HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-03-04; City Council; 6165-1; Appropriation for Police Vehicles.. ------------------...,_ CITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. 6165, Supplement No. l Initial: DATE: _____ _;_M~a~r_c_h_4~,_1_9_8~0 ______ _ Dept.Rd. ---c. Atty. __ _ DEPARTMENT: ___ c_i_t~y_M_a_n_a~g_e_r _______ _ C. Mgr. ~ SubJect: APPROPRIATION FOR POLICE VEHICLES Statement of the Matter It is necessary to order for replacement, twelve police units during 1980-81 Fiscal Year. ~hese cars will be purchased through the State of California. Orders must be placed by March 5, 1980. Since·no money was budgeted in 1979-30 Fiscal Year, it will be necessary to effect a transfer of funds from the General Fund ($72,000}. Exhibit Resollltion No. {oorf' Memo from City Manager dated 3-4-80 Recommendation It: Council concurs, adopt Resolution No. /p Of?( authorizing the transfer of funds. Council Action: 3~4-80 Council adopted Resolution 6088, authorizing the transfer of funds for police units. ..... \ DATE: MARCH 4, 1980 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: City Manager POLICE VEHICLES Recommendation That Council appropriate $72,000 from Contingency (General Fund) to purchase 12 police patrol cars. Discussion The 1978-79 budget provided funds to purchase 4 police cars. They were orde~ed in March, 1979 and placed in service in June. In June the Council appropriated additional funds for 7 police cars which were placed in service between June and September. No funds were appropriated in the 1979-80 budget because it was believed we would not need additional cars during the fiscal year. Generally, that is true. The current cars will probably last through June 30, 1980. However, the City needs to order additional cars now in order to have them available after July, 1980. Ordering cars now will permit us to take advantage of the lower price per unit throDgh state procurement. State purchasing will cost $6,000 per vehicle. Purchasing through local auto dealers would cost $7,500 per vehicle. Alternate 1. Budget for replacement in 1980-81 Fiscal Year and purchase through local dealer at a higher cost. ~he savings to City by ordering now would be $12,000 -$18,000. 2. Do not purchase new patrol cars until existing units break down. This would increase maintenance costs. Policy Issues The present policy is to replace police cars at around 70,000 miles when maintenance costs become excessive. The decision on when to replace each unit is made by the Vehicle Maintenance Superintendent based upon actual maintenance records. The police fleet now consists of 24 vehicles -12 patrol cars and 12 other vehicles (see attached list). Fiscal Impact Ordering vehicles now will save $12,000 -$18,000 an unknown amount in additional maintenance cost. $72,000 the unappropriated reserve fund will have ;;J;ttwiW~ FRANK ALESHIRE City Manager FA:ldg Att. in purchase price and After appropriating a balance of $2,689,264. / .=; r1 CARLSBAD POLICE DEPARTMENT VEHICLES Total City No. Year Make Mileag:e to Date Assig:ned A-001 1979 Plymouth 27~38' Patrol A-002 1978 II 20017 K-9 Patrol A-003 1979 II 23801 Patrol A-004 1979 II 14390 Patrol A-005 1979 II 27281 Patrol A-006 1979 II 19518 Patrol A-007 1979 II 12345 Patrol A-008 1979 II 20956 Supervisor A-009 1979 II 29205 Patrol ,· A-010 1978 II 34493 Traffic Control-l?atrol: J A-011 1979 II 4759 Staff Car A-012 1978 ti 26892 K-9 Patrol A-013 1979 II 11946 Patrol A-016 1972 Pontiac 67292 Detective A-017 1977 Ford 38475 II A-018 1977 II 38166 II A-019 1974 AMC 65982 II ,, A-020 1975 AMC 49945 Juvenile A-031 1975 Chevrolet 57400 Detective A-032 1979 Plymouth 2037 Patrol Commander A-033 1979 Ford 20995, Chief A-034 1979 Ford 19333 Detective A-040 1978 Jeep(4 WD) 21877 Off Road A-051 1979 Dodge 12860 Operations Commander 2/26/80 / l 2 :; 4 RESOLUTION NO. 6088 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR POLICE UNITS, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad 5 as follows: ---..... --------7--1 I 6 1. That the transfer of seventy-two thousand ($72,000) from 7 Account Number 1-000-0900 (General) to Accqunt Number 1-119-3900 8 (Capital Outlay) be made for the purchase of police units is 9 hereby authorized and approved. This will leave a balance of 10 $2,689,26~ in unappropriated General Funds. 11 2. That the Department of Finance Fund Transfer No. 56 12 on file in said department and incorporated by reference herein 13 is approved. 14 PASSEDr APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City 15 of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held on the 4th day of 16 March , 1980, by the following vote, to wit: 17 AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear, Lewis and Councilwoman Casler 18 NOES: None 19 ABSENT: None 20 ~/,c/4...{ RONALD C. PACKARD, Ma)."Or 21 ATTEST: 22 23 (seal) 24 25 26 27 28