HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-01-15; City Council; 6139; Facility use Regulations and Fees,. m v Initial: Dcpt . EId -fl& C, Attye DEPARTMENT: Parks and Recreation c. Mgr.*j . FACILITY USE .REGULATIONS AND FEES Statement of the Matter There is presently a departmental policy "Regulations Governing Use of -the Community Center" that sets policies, rules and fees for facility use. With tne pending completion of the renovation of Harding Street Community -Center and the recent completion,of Magee House, it is necessary to update the regulations and fee schedule, which is approximately four years old. . The department has reviewed the policies and fee schedules used in other cities in the county while considering the needs of the city. The Parks and Recreation Commission has reviewed the proposed facility use regu- 1 ations and has made several recommendations which have been incorporated, Exhibits 1. Proposed Facility Use Regulations report 2. Comparison - Facility Fees (Other Cities) 3. Memo to City Manager from Finance Director, dtd December 2'7, 1979. Recommendation .That the Council adopt the proposed regulations and Sees and direct that they be included as a policy statement in the Council Policy Manual. Council Action: 1-15-80 Council returned the matter to staff for changes reflecting Council discussion. , CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT FACILITY USE REGULATIONS GENERAL INFOECWTION TO APPLY FOR USE OF FACILITIES Application for use of City facilities may be made at the Parks and Recreation Department office weekdays, except City holidays, at 1166 Elm Avenue between 8:OO a.m. and 5:OO p.m. Applications will be reviewed, use will be prioritized and fees, if any, set by the Parks and Recreation Director or a designated employee.- Fees, if any, must be paid to the de- partment office prior to approval for use. approved, fees may be picked up immediatelv at the department office. "Facility Fee Schedule". If use is not Please refer to "Application Procedures'' and Applications approved for use may be picked up by applicant prior to date of use,'as none will be mailed bv the department. I APPLICATION PROCEDURES 4) 5) Application must be made in writing on the department's "Facilit Use Request'' form and shall be made at least seven (7 3 days in advance of the first date requested. Late applications may be denied. Normally, aDplications shall not be made for more than three (3) mbnths in advance. Exception may be made for large events requiring advance scheduling and publicity. In the event of a change in plans, notice of cancellation must be given to the department office forty-eight (68) hours before the date of intended use, in order to avoid financial obligation for any charges involved. Reimburse- ment may be made upon written request by the applicant on the City's refund form, available at the department office, and refundable fee will be mailed to the applicant. Applications will be aDproved for specific dates and hours, and time requested must-include all preparation, set-u? time, as well as clean-up time following use. Applications will be approved for specific rooms, area or facility, and assignment will be made by the department dependent upon group size, type of activity, and availa- bility of facilities. No activity shall be scheduled for more than room capacity. The department reserves the right to limit the number of uses by any one group, so that the entire community may make use of the limited facilities available. 6) Regular hours of use will be weekdays, Monday through Friday, 9:OO a.m. to 1O:OO p.n. and Saturdays, 1O:OO a.m. to 5:OO p.n., excluding City Holidays. ! Please note, that on Sunday through Thursday nights, - ___ all programs must end by 11:OO p.m. with departure time no later than 12:OO midnight. On Friday and Saturday night, programs must end by 1:00 a.m. with departure time no 1a;er than 2:OO a.m. .. . Use of: facilities during times other. than "regular" hours will be assessed a fee to provide for operating costs, regardless of group's classification on the fee schedule. 7) All fees must be paid to the department office prior to approval. Checks or money orders are made payable to the City of Carlsbad.'.Groups using a facility on a weekly, semi-monthly and monthly basis shall pay on or before the first meeting of each month. Please refer to the "Facility .. Fee Schedule". .* 1 RULES GOVERNING FACILITY USE An employee of the Parks and Recreation Department shall be present during all hours of use of the facility. otherwise authorized by the department the employee on duty will be responsible for3control of opening and closing facilities, security, control of lights, gates, etc. Unless The City of Carlsbad is not liable for accidents, injury or loss of individual property in connection with any use of its facilities. Applicant and/or users will be responsible for any damage to facilities and must leave facilities in the same con- dition as received, including areas outside a building used. If adsitional chairs, tables, etc. are used thev are to be retzrned to proper storage. All groups niust be under the direction of their own leader- ship. There must be at least one adult present and responsible for each twenty (20) minors, and adults must be present during the entire time at a facility. -2- 5) Users shall comply with all applicable State laws and City ordinances. 6) Each group is responsible for controlling noise that would be disturbing to other activities or the surrounding neighborhood. 7) Office telephones are for department business and may be used by anyone in an emergency. 8) The Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to full access to a11 activities at any time in order to ensure that all rules, regulations, City and State laws are being observed; and if necessary, may terminate an activity for the safety and welfare of the citizens of Carlsbad, or protection of City property. 9) Groups desiring to servealcoholic beverages as part of their group activities must so indicate on the application for use, and may be required to obtain a "Daily On-sale General License" from the Alcoholic Beverage Control office, and ensure that all Carlsbad Police Department and ABC rules and regulations are actively enforced. A) Alcoholic beverages shall not be purchased or brought into the building by other than the person (or re: spnsible officers if it is a service club) responsible for the activity or by a licensed caterer. Alcoholic beverages are not to be consumed outside the building. B) If minors are found to be ir, possession of alcoholic beverages, or if participants are found to be in possession of drugs, or fights occur, the activity will be terminated immediately. 10) Groups having live musical entertainment or serving alcoholic beverages must abide by the following additional security requirements: A) Security guard service will be required on the basis of one guard for up to each 100 people any time alco- holic beverages or live entertainment or both are present. Security requirements may be altered at the discretion of the Parks and Recreation Directox and/or Carlsbad Police Department's recommendation. B) C) Guard service will be arranged by the department, but paid by the sponsoring group. A check for the security service must be submitted along with other fees prior to approval for use. -3- D) Guards shall act as security forces and not as I.D. checkers. 11) A $100 refundable cleaning deposit will be added to the rental fee when a facility is used for wedding receptions, rumage sales, dances, private parties or exhibitions. The cleaning deposit will be returned if the facility is left clean and undamaged after use, and may be picked up at the department office during the week following use. RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF FACILITIES Use of facilities for purposes of political persuasion or religious services shall not be granted. The use of any facility shall not be granted or permitted to any individual, society, group or organization which has as its objective or one of its objectives, the over- throw or advancing of the overthrow of the present form of government of the United States or the State of Califaznia by force or violence or other unlawful means. Groups or individuals seeking to use the City’s facilities for private instruction or commercial profit-making ventures will be prohibited. c .. There shall be no sale of, or distribution of pamphlets or literature and no donation under any guise, or circum- stances, or for any purpose shall be solicited €or private or personal gain. Approval for use will not be granted to a person under twenty-one (21) years of age. Department equipment is available for use in the City’s facilities and may not: be removed to any other location without proper written authorization by the Director of Parks and Recreation. Facilities rnzp not be reserved for use on the following holidays: Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve end Day, XSJ Years’ Eve and Day. Use of €acilFties, buildings or equipment may be refused for che following reasons. A) Not available due to scheduled use. B) Unsatisfactory prior use. C) Idhen a hazardous condition exists. -4- D) When all requirements are not met as established by this policy, the City Council or the Parks and Recreation Commission, or state and local laws. E) When the activity is not compatible with accepted F) legal and/or moral standards. When use by non-residents precludes use by the community. NOTE: An adverse decision regarding a request for facility use may be appealed to the Parks and Recreation Director. Should the person wish to appeal further, it shall be to the Parks and Recreation Commission and further appeal shall be made to the City Council. CLASSIFICATION OF APPLICANTS AND FEES As a means of.developing priorities for use of facilities, each application will be reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Depart- ment office and classified into a group, depending on the type of organization and the intended use. The group classifications and fees are outlined in the chart on the next page. SPECIAL SERVICES FEES For use of facilities outside the "Regular Hours of Operation" an additional $7.00 per hour is required to provide for assigned supervisory staff. Cleaning Damage Deposit: $100 refundable deposit is required when facilityused for large events, wedding receptions, dances, private or commercial use and those serving alcoholic beverages. Deposit requirement may be altered at the dis- cretion of the Parks and Recreation Director. 3) Additional equipment rental: Facilities are equipped with tables and chairs and the Harding Street Auditorium has a built-in public address system. If additional equipment is needed, applicant may rent: Banquet tables $2.00 each Card tables $ .50 each Folding or straight chairs Portable P.A. system $5.00 per hour $2.50 per 25 chairs or less 4) Facility use for fund raising pruposes may be charged Group V rates, regardless of organization's classification. -5- I i t ! .I11 f Iv i- i V j 1 Department programs , organized and conducted by the Department Sponsored Groups: Carlsbad organizations which are camrnslity services, recreaticmal oriented or whose purpose is - to-furth&- cmmmity leisme _programs Cormnrnity Groups: orga- nized for social and civic purposes with membership . open to the general public A. heal public agencies serving the needs of Carlsbad residents Nan-resident and private groups whose use is not open to the general public (resident groups consist of 75% of member- ship residing in Carlsbad hmercial Use: By a ccun- merci2l firm or pup for non pfit making acti-. ' vities CITY OF CARLSBAD CLASSIFICATION AND FACILITY FEE SCHEDULE . -- Instructional classes, workshops, teen dances , special events City departments, Sr. Citizens Assoc., Bobby Sox, Little League, Pop Warner, Soccer League, etc . Garden Club , Jr . F7cxnen's Club, Chess Club, Square Dance Club, Barbershop Quarter Carlsbad Unified School District Fdly party, wedding, ' receptions, class reunion Trade show, meeting, training No Charge No Charge 2 hr. min. $10 Fee per hr. $ 5 2 hr. min. $50 Fee per hr. $25 2 hr. min. $60 Fee' per hr; $30 No Charge 2 hr. mln. $20 Fee per hr. $10 2 hr. min. $70 Fee per hr. $35 2 hr. min. $90 Fee per hr. $45 "E: Fee schedule is based on use during regular hours of operation, which are 9:00 a.m. to 1O:OO p.m. , Mon. through Fri. and 1O:OO a.m. to 5:OO p.m. on Sat. be pro-rated for less than one hour. There is a 2 hour minimum fee, with a 6 hour maximum. Fees will not No Charge No CharSe 2 hr. min. s20 Fee per hr. $10 2 hr. xnir-. $70 Fee per hr. $35 2 hr. min. 30 Fee per hr. $45 _- EXHIBIT 2 COMPARISON-FACILITY FEES (OTHER CITIES) OCEAilSIDE (BALDERAMA CENTER) MEETING ROOM AUD. /HALL 1.- Dept. Programs/co sponsor/school NC NC 2. Resident Youth & Adult NC NC 3. Resident Fund Raising $5/2 hrs. $12.50 5. Private/Commercial $12.50 $25.00 4. Non Resident $1 oc,bB $2D-.OO’ ’ VISTA (BRINGLE TERRACE CENTER) A. Resident Youth 6. Sr. Citizen Resident C. Service/Soc. Service/Rec. Act. D. Family Groups E. Non Resident F. Commercial NC $12/4 hrs. $12 $20 $50 $50 NC ESCONDIDO (JOSELYN SR. CIT. CENTER)’ A. Resident Youth &-Sr. Citizen B. Resident Adult $5/3 hrs. D. Non Resident Youth, Adult & Sr. Groups $10 C. Other Sr. Citizen (75% Resident) $5 E. Private/Commercial $20 NC $55 .oo $55.00 $125.00 $175.00 $175.00 . NC $20.00 $20.00 $30 .OO $50.00 CHULA VISTA (L.V. ROOM & REC. HALL) 1. Dept. Programs NC 3. Civic/Social $5/hr. + * $10/hr. + * 4. Family $7/hr. + * $15/hr. + * 5. Special (Non Resident, Fund Raising) $10/hr. + * $15/hr. + * EL CAJON 1. Dept. Programs 2. Schools NC 3. Open Groups (No Funds) NC 4. Open Groups (Minimal Charge) $1 .75/hr. w/$5 Min 5. Fund Raising $1.75/hr. w/$5 Min + $40. Serv. Fee 6. Pri vate/Cl osed Groups $1.75/hr. w/$5 Min + $40. Serv. Fee 7. Commerci a1 $1.75/hr. w/$5 Min + $40. Serv. Fee SAiV MARCOS (BARN) 1. Dept. Programs NONE NC 2. Resident Civic ($25. Clean Dep.) $5.00/hr. w/$25 Min 3. Square Dance Group $10/hr. w/$25 Min 4. Special/Private/Non Resident ($150. Clean Dep.) $25/hr w/$lOO Min 5. Caterer/Fund Raising 10% of Gross NC -* 2. Correlated Groups ’* *Staff salary $3.50/hr. NC NONE FOR RENT J I MEMORANDUM DATE : December 27, 1979 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: FACILITIES USE FEE BACKGROUND The Parks and Recreation Department has proposed the attached fee schedule to be used in setting fees for use of the Harding Street Community Center and the Magee House. The Finance Department was asked to review these fees based on the estimated cost of operation to determine their general applicability. DISCUSSION The Finance Department staff has prepared the attached report that indicates that most cities that are involved in the setting of fees for facilities of this type, base such fees on the actual cost of Operation. This approach is by far the most desirable since it requires those who use the facility to bear the costs associated with their activities. There were two cities that charge a market rate for the facility usage. This is a fee based on the going rate for similar facilities available through other agencies. This is the approach the Parks and Recreation Department has chosen for setting the initial facility use rates for these city facilities. The market rate approach is often used where there is a lack of historical data to base a rate structure upon. The facility is generally operated for a period of time under the market rate structure while data is collected to be used in setting the rates based on actual cost. Although the actual data available on operating costs for the parks facilities is very limited at this time, we can make some assumptions about utilities, staffing and maintenance costs to derive a very rough estimate of the required rates. The attached staff report indicates that an hourly rate of about $11.00 would have to be charged to recover our direct costs if the city staff involved were to be paid at straight time. If the city staff was to be paid overtime (with a one hour minimum for maintenance) the rate jumps to about $16.00 per hour. If the facility depreciation costs were to be calculated and added into the rate, a fee of about $28.00 per hour would be necessary. FACILITIES USE FEE -_ December 27, 1979 Page 2 The Parks and Recreation recommendation reflects fees that range from $5.00 per hour to $45.00 per hour. This means that regardless of the factors included in the rate formula the city's costs would not be met by the lowest proposed rate, on the other hand, the highest rate guarantees the city some margin over the estimated hourly costs, even if facility amortization is included. The Finance staff survey also indicates that most cities have made allowance for local groups. As with the PGR proposal, local groups are often given various breaks in the rental fees up to and including a full wavier of the fee requirement. At this point it is very difficult to forecast the mix of groups that will use the Harding Street or Magee Park facilities. If the mix is heavily weighted toward the free or low fee classes, which is very likely, the total return to the city for facility rental will be minimal when compared to the actual operating cost incurred. It is doubtful that the revenue generated by the groups that pay higher fees will cover the deficit caused by serving the other groups. CONCULSION The rates suggested in the PGR proposal are certainly within- the proper range. It is a policy decision that will set the extent to which fees charged will cover actual operating costs. The council must be aware of the needs of the community, as well as the cost of aperation when setting, fee-s- for facilities such as these. RE C OMMENDAT I ON I recommend that the council adopt the proposed fee structure with the stipulation that it should be subject to review during July of 1980. This.wil1 allow the City to set a reasonable fee for the initial operating period of these facilities as well as allow the staff to collect actual cost data to be used as the basis of future rate reviews. &S F. ELLIOTT I/ Finance Director JFE:lw Attach. MEMORANDUM DATE : December 21, 1979 TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR FROM: ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: FACILITY USE FEES This memo is issued to advise you of the results of a survey taken to determine the basis of facility user fees at other cities. Primarily, we were interested in determining if the user fees were based upon known cost factors or if based upon market conditions, i.e., other cities user fees charges or private facility charges. Survey results summarized in detail on the attached table indicate the following regarding user fee cost determinations: Facility useage fees are based upon calculated costs to provide these services. User fees are then modified slightly downward to allow local participants a cost reduction due to local facility support provided by the citizenry. User fees were in existence prior to Prop. 13 in the majority of instances. User fees based upon market rates, i.e., other city rates or private facility rate considerations, were being utilized in only two of the cities surveyed. Please refer to the attached analysis for further details of the user fee survey. For the purpose of additional cost information, we have calculated the average hourly costs to provide city support on the Harding Street Center. The cost factors included in the calculation were utility expense, recreation personnel support, and janitorial service expense. City support to the Harding Street Center is approximately $11.00 per hour of use base upon these cost factors. F&NK ROWLEN Assistant Finance Director FR: lw Attach. CITY OF CARLSBAD SURVEY OF FACILITY USE FEES DECEMBER 20, 1979 ESCONQHDo Fees based upon number of factors: 1) Labor costs to open and close buildings and electrical costs for facility prorated over hourly basis. 2) Conservative fee charges due to Proposition 13 user fee impact (initiation of user fee pay for play policy). NOTE: under pressure from facility user groups, City Council refunded user fees except for adult non-registered groups and out of town user groups for special events. Conclusion: Fees based upon costs modified down due to policy impact - local registered groups utilizing facility are not charged user fees. OCEANSIDE Following Proposition 13, facility user fees were developed that attempted to recover all costs associated with the facility. Public reaction to the initiation of these fees was highly negative. Therefore, new fee structures were implemented in response to public pressure. Conculsion: Initial fees based upon costs - in turn modified down- ward due to public reaction in protest to fee structure. CHULA VISTA Fee structures based upon costs of providing services as of May 1972, modified slightly downward to allow for citizen "cost break." Fees will be revised in the near future based upon new review of cost data with a subjective allowance for local citizen groups. Conclusion: Fees based upon outdated 1972 cost data - allowing cost break for local citizen groups. Fee to be revised based upon current cost data, and allowing for subjective cost reduction for locals. VISTA Fee structure based upon "market" study of other city fee structure and info obtained from local organizations charged for use of facilities. Actual costs calculations were not completed. User fees initiated prior Proposition 13 impact. No indication of near future revision. Conclusion: Fee structure based upon market study - other city and local organization facility usage charges. 2cember 20, 1979 Page 2 EL CAJON Users catagorized into .seven user classifications. Basis of fee structure is costs of providing city support to facilities: Labor staff, electrical, gas, janitorial. Fees have been collected for a number of years and are not post Proposition 13 initiated. Fee structure are modified to cover increases in costs. Conclusion: Fee structure based upon costs - fees have been in existence a number of years - fee structure kontinually reviewed. SAN MARCOS Fees structure based upon an estimate "ball park" figure - of facility useage fees of other public facilities in San Marcos fees have been in existence a number of years not post Proposition 13 orientated - not revised since fee initiation. Local cost allowance reduction. Conclusion: Fee structure based upon "market" comparison of other facility user fees - not modified since inception approximately 4 years ago. Local groups fee are subjectively revised downward SUMMARY DETAIL LIST BASIS FOR FACILITY REGULATIONS AND FEES LOCAL POST FEE BASIS - STRAIGHT COSTS PROP 13 MARKET RATES COST + ALLOWANCE/ FEE AND OTHER REVISIONS REDUCT I ON INITIATION CITY CHARGES Escondido X X X Oceanside X X X Chula Vista X X Vista X El Cajon X San Marcos X X CALCULATION OF HOURLY COST OF,CITY SUPPORT SERVICES PROVIDED TO FACILITY USER UTILIZING HARDING STREET CENTER REGULAR RATE OVERTIME RATE Utilities (Harding St. Center - $400/mo. 160 hr, ) $ 2.50 Recreation employee services during all hours of facility usage. (i.e., Ken Price #133'2*9) 6.50 Clean up - Parks maintenance man (7.00/hr) (Avg. 3 hr meeting) 2.33 TOTAL RATE BEFORE AMORITIZATION .COSTS $11.33 Amoritization costs/hr TOTAL COST INCLUDING AMORITIZATION $ 2.50 9.75 3.50 $15.75 12.00 $27.75 I ! I .