HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-05-20; City Council; 6249; Drive-Thru Banking Facility La Jolla Bank & Trust! i L1,37 ori? E : --I---_C__-" May 20, 1980 -- Cty. Amy-& e e I, CITY 3F CilTi-SBAD -----I-- I N 1 1' 1 P, L AGENDA BILL NO. [Q 2 q7 - - Dept. kid. A - DE PART I( E NT : P LA" IN -- G Cty. Mgr. % -- SUGJEC-' : DRIVE-THRU BANKING FACILITY CASE NO: SDP 77-1(C) APPLICANT: LA JOLLA BAPJK & TRI -_________ _______- - STATEYENI CT TiiE 'IJ.TTER The applicant is appealing a condition of approval for a drive-t! banking facility located on the southeast corner of Dove Lane an( El Camino Real in a shopping center presently under construction Specifically , the applicant is appealing condition number 5 of lane, thus, reducing the number of lanes from three to two. The Planning Commission placed this condition because of the lack of room for vehicles leaving the third lane to make a 180 degree U-turn into the shopping center. The traffic island adjacent to the drive-thru lane does not provide the necessary turning radiu! to physically allow the maneuver. With two lanes, staff feels adequate room will be provided to allow automobile stack-up durii banking hours, and at the same time, provide adequate turning radius into the center. Staff, therefore, cannot support this appeal. Resolution No. 1627, which requires the deletion of one drive-th EXHIBITS 1. PC Resolution No. 1627 (SDP 77-1(C)) 2. PC Resolution No. 1626 (CUP-177) 3. PC Staff Report dated April 23, 1980 4. Letter of Appeal dated April 25, 1980 5, Exhibits "A1', I'B" and "C" dated February 11, 1980 RECOMTIENDATION Both the Planning staff and Planning Commission recormend that this application be DENTED and that the City Attorney be directe to prepare documents DENYING the appeal of SDP 77-1(C), per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1627. Council Action: May 20, 1980 - Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents DENY1 the appeal. b 1 1 2 3 4 5 7 7: 8, 10 9; 11 12 13 14 e @ PLANNING COMXISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1627 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANING COllMISSION OL p THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A SITE DEVELOPPIENT PLAN NO. 77-1(C) FOR A DRIVE-THRU BANKING FACILITY ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF DOVE LANE AND EL CAMINO REAL. APPLICANT : LA JOLLA BANK AND TRUST CASE NO: SDP-77-1 (C) WHEREAS, a verified application has been filed with t /of Carlsbad, and referred to the Planning Conmission; and XHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a reqt /provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission approved Site Develc Plan SDP-77-1 with Resolution No. 1374, date6 June 22, 19- WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal 19; the Planning CcmLssion did, on the 23rd day of April, 16 17 18 19 2o 21 property described as: Portion of the western half of the N.E. Quarter, Section 26, Township 12 S., Eange 4.W, SK4, County of San Diego, i i testimony and arcjxments, if any, of all persons desiring 1 WHEREAS, at said hearing, upon hearing and consideri i ' -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 * I) e B) That based on the evidence presented at the hearing, tl Commission APPROVES SDP 77-1(C), based on the followinc findings and subject to the following conditions: Findings: 1) The proposed development is consistent with the city's General Plan and with the overall intent of the previo approved Site Development Plan which has established t subject commercial center. 2) The project is compatible with both existing and propo development in the immediate area. I 3) The project is consistent with all applice5le city pub 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21, 22 i facility policies and ordinances since: a) A total of 4 sewer connections have Seen reserved the project. b) Adequate public improvements have been or will be provided as required by the originally approved S Development Plan I I 1 c) The applicant has agreed and is required by the i sion of an appropriate condition to pay a public ities fee. Performance of that contract and payrr the fee will enable this body to find that public ities will b2 available concurrent with need as I by the General Plan. d) A condition has been added that building permits be approved unless sewer service is available ant building cannot occur within the project unless c I service remains available. Therefore, the Planni Conmission is satisfied that the requirements of i I Public Fazilities Element of the General Plar, ha1 met illsofar as they apply to sewer service for t? 3ased on aE initial study of the project, including a 1 14) investiqztlsn of the site, the Planning DLrector has c Tined that Y--z proposed development will not result ir signif icz7-z 27-vironmental impacts and, therefore, has 2 EJegati-:2 Zszlaration on ??arch 8, 1980 (Log No. 652) I ,I 28 I PC RES0 ii1627 I page 2 j I It ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I*' 15 l6 17 18 19 20 211 22 23 24' I 8 0" 2) This project is approved upon the express condition th building permits strill not be issued for developments 0 subject property unless the City Engineer determines t sewer facilities are available at the tine of applicat for such sewer permits and will contioue to be availab until time of occupancy. The applicant shall prepare a reproducible nylar of th final site development plan incorporating the conditic contained herein. SAid site plan shall be submitted t approved by the Flanning Department nrior to the issua building permits, This project is approved upon the express condition tl- applicant shall pay a public facilities fee as require City Council Policy No. trith the City Clerk and incorporated herein by referer and according to the agreement executed by the applicz payment of said fee a copy of that agreement dated !!ax 1980, is on file with the City Clerk and is incorporat herein by reference. If said fee is not paid as promis this application will not be consistent with the Gene1 Plan and approval for this project shall he void. Thj is required for all future development of this propert which a building permit has not been issued, The easternmost drive-thru lane of the proposed! bank I be eliminated, and the traffic island shall widened i1 its place. 2. detailed landscape and irrigation plan for the bank facility and the traffic island bordering the drive-tl lanes shall be subject to the approval of the Planninc Director. Said plan shall utilize drought tolerant p species and be consistent with the landscape plan app for the commercial center. All signs for the proposed bank shall comply with the sign program for this commercial center. X11 roof232 z;?artenances shall be architecturally ini lnto the CSS:~;~ of the building and shielding to prevf n2ise ariZ -iisial impacts subject to the approval of t' Tlanning 2izzzcor prior to the issuance of buil-ding p' 3) 4) 17, dated August 29, 1979, on I I 5) 6) 1 1 7) I ! 8; -. I 1 i/// 28 I j //// , PC RCSO $1627 I/ Payc 3 ; ' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LO 9; l4 15 11 12 l3 1 0 e PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of t Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, he on the 23rd day of April, 1980, by the following vote, to P AYES: Schick, Leeds, Larson, Friestedt KOES : Rombotis ABSENT: Narcus, Jose ABSTAIN : None 11 I I;;*kL3,-L \.\?Lk ('\, 1 \ I EDFdIN S D SCHICK, JR i , 'chair CARLSBAD PLANNING COPIdISSI I i . - \I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 6- 0% PLANNING CO,UISSION RESOLUTION NO I 1626 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COHMISSION OF THE CI OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERII.IIT FOR A DRIVE-THRU BAMKIbTG FACILITY ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON TEE SOUTHEAST CORNE OF DOVE LANE AND EL CAMINO REAL. APPLICANT: LA JOLLA BANK & TRUST CASE NO: CUP-177 WHEREAS, a verified application has been filed with th of Carlsbad and referred to the Planninq Corrmission; and KHEREAS, sai-d verified application constitutes a recue provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WIEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Xunicipal C the Planning Commission did, on the 23rd day of April, 1980 a duly noticed to consider said application on property 2cs 141 15 X6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23' 24 as: Portion of the western half of the northeast Quarter, Section 26, Township 12, S. Zange 4 W., SBN, County of San DFego. I i KEIEZEAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and cons 1 all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desirir I i heard, said Coraission considered all factors relating to C i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning I sic: sf the Cf?>- of Carlsbad as follows: 1 A) Tkat the fcr-lzDiny recitations are true and correct. 3) That base2 '32 -,he evidence presented at the puSlic he; I/ the ComTissio- APPROVES CLJP-177, based on the I/ Eollowing ficzings and subject to the EoIIowing condit I 25 26 27 28 I YindiIqs: _-___ I I ,1) The propose3 use is necessary and desirable for the dc opmen-t of the Corrmxmity , is essentially in harmony wil various elements and objectives of the General Plan, i permitted in this zone. I not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifics- 1 I \ I i . I $11 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 I1 12 13 7! 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23,' l*I I)i .: 2) 3) ~11 of the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping other featur'es necessary to adjust the requested use t existing and permitted future uses in the neighborhood be provided and maintained. The street system serving the subject property is adec to properly handle all traffic generated by the propos The subject property is adequate in Size and shape to accommodate the proposed use. 4) use. Based on an initial study of the project, including a investigation of the site, the Planning Director has c mined that the proposed project will not result in an1 significant environmental impacts and, therefore, has a Negative Declaration on March 8, 198rJ (Log No. 652). The applicant has agreed and is required by the inclus an appropriate condition to pay a public facilities fc Performance of that contract and payment of the fee wi enable this body to find that public facilities will I available concurrent with need as required by the Gene Plan, 5, 6) j Conditions: 1) Approval is granted for CUP-177 as shown on Exhibits I C dated 2/11/80 to CUP-177/SDP-77-lfC), incorporated 1 reference and on file in the Planning Department. Dei a ment shall occur substantially as shown on the plans I otherwise noted in these conditions. I 2) All Conditions of Approval of Resolution No. 1627 for 1 77-1(C) are applicable to this CUP and shall be stric- i cidhered to. i 1 \ -- 1 3) This Conditional Use Permit shall be subject to revie1 the Plannix,- Comnission if it is determined that the ( ditions of A;>zoval for this project are not being me1 that the -235 Ls creating a nuisance to surrounding prt E =Ye Planning Commission may modify or re7 szid CU?. inis pro-ject Ls approved upon the express conditisn t! applicant sfill pay a public facilities fee as requirt I I I r-' 4: 11 27 I herein by re€zresce. If said fee is not paid as prom I -. , '1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l3 l4 I-5 16 17 18, 19 20 21 22 23' 24 'I 9- ."' this application will not be consistent with the Gener Plan and approval for this project shall be void. Thi is required for all future development of this propert which a building permit has not been issued. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of t Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, he the 23rd of April, 1980, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Schick, Leeds, Larson, Friestedt NOES: Rombotis ABSENT: Marcus, Jose ABSTAIN : None h ;?7,L, \\#I&& I L\kd .. EDWIN S. SCHICK, JR.[;\Chaj CARLSEAD PLANNING C P.iYIS5 I 1 I TJ ' ATTEST: I j I I -7 I ' ,;C$-FLS2>AD PI;AIt"-"'" L\ 2. - t c3 I rTn - J?"L Rfi ,I s s I ON ,' /' if i I 1, 26 ; I e * I_ STAFF REPORT DATE : April 23, 1980 TO : Planning Commission FROM: Brian Milich, Planning Department SUBJECT: SDP 77-1(C)/CUP-177; LA JOLLA BANK AND TRUST: DRIVE-TKRU BANKING FACILITY I) PROJECT DESCRIPTION P-XD BACKGROUND The Applicant is proposing an amendment to a previously approved site development, in addition to a conditional use permit, for a 3 lane The site is located cn the southeast corner of Dove Lane and El Camino Real. commercial development which is presently under con- struction (West Bluff Plaza) - On June 22, 1977, the Planning Commission approved a site development plan for the commercial center (SDP 77-1). As part of an amendment to the site developr;?ent plan, the Commission approved a drive-thru banking facility on the subject site (SDP 77-1B). However, the amendment, as it relates to the bank facility, has expired since building permits were not issued within the year following approval. In addition to requiring a new site development plan, the Applicant was also required to apply for a conditional use permit since the city's code was amended to require con- titional use permits for all drive-thru facilities. drive-thru banking facility. The bank will be part of a larger 11) ANALYSIS Planning Issues 1) Has the drive-thru facility been adequately designed to provide safe and efficient traffic circulation? Is the general building and parking design consis- tent with the overall development of the shopping center? 2) 3 t e I. Discussion The proposed banking facility would be 1,500 sq.ft. larger than the drive-thru bank previously approved on this site (7,000 sq.ft. vs. 5,500 sq.ft.). Spe- cifically, the proposed bank wculd. have a 5,250 sq.ft. first floor and a 1,720 sq.ft. mezzanine. The maximum height of the structure would be 34 ft. In addition to a larger building, the applicant is proposing a total of three drive-thru lanes. The previously approved banking facility was limited to one drive-thru lane with an "escape lane". Based on a thorough review of the project, it is apparent that the design of the drive-thru lanes would create several traffic problens. Specifically, since the width of bath the entrance and exit of the drive-thru facility permits only two lanes of traffic, the addition of a third lane (the eastern most lane) creates potential traffic conflicts as vehicles maneuver into and out of this third lane. As vehicles stack at both the entrance and exit to the drive-thru facility, the third lane would be frequently blocked, and therefore of marginal utility. A potentially mjre important problem created by the drive-thru design is the lack of room for vehicles leav- ing the third lane to make a 180° U-turn. the third lane would not be able to make a 180° turn back into the commercial center since such vehicles lack the proper angle, and the traffic island adjacent to this lane does not provide the necessary radius, to permit such a movement. Based on these concerns, a condition has been added to the project that requires the deletion of the third lane and the widening of the traffic island. Such a redesign would provide safer and more efficient traffic circulation into and out of the drive-thru facility. Two lanes would be adequate to accommodate drive-thru traffic in the majority of cases. In order to accommodate a larger bank.on the site, the Applicant is proposing to modify the parking area directly south of the bank (see Exhibit "B", 2/11/80)'. A total of four parking spaces would be eliminated from this area. However, even with this modification there would still be an excess of 19 parking spaces, above the city's requirements, available to serve both the bank and the other commercial uses in the shopping center. Vehicles exiting -2- e * The proposed bank building would observe a minimum 20 ft. setback along both El Camino Real and Dove Lane. This is consistent with other development approved along El Cainino Real. Further, the design and scale of the structure would be consistent with the Spanish theme established in this area. As conditioned, the project provides a necessary service in this area of the city, in addition to setting a positive precedent for future development city wide. 111) RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 1626, approving CUP-177 and adopt Reso- lution No. 1627, approving SDP 77-lfC), based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. BM :ma 4/9/80 Attachments: Location !Tag Background Data ‘Sheet Disclosure Torr? PC Resolution No. 1626 PC Resolution No. 1627 Exhibits A, E, and C dated 2/11/80 -3- ,, ,,’ , ,,- -. - .. General Plan Water District: Coast Permit Ar - . _-A- -I_ - - -dS' - rl) BACKWLN DATA SHEFT CASE NO: SDP 77-1 (C)/CUP-177 APPLI~~~ : La Jolla Bank and Trust I REQUEST ?OJD LOCATION: Drive-thru banking facility On th IO sou t corner of -a Ro ad ad El C amino Real. LEXXLDESCRIFTION: Portion of the western half of the N.E. Quar Section 26, Township 12 S., Range 4 W., SBM, County of San Dj State of California. .. APN 215 - 952 -4 Acres Portion 'Nc. of Lots 1 Qf 5.4 GENERF;L PLAN E?D ZONING General- Plan Land Use Designation-iRMH (The General Plan does allow neiql carmrcial uses) -- Density Propsed Density Allowed -- I Existing Zone C-1 (Q) Propsed Zone Existing Land Use Commercial Center Surrounding Zoning and Land Us: zoning Iand use North W-M(~) Rpsj -a1 south RD-M Residential East P-c Vacant West county Vacant Pmrc FACILITIES u Schoc>l District N/A Water District OSTA REAL WYlXE? DISTRICI" Sewer District m mu's 4 7 Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated March 11 I 19 80 ' - [Other: ENVIRONMEXTAL IMPACT ASSESm X Negative Declaration, issued 3/1/80 ILXJ No. 6 52 ._- E.I.R. Certified, dated 7- other I 6; , ...- 14 'i 8. :I . :. 1. {I 0, ~ , ., -. , .. '~f ,~~~,~~ tl1c iiii,~r,ii.i~i,~~l ytq1 li.~v(! !;~iI,,iiil 1t~1 1~1:: IN **II ICV , i 1. i:. r1c.l ('1 1-i PA i],.li. jlll-t.ltc-~ ;,l;L-~,:~glt itjll I:; i,~~~~iii~c~l, y(tii will Irc..!xi ii,Iv mwmwr: La- J-ol!a. Bank. and-Trust_C ___. ~ _____-I._ -.-._-.-...- -- ...---- L- N,iink* ( iiidivjtliici 1, jhir't.iic I it', joiiil: vciiLiirc, corj~ir~~t.jwi, :;yiiClif:.iLiwi) et ;.LA .Jc?_! ,_CL3?0_3-' -L -.-.. -. __---__- ~ ---.-- - . (714) 455-5003 .. phi ~%L!L ~ar_kham_,-a_r.-~~~spci-atss ___.__ ~ --____I__ ___ ' 7350 Mission Center Court" San Di9o;' CA 92108 _______._. __.- . -_...__ - _-.--.-- Tclt.14iuiic Nunihrr- ' AGENT : Ntunc .. -__ . _..-. ._ -----_I-- , Run1 ticiis Ad<lrc!;s EL 2_9_1-53?4----.. Tel epiwne Nursl~c: r ----.--. ---I-_ . WMBEHS : Name (individual, partricr, joint Homc Address venturc, corporation, syndication) , ~- .-_- __--- Business Addrer;c --_I_ . ---- .- Telephone NumL~er Telephone IJurnber . - -------- Nanw IIoiric Address _1 Business Address p--I_.------ -- -- - .. Telephone Number Telephone NumLer --- __I .. .! -- : .- - ---- ,. o (Attach more sheets if necessary) I/WC declare under penalty of pcrjury that the infoi-m,rtion ccirii ainrd in this dis- closm-c is true &rid corrcxt itnd tlnl: it will rernajii triid and correct and may be relict1 upon as king true aid correct until aiwiideil. .. La Jolla Bank and Trust Co. I' l3Y fFJ .. .. 0 ( \lf : . /p- ,* I, ii ,I: ?i: , t f ;** , :: $1' ;I,/!/ e?' d i /tQ .1! 3c - 'I *k,, i:' i, I, 1 , ,YK. 1 F-s- ' ;?x 7- _- . ... c-. -_ - I La /oh Oihce April 25, 1980 -_ Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Carlsbad City Office Bxilding Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: City Clerk's OEce La Jolla Bank & Trust Company requests to zippeal the decision of the City of Car Planning Commission heard April 23, 1980 relative to the Bank drive-thru banki; facility. The Planrjng Coinmission number for this application is SDPi'?-l(C) /CUP-177. La Jona 3ank & Trust Company Drive-Thru Banking Facility Adoption of Resolut Humhers 1626 and 1627. The PlaiiAng Commission hearing ruled that two drive-in lanes only are to be permitted for this bank building. La Jolla Bank & Trust Company appealed for t' drive-in 1zTes. - Your consi6eration regarding this matter is appredzted. Please mail notice or r by telephone as follows: Lz Zolla Bank & Trust Company _--_-__ ?.--=-.'ion: 1_ T. -2, Box 22629 5 z-- giego, California 72122 P3.zne: 714/455-5035 L. J. Ha&, Vice President-Cas'hier L. J. Ha& T?i ce P res id en r- C ;?shier CC: Philip X;. Mar!cham, X-4 '. e 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPEAL - SDP 77-l(c) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Car' will hold a public hearing on May 20, 1980, at 6:OO P.M. in the City Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA, to consider an appeal of a I contained in a Planning Commission Resolution as it relates to drive APPELLANT: La Jolla Bank ti Trust Co. PUBLISH: May 7, 1980 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL giti .lui L~~ idi: (-A 020:ii 1~14) 15 e\() - -_ -- - LJ ~0110 OtflLC April 25, 1980 - __-- Honorable Ma or and Members of the City Council City of Carlsbad City Office Building Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: City Clerk's Office La Jolla Bank & Trust Company requests to appeal the decision of the City of Car: Planning Commission heard April 23, 1980 relative to the Bank drive-thru banki~ facility. The Planning Commission number for this application is SDP77-1 (C)/CUP-177. La Jolla Bank 81 Trust Company Drive-Thru Banking Facility Adoption of Resolut Numbers 1626 and 1627. Y The Planning Commission hearing ruled that two drive-in lanes only are to be permitted for this bank building. La Jolla Bank & Trust Company appealed for tl drive-in lanes. Your consideration regarding this matter is appreciated. Please mail notice or n by telephone as follows: La Jolla Bank & Trust Company Attention: L. J. Haak, Vice President-Cashier P. 0. Box 22629 San Diego, California 92122 Phone: 714/ 455- 5035 Sincerely, .- <I '\ _/ - A- ,_ L. J. Ha& Vice President-Cashier CC: Philip K. Markham, AIA v 9. Ti& 0 P& "+ -5-,CcJ r ;\L Ex& La --tLtt TW q4& - * Tu kYl 20 19PO & L3 L-l,FJ - Ld5LL.uk + 1r D u ;._kh_lk, I ha0 PtQ, &.&&&& -w Ud c4 > 3% P& 4.- -d -0- -& @-3A_t3 &-L - *. I : $,P Gd.iUcg7. ,-;ad Pa (d t j I) * 1<3fq;!; (-j>' .;.:z -____. - -_ ___ . I b,JJj.(J-' ;,-.q--., .,* :is JlE,jT!: c~.'~,;].' ,_,L.b.L-.-: I- i - (,,>,:i]- _,I -- '~;se I+;Lini-j: -cc:c c;. &x -J-(-Jc;s.t-z <j:l tl) ~.~:~arly &:;c?r.i. - 7 ..- PC n of t';... WESk bL3l-f of khe ?Kr U:c!ai;k qmzkx CY: sa2 G.03 .-i-, z /1 Lc,&bqp;llj-p i 12 s. iu;. p7j-5h5fig tcj qX?a:.; CIrl -[ki.s .- )XcY?3sa.:. .. :ire? cordia?.ly :UYJ:..'LE2. to i:tt.en L:y-!L~!~;a :I:$ ycu bare ,my qi.~etions, please za1.l. ' 4.3!--.559L. C3SE PIIS: CUP-1'77 IiI3PLS.&?J$T : P-a?JLI SK : La Jol-1-a 'l'mst md Saviiqs April. L2, 1980 CI~~I OF ~~~<j~,,~~~,~ Y-@J~< j3Jc C3QlISSIO3 .__- i_ .--. .. . -I---. -I--. CtJ',P -- [-TQ! 5DP-.= %7- I cc u\ .JC>\#.'Jh -lie _- _II ___-- .___-. --_ _____.- _-_ ....__-......C._I_.I " ..-.--__.-, ...,. ~ . . - .-.- -.l __ . __^___ I_ . ._. -. __,L_.__._^___^_--.--.~.-. ~ ... . ~ - ...---- I w e -.-- *r ..-_ - t .- . .-. _- . 3 11 11 The Land Company Carl sbad, Cr, 92003 Suite 236 !a 6992 El Camino Real I,r I5 i4 :1 ;I 1 .- - __ -. - - - . __ I - _- - - - -- - _-__. - -g '3 i 4 - -- __ x 11. !larthzn, ET.AL, D3A Realty I$ '3 Carlsbad, CA 92093 :I if Suite J. 693G El Canino Fkal . -__._ __-_--_-_- ----- - _--- ;I k- Century 21 -- tlalln2rl: Ezalty I 6936 EI Canino Rzil Carlsb3d, Cn (1:093 0 1 ** floig Devel opcent Cor'pOrati 0 4.17 !lain Street Huntington Reach, California Joseph V. and Loreen L. Levati 22121 Halibv Lane \luntingtan Beach. California 9x4 G 32GG - E! 5..- - ad--: _- . -..-. - ____-_ La Jolla Bank I; Trust Cornpany P. 0. Box 22629 Sari Diego, CA 92122 Attn: Fir. Louis Haak - Vice Pres. Rancho Fhrket X ilol a kveI opnent 417 !kin Street: IluWtington Beach, CA 32~4& :--- --- -- . - I - -- z- -c kilter 2. and ililnda L. Frandse 593 Canino pe Qrchjda Encitiitas, California Conald E. !lyres, 3r. P.O. Box A i 1 - 9202.1 t tfunti ngton Eeach, Ca1 i forni a - ---_ --1 - 1' - --.- I 92648 _-_-__- -1 I -*- - ___ . - --- ---z I_ - .- . -- - - I- Kac and Elrnina Landau 7095 C Estrella De Kar Road Carl sbad, Cali forni a --.. - filbert F,. and f-iildred Y. CarROsino 6243 s. Ivy St. EnGI wood, C0l2 rad:, 32908 '3 11 19 if mi I e ,--- - - -- Trustees of Central States Sout and Southwest The Areas Pension Fund Jonathan Goetr , !I!%' Suite "G" Carlsbad, CPr 92030 6936 El Canino Real G.550 C.1. bryn Ave. Chi ca po , I 1 7 i noi s 60 331 ~ _. EXHIBITS "A", "B" AND "C" , dated February 11, 1980 AGENDA BILL 6249, dated May 20, 1980 SDP 77-1(C) APPLICANT: LA JOLLA BANK & TRUST (Appeal)