HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-02-05; City Council; 6135-1; PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO PERMIT THE REACTIVATION AND ENLARGEMENT OF EXISTING WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT - LA COSTA LAND CO AND SMCWD7 a CITY OF CARLSBm a AGENDA BILL N0.6135, Supplement u1 Initial: Dept,Hd. 3 - DATE : .- February 5, 1980 C, Atty. DEPARTMENT : City Attorney C. Mgr. 2 subject: PRkISE D~F~~ PLFa TC rERiT TIE FDCTITZTION PND ENLZ!RGEPIET EXISTING PWTES44R TFEATTENT PL?Jd". CA'X LKJ. : PIIT-3 EPLI~PT: Ii"- COSTA I2J.D CO. AND S1IIJc.J Statement of the Matter The City Council at your January 15, 1980 meeting directed the City Attorney to preFare documents approving Precise Development Plan (PDP-3). F resolution of approval is attached. The Council also asked for a report analyzing the growth inducing impacts of PDP-3. A memo on this subject is also attached. Exhibit Resolution NO. (od-j,pG . Memorandum from James C. Eagaman dated 1/25/80 Recormendat ion If the City Council concurs, your action is to adopt Resolution No. & G ,? c , aF?rovinq Precise Develop?ent Plan (PDP-3). Council Action: 2-5-80 Council adopted Resolution 6080, approving PDP-3. 1 0 e MEMOFANDUN - DATE : January 30, 1980 TO : Frank Aleshire, City Manager FROM: ''1 2ad James C. Hagaman, Planning Director SUBJECT : GROWTL INCUCEMENT IFFACTS , SAN I!"ARCOS COUNTY l'*) . WATER DISTRICT SE'WZR PLANT , PDP-3 The City Council at the January 15, 1980, meeting directed discussion on the motion, the City Council also asked staff to review the growth inducement impacts of the sewer treatmei plant. For the purpose of determining if a public facility such as the subject sewer plant, two questions need to be answered, they are: 1. Does the sewage plant provide capacity in excess of the preparation of documents approving PDP-3. During the needs? 2. Is the development of the plant premature to demand. The treatment plant will service approximately 650 acres in Carlsbad and about an equal amount of land in both the Count1 unincorporated and City of San Marcos. It is possible to calculate the future development in Carlsbad, based on the General Plan. It would take a great deal rcore time to gather some information in the County and San Marcos areas. Additionally, staff is not aware of the intangibles in the other jurisdictions such as the County's proposed General Plan Amendments and Growth Management Program. Therefore we have limited our discussion to growth impacts on Carlsbad. The enlarged SMCWD plant will have the capacity to treat 600,000 gallons per day, which calculates to 2400 edu's. In their agreement with SMCWD, the La Costa Land Company has been qranted 800 edu's, which have been distributed as noted in the table below. La Costa, or subsequent property oi-mers in the subject area, may also request a portion of the remaining 1600 edu's. Futhermore, more sewer could becope available fron, other sources in the future (Encina, futher expansion of satellite plant, etc). The EIR indicates that there can be 1200 dwelling units and 15 acres of commercial constructed in the La Costa Northeast (service area in Carlsbad). The following table indicates for this same area. Also indicated is the number of sewer permits already allocated in this area. the dwelling units projected by the Carlsbad General Flan e e Buildable Areas in SKCWD Service Area City of Carlsbad Approx. Projected Sewer Allocatec .- Area Land I Use Acres DU's SFICWD Rancheros RL 352 352 92 Fleadows Center RMH 10 150 100 Meadowbrook €at 55 385 220 Neadowlar k RM 51 357 338 South of San Marcos Canyon RLM LOO 3-00 0 East of Rancho Santa Fe Road RL 75 75 0 --- - 1_- TOTAL 643 1619 750* *There are an additional 50 edu's that can be used in any of t first four areas for a total of 800 units. If all of the available 2400 edu's were granted to La Costa th would be a growth inducement greater than what our General Pla proposes. This would possibly lead to pressure to amend the General Plan and zoning. However, La Costa has only been gran areas outside of Carlsbad. Presently staff is either processing or reviewing plans for Rancheros, Meadowbrook and a majority of Meadowlark. It appea that the projects will contain approximately the same number of units as noted in the last column of the above table. In fact, per the City's planning moratorium, we could not acce a project for more units than available edu's. At this time it appears that the eventual development will be far less than the potential, and therefore the construction of the sewer plant will not provide capacity greater than demand. The timing of the plant and subsequent development is importan in relationship to the ability to provide other public facilities and service in a timely manner. As noted in the E1 the proposed project is consistent with the County's Reqional Growth Management Plan, As per City Ordinance and Policies, public roads and parks wil be provided at time of development. Also, the San Plarcos Unified School District has the option to acquire necessary sites and money for facilities through the processing of subsequent development. However other facilities and services 800 permits and three certainly will be a demand in the servic -2- ,. 1- a as fire and police cannot be guaranteed with the sav.e tining as the possible build out of the area. However, rapid build out should not effect the overall City's projected growth rate since the remaining portion of the City presently has a below normal growth rate, i.e., sewer planning moratorium, coastal planning- In summary, the subject sewer plant will not for practical purposes, provide capacity greater than presently planned, and even with rapid build out, the plant will not be prematurf since the development in the entire City and region will be below the projected rates. BP: ar -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 71 8i 9 10 11 D ZESOLUTION NO. -- 6080 A RESOLUTION OF TFIE CITY COUNCIL OF T!HE cI!!?pz! OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA , APPROVING h PRECISE DEVELOPI.T%NT PLAN (PCP-3) FOR REHABILITATION OF THE EXISTINS SAX WiRCOS WASTE WATER TREATNENT PLANT AND ITS ETXAXGENENT TO A CAPACITY OF 9.6 MGD AND CONSTRUCTZON OF RELATED APPURTENANCES ON PilOPEF.TY GEtU'ERALLY LOCATED ,APPROXItI%T'ELY 8 0 0 FEET WEST OF RANCHO SANT'A FE ROAD, NORTH OF TEE SANTA FE ROAD IN THE NORTH EAST LA COSTA AREA. APPLICANT: LA COSTA LAND CO. AND SAN F'ARCOS COUNTY - WATER DISTRICT. INTERSECTION OF QUZSTHAVEN ROAD AND FWJCHO .. i I WHEPSAS, on Deceniber 26, 1979 the Carlsbad City Plann: Commission adopted Resolution No. 1578 recommending that PI Dcvelopment Plan (PDP-3) he approved; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad helc .. 22 23 1972 and the California Environmental Quality Act; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of 24 25 27 26 28 I ,City of Carlsbad as follows: I i I A. That the cbove recitations are true and correct. B. That the findings of the Plaming Commission in /Resolution No. 1578 constitute the findings of the City Co I /in this matter. I/ 2/, 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 n 2 % 13 Q .E! :: +j rn C. That Precise Development Plan (PDP-3) for rehabili. of the existing San Marcos Waste Water Treatment Plant and its enlargement to a capacityof 0.6 MGD, and construction of related appurtenances, is hereby approved subject to all applicable requirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to the satisfaction of the following conditions: 1. Approval is granted for PDP-3 as shown on Planninc CommissioJl Exhibits A, B and D, dated November 15, 1979; 8lExhibit C dated December 12, 1979; Exhibi-t F dated Septernbe-i 1979; Exhibit G dated December 20, 1979; and Exhibit H datec March 29, 1979. (Order 79-23 issued by Water Quality Contrc Board, all on file in the Planning Department and incorporal by reference. Developm-ent shall occur substantially as shown on these exhibits unless otherwise noted in these conditions. 2. In addition to the approval of the development in( iappurtenances as listed in this approval shall be indicated I the final Precise Development Plan. in the exhibits noted-above, all other requirements arid v= UZN~ z? >t- 3 CT 17 Q$ > a document outlining the methods for Type I use. It shall contain a plant list of drought tolerant vegetation, water absorpt.ion rates per plant and soils, and the gal.lons of wa z w 8 6 161 k 18 19 20 21 22 23 u 25 24 . 26 27 28 of the Director of Parks and Recreation and the City Engine per acre needed to acco~.modate the proposal. The document I also include criteria for operating, maintahing and monitc /the irrigation area and system. This shall be done prior t j certification of the treatment plant. Each developmental F 'in the City and in the service area of the plant shall incl Prior to approval of the final Precise Developmer the applicant shall submit written approval from'the San D: 1 Regional Water Quality Control Board that the overflow sys- lfrom the storage reservoir is acceptable. 5. The Water Master shall monitor the construction ( waste water reclamation and distribution system in order tc 6. The irrigation system shall be maintained and opc Ibythe San Marcos County Water Distri.ct under a contractur agreement with the Home Owners Association that is to give IDistrict total assurance t.hat they vould always have the a ko discharge the effluent. a proposal plan for Type I water use. 4. I .a.VOid Cross-connections with potable water lines. 2. ** .I *i I e e ll 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, ' 9 10 11 12 m Q 3 g 13 0U-U-Q 14 00:: Z>YO ' mU t- Q U- -I 15 u. I34 LO gLg6 16 ggq ZiS? y >I- n 1'7 >o t- J8 D .a g G. 4 m 66. 0 7. If the final fiesign for the trreatmer,t plant is t include an embankment along San Marcos Creek at the plant guard against flooding, then a 1601. permit from California Departpent of Fish and Game, is to be obtained for the alte of the streambed. 8. Seepage from the floor of the reservoir is to be collected and returned to the reservoir. 9. Prior to issuance of building permits for Phase development (See Exhibit H, Order 79-23, Page 2, Paragrapl- the ap:-'icant shall submit to the satisfaction of the Dire of Planning an archaeological report indicating the impact mitigating measures with the construction of the plant sit reservoirs and any lines, spillways, seepage collectors, c any other appurtenaces which impact archaeologically impor sites. 10. Prior to approval of final Precise Developinent E of the treatment plant, the applicant shall secure easeiner rights for the City prohibiting the location of any habitz buildinc; within 100 yards from the processing equipment 01 ment facilities of the waste water treatment site (excludi maintenance and control buildings), as indicated in Exhibi dated December 12, 1979. I 11. Gradiqg plans for all facilities shall be appro1 by tne City Engineer. Such plan shall include provisions limit grading, cut and fill and excavation to the minimum areas necessary to prepare construction sites to reservoii 12. Surfaces shall be graded to direct runoff towarc designed drainage facilities and away from any cut and fil slopes. I 13. Land shall not be cleared of vegetation except 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I immediately before grading, and Grading should take place only during the dry season (April 16 to October 31), unle! otherwise approvzd by the City Engineer. ~ 14. All graded slopes shall be stabilized for erosic control immediately following grading by the developer. 15. Landscape and irrigation plans for graded areas be submitted for the approval of the Planning Director as of final Precise Development Plan. The landscaping shall designed to screen the treatment facilities from surround properties. Plans shall include fast growing, tall trees Plants shall drought tolerant, fire retardant where necessary, and eas maintained. ' as a combination of shrubs and groundcover. 16. Natural vegetation shall be retained wherever possi.blc. 3. .- .- a 2 3 4 5 61 7 8 9 lo 11 0 l2 2 g 13 :z o, ous!~ 00='Z 14 ,is Ja wo gG 86 l6 go m >E d 17 >" k V 2 'K N EZ$E q mcz-J ESP$ GQ "1 20 21 22 z3 24 25 26 27 19 Rt3 e 0 17. All pumps, yenzrators and otkr noise producing manner to reduce noise to a maximum of 55 dba at property to all facilities. inechanisrns shall he p1.aced underground and/or shield in su 18. Final plans for treatment facilities shall indic lighting to provide adequate nighttime operations. lighting shall be designed in a manner so that nearby resi or public streets are not adversely affected. The lightin shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Director. 19. The treatment facility, reservoirs and rnechanica appurtenances shall be totally enclosed by a fence a minim six feet in height, with an addition of barbed wire design security purposes. Such 20. The applicant shall provide evidence to the City Engineer that the method for the disposal of sludge create the treatment plant has been approved by the appropriate a . 21. All equipment proposed to be placed on any roof be screened from public view and subject to the approval o Planning Director. 22. The final Precise Development Plan shall be a reproducible copy which incorporates all requirements of t approval. Prior to signing of the final Precise Developme Plan the City lilanager shall determine that all applicable requirements have been incorporated intc the plan and that 1 conditions of approval have Seen satisfactorily met or 0th i guaranteed. The final signed Precise Development Plan sha the official site layout plan for the property and shall b attached to any application for a building permit for any undertaken, or structures or buildings constructed pursuan this approval. No building permits shall be issued until filial Precise Development Plan is approved, 23. Prior to ap2roval of the final Precise Developme Plan, the District shall enter into a service agreement wi the City of Carlsbad to permit the District to distribute dispose of reclaimed water from the'treatment plant to or property within the incorporated limits of the City of Car 24. Prior to approval of the final Precise Developme Plan, the District shall enter into an agreement with the C guaranteeing that the District will make available to the reclaimed water from the treatment of sewage at the plant. The amount of reclaimed! water made available to City shall ' no less than quai to ar, amount proportionate to the arcoun sewage produced in the City and treated at the plant. Rec water distriliwted by the District according to Condition N of this approval is deemed to have been made available to city. /// 1 4. L. ,* i _. b.- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 21 l2 Y g 13 0 2 K$ o, du 1.15 1411 .a N e rn PASSED, APP20VE3 AND ADOPTED by the City Council of tl- City of CarLsbad, California at a regular meeting held on t 5th __ day of-Februarv I 1980 by the following vote, wit: AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis NOES : None ABSENT: None Councilwoman Casler /pcAl- [>I d--) 2 &-'l- c' 0 &;". L & L-. -RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST : &-dd&AA? %-k&dtTJrk ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, (SEAL) no '2 z 6: 15 Ct >> ffi/+ i u:, :< k> i Cl 2wgd 16 ?jSS zp y >t- LT 17 to k 3.8 QQ 0 ' 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I I I 5. I