HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-04-15; City Council; 6021-2; Batiquitos waste water reclamation plantI._ CITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. 6021 - Supplement 82 Initial : Dept . Hd . DATE : April 15, 1980 c. Atty.'W DEPARTMENT : City Manaqer . Subject : BATIQUITOS WASTE WATER RECLAMATION PLANT Statement of the Matter Covington/Papagayo has submitted a request to construct the first phase (250,000 gallons/day) of a satellite treatment and reclamation facility north of Batiquitos Lagoon in the vicinity of 1-5. Accompany- ing their letter were several copies of an engineering report supporting their proposal of a site specific. It is their contention that the proposed project is consistent with the "Waste Water Reclamation Master Plan Study." On April 1, 1980 City Council referred Covington/Papagayo request to staff for analysis. The attached findings of the City Engineer include the following points: 1. The site proposed on Batiquitos Lagoon is too small and has certain environmental problems. 2. The recommended 300 foot odor easement will have an adverse effect on neighboring property. 3. The proposed treatment process is high maintenance and energy intensive. 4. The cost of the plant is estimated at $3,600 per EDU which is excessive compared to $1,200 for Calavera Hills and $1,000 connection fee for Encina. 5. It would be desirable for the City to gain experience in operating water reclamation plants before we approve additional high cost projects. --fldFitirtional findings are: The proposed Batiquitos Plant does not serve a specified drainage area but provides for switching existing load (Seaport) to provide capacity in Encina for Papagayo and Covington lands. 7. The Papagayo and Covington projects are the only currently approved projects in the coastal zone which could be immediately benefitted by the Batiquitos Plant (Papagayo = 300 EDU; Covington = 300 EDU). 6. Exhibit Memo from City Engineer dated April 9, 1980 April 15, 1980 Page 2 Agenda Bill 6021-Supplement #2 Recommendation 1. That Council not approve processing of the proposed Batiquitos Plant at this time. 2. That Council request Sewer Committee to consider allocating Encina sewer capacity to Covington/Papagayo. 3. That Council direct staff to study feasibility of providing additional capacity at Palomar Airport Waste Water plant to serve the lands proposed to be benefitted by Batiquitos Plant. Council Action: 4-15-80 Council approved the above stated recomnendation. MEMORANDUM - April 9, 1980 TO': Assistant City - Development FROM: City Engineer SUBJECT : PapagayolCovington Proposal for a Batiquitos Area Sate1 1 i te Sewage Treatment P1 ant The Wastewater Reclamation Master Plan Study, which was recently adopted by the City Council, identifies potential sites for satellite treatment plants. The plan states that the most obvious location for a reclamtion site in the southwest area of the City would be the vicinity of tf7e existing wastewater pumping station north of Batiquitos Lagoon. report mentions that disadvantages of the site include its visibility from the freeway and new development, and the limited amount of land avail- able for a treatment plant. Covington to build a treatment plant at the Batiquitos Pump Station Site. The The City has received a proposal from Papagayol Ideally, the City could have gained some experience in operating reclamation facilities and,dual water systems at Lake Calavera Hills before it received proposals for construction of two additional facilities. However, this is not the case. The Batiquitos Lagoon project has some serious deficiencies which were not addressed in the Master Plan. Land Area Available - There is not really enough land that is suitable for a treatment plant. Sites near the lagoon suffer from environmental . problems (critical habitat for %he least tern), archeological complications, and slopes. The site selected is on City-owned property and is so small that it severely restricts treatment plant design options. have rejected sites on the north and south sides of Poinsettia Lane primarily because of potential acquisition problems. Another site was rejected because of its proximity to the Encina Treatment Plant. reservoir is also on City-owned land adjacent to Gatiquitos Drive in an open space area. Odor Easement - The site proposed is different from the Lake Calavera Hills project with which the Council is familiar. surrounded by land owned by the LCH developers and they have agreed to the 300 feet odor easement as recommended by the Montgomery Report. the site selected by Papagayo/Covington is not on their property and would have a detrimental effect on the adjacent properties. One of the affected property owners has already indicated his concern to City staff. Aesthetics - are built right to the edge of the property line and may be difficult to screen. devel opment . The developers The proposed storage The LCH treatment plant is Unfortunately, The treatment plant facilities shown in the figure on page VI-4 The site would be visible from the freeway and from proposed new - 2- Treatment Process - Because of area limitations the developers are proposing a diffused air type of extended aeration activiated sludge treatment plant. The treatment process is rather sophisticated, energy intensive and requires considerable operator attention. Hills treatment plant, which has been previously approved, is the oxida- tion ditch type utilizing relatively little energy, relatively simple to operate and demands much less operator attention. Cost - The cost to build the treatment facility will be passed on to the home buyers through higher home prices. The developer estimates the cost of the facility (not including demineralization) at $3,657,000 or about $3600 per EDU. Tne Lake Caiavera ‘rlills facility will cost about $1200 per EDU. The Encina capacity is about $600 per EDU. The Lake Calavera Other Considerations - proposed satellite treatment plant was intended to be provided by the interceptor sewer constructed as part of the Seaport development and term- inating at Encina. provided by proposed reclamation facilities at Encina or Palornar. The construction of a satellite sewage treatment plant in the southwest part of Carlsbad does not presently have enough advantages to recommend it. With the impending rerating of Encina, the construction of the Lake Calavera Hills Sewage Treatment facility and the possible approval of a Sewage Treatment and Recl amati on Faci 1 i ty near Pal omar Airport, the Bati qui tos facility should be delayed until the benefits of the project clearly outweigh the problems. . Sewer service for the area to be served by the Reclaimed water, should the demand ever exist, could be LE:mmt 4/9/80