HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-05-06; City Council; 6235; Encina Phase III project agreementCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. DATE: DEPARTMENT: » 198° ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/DEVELOPMENT Initial: Dept. Head_ C. Atty C. Mgr. ML> SUBJECT:AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE CRITICAL PATH SERVICES FOR ENCINA PHASE III PROJECT STATEMENT OF THE MATTER The Encina General Manager, in a report to the Joint -Advisory Committee, recommended the retention of a consulting firm to provide critical path analyses for the Phase III construction project at the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. The services proposed would provide for computer-augmented analyses of the construction schedules provided by the various contractors and subcontractors engaged in Phase III construc- tion. The product of such analyses would be providing the construction managers and the Encina General Manager with the knowledge of potential conflicts and/or delays in prompt completion of the proposed work. Since the project is broken into several construction and equipment contracts it was the opinion of the Joint Advisory Commit- tee that the provision for such services would be cost-effective. The recommendation of the Joint Advisory Committee to the owners/agencies is to author- ize Vista Sanitation District to enter .into a contract with J.A.. Boyd & Associates for the amount of $147,361. Carlsbad's share of the net cost will be 25.3%. EXHIBIT Resolution No. ^^/^J^ Approving the Fourteenth Supplement to Basic Agreement to Provide Critical Path Services for Phase III and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute on Behalf of the City. ' RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution No. Council Action: 5-6-80 Council adopted Resolution 6168 approving the Fourteenth Supplement to Basic Agreement to provide critical path services for Phase III. 3 4 5 6 7 8 ;9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 RESOLUTION NO. 6168 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND AGREEING TO THE FOURTEENTH SUP- PLEMENT TO THE BASIC AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE CRITICAL PATH SERVICES FOR PHASE III BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT, BUENA SANITATION DISTRICT, SAN MARCOS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DIS- TRICT AND ENCINITAS SANITARY DISTRICT, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID SUPPLEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the City of Carlsbad does hereby approve and agree to the Fourteenth Supplement to the Basic Agreement to Provide Critical Path Services for Phase III, a copy of which is attached and incorporated by reference herein 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsgad is hereby authorized and di- rected to execute on behalf of the City of Carlsbad the Fourteenth Supplement to the Basic Agreement to Provide Critical Path Services for Phase III. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, at a regular meeting held the fith day of May , 1980, by the follow- ing vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Packard, Anear, Lewis, Councilwoman Casler and NOES: None ABSENT: None Kulchin ^RONALD C. PACKARD, MAYOR ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, CITY CLERK (SEAL) 27 " 28 if . ., - .- .. .--<-•'c- • o FOURTEENTH SUPPLEMENT TO BASIC AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE CRITICAL PATH* SERVICES FOR PHASE III This Fourteenth Supplement to Basic Agreement is made and entered into -as of the day of , 1980, by and among: VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT ("Vista"), a county sanitation district, whose governing board is the City Council of the City of Vista; CITY OF CARLSBAD ("Carlsbad"), a municipal corporation; aUENA SANITATION DISTRICT ("Buena"), a county sanitation district, whose ^governing board is the Board of Supervisors of San Diego County; .SAN MARCOS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT ("San Marcos"), a county water district; 4.EUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT ("Leucadia"), a county water district; and £NCINITAS SANITARY DISTRICT ("Encinitas"), a sanitary district. RECITALS JrfHEREAS, the aforesaid public agencies have entered into a joint Bowers, agreement, pursuant to Chapter 5 of Division 7 of Title I of the ^Government Code for the joint exercise of powers relating to the acquisition, ^construction, operation and maintenance of facilities for the transmission, treatment, and disposal of sewage, which facilities comprise a single system *>f sanitation works and includes expansion of such facilities by virtue of a project commonly known as Phase III enlargement of and upgrading of the Encina 4Jater Pollution Control Facility; and IdHEREAS, engineering design and construction management for the afore- said enlargement and upgrading is presently in progress; and ^UHEREAS, said enlargement and upgrading is presently in progress; and WHEREAS, said enlargement and -contracts having substantial monetary upgrading will require construction ordination, and management review; arid value and will require scheduling, co- it WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of all the public agencies which a party hereto that the services of a critical path consultant be provided for the Phase III enlargement and upgrading; and WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the joint advisory committee held on March 26, 1980, a motion was duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted that • Vista Sanitation District be authorized to enter into the agreement attached hereto marked Exhibit "A"; and • .' WHEREAS, the said proposed contract attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" is in accordance with the Amendment to Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regu- lations, Part 35, as published in the Federal Register of December 17, 1975; and * WHEREAS, the'parties to the aforesaid joint powers agreement are receiving a grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency for a substantial -portion of the said Phase III enlargement and upgrading; and WHEREAS, by a duly authorized and executed supplemental agreement to the -aforesaid joint powers agreement the Vista Sanitation District has been appointed and is presently acting as administrator of the Phase III enlargement and up- grading; and WHEREAS, said Vista Sanitation District requires the approval of all -parties to the aforesaid joint powers agreement in order to enter into a ^contract for critical path services authority for said Phase III enlargement -and upgrading. NOW THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PROMISES AND MUTUAL COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS HEREIN CONTAINED, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1; That the Board of Directors of the Vista Sanitation District i>e, and is hereby authorized to enter into a contract for critical path services with J. A. Boyd & Associates. -2- In the form and substance as that attached hereto and marked Exhibit "A". Section 2: That the parties hereto agree that any costs required for critical path services by the contract described in Section 1 above which are in excess of the grant to be received by the parties hereto from the United States Environmental Protection Agency for Phase III enlargement and upgrading ishall be shared in the same proportion as provided in Section 4 of the Seventh Supplement to the Basic Agreement for Engineering Services. . Section 3: This agreement may be executed in counterparts, and upon execution thereof by all of the parties set forth on Page 1 hereof, each ^counterpart shall be deemed an original. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party hereto has caused this Fourteenth Supplement to Basic Agreement to be signed by its respective officials heretofore duly authorized by the legislative bodies thereof. Approved by Resolution VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT flo. on By: • . Chairman Approved by Resolution CITY OF CARLSBAD ^_ on By. ' Approved by Board Order SUENA SANITATION DISTRICT n Clerk, Board of Supervisors Approved by Roll Call SAN MARCOS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT Wote on President Secretary Approved by Resolution 1CUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT ,on President Secretary c. Adopted by Resolution Ho. on ENCINITAS SANITARY DISTRICT -4- Exhibit "A" AGREEMENT FOR CRITICAL PATH SERVICES BETWEEN VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT AND J. A.'BOYD & ASSOCIATES FOR PHASE III ENLARGEMENT AND UPGRADING OF THE ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the day of , 1980, by and between the VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT, a county sanitation district, hereinafter referred to as "District" or "Owner", and 0. A. Boyd & Associates -, a California corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Consultant". «' W I T N E S S E T H : WHEREAS, the District has planned for critical path services for the Phase III Enlargement and Upgrading of the Encina Water Pollution Control -Facility (hereinafter referred to as the "Project"); and WHEREAS, District and other public agencies have entered into a Joint Powers Agreement, pursuant to Chapter 5 of Division 7 of Title 1 of the Govern- ment Code for the joint exercise of powers and the acquisition, construction, and operation of facilities for the transmission, treatment, and disposal of sewage which facilities comprise a single system of sanitation works and includes -any expansion of such facilities by virtue of the project which is the subject «f this agreement; and WHEREAS, by a duly authorized and executed Supplemental Agreement to the aforesaid Joint Powers Agreement, District has been, and presently is, authorized :to enter into this Agreement as well as to act as the administrator in connection *»1th the subject Project; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable to expand and upgrade the Encina ilater Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) to meet environmental protection require- -^nents of applicable regulatory bodies; and IrfHEREAS, District is receiving a grant from the U. S. Environmental Pro- jection Agency for the proposed project, and desires that this Agreement shall -be in accordance with the Amendments to Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regula- tions, Part 35, as published in the Federal Register of December 17, 1975, and ' WHEREAS, Consultant has available and offers to provide personnel and facilities necessary to accomplish the work within the required time; HOW, THEREFORE, District and Consultant agree as follows: * . I. SCOPE OF CRITICAL PATH SERVICES: Consultant agrees to perform those services which are more particularly ^described hereafter. Unless modified in writing by the party to be charged, Tduties of Consul tant shall not be construed to exceed those services specifi- cally set forth herein. A. PLANNED CRITICAL PATH SERVICES; Consultant agrees to perform those tasks described in Exhibit "A" -Planned Critical Path Services, which is attached hereto and incorporated -herein by reference. Compensation for planned services shall be as pro- vided below in Article III. II. AUTHORIZATION, PROGRESS AND COMPLETION: .Specific authorization to proceed with the work described in Exhibit *AU shall be granted in writing by the District. The Consultant shall not proceed «ith the work without such authorization. Such authorization shall set forth the date of commencement of the work and the schedule of progress and completion. ' III. "COMPENSATION: For the services described in Exhibit "A" which are to be performed by the Consultant, the District agrees to pay, and the Consultant agrees to accept, ^compensation in accordance with the schedules set forth in Exhibit "B". Compen- sation of non-direct salary costs shall be as set forth in the written authoriza- tion for special services or as specifically detailed in Exhibit "B". IV. RESPONSIBILITY OF CONSULTANT: The Consultant is employed to render a professional service only and -•any payment made to it is compensation solely for such services as it may render ^in the scheduling, coordination, and management review of the project. The Consultant makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, as to its findings, recommendations, specifications, or professional advice other than they were ^promulgated after following a practice usual to the engineering profession. The Consultant shall indemnify and hold the District and all of its officers, principals, agents and employees harmless from all liability for injuries to persons or damage to property which arise from negligent acts or -emissions by the Consultant and/or any of its subcontractors in performing ser- vices under this Agreement. O V. INTEGRATION: Subject to the provisions of Paragraph X hereof, this Agreement represents the entire understanding of District and Consultant as to those matters contained :herein. No prior oral or written understanding shall be of any force or effect with respect to those matters covered hereunder. This Agreement may not be modified or altered except in writing signed by the party to be charged. VI. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: ;A11 plans, studies, sketches, drawings and specifications as herein required are the property of the District whether the work for which they are ^nade be executed or not. In the event this contract is terminated, all documents, .plans, specifications, and drawings of the facility shall be delivered forthwith to the District •VII. SUBCONTRACTS: Consultant shall not subcontract any portion of the work to be performed winder this project unless prior written approval is granted from District's Project Officer. Consultant shall negotiate and administer subcontracts in Accordance with Provision II of Appendix C-l to 40 CFR Part 35, Subpart E as .published in the Federal Register on December 29, 1976. The Consultant shall 4>e responsible to the District for the actions and omissions of persons and firms -performing subcontract work. Nothing contained in this contract shall create any contractual relation- ?ship between any subcontractor of the Consultant and the District. The Consultant •ishall bind every subcontractor and every subcontractor of a subcontractor by the terms of this contract applicable to his work unless specifically noted to the ^contrary in the subcontract in question approved in writing by the District. VIII. DISTRICT'S PROJECT OFFICER: The District's Project Officer, who shall be empowered to act for the '-District in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, where such acts are not contrary to law or District ordinances, shall be the General Manager of the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. IX. CONSULTANT'S.PROJECT OFFICER: The Consultant's Project Officer, who shall be empowered to act for the Consultant in accordance with this Agreement in all matters relating to the tech- nical administration of services to be provided, shall be as named in Exhibit ""A". Consultant Team members are named in Exhibit "A" Planned Critical Path Services and shall not be changed except with written approval of the District. -3- X. EPA REQUIRED TERMS AMD CONDITIONS: The "Required Provisions - Consulting Engineer Agreements" as published in the Federal Register dated December 29, 1976, as Appendix C-l to Part 35 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, are attached hereto and incorporated Jierein by reference as Exhibit "C". XI. TIME IS OF ESSENCE: It is understood and agreed that time is of the essence in the perfor- mance of this Agreement in that should the services agreed herein to be performed by Consultant not be completed within the time set forth for such performance 1n the schedule of completion pursuant to Article II, District would thereby become exposed to the loss of grants from the State of California and the United States Government to the extent of eighty seven and one-half percent (87'-$) of -the ultimate cost of Project Construction, resulting in consequential damages to District. XII. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Agreement shall be effective on and from the day and year first above written. 3WNER: . AVISTA SANITATION DISTRICT By:_ Bernard Rappaport, Chairman Jean Brooks O'Brien, Clerk CONSULTANT: J- A. Boyd & Associates Boyd, President APPROVED AS TO FORM: WALKER & GANN By: Roy H. Gann, Counsel for the Joint Advisory Committee -4- ENCINA WPCF PHASE III IMPROVEMENTS AND ADDITIONS SCOPE OF WORK -FOR CRITICAL PATH SERVICES CRITICAL PATH SERVICES In providing Critical Path services the Consultant should propose how a 'Critical Path Method Scheduling and computerized cost requisition system will be generated and maintained, in conjunction with the progress of the work. The owner states that the following conditions be met for each contract by the -Consultant: A. Prepare and submit for approval within (30) days after the notice to proceed, a complete CPM Network Diagram, snowing details of mobiliz- ation, procurement, and construction during the first ninety (90) calendar days w(ith each work item having a label number; description . -of work; shown in working days ranging from 3 to 20 in duration; a dollar value; with no activity exceeding 100,000 dollars, except for purchased items; and designation as to craft or supplier. B. Within 5 days the Owner will notify the Consultant of acceptance or •rejection of the 30 day interim CPM schedule. In the event of re- jection of the schedule, the Consultant will resubmit a revised -diagram within 5 days. C. Within 60 calendar days of Notice to Proceed to the Contractor, the Consultant shall cause to be submitted a complete CPM network schedule demonstrating completion of all the contract work within the contract time. This schedule will take into account the experience gained from the 30 day interim CPM schedule and will show all of the logic, including restraints for trades, equipment, and other resources and conditions which will apply to the execution of the -awork as scheduled. ^- Within 14 calendar days after receipt of the complete CPM schedule, the Owner will review the complete CPM schedule, and notify the Consultant of acceptance or rejection. In the event of rejection by the Owner, ^the Consultant shall revise the complete CPM schedule, and resubmit to the Owner within 7 days. The resubmission will be reviewed by the Owner and, if found to be as previously agreed upon, will be accepted. *£. The accepted complete CPM schedule shall constitute the project work schedule until subsequently revised or updated. F. The'Consultant will furnish the Owner with a cost allocation for all Items detailed in the CPM schedule totaling to the contract price. The allocation of costs is required for all CPM network submittals. The Consultant will have obtained from the Contractor the cost allocation distribution. - 1 - 6. Based on the approved cost allocation, the Owner will prepare a pay request form for monthly progress payments. Mo payments will be made unless supported by this payment request form completed on a inonthly basis to indicate percentage complete to date for all items of work for which payment is requested. H. Cost allocation for all items detailed in the CPM schedule will be re- vised and submitted with any revised CPM diagrams, including subnet- works for Change Order work, as required. I. All construction cost allocations will include a prorata distribution for overhead and profit and no seperate item will be allowed for over- head or profit. J. Construction cost allocation for mobilization work may be included 'in mobilization work activities. The cost of bonds and insurance will be considered as an allocated part of overhead. X. Each activity in the CPM schedule will contain the following informa- tion and be placed on the diagram according to the accompanying legend: 4 a. Description of the work, not more than 32 characters, including spaces. b. Responsibility or trade code. c. Area or location codes. tl. Duration (in work days). L. Once a month the Consultant shall meet with the Owner to review and update the CPM schedule according to the actual progress of the job. At this meeting the Consultant shall submit the updated or revised CPM schedule and supporting data. At the meeting the following shall be reviewed: a. Actual finish dates of completed activities. b. Remaining-duration on work activities in progress and on work activities for which the work has not yet started. «. Logic, time, and cost data for Change Orders that are to be Incorporated into the plans. <1. Revision to logic, durations, manpower, equipment, or other resources, which may be required. *. At the meeting, the Consultant shall submit a narrative report $f the progress of the work including a description of problem areas, current anticipated delaying factors and their estimated impact on performance of other activities and completion dates and an explanation of corrective action taken or proposed. - 2 - o ENCINA WPCF PHASE III IMPROVEMENTS AND ADDITIONS SCOPE OF WORK FOR CRITICAL PATH SERVICES -CONSTRUCTION A. SUPPLY AND DELIVERY CONTRACTS: GENERAL: The District plans to issue four supply and delivery contracts, as -described in succeeding paragraphs. Each contract will include provisions for -design, fabrication and delivery of specific items of equipment for the project. In addition, provisions will be made for storage of the equipment until permanent foundations, to be prepared under the associated construction contracts, are ready. The equipment supply and delivery contracts will also contain provisions =for furnishing the services of installation and commissioning engineers. CONTRACT 1: This Contract has been incorporated into Contract 7/9. CONTRACT 2: Contract 2 will be for the supply and delivery of four contin- uous belt filter presses for dewatering anaerobically digested wastewater solids. -Under the Owner's schedule, the contract was advertised on October 10, 1979, bids were opened on December 20, 1979, Notice of Award will be issued on or before March 2, 1980, and the equipment will be delivered to the vicinity of the Encina -WPCF for storage on or before November 28, 1980. CONTRACT 3 & 4: These Contracts have been incorporated into one Contract. . CONTRACT 3: Contract 3 will be for the supply and delivery of two internal -combustion engine-driven generators complete with cooling and silencing equipment and related controls, two internal combustion engine-driven blowers complete with -cooling and silencing equipment and related controls and three motor driven blowers with associated appurtenances. Under the District's schedule, the con- tract was advertised on November 9, 1979, bids were opened on December 20, 1979, Notice of Award will be issued on or before March 20, 1980, Notice to Proceed will be issued on or before March 27, 1980, and the equipment will be delivered to the vicinity of the Encina WPCF for storage on or before October 30, 1980. CONTRACT 4: Contract 4 is for the supply of four multistage aeration air t>lowers. Under the District's schedule, the contract was advertised on November "3, 1979, bids were opened on December 20, 1979, Notice of Award will be issued -on or before March 20, 1980, Notice to Proceed will be issued on or before March 27, 1980, and the equipment will be delivered to the vicinity of the Encina WPCF storage on or before October 30, 1980. CONTRACT 5: Contract 5 is for the supply and delivery of three mechanically cleaned bar screens. Under the District's schedule the contract was advertised on October 10, 1979, bids were opened on November 29, 1979, Notice of Award will 4>e issued on or before February 28, 1980, Notice to Proceed will be issued on or before March 7, 1980, and the equipment will be delivered to the vicinity of the Encina WPCF for storage prior to installation on or before November 28, 1980. CONTRACT 6: Contract 6 Is for the supply and delivery of equipment for -the dissolved air flotation thickeners, including pressurization pumps and air saturation tanks. According to the District's schedule, the contract was advertised on November 19, 1979, bids were opened on December 20, 1979, Notice of Award will be issued on or before March 20, 1980, Notice to Proceed will be issued on or before March 27, 1980, and the equipment will be delivered to the vicinity of the Encina WPCF for storage on or before January 30, 1981. . B. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS: GENERAL: The District intends to issue three contracts for construction of various portions of the permanent facilities for the project, as described in succeeding paragraphs. For the most part, each contract will include pro- visions for earthwork, concrete, metalwork, architectural trim, plumbing, pip- ing, mechanical work, electrical and instrumentation work, and testing and commissioning of the completed facilities. CONTRACT 7 & 9: These contracts have been incorporated into one Contract. CONTRACT 7: Contract 7 will be for the preparation of the site for later construction of permanent buildings and process units as well as construction of. permanent stormwater control facilities. Under the District's schedule, the contract was advertised for bids on January 2, 1980, bids will be opened on March 5, 1980, Notice of Award will be issued on or before May 5, 1980, Notice to Proceed will be issued on or before May 12, 1980, and construction will be complete on or before May 15, 1981. CONTRACT 8: Contract 8 is for the construction of the operations building for the Encina WPCF. The operations building will include offices, the ^plant laboratory, facilities for the plant operating staff and the plant -operations center. Under the District's schedule, the contract will be .advertised for bids on March 5, 1980, bids will be opened on April 4, 1980, "Notice of Award will be issued on or bdfore June 2, 1980, Notice to Proceed will be issued on or before June 30, 1980, and construction will be complete on or before July 1, 1981. CONTRACT 9: Contract 9 is for the construction of the secondary treat- ^nent facilities for the Encina WPCF, including aeration tanks, secondary •sedimentation tanks, mixed liquor and return activated sludge (RAS) convey- ance facilities, pumps, aeration equipment, and all related electrical work. Under the District's schedule, the contract was advertised for bids on January 2, 1980, bids will be opened on March 5, 1980, Notice of Award will be issued >«on or before May 5, 1980, Notice to Proceed will be issued on or before May 12, 1980, and construction will be complete on or before May 15, 1981. CONTRACT 10 & 11: These contracts have been incorporated into one Contract. CONTRACT 10: Contract 10 is for the construction of the sludge dewatering «nd thickening facilities for the Encina WPCF, including all enclosures, ven- tilation systems, electrical systems, pumps, compressors, and appurtenant equip- ment. Under the District's schedule, the contract will be advertised for bids t>n June 1, 1980, bids will be opened on August 1, 1980, Notice of Award will be Issued on or before October 2, 1980, Notice to Proceed will be issued on or fcefore October 7, 1980, and construction will be complete on or before October 1, 1982. CONTRACT 11: Contract 11 is for the construction of the remainder of the project, including the haadworks building, power building, digestion system, improvements and additions, plant-wide electrical distribution and instru- mentation, the effluent pumping station, and the commissioning work which will place all equipment furnished under the preceeding ten contracts into full operation. Under the District's schedule, the contract will be advertised for bids on June 1, 1980, bids will be opened on Augues 1, 1980, Notice of Award will be issued on or before October 2, 1980, Notice to Proceed will be issued 4>n or before October 7, 1980, and construction will be complete on or before October 1, 1982. .BOYD a ASSOCIATES Exhibit B COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED AS PART OF THE AGREEMENT FOR CRITICAL PATH SERVICES •" BETWEEN VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT AND J. A. BOYD & ASSOCIATES A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION FOR PHASE III ENLARGEMENT AND UPGRADING OF THE ENC1NA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY. J. A. BOYD & ASSOCIATES will be compensated for services on the following basis: DIRECT LABOR COST, plus INDIRECT COSTS AT A RATE EQUAL TO THE RATE RECOMMENDED BY EPA AUDIT, BUT IN NO EVENT LESS THAN A RATE OF 1.30 TIMES DIRECT LABOR, plus OTHER DIRECT COSTS . .. plus A FEE OF 15% OF THE TOTAL OF THE ABOVE. The team to be assigned to this work will include, but not necessarily be Jimited to: J. A. Boyd, principal $ 30.00 hour J. P. Schagen, AIA, Consultant 16.00 hour J. Ghardashem, Consultant 16.00 hour D, M. Russo, Consultant 12.00 hour C. Lehane, Technical 6.00 hour The rates quoted are effective as of the date of this contract, and will be subject to review and adjustment by J. A. Boyd & Associates within the term of this assignment. Estimated average rates have been used in the estimate -of costs below and on the 5700 form. Estimated hours projected by J. A. Boyd & Associates for services for the period May I, I960 through October 31, 1982 are: Q.A.88YB a ASSOCIATES J. A. Boyd £>, ..W/r •-../ 360 hours Consultants Vc-;>j^W£!?S . ,/ 1000 hours Technical Assistant Xi. .- ~ L ~S '50 hours Other direct costs including computer and travel costs will be billed as expended. J. A. Boyd & Associates will be reimbursed for the use of its corporate aircraft for round trips between San Francisco and the project at a rate equivalent to the current single round trip airfare between San Francisco xind San Diego, using PSA fares as the standard. Travel costs for this agreement are limited to expenditures for round trips iietween San Francisco and the project site, on the basis of Ifc round trips per jnonth, average, plus five additional round trips during the initial development of schedules with contractors. The total reimbursement for services for J. A. Boyd & Associates for the ^period from May I, 1980 through October 31, 1982, is not to exceed $147,361. EPA 5700 form dated March 21, 1980 is attached^ This Agreement shall be effective on and from the day and year as shown on Exhibit "A". OWNER: VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT BY: Bernard Rappaport, Chairman .ATTEST: Jean Brooks O'Brien, Clerk CONSULTANT BY: J. AC/Boyd, president */*'/* APPROVED AS TO FORM: ^WALKER & GANN BY: Itey H. Gann, Counsel for the Joint Advisory Committee. •••-•••• c • o • • COST OR PRICE SUMMARY FORMAT FOR SUBAGREEMENTS UNDER U.S. EPA GRANTS Form Approved (See accompanying instructions before completing this lorm) • OMB No. 15S-R0144 PART 1- GENERAL t. 6RANTEE ^ VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT 3. NAME OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR ' J. A. BOYD & ASSOCIATES S. ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR (Includo ZIP codt) 2423 Chestnut Street San Francisco, California 94123 2. GRANT NUMBER 4. DATE OF PROPOSAL 3/21/80 6. TYPE OF SERVICE TO BE FURNISHED Critical Path Services PART II-COST SUMMARY 7. DIRECT LABOR (Spfelly labor c*tetforie«> J. A. Boyd - Principal Consultants Technical « • ' • DIRECT LABOR TOTAL: 6. INDIRECT COSTS (Specify indirect colt pools) INDIRECT COSTS TOTAL: ESTI- MATED HOURS 360 1000 150 - RATE 1.3C - •...-.:**' HOURLY RATE s 34.00'AV 18.00 AV 7.50 AV * BASE s s 31,365 • . • • ESTIMATED COST s 12,240 18,000 1,125 ESTIMATED COST $ 40,775 ». OTHER DIRECT COSTS 8. TRAVEL . • (l) TRANSPORTATION 9an Franri<;rn/,]nh<;i tp (2) PER DIEM TRAVEL SUBTOTAL: b. EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS. SUPPLIES (Specify c«<etfor<««J EDP, Schedules, reports EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL: QTY LS •••;;:1:-;*;:,;-. ' ,.:"*.'•'?' COST $ 45,000 • '• ' '- • .;'• ;•' -. ",'^.f'"''' C. SUBCONTRACTS L SUBCONTRACTS SUBTOTAL:•-.. - --,- :~ ;''.."/«5-. d. OTHER (Spicily c«(e«orle«; . OTHER SUBTOTAL: «.' OTHER DIRECT COSTS TOTAL: * - . • - ~ , . j " -^,i.i.j;¥,t.ii;- ESTIMATED COST is 11,000 s s ESTIMATED COST S 45,000 ESTIMATED COST $ - S ESTIMATED COST I S t .•'.: ^ ">T'>'-i~i'»1 to. TOTAL ESTIMATED COST ii. PROFIT U. TOTAL PRICE TOTALS - s 31,365 ; s 40, 775 •< •*• " * * * < * ^ ,». , * * * ' ' ' - 4i-4» v> ^ •*• « * « \ * " *'•>» A .1 .1 $. . 56,000 s 128,140* Tq.??i s 147.361 €f»A Fern 5700-41 (2-76)PACK » OK 5 Form Afi;iro«-i>if PART III -PRICE SUMMARY 13.COMPETITOR'S CATALOG LISTINGS. IN-HOUSE ESTIMATES. PRIOR QUOTES (Indicate baxtt tot firicr comparison) MARKET PRICEIS) PROPOSED PRICE PART IV.CERTIFICATIONS I*. CONTRACTOR A. Royd & Associates-.Ma.HAS A FEDERAL AGENCY OR A FEDERALLY CERTIFIED STATE OR LOCAL AGENCY PERFORMED ANY REVIEW OF YOUR ACCOUNTS OR RECORDS I'J CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER FEDERAL GRANT OR CONTRACT WITHIN THE PAST TWELVE MONTHS7 I I YES Qx}(NO (" "Vci" five name adttret* mad telephone number ol reviewing office) Rate proposed is provisional. EPA audit scheduleifor 4/4/80 Mb.THIS SUMMARY CONFORMS WITH THE FOLLOWING COST PRINCIPLES 40 CFR Part 35, subpart E Me. This proposal is submitted for use in connection with and in response to (1) RFP for CPM Services . This is to certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the cost and pricing data summarized herein are complete, current, and accurate as of (2), 3/21/80 . and that a financial management capability exists to fully and accu- rately account for the financial transactions under this project. 1 further certify that I understand that the subagreement price nay be subject to downward renegotiation snd/or recoupment where the above cost and pricing data have been determined, as a result of audit, not to have been complete, current and accurate as of the date above. (3) DATE OF EXECUTION SIGNATURE OF PROPOSER TITLE OF PROPOSER 14. GRANTEE REVIEWER I certify that 1 have reviewed the cost/price summary set forth herein and the proposed costs/price appear acceptable for subagreement award. BATE OF EXECUTION •I6NATURE OF REVIEWER TITLE OF REVIEWER EPA REVIEWER (II applicable) DATE Of EXECUTION • I6NATURE OF REVIEWER TITLE OF REVIEWER EFA F«* 5700-41 (2-76)PAGE 2 OF 3 HIM ..» AND REG:., ..IONS Exhibit "C " • »• . V ' •' "'' ','*•'-'" ' •>*.' -• " ' •- **" s ' *- T»lle 40— -Prdleciloo *l In*;* on.p,.. CHAPTEH I — ENVIHttNMINT, t WOIECIION AGENCY or TI>« CHCINVO* o— GHAUTS, I Kin. ess -a | 35 — STATE AND LOCALASSISTANCE Subag'eemant*, Under Cr.intt for Con* strucl-on ot Tre*lmenl Works; Technical C-l 1. General.9. Rrtponi'bllHy of the engineer. t. Scop* o( work.4. Cnai.jc*. •4V. Termination. A. IteracJu*. v . T. Payment.I. Project detlgo.*. Audit; aecrt* to rtcorde. 10. Price teductlon for defective eo»v orpricing data. 11. BubcontrhCla. 19. Labor aUnd*rd*. 19. Equal en.pto/menl opportunity. 14. Ot'.ll7«Uoa of avn»ll or minority bu*U IS. Covenant against contingent fen.1*. OntulUoe.17. pittenu.It. Copyrlgtt* and ri»hu >o data, * 1. CtNtrxu. . (a) The O»ner a/id the Fnjlnttr ape*th»l the following provUlon* ihall apply to*ht KJ*A £r»nl-iMf lbl« work to be performed, under thl* «jrt«mtnt ana that »uch pro> Itltloni ihtll iup«r»ii« K/ty coanictlnj pro- trlttonj of ttiU n^rttmtnt. |b| Thf work undtr thli »jrtrmtnt U funded In p»rt by » ^nnt from the U S. Cn»•vlroiimtntkl Prot*^:ian Ac*n«y. Netthir th» Vnlt^d Sl»t«-» nur th* U.S. Ca»ironm«ntfcl yrolcctlaa Agency (htrtir.art«r. ~£PA") u »party to inlt »e:»«rn«nt. Thu »<r«ennni•btett cover* crmal-tliiiol* work U cubjectto rezulatlon* coal»ln«d In 4O cm li 038. 34.B3T. and 35 939 in c.Tect on the diU of•xrcutloo of this »(rtem«nt. A« un«d In thrulh» word» "lh« date of execution of a>gre*mcnl" nveio U\« da^« of •(ecullpn «f tbl» ftg(cem*nt and any tubitquentmOdlScalloa of Ul« trrm*. compcntalloa or ••cope of »«rvlc« pcrllacnt to unperto/mtd |e) Th* rlgbta »od remrdle* of the* ownerprovided for la tbc-v* cUuu* a^« in axldttloato »oy other rl^hta an<j reitic\llc» provided-%y tkw or under thl* ftg •» re^poniiaie for tli* ttrufrxtliinal quality, technical accuracy. tlnttly completion, and lh* coordination of all delimit*, drawing*. »peclncaUona. rej-orLa. aiid blUer tervicet furt>l»l<ed by th* Enilonr tindvr lbl» agreement. The Englnt.r thall. without additional cuinp-eim'.lon. correct or re*U* any errxn. bmlmtont or ol&ir Ce.lclen-clce In hit dr»lt;ii*. tJrawlns*. apecl.Vaiiont.icporu and other nervicrt.(li) The Engineer *h.\ll perform »uch pro-feiOonal »ervlcc» aj ni»y be neccnary lo ac-compltilt the work retired to Ue f erfarmtd Ultder thl* a^mnienl. In uccordinc* vitatill* agreement and ajjpliciUi* EPA rrqulre-intnU In erfrcv on the dat* o( encutloo of IhLi ajictnunl. (e) Approval by Ih* Ov.ner or EPA ofdrawing*, dul^nt. tpecinca'.tan*. rtporvi. aad Incidental enjlneerlnj ^oi't. or maL»rl»U fur- ntthed bereunder ihall not In ajy w.y re- lieve the Engineer of mpQ=^lbllUy for Ihe technlcU adequacy of hL> work. Nrlther th* Owner'* nnr EPA'* review. approtU or ac- ceptance of. nor pa/rrunt for. aoy of tB« >tr>-Icca ahall be comt/uid U) op«ri.'-» u a »tl«rOf any rljbu under t^U A^mraenl or of any caua« of action arlilng out of tb* perform-anceof thU Ljrtemenl.(d) Thi engineer »^v»ll b* ajid remala li-able In accordance with appMeab'* lav t^r all damage* to Lhe Ovcir or IT?A ou^-rd l>y the Kn£1nier'* nrgllgenl perforraaoce. of any Of Ih* «r»lc«» furnLihed under thU a^r<e> ment. e«ctpt for erron. omlMlonj or other dcAclrncln u> the etlint ktlrlautibU to tbaOwner. O-n»r-furnU>>td d4ta or *ay VhUdpartjr. Th* Engineer ihiU not t* rnpocililt for any lime d<-I*y» In tht project ra'_v«l bfCltc-arrjUr.ct-» beyond lh» Er.jtnrtr'« eonlrol. Whir* ne» or-»d»«nced prc<r-.tt*. rnrlhoOj or VaChnology (ie* 40 CPTl 35 108) arc recom- mended by the f r.flnttr K.id are ulUUrd. theCn^lueer thall be liable ocly for £rcj-i r.tjH-jenc* to the eiUni of eu.n u'.llliitlon. J. Score or WO«K The Mrvlcet to be rendered by the Engineer ehall Include all aervlcrt required to com*pi el* the tuV or bUp In a<;ordan:i vlth >p-pll;abl* EPA rc^l»'.lon« (40 Cm 8"boart C In e.Txt on the CaUe of e of thl* agreement) to th* cilcnt of th* tcop* of work la deSnrd aj=d »c'. out la the czjl- nc^rlng »trvlce» •agreement lo »SUh thov* prorltlocu are attachexi. ' • 4. Ci(»Mcr» (a) The Owner cr.ay. at any time, by writ- tea order, mixe ch^nje* within t-3* £«a«ral acop* of thl* agrrenient la Ih* terticci orwork to b* performed. If tucn cba.-.(t*an Increii* or decreai* la U>« coat of. or lime required for. performance ofany cervlcr* under thl* arrrcratat. »a»'.ntror not changed by any order, an rquiikl.leadjuilmenl thaJI b* IT.ud« and tbu agrr«-nienl ihall b* moain^i In wniLnj r.-ronl-In^'ly. Aoy ci»Jm of th. C.TIKI. rer lor . ifuti-mcnt Under tnU cl*u>e iuu». b» a^xripO la writing within 30 o«)» irorn Ih* daw of r*- Cctpt by th* CTijTIixer of th* noliacaUon of Chtnge unlf-vj the O*"ier praiiL* a f^rtnrr |«rlo4 of time before trv* date of Qoal pay- menl under toU H|ireement. -flOfBAl MCISIEV, VOl. 41. NO. 1JI—WIONIJOAY, DfCtMtt* C-l RUleS ..cCULAHONS • to K.I wrvlr*» tnr whfrt *nri.kr«r-rl r») Ih* JICUI lw fumUhea klthaiil Ifim or th* Owotr.j In U.* *»»nv thkl thtr* U » nxxliQc*-ot E}*A tri4Ulr»m«nu» roliUn* to thtt -*»r*|ow U> b* performed under IAU kjrr»- -•irilX *xit»vrqutnl lo Ul» dkVt ot liceulloit ot lltU »jrr»m«nt. lh» lncr»»»*d or cl«cr»«-«»d CvM u( p*«f<-rm«nc* ol lh» »rrv\CM providedi»jrt-«m«nt thklt b» r*ft«ci»*l In ku of lh lit •.«>prlt» I. TC*MIM4TIOM {»! Tt»»» k»fc«<n.nt rrx>y b* tircr4a»teil la -*»hol*or la |'-wV 'a willing by oilier p 10-17 •» Hi* evfnl or suUtUrxlui fvllux* by t.i» otUtr |N>rly to rviifllt lu obli^tiiofu undtr IhU.avrtement throuf h no fkull of th* terminal* '"f P»rlT: fiufidtd, Tbkl co tuch lerrnlnk- tt»n ma; U« ertecl*d ualt** lh> olhtr p*.-tjr m (ivea (I) *">t '»** vhu\ Ua (10) c*l«iiikr-4t»y> »rtlV*a DOtlc* {UiU»»rid. by cerUSt-d l. relura receipt rtsuuUil) of lru«a*. to»_-vU (3) m GppGrtiirvl'.y for con-Wiih Ih* Urroln»unj pkrly prior (l>) Thl» a^rMnxtat m*y bi Urreln»l»4 inwhul* ot la pwt la wTliLnf by lh» O-vo* lor IU eoavmteoc*: proufd<4. Th-kt such Irrn.ink'.loa U for jocxl c»u»-» (»uch u forl«i;M or Brxijiclil rci^-orj. mijsr cr^n^e* Inlti» work or program rtquJtennnu. l3ltl»ilan <»f »nfv 3Urp) tad ihil ib.* Enjlxiter U ^Ixn||) not Its* th»a l«a (10) ciltndw Uiy*writirn novtc* (d*u»ered by c«f.ir.td m»;l. T*U>rn rrcvlpl rrqut«Ud) of Iniint lo lercnl- *t*t« and (2) »rk oppottunli/ tor comult*-l».n vtUi in* UrniinkVlnj p»fl/ prior to.let If lermliiAllon (or d»Uull !« tiy tli* Ow.irf. ta tqulik'ai* aijmlininl InIn* priri prorldrU for la IhU 5-,-rtvn.tat, kb»ll4,0 tn*4r. but (t) no ^n.ouiM ibkU U* n)low«aJot n««irl;oit«l profll on unp^tr,'orm»<l t«r»-.Kr» lit t'Vhtr vork, *^d (2) tc/ pij"rr.«ii(, du» V* lh» Cn.tlnrcr ^t trt* Um» of Urndatlloa!•» fcJJi-.t«~a to in* tt'.tr.t of nay ikddUtc»U oecfc»lon«a U) Iht Ovn«r by rc»»ii t!i» Enpinur'* d»r»uiu U urmlriAVion -fft« «J»:>ull U «.'TrcV*d bj tb» FJ1jlri4.-»r. or If4r(intu»i'.(Xi for convenient* 1» crteetrd b;Ihf Owr.er. Ih* i^MltibU u]juiVm«ut *hUl tnetud* k rt%»c-niil» pro.'.t far iirtlcc* or »-crX pirtoranrd. Tht equU»bI« »dJu>UIcr my lcrmln»Uon »biU pro»U« toe p.-Wii.«nV lo Vh* Cnjlnur for itrvlcr* ffu-•drrtd i.nd eiperiM* locumd prior to tU»*»o»i>i»'.lon, in iddHlon to lermlQ»lloa ieV» |;liitcr ..» cuu««n{rt>re of th».. *ojuJ'-ratnl of tl>» (c) of thl» nrovldrd Inthin fctfrreru»nl. tJl ci«Ji^J, count«r-c'.»lraj.dl»pnlr» kail old.r m^.utr* la que«tloa b»- twein tli» Owner *ad ih* C]i{'.t\<*r »r'.tLnj out at or rcUUnj to ttti* k^rrtmirtt or tu«Urn*«ti lli%rx>t -III b« d*.ldsU by »ri>lVr»UanIt tbu p.\rllt« hor«U> n.i.luUly iL^re-*. or in » court of r-ornp«uat jurUdictton wiuitn the< Hi wtilcA lit* Owivtr It locaWd. • 7. nr to eonxmKmtnl* which prior lo Ui» l«rmln»tlon.Upon r««lpl ol » urati.»Uonji>V «J pfcr»sr»prn (».) or (b> »bu»«. « *:i*i;.!irtr shill (1) prompU/ dlwontlrtM* ttU*»r»i.-»-« ftUrcUd (unl«-%» th» nolle* dlrrcU ^lh*rw>-«). »nd (3| deliver ur ollitrwlx m»k» «*»itn>>lo U» ll»» Ovntr •» d»lj -*|M>C|ltr«UoTV.v reporU. titlmHtl.«ind »ucti OXlur Inlarmk'.loci arjl i _«s«y fc»v» bi-rn accumnUi»d by »-4M i>«rlormlnn IhU aj;ret^tal. whether rom- |O*-lra "t In proce'k<M Vj.on tormlnmliou pur»».M»l l« p»r»- t«t»|>:»> t*.) or (b) ».U>»e. th« O*ne» mny UxHeli» wortc »nd pra»ccuu the. »»ni» lotion by sureeoient wlin »noidcr p»rly»r-*trf. Anf »-oi* ^^v^Q otfr by li»rtor CKixplttlnn will b« complrted aV »i:ct'« ri%». i»nd th» O«ntr will-i« Vh» t»i(»»<r from »ll el»Un.» n Ml«l«c o«l °' Improper u»« of '»'•»:.««••«*•» work. Ht If. tilver tefmln»lUm for f»llur» of (a) IVyinent Uin'l b* cn»J» In »ccord»nc* wlih Hi* )>»ym«nl tchtdul* IncarporkUd In thl* »crenneiil »» x>on «i r>rtcltCAUV» upon kubjrxiftblOQ of £dl*iaenL4 rc^uettin^ pky* m*nt by lh* Unnicuor to xl>* Owner. If nopayment kcMediU* U Incarpor»'-«d In pxrftjraph (b) of lhl» clkUi-* ihkll »?ply. (b) Moninly prcrr*" pkyrneuU cjy be rt-queaVed by Ih* Zo^lnttr »n4 nhkll b* mkd*uy thi O~atr to t-» Ca41c«er u »ooa u ptivc* llckbl* upoit aubmlBaloa of *lkt«:r.«nt4 r«-qu««Ur>j pay/r\«nt by lh» Enjlnetr lo UK 'Owner. When ktieb, progrei* pkymtnU urt nwd*. th* Owr.tr niky withhold up lo luitperceut ot l'a» -vouchtrid amount ualU n»l-Ufkctory coir.pletioa by Ih* Enjln«r of workand »*r»le»» withia k. OUp cMl«d for under thnl tlio work under IhU ajtomtnt or kny *;,rtln«d ink l.tttundir u «ubit-»nt!k'uycomplete kuJ ihkl lt\» »rr.ounl of rc'.aln«U U In tic CM of ll-.» vraauot can- Uy liim to b* kircjoaU for U.* pro- tection c<f th* OvQ»r. h* (Uix'.l rtlrvi* to '.Usiln.mrer »ucli ciCkvs kr&aunt.(C) No l<uy-nieot rrqutil msd» |'u:*a»nl lojn.HKn.pl4 (k) or (b) of UiU c'.iu— |U*U • KC^cd Hit till.T.aUd *-T.ounl &nd VA'.ut ofIh* wurr: »nd »rrvic»» prrlormel hy In* Eu- Olm-cr tiudrr th!t »{rrtmcnt. «h!cb etll-rn»uii kh*t| bt pitpAtta hy lh* r.cj'.iiicr *ndsuppien\tnL<d or kocomp»nlid by tucb. »up- porting xlkli, M no/ b* required by th* (d) Upon callifkctory complelloa* of th*work i>rrformrd li<r*ui>dcr. »-ai prior lo tnii pk>Tnrnt xinUer trj« k;rctm«nl for luchwork, or prior fttUeuitnl upaa Urrr-lr.itloa Of tlit »;rcra\tnt, knd ** » COD edrnl thtreto. th* Enj-tne«r nhUl•na Uellrer to ttx* Owntr » relrvv* ot »Uclnlmi kitilntt lUr O»ntr kxUlnj urvitr or byTlrtu* of th(» *iretm*nt. olh*r (bka rucielMmis tf kny. k» mky b* (peclScklly •«.-• mptrd by tut Cn(1ae«r from th* operationot tit* reltkA* tn ktiua nmoxinit to be Art f Of lit liikralit. •. Tibjrcr DLVICM • (*>) 111 th* pertornuini* of llil» ij(rftn\«iil.lh» r-tiflnoer *hklt. to Ih* exirul prixctrkbl*. provlcl* for m*.:ttinuJa u»« of kirncture*. CHK-chltxjt. {irodxic'wt. tnkitrlaU. conilructloa mrlnod4. and cqulpmrnl which Art rekdliy(.vallabl* tttrOU^b compellllv* procur»meul.or %tu<*u(n *t.tnilA/d or provau prodnctiootcrcrtiiio.xies. irxelbodj. »nd procc»-vt». conflu- ent wllrt 4O ft-T. 3io:»~3 and 35930-13 in tiled on lli« <S.il* ot nrcuilon of thlt r.K.-f«-menl. <-«ccpt lo tn* CKtent llial adv^Qcwd tccluiolo^y m»y be u'.lli^*d piirsiiknl to V) 01-11 ^i 004 In cdcct ou Ih* o.Mr of occxitionof Utl» r>{-.r«tiiiri.l. (b> Tli* Enquirer »h»*l not. lit th* ptr- tormMiic* ttl tl>» work collet! lor by thU ftCrt%entcnt. pr^dnc* t» dexicn or tpccUlcatloa•neb »J» to t^qnlr* In* n>* of •trurluic*.mkchlue** pr&ilucli. mutorlkl*. cnnitructlaitux*lrxo<t-«. tcjnipu.fnt. or prorevr" which r>r* koowa by Hi* Cnnlnrrr to r%* »»«u»1>l» onlyfrnnt » *•••• tuurn*. uitl»<* «uch Uw» h«-« t>. ru »,j.-..iat»i, juitiUed in wrltinf by ID* £">(•• D««r.(c) Th* >'.!.. -inttr UitJl anl. la tbt p-er-forutuoc* v.f th* »ork ckUrd for by ll>u ture-*iit*Jit. v>rodu;» t dr«lfa or iJx-clQc »l'.on which would bt resiilcllvt la rlulk'.loa ofbee. 20*(«)(fl| of tn* X^drrU WkUr Pollu- Uon Cuntiv/l Act (PL 01-WXI). ThU tmiult rcqulrst lh»'. i>o »ptcinc*lloa for bli* or• IklniKint of work ilikll be wrUUa Ln tticlie> uiKr.fior iv* lo contain proprlttirf, eirlu- •lonac), or di»trtmln»tory rrTUlrtmr au oilier llian UIOM lj»'-od upon ptrlarmanc*. ualcw*Much roquUtmt nU art ntCDMk/y ta leal or d*n\untUkt* k »poo3c Ihli^j. or lo pro«ld« for ncr.c94kry lr\t«rchui jtniMltty of pk.-u tude<^iiiprn«r»l. or ».t lc«-»V Iwo brirjl rikcr. t»i orIrul* n»n,ea o( coccpo^ab)* q'^vltly or u'.:tuy »r» UM.til kr.d »r* followed by tm*. vo;ii "or equU." WHh rrgxrd to m*Urtk'j. |( * »j,,j;i* m^>-•^lk^ li ipteiart. Ih* F.ngir-Mr mu«l b*propkiMl to tu'-'ttKn'. ikto in* bun for itic mltcli.il> of Ui» ir»l.rl«J. (fl) '111* Et«lti«r ilikll rr^K>rt to Ih* O-mrnny t^lt-iaurc* cr rrttrlctlv* Ue«!|a or «.'«<-irtckUon gi'lc,; ll>* ri-k.^or\ or ro-vwoj whyIt U conjidrttd nerr^uy lo r*tlrlcl Hi* CtklS'i or *pt>cUi:*Uon.(e) Th» f'.njlnrer thill not Vnowlnjly «p«.Uy or approv* lUr per/or rr.inct ot work Hi K fivclluy «hich u la vloUuoit ot Oltvn Air or Wfcttr tt&nUkrOit »uO vhl:h U IU>d b> Ih* Du«U»r Cf the tJA ORiC* of rVa»rH AcltTl-ll«<f p\iiiti»iil |o 40 Crn Paj-t 16. i>. Auorr, Accc»» TO Tin C.-i;lt>ee i. Ucxximenu and oliter crldtnra dt-r«Uy j*rtln»al lo pcrfomvxnc* on tl'AC-n»r.i »urk under Cii* i^ic«m*al Ln nc-c nl- piluclpln kud pr~cticet carjLnc.iilv »[., li»3. u\d O Cm 20 COl. 30 80}. itnd :itjS *• Inodecl on 11.e d^t* of ci<:utlaix of Ihu » T--F-mcnl. Thi Er,;lnetr ilinJl alto m»l."ililn iueInto.-rr.j'.lsn and Ok'-k u.««l by tit* vr In Ihe prrj'krullon or I'.ipporl ofc*l »\;bmi>«lan rrr,uLrv<l piir»u.\—>. to 4U 33937-G(b) la t^ert an lh« elk'.* oftiicullan of Iblt k^rnrr-.iitt und k copy nf Ih* cotl tvninnkry f.ib^.l'.V^d lo I'ae O->-i><r. >Th» VJnllxl U'.iln EA>1ronmenliJ ProuclioiiAgency. ll\> Coai^VrolUr C«;\«nl ct the Unl'_cd S'..\'-r-«. th* U3l'-cd S!t'-a» D«^krliiirul of Lib<ir, O*nrr. kr.d [(.Ut S'-kla »»'.tr pollu*Uoa control t^ency) or kny of thtir duly to »nch booV». recoraj. di'CvxmknU ki\4 oinererldcnct (or Ihe purpose ot Lcape-c'.lan. k\>dlV kod copylog. Tn* Engineer wilt prj«id* prop-er fkctllttu for tiicb iccru *nd lrv*prction.(b) Th* En^lnerr Cfrrr«k to Inc'.uJs p.\r»-l,Tiplj (a) ihrouxli (C) ot ihlt cl»'_»< lu kitliU conlr^clk ajxl kit tlrr kubcnn'-ractA ai- rectly tclilrd to projrcl peifonnauc* U!IK)Ias* In <:»Cf •-» of |IO OOO. (c) AndlU cuiiduc'.ed punuinl to tM» |-i»-vlilon ilnv.ll b* In tccorcinnr* ><ith uiurrxllr»ccr;iUra auditing i(«nd.\rdj knrt f ,'^.L.i>lir J procedures kad cuidcllnc» of Hi*-rrvt?\«hi|t (d) Tli» l-n^lnrer k;rf»» lo tli» di><:<i«»e of f^ll Itifurrnktlon unii rcji.Mj rc«x;lt:ir^ lia.it,exre^ft lo rviioril* pur-*u.\iil lo p«r^7rr\^lr» (,M and (b) »'-»O"r. U> »ny of llir k^enrns rc- Uikl lit* Cn^iorer U. krTord?d IU* oppnnuntlytor ivu Kndli o.it conl-rrnce M<d kn opi-.rtn- nlly to Cutucnenl nnd iubn.it nuy •ti;>^>riinf docniiient-Mlnit oa Hie p^rtlrmni pardt-ii* ofUi* drkft AjUIC r i port *nd thn'. ihr fnuj •nail ic|v>rt will Inrluit" wrlllen conunent* of icitMiiukblr IcnglJl. If rti.y, »f Ibe I'n^in'rr. (c) I'ccorU* itixarr p(w»kr^^t«« (ki an4 (D)KlHjv* . .»ll b* orxoini«lnr<l KI> -.», otci»-»t» >v. <t/* , AND REGULATIONS o *bl» during p«rforaujic4 on EPv. i;r&nt work tinder tbi» »^T-r*in«nt »r»d until tnrw Jc-w» front eat* of Qo»J IT? A f runt payment (or Ui» project. In addition. thcut record* *hlch re- lat* to any "D'jpuL*" appeal unU.i »n k.TA (rant Bjrftmant. or litigation. or th* a*ttit- m«nl of clUcr,* »rUlng out oC tuch perform- ABC*, or cc*u or lUraj to *hlch an audit b«-» b»»a taken. ttv»u b* roam- and.cnvd> avaMtbl* until thm y««Lr» afwr th» dat* of ra*olulloa o( tuch appeal. illlfatlon. claim or ei^puoa. 10. Piles ROOCTTOM »oa Dcrtcrrv* COST Ok P»tCLT18 DAT* . (TMt claujt U applicable I/ (h« amount o/ _ IhU «/r««mrnt ciceedt 1100.000.) (ft) U tb» O~r.»r or EPA dettrmlnea that •Jiy prte». IncludJag profit, negollt'.xl tr> connection vrith lhl« ajre«cnent or ea>y ca»t t tlmburvtV* uoJ»r tnla i-pr irixoat wu la- crrvvd by aay ilgn;3cant »iim* b»-cau»4 U.a Cnglaeer or any lub-toatn-ctor furnuhvd la- COmple'-* or liivcsur«'_t cc-et or pricing d.ta *r da'.» not curreat »* cemCul In hit car-Lin- cation of current ec*. or pricing da't* (EPA -Twin 670Q— tl). Ihta auch prlc* or co*l or pra3t ahUl b« reduced ac£ordl.i jl j aad tit* ikjie-e.-nerit thill b-t mcxli.".e<J la wrttLoj to rt- £*<t lucb rt^ucl'.oa. • (b) raJluf* U> kjret on a re-duelton ahall b« aubjwrt to th» lUc^nllu cikUM of LhU (NOF2 — Slncf (>tt a;r«m<n( U «ub/tct (O Hiuctttm under (Mj clout* by rcx»cm o/ rf<- JlC'.lv* CO4t Of jn\£i*J d£t3 «u'om((lfd in can- ITOH (O IB a Claul* la the uslil Jar £e/cri(-l coil c/r prirln j data rec,uirfi be 'ubmlttnl by Ml (cn^rr lur \ « i . i-*) In c^rci »t U>« time of citcu- tit>: ..." i. .It ftgrccmtnl. .3 .»U«L EMri-OTMtwT Ori^>»rv)«iTT In <» • .-.r J.\nco wtlh EPA policy u ti in 40 C- U 10 120-6. vn» gnplnrtr »»rt II. -jboOn'--«tO'» »nd ouuldi or conkUl'-vsU r«julrn5 by th» O OCrfli*<'.10.-l «IUX Lh* MirT)C4r> COTtrrd by tbU Hirgaial trill b» llrra'-rc! to rucb |odl»l3u«i» or Znrj u wtr idtntlrtrJ »na KiTrrd Vo durtrvg «r u «j^ rp«<l£cV.!7 »utiic^z.t-i by Ui« Ovnrr 4urt££ U)» p<T-torcrjka£» of thU t^rr«a«nt. Any (UbeUtM'.'.aci la or »adlMoru to >uch•ubifontrhCUHs. t-t»:Uve». or octuulUnU •111 tn *ubj«cl to tii» prVor »ppror<J of Ui» Owntr. (b) Th» Erglp.KT m*y not »uboontr»ct *«r*icn In eicp«* of thirty percent (or _____ . pcrccot. If Lh» O*r>*r »nd tb» Hnglrmr Iicrtby »••?**) of ih» coatrvct prlc* to »uu- ««ntntcton or co=«ult«ot» without prior o»»i ot th» Own«r. pluyc* or »ppllc»al for tmpluym*nt of r«c9. ith^laa. color, MX. &£• or orljUj. . 14. UnuiAnoM or a«»j.i. AMB MiHo»rrT In t^careUac* «llh EPA policy >• In iO CKK M 939-7, th« Er^iu«r 1,,-rtM qUAtl.'.t-d i.TJLll bu»lntia and rrUnorlty bujl- rtti* coUfprlm »^\»ll hut tn« m»i\jnura prnctiobu opportunity to p«fUclp»v« In th» r-crfurm».-,cf of EPA end 15. COVT*»:<T AC»INIT Th« EcilCMr wirriau ti»t no p-tr&oa or i^l\^c^ ^jtccy bu bttn •mployrd or r«L*Lctd to fc^icit or 5«iLff thUi con'j-ict upoa »a ajfMtneat or uudc.-sUndlr-j for » coaunli- »loa. p*rcen'»^«. breVrr^i, or canttsgint fe-t,«>t*pl',r^ book fld» impta?i-&* far br»»ch or TU/iUon of vb.u <»kmr,ty lh» O-r.«r »hall hi»» tbr rljbt to lanul thu »»rc:a-.eat wttn- out lubUUy or la IU ditcretiaa to diduct from th» coi.Utct prlc« or cocj'.aer»Uoa. or otr.irv!** rtcortr. lt\t full vcsauat of »ucSi con-~.'moq. p-trc«r.ti-i«, brokenj*. or con- • 19. a (»> II It U found. »fltr nolle* »nd hurln;. by IS» Owner th*l Erttultl« (la th» form of en'.<rulnraent. ^.fU. or othtrvbt) vert or r*prrven'.*;i'« of trto Enj".a«r, to »ny o~cUl. *rr.ploye« or »;tnt of tht O»T.ir. ot t».« Suu. or of EPA vlth * vie* tox.»rd •»- curlr.| n cor.t.-»;t or ire urlc^ f^Tor^b!t ',re»U mtn: i. lib mprct to '.b» n. udir.g or Inj. or tht er.»'*(n( o( »ay de'.ercr wtia rejptct to Ibe prrfor =i»p^e of IMi »;rt«- rr.eat, ti» O«r. tr cr.ty, by wrltWn c^tlc« to tht r=glnt«r. termti.kit tht rljht of th» Enftnc-tr to procoJ undir tbU ipttrztal cr trvty par»u* »uch o'Jjtr rlgbU lad rr^-. rllr* proridMl by l&w or ua^«r t5'J »frctrctnt: /•ro^icJ. Ti«l tht ct'JUno of tho f»cu upoa «hicb C-.* C»ntr rr^Jco tuch f.ndlcjt •i»ll t« In Luue »ad rnny 04 r»rlc» «i In pro* at to t^* IVt.TVMim c'-iuj« of 3Po th» **t* nt lh»t thli »|<re«m«nt lr\ "construction" (>-» d«r»nt-d- by th» Sx «f tAbor). th» Enjl:i»<r »grer» th»t »uch Construction work m«.ll t« *ut>)cct to tne fol- 4o»tn| lub-or (ta^d^rdi proiLilonj. to th« •itcnt »ppUrKi>\«: (») I>»r1>-t>«coo Act (40 O3 C. 373*-379»- -fb)V/orVc Houn «Ji(l 8*fety Act «0 U 3 C. 3J1-033); fe) CofxUad Antl-Klckbuk Act (Id OB C. Idl Ei»cuii'» Ordrr II2«0 (E^u •mtni Opportunity); •.•\t ImpU mrotirvj rule*. rtgxiUUorui. «nd ordtr* of Ih* Orcr»t>xy of L«bor or «r lurtbcr >g7vc« th»t ifi-)u<1< •"•! hr cuh)t-Ct ^Oi l*rov|jlon» fcx t><l- CooAlructlon CootrkcU" (tf'A (b) la Ui» event th!» Kgmcnint U t«rml Uftled t» pror-.J«d la p»r»frmp»i (»> h«r»cf. tht O-arajf ii»U b* entitled (I) to pu^rut th» carat remedle* i^ilnM ttit Engineer «J It ooutd punut In ;h« erent of ft brr*cn of th» contrKi by the Engln*<r, kad (3) >-« ft pen- city In Addition to toy other dim»2*> to which It miy b* entitled by Uv. to •xempUry d«ra*zt« In »n amount (R* deVer-- mtned by th* Owner) which >h»U b* not Iru than thre« nor mort th»a t«n llmei th» coiu Incurred by the Eny1n-«/ la providing »ny iucn frmlultlc* to »ny tucn oCcer or employee. 17. P»rtr«T» If thU mjrterr.eal Involvti r'X-wch. <3o»«l- opment»\. e«per!c.ml«l. or d/rnonj'.r»tion wort. »Qd tny diKUrery or Invention &rl«rt or U Oeteloped In Uie couoc of or undir thl« »grrt«rv»nt, mcb ln»enUua or dtvo\cr7 ih«ll b« «ubj«v to tie rejx-if.nn und rlk'htj v.rovi-•ion* of subj^r. n of io crrt r^rt jo. ia • Itrct oa thr CUte cf riacutlan of Vhlt a»;i.-> . m«e\t. IncU'.dlaj ApfrtdU B «•' -^W ri>rt >i. la «u«n e»je. tht n.»Lnfcr «».».U rej>ort rh« dluxxcry or Invention to EPA directly or tr."\:.;r •*•.« O^rrrr. tnd •*•••! "inr'v-'l— r---~, ply with to* Ovocr't rripoojlbltitlr* In ac- COfU.i..-» wltA »Ald LiuOp»rt D Of 40 Ct'R 30. Tlit Caglntir hereof k^r>^t th»t U-. (U»pC«IUOQ Of rlgDU to' luvn.tl..Cb* IM»C Undtr tbU AxTMtnrat ihkll bt ID tccordikcit. with tht term* »i.rt rondlllont of tfurruir.- tlootd App»ndl» Q Th» Enylnnr «li»U II elud* p/ovutorui »t>propn»i» to »r»ciuaii tr purpc«e« of ihU conduiou In »U tubconlrnc Invol'log r«i>r»rCQ. dtv*lopin*nL*l, uptr mtntAl, or diiourutr»tloa wotk, 14. CurTHOITl 4MB RlOIITt II* D«T» (a) Tht Ki.K»Q»»r kxreet tli»l »ny pUr driwlogt. de»tgat. »p»clftc«Uorv». C'.mput profr»inj (xhlch art »ub»'.iiUUH* paid ( wltM EPA er»r.t funUt). technical riy^r' opsratlni m»au»U. and oU.er >»or'« jubmltt vttn a QUp 1 Fncllltlti T'uu or vr.h a Step or Step J ^rant app'.lcatlon or *n:ch a «p«t.".»d to b« dtllvered under thLi aqn ment or which art dev-loptd or produ :-d i> paid for uudtr tbts •irrrm^nl (rt'rrrtdla thii ci»u«» L> •'SuSject ruiv) »-» «\. JKl to the ilghu in the United Siatev a« fortb In 8ub;iart D of «0 Cr^R Tart 3r> »nd C to «0 C7"H P«-r'. 30. In eflK< on ! of execution of thlt :iA-Te"T»nt, IniK Ing tbt rishi to u«t, OupUcait and dlic'.c •uc^j Subject D»ta. In »holt or In p*"^. any tr«nn«r for any purpco* wha'-vtvi r. * hav» o'.hen «!o »o. Tor purpoitt of lltlt nr clt, "fnotek" a-« used la i-i\J App«ndU •hall refer to Iht Ej=<'.star. If tin cnaU.-tr. copyr'.jhtablt, tht Zrnloter rrjy ccpyrl ruch. «-» p<trrar.«(3 by »tld Apcen^n C. t tubjtcl to th* right* la Iht Ooternment ttt forth tn Appendix C. but tht Owner t tht Federal Government rer<«r»t a royal fre«, noneiclutlit. and IrtevocobU ll;en>' reproduce, publuh and u<t r-uch mtler! In •whole or In cart, and to tu'.horti* ot! to do 10. Tht Engineer il.aU Includo prca'.cct eppraprla'.* to t.trc'.ui'.e the pur,' of thU condition In all «uU-ontr»cU cipcc to product copvrU^'-aoU 3vib)«ct D»l*. (b) All »ueh Rubl*o*. D.tis furnUhrrt li» EnilnMr j<\if>.iant to Cill aif7r»nienl ln>truo>tnwa (A hU Mnrtce» In rc«pcct of orolact. It U underitocxl thai th* F.n;i <!>ei not rt>7re«ent luch Sub!»cl D.itn •* t'-UUablt fcx reuM oa any other prnl»ct t. artr o'.ber purpo«e. Any reui* Uy tie O without ip«'.fls vrlUtn 'triac.tlr.r. or r» tatlon by tht Enjrtaeer will bt al tht ri- tr.» O»ner and without llaalllty to tbf I n«r. Any 4uch vert2c»tion or a4aptj will entlUt tha S;nj1nter to further com bAnon al rate* to b* a-rfre«3 Vipon ty Owner and Iht ftOUAt MGlilll. VOl. 41. NO. Jil -.»<IONliOAt. OlCtMHI J», 17/4