HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-06-03; City Council; 6259; Handicapped ParkingI CITY OF CARGSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. & 2 .< 9 DATE : JUNE 3, 1980 DEPARTMENT : CITY MANAGER - - Initial: Dept. Head City Atty. VfA , ' City Mgr. - Subject: HANDICAPPED PARKING .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . Statement of 'the Matter Council has requested that provisions be made for handicapped parking requirements for both on and off-street parking. A list of proposed spaces by location has been prepared by staff and is shown as an exhibit. (1) The Blue Curb Law requires that a hearing be held; that written notice be sent to the owners and operators of privately owned off-street parking facilities ten days prior to the . hearing. (a) Parking spaces should be 12 feet wide. (b) State Department of Rehabilitation Model Ordinance suggests one handicapped space for 100 spaces; County of San Diego requires one handicapped space per 50 spaces. (2) A finding by Council must be made that each location meets these regulations. (3) Affected owners must pay for installation of signs and printing. These signs could be produced "in-house" for a cost of $13.50 each, and supplied to users for posting. Concurrently, staff has been working with Plaza Camino Real to increase ramping at the Center. Since December, six additional ramps have been installec?, bringing the total number to nine. Staff has been observing the use of existing handicapped spaces and finds the usage very low. However, in most instances, the handicapped parking designation is not readily apparent. Exact wording on a posted sign and blue paint on curb or sidewalk is required. - Exhibit Memo from P.ssistant City Attorney to Assist.ant City Manager dated 5-30-79. List of locations for handicapped parking pepared by staff. Memo from Department of Rehabilitation and diagram of signs. Fiscal Impact Not determinable - Prcject will entail policing. Recommendation Set a date for a public hearing, and instruct staff to notice. Council Action: 6-3-80 Council directed staff to set the matter f@r public lhearing at earliest possible date. I .r\ .a. Sl4TE OF XLlf32N14"HEALlH AND WELFARE Ar;NCY a " ! EDMUND G. BmwN JR.. DEPARTMENT OF REHABILITATION - ~~ ,am 'X" sTnm MALL (916) 322-3078 SACMENTO. CAWORNIA 7J811 TO: City knagers County Administyators PARKING FOR PHYSICALLY WDICAPPXD PERSONS I am vlriting to encourage you to adopt a locd ordinance to inprove t,he avauability of parking for' handicapped persons. now provides guidance for enactment of an ordinance to designate exclusive CdLifornia law (beginning with Section 71107.8 of the Motor Vehicle Code) referred to as the YUue Curb Law". ywrkhg spaces for the physically handicappsd. This new law is commorJy Under the Blue Curb Law, cities and counties can now designate reserved pmldng spaces for the h.mdicapped. The "Blue Curb Law" also makes provisions for enforcine specia3,parkhg privileges by allowing citation ard/op tow-away of vehicles eked in the spaces without proper authori- zation. Ye have also enclosed information necessary for implementation of th? "Blue For youi convenience, we have drz%n 'up a model ordjnance, xhich is enclosed. Curb Law" h. your community. If the Lkpartmnt of Rehabilitation can provide you with further assistaxe in enacting "El'ue Curb" provisions, .please contact the 1,bbility Barriers Section, 830 "K" Street l4d, Sacremznto, California (916) 322-3078. Sincerely, " ZDXARD V. ROaEnTS Erector THIS SYhlROL iDENTlFIES FACILITIES WHICH FiAVE SEES SPECIFICALLY DE- SIGNED ANGiOR RESERVED FOR USE BY THE PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED ,- PARKING P'RIVILEGES ... '! 1; FOR THE 1 HAflDICAPPED I THIS IS A WARNING RESERVED FOR THE HANGICAPPED YOU ARE PARKED IN A SPACE YOUR VEHICLE DOES NOT DiSPLAY DISTINCTIVE PLATES OR PLACARDS REQUIRED BY STATE LAW . Vehicle Code Sections 22511.8 and 21107.8 allow enactment oi local ordinances which direct law enforcemen: agencies to: Tow away unauthorized parked :,ehicies ot owner's expense when a s!gn specified by law h dispiayrd or Issue citations for unourhorized parked nhicies Thew rcscrved space< are provided for in- divlduals whox physical divbilities mJke pxking hcrc a neccrrity. Your Coopcnlion is Apprcciarcd ! ? C! *: ' . DATE: May 30, 1979 $ TO : Assistant City Manager % L FROM : Assistant City Attorney I SUBJECT: HANDICAPPED PARKING Attached you will find a copy of a proposed resolution to establish on and off-street handicapped parking zones within Council would put into effect Vehicle Code Section 22507.8 the City of Carlsbad. By enacting this resolution, the City which makes it unlawful for any person to park in a handicapped zone. Pursuant to this resolution, and this Vehicle Code section, any person found parking in a handicapped zone when the vehicle did not display a distinguishing placard or to draft the ordinance so that the vehicle can be towed away license plate would be subject to citation. It is possible at the owner's expense. If this is desired by the Council, then the xesolution would have to be revised to provide for towed away. That determination is a policy judgment for ' additional signs and notification that the vehicle would be Council. At this time staff will have to determine which of the privately owned and maintained off-street parking facilities ' should be subject to this resolution. Once this determination parking facility owners and operators at least ten days is made, notice will have to be given to those off-street prior to the public hearing on the resolution. In addition, we should have someone in the Engineering or Building Departments draw up Appendix A which would consist,of a sign showing the standard international handicappea identification mark and the dimensions of the particular siqn,. / 1 Assistang City Attorney DSH/mla Attachment r! LOCATION LIST - HANDICAPPED PARKING Public Parking - Shopping Centers 1. Plaza Camino Real 2- Carlsbad Plaza North/South " .~~~ ~ 3. West Bluff Plaza 4. Hadley ' s 5. Poinsettia Plaza 6. Car Country 7. Downtown Carlsbad 8. Colonial Mall Restaurants 1. old World Shopping Center 2. Wayside Inn 3. Esponda 4. Fidels Norte Public Buildings 1. City Hall 2. Post Office 3. Harding Street Community Center 4. Magee House 5. Library 6. Fire Station 1 OTHER 1. All Schools 2. Burroughs 3. Hughes 4. Anthony Pools I MEMORANDUM Date: July 1, 1980 To : City Counci 1 From: City Clerk RE : A/B 6274 - HANDICAPPED PARKING. Staff requests the removal of this item from the agenda. It will be renoticed prior to being forwarded to Council for their consideration. i I LEE RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Council Action: 7-1-80 Council removed theitem from the agenda. I 11 ! PHIL LUKE1 Land Broker SEA LANDS COMPANY 3901 Jefferson Street Carlsbod, Carl. 92008 (714) 729-2515 June 12, 19RO Carlsbad City Council city Hall Carhkld, Calif. 92008 Dear Council i"s: An item in the Carlsbad Journal reports that you are to st* the need for a "Blue M" Law. I agree thak we do need to make provisions for those in wheelchairs, hut I think actions in this I have never seen a handicapped person use the spaces at the library, 'on have been gmssly subject to overkill. ~~IhaveseenthemusedbyoUlerswhowerechiselingcnthem. 'Iherc should be a reasonable ailocaticar of handicapped parking, but let's kill mrment applies to the curb cuts in dcklntdwn and new subdivisions. mt waste vaiuable space that will not he used. pmperly. The sane over- ast? There surely rnzst be a connrl~1 sense cost -fit ratio that I have never seen a person in a wheelchair using them. How nu& did it should be amsidered. (Even if then was a Federal subsidy here, it's still OUT mpley be.ing wasted.) pHG:rll Philip B. Lukei 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 17141 438-55b1 TELEPHONE: Qitp of QarIe'fiab July 9, 1980 An item which may affect your place of business has been, and will he again, discussed by the City Council. This item is H.iSNDICAPPED P?-RKING, and such issues as: 1. Ehsuld establishments be required to designate parking spaces for the handicapped? 2. How many spaces, if any, should the owners be required to install? 3. Would the requirement adversely affect business? 4. Is there demand for the spaces? William Balddn, Assistant City Manager, is the designated These, as well as other issues, need to be discussed. staff member to research this matter. In order to receive your input with regard to the matter, your attendance would be appreciated at a meeting to be held DATE TIME 9:30 AM PLACE please contact Mr. Baldwin at 438-5561, or this office If you are unable to attend, or to send a representative, 438-5535, so another meeting date may be arranged. Your assistance and cooperation is requested and apweciated. City Clerk LR: gb I 7' SUBJECT: MEETINGS SCXEEULED FOR HANDICAPPED PARKING July 14, 1980 Council Chambers Admin. Off ices Plaza Camino Real, Carlsbad Plaza North/South West Bluff Plaza Hadley's Fruit Orchards,Inc. Poinsettia Plaza Colonial Mall Safeway Stores, Inc. t1436 Tamarack Ave. Old World Shopping Center Wilson's of Carlsbad, Inc. Robert Wilson La Jolla Fed. Savings & Loan Robco Investments State Street Complex Jefferson Trust Bldg. 9:30 AM July 16, 1980 9:30 AM Council Conf. Ian. Council Conf. m. Wayside Inn Car Country Assoc. Esponda's Basque Rest.Carlsbad School Di: Fidel's Norte Burroughs Corp. July 17, 1980 9:30 AM Richard Goldberg Hughes Aircraft (Henry's and Industrial Products G&G Restaurant) Anthony Pools Edward Kentner 'Twin Inns ,Daisy's Restaurant .Denny's Inc. I The above listed businesses and corporations have been sent letters requesting them to appear for a meeting on above listed subject. i