HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-05-06; City Council; 6238; REVISION TO EXISTING TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP, SANTA FE KNOLLS CASE NO: CT 75-9 B4i ?’ .. ’? 6 .. x ClTY OF CARLSBAD _~----1_1 I N 1 T I A L Dept. Hd. ~- %ejf Cty. Atty. is&+ Cty. Mgr. ____ /~J:ENDA dILL i40s -~ ba3p -- I ?@!Y 6, 1980 .--___--I- C ;i T E : DSPAR. [{LNT: PLATV’NING - -_c_ - IIEVIFION TO EXISTING TENTATIVE SUEDIVIEION YAP, SANTA rE KP;C CASE NO: CY 75-9(B) APFLICANT: LA COSTA LAND CO?IPANY __ll_l----c_-----.-- STA’I EMIII?:T OF THE MiiTTfR --I-C- ---- The property is located east of Rancho Santa Fe Road, soutk of La Costa Avenue extension. The original subdivision was approved on January 1977, as one phase, 211 lot subdivision. This revision provides four phases for this subdivision. The number of lots and design of the subdivision remain the same. Through the planning staf? review and the Planning Commission hearing, all concerns have been resolved for this project. EXEIBITS 1. Planning Commission Zesolution No. 1615 2. Staff Report dated March 26, 1980 3, Staff Xeport dated November 28, 1979 4. City Council Xesolution KO. 4072 5. Exhibit ”X” dated March 11, 1980 RECOX ;ENDAT I OP: Both the Planning staff and Planning Commission recommend that this application be APPROVED and that the City Attorney be directed to prepare documents APPROVING CT 75-9(B), per Flannincj Commission Resolution KO. 1615. Council Action: 5-6-80 Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents approving CT 759-(B) per Planning Commission Resolution 1615, subject to the changes recommended by the Planning Director during staff report. ,. r I. .. 1 PLANNIKG CONYXTSSON msOr.,uTIcm _-. NO. 16x5 - -.- _-. A RESOLUTION OF T1;E PLANNING CO!Q\?ISSION OF THE 3l 7 51 6 7 8 9 10 'X I-2 13 I* 15 l6 APPROVAL OF A REVISION TO AN EXISTING TENTATIVE MAP TO PROVIDE FOR THE PI-IASING OF A 211 LOT SUBDIVISIOE LOCATED SOUTH OF LA COSTA AVENUE, EAST OF RANCHO SANTA FE. CASE NO: a CT 75-9(B) APPLICANT: SANTA FE XNGLLS WHEREAS, a verified application for certain property, to wit: A portion of lots 4, 5, 8, 9, and 10 of Rancho Las Encinitas as shown on Map No. 848, as filed in the Office of the County Recorder for San Diego Couxty. has been filed with the' City of Carlsbad, and referred to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request as provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad blunicipal Code; and WHEREAS, this project has been processed through environmental review as required in Title 19, the Environment l7 I' l8 '* 21 ' 22 1' Protection Ordinance. The proposed subdivision has complied with the requirements of the Carlsbad Environmental Protectio I Ordinance through prior compliance (Section 19.04.153) becaus I 1. An 'Environmental Impact Report , (EIR-307) was prepared for amendments -to the La Costa Ttaaster Plan and certified by the City Council on April 27, 1976; ' 2. A report, Archaeoloqical Investigations at Santa Fe Knol has been acccpted which mi-tigates the irnpacts of the 23 24 I 25 26 proposed project on the archaeological resources of the project site; and 3. There arc no substantial changes in the proposed project which have not been adequately addressed by the llaster or supplemental EIRS. 27 28 I //// //// 3- * ' '*:. ,. .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 22 12 13 14 15 16 1? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 I \JHEREAS, the Planning Ccmmissi-on did, on the 26th day oj March, 1980, hold t: duly noticed public hearing as prescribec by law to consider said request. I WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and consir all testimony and arguments, if any, of a11 persons desiring to be heard, said Cornhission considered all factors relating the Tentative Tract Map. NOT"?, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission as follows: A. That the above recitations are true and correct. B. That based on the evidence presented at the public hear the Commission finds the following findings and conditi to exist: Findings 1) The proposed map is consistent with the General Plan because: a) The project density of 3 dwelling units per acre conforms with the Land Use Element designation of residential low-medium density, 0-4 du/acre; and b) The project does not conflict with any element of the general. plan. 1 2) The site is physically suitable for the type and. densi- of development because: a) The subdivision has been designed recognizing the I 1 natural slope and soil constraints of the site; and b) The low density of 3 du/acre allovs for the physi I consideration of the site. 3) An environmental impact report (EIR-307) was prepared for amendments to the La Costa Xaster Plan and certifi by the City Council on April 27, 1976; //// //// -2- I/// PC RES0 li.1.615 2% .\ . ’*-, . ,. 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 97 18 19 20 23. 22 23 24 25 26 a7 28 1 0 0 I A report , Archaeologi-cal Investigations at Santa F’e Kno: has been accepted which mitigates the impacts of Yie proposed project on the archaeological resources of the project site; and There are no substantial changes in the propose2 projec- which have not been adequately addressed by the >laster or Supplemental E12 I S. This project is :onsistent with all public facility policies and ordinances because: a) Sewer service is not available for this project at this time. The Plznning Commission has, by inclus of an appropriate condition, insured that the final map for each phase shall not be approved unless the City Council finds that sewer service is available to serve the project. In addition, E cond.ition has been added requiring that a note be placed on the final map that building permits may not be issued unless the City Engineer determines that sewer service is available. Since the final map cannot be approved unless sewer service is available, the building cannot occur within the project unless sewer service remains available, the requirements of the public facilities element of the General Plan have been met insofar as they apply to sewer service for this and tenative map approval. .--- _L ---_____-._ c_ ___-___-____ ___ 4) b) Agreements have been made with both Encinitas and San Dieguito Unified School District to pay schoo fees. c) Water service will be provided by Olivenhain 14unicipal Water District. ! a’) Gas and electric service will be provided by SDG&E. e) All necessary on-site and adjacent public facilit would be required as per the City’s Public Improv Ordinance or as conditions of approval. f) At this time, all other public facilities necessa to serve this project will not be available concu with need. The Planninq Commission has, by inclu of an appropriate condition I required that the project contribute to the cost of such facilities Since the developer will pay for its proportionat share of the public facilities t~7hiCh it wi.11 require , the Plsnnii~,g Commission is sati.sfi.ed th; I I I’C RESO #1G15 i -3- -\ 111 2 4 5 the requirements of the puhlic facilities element of the general plan have been satisfied. C ond. i -2. j. o n s 1) Approval is granted for CT 75-9(A) as shown in Planning 3- Commtssion CT 75-9 (a) Exhibit ''X", dated !.larch 11, 1980, on file in the Planning Department, and incorporated here in by reference. Development shall be substantially as shown on said Exhibits. .. < 'J 6! 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l6 17 18 19 20 21 ' 22 23 24 26 25 27 28 0 0 2) All conditions of CT 75-9 (City Council Resolution No. 4072) shall remain in effect, except as otherwise noted herein. 3) Condition 11 of City Council Resolution ?do. 4072 is anend as follows: Concurrent with final map recordation for Unj-t 1, the applicant shall dedicate the area designates as the "Proposed Park Site" on Exhibit "X", 3/11/80. The park site so dedicated shall be 12.5 acres in size and its precise boundaries shall.. he approved by the City Council prior to approval cf the final map for Unit 1. The applicant shall provide school fees to miticrate conditions of overcrowcing as part of building perm.it app1,ication. These fees shall be based on the fee schedule in efcect at the time of building permit applic; 4) 5) This subdivi,sion is approved upon the express condi.tion 'that the final map shall not be approved unless the City Council finds at the time of such approval that sewer service is available to serve the subdivision. This subdivision is approved upon the express condition th4t building permits will not he issued for development of the subject property unless the City Engineer de'cermi that sewer facilities are available at the time of application for such permits and will continue to be avail-able until time of occupancy. If the City Engi-neer determines that sewer facilities are not available, bu.ilding permits will not be issued. 16) I 7) Conditions 23 61 24 of Ci.ty Council ResoLution No. 4072 are amended as follows: Mission Estancia and I,a Costa Avenue shall be ded.ica.ted and qraded on the basis cf an 84 foot right of way plus slope easements as required. Improvements shall I consist of full imprnvemcnts to ci.ty standards for a 32 foot half street I including street lights, Additionall; at each inter-secti.on wikh Rancho Santa Fe Road and for a d:i-s-tancc of lo0 fcel:, the pnvcment shz1.1 be wiuened to a mininium of 20 feet and a taper from the 40 foo-13 width to thz 32 foot width ,of at least 200 feet shall I I ' I l-;P RVSC) $! 16 15 -- 4 I ,f > .. 3, *.., * bi .I 0 0 Se provi-ded to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 21 3 4 5 6 All slopes adjacent to the streets shall be 2:l maximurri. Xission Estancia shall be constructed from Xancho Sant.a Fe Road to the intersection with "A" Street concurrent with Unit No. 1 of the subdivision. ?lission Estancia shall be constructed .from "A" Street to the proposed La Costa A.venue intersection concurrent with Unit KO. 2 , of the subdivision. La Costa Avenue shall be constructed concurrent with Unit No. 2, of the subdivision. 8 7 9 10 11 12 13 The applicant shall enter into a secured agreemer,t for improvement of the northerly half of Nission Estancia along the proposed park site frontage to City of Carlsba standarzs. Rancho Santa Fe Road shall be widened and/or striped to provide a separate southbound! left turn lane into Mission Cst'ancia and a separate northbound riqht turn lane into the street. The widening and/or striFing shall extend approximately 600 feet north of the intersection and approximately 400 feet south and shall be designed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. This work shall be accomplished with the construction ,i 8) 3-41 15 . 16 of Unit No. 1 of the project. The eastern half street of Rancho Santa Fe Road shall be improved at the intersection of La Costa Avenue sufficient to provide turning moves in and out of La I7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 27 Costa Avenue and shall be designed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. This work shall be accomplished concurrently with the construction of La Costa Avenue. i 1 ~ 9) This approval is expressly conditioned on the payment SI the applicant of the public facilities fee required by t Ci1s.y Council Policy Eo. L7, dated August 29, 1979, on fj with the City Clerk and incorporated by re'erence. Accc j-ng to the agreement executed by the a-pplicant for paym of said fee. A copy of that agreement, dated Plarch 20, is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. If SE fee is not paid as promised, this application will r,ot 4 consistent with the General Plan and the project cannot ceed and this approval shall be void. Brush clearance shall be provided around the edges of e: unit to the satisfaction of the City of CarlsbadFire l4a1 10) 11) A looped water line shall be installed from "H1' Street , in Unit 2, to "l?" Street in Unit 3, to the satisfaction of the City of Carlsbad Fire !<Tarshall. 'rhis line shall be installed concurrent '~7ith Lhe devel-opment of Unit 2. PC RES0 1:1615 -5-. I 2' ' t' .. .: . . :, A. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo XI 12 13 24 a5 16 ar 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 24 26 Y 28 a 0 12) Condition 37 of City Counci.1 %solution No. 4072 is ar?endl as follows: That portion of Exhibit ':X", dated March 11, 1980, labele future High School Site, sha1.l be included within the boundaries of the fi.na1. subdivi..si-on map for Unit 1, The applicant shall reach an agreement with the San Diequito Union High. School District to ensure that necessary schoo site will be provided and resolve the status of the rcser site. Said agreement shall be subject -to the approval of the City Council prior to final map approval for Unit 1. 'ID" Street and "G" Street shall be extended offsite to in sect as part of Unit No. 2 consturction in order to provi access to lots on "G" Street. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 26th day of March, 1980, by the following vote, to wit: 13) AYES: Schick, Larson, Friestedt, Marcus, Leeds, Rombotis Jose NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None I f - CARLSBAD PLANNING ',COJdylIS,S ' \-.. .J ATTEST: a!///-,, __ , -, .,-*A. ,/ ;' +4Mxo~7d. --- (q7J JA~ZS c . I-IAGAPLVI,;' "ss~c,&&x~ . Anrsnn~ PLANNXI;~G CO~VISSION / ;: 7 -6- PC RESO ti615 x' ., 9 0 ,- e STAFF REFORT DAYE : :larch 26, 1980 Pl.annin9 Conmi ss ion F R@P! : Bud Plender, Planning Department SUEJEC'I': CT 75-9 (13) , (3IEVISION) , SANTA F'E KNOLLS, LA COSTA LAND CO~~~lPA?JJ! -I To: ff The property is located east of Rancho Eanta Fe Xoad, south of La Costa Avenue extension. The subd.ivision is for 211 lots. The original subdivision xas approved in Jar?uary , 1977, as one phase. Earlier this year the Planninq Corimission recommended approval of a revision to provide 5 phases, (CT 75-9 (A).) . . The CT 75-9(A) was forwarded to the City Council for their final. action. However, t5e City Council did not heax the iterr. because the applicant did not quarantee that ?ublic facilities would be provide?<, per City Council Policy No. 17. The application was tabled. pendinq further City Ccuncil review of the matter. acquired additiofial sewer permits and redesi?.ned the subdivision from 5 to 4 phases. The applicmt withdrew CT 75-913) from the City Council aqenda and requested the revised ghasing plan bz resubpitted to the revised phasing and made necessary xodification to the original conditions approved by the Flanning Commission per Resolution No. 1571. Also, staff added 3 new conditicns regarding dedication of the park site, resolution cf the school site, and modification in phasing. All these modifications are contained in the attached draft Plannixg Comxission Pesolution No. 1615. The park dedication condition is Condition KO. 3 (the criginal 3rd condition of Xesolution No. 1571 was not necessary). Park dedicatioE is required by the La Costa Parks Aureeyent, and this condition clarifies the matter. Condition TJo. 12 has been act-ded requirinq the applicant to reach an agreement with tile San Dieguito Iiigh Sc'nool District to resolve status of the reserved school cite. The original During the tabled period the aF@icant ' . Planning Corrmission as CT 75-9 (E). Staff has reviewed the ,- ., 0 0 condition on this school site for CT 75-3, per City Counci.1 Resolution No. 4072 indicated that the site be offered for dedication to -the district. The new wording as proposed in subject application is consistent with City Council action on the approval of the recent La Costa Master Plan Amendment (MF-l49(A) involving a school site in the San Marcos School District. The plan as subnitted, (Exhibit "X") indicates that access to "GI' Street in Unit No. 2 is through Unit No., 3. This means that off site ircprovements are required for Unit No. 2 to provide access t.o '*GI' Street. Condition No. 13 has been added to require this off site improvement. For your infornation, attached is the staff report an6 Planning Com.ission Resolution from your previous action on CT 75-9 (A) . Also, staff prepared. the resolution in the subject request so you could take action on the Zocument after the action on the hearin?. Xecommendation It is recommended that the Planning Comnission APFROVE CT 75-3(A) and adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 1616. Exhihi ts Planr,liig Cormission Resolution No. 1615 Planning Cormission Iiesolution No. 1571 Staff Report of Noverrher 28, 1979 City Council Iiesolution No. 4072 Exhibit "X" dated Xarch 11, 1980 _I_.- BP : ar 3/20/80 -2- ' *.. L 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 \e ”. PLANPIING CO?LYISSiON RESOLUTION NO. 1571 I A RESOLUTION CF THE PLANYJING COPIMISSION OF TME CITY 0 CARLSBAD r CALIFORNIA, RCCOPNEKDITJG APPROVAL OF A REVISION TO AN EXISTING TENTATIVE MAP TO PROTTIDE FOR THE PHASING OF A 211 LOT SUBDIVISION LOCATED SOUTH OF LA COSTA AVENUE, EAST OF RAKCHO SANTA FE. CASE NO. : CT 75-9 (A) /CP-16 APPLICANT: Santa Fe Knolls WHEREAS, a verified application for certain property, g 10 to wit: A portion of lots 4, 5, 2, 9, and 10 of Rancho Las 11 Encinftas as shcwn on Map No. 848, as filed in the Office of the County Recorder for San Diego County. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 as provided by Title 21 of the Car1sb.d Municipal Code; ar WHEREAS, this project has been processed through environmental review as required in Title 19, the Envirom Protection Ordinance, The proposed subdivision has complj with the requirements of the Carlsbad Environmental Protec Ordinance through prior compliance (Section 19.04.153) because: 1, An Environmental Impact Report (EIR-307) was prepare( for amendments to the La Costa Master Plan and certi by the City Council on April 27, 1976; A supplement to that EIR has been prepared for the proposed project in conformance with the requirement of the Master Plan; I 2. 3. A report, Archaeological Investigations at Santa Fe has been accepted which mitigates the impacts of the proposed project on the archaeological resources of project site: and -- 8,. * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 '0 "y 4. There are no substantial changes in the proposed proje which have not been adequately addressed by the Master or Supplemental EIRs. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 28th day of November, 1979, hold a duly noticed, public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and 1\7HEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all pel desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all facto] relating to the revised tentative tract map (CT 75-9(A)) ax found the following facts and reasons to exist: Findings 1) The proposed map is consistent with the General Plan because : a) The project density of 3 dwelling units per acre conforms with the Land Use Element designation o residential low-medium density, 0-4 du/acre; and b) The project does not conflict with any element o .. the general plan. 2) The site is physically suitable for the type and dens of development because: a) The subdivision has been designed recognizing th r?atural slope and soil constraints of the site; and b) The low density of 3 du/acre allows for the phyT consideration of the site, 3) An environmental impact report (EIR-307) was preparec for amendments to the La Costa Master Plan and certif by the City Council on April 27, 1976; A supplement to that EIR has been prepared for the proposed project in conformance with the requirement: of the Master EIR; A report, Archaeological Investigations at Santa Fe 1 has been accepted which mitigates the impacts of the proposed project on the archaeological resources of . project site; and .2 ’. * I. 3, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 . 25 26 27 28 t. e t* There are no substantial changes in the proposed pro: which have not been adequately addressed by the Mast< or Supplemental EIR’S. 4) This project is consistent with all public facility policies and ordinances because: a) Sewer service is not available fcr this project this time. The Planning Commission has, by incl of an appropriate condition, insured that the final map for each phase shall not be approved unless the City Council finds that sewer service is available to serve the project. fn addition, condition has been added requiring that a note 1 placed on the final nap that building permits nc not be issued unless the City Engineer determinc that sewer service is available. Since the final map cannot be approved unless sewer service is available, the building cannot occur within the project unless sewer service remains available, the requirements of the publj facilities element of the General Plan have beer met insofar as they apply to sewer service for this and tenative map approval. b) Agreements have been made with both Encinitas ar San Dieguito Unified School District to pay schc fees. c) Water service will be provided by Olivenhain Municipal Water District. d) Gas and electric service will be provided by SDG&E. e) All necessary on-site and adjacent public facili would be required as per the City’s Public Iinprc Ordinance or as conditions of approval. I f) At this time, all other public facilities necesc to serve this project will not be available conc with need. The Planning Commission has, by incl of an appropriate condition, required that the project contribute to the cost of such facilitie Since the developer will pay for its proportion; share of the public facilities which it will require, the Planning Commission is satisfied ti the requirements of the public facilities elemer of the general plan have been satisfied. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, by the following vc recommended approval of CT 75-9(A), subject to certain COI .3 .' j 3, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 3.1 12 13 \-. \e Conditions 1) Approval is granted for CT 75-9(A) as shown in Planni Commission CT 75-9(A) Exhibit A, dated 11/13/79, on file in the Planning Department, and incorporated her1 by reference. Development shall be substantially as shown on said Exhibits. 2) All conditions of CT 75-9 (City Council Resolution Eo 4072) are still in effect, except as otherwise noted herein, 3) Only folmr model homes shall be permitted as per Secti 21.60.030, 4) The applicant shall provide evidence that school fees have been paid prior to issuance of building permits, 5) This subdivision is approved upon the express conditi that the final map shall not be approved unless the City Council finds at the time of such approval that sewer service is available to serve the subdivision. 6) This subdivision is approved upon the express conditi that building permits will not be issued for developm 14 15 16 a7 l8 of the subject property unless the City Engineer dete that sewer facilities are available at the time of application for such permits and will continue to be available until time of occupancy. If -the City Engin determines that sewer facilities are not available, building permits will not be issued, 7) Conditions 23 & 24 of City Council Resolution No. 407 are deleted and replaced as follows: I 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Mission Estancia arid La Costa Avenue shall be dedicat and graded on the basis of an 84 foot right of way pl slope easements as required, Improvements shall consist of full improvements to city standards for a foot half street, including street lights. Addition: at each intersection with Rancho Santa Fe Road and fc a distance of 100 feet, the pavement shall be widenec to a minimum of 40 feet and a taper from the 40 foot width to the 32 foot width of at least 200 feet shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. All slopes adjacent to the streets shall be 2:l maxin Mission Estancia shall be constructed from Rancho Sar Fe Road to the intersection with "1" Street concurrer with Unit No. 1 of the subdivision. Mission Estanci; shall be constructed from "I" Street to the proposed Costa Avenue intersection concurrent with Unit No. 3 the subdivision. La Costa Avenue shall be Constructed concurrent with Unit No. 3 of the subdivision. I .4 L. 1 .* .' J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 '-. (- -0 (e The applicant shall. enter into a secured agreement €or improvencnt of the northerly half of Mission Estancia along the proposed park site frontage to City of Carls standards. 8) Rancho Santa Fe Road shall be widened and/or striped t provide a separate southbound left turn lane into Mission Estancia and a separate northbound right turn lane into the street. The widening and/or striping shall extend approximately 600 feet north of the intersection and approximately 400 feet south and shal be designed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. This work shall be accomplished with the construction of Unit No. 1 of the project- The eastern half street of Rancho Santa Fe Road shall be improved at the intersection of La Costa Avenue sufficient to provide turning moves in and out of La Costa Avenue and shall be designed to the satisfactio of the City Engineer. This work shall be accomplishec concurrently with the construction of La Costa Avenue 9) The applicant shall pay a public facility fee as established in City Council Policy No. 17 prior to issuance of building permits, This approval is expres conditioned upon the applicant entering into a secure( agreement to secure payment of this fee prior to appri of the resolution for CT 75-9(A) by the Planning Corn LO) Brush clearance shall be provided around the edges of each unit to the satisfaction of the City of Carlsbad Fire Plarshall. 11) A looped water line shall be installed from rrHrr Stree in Unit $3 to "F" Street in Unit %2, to the satisfact of the City of CarlsSad Fire Marshall. This line sha be installed concurrent with the development of Unit #3. AYES: Schick, Rombotis, Jose, Leeds, MarcusI Friestedt, Larson NOES : None NOFT, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the foregc b ' p#\/ rC\ ' / [\-b\L ..J --Ai ?]LC I\ f recitations are true and correct. DTilIN S . SC€IICK , JRL , ATTEST : CARLSBAD PLANNING COP / Y4-=2&y yf7 /' 0/,,4< 2 ,e >JAMES C . IiAGAIJAN, Se'c!retary GARLSBAD PLANNING COfih3ISSION / .5 . i I , - .. ’ %, .. 3, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 [e t:, e STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ss CITY OF CAKLSBAD 1 I, JAPES C. HAGAYGIN, Secretary to the Planning Comiii.ss of the City of Carlsbad, California, do hereby certify that foregoing Resolution was duly introduced, approved and sdop by the Planning Commission held on the 33th day of February 1980, by the follo~ing roll call vote: AYES: Schick, Rombotis, Jose, Leeds, Marcus, and Lars NOES: None ABSTAIN : None ABSENT: None and Friestedt X 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 l6 I 26 25 (q r;?” d/<<,;7/7 +?0+-~fl-y&..z&- /,AP.IES C. TIAGMJAN < Secretary ARLSBAD PLANNING CO-WlISSIO PC RES0 #1571 $P 1’’ Page 6 I 27 28 .6 I [o b STAFF REPORT DATE : November 28, 1979 TO : Planrxinq Commission FROM : Planning Departnent RE : CT 75-9(A) APPLICANT: Santa Fe Knolls REQUEST: Revision to an existing tentative map to provide for phasing for a 211 lot subdivision. BACKGROUND Location and Description of Property The subject property is located south of La Costa Avenue and east of Rancho Santa Fe. The proposed subdivision will require an extension of La Costa Avenue. The property contains 70 acres and features rolling topography with scattered natural vegetation. A high school site has been designated for the southeastern portion of the property. Ro changes have been proposed for the lots or streets; this application is for phasing only. Existing Zonikg Subject Property: PC North: PC South: PC East : PC West: PC Existing Land Use Subject Property: Vacant North: Vacant South: Vacant East: Vacant West: Vacant EnvironmentaL :,pact Information The proposed subdivision has complied with the requirements of the CarLsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance through Prior Compliance, (Section 19.04.153) because: *. . b '. a) An Environmental Imi>act Report (EI2-307) was prepared for amendments to the La Costa Mzister Plan and certified by the City Council on April 27, 1976; b] A supplement to that EIX has been prepared for the proposed project in conformance with the requirements of the Master EIR; c) A report, Archaeoloqical Investigations at Santa Fe Knolls has been accepted which mitigates the impacts of the proposed project on the archaeological resources of the project site; and d) There are no substantial changes in the proposed project which have not been adequately addressed by the Plaster or Supplemental EIR'S. General Plan Information A. Land Use Element - This property is designated as RLM, Residential Low arid Medium Density, 0-4 du/acre. The proposed 211 units on 70 acres of land has a density of 3 dwelling units per acre. B. Public facilities 1) Sewer: Sewer service will be providcd by the Leucadia County Water District. At this time, only 50 sewer units have been provided. However, as per Section 21.49.020(10), revisions of approved tentative maps are permitted under the planning moratorium, This revision will provide for phasing which will allow the use of the 50 edu's. 2) Schools-. The applicant has entered into agreements withthe San Dieguito Unified and Encinitas Union School Districts to pay fees to mitigate conditions of over- crowding. 3) Water: Water service will be provided by the Olivenhain Municipal Water District. 4) Gas & Electric: These services will be provided by San Diego Gas & Electric. 5) On-site and __ Adjacent Public Facilities: All necessary on-site and adjacent public facilities would be required as per the City's Public Improvement Ordinance or as conditions on either the original approval or on this approval o -2- c. I. 6) Other Public Facilities: All other public facilities necessary to serve this project will not be available concurrent with need. The Planning Commission may, by inclusion of an appropriate condition, require that the project contribute to the costs of such facilities accordhg to City Council Policy No. 17. Since the development would pay its appropriate share of the public facility it would require, the Planning Commission could be assured that the requirements of the Public Facilities Element of the General Plan would be satisfied tine of building permit issuance. , In addition, park-in-lieu fees would be assessed at the Past History and Related Projects CT 75-9, Santa Fe Knolls, City Council Resolution No. 4072, Planning Cornmission Resolution No, 1297. On January 4, 1377, the City Council approved this 211 lot subdivision. The current proposal is a request to add phasing to this subdivision. Concerns at hhe time of approval included the park site (Stagecoach Park), the high school site, the extensive amount of grading and maintenance of Ran-made slopes. Major Planning Considerations 1) Will the proposed phasing have any effects on the No other changes are requested. > conditions of CT 75-9? Primarily concerning land- scaping of slopes and open space and street dedication and improvement. 2) Should any new conditions be added to account for changes in requirements since the original CT 75-9 was adopted in January, 1377? Discussion The only change in this tentative map is the addition of phasing to an already approved project. shows 5 phases, The first four phases contain 50 units each with the fifth phase havinq only 11 units and the high school site, were slope maintenance, the high school site and the park site The phasing is done in 50 unit increments due to'the restricti on the number of sewer units available. This limitation, in addition the original configuration of the subdivision, has resulted in unusual phasing units, lJnit 1 is in the south- westernmost corner and includes seven lots on "D" Street. Four of these will be model homes. This will allow the models to face Rancho Santa Fe Road, and since the opposite side of t street will not be constructed until Phase 5, the models wi.11 be visible from Rancho Santa Fe, The tentative map Concerns on this project when first approved in 1977 -3- =. =e . The remainder of uiiit 5 is at the very north end of the subdivision. The other units were designed to accommodate the allowed 50 units in the Kost logical manner possible. confined each phase to as small an area as possible. Most other configurations would result in piecemeal street con- struction by not developing all the units on a particular street. The original -&native map approval required that the park site be offered prior to final nap. In addition, the school site was to have been offered to the San Dieguito Unified School District, The offer has been made to the school district, Condition 23 and 21 of City Council Resolution No. 4072 required the dedication and improvement of La Costa Avenue and Mission Estancia. These conditions have been altered to allow Eor the phasing and changes in traffic. The improvements will be increased from 28' to 32' half street improvements on Mission Estancia. will be constructed from Rancho Santa We to "I" Street concurrent with Unit 1. La Costa Avenue will be constructed and Flission Estancia extended to La Costa Avenue concurrent with development of Unit 3. In addition, left turn and right turn pockets will need to be provided on Rancho Santa Fe. This will require either striping or road widening. New conditions include those regarding sewer availability, the public facilities fee and brush clearance and a looped water line for protection. Recornendation Staff recommends APPROVAL of CT 75-9(A) based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions: Findin'gs 1) The proposed map is consistent with the General Plan The applicant !?ission Estancia because : a) The project density of 3 dwelling units per acre conforms with the Land IJse Element designation of residential low-medium density, 0-4 du/acre; and b) The project does not conflict with any element of the general plan. 2) The site is physically suitable for the type and density of development because: a) The subdivision has been designed recognizing the natural slope and soil constraints of the site; and b) The lok7 density of 3 du/acre allows for the physical consideration of the site. -4- k e ". .' '. 3) An environmental impact report (EIR-307) was prepared for amendments to the La Costa Plaster Plan aild certified by the City Council on April 27, 1976; A supplement to that EIR has been prepared for the proposed project in conformance with the requirements of the Master EIR; A report, Archaeoloqical Investigations at Santa Fe Knolls has been accepted which mitigates the impacts of the proposed project on the archaeological resources of the project site; and There are ao substantial changes in the proposed project which have not been adequately addressed by the Master or Supplemental EIR' S. This project is consistent with all public facility policies and ordinances because: a) Sewer service is not available for this project at this time. The Planning Commission has, by inclusioi of an appropriate condition, insured tbat the final map for each phase shall not be approved unless the City Council finds that sewer service is available to serve the project. In addition, a condition has been added requiring that a note be placed on the final map that building permits may not be issued unless the City Engineer determines that sewer service is available, Since the final map cannot be approved unless sewer service is available, the building cannot occur within the project unless sewer service remains available, the requirements of the public facilities element of the General Plan have been met insofar as they apply to sewer service for this and tenative map approval. Agreements have been made with both Encinitas and San Dieguito Unified School District to pay school fees. 4) b) c) Water service will be provided by Olivcnhain Municipal Water District. Gas and electric service will be provided by SDG&E. d) e) All necessary on-site and adjacent public facilities would be required as per the City's Public Improvemc Ordinance or as conditions of approval. -5- go to I( -. i- f) At this time, all other public facilities necessary to serve this project will not be available concurrent with need. Commission has, by inclusion of an appropriate condition, required that the project contribute to the cost of such facilities. Since the development will pay for its proportionate share of the public facilities which it will require, the Planning Commission is satisfied that the requirements of the public facilities element of the general plan have been satisfied. The Planning - Conditions I) Approval is granted for CT 75-9(A) as shown in Exhibit A, dated 11/13/79, on file in the Planning Department, Approval shall be substantially as shown. 2) All conditiolzs of CT 75-9 (City Council Resolution No, 4072) are still in effect, except as otherwise noted herein. Only four model homes shall be permitted as per Section 21.60.030. The applicant shall provide evidence that school fees have been paid prior to issuance of building permits. This subdivision is approved upon the express condition that the final map shall not be approved unless the City Council finds at the time of such approval that sewer service is available to serve the subdivision, 3) 4) - 5) 6) This subdivision is approved upon the express condition that building permits will not be issued for development of the subject property unless the City Engineer determir that sewer facilities are available at the time of application for such permits and will continue to be available until time of occupancy. If the City Engineer determines that sewer facilities are not available, building permits will not be issued. 7) Conditions 23 & 24 of City Council Resolution No. 4072 are deleted and replaced as follows: Mission Estancia and La Costa Avenue shall be dedicated and graded on the basis of an 84 foot right’ of way plus slope easements as required. Improvements shall consist of full improvements to city standards for a 32 foot half street, including street lights. Additionally at each intersection with Rancho Santa F’e Road and for a distance of 100 feet, the pavement shall be widened to a minimum of 40 feet and a taper from the 40 foot width to the 32 foot width of at least 200 feet shall. be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. All slopes adjacent to the streets shall be 2:l maximum, '. ".. Mission Estancia shall. be constructed from Rancho Santa Fe Road to the intersection with "I" Street concurrent Mith Unit No. 1 of the subdivision. P4isslon Estancia shall be constructed from "I" Street to the proposed La ' Costa Avenue intersection concurrent with Unit No. 3 of the subdivision. La Costa Avenue shall be constructed concurrent with Unit No. 3 of the subdivision. The applicant shall enter into a secured agreenent for improvement of the northerly half of Mission Estancia along the proposed park site frontage to City of Carlsbad standards. 8) Rancho Santa Fe Road shall be widened and/or striped to provide a separate southbound left turn lane into Mission Estancia and a separate northbound right turn lane into the street. The widening and/or striping shall extend approximately 600 feet north of the intersec and approximately 400 feet south and shall be designed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. This work shall be accomplished with the construction of Unit No. 1 of the project, The eastern half street of Rancho Santa F'e Road shall be improved at the intersection of La Costa Avenue sufficient to provide turning moves in and out of La Costa Avenue and shall be designed tc the satisfaction of the City Engineer. This work shall be accomplished concurrently with the construction of La Costa Avenue. 9) The applicant shall pay a public facility fee as establis in City Council Policy No, 17 prior to issuance of building permits, This approval is expressly conditioned upon the applicant entering into a secured agreement to secure payment of this fee prior to approval of the resolution for CT 75-9(A) by the Planning Commission. 10) Brush clearance shall be provided around the edges of each unit to the satisfaction of the City of Carlsbad Fire Marshall. 11) A looped water line shall be installed from ''€3" Street, in Unit $3 to 'IF" Street in Unit 22, to the satisfaction of the City of Carlsbad Fire Plarshall. This line shall be installed concurrent with the development of Unit #3. Exhibits Exhibit A, dated November 13, 1379 Location Map City Council Resolution No. 4072. -7-- KL : ar '- (e : .< c0 '., b I, .. .. n ;I ,, * -. LA cosm AVE * .. MI SSID N E STA ri c i t> -. . .. Lpc -i5z5-Gk wc)a- *. .i. .. - .. .. . . . " L'OCd7'!0~ I- flap. -- lrplrriss 3-M E.?. %,/? J Coast Permit Area: 2 3. .7 -4 7 Gi I" I 8 Q 10 m:;oI,!jT:[:cN NO. 4 01 7 I -_-. .. , A ]:I.:f;fj:f,U:j.'%O?] 0:' 'i'Jl'E CIf?'*:{ C013flC,I% UT?.- TIIT: CZ'J.'>' 0:: (~,7d?l',Sj~.i..I) ; C.?\L?: 1.-'021\1 X;i, ZiT'P!:GVINC WL 'fJ.j C:Ci:< i3 I 'j' T. fi ;.: :7 'j'~~~~.~'I'j'I'I':C TI 12 I?X? GE]..! J.:R7,.:!.J,!! i.,93c;..'?J3!) Ozi7 '.:.'iX 33:S'f SIi:l!3 OP AL7E:?jX .-- !:,>; )) r .f,:,l .-.& '.? ,., ; ! -; . . ;)?I . - 2 il, .? 1) o]:, :[I,? j;;: Ill\ ;;-I; ] < C-??1,; - nppx.,:r(:/';T-!?.' : . L,A cos'i'i? I,.q;.iii cc; PAX\: . ( C7' -1 5 - 3 ) FOJ1 2'; 23..'!-3;07' 5\1'-'-' ;,!I -. l.l,'jLSl(;1.J O>J IJ]?(J;.;:<j<'J.':+r . I I EA].': (: 1 'i c j s j'\>];! 'j.';\- 1'!< li@jr\ 13 J31<'5\Tl< J: I.< I,,% c (1 r; ?.'A I c_ __._____-___ _I __________________.._____.____._- ___._- -_---I- L'IXX~?AS, ofi Xcl-vexlie:- 22 i 1.976 I th~! CarI..c;f;r,d Cj-ty :?la1 1 Ccjnxi:;si.cin ~deptcd l?c!so:t.u.tion XO r 1297 ~CCOXI~~~~~!'~CL.I.I?CJ to ,. the (1: - : 1 , Cou;?c:il thak ~entntivc l'iap (C'T 75-3) ?x eondj.ti.onaJ..ly app::o\~( I 2:nd .. T.?TJEY~:CA.S I the City CouncFI or' the City of Czr 3.~b5.d~ 01 * .. D e: m 3% 13 -K g < c'. = C) [ C(>'".."' ,,t.ti~~~j-~n; 2nd .. -. \ z <i '< e' . r: -- 7 u (1, , I- -1 x:? >.u ' t- 18 I9 ; :; 0 ' . 20 ..i . 2l.1 2 2 23 ! I .~--o 13.2 i1-1 p:i-i.~-:~; c~i;l;?.'~i?>.~:ce yq i->.]i the ~rit17 of CzrI..;1:)a.c3 !~~v.~-~oI-JT~.I ; j?>:otcct:iolx 03:cIill&i:ci! of 1972; 1 I I. NOW, TIIE~I?ORB, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council o i cj.t:y Cjf Carl.,.T,b,ltd aS fOll:OV?S: A. hat i:lic ab0x.r~ xc:zi-tatj,on :; c?se truc .. and CC):CXC. B . T]iat :;;i<.d fl'eni;stive ?sI~)-p, to~c'cl~c:: \~i-I:h t31~ 1.j::: t ! jTor j.tS fiCSiC,rl'l a;>(:! ~.j~,~>J~~~7C!l~~~]l~: sild SUbj ec'i to tl)c! CoI-Jd~t~ <>l'i:: 25 2 G 2'1 20 :;pecj 5ic p.la11s 0.f the City of Car1sb;ict. ~1i;lt .L] I cf f ill;? i. J 1 <j :; G E th c? 1.' I. ;I 11 1'1 j- lici Co;nl?\ j. s L; i.0 11 C. T:csol.ut:ioll x<o. i 1.1 t.Ii;.s ~n;it.tcs. 1237 cons Litutc? t1lC fi.i,.~<1.i.ngs of Ll,c city c:ou1- . .. , 1 2 3 4 5 7 e 7~ 7 9 3- 8 * 11. 1 That '2c:iik~kive I.itlj? (CT 75-3) j-s 1ic:rebg app~:ovc:i ~~1.b j ~C-L to all app1icidiI.e re~v.:i-rcimnt:.; of the ~arl.sb;:d ~ii~i~c.~-~ Ceric and to the satisfaction ~f tlic: fo7l-ow3.ng conclisions : .. .. . 1. The npprov;i1 is cjran.tc?c'l. for the lalld d~:~cril.)P.c3 i.: apI?:!icc?.i:j.o1i axG ;:.~t;;cl~:;:ents t.hcse-Lc=, and as show . the pl.ot p1;n su!i~n:'it.t.cd r :L;>l;~ic:C ~:~h~.~~it "A" , da. f i 11 it I IW p s 1.1 a 1 1- 11 E: s u?:)ini -t kc Ct for app x- ovi; 1. w :i. tb :i IL Cj-ty Cou;ic:il. I ar:d shall bc: in sul~stani:i.;il. coi1foi-: with the ten takive subdivisioa r.-,;,np, Exhihit "A" s 2. . Street .ntm~?s sha1-L be desiynatcd in ~ccordc~iice w City C0tiiic.i 1. Po1.i.cy 20 and shall be ;ippr.c!ved by Planning Di-rect.or px-:ior to a;3proval of the fi12a2 NOVcIThCY 16 I 1976 r eXCi.?k 25; iIldj.Cd?-C<?. hC2ly@$n. ' eiy}]i-ccp, TT,311 LjlS fl:c.-.I ,1.1 tllt2 C'i;1tc of fiI-L?.l. c?,CtiOi.! by ' . 1% 3. . Conc:~xren-L .i(ith ftnal. map c?,pp~~val, the applicnn I slia:1-3. cjr;x-!k 2:) o?c!-i spzce eascr!~.~n-k for rn;:j.ntc?r;aa 19 27. 22 . '.- 2o j :. irrigation plar! to the Parks and Recreation Dj-rc ,, for his approval. The' plan shall-: .. (a) Covcr tl1ose sEo;:,c:; 2-11 excess 02 . f-i ._ v-- L* fcct . ]1c?ight Lit the: 2-eGI:' cmd tllr. s.i.dc:; OE l.oi-..; w: I .' I the toe of suc!~ sI:opo.; Ts ad jac:eii.k to pub?-. . r 5- q 1 1.1: s -- o ? -t:;iy - 5 . 22, 24 25 ,' 26 ' ' 27 28 ( 13 f u t :i. 1.5. %. c 2 i 1:c: *- rc? t 2 r c? 2 I 1 .'c r d 1: 0 ll CJ 11 'i - IC. s :'L L; .L 31-1 .I: s c ap <.I1 rj ';I h ic 11 5.11 c l\1tIc I; t 1: (rf (2 s it 11 cl s I1 r Ub s wI.1 renclt a variety of size:; at mai-.vrity; r:rzcl Uti].i:<e an j.i:ri.gakion :;y~;Lcrn appi;opi::~.ai:c F ]nn.:i.i it c'11 ;.I 11 cc o 2 t 11 c xccjx, i r cd 3. anti s cai? i ;I CJ .i. 11 CO~~~OL.I~;~~ICC w:~th Con(li.ti.oiis G , 7 ancl I). .I (c) 6. e Pc?j:rriainc11.[: 3.antlr;cap.;-1.i<J ,?lid ~.2:X'~.~Jilkj.OI~ :;ha 1-1- I><? j, 011 a.1.1. lot:; .i.dcnt.i.f:i.(iii in C01idit~.01i 5 (a) hfor( 02 tho:;(: :t.ots arc oc;cupi~?d . If rcs:i dctnirial cor 2. . ., 1.;.:,. .x 2 :I ". : fe tion oc:c:urs in uiiitc;, t11.i:; . conc~i.i.ioii sha1.l. ht. rnc on ii GI) i t--h;l-uni ?: j3iisi.s. 4. . I .. . 1' 7. Prior to i:lie ~:;:;I:LII-ICC OE hui1d.inq permits, the p 4 5 G 0 7~ 81 arcas ti:; LncJ.i.caic-:d in Conc'iition 5 s1ial.I bc ass~x a mc:nn:;r :icc:~pt;~I~?~c to t?ie ~rity Couilcil .) ,8. ' VecJe-ix-kj.cii~ .c3_(1!a=.i.ng o;~c:rc-~toii:s sha1 1. be mad2 no than -hja weeks in ~~..?dv;tncc . of grnd:i 1-19. IJO gs~i.i3.ng shal:~. occur du:t:.i_-~g the p.icn i,.i-is of J,?!-IL 1-12 ro u y h ! i x:- ch , EX c: ,-->pt wli cm spe c i a 1. rnc ci sure s cm taI:c?n to c:cjntrol_ si.~.i:ation. 'rrhis coritiiti c):: :jllc%I met to the sattsf:::c i7i.011 of. t!he City Enginc?cr $ .. 9 . L I' 10 li.1-1- gTiided SLll^fi>.C:<?S shall, be atere red nlld r~llcd t :- 12 1% n Coacui;rcni-. v?it;h f ina 1. nap ~rccorda.I::'.on the sp~? ?-j.( - shall dcc!:'ica'i-.c P.i:c?a ''A" to the City of Carls!n:d 1 6' 19 20 2 1 . 14, All chzinage easenents shall. be improved hy a c 1 or drai.na(jc chaniiel of .adequai-..e size I whichevel: ,' requii-cd by the San Diego County Dc:p&r-tl-n,eni; 6f San.i,tAtic)n an,rl pl.00~3 coni-.rol v VJherc! a drair~z.qc . channc3. is ~.-cquircci, s\.rc:h cl-ic'.i~l1~:3. ~1.1rrf.J. b: :Line- a stij.<:Lt]>]-p. ~i;:.teriaI 2s spZci2ic6 by tilt: Coxiji.I::;r I ' D~!p;;~~~:1i:~l i ->. C) f S 2 11 i .L;: k j-0~1 n11d X.~OOC? CC;I II:IO :L . h : - 2Bi -. "I 25 2? , 86 27 28 e21 s C:IY!C: 11 t. s F:II ~i 11 I:)? I~.ID~I[U~LC?II t<! ~l a .t(.:i?cj I:)I:O j3e ~:t.y 1.: at 10 C 2t.k i. ij i? S ;1 j?j> ]:<>\T <? d- ]>.f .::h 5 c OU I) <:y 13 C]> ai: <:J 11 C: I 1 -k S it!i 5. til t j. on a11 (1 Y Io o:l Coil t. :cij :I. . An a c c e :; s c ;IC; ctril: .5-:-!213. 1):: provi cTc?c! to each drailiaC~(:l :;y..;tc.rn i-,!Lli11: *. Cic CC 5 5; JJ 0 :i 11 t- not: (1 :;, 3TC C tl. 1' Ll C!CC s s 3.1.) .I. c 2 ):01)1 Li ]:'\11 IfO(7(3\.)):!\), SafLc3. iicCe:;I; f2~l~~(~l~l~>l~~k sh;J..l.1 hC ]?.?Lvcd 21 ;i 3. :i. <J 11 c (1 t 0 ti I ; e s i : .t j. :; f ac t :i. c: i.1 o f k11 cs (2 01.1 1.1 ty Dc: 1;) it I ' of ~cini(x[:i(~n and 1~'loocl Oontxcsl. 1 3.5 . . .Add .i i-.j. Q!: ;I 1. <!y~-? <.I 1 nil e ci~i SC]:::C: j-1 t:; n11d d 1:<1 j-1) i~ <Ic S 1:J: S Z~U i i-. < t ti * shal.1 bc: p1:0vic1..x~ or ins (:a?.1.cd as luay be rcqui 1 jy .t: 1 1 i? .c, ii i.1 12 .i c !10. co 0.1 1 .ty 11 (.:I.> il L- t:l\lc 11 t o I;- anti P1.uocl Cont1:ol.. I. 3, .' *-' ~I Y zI 3 e. 4 5 61 G ril 3.0 91 I 2. 1% 2 8 33 CJ <. VI 0 gz z 0 c, ? $ .... i I 16. ]\I-]- SIJX~~CC it^^)^^; OJ::L~JI.TI;;,L~ II~ .. ~::5. kkii.n f;hc SUt:\Cti~,j and al:i. :;iirfac;e ~~+;itcr:; tli;i\: may flew on LO {-.lie SI- clivi.::j.c:n fro;il adj ;:cent llids sll~t.7.1 JJC? .d.i.;i?oscd c a driti 11 ci2 e :; y S LC PI sa i: j. s Dcp;::it:inc:-it of Sanitation ;:i-,c? Flood Conti-oJ.. IcLo1-y to ehc s2n IIiqu 1.7 e That portion of ?:xhibjk "Ti1' , dated P.!SVCTI~>CI~ R.G , . ?Label(>ii I1iYl.L sc!iool. Sj.tC, hc oj':cc.?red f@X. ~1..c7,3.cil-~Li.o;.1 to the S;;n )3jXxJU.ikC) u1 shzll Le I.. incl.udc:'S. wit1 t 11~ I.)o~~.~-I (1:: r i c: s o f khc? f j. 1; i:. 2. SU?~ d LV :L :; 3 %O;I E\:);> ZXY~ d i i I IIigh School Dist:rj.ct. I . . 3.8. If rc!quc::;tcd by the city !<iiginezr, an. aincnc?ted 'T'c Map sI~L>I-I- be ~~?jj~~:'~-tt.cci for ~~~p~~\~t~l by the City Encj5.3-1cer prior to rcviw7 of the fin2.l inap to as; co:.rp:l.:'Lanc7c with all coiiditioas oE approvc2il. 1-9 . he ~~ocatri.oi.1 of fire hyd.1!c:n'is shatl. he zpp;:o-ijcd the ]?ire Piarsha!., In order to prov.i.dc_ foj: rezs E ire 1) ro -i: e c t ion d u 3: i. 13 4 i; he con s I: I:' u C.L i o 1-1 pc I: iocl r sulki iv 2. Cct 2: s11 C'L 1 I in a in I-. a i 3-1 par, sa I.? 3.e ve h ic u 3. ci 3: z. c . to all. I~LI.~-~.C~~I-~~S 2nd adequ.a'ie fire hydrants vJit recjuj.re<; fj-12 f3-o~~ shall be in sc:r~.7ice an6 iicc priox to .. the loca-;;ir;n of co~nl~u.s~til~,3.c.s on site Ij I 20. ~~rn~;;n::.n.~~n:~. s'ircz-~ I.iq-I--Lj.nq- shal-1 be provi.(?ccl Zc '. ... ' .: j I j i \ gZ20 L>% s2 - 1611 ,> rc c.1 z 0 ' L? 4Q 5 E 2 . 3.7 u c 18. 19 20 - 21 22 0 23 24 25 26 27 20 divis io71 j.i-ito a ir~iiinten;ij>oe cIistric-2. I I 21 = Til]. :~~.1:';3 ailC!/cjX ~;i~~>1~~~:i~t~ ~~:cluS.jrc:i sh2.13- be <?IC; the ~ii:-y of . ~a-ishad, withau-t cost to the City . free sf. al.1 LFcns and ~~CI;I;!~I-EUICC':S. No easernzs shall be recorcicc? prior to recordation of the : 1. -: map unless approved by the City Engineer. 22 . ?'he ~.I-~:~~.-ovcI~c.I:~ and cjrc?,di.iig p.l.ms sh<iXl inc3.udi repo::i: o:? q-c?cjI.oyi c:;il j-i.~~~~~;.~~j.~~~~t~ 03 ai~d a co:?ip:1 I g3:;:(7.in!j p].an of i3ic eiiti.:t:c site , ~~licn xecIui:i:cd City E::l>gir!c:c:xI Tlic ~epo~!: 2nd p:t;;)~ ~hal.1 1.)~ p ' . 1117 c5.vi. :: e;iq.i.:iccrs 1-j.c:c21-1:;cd 1-117 t-11~ S.L:atc. of Cci ~I-JC~ cxp~rienc(i1 5.1-1 cros:ton coni:~-ol. , who ~112 3-11 accc?pl:al:):l.e -LC) the C.i.tl7 I.~ng~.l~iCCX. 'J;h:>y s!!?i13. c; d al; il VI?. i-. 1 'I f: u 3.3. con :; i. cl e I- ;I t i on of th c con s c:q i12n c i-. 0 .~7h C! i. I-, c 1116 c cl n nc7, II c :i. 9 ?lI,o s- i ng p s ep:: 1 t ri. c: s a ti (3 C<)l.-J :~<,>l:N::ll c; c? Ig i th I I . ,. ti:af: .i:]-)c:y' l)c7'i;C. i llVCSti(Ji;-(lCC? khC .C;j-zL:C ?ilI,d ]?rC?]?;) 1 tll Cf Gco 3.0 9 i c 21-1 tl s (2 :i. SI!I i c :; i\ f C'J ' EJ.c!lnell~lr. of thc GC!n>?l:a.l. l'~il11. I 3.3 . ..~~j.:;sioi~ ~s~;anci.a ~j.~~~~~.-~~~-~',,~~~~~, incl \icii.n<l C~O;>C . ]~~ci)-t:;, :.;ha].]- ?:w cttlrili.ci:[l:.cd ;ind girac1c:ij on the? 1,; an c:~.'II.I.~~'-:['o\~L' Z<)oir. s t:rc:c; L :~cct.i0~1 f3:01\\ I'C~.~~.IC:I~C I;'CI I?Oild to thc .i.ntc?l_':;cC',::i.~l~ wit11 fl:o]?or,cd 3.d ( Avc?nuc! . . 4,. ,. . . x' 2 1.qism.oa 1;::t<:ricj.,~ slia1.1. be i.rnpx-o:cc? oJ) t.11~ basis ( a ~~~~~i.~~~--c!~~~~i~~ fc)ot :; i1:cet:. SCC tion froa Ra1-:c110 S( Ipc Road -Lo tl~c ~I~~:P~::;cc~~cJII ~ith "I:" Stree i; . 1.Z.i.; l<St;lllCi;t :;II?i11. bC2 i.Ti\j>I'OVC'tl (31) tile bC\Sj.S Of a. fO?! 3 4 5 'G 71 8 9 lo %X 12 3 z 1-3 0 4' c> C3 . I= r\' --- < c1) '0 two foob. h;i:if skrcct sc:ction frmn tlic? j.wLersect:L tzitli ''A" $til pet to the intcrscction wit11 proposc La costs zive?lL:e. ~inprovc~men~.:; s1.1a1.1. be as s~mvn on thc, tzi:tat.iv;lc e>:c:cp'; t1;12t :jtr<>c'i. Iiyht.~ ~h~J-1- he ~Lncl.udcc? ~CCC to City of C~rl-~h>d ~t;l?~cIz;l:d,; 2nd ::.tJ. s~.o;>c*s 2d-j to the ~ixc:c...k siinll he 2 : 1. .i:izxi.uiux e The appl.:i.zani-. .sha:!.~. entey into a sccurcd ac~1:~:c~~~~~~ for iri~p.rovc~~c!IC o,? -Lhe nor'cl-icr 117. 11~1-2 of KLSZ~OL x? $3 tan c; i. ;; a :l.ong t1.1 e prop o s c:! tl S trig c coa ch P xk s i t c : frontage, to City of CarJ-,.r;barJ s'ian2arils. 24 + La C03t.a. live~uc r.i.~l1.t-o.~--.-~~~1~17, iriclvdincg :sloi?e ci. ' ment.5; I .sha:t 3. be dedricatccl znci .Ita Cor;-La P.ve~iue SI . .c;cci:i.ort and i.inpirovcA 01-1 the 13ii.sis OF a 5orty-i.vJi 11a:I.f s'crc:et seci-.ion f:co!n R;l;.ncho Szn-La Fc Road -i-.l I II t e r s c? (: t ri . c 11 '1~6 t h p 3: op o R c.. d 1.5 i. s s :i. on E r; i-. F;. 11 c i E . 7: I .rnents slia3.:!. be as sl.-io:.~;i *. on the teiikati7.ive 11;z.p~ e. t h 2.t s t ~e e t: 1. i y!? t. s City 02 ~~i~l:;J>i;~? s-tan3.ic?.:!:dsI i13.1 s1-0;~~ sG.~~c~I>!: ~ be gl_-s.Cied (jl? 'r.h~ 11; is of Tiri ci.~hty--Ir'oxir foot si 1 .. I 1 s 1-1 C: 1. I he i ;I c Lud 2 c? .~CCCI~~ i-. licrj I * 19 -20/ ' 2:L 2 5 2 4 25 FG , 2'1 . 3 -: or a fully actuated trafEic signal at the irttc '. of E'lission ~staiici.a ai?d ~ancho Santn ~e ~\o;td .- I 27. ~:1-1:? c-ix;tj.i:zqc sys-Lc?,il is no'r. app):o~~.d. 3.:; S?IG.Q~I; i (>f st.<;>m d3:2j.a.?i, di.tchc.l:r-; I c;rc?s:; cJut-hesr:; , and 0: '. - ~l,j>~~rtc~~~ilc~~s sIltlJ.1 b~: as ZAPL)IO\YCC~ 011 .?.I>? i~i~p?~< pli.llrs. 't .. ..' I - .2~. p,ll <-ffsj.tc? u~.iI.ity' e;iselncn.l;c; IICCC!:;SLII:>- to e>:{: ui:j.:~j-t.y services to the s~-!l>ciiv:is;~..or~ , vhich ~~i.1- v2j.i:hii-i :CLI~~.L~.I:C: publ.3.c skrcc-ir; , sl~all. I>e ~!IJC?C: su LO k1.1~ f~it.~1~~~> l>~~blj.~ street ~i~SC1UCi-1'i w1ir;n tile c cascmcnt is qI:i.int.cd. . 29 . .~r:i.or to .thc.i.u ~ij>~~~~O\~i.ll- I irnprovc;ni~i-i~i; plai~s for . j?i.-op~~cd :;iiI~di~r.i s.i.01.1 :;hall. 1x2 su1;xj. l.{:(.>~l bo t11.c: 11 .i cgu i .to IJr I :i. f .i ct c'i 11 :L 91 1 S choo :t ! 15. .c; 1:1: j. c I: I: o r j- t :: . 2 E!, to CIIL.;L~KC tllni: ;.lti<-:rlullte uL.i.l'i t-.)' ser.v:i.cc is tl\'il to tl1c 1I.i.CJll sc1100.l. sit-c. 5. ,. - .. ,, I - *. . ' :t 2 3 4 5 G 7 30 . ~l.1- IX:JI-I~~.~ s1,opc::; oceurr-i.i-!g on .I:hc Iligh Sc?ioo: site <is a rc:~Lll.t-. 01: the (;jl:<icl.il-Kj of I.otc; ;ll-Jd ilnpj ~cn'~s i.n t.:].!~: I:>~J.;~.I;(~C 0%; t1.1~ ~3~11~div.j ..;ion. sIi21.l.1 ii; niaximixn gi:~;cIes 02 2. 25: I, nnd sha3-3. be coni:o\ir 1 in to t 11 c c i; 11.5 ti !1 <j :.IS .tu 1: 23.1. s l0;3~ G . '1'1 ) c s e :a ;i r! -)II a{ s.Zopc:s i:v~,y be incrc;ased to 'a cjri;de of 2 e 0.0 : 1. L-i;;)( approva]. of the :;a11 J)icgt;i.i:o Unified 1!icjh Schoo llis-L>:j.ct. Tlie ;i?j?I.< c:i?r, 'c sha 1.1 instal.1- ~CIXI~I~JC~I~~~ J.C~~I~SC~~.]?;.: irr;.gzi:j on 011 s1.0;~~~~ s.!'.tu.;:.i-..ecJ- on tlic? Kigh S::hoo and :;h,-23-l. ir~aink~< II s;:!uc an'ir.i..l ~;ucl.i ti.ine 2s. t-112 district c?c:ccpi:s t1:e clcd.i.cci:t.:i-an c)C tlic site 01: .* *a 31. . 2:L 147 the ~o3.B.oxj.ng vote, to wit: AS' I;: s. : Cou~-ic.i?met~ Frazc-lc .. J Lcvri >, .- Packard and Skotn.