HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-02-19; City Council; 6173; Streetscape and Parking Lot Improvements at Corner of State Street And Grand Avenue Contract 1075* :IT\’ (jj- c,jJz[ ;<<,?,if a r4nt -.----.------I --.-_------ -- lnj+.iz] Y - --- .---..- - ~egt. i-iead e ----_I-___ r”,GENLA E dth. ?!(! ._, I& / 73 DATE : -_1-_-- I_ February --..-_ _I__ 19, 1980 .-_---_I_- ------I --.-- c. Atty Jjlq5 u E p R R-rld; t: g T : Eng ine er ing C. Ngr. I--...,.-...------ ___I---__ ____ __x____ ----_.--I - --e_ __ -----. _l---_--.l_ I-- SUBJECT: STFEETSCAPE AND PARKING LOT I?~fPROvEfENTS AT THE CORNER OF STATE STREET AND GRAND AVENUE - CONTRACT 1075 I - __---_l_ll_ - --II~ I_ STATEPENT OF THE MATTER Plans and Specifications for the construction of streetscape and parking ‘lot improvements at the northwest corner of State Street and Grand Avenue have been completed and are on file in the Engineering Department. This project i consistent with the City of Carlsbad’s proposed Village Area Redevel- opment Plan and will be funded by monies received through the County of San Diego’s Fourth Year Urban County Block Grant Program. (See attached memoranc from the Housing and Xedevelopment Coordinator.) The Engineer’s es timatt for this project is $62,600. 0‘ EXHIBITS 1. Plans and specifications (on file in the Engineering Department) 2. Memorandum from Housing and Redevelopment Coordinator dated 2/8/80. 3. Resolution No.Loq2 approving Plans and Specifications and Authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids. RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution No. b 0 7 :l . Council Action: 2-19-80 Council adopted Resolution 6092, approving Plans and Specs I authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids. @MEMORANDUM 0 DATE : February 14, 1980 TO : City Engineer, Les Evans FROM: SUBJ: AUTHORIZATION TO REQUEST CONSTRUCTION P Director; Housing and Redevelopment, Jack E. Henthorn\; B BIDS FOR PARKING LOT BACKGROUND On October 12, 1979, Council was given an informational report (Attachment "A") on the status of the Village Area Parking lot located at the intersection of Grand Avenue and State Street, As noted in Attachment "A", no objections were received from the Council regarding the report, and staff subsequently authorized final design of the parking lot. CURRENT STATUS Parking lot construction drawings reflecting the configuration shown in Attachment I'B" has undergone plan check; has been released by the Engineering Department, and is being presented to the Council requesting authorization to solicit construction bids. The Contract Administrator has been gdvised of the funding source and disbursement method regarding Block Grant funds ( Attachment "C") allocated for construction of the parking lot. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Council authorize the City Engineer to request construction bids for the above noted parking lot. JEH/AJA/al e e - ,* Yf - MOPdNDUkf DATE : October 12, 1979 TO : Cit.y Flanager FROM : SUBJECT: VILLAGE AEA STREETSCAPE AND PARICING LOT PLAN Redevelopment Coordinator, Jack Kenthorn %-f- .. 'LA B a clcgr oun d As a part of the City's fourth year Housing and Community Development Block Grant Program, Council allocated funds for the above not7ed purposes. Subsequently a contract was awarded to the firm of Bissell-August of Newport Beach for the provision of design services. Preliminary drawings were presented to the Village Area Redcvdopment Project Area Committee on July 19, 1979. * Subsequently a report was forwarded to Council summarizing the committee's commentary, and advising that staff would .authorize the consultant to proceed to final design unless otherwise directed by Council. Hearing no objections from Council, members of staff authorized final design of the parking lot portion of the contract and refinement of the streetscape. design. As parking lot construction drawings:. took form it became-evident that existing topographical and boundar data was inaccurate and inadequate. A detailed survey of the parking lot site was cornpleted in late August permitting completian of construction drawings. Curr.en t S ta tus Parking lot construction drawings reflecting the configuratior shown in Exhibit 1 are currently undergoing plan check by Engineering. undergoing a similar check. As soon as the plans and specifi- cations are released by Engineering they will be presented to Council for authorization to request construction bids. The proposed streetscape plan is being put into document form at this tine. A Xerox mock-up is attached as Exhibit 2. Ver' and graphics are being prepared for off-set (printing) proces The mock-ups are provided simply to acquaint us with the pro- posed format of the final document. Recomcndacion It is recommended khat copies of this item be distributed to the City Council for informational purposes. In addition, bid specifications are also 1. Am& St e 0 . .~ 3? * ,? m .~. ftnrpc e .r aEMORANDUM ********** ., DATE : E’ebruary 8, 1980 TO : David Houser, Contract Administration, Public Warks FROM: SUBJ: DISBURSEMENT OF BLOCK GRANT FUNDS FOR PAYBENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC PARKING LOT AND STmETSCAPE AT STATE STFtZET AND GRAND AVENUE, Tack E. Henthorn, Director, Housing & Redevelopmen 4& \ \ FUNDING SQURCE : The Parking lot and Streetscape construction located at State Street and Grand Avenue is a Community Development Block Grant Project that was funded through the County of San Diego’s Fourth Year Urban County Block’ Grant Application. The City of Carlsbad was awarded $62,600 for the implementation’and construction of the above- mentioned projects. The contractor must perform the tasks outlined in the contract for a cost not to exceed $62,600, The contractor will be required to comply with all local, . state, and federal affirmative action regulations. DISBURSZIJENT OF F-UXDS : All payrLsnt disbursemants made for the City of Carlsbad under th.2 terms and conditions of this contract will be made thrcqh the Bousing and Redevelopment Department, subject to written verification from the Co’ntract Administrator that all work indicated on the billing statment has been completed. All billing statements must be accorcpanied by the appropirate vouchers. Upon payment of each statement the Housing and Redevelopment Department will complete the requred Z-23 reimburserent form and forward them to the County of San ILSZD req:T---Tn LLaLL-Lg release of funds for payment to the City of Czrlsbad. atmtct-\ * '* *. '. - I 3 2 3i 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 , 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 w RESOLU'I'ION NO. 6092 0 R RESOLUTION OF TfIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICRTIONS AND AUlTIGR IZING THE CITY CLEM TO Ipu'rE BIDS FOR CONTRACT NO. 1075 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has determined necessary and in the pGblic interest to accomplish streetscape and par lot improvements at the corner of Grand Avenue and State Street; and, IMEWAS, plans and specifications for the furnishing of all labc rials, tools, equipment, transportation and other expenses necessary c incidental for said project, Contract No. 1075, have been prepared anc file in the Engineering Department of the City of Carlsbad and are in( by reference herein; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City ( Carlsbad as follows: 1. The above recitations are true andcorrect. 2. The plans and specifications as presented are hereby approve( 3. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized, directed to proceed to publish, in accordance with law, notice to con inviting bids for streetscape and parking lot improvements at the COT Grand Avenue and State Street, in accordance with the plans and speci hereinabove referred to. PASSED, APPROVED AXI AIX>PTED by the City Council of the City of California, at a regular meeting held thE J 9th day of February by the following vote, to wit: I AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis a NOES : None ABSENT: None Councilwoman Casler flL(p &2$&:) /'(liz 2 RONALD C. PACKIIRD ? Mayor ATTEST: @-kl4&*p mi lf4$. -muTt':NKm T (SFAIJ JAMES E. J(: County Tax CARL L. BA OFFICE OF TAX COLLECTOR Chief Deput\ HENRY F. E ROOM 162 COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER Chief 1600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY, SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 (714) 236-31 21 Current Secu e I 7 Novmker 3, 1977 City Of Carlsbad Jack E. Hent3m.m 1200 Elm Avenue Czrlsbad, CA 92008 FS: 203-294-02,03,04,0 Dear Mr. Henthorn: We have received your recent correspondence addressed to the Tax Collector and have referred it to the Office of the County As- sessor. mapping, and corrections to ownership of property are under the jur- isdiction of that office. Questions pertaining to valuations, assessment, exemptions, Army further correspondence relating to this matter should be directed to the County Assessor, 103 County Administration Center, San Diego, California 92101, Very truly yours, JAMES E. JONES BY Deputy cc: County Assessor 601-1-3 COUNTY OF SAM DIEGO _______________------------------ the within Master lease and subleases pertaining thereto covering all land and improvements located upon the followi described parcels within the corporate limits of ,the City of Carlsbad, Califor Lots 1 thm 6 inclusive of Block J of Town of Carlsbad, Amended, also knc as County of San Diego Assessor's Parcel Numbers 203-294-02 thru 06 inclusive. ________________________________________--------------------- _----_ heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, subject, nevertheless, to the therein mentioned covena and conditions ALcQntained in the af orement ione-d-lssc agre.m%&s attached! SPACE BELOW FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF -____ r---i---J - krAh.,-., P.,hliP i; 1 TO 449 CA (5-73) (Corporation) TITK INSURANCE AND TRUST ATlCOR COMPANY 1 ss. I STATE OF CALIFORNIA , I COUNTY OF ;d-%-. A&-,.,<. > s 0. *,ypLi,y~~ before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said Stat?, personally appeared &f / .fis --/ ! *-/ --- dresident, and 4 hwn to me to be the known to me to be hewn t* me to he the persons who exe,-utrd the wjthin I" w Secretary of the corpolation that execriteti the within Instrument, i -1 lnstr~lment on behalf of the corporation therein named, and tion pxecuteti the w,th,n a resolution of its board --9.CCCCb4) OFFiClAL SEAL ah DAYiD MIffHICH \ IcrorAf?Y pU&Jc-CALlE ) PR'NCIPAL OFFICE IN \ SAN DEGO COUN~ I 4 MY CO~M~SSJON EXPIRES DEC. 5, 1977 i -c-----y-zuI ---_eC.e-I--* I J e/ 1, kgrn I ----__I_ *i Udme (T<.or.ri ,,t pr,,i~-,l) . . . . . .. . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . ... co 0 0 N GENERAL thewithin Master lease and subleases pertaining thereto covering all land and improvements located upon the followinj described parcels within the corporate limits of,the City of Carlsbad, Californ: Lots 1 thm 6 inclusive of Block J of Town of Carlsbad, Amended, also know as County of San Diego Assessor's Parcel Numbers 203-294-02 thru 06 inclusive. __-_-- heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, subject, nevertheless, to the therein mentioned covenp and conditions __ibs conta ined in the aforemendoned lease agreements attached hereto, and incorporated herein, as though fully set forth. . . . STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SPACE BELOW FOR RECORDER'S USE ONL -_ - TO 449 CA (5-73) (Corporation) TITLE INSURANCE known to me to be the NOTARY PUBUC - CALIF. \ PRtNCIPAL OFFICE IN \ S4W OIEGO COUNTY 4 lj 5 0 t-J ,c >Nr- $04 0 r‘ 0 .i 1 h eg * . .*