HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-03-04; City Council; 6182; DESALINATION BASIN - MONROE AND MARRON ROADI, c e c ; '[ y cf ;-: 2 f !! L : - .--- ---.---_.I ---_-._- Init-ial : ' [kpt. i.ll-;.iid E -_-__._.._I A G I_ 11; I;: ;', E. i i_ i j * ..- __.&Q-f -F-a --.-... -...---.....-.-_._- -_I. _.__.________-___ Narch 4, 1980 c. htty ----.--...-.-..----.-------...- I--- - ...-l_.l--_C-___-__.~I____ DATE : 0 I' p /\ j:; -;- M ;;, p! -1- s, Engineering c, e Mgr . --X.--I_-.d-..- ..-.-.-. ~-- T_l--ll- ---_--_-._ ---. "._-.___-__ ___.-.l-_l- ~ ----.------ -_-I- _____I_._____X._________ ~ -___ __ _x_.__I ._ ~. L" 5 us I? i:. 1. I : Desiltation Basin - Vonroe C, P4arron Road ^--I_--..----.-----___.-I---l.l_--l_ -_._._-I_ ___ -_I__ _II__ ____ __-__-__. .___ ST-4TEMENT OF THE MATTER .. ..4s a condition of approval of the Plaza Camino Real subdivision, the City required the installation of a desiltation basin at the foot of the future extension of ${onroe adjacent to Marron Road. The basin will be maintained by the Plaza Camino Real and removed at such time as the Pionroe storn drain is extended or the drainag is otherwise diverted. -. EXHI BITS A. . Grant of Easement and Agreement B. Resolution of Acceptance RE COMMENDAT I ON Adopt Resolution No. b 077 accepting a Grant of Easement and Agreement from Grove Apartments for Erosion Control Puryoses. Council Action: 3-4-80 Council adopted Resolution 6099, accepting a Grant of Easement and Agreeme from Grove Apartments for Erosion Control Purposes. ,a 0 r . ^* The May Stores Shopping Centers, Inc. A Subsidiary of The May 1)epartxment Stores Company February 15, 1980 Hon. Vincent Biondo, Jr., City Attorney City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Plaza Camino Real Desiltation Basin Dear Mr, Biondo: Following your letter of December 6, 1979, we have obtained the signatures of all parties other than the City to the approve1 Grant of Easement and Agreement, and I enclose herewith thkee SUI copies. You will note that we have changed the name of The May Store Shopping Centers, Inc. to May Centerskko accord with the officia no change in its icientity. change of name of that Corporation on January 1, 1980. There is Also, please note that only on one copy of the document have all of the signers acknowledged their signatures to Notaries. Since that copy should be the one recorded, I request that you return that one to ne, together with one other signed copy when these three copies are signed on behalf of the City. If there is any question, please be in touch with me. Sincer iy , /’, ,J(.l . ,&kc X Solomon Fisher I SF : gr Enclosures Executive Offic-ey, 10738 West Pic0 Blvd., Suite 1, Los Angeleu, California 90064 Tel. (213) 879-1850 475-3501 \, 0 0 $- fj T"?,..r" +&&g f3 $ "jcg E[-:L? p.'t,;ETqfjE Ck?; i,$ E $,jJ, c 3, I, 1 ;; G 8 N 1 p: 3 zg Jit (71G.j &22-5f,37 February 26, 1980 VINCENT F: EIi)R:!D3, JR. c: ITY 6.bT-ro F: IQ E Y iqr o Sr.,.tornon Fiskr X0738 Xest Pic0 BlVd. I,CS Ari5<+I.C?.sI CA gC064 Til$; MAY ,CST<;I",S SHOPPIl.:G CENTEXS ~ INC J) Suite 1. RE: ?Iaza. Can.ino Xed .DesiltatioFi Basin war rv.w, ish her : -. y%Znk -' vclg. for. your letter of Febrxary 15, 1989 xegardhng the t2aser:r:eri-t a-16 agree:nent frir the a-hove-referenced. pro j set D havn a&;=d i:h-, city :gngin.eer to place the ma'citeir ci-i the CLty ~ouncj-1. agenza for '.cI,:,e.i~ approval and azcz2tance ., I . A~;.c:grai??L(; tjza Ci'cli CGI. ncil approves I we wi.11 have the ease-- ;fieyGts e):z::;z.tsd and; ;:eC.5rS:ed. t?j.e piA:,l. .i.c i~~~~~-ov'e~~.er~t i-eqilirei pursuz..nt to the City ' s si~~;di~isj..cn y:soiseduzes I our regulations require ;ik or?-q~nz L t.o be re-~.rrrrs6 by the City Clerk- By a copy of "ihi.s let<:€?!: I have a.sked her to return two signed copies to yoc. Yo?x cc~~.tinu-i~~~ coopera-~zon is appreciated D c~~lc~yr,~ with. t& mzxjlnyr in i&~i& we in-ken6 to proceed p let. 192 :/.;7iow * Since -iik easement uv?derlines .. - L .i. .. .. If y~u have ally p?.e:ase Q City Attorney VE*23/ml a cc I, City Zn:;u.ecr ciQ7 c:?_erj; -&/ e e 1200 ELM AVENUE TELEP CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) 4; Citp sf CarZslbab March 7, 1980 Mr. Solonon Fisher THE MAY STORES SHOPPING CENTERS, INC. 10738 West Pic0 Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90064 Re: Plaza Camino Real Desiltation Basin The Carlsbad City Council , at their meeting of March 4, 1980, adopted Resolution No. 6099, accepting z Grant of Easement and Agreement from the Grove P7artments Investment Company for ero- sion controi purposes. The origicz- Grant of Easement and Agreement will be reczpded by the San Diego County Recorder and retairisr in the City Clerk's Office of the City of C2p:sbad. However, as requested by the City Attornzy, we are returning two signed copies of subj9:t document to you. Also enclosed for your records is a copy of Resolution No. 6099 referenced above. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. @JjdL dl 6)- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk ALR: krs Enclosures cc: City Attorney 3. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e RESOLUTION NO. -- 6399 A RESOLUTIOX OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSEAD, CALIFOIINIA, ACCEPTING A GRANT OF EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT FROM GROVE APARTNENTS I WESTMENT COMPANY FOR EROSION CONTROL PURPOSES 0 WHEREAS, Grove Apartments Investment Company has sub Grant of Easement and Agreement conveying an easement to th of Carlsbad for erosion control purposes; said easement is in the Office of the City Clerk and is incorporated by refe herein; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad ha determined it to be in the public interest to accept said e NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council o City of Carlsbad, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Grant of Easement and Agreement conveyi an easement to the City of Carlsbad for erosion control pur is hereby accepted. 3. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized to caus original easement to be recorded in the Office of the Count 1 Recorder of San Diego County, State of California, with the appropriate Certificate of Acceptance attached. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of Carlsbad City Council held on the 4th day of March by the following vote, to wit: ¶ AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki , Anear, Lewis and Counci 'Iwornan Cas1 er NOES: /(one ABSENT : None ,/(D" F W.6 /XkI,G[J /-7 RONALD C. PACKARD, Nayor ATTEST : (SEAL) e. e GRANT OF EASCP"ZNT AYD AGREEPENT This Grant of Casement and Agreement is made as o / 17 day of ..\yAiqnL l 19@B, by and between GROVE APART$ENTS INVESTMENT CO., a general partnership (hereinaft referred to as the "Grantor") I the CITY OF CARLSBAD (herein referred to as the "Grantee"), and PLAZA CAMIN0 REAL, a Cal: limited partnership (hereinafter referred to as "PCF.") l wit1 reference to the following facts: A. The Grantee as a condition of its approval of map r'or Carlsbad Tract No. CT 76-18 presented by PCR to Grai pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act required the installatic PCR of a desiltation basin as shown on the drawing attached as Exhibit A and more particularly described in Exhibit B a- hereto, both Exhibits being hereby incorporated by reference The parties acknowledse said drzwing is made with reference the final map for said CT 76-18, depicting the site of the E Carnico Real shopping center in Carlsbad, California, record€ the Office of the County Recorder of the County of San Diegc of California on August 11, 1978. 3. The desiltation basin shown on Exhibit A and c in Exhibit 13 will occupy land owned by Grantor. NOF7, THEREFORE, the Grantor does hereby grant to i Grantee the easement describe6 below, to be held and exerci: .the Grantee for the term and on the other terns and conditic provided below. 1. Nature and Extent. The easement granted hereL "Easement") shall be for the Grantee or PCR to build, inspec maintain, repair and remove a desiltation basin and appurter access road having the dimensions, confiqurations and locati on Exhibit A (the whole of such desiltation basin and appurt access road is hereinafter referred to as the "Desiltation E e e 2. Term. The term of the Easement shall be frcm of recorsing hcrecf until the earlier of the following date date, if zny, on which the existing 66-inch storm drain in Road is extended ir. a southerly direction, or the date, if which the drainage of the slope area situated south of Marr shall have been diverted or drained or otherwise provided fc such xanner that the Desiltation Easin is no loqer requirec the purpose of desilting such drainage. 3. Covenants of PCR, As an essential inducement Grantor, without which this Grant of Ezsement and Agreement not be executed, PCR covenants with the Grantor as fcllows: (a) PC€? will cause the Desiltation Casin to 1 constructed and installed in accordace with Exhibit A, wit1 material and workmanship, as.diligently as possible aod in : manner as to do as little damage as possible to the propert! Grantor during and after cor_struction, and PCK shall do all including but not limited to landscaping, necessary to cause coripleted Desiltation Easin to intrxde as little as pcssibk the appearance of the Grantor's property. (b) FCR, at: its expense, shall maintain and I the Desiltation Gasin so as to keep the Desiltation Easin ir substantially good condition ant: repair. (c) During the tern of the Easement PCR, at j expense, shall do all things, including but not limited to 1 .and filling, necessary to repair danage to the property of C including the appearance thereof, resulting from the install existecce, naintenance or repair of the Desiltation Basin. (d) Upon expiration of the tern provided in P hereof, for whatever reason, including but not limited to ac the Grantor, PCR, at its expense, shall promptly remove the Desiltation Easin and the components thereof from the proper the Grantor and do all things, including filling, compaction 0 m lmdscaping, necessary to restore the ere2 occupied by the 1 Basin to a condition and appearance comparable to the then I and appearance of the adjacent property of Grantor. (e) PCR shall defend, indennify, protect and harmless the Grantor from and against ar.y and all damage (17 to person or property, including but not limited to the pro the Grantor), cost, expense, loss, claim, actions, proceed suits arising out of or based upon the corstructioc, existe inspection, maintenance, repair or renoval of the Desiltati unless said darcaTe, cost, expense, loss, clains, actions, p and suits arise from the negligence of the Grantor or the C or their err.ployees, agents, or ineependect contractors. IN WITNESS TvHEPSOF, the Grantor, Grantee and PCR executed this Grant of Easement and Agreerent as of the day first above written . GRANTOR : GRANTEE : GROVE APARTMENTS INVESTMEKT CO. : CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Corporation of the By-r5z-J ,A /,? [ILL California Bernard Citron By: /5)dE 4 //L~~& -L/c PCR: PLAZA CP-MINO REAL, limited partnership By: PLRY CENTERS, I1 neral partne Harry J. if Frank , (Also known as Earr and QL7jf&-/ Frank , Jr. ) fil/- g/ 7 a&157Af?///2/& KLu jff Fred A. Bartmn, Jr. 2) ~A&4& and TRUSTEE UNDER THE FESIDUARY TRYST ESTABLISHED UKDER TEZ WILL OF P7ILLIAN SI BARTXAN, DECEASED By: )%-)/e Sl@iT-- A,----- p/ 1.J &f&L!Z>& w; /-I &7i2 and ///J!& 6 - hsisistant S& Fred A. Bartman, Jry and H.F.H. ,76? /F General Partner BY: - 3AcC L: q 3 and TRUSTEES UNDER THE MARITAL TRUST ESTABLISHED UKDER THE WILL OF k?ILLINJl S . BAPTPIAN, DECCASZD G$k4L4c7 b; / (&&& Fred A. Bartrnan, JJ-. j ., :, ,,.. 0 . .... STATE CF CALIFOFNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) On this 5 day of undersigned, a Motary Public in and for said State, person appeared , known to me to b the of the City of Car municipal corporaticn of the State of California and known to be the person who executed the within instrument on beh said mmicipal corporation, and acknowledged to me that su of Carlsbad, California, executed the same. WITKESS my hand and official seal. SS. 0 , before me , in the year __ APPROVED AS TO FOR Notary Public .. STATE OF - -kbrFoRer ) &+.Lu=. ss. COUNTY OF &., w33iE3- On fd [A! 1 ?fd before me, the und-ersignel Notary Public in and for said State, persor,ally appeared x 4 M. Earding, known to me to be the FresideEt snd known tc me to be the Assistant Secretary of XAY CENTERS, the corporation that executed. the within in: me to be the persons who executed the within . on behalf of said corporation, said corporatian being know: be one of the partners of PLAZA CAMINO REAL, a limited par the partnership that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same partner and that such partnership executed the same. KITNESS my hand and official seal. .. . - . -- mPit .-_I otary Publ’ic .. I. p'. 0 STATE OF CALIFORtIIA COENTY OF s7 Lp On 9-03 17, I'i 8' before ne, the undersi! a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appe: Bernard Citron, Harry J. L. Frank, Jr. and Fred A. Bart known to me to be three of the partners of Grove Apartments Investment Co., the partnership that executed the within instruinent, ai acknowledqed to me that such partnership executed the I Y WITNESS my hand and official seal. / 9 &&mfl ----. 722 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ' ,>:> 9fld d5 On $--. '1 1980 before me, the undersi? a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appei @- t ?-de/ &-- 6J2 known to me to be 00 e of the partners of H. F. H., LTD. the partnership that executed the witin instrument, anc acknowledged to me that such partnership executed the : WITNES my hand and official seal. l~~1111191~:z?~:::'~:;~,il~j;~ &mli/&&d a @ COUKTY OF & aLrh STATE OF CALIFORFJIA On Bp-17 fqFd before ne , the undersi! a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appez Fred A, Bartman, Jr, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same as Trustee Under the Residuary Trust Established under the \Jill of William S. Bart',-. Decez ,,I LG Y 2 Y Witness my hand and official seal. &#JJ+9 p3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF A "-R/-a" On *H& 17, /Tro before me, the undersi( a Xotary Public in and for said State, personally appe' Fred A. Bartman, Jr. known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same as Trustee Under the Marital Trust Established Under the Will of William S. Bartnan, Decei --- Witness my hand and official seal. OFFICI1 P*$. lT &GA'd .w W - U-I m 0 cv co N 74°24'44''E , 62.60' R' 840.00' al3 (D -In fc) 0 v) DEd.TI\TIC'N' BA~I iu ApEa = 2.60 ACPE5 2 ?E! 0 0 74 v N 2 g .. 0 m Y, e z . s 58O24' 44" 1 2 0.00' S 74"24'44"W * 0 0 EXHlbll D LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATE IN THE CITY OF CARLSRAD, COUNT'./ 18, 22, 23, AND 24 OF HOSP EUCALYPTUS FOREST COMPANY'S TRACT NO. 1 ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 1136 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF TliE COUNTY RECOWER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY AND PORTIONS OF CAE@N STREET AS VACATED AND CLOSED TO PUBLIC USE, BEING MCRE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT TtHE SO!.JTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 29, CARLSBAD COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ON AUGUST 11 , 1978, SAID POINT ALSO BEING IN THE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID LINE ON A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 758-00 FEET, A RADIAL BEARING THROUGH SAID POINT OF SOUTH 3"12'22" EAST, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 12'22'54" A dISTANCE OF 163.80 FEET; FEET; 82.00 FEET TO THE SGUTHERLY LINE OF MARRON ROAD, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEAVIN SATD SOUTHERLY LINE SOUTH 15'35'16" EAST, 243.00 FEET; TI-IENCt SOUTH 31°35'16'1 EAST, 65.00 FE.ET; THENCE NORTH 58"24'44'' EAST 20.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 31"35'16" EAST, 103.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 58"24'44'' WEST, 20.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 74O24'44" WEST 273.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 15"35'16" WEST, 116.00 FEET; THENC! NORTH 37O35'16'' WEST, 259.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 43'16'29" EAS' j22.015 FEET TO THE HEREINBEFORE MENTIONED SOUTHERLY LINE OF WRRON ROAD; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID LINE ON A CURV CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 840.00 FEET, A THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10°45'00'r, A DISTANCE OF 157.603 F THENCE NORTH 74O24'44" EAST, 62.60 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA BEING A PORTION OF LOTS TRACT NO. 76-18, NL4P NO. 8956, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE LINE OF MARRON ROAD (82 FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY); THENCE EASTER1 THENCE NCR7-I 74'24'44'' EAST , 62.60 THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE SOUTH 15"35'16" EA RADIAL BEARING THROUGH SAID POINT OF SOUTH 4'50'16" EAST, - ._I_ .- a 0 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the Grant of Easement and Agreement dated January 17, 1980 from Grove Apartments Investment Co., a general partnership, to the City of Carl sbad, California, a pol i tical corporation and/or governmental agency, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer or agent on behalf of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, pursuant to authority conferred by Resolution No. 6099 of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad adopted on March 4, 1980, and the grantee consents to the recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. Dated: March 6, 1980 .. 9 0 The May Stores Shopping Centers, Inc. A Subsidiary of The May Department Stores Company March 12, 1980 Ms. Aletha L. Rautenkranz 1200 Elm Avenue Carlshad, California 92008 Bez Plaza Camino Real Desiltation Basin Dear Ms. Rautenkranz: Although your letter of March 7, 1980 mentioned that you were enclosing a copy of Resolution 6099 of March 4, 1980, no copy was actually enclosed in the envelope I received. I would very much appreciate your sending me a copy of the Resolution. City Clerk (yf: City of Carlsbad i Sincere{'-, I? 1 TJ SF : grs Executive Offices, 10738 West Pic0 Blvd., Suite 1, Los Angeles, California 90064 Tel. (213) 879-1850 415-3501