HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-02-19; City Council; 6166; Coversion of 40 Apartments to Condominiums**' CITY OF CARLSBAD Q INITIAL fl/j AGENDA BILL NO. /„ /& & Dept. Hd. tff DATE:FEBRUARY 19. 1980 __ Cty> Atty> yjfjg) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING __ Cty. Mgr. SUBJECT: TENTATIVE MAP CONDOMINIUM PERMIT FOR THE CONVERSION OF 40 EXISTING APARTMENTS INTO CONDOMINIUMS. CASE NO: CT 79-24/CP-33 APPLICANT: COOK STATEMENT OF THE MATTER ' The subject property is located on the northwest corner of Tamarack and Jefferson Street. The project is an existing 40 unit apartment complex. The project with proposed changes meets all development standards of the condominium regulations. Staff felt that the project also met the basic design criteria and therefore staff had recommended approval of this condominium conversion. Planning Commission, however, felt that the underground storage as proposed by the applicant was not usable to the tenants and felt the project would not make a good condominium. The applicant asked for a continuance so that they could redesign the storage area for above ground access. The applicant resubmitted a plan that had storage above ground in a two story structure* in the parking lot. However, both the planning staff and Planning Commission felt that this above ground storage building was inappropriate since it blocked light and air from existing units and was difficult to use since it was two stories with long narrow storage areas. The Planning Commission was unsatisfied with both plans submitted by the applicant and have recommended that this application be denied. EXHIBITS PC Resolution No. 1589 Staff Report dated 12/12/79 Staff Report dated 1/9/80 Memorandum to City Manager dated 1/29/80 Exhibit "A" dated 11/27/79, Exhibits "B", "C" dated 10/10/79 and Exhibit "D" dated 1/2/80 RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission and staff recommends that CT 79-24/CP-33 be denied, and that the City Council direct City Attorney to prepare documents as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1589. Council Action: 2-19-80 Council continued the hearing to the meeting of 3/4/80. 3-4-80 Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents denying the application without prejudice due to the condominium conversion moratorium. o o ^/o 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 PLANNING _CC.Vg-iISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1589 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING DENIAL OF CT 79-24/CP-33 FOR THE CONVERSION OF 40 EXISTING APARTMENTS INTO CONDOMINIUMS LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF TA1-' AND JEFFERSON STREETS. APPLICANT: CASE NO: E.F. COOK CT 79-24/CP-33 BEST COPY WHEREAS, a verified application has been filed with the City of Carlsbad and referred to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request as provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Code, the Planning Commission on the 9th day of January, 1980, considered said application on property described as: Portions of tract 23.1 of the Thum Lands, in the City of Carlsbad, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 1681, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, December 9, 1915. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad, acting as Lead Agency, has processed said property through environmental guidelines pursuant to Title 19 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and the State EIR Guidelines. This project has been found to be exempt from environmental review according to Section 19.04.090(a) (8), which exempts the division of existing multiple family rental units into condominiums. WHEREAS, at said Planning Commission hearing a staff report was submitted and reviewed. At the conclusion of said hearing, after consideration of all evidence presented, the Planning Commission, by the following vote, recommended denial of CT 79~24/ CP-33, for the following reason: o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1. . Convenient and accessible storage is not provided for each proposed condominium unit. MOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitations are true and correct. AYES: Rombotis, Marcus, Leeds, Larson, Schick. ABSENT: Friestedt, Jose. ABSTAIN: None. EDWIN S. SCHICK, JR., Chairman CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: JAMES C. HAGAMAN, Secretary CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION PC RESO # 1589 —2" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n| •12! 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) CITY OF CARLSBAD ) I, JAMES C. HAGAMAN, Secretary to the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly introduced, approved and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting of said Commission held on the 23rd day of January, 1980, by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: JAMES C. HAGAMAN, Secretary CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION PC RESO #1589 — 3— STAFF REPORT DATE: December 12, 1979 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: CT 79-24/CP-33 APPLICANT: Cook REQUEST: TENTATIVE MAP AMD CONDOMINIUM PERMIT FOR THE CONVERSION OF 40 EXISTING APARTMENTS INTO CONDOMINIUMS. . .. I. ,tll • ,..! I .. .. , I—.., •'"- —•• ' •••'-" ' . I ..... .1 .1 — II....I. .— .->.!.. »-^-....-. ... M..- ..1.1. .1 I II. I.. .,,,.,„ BACKGROUND L o c a t i on and D e s c r i p t ion of Property The subject property is located on the northwest corner of Tamarack and Jefferson Street, The project consists of a forty unit apartment complex. E x is ting Z o n i nj Subject Property: RDM .North: RDM, OS South: R-l East: C-l West: R-l, RDM Exjsting land Use Subject Property: Forty unit apartment complex North: Elementary School South: Single Family East: Commercial West: Single Family Residential Environmental Impact Informati on The Environmental Protection Ordinance, Title 19, exempts the conversion of existing rental units to condominiums per Section 19 . 04 . 090(a)(3). General P la njn forma ti o n ' " A. Land Use Element This property is designated as RMH, -Residential Medium High Density, 10-20 dwelling units per acre. The lower o figure is the recommended density. Any increase above this recommended density can occur only if certain criteria are fulfilled. The proposed conversion, 40 units on 2.91 acres, has a density of 13.7 dwelling units per acre. Pub!i c Faci1i ti es !• Sewer: Sewer service is existing to this project provided by the City of Carlsbad. 2« Mater: Water service is existing to this project, provided by the City of Carlsbad. 3- Schools: This project is within the Carlsbad Union School Districts, The district by letter dated October 19, 1979, has informed the City that school physical facilities will be available concurrent with need. 4. Gas and Electric:Electric service is being provided Separate meters are provided for electricity, no gas service at the site. The swimming by SDG&E There is pool is solar heated. 5. On-site and Adjacent Public Faci1i ties faci1i ti es All necessary have been 6. 6 n - si t e" and adjacent public assured per the City's Public Improvement Ordinance on prior approval of SP-20(A). Other Public Facilities: It has been determined that all other'publ'ic facilities necessary to serve this project will not be available concurrent with need. The Planning Commission may, by inclusion of an appropriate condition, require that the project contribute to the costs of such facilities according to City Council Policy No. 17. Since the development would pay its appropriate share of the public facility it would require, the Planning Commission could be assured that the requirements of the Public Facilities Element of the General Plan would be satisfied. In addition, park-in-lieu fees would be assessed at-the time of building permit issuance. C. Other Elements This project is consistent with all other elements of the General Plan. History and Re 1 a ted Cases SP-20(A), Starr, On August 17, 1977, SP-20(A), was adopted on sub.ject property. (Planning Commission Resolution No. 1295, Ordinance No. 9474). This was an amendment to a specific plan that was adopted prior to the initiation of the site development plan process. The specific plan provides -2- for the existing development. The eventual improvements of Tamarack and Jefferson and provisions for the traffic signals were resolved at that time. CT 79-3/CP-3, Mola, On June 19, 1979, the City denied a conversion of 80 apartments to condominiums (Ordinance No. 5832), because the development was not comprehensively planned with integration of recreation areas, open areas, walkways, parking; the internal street system was a dominant feature; and sufficient parking was not provided.' Major PIann i ng Cons i derati ons 1) Does this project meet all the development requirements of the condominium regulations? Is the parking adequate? 2) Have the design standards of the condominium regulations been met? 3) Will the deletion of these rental units from the rental supply have an adverse affect on the total housing market? Discus si on This is a reques't for the conversion of an existing apartment building to a forty unit condominium project. The units are relatively new and are occupied. Deyelopment Standards Setbacks: The development does not have driveways to the unit. 'Parking is in two parking lots at either end of the project. Parking: The minimum condominium parking requirements are two spaces per unit, one to be covered. Also, the project requires 13 visitor spaces, for a total of 93 spaces required. The project has 80 spaces for the units, 40 covered, and 13 visitor spaces. The project presently has 93 open spaces. The applicant proposes to cover 40 of them. Parking require- ments are met on site. The specific plan permitted "green pavement" in the parking area (banks that allow grass to grow). However, this has not proved successful. The condominium code requires asphaltic pavement in parking areas and concrete flows in covered parking areas. Staff recommends that the parking lot be reconstructed to meet the condominium requirements. Refuse Area: There are two refuse areas"on-site in either parking 1ot. The applicant pronoses to move the one in the east lot to the area as shown as Exhibit A. Coast Waste Management has approved both locations. -3- Storage Space: Storage space of 480 cubic feet per unit is required. The applicant proposes to construct 40 storage areas of 512 cubic feet under the carports. This meets the requirement, but the storage is not easily available to the outside. Laundry Facilities: Each unit has a built in laundry area. The plumbing is not in a common wall with neighboring units. Recreation Area: The project shows approximately 7,000 square feet of fenced in open recreation area. The condominium regulations require 200 square feet per unit, or 8,000 square feet. There is, however, ample open areas in the center of the project, which is used by children as play areas. The open recreation requirements are met. L aji d s c a p i n g a n d I r r i g a t i on : The project is presently well landscaped and maintained. Utilities: The units have existing separate electric meters. There is no gas to the property. The applicant proposes to add separate water meters, either to each unit or to each building. The code permits both arrangements. D e s i g n C r i t e r i a: The project meets design criteria in that it has a centralized recreation area, interconnecting walkways and close parking areas. The project is oleasantly landscaped. The design and orientation of the units provide privacy and aestheti c reli ef. Recommendati on Staff recommends APPROVAL of CT 79-24/CP-33 based on the following conditions: F i n d i n g;s: 1) The proposed project is consistentwith the General Plan since it is within the allowed density range and is consistent with all other elements. 2) The site is physically suitable for the type and density . of the development since the site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate residential development at the proposed density and still meet all the requirements of the City's condominium ordinance. 3) The project is consistent with all City Public Facility Policies and Ordinances since: a) The applicant has existing sewer service. .4. b) The Carlsbad School District has indicated that school facilities are available. c) Water serv.ice is provided by the City of Carlsbad Separate meters will, be provided. d) Electric service is provided by San Diego Gas and Electric. Separate meters have been provided. e) Park-in-lieu fees have been required on previous applications. f) All necessary public improvements have been provided or have been required as conditions of previous approval. g) At this time, all other public facilities necessary to serve the project will not be available concurrent with need. The Planning Commission has, by inclusion of an appropriate condition, required that the project contribute to the costs of such facilities. Since the development will pay its proportionate share of the public facilities which it will require, the Plannin-g Commission is satisfied that the requirements of the public facilities element of the general plan have been satisfied. 4) The proposed project is exempt from environmental review according to Section 19 . 04 , 090(a) (8) , which exempts' the conversion of existing multiple family rental units to condominiums. By condition of approval and by State Law, the applicant will notify the tenants of this proposed conversion and provide exclusive right to contract for the purchase of their respective units. Conditions 1) Approval is granted for CT 79-24/CP-33 as shown in Exhibits A, dated 11/27/79 and B & C dated October 10, 1979, on file in the Planning Department. 2) The applicant shall submit a repr'oduci bl e copy of the condominium plan prior to approval of the final map. This plan shall incorporate all requirements .of approval and shall be subject to approval of the Planning Di rector. 3) The parking areas including the proposed carport shall be repaved with asphaltic concrete to code, reauirement. 4) The applicant shall pay a public facility fee as established in City Council Policy Mo. 17. This approval is expressly conditioned upon the applicant entering into a secured agreement to secure payment of this fee prior to approval of the resolution for CT 79-24/CP-33 by the Planning Commission. 5) Each of the tenants of the proposed condominium community apartment house project shall be given one hundred twenty days' written notice of intention to convert prior to termination of tenancy due to the proposed conversion. The provisions of this condition shall not alter or abridge the rights or obligations of the parties in performance of their covenants, including, but not limited to the provisions of services, payment of rent or the obligations imposed by Sections 1941, 1941.1 and 1941.2 of the Civil Code. 6) Each of the tenants of the proposed condominium project shall be given notice of an exclusive right to contract for the -purchase of their respective units upon the same .terms and conditions that such units will be initially offered to the general public or terms more favorable to the tenant. The right shall run for a period of not less than sixty days from the date of issuance of the subdivision-public-report.pursuant, to Section 11018.2 of the Business and Professions Code, unless the tenant gives prior written notice of his intention no.t to exercise the right. Exhibits Exhibits A, dated 11/27/79, B & C dated 10/10/79 Location Map Disclosure Form B P : a r 11/29/79 -6- ST. ):sr^~ i 01 SON <?ft>o $,ST: AC. >• \ - V.,^» *v «•» V fc! i ol u5 J\ m k5 * LINMftR IN HIBISCUS COPY CASE KO.CT- 71 -^ Description of Request: Date Rec'd /3<? /7 *? V><r J//H./H. <Hr ^^~ 17 PC Date/^L- /I- ._ ^° Cj>V«*tA»*f»UK **./__.. Address or Location of Request:Vtx* Applicant: Engr. or Arch._ Brief Legal: _ . JE? P £00 k. 2. -f 0Assessor Book: _jLQ l/ General Plan Land Use Description: Existing Zone: f£ Acres; £.^I School District: { \7ater District: | Coast Permit Area: Page Parcel; HO Uhtl No. of Lots: Proposed Zone: '_J DUTs ^.7"DU/Acre Sanitation District: Cttrjk+J. If after the information you have submitted has been revised, it is determined that further information is required, you will be so advised. '* APPLICANT: '666 Tamarack Limited^ 'Partggr^£g J Name (individual, par tner ship, joint venture, corporation, syndication) 7851 Mission Center San Diego, CA 92108 Business Address 299-1303 Telephone Number AGENT: E. F. Cook & Associates, Ltd. Name 5858 Mt. Alifan Drive, San Diego, CA 92111 Business Address 279-2823 Telephone Number MEMBERS s Al an U. Mev i n Name (individual, partner, joint Home Address venture,- Corporation, syndication) 7851 Mission Center Ct.-San Diego, California 92103 Business Address (714) 299-1303 Telephone Number •, ' Telephone Number Name .• Home Address Business Address Telephone Number Telephone Number • : . (Attach more sheets if necessary) I/We declare under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this dis- closure is true and correct and that it will remain true and correct and may be relied upon as being true and correct until amended. 666 TAMARACK LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Applicant • Kent DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: REQUEST: STAFF REPORT January 9, 1980 Planning Commission Planning Department Continued Hearing on CT 79-24/CP-33 Cook TENTATIVE MAP AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT FOR THE CONVERSION OF 40 EXISTING APARTMENTS INTO CONDOMINIUMS These items were continued from the December 12, 1979 Planning Commission hearing, so the applicant could attempt to.resolve problems noted by the Commission. The following is a synopsis of the Planning Commission concerns and how the applicant has attempted to resolve' them. 1. Landscaping: The landscaping is inadequate for a condominium. The applicant has submitted landscaping plans indicating how the site will be relandscaped if the conversion is approved. See E and D, 1/2/80. 2. Storage: The underground storage is inadequate due to dampness. The applicant has submitted a new site plan (See Exhibit A-l, 12/27/79) that shows all of the storage areas in a two story building located in the parking area. The storage bins are 4' wide and 16' deep Staff believes the shape and the second floor access makes these storage areas inefficient and unattractive. Also this building will block light and air from the units directly to the west. '3. Parking: Some parking can be placed on the street to provide area for storage. Exhibit A-l shows park- ing on the street. However, there is a bus stop along this frontage and parking cannot be permitted for 55 feet north of the intersection. There is room for three parking spaces on Jefferson, not five as shown. 4. Refuse Areas: The refuse areas are insufficient in size to•accommodate 40 units. the applicant proposes to increase the refuse areas to accommodate four bins. However, the bins will have to be placed in tandem. Coast Waste Management indicates that the proposal is workable but not ideal. (See Exhibit A-l). If this revised plan is approved a condition should be added requiring that these refuse areas be enclosed by 6' high masonry walls, contain a metal gate and have a concrete floor. 5. Water Meters: The code permits one meter per building. It was noted, however, that one meter per building still requires group payment of the \vater bill. Staff would suggest that the water meter be required for each unit as a condition of approval. 6. Tot Lot: There should be a tot lot for children. Exhibit D shows a tot lot in the central recreation area. 7. Noise Abatement: The buildings have been constructed to meet present noise abatement regulations. However, there is noise generated from Tamarack that can affect the tenants. The Planning Commission wished to see if this can be reduced in the units. The plans, A-l, show an existing "buffering" wall along Tamarack. This wall however is to buffer the parking lot visually from the public streets. Raising the height of the buffering wall to reduce noise would be aesthetically inappropriate, ineffective for second floors, and not permitted by zone regulations. Heavy landscaping provides an apparent buffer from noise, but is actually ineffective. A letter in support of this project has been received. RECOMMENDATION ; Staff recommends that the revised plan Exhibit A-l dated 12/27/79 not be approved. If the Planning Commission wishes to approve the conversion, staff recommends that the Planning Commission refer to Planning Commission recommendation con- tained in staff report dated 12/12/79, with the addition of the landscape plan listed as Exhibit D,. 1/2/80. Attachments: Staff Report dated 12/12/79 Letter from Philip B. Lukei, dated December 5, 1979 Exhibit A-l, 12/27/79 Exhibit D, 1/2/80 .-"•^ -.*.,,"' 4022 Crescent Point Road Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 December 5, 1979 Carlsbad Planning Commission City Hall .Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Condo conversion . . 40 units CT 79-24, CP--33 Dear Sirs: I wish to support the above condo conversion. I believe it will do the following: 1. Upgrade the property. 2. Increase the city and county's tax revenue after conversion. 3. Provide a slight addition to lowr priced housing, which is sadly lacking in Carlsbad. I feel very strongly that tte vddening md paving of. Tamarack on the North side be a condition of approval. This work is long overdue, and I hope the widening from Jefferson to the Santa Fe tracks can ba accomplished in one operation. The city has been "studying" this for more than two years. It is time to get on with the job. /*' Philip B. Lukei, owner of 3904 Jefferson Street PEL:rll RECEIVED D!TC~3 1979 C:. ( Ur CAi<LS6AD Kenning Department MEMORANDUM DATE: January 29, 1980 To: City Manager FROM: James Hagaman, Planning Director SUBJECT: ADDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, CT 79-2VCP-33 Staff had recommended approval of the subject condominium conversion with a set of conditions. At the first Planning Commission hearing the Planning Commission noted objections to the plan and recommended continuance to determine if objections could be overcome. The Planning staff did review the application with the applicant and did suggest 3 additional conditions to be placed on any approval by the Planning Commission. These 3 added conditions are: 7) Each unit shall be served by an individual water meter. 8) The open area shall be landscaped as shown on Exhibit "D" dated January 2, 1980. 9) The basement storage area shall be properly ventilated to reduce dampness. The Planning Commission however, recommended denial of the application. If the City Council wishes to approve the subject request, staff recommends that the conditions of staff report dated December 12, 1979 and the 3 conditions listed in this memo be made part of City Council approval. BP:JCH:ar