HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-05-20; City Council; 4098-9; Bristol Cove Assessment District 79-1CITY OF CARLSBAD I) /i , ^f\. AGENDA BILL NO. ^O?? " ^L^^p l*^~^t ^ 7 DATE: MaY 20, 1980 DEPARTMENT: Engineering & Initial : Dept. Head_/^| C. Atty \|3 C. Mgr. (? ."1 x « Cfv ^^) 5Kzs*- SUBJECT: BRISTOL COVE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 79-1 CONTRACT NO. 1077 STATEMENT OF THE MATTER On April 1, 1980, the City Council approved plans and specifications and authorized the City Clerk to invite bids. Sealed bids were opened at 2:30 p.m. on April 30, 1980. Seven bids were received and are shown on the attached Bid Summary. The low bid was submitted by Cass Construction Company in the amount of $199,778.35 which is $27,096.35 beneath the engineer's estimate of $226,875- The contract amount includes $23,100.50 for the sewer construction and $176,667.80 for the storm drain construction. The sewer improvements w'rl 1 allow for elimination of the James Drive Pump Station, significantly reducing the City's operations and maintenance costs (reference excerpts from Public Works Administrator's memo of June 18, 1979)- While Council agreed in concept to the Public Works Administrator's recommendations, funds for the James Drive bypass were not budgeted. The Engineering Department Fund needs in more detail. is preparing a memo that will discuss Sewer Construction In order to pay for the sewer improvements, it will be necessary for the Council to appropriate $23,100.50 from the Sewer Construction Fund. EXHIBITS ^ 1. Bid Summary Sheet 2. Excerpts from Public Works Administrator's memo of June 18, 1979 3. Resolution No. bf&J authorizing transfer of funds 4. Resolution No. /(^*> accept! ng bids and awarding Contract No. 1077 RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution No. 6/y*? authorizi ng transfer of funds; and adopt Resolution No. <!b/?O accepting bids and awarding Contract No. 1077- Council Action > May 20, 1980 - Council adopted Resolution 6189 and 6190. XQ: VJ ocfc c CP o 5 §.^ S 0$ i O"r PROJECT NO,C>O cs 4u t-d) fc 0: ^J t VJ i- arH°2< ^ifSf^§1°S1*4 O?v^lo t- 9 O Tc 8 8 o n oo6 . §^ O'WN \ 8 8 rj § V ^ Q. £«• M 8 o 8 0. •J5 it- «0 a v» C£ o c §8 $* 8 s U^o o S-* Oo 8 01 "t|DQs $ S^ 8 8 o P <A 8 QO ^8 •*• \«4-4- DO. oov\ XQ:I o ~o IA o § fe§§fe fe io-r- Q § 1^ 1 O OQ o Q •r* b 1°kj § § Ikj R O t» i Bi «UJ «) «*o < « o oO J o t - O vl P- . -3 O 2 ~- WO ^ QO ft- 5 £ T § o^o N o 8 in^io §^ V Wc. ss s^s 8 u\ cc •t 8 8 o GQ oG VO|OC 0- QD s^OO8 Vfl ci -5 CS 8 s. CO S to * •'• ' • MEMORANDUM ' * - ':*•.• • • « .*•*•', * ' • * ,."•'•*• V»: City Manager . . • ... . . /. -V FROM: public Works Administrator ' . . ^ ".'"'-• DATE: .. June 1^1979 . . ." ; V - '• f : '.'•;' SUBJECT: ENCIIIA ViATER rO'-t.UTIOU CONTROL FACILITY - PHASE III FUNDING ' ' • •••.*•. "''•".-' In an effort to understand where ye are with regards to financing the Encina Phase III project, the followir.'j report will analyze the Sewer Construction Fund including its present status, potential income and po- tential" expenditures. The report will conclude with a Cash Flow Summary to show where we- should be. . • •. * - PEtWiOS CM SEVIER CONSTRUCTION FUND ' ' ', •".. .' • : ' Encina Vlater Pollution Control Facility, Phase III • ' -. (S-Q Exhibit "A") . • . . $2,238,616 C1P Pro.lccts Financed from Sewer Construction Fund through 1982 (Excluding £nc jj io_P na s e III . - - Hoine Plant Viet Well (1978-79) •. . *' ." \ $ 59,700 . Forest Pump Station Replacement -(1979-80) . • ' ,50,900 • JaT.c;s Driva Pimp Station Replacement (1979-80) . '. " ; 23,,600" • '•*'•'•* Carlsbad t Chinquapin Pump Station Replacement (1980-81) ' 45,000 Home Plant - Replace Pumps & Pump House (1982-83) .."56,000 Scx-ur Metering Program (1978-79) | . /• " 125,000 San Marcos Parallel Trunk (current budget) ' ' . ' '. ' 110,000 » . - * (1980-81) ' ' .. . ''. ; 330,000 .0981-82) . ' 330,000 Trunk Line - Buena Vista Pump Station Upgrade " (Uc,73inder of Contract) ..•••' . . 68,000 VUtV/Carlshad Trunk Line - City Limits to Buena Vista Pump Station NOTE: This project superseded (see discussion below) (1079-80) 10,QCQ (1980-81) 50,000 (1981-82) 40,000 VUt«/arlr.bad Trunk Line Downtown (1981-82) 20,000 (1982-83) ' . . 120,000 Refund of overcharge for capacity fees J _': . 96,280 DISCUSSION OF PROJECTS • The Home Plant Viet* WeH^construction is a project- to provide reten- tion capacity for raw sewtfge flowing to the Home Plant Site. Should we • * experience a malfunction at the site, raw sewa"ge would be flowing in£a"" •Buena Vista LagoonxVnthin half an hour.^tf is recommended that tbts" proj- ect proceed..:.-....• .... .;• ..-. .- -,^<-::: The -orest Avenue Pump^-Station replacement is .a njroject to replace the nee#"of the pump statipffby providing a gravity JMro* from the pump stat>dn to the new sewejpnine in Elm Avenue nearj&fley. This project can be delayed until after 1982. . •-James Drive Pump Station replacement is a pro-ject to replace the -need of the pump station by providing a. gravity line from the pump station to an existing line in Park Drive at Hillside. The project should be done in conjunction with the Bristol Cove storm, drain project.- It is recom- mended that this project proceed. - Carlsbad & Chinquapin Pjjmp Station replacement is^a project to re- locate the existing pump station from the Carlsbad Boulevard right-of-way to a more easterly location. This project -should Jbe^ incorporated with the Carlsbad Boulevard/widening and bridge replacement project. It cajr be delayed until aft£r 1982. - Home Plant1 replacement of proposed pump house." This'is a project to replace an o*ltdated and undersized facility.with new pumps and con- ' trols. Meed for this new facility will be dictated by new development in the bead* area and redevelopmenjt'in the downtown area ./'the project .can be delayed until after 1932./' .--••' . " ••/• • • •'•..: ' -/Sewer Metering Program; This 'is a project which will provide the City/tfnth its own system for measuring the flow tc/the F.ncina Water Pollu- tion Control Facility. pfe project can bs delayec until-after 1S82. • • ' /- San Marcos/Carlsbad Parallel Line. Th'fs is a project to provid^ 'additional trunk line capacity to serve the/^alomar Airport Road corridor. The need for the parallel line may be negated-if the Satellite Master Plan study shows/ and City Council approves, this area to be served by a satellite reclamation facility. San Marcos County Water District is ap- plying for gpdnt funds to build the parallel line. If everything goes perfect!y,y€hey may commence the-project in 1931. It is .more than likely that it w/n't happen until 1932./'• -^Vista/Carlsbad Outfall/Buena Vista Pump Statipfi Upgrade. This is an'existing contract to upgrade the pumps. Totayproject costs will be approximately $750,000./Vista Sanitation Distr/ct is administering 'the project. Carlsbad owrts 15.5/i of the pump station. Our costs will be .approximately $116,006. To date, we have paw $43,000 leaving a bal- .ance owed of $68,000. • ./ - Vista/Carlsbad Outfall, City Limits to Buena Vista Pump Station. This project was to parallel an existing 30-inch diameter trunk line. -3- . the heea tor the projecXnas been negated by a negotiated agreement with tVay Stores-, the expa/rlion of the Plaza Camino Re§>-necess Hates reloca- tion of the Buena Vista Creek Channel. In ordeXto do this it is neces- fcary to relocate t*ie existing 30-inch line. ;me City, Vista Sanitation District and Mayttores reached agreement to construct a 39-inch line in- tttfc'«U "Car'lsWa's share of the project is $41,000. This covers our Share 6f theovers! zing and increases gm-- ownership in the line from 1% ., Ista/Carlsbad Outfall Dcnpftovm Area. This project is to provide line capacity throuoK the downtown area'of Carlsbad. Since VUtjf Sanitation District wi}T need the additional capacity>efore Carls- baa/ 'it is reasonable to assume their needs will triggejxfhe timing for project. Because of/Vista Sanitation District's/fight funding pro- , It is very unlikeVy that the project will ccptfence until after 1982. « Refund of ove/charge. An appeal of the./uty Engineer's calcula- tions of sewer capacity ,fees resulted in a rWised determination. . The lower figure ..necessitates a refund of fees already paid. • The foregding discussion relates jx5 the ability to delay a project •\mt11 after J982. The significance y$ that date is the availability of capacity from the Phase III expansi/m. ' Until such capacity is available, OW cashflow is frozen except fq/ that capaci-ty made available Mcause ".Of the .settlement of the Grove lav/suit. After" removal of theprioratorium, Sfewer JKonstruction Fund cash flow should be fairly predictable even if we 'Institute a growth management program. After, allowing fot/leucr: ;-;a County District and Lake CaVavera Hills' share of the Ci&f's gro ;>, we shulti still be able to xflllect in excess of $500,OOMJer year, ilven ; * rftovring for a 25% inflexion, we should be able. to Mnance all deferred C1P sev/er projects within thji first three years. If Council concurs in the above recommendations, the only sewer proj- » ects to be financed in the next three fiscal years will be: Home Plant Viet-Well . . . ' .'..;• '• "$ •Oames Drive Bypass ' . ..... ,.'.» • • Vista/Carlsba'd/May Stores Trunk Line • -. • ' ^ Buena Vista Pump Station (balance of contract) . • . itebate of overpayment • ••'';• 59JOO 23,600 EWPCF Phase III Excluding Phase IIIt this totals $288,580. We should allow for infla- tion on the James Drive and Home Plant projects of 20%. This gives an in- 'flated total of $305,240. ' SEUER notlSTRUCTIOM FUMD • ' The Sev;er Construction Fund has a balance", as of May 31, 1979, of ap- proximately $1,516,000. These funds'can be augmented by available funds in the Vista Trust account, interest on invested funds, deletion of a present- ly funded project and the income from sewer capacity fees ($1,000/EDU). 68,000 96»280 2,238,616 COoen o oo oo o ^ ^rH COrr vo o oo oo o in o vo oO rH OO VO O O Oo oo o O COVO O ft O\ CO CO CO VD rH VD r-l VD (N 4J<U "1CQ & 1 "rH J OCO1en!"••» en rH ProjectsI o o oo o o0 1 0 0 1 1 i 1 1^ i ,4-^ i 1 i i I <«r <n I-H - o o oo o oO 1 O O- 1 - -in i-\ •*¥ ^f n rH 01 rH(d cow lo0) co rt ^cJ **"^t~\ *-* 4J frt |-^ ^- ^ 4J W Q CO <N(1) -H or, I coa-r» > O I•f> -p 00 rHV4 ttl H *-* CO --. 4-5 -P S Uj^ CO ^-^HdSHHflJ-^l roOHtQ-H ro crotNco2 <q &< -r) co co iCU O rH | ^ CMrH C 43 iJ m C4 CO<D -H m O - CO 4-) •—••Q rH rrl g co *-* a)qi c o 4-> H ffl8CLi p I-H tn H <u•-Htn^raqO4-P>UICK mpuw-P OW-H<v1 . i-^) Q 5-1 ^ &, S ' S^ §D 1C 0) S-i M p 0)5)TlQ'-dOqbiT5• tj> 0 C -H ,H P ri -HPH (£ O I'.i CO ^M fO -r\ 01• I S N rH »H .d rH(< -fH £ ^ rH OT U !/) rH• iH <H rn -rj nj fj nj -r-)rt. £4 rTT »c1 »V4 T r_j t-2 XT-*rMCT'W»iiSi>-(lr<ki..Ei ! I ft n CO GOi iCM (N CO CO Locust AvenueCrest Driveooo ^oc. ooo ^oen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 6189 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR THE CON- STRUCTION OF SEWER IMPROVEMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE BRISTOL COVE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 79-1, CONTRACT NO. 1077 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the transfer of Twenty Three Thousand One Hundred One Dol ($23,101) from the Sewer Construction Fund, Account No. 16-000-0900, to Project Fund, Account No. 16-207-309^, is hereby authorized and approved 2. That the Department of Finance Fund Transfer No. 87 on file in said department and incorporated by reference herein is approved. lars the • PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held the 20th day of May , 1980, by the ing vote, to wi t: AYES: Councilman Packard, Lewis, Anear and Councilwomen Casler and Kul chinNOES: None ABSENT: None X^^ / /^-^/ /^ ^J^^^^'^^^a^RONALD C. PACKARD, MAYOR v ATTEST: ^ . -, /° J(^£ILL/*)%--^&JU ^AJ^^-^-J --A1ETHA L. RAJJTENKRANZ, CITY 61ERK/ By^ Anita Dack Murphy, Deputy City Clerk (SEAL) fol low- RESOLUTION NO.6190 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL AWARDING THE CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN PUBLIC WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT IN A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. WHEREAS, this City did, on the 30TH <*ay of APRIL, 1980 / publicly open, examine and declare all sealed proposals or bids for doing the work and improvements described in Resolution of Inten- tion No. 6130 r which Resolution and a "Report" subsequently approved by the City Council are hereby expressly referred to for a description of said work and improvements, and for all particulars relative to the proceedings for works of improvement in a special assessment district known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 79-1 [BRISTOL COVE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT] (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District"). NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE . CITY OF CARLSBAD - CALIFORNIA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2, SECTION 3. SECTION 4. That the City Council of said City hereby rejects all of said proposals or bids except that herein mentioned, and does hereby award the construction contract for doing said work and making improve- ments in the Assessment District to the lowest responsible bidder, to-wit: CASS CONSTRUCTION, INCORPORATED at the prices named in the bid of said bidder on file in the Office of the City Clerk of said City. The Contractor shall execute the contract within ^ FIFTEEN (is) days after it has been noti- f ieel "in writing to so execute the contract and com- mence construction. That this award of contriict is hereby conditioned upon and rnj.de subject to the receipt of monies from the sale of bonds. That the works of improvement shall be constructed in the manner and form as set forth in the plans and specifications for these proceedings, and all as pre- viously approved by this City Council as a piirt of the "Report", all as required by law and specifically the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", being Divi- sion 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. SECTION 5.That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby autho- rized to execute the Agreement for the works of improvement relating to said Assessment District for and on behalf of said City, and a copy of said Agreement shall be on file in the Office of the City Clerk. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 20th day of May, 1980 <£i£-f<Z<!t* MAYOR CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA ATTEST: DEjPUTYCITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD •, ' STATE OF CALIFORNIA for ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, CITY CLERK -2- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) CITY OF CARLSBAD ) ss. I, ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution, being Resolution No. 6190 / was duly passed, approved, and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested by the City Clerk, all at a Regular meeting of said City Council, held on the 20th day of May , 1980_, and that the same was passed and adopt- ed by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Executed this 21th California. day of COUNCILMEN: Packard, Lewis, Anear COUNCILWOMEN: Casler and Kulchin COUNCILMEN: None COUNCILWOMEN: None COUNCILMEN: None COUNCILWOMEN: None Jlay ___, 1980^, at CARLSBAD, ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City^Clerk /. ...: DEPUTY CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA 7 [SEAL]