HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-05-20; City Council; 6104-1; METRO TAXI REQUEST FOR INCREASED RATES AND TAXICABSInitial: . C. Atty.):pd C. Mgr. .p m CITY OF CARLSBAD a 225’ , k , , Dep t .Hd. AGENDA BILL NO. 6 :‘j $ - , ~,+L4~’”m&&~.W&-T ‘ f“:: I DATE: - MAY 20, 1980 DEPARTMENT : CITY CLERK Subject: METRO TAXI REQUEST FOR INCREASED RATES AND TAXICABS - Statement of the Matter James R. Northcutt, dba Metro Cab, has requested an amendme to the Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to allow tw additional taxicabs to operate in the City, and to allow an increase in the fares charged. The amendment would authorize them to operate seven (7) taxicabs in the City, and the fares would be increased to $1.20 for the first 1/6 miles and 20 cents for each additio 1/6 mile. The $9.00 per hour waiting time charge remains unchanged. Exhibits 1. Memorandum from City Clerk, dated April 30, 1980. 2. 3. Letter from Mr. Northcutt, dated April 23, 1980, and 3. Resolution No. , amending Resolution No. 6(322, Memorandum re Safety Inspection of additional vehicles. attachment requesting changes. change the number of taxicabs allowed to operate in thE City, and to revise the schedule of fares. _- Recommenda t ion Adopt Resolution No. 5 ,’ 2 I , amending Resolution No. 602; issuing a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity, to allc the operation of seven (7) taxicabs and to revise the schec of fares. Council Action May 20, 1980 - Council adopted Resolution 6181. 0 e MEMORANDUM DATE : April 30, 1980 TO : CITY COUNCIL FROM : City Clerk F?E: CURRENT TAXI OPERATIONS IN CARLSBAD There are currently three (3) companies authorized to opera taxicabs in the City. Their names, number of vehicles and rates are: ENCINITAS YELLOW CAB - 2 vehicles Initial drop S.80, including first 1/7 mile; $.lo each additional 117 mile; $4.80 per hour waiting time. YELLOW CAB COMPANY - 3 vehicles Initial drop $.90, including first 1/2 mile; $.20 each additional 1/6 mile; $. 20 each minute-and-a-half waiting time or $1.45 per mile on mileage driven 5 miles or METRO TAXI - 5 vehicles (t- 2 additional requested) Current: $1.00 for first 1/5 mile; traffic delay; more outside City limits. $ .20 each additional 1/5 mile; $9.00 per hour waiting time $ .20 for each 1/6 mile thereafter; $9.00 per hour waiting time. Request: $1.20 for first 1/6 mile Though each company sets their own rates, Council ratificat: is needed for same. 'J 4dd- it- i, LEE RAUTENKRANZ, i City Clerk LR:adm w 0 May 1, 1980 MEMO RAND UM TO : City Clerk FROM : Equipment Maintenance Superintendent SUBJECT: Safety Inspection, Public Transportation Vehicles Your Memo Dated April 30, 1980 The below listed vehicles of Metro Cab (Mr. James R. Northcutt) were inspected this date and found to be in safe operating condition: a. 1971 Nova Cal . Lic. 1K04043 VIN-114691W22898.3 b. 1977 Dodge Cal . Lic. 1H85143 VIN-NL41 C7B432300 ‘3 7 ‘,’:7,’LlI A,J/ ;//.,/dl I I - 171 ,I‘ v&$----- JAMES R. BERTELSEN Equipment Maintenance Superintendent JRB : pab ., 0 e James R. Northcutt April 23, 1980 dba Metro Cab P. 0. Box 1838 Vista, CA 92083 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Application for Rate Increase for Taxi Service 1. Due to the increase in cost of operation, rent, maintenance and insui it is requested that taxi rates be raised to $1.20 for the first 1/6 mile ar 20$ for each 1/6 mile thereafter. The present rate is $1.00 for the firs 1/5 mile and 20$ for each additional 1/5 mile. Waiting time shall i-emai at $9.00 per hour. 2. The following operating costs have increased as shown below. Rent 8% Increase Cab Maintena.nce 20% Increase Gasoline 5570 Increase Insurance 3570 Increase Owner Living Expense 1070 Increase The increased costs of gasoline alone has made this request an emergenc measure. 3. taxi rates goes to the drivers. increases in all the basic areas of living. 4. being used to purchase three new- cabs. this year and the other two are still being negotiated. It is requested that the City Council favorably consider my request for increase of taxi rates based on this information. It should be taken into consideration that 5070 of the requested increa, The drivers have also experienced cost c In an effort to more efficiently serve the city of Carlsbad, profits ar One new cab was placed in serv -- ~ \ R e spec tfull y Subm it t e d, /' 7 , -/ /--A!- 'Lf," '- - - 7 '1 ,i; LI, -, /'L /.,; 2/L'-7 ' Ti-+; L James R. Northcutt Metro Cab JRN;pw - 'rn -/ - cu 7zw tx!9ai &L 1 T-J&d/*& 6-0 /LWY&@ A/ F+2&l 6zo ltLalL )9)/ "y?L+.K- fa -.a- * //(04D+3 /Y/ c 39 +32 gyp-- p 'U FA c/, + ///fL9/ d2-2 .3sss g-d- /931 &&* "Jyz--L.- $%L--& fl ip 99/43 &LJ, p pa--(2+/pgh 8 /$l/v&.U -j+WL&i?- ]!MA* ~ ~~ RESOLUTIGN SO, 6781 2/ 3 4 Cr RESC%UTI9K GF THE CITY COUTJCIL OF T2E CITY OF CARLSBAD , CALZI'OE!IA, AM?:NI)TlSL'G ?,ESULU?IC\:J NO. 6622, ISSLJIIgG A CERTIFIS3,TE CF COXVZKNZ- ENCE AND NECESSITY TO JAMES R. NO;i?'fiLUTT, 3BA METRO TAXI, TO ALLOW THE OPERATION OF SEVZN (7) TAXICABS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBA2 ,MID TO IiEVISE TEE SCHEDLLE OF FARES. I 5~ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I - WHEREAS, on December 18, 1979, the City Council, by t adoption of Resolution No. 6022, approved the issuance of Certificate of ConvenFence and Necessity to JAMES R. EORTH dba METRO TAXI, to operate taxicab service within the Citj Carlsbad; an3 WHEREAS, JAMES R. NORTHCUTT has requested authorizati to operate two (2) additional taxicabs in the City of Czrl and WHEREAS, JAMES R. NORTYCUTT has requested approval of revised schedule of fares within the City of Carlsbad; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City CouncLl of 18 I.g 2o 21 22 23 24 25 I the City of Carlsbad, as follows: I 1. That the above recitations are true and correct, 2. That Section 3(b) of Resolution No. 6022 is amenc I 1 read as follows: (b) Seven taxicabs are authorized; 3. That Section 3(c) of Resolution No. 6022 is amenc to read as follows: (c) The schedule of fares to be charged shall be: $1.20 for the first 1/6 mile; $.20 for each 1/6 27 28 mile after the first 1/6 mile; $9.00 per hour waiting tine. -1- I 4 -7 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 13. 12 13 14 15 16 17 ’ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 m e PASSED, APPROVE3 ANC A30PrE:Ij at a Regular Meeting of t -- Carlsbad City Couxil hald on the 20 day of Ma57 1980, by the following vote, to wit: -- AYES : Councilmen Packard, Lewis, Anear ; Councilwomen C and Kulc NOES: None ABSENT: None pL>/dkY, @A ,/RONALD C. PACURD, Mayor -f / 1 19 vL>nk,/&?a4 , 7 ATT ST: ALETHA L. RAliTENKRANZ ,- C,ityl&lerk By Anita Dack Murphy, Deputy City Clerk (SEAL) -2- I w -R,,, ci c3mLPLaT .* os 3X.s *%3-GEXES KYS-IXJ~:~~ 3'LAXAG EXS !g CV:lrt OF irt s-cai 2 3 L',t]O . -,,Yi'D4902615 July 22, 1980 City of Carlsbad 1200 Flm Avenue .C rlsbad CA 9220E RE: ames R, Northcitt DBA Metro Taxi 135 East Broadway Vista CA 920c3 Gent lerren : On Jrly 17, 1980, you were Tailed Certificate(s) of Ir,suran covering the Auto-nobile Liability of the captioned insQred. Due to several errors therein we nust advise you that the a will replace any ochers you now have. Accordingly, we ask ti?at you reixrn, all previous Certificates of Insurance. for any additional problem created by o:ir oversight. Your cooperation in pro-Lptly returning to our office all PI Certificates is earnestl> regcested and very irilch a?prclciat Should you have any questions please call the -~nt,ersigned at 213/ 553-6101. in the enclosed erivslo We sincerely :ip010 Very Truly ,,-' / t ij, / , i - ._ - Robert Salin Underwriting Yanager of FUYER & COMPANY OF LOS ASGS: RS/tes enc. ?, 2 RESOLUTIOPJ KO. 6022 A RESOiJJXQN Or" THE CITY COUSCTL iOF THE CITY 3l I 0%- CAK-LSBAI! , CALIFORl<IB, DT:TEK"IIXING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEPEST , CON'JEXIENCZ AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE LSSi',!!>!CE OF A CERTIFICATE TO 5 6 ORDEKISG THE CITY CLEXK TO ISSUE s.mj CERTIFTCATE SUR - JECT TO CE:(TA.XK CONI'JI'TIONS _-_.-_ . _I SQEPZAS, kmes R. North.cutt;, dba Metro Taxi, in laccol 9 Ij .r Certificzce of C:onvenien.ce alnd ikiecessity t~? operate t 12 13 il1eld before the City Comzi.1. of the City of Carlsbad, on December 18, 1.979, to detei-ixine whclt'1ie.r or not the public 1.4 ' inrerest, c0nven.ienc.e arid Recessity require i-.tl.e issuance o 3-J I.6 3.7 If3 -I .. -19 the Certificate applied for ;, and 'iEE-Rr7b1S, at. said hearliTg all persons having interest 7. I 1 /the rixtter were heard; I 1 I l\r.he City of Carlsbsd, 2s follows: EON, THE:REFO3-E, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council- o 25 24 1 That said CertiFi-ca.[:e is hercby issued to James I Northcutt, dba Metro Taxi., subject to the following terms 3. 27 .I 28 City of Carlsbad; I (b) Fi-ve taxicabs are authorized; -1- 4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 92 13 14 15 16 1'7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 * * (c) The schedule of fares to be eharged shall $1.00 for the first 1/5 mile; $1.00 for each mile a the first 1/5 mile; $9.00 per hour waiting time; (d) The Certificate and the operation of taxi pursuant thereto shall be subjecc to all of the pro of Chapter 4.50 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; of adoption of this Resolution and to expire on ~yr 1981; (f) Applicant's application form, dated Kovem 1979, on file in the office of the City Clerk, shal part of this Certificate and is incorporated by re€ herein; (e) The certificate is issued to comence on (g) The City shall have the right to inspect vehicles at any time to insure they are maintained operating condition; (h) Applicant may only use the vehicles liste the application, dated November 16, 1979; (i> Applicant shall 'file certifLcates of insu in the amounts of $100,000/$300,000, with the City 1 prior to corririiencing service pursuant to this Cex-t.iE (j) No taxi stands are permitted. 4. That the City Clerk is hereby direct2.d to issue copy of this Resolution as a Certificate in accordance vi1 Chapter 5.20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 5. That the Cert.ificate shall not be issued until I applicant has complied with all of tl-le hereinabove terms i conditions. // I/ // // // // /I -2- * l/ 2l 3 0 e PASSED, API?RO?Sfi PJD AAD9PTED at a Regular Meeting of De c e tub e r , :1979 City Council on ti-,c ijlt!? day of --- iollowing ~,7o~-e, to -\-it : 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 25 By: Anita Dack !$!hi i hy, Deputy City Clerk (seflz) .- ,I i ~ I i -3-