HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-05-06; City Council; 6092-1; Revised School Fess for Vista School DistrictCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. DATE: May 6, 198Q c. Atty.WfA DEPARTMENT; CITY MANAGER , • C. Mgr. Subject: REVISED SCHOOL FEES FOR VISTA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT. Statement of the Matter The Carlsbad City Council at its December 4, 1979 meeting, adopted Resolution No. 6010 setting school fees for the Vista Unified School District (VUSD). In addition to adopting the fees, the Council indicated that before any fees would be released to the District,a schedule specifying how the fees would be used to solve conditions of overcrowding as required by Government Code Section 65976 and Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.55.190 should be submitted to the City. In a letter dated March 21, 1980, VUSD indicates how school fees will be used to provide additional classroom facilities to help resolve overcrowded conditions. In addition, the City Council is asked to adopt a new fee schedule recommended by VUSD. The revised fee schedule recommended by VUSD recognizes the limitation imposed by state law limiting the fee to a proportional amount necessary to pay five annual lease pay- ments for temporary facilities. The revised fees recommended by Vista Unified School District may be implemented by the adoption of the attached resolution. Exibit Letter from Vista Unified School District dated March 21, 1980. Resolution No. / o I (o J Recommendation Adopt Resolution No. (j? / (0 / Council Action: 5-6-80 Council adopted Resolution 6161, revising the fees and requested that a letter be sent to the District expressing concern about the estate fees. Unified School District 150 Escondido Avenue, Vista California 92083, Phone (714) 726-2170 March 21, 1980 J. Wayne Dernetz City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Dernetz: This Is a belated response to your December letter to Dr. Price regarding school fees In the Vista Unified School District in which you asked for a schedule of how our school fees will be used to solve overcrowding problems. During the 1979~80 school year through the use of school fees, we have acquired ten new relocatable classrooms under a five year lease-purchase arrangement. The classrooms were constructed during the fall semester and were available for use in January, 1980 at Vista High School (6); Bobler Elementary School (2); and Grapevine Elementary School (2). Our present plans call for the acquisition of (6) standard classrooms this spring (to be available this summer) and two standard classrooms to be available for fall. These buildings will be located at Olive Elementary School (2); Bobier Elementary School (2); Administrative Service Center (2); and Monte Vista Elementary School (2). Incidentally, I have attached a copy of the new fee schedule which was ad- opted by our Board of Trustees in February. I would appreciate it if you will ask your City Council to accept the new schedule as recommended. S i n ce re 1 y, Richard B. Nfewman Administrator, Business Services RBN:bb enc. cc: Price BOARD POLICY NO. eooo Ulllflod School District DATE ADOPTED: 4-18-77 *DATE REVISED: 2-5-80 SUBJECT: DEVELOPERS, SUBDIVTDERS, AND BUILDERS CONTRIBUTIONS TO MITIGATE IMPACTS ON SCHOOL FACILITIES COGNIZANT OFFICE: Superintendent/Staff APPLICABLE PROCEDURES: REFERENCE: In order to insure adequate school facilities within the Vista Unified School District, the Superintendent is authorized to verify District approval of construction of living units to the appropriate municipal or County agency when the developers, subdividers, or builders assure the District that appropriate contributions will be made to the District for each living unit in the subdivision or development. Nothing in this policy precludes the District from receiving contributions other than money which would provide adequate school facilities. In fact, after the direct impact of a proposed development is identified, the most appropriate and feasible mitigation will be recommended to the Board and then negotiated on the approved basis. This policy will be reviewed annually for applicability to District needs and for the purpose of adjusting fee schedules to account for inflationary factors. The consumer price index, both nationally and locally, will be used as one reference point. The fair share contribution per housing unit will be determined by the zoning of the lot with more densely zoned lots paying a smaller fee than sparsely zoned lots on the general theory that larger homes will be built on larger lots thereby resulting in a potential for more school children. The contribution per housing unit is as follows: CITY OF VISTA ZONING LAND USE FEE A-lAgricultural - one-acre minimum$1,400 E-l Estates - one-half acre minimum 1,050 R-l Residential - single family 10,000 sq.ft. miniinum 700 R-2 Residential - multiple family 6,000 sq.ft. minimum 525 14 units/acre R-3 Residential - multiple family 6,000 sq.ft. minimum 350 21 units/acre R-4 Residential - multiple family 12,000 sq.ft. minimum 245 29 units/acre NOTE: (1) Other agency zoning regulations will be related to the City of Vista zoning on a similar square footage basis. (2) R-4 includes mobile home sites. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 6161 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 6010 REVISING THE AMOUNT OF FEES TO BE REQUIRED AS A CONDITION OF APPROVAL FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WITHIN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE VISTA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT. WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 4.7, Division 1, Title 7 of the California Government Code, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad California has adopted a School Facilities Dedication and Fee Ordinance (Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.55); and WHEREAS, Section 21.55.150 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code provides that the standards for the amount of fees to be required pursuant to such ordinance shall be determined by the City Council and set by resolution. The City Council's determination is to be made after consideration of recommendations from the governing board of the affected school district; and WHEREAS, the City Council established standards for the amount of fees to be required pursuant to Chapter 21.55 in Resolution No. 6010; and WHEREAS, the City Council is in receipt of recommendations in regard to revised amount of fees from the Vista Unified School District. Their recommendation is attached hereto as Exhibit A, and is made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the City Council fully considered the matter at the regular meeting of May 6, 1980 at which time the City Council determined to concur in the revised standards as recommended by the Board of the Vista Unified School District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 A. That the above recitations are true and correct. B. That the standard for the amount of fees to be required as a condition of approval for residential developments within that portion of the City of Carlsbad, which is also within the boundaries of the Vista Unified School District, shall be as contained in Exhibit A. C. This determination is based upon the City Council's concurrence in the recommendations made by the Governing Board of the Vista Unified School District, including the facts supporting such recommendations as contained in Exhibit A. D. Unless the decision making body especially determines to the contrary, the City Council hereby determines that the develop- ment of fifty units or less: 1. All such developments shall be required to pay fees in accordance with the schedule in Exhibit A. 15 2. The City Council has reviewed that portion of the General Plan which applies to the Vista Unified School District and finds that it provides for the location of public schools. 3. That the fees to be paid shall be used for the purpose of providing interim school facilities. 19 4. That the fees to be paid for each unit bear a reasonable relationship to the burdens placed on the School District by such unit and that the fees will be used to mitigate that burden. 5. That the school facilities to be funded by the fees are consistent with the City's General Plan. 23 E. The standards adopted by this resolution do not at this time require the dedication of land. The Vista Unified School District is developing standards regarding such dedications. When the District is prepared to make their recommendation in that regard, the City Council intends to amend this resolution to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 include provisions for requiring the dedication of land as they determine to be in the public interests. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 6th day of May , 1980, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Packard, Anear, Lewis, Councilwoman Casler and NOES: None ABSENT: None Kulchin ATTEST: RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ALETHA^LT" RAUTElslKRANz7~Ci ty ^Cleirk 13 r (SEAL) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -3- EXHIBIT A to Resolution No. 6161 m Unified School District 1234 Arcadia Avenue. Vista, California 92083, Phone (714) 726-2170 DATE: January 16, 1980 TO: Price _ ^y\ FROM: Newman AGENDA ITEM: Board Policy No. 6000 . ACTION REQUESTED: Board adoption of Policy No 6000 as modified, effective February,^ '980 BACKGROUND: <? At the December 10, 1979 Board meeting the Issue of increasing developers fees was discussed. Since the fees have not been increased since April, 1977 when Board Policy No. 6000 was adopted, it was felt that an adjust- ment for inflation was appropriate. The Board gave direction to the Ad- ministration to (1) determine whether we can legally Increase fees under tAB 8, and (2) determine what level of increase was appropriate in light of inflation and the impact of recent new developments. County Counsel has rendered an opinion in which they state that it is. legal for school districts to modify their fees under ABSguidelInes. These guidelines limit fees to the cost associated with "the amount necessary to pay five annual lease payments for the interim faci1ities". I have attached a copy of a letter (Attachment A) to the Board of Supervisors In which we justified our present fee structure. Since that time, we have determined that recent construction is yielding nearly .6 students per unit (Attachment B), an increase from .k.students per unit. Without even increas- ing this year's cost of $1,733 per (student for interim facilities this would allow us to charge as much as $1,027 for a single family detached home, com- pared with our present fee of $500. A more conservative approach, which I am recommending, provides for an In- crease to $700 for single family dwellings. This is approximately a \2% annual increase compounded since the rates were established In 1977. Cor- responding increases would be made for duplexes, apartments, etc. based-upon zoning. RECOMMENDATION: I recommend that we ask the Board of Trustees to adopt Policy # 6000 as modified, effective February 1, 1980 to provide for an Increase in developers fees due to Inflation. ? SUPERINTENDENT'S RECOMMENDATION: /-*Approve as requested-Qj/ Board approval not necessary te f /u*~&-« Approve as follows: Information only |Unified School District '1234 Arcadia Avenue, Vista, California 92083, Phone (714) 726-2170 October II, 1979 Honorable Board of Supervisors . County of San Diego 335 County Administration Center San Diego, California 92101 "Honorable Board: County Code Section 82.503 TequIres that each school district file a report .annually with the Board of Supervisors which accounts for the use of school ; fees collected by LUER and which specifies'those attendance areas which are •overcrowded. In addition, this year the school districts are asked to pro- /vlde a report on "success and problems encountered as a result of Implement* Ing the (fee) ordinance" and to provide a new fee schedule which Is con- / slstent with AB 8 guidelines for "interim faci 1 itlesj'. . /- v : "::: •;-;',/': Accordingly, the Vistr- Unified School District wishes to report the: follow- ing: — . •. • • •-. ,..-'-•-•:;'-. • -.." • •..>;•":•';- '..' / !•' Funds Collected By LUER •:'•':'.'..'/As of July 1, 1978 As of July 1, 1979 '•' 2. Use of Funds $52,675.00 . -• All of the funds collected were applied as partial payment toward the purchase of eleven relocatable classrooms in 1978-79- As of •' 'July 1, 1979 the balance in the account Is £. . / . 3. 'Status of Overcrowded Schools • • . ''.:'•' The Vista Unified School District, which includes unincorporated areas of the county, is comprised of one high school attendance area - Vista High School. That attendance area was overcrowded as of July 1, 1979 and continues to be overcrowded during the .fall term, 1979- At present, more than half our schools are using some relocatable classrooms. A resolution to that effect will be presented for adoption to our Board of Trustees on November 5, 1979- A copy of that will be forwarded to you when adopted. **• Report on Implementation of School Fee Ordinance The Vista Unified School District hns hod relotivoly few problems «is a result of implementing the school fee ordinance. This i-ioy Honorable Board.of Supervisors Page 2. October 11, 1979- • be partially attributable to the fact that our fees are among the lowest in San Diego County. ••-.'. There have been some minor accounting problems in connection .. with the transfer to the school district of funds collected these seem to have been resolved. .. - . New Fee Schedule -.; -•;•:..' We have decided to retain our present fee schedule which pro- vides for a variable fee, contingent upon zoning,.up to a maxi- mum of $500 per housing unit for a single family home. This fee schedule is actually somewhat below what could be justified as the cost associated with "the amount necessary to pay five .annual lease payments for the interim facilities" under AB 8- guidelines based upon these assumptions: ; .'••••••• • • . . .a. Cost of one relocatable classroom .. $52,000 , ";,.;.•. (Principal and interest over five . ' . ': :-/rvv'"'• years) • '•'..• - .. ••••'. '!•'.;;•'-.'^.'- ;..'; •::•?./.' -. •" b. One relocatable classroom houses . ~: .., . * approximately 30 students, so the ' ; cost per student is • " ; ; , $ 1,733 ; c. At the present time, new housing units are yielding .*» students per unit. •- ." . ' . d. Multiplying the cost per student times .the student ;; yield per unit will give the justifiable fee ' •- "'.•:.'.';.;. •;' charged per housing unit. Using our data we have: Cost/student ($lr733) X student yield/unit•(.'») = fee/unit ($693). v;,V While the student yield per housing unit is in a constant state of flux and may cause us to increase our rates in the future, we feel that our maximum fee of $500 with a justifiable fee of $693, indicates that our fee schedule meets the AB 8 guidelines. Sincerely, Richard B. Newman Administrator, Business Services ~RBN:bb cc: Director of LUER • Franck, LUER Planner . * Werner, County Department of Education Price BOARD POLICY NO. eooo Ussffted School District DATE ADOPTED: 4-18-77 *DATE REVISED: 2-5-80 SUBJECT: DEVELOPERS, SUBDIVIDERS, AND BUILDERS CONTRIBUTIONS TO MITIGATE IMPACTS ON SCHOOL FACILITIES COGNIZANT OFFICE: Superintendent/Staff APPLICABLE PROCEDURES:REFERENCE: In order to insure adequate school facilities within the Vista Unified School District, the Superintendent is authorized to verify District approval of construction of living units to the appropriate municipal or County agency when the developers, subdividers, or builders assure the District that appropriate contributions will be made to the District for each living unit in the subdivision or development. Nothing in this policy precludes the District from receiving contributions other than money which would provide adequate school facilities. In fact, after the direct impact of a proposed development is identified, the most appropriate and feasible mitigation will be recommended to the Board and then negotiated on the approved basis. This policy will be reviewed annually for applicability to District needs and for the purpose of adjusting fee schedules to account for inflationary factors. The consumer price index, both nationally and locally, will be used as one reference point. The fair share contribution per housing unit will be determined by the zoning of the lot with more densely zoned lots paying a smaller fee than sparsely zoned lots on the general theory that larger homes will be built on larger lots thereby resulting in a potential for more school children. The contribution per housing unit is as follows: CITY OF VISTA ZONING LAND USE FEE A-l E-l R-l R-2 R-3 R-4 Agricultural - one-acre minimum $1,400 Estates - one-half acre minimum 1,050 Residential - single family 10,000 sq.ft. minimum 700 Residential - multiple family 6,000 sq.ft. minimum 525 14 units/acre Residential - multiple family 6,000 sq.ft. nunimum 350 21 units/acre Residential - multiple family 12,000 sq.ft. ndnimum 245 29 units/acre NOTE: (1) Other agency zoning regulations will be related to the City of Vista zoning on a similar square footage basis. (2) R-4 includes mobile home sites.