HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-02-05; City Council; 6152; California Redevelopers Administrators membershipCITY OF CARLSBAD TLITTT~I AGENDA BILL NO. b /d Z DATE : February 5, 1980 Cty. Atty. VFZ? DEPARTMENT: Housing & Redevelopment Cty. Mgr. SUBJECT: RESOLUTION APPROPRIATIEG FUNDS FOR MEMBERSHIP IN CALIFORNIA REDEVELOPPENT ADMINISTRATORS STATEMENT OF THE MATTER Historically Redevelopment Agekies have never had an effective group representing their interests in the legislative process. As the result of the impacts of the 1976 Montoya legislative package and pending spending limitation issues,redevelopment, as it is known in California finds itself in-jeopardy. This is primarily the result of inadequate legislative consultation and representation. The California Redevelopment Administrators, in concert with the League of California Cities, proposes an organization to represent redevelopment agencies on issues impacting their collective futures. Since it appears as though redevelopment will be addressed during the coming legislative session, consideration of membership appears in order. .- - -.. EXHIBITS: I. Memo from Housing & Redevelopment Director 11. Correspondence from Community Redevelopment Administrators III. Council Resolution NO. 0.7 7 .. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Council Resolution bo77 agpropriating $500 from the unappropriated balance of the general fund to fund 39 for membership in Community Redevelopment Administrators. Council Action: 2-5-80 Council adopted Resolution 6077, appropriating funds for membership in Community Redevelopment Administrators. DATE : TO : FROM: SUBJ: MEMORANDUM ********** January 21, 1980 Frank Aleshire, City Manager Jack E. Henthorn, Housing & Redevelopment Direct0 RESPONSE TO COMMUNICATION FROM "COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATORS" As requested, I have reviewed the attached correspondence . I am in agreement with the contention that concerted action on the part of California Redevelopment Agencies is necessary if any workable form of redevelopment is to survive. The approach offered in the Community Development Administrator's packet wherein a formal tie with the League is created appears to be the most effective way to approach this issue. The use of the resources of the League appears to offer a very cost effective approach in that it eliminates the necessity of creating a separate organizational infrastructure to deal with redevelopment issues. Experts in the field who have spoken at recent redevelopment related meetings feel that the coming legislative session will be crucial to the future of redevelopment. If this is the case, concensus representation appears appropriate and desireable. RECOMMENDATION: This item should be presented for consideration at the February 5, 1980, meeting of the City Council. President Richard R. Powers Garden Grove Vice President/ Southern Region Claude J. Klug La Mirada Vice President/ Northern Region William Rugg San Leandro Treasurer Roy R. Pederson Montebello Board of Directors Leonard Eliot West Covina Richard E. Goblirsch Santa Ana Gaylord F..Knapp Cerritos Lloyd de Llamas Monterey Park Bud Pkhetto Pleasant Hill Norman Priest Anaheim Louis Shepard Pasadena Jack Simpson Paramount Jean Travis Smith El Cerrito Frank Tripepi Rosemead Executive Director/ Secretary Milton R. Farrell - - mmutrity development ,168 Beach Boulevard, Suite 111, Huntington Beach. CA 92647 (7141 842-8477 January 11, 1980 Dear Colleague: As you are undoubtedly aware, the future of redevelopment in California is in jeopardy as a result of th? cumulative effect of Proposition 13, AB 66, and Proposition 4. We are at a critical moment in time and must act rapidly, collectively, and decisively if community redevelopment as we now know it is to continue. Responding to the redevelopment challenge, a group of cities met with the League of California Cities in Los Anseles on November 13, 1979. meeting, a statewide organization of redevelopment agencies, entitled Community Redevelopment Administrators, was formed and is now fully operational. As a result of this Articles of Incorporation have been filed, bylaws adopted, and a budget developed. An executive director and legal counsel have been employed, and an agreement has been reached with the League of California Cities to create a formal contractual relationship between the two entities as outlined in the enclosed letter from the League dated December 21, 1979. Community Redevelopment Administrators will provide services to redevelopment agencies in the following primary areas: 1. Consensus representation of redevelopment agencies in California. '2. Development of a private sector constituency in support of redevelopment goals generally and in support of the League's lobbying efforts in redevelopment specifically. 3. Financing of technical redevelopment support to the League. .- January 11, 1980 Legislative lobbying efforts on behalf of redevelopment will be coordinated by the League of California Cities. Never before in California's history has redevelopment faced a mere serious and uncertain future. Only through your immediate support to assist us in developing a broad based policy consensus and providing financial support is there any hope in preserving community redevelopment in Cal if orni a. The time to act is now. needed in the following ways: Your help and support is urgently 1. Your city's membership in Community Redevelopment Administrators, to provide critically needed consensus among tk state's 162 redevelopment agencies so that responsible collective actions may be taken. Your prompt payment of $500 membership dues to provide the resources necessary to assist the League of California Cities in legislative activities r.elated to redevelopment. 2. 3. The volunteer time of you or your staff to serve on a Community Redevelopment Administrators standing committee. (A preference check1 ist is' encl osed. ) 4. Your participation in and support of the League's lobbying efforts on behalf of redevelopment agencies. Please join us in this endeavor to maintain the integrity of redevelopment for the good of our communities and the State of California. Sincerely, President Enclosures *. i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO 6 0 7 7 t WI!EREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad finds that .it is in the best interests of the City's redevelopment efforts to support clarification of the upcertainty surrounding the redevel-opi-r.ent process : and NiETiEkS, Comxunity Redevelopment Administrators in concert with %he, League of California Cities proposes to uiidertake the fol-lowing activities toward. the above noted end: 1. provide concensus representatzon of redevelopment agencies in California. 2. develop a private sector constituency in SU;?port of redevelopment goals generally and in support of the League's lobbying efforts in redevel-opment specifically. 3. Finance technical redevel.opment support to the League. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of a. b. C. //// //// Carlshad, California, as Zollot~rs: The City Manager is authorized and directed to make application for membz rship i n the Conmun i ty 3edcve 1.0pmen 1 Administrators iil the name of the Car1.sbad Bousifig arid Redevelopment Corxnissicn .- The membership fee of $500, is hereby appropriated from unappropriated balance of the general fund as a loan to the Hour; ing and Xedcveloprx?nt Conmission under the terms and conditions of the existing City-Coinmission agreement That Department of Finance Fund Transfer No. 46 on file .in said department and incorporated by reference herein is approved. .I .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 12 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 i PASSED, APPROVZD AND ADOPTEI) at a regular meetinc; of the City Cc-mcil of <he City of Carlsbnd, California, held on %he -.- 5th day of: February 1980, by the following v~ti3, to wit: AYES : Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis and SQES : None Councilwcman Casler I ABSENT: None ATTEST : {SEAL) -2-