HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-02-19; City Council; 6164; National Endowment for The Humanities Grant1 CITY OF CARLSl3AD . a ____ _____-.--.- ~~-- Initial: . Dept. lid. ~ \G, AGENDA BILL NO. /d ,/& L.k .____ ~.~ c. Atty.Li, DATE : February. 19;-1980 DEPARTY'jNT : Library * C. Mgr. Subj ect: J , . . ... ... .. NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES GRANT ~ Statement of the Matter ~.. An important role for a public library is to collect and to pre.serve all avail; community. citizens of the community and can be preserved as a permanent record of the ci. heritage. On August 20, 1979 the library submitted a grant proposal to the National Endowment .for the Humanities to seek funds to support a local history project. The concept of the project was to document the history of Carlsbad ai the surrounding area through a series of films and videotaped interviews. The would include historic sites, homes, ranchos, and missions. The videotaped in. views would involve oral 'history and commentary from selected longtime residen: and others with special knowledge of the area. After evaluating the proposal, Endowment decided the concept. needed further development and rather than provic full funding at this time, a one-year Planning Grant .of $10,000 was offered to support additional research and preliminary film and interview work. The Endoi attached .three conditions to the grant: (1) academic resource specialists mus- the community must also be involved i.n the planning; and (3) no less than 10% (approximately $1,000) of the grant amount must be provided by the grantee on i cost-sharing basis. 'This amount is to be in-kind-rather than cash and would cc such things as the use of library or city facilities, equipment, and telephone the involvement of some library staff time in planning and other project activ Total library staff time is expected to be less than 100 hours over the one-ye' period of the grant. information, both print and non-print, on the history and culture of the local This information can then be organized and made accessible to the involved in the planning and research; (2) representatives of minority groups . Exhibits 1. Letter-from the National Endowment dated January 22, 1980, with Grant award notification. 2. Letter to National Endowment dated December 12, 1979. 3. Proposed activities outline. 4. Resolution. No. (J OF? a .. Recommendation If Council concurs , adopt Resolution No. fQo87 authorizing .the City Manager to execute the Assurance-of Compliance form and. accept the offer of support in an amount not to exceed .$lO,OOO. Council Ac-tion: 2-.19-80 Council adopted- Resol uti.on 6087, authorizing acceptance of award from the Natilo-nal Endowment' for the Humanities. .. 0 e NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES WASHINGTON, D.C. 20506 7 ,.. .% 3 I I Mr. Paul D. Sussey -_ -I Xanager +-~~-~~~~ - -. city Li3rary --=j hi9 -%Venn@ E2_r15.=a31 x 92008 0: -r- - -- -- REF: PL-00042-80-0311 -.. A - ,=zr Mr. BtJaseyr ?- -- -ives me ~rea~ sleasdre to inform you that the National 3- ---LCWX?E~ - fsr thz Iiurnanities has awarded a grant of $lO,OOO t3 CarLsbad Cizy Library. Ve are most ??leased that the Endowment is able to provide c..- -dAs fcz *,:?is 2rsjezt z:nd look forward to the contribution - ;k wiil maks to learning in the humanities. ~h:? fornal grant award notification is enclosed with this letter. 3 Sincerely, Joseph D. Duffey Chairman Enclosures cc: Geoffrey Armour :TION 1 w- -~- ~ ~ ~~~~ - :'j ; ;' 9 ?-! 3 i? ,;.2:;:3i/30 FROM: _.. ?'i33OGD OG OUTRIGHT $ . . FEDERAL MATCH $ AMOUNT AWARDED $ GIFT $ ,' ;- (=j ::I 0 I2 * G 5 E. ' THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS/SPECIAL PROVISIONS APPLY TO THE GRANT: ST?: :''i'r , .. .. flON Ill {EPORTIN G REQUIREMENTS: appropriate repoeing formats and instructions:for completing the financial and performance reports will be found in Enclosures 1 and 2 an reverse side of each raport form. These foims are suitable for reproduction and have been enclosed with the addressee's copy of this notifica WITHIN 90 DAYS OF COMPLETlOh fl QTRLY ERFORMANCE REPORT REQUIRED: WITHIN 90 DAYS OF COMPLETIOF iNANCtAL STATUS. REPORT REQUIRED: DoTRLY 0 S-AyNUALLY ' 0 ANNUALLY, h OF THE GRANT PERIOD. 0 S-ANNUALLY O ANNUALLY Fi OF THE GRANT PERIOD. (STANDAFID FORM 269) EDERAL CASH TRANSACTIONS REPORT REQUIRED . ' fl QTRLY (CALENDAR BASIS) iD M I N I STRATI VE R EG U LATl ON S, THE FOLLO,WING ADMINLSTRATIVE REGULATIONS APPLY; i' _._ ,c. __. rj -9 ,.- i_ -?? ;, ,_,, ___ I G 'I !2 :? 1: 2: cli r.7 1. 3 : 3 3 :: 2 e 5. e 17 <+ :I, i ; ;3 1' zj ,:! 2Y-TLG p, 2 c i. 7: c 3 !- a y / $4 - 4 , /-x.:;,<.> cct ...- :'-i.~,19..~"-~.~nt a?.' BCld'32t ci ::cGl.:l:: :--]..02" (STANDARD FORM 272) ... . f I.J i? .&.lji 3 ! j y :> I 2%~ :: i 1,. 5 3 7 53 1) *' - .. .. jt i 1. 2. " 1.. ie referenced documents have not been enclosed with the grant notification and the grantee does not have access to these documents, 1 may be obtained by writing to the NEH Grants Office, Mail Stop 200, Washington, D.C. 20506.) 'AYMENT BASIS rmation on the method of payment and instructions for submitting the request for advance or reimbursement (Standard Form 270) be found in' Enclosure 1. , 'MENTS ARE AUTHORIZED TO BE MADE ON B AN'ADVANCE OA REiMBURSEMENTu A LETTER OF CREDIT . BASIS TlON IV 4CCEPTANCE , .z'*.y>c - OF. .- ., . . . .-ii~<...J~L 1. rl -7, :^, .;- 7 7 - <z3 _, _- -x.,... &I., - <I? ;"_ t Inn ti?i2 q:.rai?.t '.:!.!.:!,:!. j.,S5iC??.b,<3 ti?e -'*-4n ... < 1. .. ....._. ,:j , ., .I " ._ by YT7Y37 T:F' u3->, n?'T ..-' 1. .h~'~k@.~~~~> .- cJ ----li _. p? c 2 0 .f ;f;.la :> t: e r "'?T:r, r t: s E; :.;<>U I!. 43 5(,. 8 ?:I .k c!c a P.eq,u."s'i_s fa i2i: S.i.;.3 Fe.r;le?r a.3- r:as'. 52 t kc, t !:;\? y*j;:;i< j. Y:C! Ofi2 ice ,, ; j FA c.7 L fc L1 ,. tpi :a .i. -:- 2. c: cj .. -. i; 3: z, 1'; ti$ 0 j: f 1. i: 5 y JATURE,OF NEH GRfNTS OFFICE OFFICIAL 3 4 I,/' 'W't jFpv ../4A%.t\ Y ~ .2) ld&G>'' Name and Title PROJECT DIRECTOR Signature a 0 Grantee: Carlsbad City Library Grant No, PL-00032-804 he foliowing Conditions/Spcial Provisions apply to this grant: Ccr,ditians 1. "afore 4-- funds will be paid on this grant, the National Endow for the Humanities must receive an assurance from a respons: official that the grantee will comply with Title VI of the ( 3ights Act of 1964. This Assurance of Compliance form, inc, as an Attachment to the award notification, must be signed i the Endowment (45 C.F,R. Part 13-10) will be furnished on rec 7-2L-y -,,~-rned in the enclosed envelope. The regulations applicak 3, ~-_.oLars - -.k azd specialists in the fields of Native American ar - v; --.,,~n-&%e?ican bm- hiskry I archaeology and anthropology of tE -..-c>~ ZTW. BCS~ be dirxtly involved in the resmrch and pl: .. *-.p - sza;?s of 23s 2;roject. 3. ?.eprzsentztivzs of the community must also participate in 2laniling t?i2 library's public progt-ams. 4, --TO -- - kudget silCmitted with 1.k. Arnour's letter of December 12 1375 is z~~rc~veZ- Any variance from the approved budget mu6 rn acsor&nce ~ith the guidelines for revision of financial {see 3:;aclosxre If. 5. Institutional ccst sharing shall not be less than 10% of tot v.- .uoject costs, if ,xpendable 0 sqplies, I' and "Utiiities," which were apsarentl - 6. ~lezse provide a breakdown cf the items "Library staff,'# oziirtted from the budget itemization. Provisions 1. en copies of the printed materials produced in conjunction this progran musk be subnitted to the Endowment with the Eir! perzormance report. additions or changes. 2. The Endownent must specifically approve any major personnel 3. The En?owment expects that no special admission fee will be charged for this program. 4. As soon as possible, please inform the Endowment: of the date location(s) for public presentation of this program. ‘:fie Endownen xpects that the planning tivities under’cakt through thiswant will lead to the sub a sion of a program pro~osal-. I-f0:.7evez, the awarding of a planning grant dons nc any way assure or imply that favorable consideration will bl given to any subsequent proposal, All materials publicizing or resulting frm grant activitie: contain an acknowledgment of En2o;ment support. The grante: sh0i-iI.d consult with Endowment staff to determine appropriat{ .3 I ., 6. wording and placement, Yoix attention is called to the text of 18 USC 1913 which a. 2s zn attachnent to the Endowment’s General Grant Provision: >.:h;hich prohibits the use of appropriated Federal funds to izfluence nembers of Congress either for or against any Legislation or ap2ropriation. ---& COKDITIONS AM3 P?OVISIONS OF THIS GMNT WILL RE COlilSiDE; - ,-I “-’*TABLE yJ -- iM *-=--=?my,? - -A~~-.~- 3A’JS F’_S,CX THE DATE OF THIS AWARD. c1 ir -.-- TEE UNLESS A WRITTEN OBJECTION IS SUR? :i--zc 6 c a 0 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY December 12, Gretchen Fox Division of Public Programs Mail Stop 406 National Endowment for the Humanities Washington, D.C. 20506 Dear Ms, Fox: I am accepting the offer from the National Endowment for the Eumanities of a $10,000 Planning Grant to further develop our original project proposal (FL-004-2). discussing the reduced scope of the grant with city official we have been given approval to accept the Flaming Grant and to continue with the research and planning, are understood and will be complied with, There will be academic scholars in the fields of history, archaeology, and anthropology involved in the research and planning and there will also be representatives from ethnic groups in the community, notably Mexican-Americans and Native American who will contribute to this phase as well as to any ultimate production phase. After The two conditions set by the Endowment for approval Attached is the revised Planning Grant budget. With all good wishes and thanks for your consideration. Sincerely yours, &pb \ Geof rey Armour Collect ions Coordinator Carlsbad City Library GEORGINA D. COLE Library Director 1250 ELM AVENUE - CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 - (714) - A38 - 5614 Washington, D.C. 20506 I. Type of Budget Submission 0 application budget El budget revision PL-0042, pan[ or applkauon number 11. Applicant Organization Carlsbad City Library IV. RojcctTide TRANSITION: me ’cultm, Heritage of Carlsbad and North Sa: Diego County V. ProjectDirector Geoffrey mu , VI. Grant Period .From 1 1 80 To 12 31 80 month day year month day y~l . PROJECTBUDGET NaLonal Endowment for the Humanities In. Dakm%nber 12, 1979 VII. Project Costs (include all charges to NEH and cost sharing funds) Summary Budget for Entire Grant Period 838!ft DIRECT COSTS Salaries and wages S 1,000 Fringe benefits Consultant fees Travel Supplies and materials Services Other Total Direct Costs 350 350 650 domestic S foreign SI 10,000 INDIRECT COSTS 10 0 TOTALPROJECTCOSTS 5 * VIII. Project Funding for Entire Grant Period . (I) Requested from Endowment: Outright funds $ 10,000 Gifts to NEH Federal Matching Total Requested from Endowment $ 10. ( (2) Cost Sharing a. Cash Contributions b. in-Kind Contributions (list applicant‘s anticipated cash outlay and the sourca and mounts of third-party donations. g ants. etc.) (list each major item. source. and value) Library staff S- I,( 5 Expendable supplies Utilities - Total Cost Sharing ST 11 : TOTAL PROJECT FUNDING 5 9 1X. Estimated Outlay of Endowment Funds During Grant Period I st twelve-month period ending __ 1z - 31 80 s lo: OOo month day year 2nd twelve-month period ending - - - 3rd twelve-month period ending - - - 4th twelve-month period ending - - - 5th twelve-month period ending __ - - J, 1”;dp$ LL-P77F+]C;L .- X. Authorizing Official i 2/4 Same and Title (picast t:pt or prhl / Signarum I 5- &”” & gw&ct%-- /.;., ,/ ‘ i &. Lid? - / 41 I i78 - 3. Consultant Fees daily rate of no of dayson 8 '"4" $4 J. Ford 50 4 - ' rc'?%rsement name or type of consultant S. Colston 50 4 8 wan Amectcm rep. 50 4 1 Pala Reservation reD. 50 4 1 I,( - d -Y - 8 - Total Consultant Feg S= 4. Travel Costs Destination Transportation Subsistence Days in . Amount (" costs costs Travel Status + Subs $50 San Die0 $15- (2) Film sites $30 $20 (2 DeoP le) ( 5 ) A Pala Res. $30 $20 (2 people) ( 1 ) $50 ( 1 ( I $35C Total Travel Costs 5 c r I I i I 1 I 5. Supplies and Materials (list tach maim type and indicate dac cost computation) typc basddod ofcw cc.rnpltatwo 1 TI Videotape stock $15 per reel X 10 reels - $5 per roll X 20 rolls 35 mn fiLz w/processjng - - 16 rrm film w/processing - for experimental work $25 per roll X 12 rolls - -s Audiotape stock $5 per reel X 20 reels 1 - - Total Cost of Supplies and iMaterials 51 ................................................................................................................................................... 6. Services (list eacn major type and COS~ computation) type basislmcrficd of cost computation S- - - - __ - - Told Cost of Senices S= _.___.______._._.__....-..-...-.--.-....------.---~.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Other (list exii major type and cost computation) type basis/me&od of cost computation f- - I I I I I I I i i 11 11 I I - - - - - - - Total Cost of Other 5, ________________________________________-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. INDIRECT COSTS 1. Rate(s) established by negotiation with Federal agency: 8 of s s- 8 of s - Name of Fcdcral agency: Date of ncgotlation agreemenc 2. Rate rcqucsted in attacked indirect cost proposal or estimate of indica cost rate if submission of hdkt cost proposal wiIl bc delayed: % of f S- m7a Total Indirect Costs S= e e Carlsbad City Library NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES - PLANNING GRANT PROPOSED ACTIVITIES Possible subjects to be covered in the film: Mission San Luis Rey Carrillo Ranch, Kelly Ranch, Rancho las Encinitas Lagoons Flower fields and other agricultural and raw land Twin Inns Old City Hall Train depot Carlsbad-by-the-Sea Alt Karl sbad Royal Palms Historic homes (Gage, Myers, Wright-Schutte, de la Motte) Army and Navy Academy Suggested list of persons to be interviewed: Allan and Irwin Kelly Charles Ledgerwood Robert Baird Gerald McClelland Manuel Castorena Chris Christiansen Lew and Fern Chase Marron family Osuna family 2/80 ' '- I a, 2 3 4 5 6 7 81 9 10 2-1 12 13 14 15 16 17' 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 \ RESOLUTION NO. 6087 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNClL OF THE CITY OF CARLSMD, CALIFORilIk, AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF GRAilT Al\rF,RD FR0T.i THE NATIONAL ElilD0IIP;ENT FOR THE HUFW ITIES . WHEREAS, the Caielsbad City Library has been awarded a one year Plann Grant by the National Endowment for the Humanities to support a local histc project; and WHEREAS the City Colrncil wishes to accept this grant in an amount no exceed $1 0,000.00 ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Carlsba California, as foIIows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true .. and correct. That the City Manager of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authoriz and directed to execute said Assurance of Compliance and accept the offer behalf of the City of Carlsbad. . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carl at a regular meeting held the 13th day of February y 1980, b the following vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis an1 NOES: None ABSENT : None Councilwoman Casler ;/y p// [f-pL ,'v *'( <l' -,e/ "-7 cz< .c/LC-L*.d p , 4. (RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST : ~W~ULlil(Ri~z y ci tyxrb (seal) n# {&& I