HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-04-01; City Council; 6215; RECOMMENDATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO SAN DIEGO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL COMMISSIONInitial: Dep t .Hd . d DATE : APRIL 1, 1980 C. Atty.k C. Mgr. DEPARWNT : City Clerk Subject: 0 CITY OF CARLSBAU * e 6 - AGENDA BILL NO. I & a / 5 . i3 RECOIYIMENDATION FOR APPOIIUMENT TO SAN DIEGO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL COE.WiISSION Statement of the Matter Mr. David F. Dawes has resigned as the Commissioner of the San Diego County Flood Control District, Zone 1. Carlsbad is the responsible agency for recommending an individual to serve for Zone 1; therefore, it is forward! to Council for consideration. Exhibits -- 1. Copy of letter of resignation from David F. Dawes. 2. Resolution No. Lp /38/, recommending the appointment of a member to the San Diego County Flood Control District, Zone 1. 3. Hemorandum from City Clerk dated April 10, 1980. Re comenda t i on Adopt Resolution No. 6 /3r . Council Action: 4-1-80 Council continued the matter to the next regular meeting. 4-15-80 Council continued the matter to the next regular meeting. 5-6-80 Council continued the matter to the next regular meeting. PJ E-& 40 - SUP. *I 5200 EL CAMINO REAL 8 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) 438-0333 March 14, 1980 Board of Supervisors 1600 Pacific Highway San Diego, California 92101 Dear Sirs : Kindly accept my resignation as a commissioner on the San Diego County Flood Control for Zone 1. My business takes me out of the city a considerable amount of the the, therefore, I believe it's best that I tender my resignation at this time. Serving the Flood Control District has been a pleasure, and I thank you for this privilege. Very sincerely yours, 4-- &A/&4/ fl2?&*/ David F. Dawes 3428 Don Juan Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 cc: Carlsbad City Council Joseph A. Remley DFD ; kw .L e 0 * MEMORANDUM Date: April 10, 1980 To: City Council From: City Clerk Subject: SAN DIEGO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL COMMISSION The San Diego County Flood Control Commission holds regular meetings once a month on the second Thursday. These meetings are usually held at 9:00 A.M. at the San Marcos County Water District. The term will expire October 5, 1980. At that time Council could reappoint or appoint a new member. 2- LEE RAUTENKRANZ LR *@&$A 0, CL & CITY OF CARLSBAD 5--e e APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO ' BOARD OR COI?IMISSION OR COXMITTEES TO: CARLSRAD CITY COUNCIL Gentlemen: I would a preciate the opportunity to serve as a ember G '2 of the.- 54 ,j ieoa po&,f-;Y /%03 < 0,fTEdd LMJJ (Name of %omittee or commission) In so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial disclosure statement if appointe,d, My background and/or avocation lead me to believe that 1 am qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizen of Carlsbad. I have listed some of those activities below. which I have participated in and feel will be of benefit if -. I selected. - / e 13 L/e,+d c A7 0 ALL /$!- S gnaturs (Print name) I 84/74 Slojvf Jl ,JdJP/LPP/ d3f--11~6/,,~c&-&/ )e 4n.y 3-,/ / 9 kc) Address Phone Date 0 //----- . .- --\ . --- , /' '\ ,/' \\ i i ', 'j '\ / '\ 0 ,,' \ i \\ ,/ \ / \\, i I \I v / i //T- - . I I #\ .. 5200 EL CAMINO REAL 2 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 b7 (714) 438-0333 ~ i I i I March 14, 1980 ~ I ! I Dear Sirs : , San Diego County Flood Control for Zone 1. I I 1 I Board of Supervisors 1600 Pacific Highway San Diego, California 92101 1 I 1 Kindly accept my resignation as a commissioner on the I 1 My business takes me out of the city a considerable amount of the time, therefore, I believe it's best that I tender my resignation at this time. Serving the Flood Control District has been a pleasure, and I thank you for this privilege. Very sincerely yours, I I i i I d&*d.j m/w-:y /" i I David F. Dawes 3428 Don Juan Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 I j 1 1 1 Joseph A. Remley I I I I cc: Carlsbad City Council 1 ! I I , I I I I DFD : kw .) . 7 -.I -1 _- 3/i71[&2. ___ .. I I P-:---'- u/uy -q4 - - .__ _- e 0 a COUNTY OF SAN DIE MRS. POF SAN DIEGO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 0 1600 PACIFIC HWY. 0 RM 306 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 0 (714) 236-2321 March 18, 1980 Mr. David F. Dawes 3428 Don Juan Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Dawes: On March 17, 1980 your resignation as Commissioner of the San Diego County Flood Control District, Zone 1 was accepted with regret. Enclosed is a Certificate of Appreciation from the Board of Directors in honor of your valued services to this Commission. Yo 7;;h h PORTER D. CREMANS Clerk of the Board of Direct01 San Diego County Flood Contro: PDC:BM:ged .* @ .." cy.j up,Trr j7- id. 7ep.i ... f ulL*bo- *""Frso ,d ~ 8 ,k 2 x. ckQTgJ$i;p;.,Ty g&F"VE@ES A-$EI<@-y I 4flp.p "A~.i"Q#$ fl p.."" -& pk(&p3JcQ FTJ f e;&kd../ .w b uqL4 L2 c. d. HOUSQ;$ D iwct or CeunEp Qp?z\i~as Center, 5555 (BveriznG Avsxra, San E) 0, Galifwtlla 32123 . - I . . 7e:Whon C')( !{*,I-'* REF: 74S-J <- , , 4 I t' COii T?AG-[ .. Pal 05 K k,/qy tg'i'9 3 lTL,> TO : Boa.rd of Superv-i SO~S t L445) FRO P.1 : SUBdEC1: Contract Amendment and Cor,t;-act Change Order No. G , C. 3. Houson, Diiyctor, Sanitation & Flood Coi-itrol (0380) > County Contra.c-t No + 12471 -5XOE s Work Order No. YEA993 j The Design Construction & Operation of Palomar Solid 'riaste Transfer Stat-ion, Project No. Kl(8993, EDA Project Noe 07-57-20405 (Supervisorial District 'J) The Palomar Solid ldaste Transfer Station contract is divided int,o two 1 and provides for: the design and construction of an 890 ton per Cf< sol i d waste shrcddi ng and magt:eti c metal recovery faci 1 i ty ; and '2 ) the five-year operatjon of the facility. Browning-Ferris Industrics, Tnc, (BFX) 9 a Delaviarc Corpora.tion, is a ml sol -id mste i~ianageirrent conlgai?j/ based 'in Iioi;stog, Texas, to bid on this contract, it was necessary that they do so through a co possessing a Ca,l i forni a State Contractors 1 i cense. of Santa Am is a wholly owned subsidiary of BFI and had the proper Ca nia license to bid. tiolijewi-, ECCO is primarily a construction company as such > .is not structured or cxger-i enced to prov'lde operational servi Now that construction of "Le facility is comp'letcd, the parent company has asked the County to ass-ign the operational phase of the contract f ECCO to Browning-Ferris Industries of California, (BFI-CA) f the 'listed operational subcontractor and also a wholly owned subsidiary of BFI. assignment has been evaluated by staff as desirable and it will ensblt. Cnunty ts deal dS :yct?y ~5th the operat-i~na.1 contractor? thereby simp1 ing the administration of the contract. We have prepared the nccessary contract arnendnient to effect the assigr of the operational portion of the contract to BFI-Ck from ECCO Contrac Xnc. We have also prepared a. final cha~ge order to grant ECCO Contrac a 26 day time extension for delays ca.used by problems in the plant's c tri cal systeni whi ch were beyond ECCO ' s control D ON Yi:OTI:ON of Supervisor Ecltert 9 seccnded by Supervisor Hedgecock, th 29 approves and authorizes execution of Change Order NO, 6; 1) In Grder fsr ECCO Contractors 9 - ~~ ---c--Ip.. -7- Supe3:visors : --- b?o. accepts r;?n$ ~IJ~~WL-~Z~S exp.cutLori by CPerk of Board (Xeconme Clerk of t 0- Super band 2) PORTER I),, EO.' 30 .approiJeo ar,d au"iori.zes cxecuCion by Clerk OZ No. 31 approves and authorizes executLoni by Clerk 05 --- -- By d /a& f- oart ti rj.2~1 accepts (R.econ~~!endat-ions 3 and 4} E33 ax d - "^-....~. ( Re c os121encia t. i on 5 ) ly followlrig sote: vil.iatoii i+r;rg, iiecigecoek, Bates,, jkE;e.rt 7- 3$fl y$)ij yt?4& 19-.J1 .. ,.’ L 0’ 8 Board of Supervisors .Ref: 1481 Page 2 Pal omar - tj Pi::’!’ f$ * This solid waste facility has met the performance standards in the contv specSficalfcns. Final ciearinnce fro3 the Cit,v of Carlsbad, on the Condi ti onal Use Pew” LI -’- i (CUP) condit’ions 9 is now .in process and is expected ir the nea (I future e F’iddi ti onal ly , the ai r qual i ty tests ha.~~ kein conducte by I?,.ir Pollution Control Eistr-ict (APCD) and the results arc within the l-im-its established by AFCD. RECOE>{EI.j@,’T]:ON: Tha,t your Board It is my -_-- 1, Approve Change Order No. G granting a 26 day time extension and wai\ liqufdated darmges from 1 October thriiwj’n 26 ‘3ctoober 1979. Ac.ccpt the facil-ity construction as complete and ready for operatSor effective 26 Gztober 1979. Approve and authorizc execution of the attached contract amcndmei-it assi gini ng the contrac’c froin ECCG Contractors to Browning-Ferri s Industries of Caf.ifornia. Accept the new payinent and peyformance bonds submitted for the operi tional phase of the contract. Approve ar,d execute a release of the C11l-f & Atlantic Jnsurance Conipa the original surety coiiipany providing the bonds for the constructioi phase of the contract. 2. 3. 4, 5, Di scus s i on : This coiitractg in the mount of $9,562,717*, provides for the design, co struction and five-year operation of the Palorriar Transfer Station, The design and construction portion of this contract was fundcd by a $4,094,230 Econonii c Development Adininfstraticn grant. Assignment of tli contract to BFI-CA will allow the County to deal d-irectly with the new during the five-year operational period. Efficiencies *in communication monthly reports and bi 17 i ngs 9 problem sol vi ng ahd coord-i nat; on shoul d b obtained with the proposed ass’ignmi3nt. The assignment will not diminish the obligation and responsibjlities of the new contractor to fulfill all aspects of the contract. This assigl? ment will not affect contract costs. assigni:;ent would become effecti se upon 26 October 1979 ar,d be concurren with the date of acceptance of the facility into County ownership, BFI-CP, has submitted new performance and payinnnt bonds for the opera.tio -_-_ .___ ope?-a-tjcn,a: cc.nt\nactsr (BFI-CA) gc a1 f cc\:-:;”ac~ ads:,s nj s-b\-c.,t’Q!? z3.tter-s Jf approved by your Board, the c .I . 0 8 Board of Supervj Son Page 3 Palomar Ref; 1481 .- K ti ;I,\,\/ p7h W ,112 2 JI 4' phase of the contract as required by the contract tem~, necessary to release the surety who supplied the bonds for the construc "cion phase of t!?e same contract7 It is now [:?vie :,<C<j by: N9.i nee(!&: CP,O ,I. '1 /;, zc &: -i.. .. - - - _-- I___ --- pa..' -...--____ -, / v' -------_ ~- FISCAL. IMPACT STP\TEMEN?: -_-_-- Pyogrami; Remarks: Facil ?tics Deyelopment - Capital Project KK8993 The change order only extends contra.ct time and docs not invc costs. The action amending the contract provides for assignr: of the operat?: onal portion to Brownj ny-Fet-r< s Industries of Califoi-nia and has no fiscal impact on the FY 79/80 budget OY succeeding budgets. Conti nuation of exi sting program. Advisory action not Lecessary, F-35 Selection and Employinent of Private Contractors for struclion Projects t ADVISORY __II I30AKD __I________._ STATEMENT: ________-- BOARU POLICY: DS: tly Attachments : 1, Project Location Map 2. Change Order No. 6 3, Notice of Completion 4., Assi gnrnent Amenciii;?nt 5, Surety Release Form 6* 7t Fi,scal Certifications Payiiient and O&.M Performance Bonds cc: County Couiise? (A12) Ruben Dom-i nguez > ACA.0, (A249) Ciiy MaiJaget-, City of Carlsbad, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbaci, CA 9201