HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-04-15; City Council; 6173-1; Streetscape Improvements Grand Avenue and State Street,. e e cm OF cdiRcmr~ ---__I___ In-i'iidf : -_--I__ __I__ *L _- Cept. tlcad cc- - __IC -~ AGEF'IDA BILL It3. &I 73 - D E P A R T ii; E id -r 2 c. Atty c. Mgr. ---- April 1 ---1__- -------- DATE: Eng i neer i ng ---- I-- ------I - ______ ----~- --_ __I__----___- 5UBJLC-r: STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS AT GRAND AVENUE AND STATE STREET - CONTSACT NO. 1075 - _____._ .1----.1_1---11_- -_--__-- . STATEMENT OF THE MATTER On February 19, 1980 City Council approved plans and specifications and authorized City Clerk to invite bids. Seven bids were received and are shown on the attached bid summary. The low bid was submitted by Rancho Landscape of San Diego. Unfortunately, their b proposal was not filled out properly and has been protested by the second lowest bi Palomar Grading and Paving Company,-. IRC. It was also disccvered after, the bids had been received that some HUD requirements necessary for the project funding had not been supplied by the County and were, the fore, not included in the contract documents. Without these inclusions the City wo not be eligible for reimbursement from the HUD grant designated for this project. proper documentation has now been included in the contract documents for this proje Sealed bids were opened at 4:OO p.m. on March 25, 1980. EXHIBITS 1. Bid Summary 2. Resolution No. GIvs' rejecting a1 1 bids 3. Resolution No. C/q&approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Cit to readvertise for bids RECOMMENDAT I ON Adopt Resolution No. Lp/qsrejecting all bids; and adopt Resolution No. b/dG authc the City Clerk to advertise for bids. Councia Action: 4-15-80 Council adopted Resolution 6145 rejecting all bids; and adopted Resolutio 6146 authorizing the Clerk to advertise for bids. .. ? t I n, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2.4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I I 0 0 RESCLUTZOb! NO. 6 i 45 -__- A RESOLUTION OF THE CJTY COUNCTI OF Tt-IE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REJECTING ALL BIDS FOR CONTRACT NO. 1075 FOR STREETSCAPE IMPROVEIEMTS AT GRAND AVENUE AND STATE STREET WHEREAS, bids have been received by the City of Carlsbad for strt _-_ improvements at Grand Avenue arid State Street, Contract No. 1075; and \44EREAS, the bid received for this construction, in the amount o $73,362, was improperly submitted; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the pub1 ic interes quires the Council to exercise its discretion under Section 3.28.120 o Carlsbad Municipal Code and reject all bids; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City 0’ bad as follows: 1. 2. The above recitations are true and correct. All bids for Contract No. 1075 for streetscape improvements ( Avenue and State Street are hereby rejected. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Co the City of Carisbad held the 15th day of April ing vote, to wit: AYES: . NOES: None ABSENT:None , 1980, by the Councilmen Packard, Anear, Lewis, Councilwomen Casler anc pdK &;- / nLI;/ RONALD C. PACKARD, MAYOR , ATTEST: AlwlA ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, CITY CLERK 6 (SEAL) . . =I I/ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I'7 l8 l9 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .e 0 I I ' RESOLUTION NO. 6146 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUFlCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CF?LIFORNIA 3 APPROVI !.1G PL-I\;\iS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AU'THOR- UING THE CITY CLERK TO IwuiTE BIDS FOR CONTRACT rJo. 1075 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has deterlnired necessary and in the public interest to accomplish streetscape and par lot improvements at the corner of Grand Avenue and State Street; and WHEREAS, plans and specifications for the furnishing of all labo terials, tools , equipment, transportation and other expenses necessary incidental for said project, Contract No. 1075, have been prepared and file in the Engineering Department of the City of Carlsbad and are incl by reference herein; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City o bad as follows: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. The plans and specifications as presented are hereby approve 3. . The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized directed to proceed to publish, in accordance with law, notice to cont inviting bids for streetscape and parking lot improvements at the corn Grand Avenue and State Street, in accordance with plans and specificat hereinabove referred to. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of I April , 1980 California, at a regular meeting held the 15th day of following vote, to wit:. AYES: NOES: None Councilmen Packard, Anear, Lewis, Councilwomen Casler an ABSENT: None Bed<c&:< ATTEST: RONALD C. PACKARD, MAYOR (SEAL) a 4 0 9 i. ME M 0 2 q Pl D U el ?x*m : April 7, Lo80 To: David Hauser, Contract Q.&Fhistrat@r Fav: QW: ,<'/A /";"'--X ffJ?/ &-drew J. -A..itken, ET!uqing an6 Fm3evelo-t &TOTICE OF BID mcmm~s FIX PARKING LOT %cause the Parking lot construction is fund& with federal monies, certaka steps must he kdken to notice the bids d-ts. list of ccmmmity orgmizations enclosed LI the City,s affirmative Action Plan. PTotices s-h-ndd. he sent to those organizations in the CarlsSad Wea. These notices should be sent via registeredm11. In addition, the legal notice skould be placed in a minority newspaper (i.e. La Presa). *-ere is a - - -32%: d Plt+2C:!2t cc: Citv Clerk - 5- 7Wp- & flJi Al"I'ACl:'.'JI:NT "C" pr Dfz' ,pJl-c7~ 0 , "y 3 w .*c F I )JpG )3) *USi p Partial listing of cornswity organizations which may be of assistance in recruiting lower income residents for training and cmploynent . * Indim Center tfanpowr Progr'm * Y- 623 Fifth Avenue San Diego, CA. 92101 Black Feckration of Sari Diego 4181 t.'erket Street Sm Diego, CA. Chicano FederatiGn of San Diego 1960 National Avenue Linda Vist2 Neighborhood HOL San Diego, CA. 92113 236-1228 6963 Linda Vista Read San Diego, C.4. 92111 Chinese Social Service Center 428 Third Avenue Ski Diego, CA. 92101 , 2 34 -44 4 7 Community Congress of San Diego .4?4-1575 1172 1Jorena Blvd. Sa Diegj, CA. 921f0 275-1700 - 92102 - 263-8161 233-6318 7- 7 Y '"T 277-1862 hk t ropol it a? Are n Advisory Corimitee 1607 I!oover kienue National City, CA. 92050 San Ysidro: 428-2239 Ilexican-k.cricx-, Oppor t uni t y E'c u:~ dn t i 011 2051 Comrercial Street Council of Filipino- llrric r i c t T '3r~ XI i z a t i on s 2952 Kcr:-:ct St i*eet . Sari Diego , CJ.. 92113 San Diezo, CA. 32102 2 31 -49/+9 233-7393 Enploymrit and Traini:q 2?1-vices .841 South llst Street 3250 Fifth Avenue San Diego, C>-. 92113 San Diego, CA. 92105 263 - 7761 2 36-4765 Neichbmhcd I!ousc fisscci zt i Oceansidc Corrmx~ity 605 San Diego Stmet Oceanside, CA. 92054 757-70 . San Diego Cowty Jobs for Pr 2005 Highland Ave, Suitc 1/, 'r Action Corporation Enp1ojrr.F:: Dcvelopxcnt De?:?_;.txent State 0' Zalifoinia 1350 f'reri, Street Snn Diego, CA. 92;oi 263-Z$1 4 ~Episccpal Cornwit:; Sc.~-yices Notional City, CA. 92050 60i Karket StrceZ San Ciego, CA. 92;Ci 2 34 -64 9 3 Harbor Center 1810 Newton Avenue San Dieso, CA. 92114 477- 935 1 San Dicgo Urban keguc fKx~powcr Of flcc 7217 Imperial Avenue Snn Diego, CA. 92113 . 262-0796 234-3365 Soutftcm Cnlifornin Area Con: Opportunity Pro[:rx:n (XACCI' ) 3166 Fi f t!i Avenue Union of Pan Asin:\ Corr:rntuiitics 24 59 Markc t Strw t Snn Diego, @A. 92102 Son Diclco, CA. 7'2103 296-636 3 Y- 232-64 54