HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-05-06; City Council; 6241; 2nd phase sewer allocation system.. .. Irii tiai : 43 C. Mgr, -+ ~I_---I- ENGINEERING ------- _____- ~. D c F' i\ I; -I- i'i r Ii 7 : - -~-- --___-- ---I- -4?EG- -I_ SWP2EC-i: SECOND PHASE SEWER -ALLOCATION SYSTEM -1- -II_ - --- -I -- --I-_ ----- _-I____ STATEMENT OF THE MATTER The Sewer Committee, at its April 21, 1980 meeting, considered the forfeitures of 92 EDUs from the December 4, 1979 and January 2, 1980 allocations and requests for retention of allotments from these allocations, assignment of EDUs from the forfeited EDUs to the Contingency and Discretionary Reserve categories, allocations from the Community Facili- ties category, requests for extensions of time in processing applications, requests for allocations in the Redevelopment Project Area, and notification to persons interested in sewer capacity. Requests for allocations from the Discretionary Reserves, the Random Drawing category and for Papagayo and Covington projects were not discussed in detail in that these can appTy for allocations under the revised system. Method of random drawing and guidance for receiving and hearing appeals for time extensions were not discussed. Documentation was provided to the members of the committee for review and to support requests. EXHIBITS City Council Sewer Committee Agenda for April 21, 1980 Documents from applicants (available in the City Engineer's office) Memo dated 4-25-80 to Assistant City Manager/Development re Sewer Corn. Mtg. COMMITTEE E, STAFF RECOMMENDATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. That December 4, 1979 allocations S-14, S-31, S-41, 5-42, S-43, S-50, S-51, S-54, S-55, C-2, C-9, C-13, C-20, C-21 and 1-16, and that January 2, 1980 allocation S-40 be considered void and EDUs forfeited in that applicants did not apply for necessary permits nor indicate a desire to retain EDUs. That December 4, 1979 allocation S-8 be allowed to retain 3 EDUs, to continue pro- cessing of MS444 which was unavoidably submitted late, and to submit application for plan check within 60 days after final City action on MS444. That January 2, 1980 allocation 1-27 be allowed to retain 3.73 EDUs, to complete processing of ZCA-206, to submit needed CUP within 60 days after final City action on ZCA-206 and CUP, and to acquire building and sewer permits within six months after plans approved. That January 2, 1980 allocation M-73 be allowed to retain 3 EDUs, to submit appli- cation for needed discretionary permits within 60 days, and to submit application for plan check within 60 days after final City action on needed discretionary permits. That 16 of the forfeited EDUs be assigned to the Contingency Reserve as previously directed by Council action. 6. That 76 of the forfeited EDUs be assigned to the Discretionary Reserve. 7. That three requests for allocation from the Community Facilities category be a1 located to: a. Beautiful Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church and Christian Day School - b. St. Michael's by-the-Sea Episcopal Church - 1.5 EDUs. c. North County Ballet Academy - 1.1 EDUs. plan check, be allowed to acquire building and sewer permits within 6 months after plans approved. That applicant for allocation S-7 be allowed 60 days after final City action on discretionary permits to submit application for plan check and to acquire build- ing and sewer permits within 6 months after plans approved. 10. That persons submitting inquiries about allocations in the Redevelopment Project Area be notified by staff of the pending review by Council of the plan for the area and after the plan is approved, that more information will be available from the Housing and Redevelopment Office. the revised allocation system is adopted. 3 EDUs. 8. That applicants of allocations M-9, M-36, S-36 and S-37, who have plans in for 9. 11. That notification to persons interested in sewer capacity be made by staff after Council Action: 5-6-80 Council approved the above listed eleven recommendations of the Sewer Committee. CITY OF CARLSBAD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. CITY COUNCIL SEWER COMMITTEE Monday, April 21, 1980 - 2 P.M. City Engineer’s Conference Room AGENDA Discussion on phasing-out sewer moratorium after rerating of E.W.P.C.F. Discussion on phasing-in of satellite wastewater reclamation plants. Review of forfeited EDUs. Assignment of 16 forfeited EDUs to Contingency Reserve. Assignment of remaining forfeited EDUs to Discretionary Reserve and Random Drawing categories. Review of requests for allocation from Discretionary Reserve. Consider methods of conducting Random Drawing. Review of applications for allocations from Random Drawing. Review of requests for allocations from Community Facilities. Discussion on appeals and/or requests for extensions of time. Review of requests for extensions. Discussion on sewer allocations in Redevelopment Area. Consider allocation from E.W.P.C.F. capacity for Covington/ Papagayo. Discussion on notification to persons interested in sewer capacity. 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 P14) 438-5623 May 16, 1980 ENGINEERING 438 -.5541 James L. Clauson Beautiful Saviour Evangelical Lutheran Church 3030 Valley Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 *% . - SUBJECT: ALLOCATION NO. X-4 (3 EDUS) Your request for sewer allocation from the Second Phase Sewer Allocation Program was approved by the Carlsbad City Council on May 6, 1980, by Agenda Bill No. 6241. If your project requires a discretionary permit (i..e., tentative tract map, planned unit development, condominium permit, variance, conditonal use permit, etc.), application for such permit.shal1 be filed on or before 4 P.M., Monday, July 14, 1980. Applicant is required to diligently pursue his permit to a final decision. Please note that Coastal Permits are not City discretionary permits as referred to in the Second Phase Sewer AI-location. Application for Building Permit must be filed on or before 4 P.M., Monday, June 20, 1980, for those projects not requiring discretion- ary permits; or within sixty days after final City action on the discretionary permit. The applicant is required to diligently pursue his permits to a final decision and to comply with other time frames specified for the allocation system. If I can be of assistance, please contact me, For the City Engineer: A Administrative Assistant I1 JNE : mmt C: City Planning Department City Building Department City Engineering Department e-3 City Clerk 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 May 16, 1980 ‘Rev. D . E. Woodridge St. Michaels-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church P.O. Box 127 Carlsbad, CA 92008 SUBJECT: ALLOCATION NO. X-S (3.5 EDUS) TELEPHONE: v14) 438-5621 ENGINEERING 438 - 5541 Your r-equest for sewer allocation from the Second Phase Sewer Allocation Program was approved by the Carlsbad City Council on May 6, 1980, by Agenda Bill No. 6241. If your project requires a discretionary permit (i.e., tentative tract map, planned unit development, condominium permit, variance, conditional use permit, etc.), application for such permit shall be filed on or before 4 P.M., Monday, July 14, 1980, Applicant is required to diligently pursue his permit to a final decision. Please note that Coastal Permits are not City discretionary permits as referred to in the Second Phase Sewer Allocation. Application for Building Permit must be filed on or before 4 P.M., Monday, June 20, 1980, for those projects not requiring discretion- ary permits; or within sixty days after final City action on the discretionary permit. pursue his permits to a final decision and to comply with other time frames specified for the allocation system. I The applicant is required to diligently If I can be of assistance, please contact me. For the City Engbeer: JNE : mmt C: City Planning Department City’EEuilding Department City Engineering Department -3City Clerk ,..- 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 TELEPHONE : (714) 4385621 ENGINEERING 438 - 5541 May 16, 1980 Victor Moreno 1005A Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 SUBJECT: ALLOCATION NO. 8-6 (1.1 EDUS) -z Your request for additional sewer allocation from the Second Phase Sewer Allocation Program was approved by the Carlsbad City Council on May 6, 1980, by Agenda Bill No. 6241, If your project requires a discretionary permit (i.e., tentative tract map, planned unit development, condominium permit, variance, conditional use pernit, etc.), application for such permit shall be filed on or before 4 P.M., Monday, July 14, 1980, Applicant is required to diligently pursue his permit to a final decision. Please note that Coastal Permits are not City discretionary permits as referred to in the Second Phase Sewer Allocation. Application for Bullding Permit must be filed on or before 4 P.M., Monday June 20, 1980, forthose projects not requiring discretion- ary permits; or witkin sixty days after final City action on the discretionary pe,-mit, The applicant is required to diligently pursue his permits to a final decision and to comply with other time frames specifis2 for the allocation system. If I can be of assistmce, please contact me. For the City,Engineer: A ~dministrative ~ssistant 11 JNE : mmt C: City Planning Department City Building Department City Engineering Department --9 City Clerk x MEMORANDUM - April 25, 1980 TO: Assistant Ci ty Manager for Devel opment FROM : Joe Egg1 es ton SUBJECT: SEWER COMMITTEE MEETING At its meeting of April 21 , 1980, the Sewer Committee considered numerous requests for allocation of sewer permits and extensions of time as well as several administrative matters. The items discussed and the recommendations of the Committee are as follows: 1. Review of Forfeited EDUs That December 4, 1979 allocations S-14, S-31 , S-41 , S-42, S-43, S-50, S-51, S-54, S-55, C-2, C-9, C-13, C-20, C-21 and 1-16, and that January 2, 1980 allocation S-40 be considered void and EDUs forfeited in that applicants did not apply for necessary permits nor indicate a desire to retain EDUs. 2. Requests for Extension of Time That December 4, 1979 allocation S-8 be allowed to retain 3 EDUs, to continue processing of MS444 which was unavoidably submitted late, and to submit application for plan check within 60 days after final City action on MS444. That January 2, 1980 allocation 1-27 be allowed to retain 3.73 EDUs, to complete processing of ZCA-106, to submit needed CUP within 60 days, and to submit application for plan check within 60 days after final City action on ZCA, and to acquire building and sewer permits within six months after plans are approved. That January 2, 1980 allocation M-73 be allowed to retain 3 EDUs, to submit application for needed discretionary permits within 60 days, and to submit application for plan check within 60 days after final City action on needed discretionary permits. That applicants of allocations M-9, M-36, S-36 and S-37, who have plans in for plan check, be allowed to acquire building and sewer permits within six months after plans are approved. That applicant for allocation S-7 be allowed 60 days after final City action on discretionary permits to submit application for plan check and to acquire building and sewer permits within six months after plans are approved. 3. Assianment of Forfeited EDUs That 16 of the forfeited EDUs be assigned to the Contingency Reserve as previously directed by Counci 1 action. That 76 of the forfeited EDUs be assigned to the Discretionary Reserve. -2- SEWER COMMITTEE MEETING 4. Requests for A1 1 ocati on from Community Faci 1 i ties Category That three requests for allocation from the Community Facilities category be allocated to: a. Beautiful Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church and Christian Day School - 3 EDUS. b. St. Michael ‘s by-the-Sea Episcopal Church - 1.5 EDUs. c. North County Ballet Academy - 1.1 EDUs. 5. Administrative Matters That person submitting inquiries about allocations in the Redevelopment Project Area be notified by staff of the pending review by Council of the plan for the area and after the plan is approved, that more infor- mation will be available from the Housing and Redevelopment Office. That notification to persons interested in sewer capacity be made by staff after the revised allocation system is adopted. JNE:mmt 4/25/80