HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-05-06; City Council; 6240; City/County Agreement for Traffic signalSUBJECT: CITY/COUNTY AGREEMENT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT EL CAMINO REAL & PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD --.. - TI-___ I STATEMENT OF THE MATTER In the Capital Improvement Budget for 1979-80, Council set aside $21,000 for the traffic signal at El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road. The Engineering Department authorized the County Traffic Signal Design Section to prepare plans and specifications on the sig- nal at this location. The plans for this intersection should be completed within the next two months. In order to clarifv financinq and assure fundinq for the much-needed Y signal, the City and County negotiated the attached agreement for-the signal. The Ci currently owns three approaches to thFs intersection; however, the County is honoring their original commitment to provide one-half of the funding for the signal installat itself (made when the intersection had only two approaches in the City). The follow is a detailed breakdown of currently estimated costs and funding: Estimated Costs Proposed Funding $100,000 for the signal $ 25,000 Developer (Palomar Airport Bus. 47,000 for additional 37,500 County 37,500 City road work to make aDDroaches safer $147,000 on ng Park) 47,000 City option of additional road work $147,000 Total The current budget contains only $21,000 for this project, or $16,500 less than will be required for a minimal improvement. If the City elects to exercise its option to improve the approaches to the intersection, another $47,000 will be needed. EXHIBIT 1. Resolution No. /0/73 approving agreement with the County. RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution No. b/7,3 approving agreement with the County; and authorize a revision to the proposed 1980-81 Gas Tax budget to allocate $63,500 for the project. Council Action: 5-6-80 Council adopted Resolution 6173, approving an agreement with the County for construction and maintenance of a traffic signal at El Carnino Real and Palomar Airport Road, and Council authorized an allocation to the budget for $63,500 from the General Fund for the project. .. . . - .. ‘.+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 E LUT 01 RESOLUTION NO. 61 73 F THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT EL CAMINO REAL AND PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That certain agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the County of San Oiego for construction and maintenance of a traffic signal at El Camino Real and Palornar Airport Road, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked as Exhibit llA1l, and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby approved. 2. The Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held the 6th day of May , 1980, by the follow- ing vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilmen Packard, Anear, Lewis, Councilwomen Casler and Kulchin .- RONALD C. PACKARD, MAYOR ATTEST : -’ ALETHA L. RAU (SEAL) ., .. *. . AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE EXH I B I T "A" OF A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT EL CAMINO REAL AND PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD THIS AGREEMENT, executed this day of , 1980 by and betMeen the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation hereinafter called the Wity" and the County of San Diego, a political subdivision of the State of California herein- * after called the "County". \ WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the intersection of El and the immediate approaches to this the City's jurisdictional boundaries in December 1978, and Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road intersection are completely within due to an annexation which occurred WHEREAS, prior to this annexation the County had intended to partici- pate with the City in the financing and construction of a traffic signal system at the intersection of El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road; and WHEREAS, it is still the County's intent to assist the City in the financing and construction of a traffic signal system at this intersection; and WHEREAS, the City and County desire to enter 'into an agreement for the construction and maintenance of a traffic signal system at this intersection; NOW THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED by and between the City and County as follows: 1. The County shall prepare plans and specifications for construction of a traffic signal system at the intersection of El Camino Real and .. ,* . . > c- -2- f- . ., ' Palomar Airport Road. No construction shall begin, however, until the plans ., and specifications for the traffic signal system have been approved by the duly authorized representative of the City and by the Director of Trans- portation on behalf of the County. The County shall advertise and award a contract for the construction of said traffic signal system in accordance with applicable competitive bidding laws. 2. The City, prior to commencement of construction of the above traffic signal system, shall furnish the necessary excavation permits required for the work to be performed in the street under the City's jurisdiction. The City shall expedite and issue the necessary excavation permits without charge to the County. Environmental clearances shall he obtqined by the County, 3.. County shall provide and pay for all engineering, design, service and inspection to be performed prior to and during the construction of said project, and County will pay all construction costs of project; provided however, tliat City shall reimburse County as specified in paragraph 4 of this agreement. 4. City and County agree to the following method of cost sharing for the preliminary engineering, design, construction, construction inspection and other services necessary for the installation of this traffic signal system: A. The cost to install this signal system to include necessary safety lighting is currently estimated at $100,000. B. Developer contributions received by City and County for this signal system shall be deducted from the signal's actual cost and the remaining amount shall be borne by the City and County on a 50-50 basis, Current developer deposits are estimated at $25,000 by the County. .. c- -3- C. Costs for additional road work beyond that needed for the '"signal installation shall be borne entirely by the City. This road work; one lane, and taper (.25OOt) on the east leg of Palomar Airport Road, is currently estimated at $47,000. 5: After bids for the project .have been received by the County, the . .County shall notify the City of the lowest responsible bid and shall obtain the City's approval prior to the award of any contract for the Project. 5 \ 6. After Bid opening City shall, upon receipt of an invoice from the County, deposit with Cbunty within thirty (30) days, funds currently estimated at $84,500, to cover the City's share of the project's costs, The specific amount of deposit shall cover the City's estimated. 50% share o:,? the signal installationfs cost, as identified in paragraph 4, B and 100% of the additional road work as identified in phragraph 4, C, The City reserves the right to reject such additional work at the time of receipt of bids under 4C. 7. After all construction costs are known and distributed, excess funds, . if any, remaining from the City*s deposit, shall be returned to the City. 8. The City's share of costs shall not exceed the City's deposit amount without kitten approval of the City. 9.. The City hereby agrees to maintain, operate, and repair the entire installation including the traffic signals, lighting systems, and to pay the cost of power therefor. 10. (a] City, its agents, officers and employees, shall not be held liable for any clalms, liabilities, penalties, fines, or for damage to any goods, properties or effects or any person whatsoever, not for personal .. c- -4 - c- injuries to, or death of them, caused by or resulting from any negligent acts or omissions of County, or its agents, employees, or representatives, includ- ing liability by reason of acts or omissions caused by County, its agents, employees, or representathes. (b) County further agrees to indemnify, and save free and harmless, City and its authorized agents, officers and employees against negligent acts or omission caused by County, its agents or employees, and any cost and expenses incurred by the respective parties on account of any claim therefor, and City agrees to indemnify and save free and harmless County and its authorized representatives and employees against negljgent acts or omissions caused by City, its agents or employees, and any cost and expenses incurred by the respective parties on account of any claim therefor, 9 (c] It 3s-contemplated by the parties that this indemnity agreement is not limited in any way be the extent of any policy of insurance currently in force and held by either party. 11. Obligations of County under terms of this agreement are contingent upon allocation and availability of funds in the FY 79-80 andjor subsequent FY 80-81 County Department of Transportation budget as approved by the County Board of Supervisors, LI 12. This agreement may not be modified, amended or otherwise changed unless by an amendment in'writing executed by the parties hereto. 13. This agreement shall be terminated after completion of construction of the tragfic signal system and payment of all amounts due under terms of this agreement. e -. c- -5- (1- .,’ IN WITNESS WHEREOF this agreement is executed by the County Qf San Diego pursuant to action taken by the Board of Supervisors and by the City of Carlsbad pursuant to action’ taken by its City Council, RECOMMENDED : CITY OF CARLSBAD / Rd. MASSbIAN, Director var tmen t of Transport at ion COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO BY