?s notified the discharger and all known intcrc parties of its intcat to prescribe waste discharge requirements for proposed discharge - 0 'e ._ .-. ~. Order No. 79-23 -7- 25. The hegioml Bonrd 5.n a public meeti.ng heard and considered all come1 pertaj.nir,g to the i>roposed discharge. IT IS HEi33i' C3DLTZl, That the San iihrcos County Water District shall conp with the foi3.o;iing vas;t- discharge requirements for, the wastewater reclaa pro j ec t : A. PROEIRITIONS 1. Discharges of vastes to lands which have not been specifically described to the ReGional. Board and for which valid waste disch requirements are not in force are prohibited. By-pazsing 01- direct discharge of treated or untrezted liquid or solid wastes to San hrc~s Creek or tributaries thereto is proh Discharge or k-astes to runoff impounhent facilities is prohibi 'fie VasteI.i:!.+LCr or sl1.1dze 6isposal operations shall not cause o? or other ,n:iiszr?ces beyond the limits of the treatcent plant si1 Di-y--c Jriudin~ of sludge 3y cethods or at locations otjer than thost (iescrlbed in the Report of Waste Discharge or in the findings ( this Order is prohibited. Discharges of xastes other than domestic sewzge into the Sewer are grohitited. Discharses of water softener regeneration bri into the sc'::er ~--r -3 ,te:!;, aye specifically prohiblted. Y'he iiisclhs;.~c of wzs'i.ewater or sludge shall not: (a> (b) (c) (et) (e) (f) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Cause 'L~T presence of colifom or pathogenic organisms in wa'if:r pwnped i'rorn the bas5.n; Cause tiic occzrsenre of objectionable tastes and odors in waterr; p~~pd frm the basin; Cause i.;a-:;cl-s pinpcd from the basin to foam; CRUSE -the presence of toxic materials in waters puaped from thc basin; Cause tile plI of waters pumpcd from the basin to fall belon 6.0 or rise above 9.0; Cause t1ij.s Regional Board's objectives for the ground or surl'ace w;iters of the San Mnrcos Hydrologic Subunit as ~~;i,ab].ished j.n the Basin Plan to.be exceeded; Cauce odors, septicity, mosquitoes or other vectors, weed growth or other nuisance conditions in San hlarcos Creek or its tributaries; Causc a'surface flow in San Marcos Creek or its tributa Or (g) (h) (i) Cause a pollution, contamination or nuisance. ,- a 0 . ' Order No. 79-23 -8- B. DISCIIMGZ SPECZFICATIOKS 1. ???e rnonthiy :i.;erage concentration of ?-Day 20° Centigrade bioch cal oxygcn demand in the discharge to the irrigation or storage faci.l.i-tie:r sh"1.l not exceed 30 mi11.igrm per liter (mg/l) as d mined fro::: s 2lr-hour proportioned-to-flow composite smple. TI- dftj.ly m>::i?%IJ~i concentration shall not exceed 45 mg/l as determi in my sii?glc- grab sarnple or 24-hour composite sanple. The concen'ircl-tion of suspended sol-ids in the discharge to the i gation or rStor.age facilities shall not exceed 30 q/l as detem from a 24-i:o::r proportioned-to-flov composite sample. The dai: maximurn concentration shell not exceed 45 rng1l.a~ determined ii single grab sznple or 214-hour composite sample. ?'he storage ponds shall be so managed that a dissolved oxygen ( centration of EO% less than 2.0 w/l is maintained in them at 1 tixes. Iiastcs 3 j.ncluding ~ind'~10m spray, shall be strictly confined - lanc?s spce5 -Ficalljj deslipated for the. di,sposal operation and i eation pi-e.dlces so mzr-zged that runoff of effluent from the i z,r e as does nct occur a-t miy time. Cozccr,trat.icns of riinerel constituents in the discharges from wastewa.tcr 'Lreztmen-t plant shall no-1; exceed the following: 2. ' 3. 4. 5. -I___--. - Iiicrenent over C ocs t it ue n t water supply* ____ Total. cii.ss;olved solids 400 mg/l Chlori ?<e 200 me/]_ Sulf n Le 100 mg/l SOtlil<LY 200 mg/l __ "This rcq:ii.rcnent is based on quarterly analysis of the Water ' SlJ?pQ. 6. EfiTuent used. Ear irrjg:-ttion on the individual residential 10 nt all tines conform with the provisions of Section 60303 of Tlivisi.on I+, cf the Cc~l.ifornia Aaininistrativc Code in their pr form or as thcy rnay be amended. Effluent used for irr-igation of lcandscaping shall at all tirnc form with the provisions of Section 60313 of Title 22, Divisi the Califorriia Administrative Code in their present form or s may be nmcndcd. 7. e -9- 0 *- Order No. 79-23 8. Effluent used for irrigation of food crops shall at all times co form with the provisions of Article 2, Title 22, Division 4, of the California Administrative Code in their present form or as t may be arrended. 9. Effluent used in recreational impoundments shall at all times cc form with the provisions of Article 5, Title 22, Division 4, of Cali-fornia Adxinistrative Code in their present form or as thzy be amended. 10. Smpling of effluent shall at least be conciucted as specified i Article 6, Title 22, Division 4, of the California AchLnistrati Code in its present forn or as it may be zmended. 11. .Adequate storage facilities shall be provided to contain the ef during and after periods of rainfall when disposal by irrigatic cannot be successfully practiced. All waste treatment, contaimnent, and disposal facilities (incll storage ponds with the exception of irrigztion ereas, shall be tected against 100-year peak strem flovs .. as defined by the Sar County flood control agency. 12. 13. All waste treetrnent , containqcnt znd disposal facilities (incii storage ponds, with the exception of irrigation areas, shall bc tected against erosion, overland rurioff 2nd other impacts resu from a 100-yea- frequency 24-how storm. Concentrations of radioactivity in the discharge zbove backE1-o level shall not exceed those specified in the Cali€orr,ia AdTin Code, Title 17, Section 30355, Table 11, Column 2. Background is defined as the activity in the potable water supply of the County Water District. The annual application to land of cadmium from sludge shall no 0.5 kilograms per hectare (0.202 kilopams per acre). The wasteuater reclamation facil.ity shall. meet the (lCsi!Y and ability requirements of Articles 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the Calif01 Administrative Code, Title 22. An engineering report conform: Section 30323, Article 7, shall be developed. Pursuant to requirements of the State Health Department, thc County Water District shall establish rules and rc&atiotis g the design and operation of facilities using reclaimed wastew Irrigation practices and regulation of tlie storace ponds arid enercency holding facilities shall be tlie immediat,e and dircc bility of the San Fiarcos County Water District at all times. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. e t brder 79-23 e -10- 19. The Snri :2rcos Coi-iii?.y Water District shall not deliver treatec unLrea-ic,d ;;as',ei;atiir for discharge to those users who, by rea: their -t,;.mspt'rtinc, using, . storing, etc . practices, cause nui. e:! with ricstexater or otherwise contribute to the vio. of the riqaircnents of this Order. C. PRO~ilSIOI~s 1. T'ne d5s jrger shell cozply with i?otiitoi-ing aiid Reporting Pro{ as specified by the Executive Officer. Unless othei , the 14oniLoring and Reporting Program shall be in el upon j.ni:,iF:kion of the discharge from the facility. In accorc the pxovIsicris of Section 13267(b) of the Water Code, the mon: .il be si:bziit;ted under penalty of perjury. reat:r?c:3L an:! disposal facilities shall be complete 3per.eble prior to the initiation of the dischzrge the fac',i: t:.es shs.1.l. initia1l.y have adequrtte capacity for the fl.ow of 6.2 :,:GI. E. report froin the design engineer certifyi shall h:? t Lc;d -0:: the dischal'ger prior to cormencment of adequacy CjY e~ch Cc onzn'c of the treatment and disposal facil e ce:.--tification report shall contain a requireme ased on acceptable engineering practice sical designs of the fecilitfcs vi11 en te discharge requirements .. The ccrtifi report L!iz-'?>.l ~lso cz::cEm the aesign details of the proposed e La ,.- a25 %!~e 2etails of how the District's continued szl a23 skorage areas is guaranteed. . The design e i~ture and engineering license number to th ,. ficati0i.i I-c-~T~ e?'? shodd subit it prior to construction of faci1i.Li.c:: ~ !&e dls'?hzrge shall not be initiated until: - t -. i cztion report is received; rial Bxri has been notified of 'the conpletion of l.wj.15ties -E;; the discharger; An j~~~~~cckio~ 12: the facil.ities has been made by staff .' Ccgion~.?. 3=.ard ; and L7 (c) has noklrled the discharger by ].et-ter that the discl;arse cari >e initiated. 3. Prior to !.lie F;ZS~C-T;L~,C~ flow through the treatment and disposa: facil itj-c:: c:cc.eeliinG the establi slicd capacities, the District : co1npI.y ~~i~,li Prouis-i.cr:s of No. 2 above to gain approval for any adilitionol trestr~~cnt and disposal facilities. The disch:c-[;e:-'s vastesriter treatment plant; shall be supervisec operated by ;)ei-sons possess in^ certificates of appropriate grad pnrsuant Lo C'r;zpter 3, Subchepter 14, Title 23, Cali€ornia Admi Code * 4. Order No. 79-23 e -13.- * 5. The dj.scharfi;cr shall notify this Regional Board, by letter, of the comrnenccxxmt of the discharge. The d.i.schari;er shall grant adnissiori to the premises of the Wac treatm?nt arid d.is;,osal facili-ties to menibers of this Regional Boal-6 snd its staff at such times as mzy be necessary in the cc duct of their c?uLies in connection with the waste discharge rec 6. ments estabI:i.siics.d herein. 7. Waste discharge rsquirements shall remain applicable regardles: A change in ownership shall bt changcs in ow.ership or lessee. reported pronpt2.y to this Regional Board 'by letter. 8. The ciigrineerini; report required by Discharge Specification 16 : . be submi-tted to the Regional Board, State'Bealth Department, 21 San Diego Coun:~y Health Department. The discharge shall not bt initiated uriLi.1. the en-gineering report is received End acceptec the Executive Ofi'icer of the Regional Board. 9. The rules aid regfiations required by Discharge Specification : shal.?~ be subxi-tted to the Regional Board, State Health Departrnt and Sa.n Diego i:o;jrlt,y Health Department. The discharge shall nc init;i.alted unt!.3. the rules and regulations are received and acct by the Executive Officer or the Regional Board. 10. The ri3o-re-prescribe2 waste discharge requirements cre establis' only for (a) T, waste disposal operation as described in the Re of Waste L)isc,:;?rge and in the fizidings of this Order, and (b) waste ciischa.rge -mlime not in excess of 0.6 MGD. ll. Prior -Lo ini-!;jz.iiI;z discharges of wastes from the San Marcos C Water D-is-tric-tls facilities at locations other than those prov for by this 0r2er or pricr to initiating a.ny material chncge i characteristics or vol.uze of discharge, the discharger shall ( mit 3.2 copies of a supplementary Report of Waste Discharge, co with €:ling fec., describing the proposed changes, and (b) ob-La dischar-ge requirczmts for the. proposed changes. 12. This C?rcl.er -is rescinded on !+:arch 26, 19814. If the dischar[;er to continue -!,he. discharge after that, an application for new w dischnrgc requ-ircmen-ts must be submitted by January 1, 1984. 13. If construction of the facilities described in the Report of L Discharge has not begun by 14arch 26, 1330, this Order will cxy that &de. Siiould -the discharger wish to extend the expiratic of' tl-1T.s Order, a written request must be zubmitted to the Exec Officer no later than January I, lg80. Should the dischxrger wish to initiate the project followin& t expir;ri;j.on of this Order, 12 copies of a new Report of Waste 1 comp3.ete with filing fee must be filed. e -12- e ’ Order EO. 79-23 14. A copy of the:-e requirements shall be posted at a prominent lo at or ncar the treatment/disposal facilities. Attachowiits I a~?d I1 I, Leomxrd Burt~c~, Exec~~5Zvc Offieel., do hereby certify the foregoing i triie, ~rrd corrcct copy of G~Z &der adopted by the California Regional Wu ControI Board, Sm Dieyo Fqion, on Hmch 26, 1979. &a& L%r(. Leonard Burhan *. Exemtive Officer TjXATMENT PLANT s ITE PROF'OSCD EFFLUENT STOPJ\GE RESERVO 1 R POTENTIAL EFFLUENT D I SPOSAL AREA L I bl ITS OiER iXl, 79-23 3 0 e a- CALIFORNIA IiEGIONlrL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD SAN DIEGO REGION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM NO. 79-23 FOR SAN l+W.COS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT WASTEWATER REC LAMTI ON PROJECT NEAR SAN PYLRCOS CREEK GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR SAWLING AND AT<ALYSIS Unless otherwise noted, dl sampling, samplc preservation, and analyses t be conducted in accordance with the current edition of “Guidelines Estab‘ . Test Procedures for Analysis of Pollutants,” promulgated by the United S‘ Environmental Protection Agency, or approved by the Executive Officer. All analyses shall be performed in a laboratory certified to perform suc analyses by the California Department of Health or a laboratory approved the Executive Officer. With the exception of those for well water analyses, srimples shall be 24 proportioned-to-flow composite samples unless otherwise specif ied. samples shall be representative of the waste discharge under the conditi of Dcak load. All GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR REPORTING For every item where the requirements are not met, the discharger shall a statement of the actions undertaken or proposed which will brine, the ( into full compliance with requirenents at the earliest tine and submit I table for correction. By January 30 of each year, the discharger shall submit an annual summa to the Regional Board. The report shall contain both tabular and graph summaries of the monitoring data obtained during the previous year. In the discharger shall discuss the compliance record and the corrective a tak-en or planned which may be needed to bring the discliarge into full c with the waste discharge requirements. The discharger shall file a written report within 90 days after the ave weather flow, €or any month, equals or exceeds 70 percent of thc design ’ of the waste trcaiment or disposal facilities, Tlic report shall contai schedule for studies, design, and other steps needed to provide additic or limit tie flow below the design capacity prior to the time when the rate equals the capacity of the present units. ?IONITORING PI<DGRAM The discharger shall submit technical reports conccrning the quantity ; of the discharge, using the attached format, in accordance with the fc schcdule. e e Mon i tor in g arid Kcp or ting -2- Program No. 79-23 A. Effluent --_I 1. Effluent examination sliall be conducted for the following items frequency shown, and reported at monthly intervals: De term i na ti on Un i 1: Frequer 5-day ZOO Centigrade biochemical md.1 Weekly Suspended solids - Total w/ 1 . Weekly Suspended solids - Volatile mg/l Week11 mgll Month Total dissolved solids mgll Month . Chloride Month Sulfate mg/l mg/1 Nonth Sodium Fluoride mg/l Honth Boron md1 Flonth Montt Dail Synthetic detergents Montl Pcrccnt sodiu;n ** Coliforms"-- MPN/~OO ml. ** S e ttl eab le sol ids* '* * Turbid i t y oxygen demand me/l Dissolved oxygenk %/I mlI1 J TU 2. A daily log of the volurile of water discharged through the irr systems and the areas irrigated sliall be reported monthly. Volume of effluent flow from thc treatmcrlt plant shall be mei recorded continuorsly, to the Regional Board monthly. 3. Volume of flow for each day shall be B. Storage FaciLi tics when the storage facilities are in use, dissolved oxygen concent shall be determined at least daily on grab sarnp1r.s taken at the and bottorn, not later tlian 8:OO a.m., and reported monthly to tk bard. The samples ~11311 be collected from tlie deepest portion storage f acil i ties . * Grab sample. ** Smpling frcqucncy shall be in accord with Section 60321 of Art5.c State I)cpartrnr!nt of Hcalthfs "Wastewater Reclamation Criteria'' in form or as it may be aruerided. ml/l : milliliters pc Note: mg/1 = milligrams per liter JTU = Jackson Turbid . MI"/100 nil. = Nost Probable Number per 100 millilitcrs e -3- e -Monitoring and Reporting Program No. 79-23 C. Potable Supply Waters Examination of the potable water supplied to ‘the service area of th wastewater treatment facilities shall be conducted for the followir items quarterly with the results reported quarterly; - Cons t i tuent Unit Total dissolved solids mgll Chloride m.S/ 1 Sulfate mg/l Sodium mg/l D. Sludee - 1. Sludge excaminations shall be conducted for the following items annually with the results reported semiannually: Deter; ination * Unit L Cy ani d e ndkg mdkg Cadmium %/kg Chromium, Eexavalent mg/kg Copper mg/kg Lead ndkg Mer cur y mgflcg Nickel mglke Silver mgk Zinc mdkg Phenolic compounds m.!3/kg Ar s en i c 2. A daily log of the quantity of sludge haulcd for disposal and point of disposal shall be submitted to tilis Regional Board q Tlic report shall contain the cadinium loading rate to land fro sludge disposal operations. Ordered by LGJb Leonard Bur hian Executive Officer Mmch 26, 1979 Note: mg/kg = milligrarns per kilograms * Grab samples RDR : rncw : hmd '. .. 0'. , . ' .;!, c/ ,&<> c_ 'e:: ..-. j. y I- .. 'I /r . STATE BOARD SYSTEM -_-_ Ci '.I .' ' ' ( 9 r,.. , // i. L?I.. ' ,.. - -. ,.\ - . I EXPLANATION ' su.cc DRAINAGE PROVINZE BCUll DARY --- HYDROGRAPHIC UKIT BCUNDARY; - HYDROGRAPHIC SUBUNIT BOUNOARY '. -5-5- H Y D R 0 G R A PH I C I; U R A RF A R nlltJ nA RY J_9. ,o ic- '" yz2;*> ._ - .. - - - - -y.,..*.o-,- 0 9.30 I vi,,,cr > - _____- 5wcctwa:cr - ?I" __ --:iT:: lLl~-- Tir Itt~n3. who -+,.,a D,rrr:f l.\'.C 11 41) * >l<.P<,,:,v"l .?LE __ -Il.G--l-~~~; QLB - 11.6orjcO':'"L\i~ -__ o to. - 1J.70 I C.in!.-ron ".;".+-. .a'i. 0 o;-o-+-. I,rO I J&,L<LE - _~_*. . - g 15: : -_~9-. 0 0 - -e_ - --. 71.a0 1 campo o 0.. 0' I -7--F-rI-;-t Y,Cr";rr?:.l; 5 15 ,.a,!* rr.d Sub~rl.i. ~ --... 04.. Tu:b:4.*y Cdul . F - I_ 'Io5 CI >&a so A& Fr t.1- t:Zr\> a [:x) ~L.-;,.~ .A +P . 0 Srn JItaq L'n:c 1.10 1.iO. 1.50. 1.40. 1.50 CQ Sant;, L(>rclrl:r U>;t ~.~0.~.13.~.:0.~.n0.2.~b 1. LO. Z.W. 2.50. 2.a~ s.00 52" Lci, R.y cnir 1.10. 1.20. %.IO A.C* C*rlrbA.l L-ni: i. 10. 4.1'1 1.20. #.IC. J.~o. 4.60 $ 95 5110 Durxu,lm C'nk ~.lO.I.LO.5.10.~.~O.S.SO 6 CJ P~nz>q-~;c~. Unit 5.10. 6.211. 6.40 8.10. 6.50 l.W Srrn DIIIJ Voir 7. I1 7.\~?.11. 7.20. 1.10. 7.+U su.,c 20 20 1.0 Acre 20 LO I,O IO00 40,) 60 %a0 a 0.1 0.oi 0.5 0.5 $30 259 60 ZIO a 0.3 0.05 0.5 0.5 .. ~ , 20 1.0 . t:on. LO 750 100 ao 501, 0.3 O.O< 0.5 0.5 500 253 60 250 a 0.) 0.C; 0.5 0.5 &on. 20 13 1.0 ' I %an. 23 20 l.0 530 zia sa ' LSO 0.1 0.05 0.5 0.5 honr 20 20 1.0 Kc.*- 20 20 1.0 so0 zia so zia 1 0.1 0.05 0.5 0.5 xon. 23 20 1.0 SOU 250 65 ZSO 0.1 0.05 0.5 0.5 KO". 20 23 1-0 son* 20 20 500 250 60 I50 a 0.3 0.05 0.5 0.5 s . ,- Kcm 23 20 Xone 20 2n Ken. 20 za 1.0 liOO 400 69 5C0 a 0.5 0.05 0.5 1.0 1GQCJ 400 60 500 0.1 0.05 0.5 1.0 300 $0 63 6j 1 0.1 o.oi 0.' 'so s.aJ coronrd0 C-~~C z. IC. 8. ZJ. a. 10 *.to s*c<t"atw unit 9. io 9.20. 9.10 io.ca otSI unit 10.20 10. 30 Ll.09 TliSuua Voir 1I.Il 11.20. 11.10. tl.40, 11.50. 1l.LO. 11.lJ. I1.RO L *on. 20 2') x-ior LO 20 Kc,. 70 20 1.0 1501 530 60 500 a 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.s SOU LSO 60 zia a 0.3 0.0; 0.5 0.5. K,nr 20 LO 1.0 -socr 20 20 1.0 LCD0 400 E0 SO0 s 0.) 0.0s 0.5 0.5 500 Zi3 60 250 a 0. 3 0.05 0.5 0.5 son. 20 20 . la 1.0 .- 500 7.10 60 250 s 0.3 0.05 0.5 t.0 : Xon+ 20 I ____ - zloo rES FeR-TAf3;ES 4-6 e -e CONC~NTRATIONS GIVEN IN HC/L OR AS NOTED, EfAlLED SALT BALANCE STUOIES ARE RECOMMENDED FOR THIS AREA TO DETERMlNE fM1TIHG fl1NERb.L CONCENTRATION LEVELS FOR DISCHARGES- ON THE BASIS OF XISTING DhTA, THE TADLULATED OBJECT1 VES WOULD PROBABLY BE HAINTAINCD IN OST AREAS- UPON COtlPLETlON OF THE SILT BALANCE STUDIES, SIGNIFICANT WATER WALITY ODJECYIVE REVISIONS HAY BE NECESSARY. IN THE INTERIM PERIOD OF TIME, ROJECTS OF GROUNOWATER RECVARGC WI TU WATER QUAL1 TY I NFERl OR TO THE TABULATED UPIERl CAL. VALUES MAY BE PERMITTED FOLLOW1 tlG # NDl VI DUAL REV1 EW AND ADPROVAC BY ME REGloNhL BoARD IF SUCH PROJECTS DO NOT DEGRADE EXISTING GROUNDWATER UALlTY 70 THE AQUIFERS AFFECTED BY THE RECHARGE. NE RECOMMENDED PLAN WOULO ALLOW FOR HE+eUCbli3&kJb HEASUQLCLC OCGRAOAYI OM OF ROUNDWATER I ti THIS BASIN YO PERMIT CONTINUED AGRICULTURAL LAN0 USE. 01 NT SOURCES, HOWEVER, WOULD BE CONTROLLED TO ACHI EVE EFFLU~NT QUAL1 TY ORRESPONDI NG TO THE TABULATED NUMERICAL VALUES. 1 N FUTURE YEARS OEM1 NERALI- ATlON May BE USED TO TREAT GROUNDWATER TO THE DESIRED QUALITY PRIOR TO USE. PORTION OF THE UPPER MISSION BAsltd IS BEING CONSIDERED AS AN UNDERGROUND -TABLE WATER STORAGE RESERVOIR FOR TREATED IMPORTED WATER. THE AREA IS JC~TED NORTH OF HIGHWAY 76 ON THE BOUNDARY OF HYCROGRAQHIC SUBARCAS 3.11 ND 3-72. If THIS PROGRAM IS ADOPTED, LOCAL OBJECTIVES APPROACHINC THE UALlYY OF THE IMPORTED WATER WOULD BE SET AND RIGOROUSLY PURSUED. .o SIGNIFI~ANT AMOUNT OF GROUN~WATCR IN THIS UNIT. HZ: bJATER QUALITY OBJCCTIVES DO ROT APPLY TO HYDROGRAPHIC SUBAREA 1.73 ON THE ‘ OLSTAL SIDE OF INTERSTATE HICHW~Y 5- TnE OBJECTIVES FOR THE REMATWDER OF YDRoGRAPGLC SUBAREA 3-13 ARC AS SMO‘JN, - , r ..- ---- ***.-A- C. m ..L* USA ?.* .‘-l,.., ,++J,*ei42k*bL+<,>-, i 4* \I.’’% -, t 8 ’.’ . HE UATER QUALITY OBJECTfVES DO NOT APPLY TU NYDR SUDAREAS 16-51 AND -_ ! -52 EEVUEEN ki!GHI.I.L.Y 78 AND EL CAt-lINO REAL kND TO ALL LANDS WHICH DRAIN TO <OONLIGtIT CREEK. THE ODJCCTI VES FOR Tt4E REPIAI NDER OF THE NYOROGRRPlit C SUDUNl T RE AS SHOWN, --..cI.-”ur.p -..- .. ---- - I&--‘- --...-..I11 L - - ~ . __.-__ I..%.-G **-. - .. r ?_* ......I HE WATER QUALlTY ODJECTIVCS 00 N3T APPLY TO ALL LANDS WHICH DRAIN YO LOS .--*.. ,.j -,. *‘. --.”-.-.. + ---->%+.yt *--- T ’ENASQUITOS CAr4YON FROM ?,5 MILES WEST OF INTERSTATE HtGHWAY 15 TO INTERSTAYE 1iOHWhY 5. 7’14E OBJECTBVES FOR TliE REHAINDER OF THE ItYOROGRAPHIC SUBUMIT ARE rS SHOWN. +!E WATER QUhLlTY ODJECTIVES 00 NOT APPLY WEST OF INTERSTATE tiiGHWAY 15. WL OBJECTIVES FOR THE RLlMAINDfIR OF THE HYDROGRAPHIC SUBUNIT ARE AS SHOWN, HE WATER QUALITY OBJECTIVES Do NOT APPLY WEST Of HOLLISTER STREET- THE p6JECTIVES FOR THE REHAINOER OF THE HYDROGRAPHIC SUDUNiY ARE AS SHOWN. HE WATCR oUALITY oOJCCTIVES Do NOT APPLY WESTERLY OF THC EASTERLY BOUNDARY IF INYERSTATE HIGHWAY 5. THE OUJECTIVES FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE HYOROC c -UBUKlT (SUBAREA) ARE AS SHOVN. r, L Y 0 V t 'J \ MEMORANDUM DATE : December 31, 1979 TO ; Wayne Dernetz, City Manager FROM: James Hagaman, Planning Director SUBJECT : SAN MARCOS WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT PDP-3 The Planning Commission has recommended approval of the subject Precise Development Plan with conditions. Planning Commission's action was based on land use and the did not consider the issue of who has the authority of distributing reclaimed water. Staff believes a condition should be added that requires the City and San Marcos County Water District to enter into an agreement that permits SMCWD to distribute water within the City of Carlsbad. This is desirable since some of the areas that the reclaimed water could be sprayed upon are in the Olivenhain Water District (including the storage reservoir). Recommendation It is recommended that the following condition be added to the recommended approval of PDP-3. The intent of the Public Utility Zone. The Planning Commission 23. Prior to approval of the final Precise Development Plan, the San Marcos County Water District shall enter into a service agreement with the City of Carlsbad to permit the distributing and disposing of water from the waste water treatment plant on property within the incorporate limits of the City of Carlsbad. BP: jd .L e e ' . L% ' *. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Precise Development Plan (PDP - 3) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Carlsbad City Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, January 15, 1980 at 6:OO P.M. in the Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, to consider the reactivation and expansion of an existing wastewater treatment facility on propert] west of Rancho Santa Fe Road, at San Marcos Canyon, and more particularly described as: "A parcel of land lying within the northeast quarter of Section 30, Township 12, South, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California." 9 r; The Precise Development Plan also includes two water map. APPLICANT: LA COSTA LAND COMPANY PUBLISH : January 5, 1980 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL r reservoirs in the immediate area as shown on the attach6 SAN MARCOS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT mm7- r L~OTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PDF43 NOTICE is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 7:OO P.M. on Wednesday, December 12, 1979, to consider a reactivation and expansion of an existing wastewater treatment facility on property west of Rancho Santa Fe Road, at San Marcos Canyon, and more particularly described as: A parcel of land lying within the northeast quarter of Section 30, Township 12 south, Range 3 west, San Bernardino Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, The Precise Development Plan also includes two water reservoirs in the immediate area as shown on the attached map. Those persons desiring to speak on this subject are cordially invited to attend the meeting. If you have any questions, please call 729-1181 and ask for the Planning Department. APPLICANT: La Costa Land Company PUBLISH: December 1, 1979 San Marcos County Water District r ” ---a=-.- -____ Parcel: c) a{ --- Assessor Book: ax 2 Exisiing Zone: L.-L 1. P-c Proposcci Zone : School District: J~~~;~ /j/lJY L~J \7<iter District: J i’;i C kL 0 Sanjtation District: .fb% [ Const Fcrmit Area: KO. of Lots: PI__ _c_