HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-02-05; City Council; 6156; Request for allocation of sewer capacityCTTYOF Irn t ia: DATE:_ DEPARTMFNT:__En2ineering C. Atty SUBJECT:REQUEST FOR ALLOCATION OF SEWER CAPACITY FROM THE COUNCIL RESERVE - SUNSET PACIFIC STATEMENT OF THE MATTER The Council has 241.27 EDUs remaining in reserve from the 300 permits they originally set aside. SUNSET PACIFIC has requested 48 EDUs from this reserve. The Council has indicated that the EDUs held in reserve are to be utilized to benefit the community. EXHIBITS Request from SUNSET PACIFIC Memo to City Manager from City Engineer RECOMMENDATION If the Council wishes to grant this request, their action is to direct the City Attorney to prepare documents allocating 48 EDUs to SUNSET PACIFIC. Council Action: 2-5-80 . Council continued the matter to the next regular meeting. Sunset Pacific A Development Company January 23, 1980- iff j^ (f ^ 1>-T 1 \/ ¥T.6 v -L..V M / 1: J fl_ \ S-js Honorable Ronald C. Packard, Mayor I^/H .fl.J. Skotnickif Vice Mayor "Bud" Lewis, City Councilman ,.-, • ;,..• • Girard "Lefty" Anearf City Councilman . " ' ' "' "'" Mary Casler, Councilwoman *-'",,--!--' >'•» u«-<"••'' •-•"-"• Dear Councilperson: As the owners of Tract 76-15, known as Palisades Point, we are formally requesting that at the Regularly Scheduled Council Meeting on February 5, 1980, we be considered for allocation of a portion of the City's remaining sewer capacity. We did not apply for any of the available capacity under the first two allocations systems because of the maximum amount of units allowed to any single project. Palisades Point is a 134 unit PUD. All of the grading and subdivision improvement are required to be completed with the first phase of construction, thereby making it virtually impossible for us to develop without a schedule for completion of all construction. Accordingly, we are requesting that the Council find that sewer service is now available to Tract 76-15 in order that we may Final our tentative map and proceed with the development of our first unit of 48 patio homes. We are further requesting assurances that the remaining 86 homes would be allowed to be started when additional capacity becomes available. In order to assist you in your evaluation of our request, listed below is an approximate developmental schedule for the purpose of showing just when our development would have an impact on sewer capacity: Final Map review- S Plan Check 4 months from Approval Grading & Subdivision Improvements,complete 9 " " " Completion of First 48 Homes 14 " " " Completion of the next 59 Homes 18 " " " Completion of the final 27 Homes 24 " " " As you are aware, Palisades Point is in the Lake Calavera Hills drainage basin and is designed into their satelite system. Should the Council approve our request for sewer allocation it would appear from the schedule above and the apparent progress of the Lake Calavera Hills Satelite Plant that by the time our first houses are completed they could be sewered through the Calavera Plant and not have any impact on the City's remaining capacity from Encina. Furthermore, it is our understanding that the re- rating of the Encina Plant prior to the completion of our first unit of homes, is very likely. The/ 1973 La Costa Avenue / Carlsbad California 92008 / (714) 436-7266 January 23, 1980 Page 2 of 2 The construction of Tamarack between El Camino Real and Skyline Drive has been held up for three years.. Your approval of our request will allow us to complete this street and eliminate the dangers that now exist to public and private property, We hope you will approve this request for sewer allocation for our first 48 houses and at the same time assure us that when additional capacity becomes available either from the re-rating of the Encina Plant or as a result of the completion of the Lake Calavera Hills Satelite Plant that we will be allocated the balance of our necessary sewer capacity to complete this project. Sincerely f Michaelc. Roston SUNSET PACIFIC MCR/bl MEMORANDUM TO: City Manager FROM: City Engineer DATE: January 25, 1980 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR ALLOCATION OF SEWER CAPACITY FROM THE COUNCIL RESERVE By memorandum of August 28, 1979, the Sewer Committee recommended to the City Council that 1000 EDUs of the 1300 EDUs available be allocated and the remaining 300 EDUs be held in reserve. The Council adopted a process for allocating 1000 EDUs on September 18, 1979. On November 20, 1979, Oak Communications requested and was granted 55 EDUs from the Council reserve. On January 2, 1980, the Council approved the allocation of 3.73 EDUs to the Aguaculture Farm on the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The Council has received a request for sewer allocation from the remaining reserve from SUNSET PACIFIC. Sunset Pacific did not apply for a sewer allocation in the Phase II Allocation System because of the limitation on the number of permits which could be applied for. The developer is requesting 48 EDUs for the first phase of a 134 unit PUD. A tentative tract map has been approved for this development. Tract 76-15 is within the Lake Calavera Hills Reclamation Plant drainage basin and could eventually be served by that facility. Should the developer's request be approved, Tamarack Avenue would be extended to El Camino Real. LE:mmt