HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-02-19; City Council; 910-23; Carlsbad Municipal Swim Complex, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL SWIM COMPLEX SUBJECT: STATEMENT OF THE ?lATTER At their meeting of February 5, 1980, the Council directed staff to develop a. revised pool concept approximately as follows: POOL - BUILDING - AMENITIES - CAPABILITY - 25 meter X 25 yard ~ool with combined diving and swimming area.. Attached 20' X 40' teaching area 7,000 S.F. of decking. separate 800 S.F. mechanical building. 1,gOO S.F. masonary building with wood truss roof complete with dressing rooms, lockers, office, restrooms and pool equipment room. Pool area and parking lot lighting, landscape and irrigation, solar heating, 150 space parking lot, bike parking, masonary wall around pool; capacity approximately .?Or). Water nolo czpability; competitive swimming; 1 meter and 3 meter diving; meets MU short course standard only; similar to City of Anaheim pool. Rapid rate sand filter in Staff was also directed to return with a recommendation on how to accomplish the redesign and construction in the shortest amunt.of time at a cost not to exceed $850,000. EXHIBITS Memo to the City Engineer RECOMMENDAT ION Schedule a workshop session to analyze alternatives for design and construction. ' Council Action: 2-19-80 Council directed the matter be scheduled for meeting with the School Board on March 11, 1980. 4 MEMORANDUM - February 11, 1980 TO: City Engineer FROM: Design Section On Friday, February 8, 1980 we sent out invitations calling for two separate types of proposals on the municipal swim complex to be submitted by February 26, 1980. One type of invitation was sent to architects requesting proposals for the design only of the swim complex. The other type of invitation was sent to contractors and requested proposals for both the design and construction of a swim complex. Both sets listed the.same design parameters listed, in short, as follows: 1. $850,000 fixed budget to include design and construction cost. 2. $ 50,000 maximum operating and maintenance cost. 3. 25 meter x 25 yard main pool. 4. Ability to host high school competition meets, water polo and teaching. 5. Minimum site work. 6. Minimum building of 1900 sf. 7. Protected pump and equipment area. 8. Noise attenuating fencing. 9. Provision for future or present spectator seating. As an alternate not to be included in the fixed budget we listed a request for provision for a 75% solar heating system. The 75% figure was called for be- cause Tom Alspaugh of Alspaugh & Associates, the solar consulting firm that designed the solar system for this City's old municipal pool, indicated this figure would be the optimum design goal for the size pool we desire. We requested essentially the same information to be submitted for all the proposals in order to standardize the results and facilitate our decision making process. Qa .@-- D. A. Hauser DAH : ms - - Sent to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6; 7. GfboRb d Attn: Harold &bt-rard-, Mi 1 ton Costel lo Old Library Arriityville, Long Island !1501 Riha Construction Co. 8173 Commercial Street La 14esa, CA 92041 Joe Bai ley Mesa Construction 12411; Lacr-el Street Lakeside, CA 92040 P.K. Construction 7210 Clairemnt Mesa, #B San Diego, CA 92111 Thibodo Construction 1370 Sycamore Vista, CA 92083 V i ew 1 and Cons t r uc t i on Spring Val ley, CA 92077 Box 1447 Rick Westp.rdoll Sierra Construction 9 Topeka Irvine, CA 92714 .. s SUBJECT: CAKLSBAD COPIMUNITY SWIM COMPLEX The. City of Carlsbad is requesting proposals from contractors for the design and construction of a swimming pool and service building to be located next to the Carlsbad High School at Monroe Street snd Chest- rrilt Avenue. Originally, a pool was designed by Kamneyer and Partners for this site on a somewhat larger scale than is.presently being re- quested. Copies of these plans, as well as a site geologic report, will be made available for your use. We have included with this proposal a preliminary design concept of a reduced-scale pool and building for your benefit. It should be noted that this plan is a conceptual guide on1-i arid should riot reduce the ahi 1 i ty of the designer to supply the most cost-effcctive and desirable pool within the fol lowins parameters. 1. The total cost of the projcct, including design fees, but excluding . a1 ternatives, shall not exceed $850,000. . 2. Design guideline for annual operation and maintenance cost shall be kept to a maximum of $50,000 per year for year-round operation, 15 hours a day. 3. 4. The pool shall accommodate high school competition meets, one meter The main pool shall Fiave minlnium dimensions of 25 meters by 25 yards. and future three-ncicr diving, water polo‘and provision for 2 shallow teaching area. ing to the best economics. , These facilities may be separate or Lombined accord- 5. Modifications to the parking lot and landscaping shall b? minimized to reduce cost. 6. The service building shall have a minimum size of 1,900 square feet and contain facil i tics for dressing rooms, showers, lockers, office and storage room. 7, The pump and fiitratim equipment shall bc adequately protected ;gainst the elemen?., and vandal ism. -2- .. * 8. Perimeter fencing shall be. of sognd-reducing measure along the north and east Lounda r i es . 9. Provision shall be made for present or future addition of' spectator seatiny. u ALTERNATIVE .C 1. Provide a 75% solar heating system. THE PROJECT I_--- The project w!ll consist of the design and construction of a complete s~im pool complex within the design pararlieters stated above. The con- tractor will be required to work closely with the City's project engineer in both the design an3 construction phases of the project. Prior to start of construction the contractor shall submit complete technics; specifications for all aspects of the work including the testing proce- dures required during construction. The contractor shall be responsible for submitting two complete sets of operating and naintenance manuals for all pool equipment. Th'e contractor shall guarantee all work for a ininirniirn of one 'year from acceptance of completed work. PREL t M I NARY DES 1 GN 1. Outline and preliminary design considerations shall be included in a - _--- prelim7nary package to be submitted to the City Engineer for approval . prior to proceeding with final design. 2. Conceptual drawing outlining locations, fixtures and' features. 3. Preliminary cost estimates. 4. Considerations of alternates for' solar heating, active and passive. 5. Anticipated scheduling of final design and construction. FINAL DESIGN PACKAGE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 1. -111_----- - ---I--- ' Detailed cost and quantity estimites reflecting current pricing and anticipated inflation to time of cdnstruct-ion. 2. The following items shall appear on the final drawings (this list is indicative, not exclusive). a. Eqlriprnint to be supplied. b. Location, type and sizes of piping, electrical and mechanical facilities and fixtures. c. Archi tectcirat structural srid County heal ;h approv;ll signatures. d. Appropriate detailing of all .items of construction io show clcar and definite instal Istions, locations, types and qualities. e, Indication of all work to be performed by the coiitractor or, if by others, the responsible party shall be clearly indicated. f. Specifications shall be provided pertinent to the installation specifying all materials, qual ity and 1 imitations. g. Materials of construction shall be selected to maintain the rnaxi- . murn of readily available material such that a maxiriiurn of competi- . tive bidding is obtained. 3. All plans and specifications shall tie in a form satisfactcry to and approved by the City Engineer. THE PROPOSAL - .The proposal package shall be submitted to the City Engineer no later than 5:OO p.m., February 26, 1980. The proposal package should contain the fol lowing i ternis. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Estimated design time required. Estimated construction time. An estimate of the total contract price broken down into major items. Anticipated ope1 ations and maintenance costs. A conceptual plan. Qualification statement to include the following: a. Backyrourld of your company and any consultants involved in the design. .. b. Background and qualifications of the individual directly respon- . sible for the design and construction. . c. A listing of similar projects designed o'r constructed by your fi rn, with references. I d. A complete recent design. (If reqgested and stamped to be re- turned, the submitted material will be returned following its evaluation.) Selection by the City should be accomplished within two weeks of the . datc, of submission. If you: firm intends to submit a proposal please -4 - advise us by telephone before February i5th so that arrangements can be - made for review. if you have any questions, please contact Larry Possey or David Hauser at 438-5541, ' / City Engineer LE:LCD:UAH:VEB 1. Clyde Huffbauer HuFfbauer, Humphrey & Worthi ngton 2148 Avenida de la Playa La Jolla, CA 92037 2. Bird, Fujimota & Fish 3230.5th, Suite C San Diego, CA 92103 3. Heinberger E Hirsch 515 West Commonwealth Sui te 205 , Fullerton, CR 92632 4. Allen Smith Blurock & Partners 2300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 5. Johnson E Anderson 241 7 Embarcadero Palo Alto, CA 94303 6. Ruhnc?~, Evans, Ruhnau 12G7 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 .. 7. Neptune & Thomas Suite 218 San Diego, CA . 5353 Mission Center Road TELEPHONE: (714) 438-5621 SUSJECT: CAKLSBAD COMMUNITY SWIM COMPLEX The City of Carlsbad is requesting proposals from architects for the de- sign of a swimming pool and service building to be located next to the Carlsbad Nigh Schocl at Monroe Street and Chestnqt Avenue. Originally, a pool was designed by Kammeyer and Partners for.this site on a somewhat lar9e:r scale than is presently being rcquested. Copies of these plans, as we:l as a site geologic report, will he made stcailable for your use. We have included with this proposal a preliminary design concept of a reduce'd-scale pool and building for your benefit. It shou'id bc noted thst this plan is a conceptual cjuide oilly and should not reduce tbc: ability of the designer to supply the most cost-effective pool within the fol lowing parameters. 1. 'The totai cost of the project, including design'fees, but excluding alternatives, shall not exceed $850,000. and desirable 2. Design guide1 ine for an'nual operation and maintenance cost shall be kept to a maximum of $50,900 per year for year-round operation, 16 hours a day. 3. The main pm1 shall have minimum dimensions of 25 meters.by 25 yards. 4. The. pool shall accommodate high school competition meets, one meter and future 'three-meter diving, water polo and provision for a shallow teaching area. ing to the best econo1:lics. These facilities may be separate or combined accord- t 5. Modifications to the parking lot and landscaping shall be minimized to reduce cost. 6. The service building shall have a miniinurii size of 1,900 square feet end contain facil ities for dressing roonis, showers, lockers, office and storage room. The pump and fi 1 trdtion equipmcnt shall be adequately protected agd/nst the elements and vandal ism. 7. I- - 8. Perimeter fencing shaii be of sound-reducing measure along the north and east boc!nda r i es . 9.' Provision shall tie wade for present or future addition of spectator seating . x ALTERNATIVE 1. Provide a 75% solar heating system. PREL I MI NARY DES 1 GN 1.1 Outline and preliminary design copsiderations shall be included in ' a preliminary package to be submitted to the City Engineer for ap- - proval prior to proceeding with final design, 2. Conceptual drawing out1inir.g locations, fixtures and features.. 3. . Prel imincry cost estimates. 4- 5. FINAL DES: GN PACKAGE PLANS AND SPEC -- I F 1 CAT IONS Considerations of a1 ternates for solar- heating, active and passive. Anticipated scheduling of f inat design and chnstruction. *. .- I. Detailed cost and quantity estimates reflecting current pricing and anticipated inflation to time of construction. 2. The Following items shall appear on the final drawings (this list 'is Indicative, not exclusive). a. b. '. c . d. e. f. Equ I pmen t to be suppl i ed. Location, type and sizes of piping, electrical and mechanical facilities and fixtures. Architectural , structural and County .heal th'approval signatures. Appropriate detailing of all. items of construction to shew clear and definite installations, locations, types snd qualities. Indication of all work to be pcrformed by the contractor or, if by others, the responsible party shall be clearly indicated. I Specifi.cations shall be providcd pertinent to the installation specifying a1 1 materials, qual ity and 1 imitations. Nateriols of construction shall be selected to maintain the maximum of readily available maferial such that a maximum of cornpctitive bidding is obtained.' 3. All plans and spccificatioiis shall be in a form satisfactory to arid approvcd by tlw C i ty E.ng i ncer . -3- THE PROPOSAL The proposal pickage shall be submitted lo the City Engineer no later thaq 5:OO p.rn., February 26, 1980. The proposal pskcage should contain the fcl lowing i tems. * . 'I. Estirmted design time required. 2. Es t i ma ted cons t ruc t i on t i me. 3. An estimatc of the total contract price. broken down into major items. 4. Anticipated operations and maintenancz costs. 5. A conceptual plan. 6. Qualification statement to include the following: -a. Background of your company and any consultants design. b. Rackground and qual jfications of the individual sible for the design. c. A listing of similar projects designed by yc.'-lr ences .. involved in the directly respon- f i rm, wi tli refer- d. A complete recent design. (If requested and stamped to be re- turned, the submi tted mater,iel wi 11 be returned fol lowing i ts eva I ua t ion. ) Selection by the City should be accomplished within two weeks of the date of subnission. advise us by telephone before February 15th so that. arrangements can he made for review. If you have any questions, please contact Larry Dossey or David tlauser- at 438-5541. if your firm intends to submit a piwposal please ' ' City Engineer . LE : LCD : DAH : VER