HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-02-05; City Council; 910-21; Carlsbad Community swim complex.- I
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Council Action:
2-5-80 Council indicated acceptance of a1 ternate C-1 and requested a report to include comparison of costs of the services building contained in C-1 and 6-2, to include a price on solar heating , and to report on RFP, repetitive proposal, or architectural services, to be returned to Council at the ne.xt meeting.
TO :
fol low
C i ty Eng i neer
Principal Civil Engineer
January 22, 1980
y you requested information on various alternatives
to construction costs. The alternatives seem to bo
ng *
on the pool in
I down to the
Alternative Al: Construct the pool as planned. Kammeyer and Partners
estimated a basic cost of $1.6 million with all alternatives. Bids have
been received at $1.7 million.
Alternative A2: Retain swimming pool with building; eliminate landscaping,
north side parking and solar; estimated cost - $1.3 million.
Alternative A3: Retain swimming pool as presently proposed; eliminate
building except for modular service building; estimated cost - $820,000.
Alternative B1: Drastically scaled-down version with 21 yard x 25 meter
pool with modest service building (San Marcos style); estimated cost - - $375,000.
Alternative B2:
process with guarantees; estimated cost - $600,000.
Scaled-up version of San Marcos pool with turn-key bidding
Alternative C1: Revise plans on balanced basis downward to a fixed budget-
ary basis; for discussion purposes, estimated cost - $850,000.
The information on Alternatives Al, A2 and A3 were developed from informa-
tion supplied by Kammeyer and Partners. Data was confirmed by independent
conversations with contractors and other architects in the industry. See
attached matrix for breakdown of items proposed for inclusion in each alter-
nat i ve.
If Alternatives A3 or C1 are utilized, extensive revamping and rebidding of
the plans and specifications would be necessary.
of that cost is under $25,000. An estimate of the length of time to revamp
the plans and get out to bid again would be three months with nine months
for construction.
A preliminary estimate
It has been suggested that Council consider a San Marcos style turn-key
pool (AI ternative B1). This could be done, but in order to get a qual ity
product that will not give trouble later on, the performance specifica-
tions should be given careful consideration. This is not to say that a
quality pool cannot be constructed, but it must be understood that because
of the cost-cutting constraints imposed by such a contract, quality would
be cut to a minimum.
which may not surface until many years later. Careful consideration must
also be given to insure that a turn-key project meets the operational
needs of both the City and the School D strict.
Without quality control, the City may buy problems
The Council may, at this time, elect to
nal project. If it is-decided to scale
recommended that the following actions
scale down the size of the origi-
down the original proposal, it is
e undertaken.
1. The Council select an.architect/engineering firm to cut the project to
a budgetary figure such as $850,000.
2. That a time limit be established for the architec
months for readvertisement.
3. That input from pool committees, advisory commiss
trict and citizen groups be reduced to a minimum
on schedule.
/engineer with three
ons, the School Dis-
o keep the project
Larry C. Dossey
Principal Civil Engineer
50-meter x 25-yard poof with ccrnbipqd swimming and Jiving
brea. 22,530?: S.F. of decking.
Diatarnaceoiis carth f i! ter in
scFarate 1,800 S.F. mechanical
bui Iding.
_c_- -- .--
"- - ..-
SO-rneter x 25-yerd pool with combined swimming arid diving
area. 22,500+ S.F. of deckinc.
Dla+amaceous earth filter in
separate 1,803 S.F. niechanIcs1
bulIdin9. - -__- ___ -
50-meter x 25-yard pool with
combined swimmir:g and diving
area. 22,500f S.F. of decking.
3iatamceous earth filter in
scpatate 1,800 S.F. Zectianica1
25-meter x 21-yard x 5 feet deep pool, separate 40' x 30' div!ng
900: G 18' diameter wading pool.
Ppprclx. 7,000 S.F. of deck;ng;
rapid rate saad filter in can- ,
biced service & mechanical
bu.i 1 d i ng .
25-meter x 25 yard x 8 feet dtep
pool with attached 15' x 24'
sha1lo.G tsdiing nook. Separ-
ate 30' x 40' diving pool, 7,900
S.F. aP deck?ng; rapid rzte sarid
ttltcr !n coxblned service 8 mectiariica: building. .-
25-meter x 25 yard pool with
combined diving S swinvning area,
Attached 20' -x 40' teaching
nrea 7,000 S.F. of deck!ng,
Rapid rate YAI~ filter in sep- srate 800 S.F. niechanIc,al butlb
I- .
5,cic 5.7. msonry biJiIdfng wittf space frane truss roof complete with dressing rams* 'Jag xtoms,
aFfice, clnssrocias. first aid
.I'COIF, iobby, storage, testrooms, showers and coricession stand. ,
. 5,070 s.?. E:asonry b!Jildlng wl:h spocc fraae truss roof coqplete. wlth dressing rooms, beg rmnts,
office. G~~SS~OCI~*S, tirst aid .roo*, lobby, StoroGe, restrooms, s!ro!.rrr*s and coricession stand. . - -
600 S.F. olus masonry building
ccmpleta with dressing rooms 6
res:rocms only; otttdwr showers.
l,$CO S.F. masonry biliIding with
wood truss roof complete with
dressirig rGcms, skowers, office,
snack bat and p001 equipment room.
1,300 S.F. masonry building with
wood truss roof complete with
drsssiiig rooms, luc!<trs, offfce, snack bar and peel equlptwilt rwm .
I? -
3,200 S.F. masonry buildtng wl th wmd truss roof complete with
dresslng rms, lockers, rest- rmm, offfce, lobby end Out- docr showers. * ..
._ .OTHER IlirMS
(57% Copper)
solar trcnttng, 142 3pacc SOUCS .*
parklng lot, 142 space riorth pclrkihy lot, entry plaza with 65
bib Ferk?ng spacer;, Iawlscape and irrlgetlon, psrkitly !ot &
pool I ightlng, moscmry we1 1
around pool ; capdc1 ty Approx 600. - ------
142 space south parking lot,
entry plaza with 65 bike spaces,
parking lot 6 pool lightlng,
masonry wali around pool: ca-
paci ty aporoA 503.
-8 Water polo wpab! I I ty; cmpet i tive snicnlng; 1 meter i; 3 AIC+ divin3: meets AAU shor? CO'L'TSC
and long course standards.
Water polo capabillty; conpeti-
tive swimlng; 1 meter G 3 ~ete diving; meets SAU short course
__ a d 1
. and long course standards.
142 qcte south paricInS lot,
parking lot and pool 1 iqhting,
4y masonry approx wal 600. i ar'oucd pool ; capeci-
2,630 S.F. of stepped concrete
seating. mfnimal pool lighting. masonry wall, modify exlst!rlg
100 space parking lct; capac;ty
'dater &!o capi3bi I ity; ra::'pcti-
tiva siimIcg; 1 merer t 5 cete
d?lving; wets AW s:'art course
and lona cozrsc rttndards.
:la watct pclcl capabI; 1 ty; comps
titive 3k!miy; 1 meter E 3
meter diving; :nects k.411 skort
course Standard on!y; simi?sr 1
D!ood:and Park pool 1;s San Harcc
Pool lighting, rasoGry w:1, :C3
space parking :ot, mininal !md-
scaping arid irr!gaticn; caPdCi--
ty approx 330.
.- Uater polo ccpaSi!ity; compell-
'tivc swim?!r:g; 1 ITC~ET s 3 mete diving; meets A4!1 shcrt course
qtanderi G!ily; staled-up SWI
I - - __
.Fwl area end parktng lot !igt!t-
ing, landscape and Irrigatfon, 150 space pjrking lot, bike park-
ing, rnaronry wall €irGiir:d pool;
capacl ty opprox 300,
Water polo capabi 1 I ty; cowetf-
tive swtmninp; I meter t 3
meter dlving; meets AAU short
course standard c:\!y: sisi Isr
to City of Anaheim pool.
: ----I-
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