HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-06-03; City Council; 6264; ZCA-125 - Ordiance AmendmentAGENU DATE : E, INITIAL Dept. HL. ,id#- Lt NO. 6JbLf - ' Cty. Atty. M3 June 3, 1980 PLANNING - -. - D E P A RT M E N T : -- SUBJECT: ZCA-125 - ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO CHANGE SIGN REQUIREMENTS IN THE R-P ZONE -- ---- STI.;TERENT OF THE MATTER Presently in the R-P Zone, the maximum sign area permitted for residential and office uses is twenty square feet per lot. Although twenty square feet of signing is reasonable for residential uses, it is inadequate to sufficiently identify most professional office complexes, motels and hotels. Staff and the Planning Commission have recommended an amendment to the existing ordinance to allow one square foot of sign area for each lineal foot of'building frontage for all office, motel and hotel uses in the R-P Zone. Further, they have recommended that a monument sign be per- mitted for these same uses not to exceed four feet in height or six feet in width. Both the Planning Commission and staff feel this amend- ment to the ordinance will provide adequate signing for office, motels and hotels without diminishing the aesthetic environment in the R-P Zone. EXHIBITS : 1. P.C. Resolution No. 1632, dated May 14, 1980 2. Staff Memo, dated May 14, 1980 3. Exhibit "A", dated April 23, 1980 RECOMMENDATION : '.- Both the Planning staff and Planning Commission have recommended APPROVAL of this application and City Council to direct the City Attorney to prepare documents APPROVING ZCA-125, per ,Planning Commission Resolution No. ,1632. Council Action: 6-3-80 Council directed theCi ty Attorney to prepare documents approving ZCA-125 per Planning Commission Resolution 1632 modified to reflect a maximum allowable square foot sign area of 100 sq. ft., with the provision that if the zone has a Q-overlay, a maximum of 150 sq. ft. may be allowed. MEMORANDUM DATE : TO: FROM: SUBJECT : May 14, 1980 Planning Commission Planning Department ZCA-125. SIGNS R-P ZONE Through the years of administering Carlsbad's sign reg- ulations (Chapter 21.41), the provision for signs in the R-P zone have been the most controversial. These provisions have been interpreted in various'ways and in some cases ignored. The problem is that the code does not provide sufficient signing for non-residential uses permitted in the R-P zone. Section 21.41.070(2) provides regulations for sign area based on zones. The R-P zone has a maximum sign area of 20 square feet per lot, the same as other multiple family zones. However, no provisions are included for non residential uses in the R-P zone. In some instances this maximum of 20 square feet is acceptable for an office use if the lot and building are small. However, in recent years large multiple tenant professional office structures have been built. The city has in some cases permitted signs for these buildings based on the same criteria as a commerical zone. Staff did this beacuse the 20 square feet per lot is not sufficient and the wording of the present regulations are somewhat ambiguous. However, the code does not permit this when - strictly read, Recently the'city approved a large professional office complex in the R-P zone on El Camino Real at Hosp Way. The designers' of this project Mr. Musil requested sufficient signs to identify the site (letter dated February 13, 1980). To permit such signs the code needs to be amended. Mr. Musil suggests one square foot of sign per linear foot of building frontage for R-P zone instead of the 14 allowed in the C zones. Also, he wishes a monument sign instead of a freestanding sign. Staff has drafted an ordinance amendment based on this and other requests with modifications in keeping with the intention of Carlsbad's sign regulations. Following is a discussion of this draft amendment; please see Exhibit "A" attached to Resolution No. 1632 to following this discussion. Section I: The amendment permits one square foot of sign per linear feet of building frontage for non-residential uses in the R-P zone. This is less than the 1% foot permitted in the C Zones and will, in staff's opinion, be appropriate for the user(s) as well as aesthetically compatible with the district. Staff is also suggesting that signs for motels and hotels in residential zones be placed in this category instead of the 14 square feet presently permitted. This reduction is in keeping with the residential character that these motels should keep in residential zones. Section 11: Staff is recommending that non-residential development in the R-P zone be permitted a monument sign. However, we suggest that this sign be smaller than that permitted in the C zones. A four foot high sign will be more in keeping with the residential character of the R-P zone. Such signs will also be permitted for motels and hotels in residential zones. Recommendation It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Planning Commision Resolution No. 1632, APPROVING ZCA-125, based on the findings contained therein. Attachments Planning Commission Resolution No. 1632 Letter from Mr. Musil dated February 13, 1980 BP : ar 4/30/80 -2- R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 .28 PLANNING CONNISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1632 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, NCOIOENDING APPROVAL OF A ZONE CODE ANENDMENT TO TITLE 21, AMENDING CHAPTER 21.41 TO PROVIDE FOR AN INCREASE IN ALLOWABLE SIGNS IN THE R-P ZONE. APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD CASE NO: ZCA-125 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 14th day of May, 1980, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the Zone Code Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Covmission recommends AFPROVAL of ZCA-125, according to Exhibit "A" dated April 23, 1980, attached hereto and made a part thereof, based on the following findings: Findings : 1) This project will not cause any significant environmental impacts, and a Declaration of Negative Environmental Impact has been issued by the Planning Director on 5/6/80 , 1980, Log No. 694 . 2) Non-residential uses in the 2-P zone and motels and hotels in residential zones require proper identification, provided that such identification is not adverse to the residential character of the zone. //// . //// //// I/// -. -’ I 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 FASSED, AFPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular neeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 14th day of May, 1980, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Schick, Rombotis, Larson, Friestedt, Marcus, Leeds, NOES: None and Jose ABSENT: None ABSTAIN : None Ei)l.;rIN S. SCHICK, JR. , Chairman CARLS BAD PLRI21 ING COt.911 S S I ON ATTEST : .- JABS C. HAG-M4AN, Secretary C A FL S BAD PLANNING C C:.2*! I S S I ON -2- - ,: EXHIBIT "A" April 23, 1980 AMENDMENT TO PERMITTED SIGNS IN R-P ZONE SECTION I: Amend Section 21.41.070(2) as follows: "(2) Except for signs at freeway service facilities and real estate signs, the total area of all signs on any one lot shall not exceed the following: Table I Area of Signs Zone of Lot Total Area of All Siuns R-1, R-2, R-W, B-C with densities corresponding to R-A through R-2. R-3, R-P (Residential) , R-T, RD-M, P-C with densities less restrictive than R-2 (except hotels and motels). R-P (office use), and motel and hotels in residential zones. All other zones Two square feet Twenty square feet One square foot per lineal foot of building frontage located on the lot One and five-tenths square feet per lineal foot of building frontage located on the lot. SECTION 11: Amend Section 21.41.070 by adding Subsection (9) as follows: "(9) For motel and hotel uses as permitted in certain residential zones and office uses permitted in the R-P zone, one freestanding sign is permitted per lot provided the following criteria are met: a) The sign shall be a monument sign, not greater than 4 feet in height or 6 feet in length; b) The sign shall be located at least 15 feet from any interior property line or corner of any access driveway; c) No portion of such sign shall extend over the public right-of-way. d) The aggregate sign area for the entire development shall not exceed the sign area allowed for the development according to the provisions of Table I. BP : ar 4/30/80 -2- t - -_ PLASNINC DESIGN ENCINEER1NC February 13, 1980 City of Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 ATTENTION: Mayor Ron Packhard Simon Yrrkowitz. President M. Lawrence Mud Vice Prrsitient Strvcn J. Ruth. Dirrctor of Prduction File No. 79-142 RE: ZONING ORDINANCE CHANGE TO CHAPTER 21.41 "SIGNS" CITY OF CARLSBrZD - CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Dear Sir: We are in the process of designing a combination financial/office building complex at the southeast corner. of El: Camino Real & Hosp Way, in the City of Carlsbad for our client Hughes Investments. This property happens to be zoned R-P (Residential Professional). This property apparently is the only property in the City Gf Carlsbad that is zoned R-P. .Per Table I of section 21.41.070 (2) on page 410-5 of the Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance dated October 15, 1974 the R-P Zone is restricted to a total area fcr all signs of only 20 sq. ft. Considering the types of uses allowed in this zone this seem overly restrictive. Furthermore it is my understanding that the R-P Zone does not allow for any monument signs. The R-P Zone allows, among many other uses, financial institutions per section 21.18.020. (6). We are in the process'of preparing the working drawings for a very attractive Wells Fargo Bank build- ing for this project. The people at Wells Fargo Bank have ex- pressed a very strong desire for identity from the street in the form of adequate signing. It is a generally accepted practice , that financial institutions receive some identity from the street through signing. One of the other major tenants on this project is COZdweil Banker. Their building will be the North San Diego County Administrative Office. Csldwell Banker is also accustomed to receiving identity through sufficient signing which is visible from adjacent streets, '; ! 1. 9703 Long Beach Boulevard. Suite D-1 bong Beach. California 90807 (213) 595-5577 I .. ' ! .. e, ;. .. . .' .. .I* * 'I 1. .i * _I -_. . -) -. XSyar Ron PackharL February 13, 1980 Page Two / .' and feel that it is essential for this location as well. As other quality tenants research this project as a potential location for a new facility, the subject of signing will be an important one. In addition to wall signing any tenant locating in a project such as this is going to want to be able to identify with some name for the particular center or complex in which it is located. The absence of a monument sign eliminates this possibility. I have discussed both of these matters with the City of Carlsbad Planning Department staff who have expressed the desire to pro- vide this signing which the tenants require, but are restricted by the Zoning Ordinance as it exists today. In light of the above I would like to request a Zoning Ordinance change per- taining to signing for the R-P Zone. Specifically I would like to request an increase from the total I area of all signs allowed from the existing 20 sq. ft. to a more reasonable 1 sq. ft. per linear foot of building ___ frontage located c- on t;hd-o&. This is a cornpromiseetween the more restrictive residential zones which would renain at 20 sq. ft., and the more liberal conmercizl zones which are presently allowed to have -1% sq. ft. per 1inez.r foot of building frontage. This seems to bk in conformance with the intent of the R-P Zone which is to act as a buffer zone between commercial zones and more restrictive residential zones. Furthermore I would like to add the R-P Zone -as a zone which is allowed to have a Tonurnent sign which of course -would be built in conformance with the ordinance re2uirements per __-I__ .-- I__ .I -:section 21.41.075 (A). -1 have enclosed 5 prints of each of the following drawings to -show you the project that we are discussing. -. 1) Site Plan -- 2) Wells Fargo Bank Building. 3) Office Building #9 4) Office Building #10 (Coldwell Banker). - -. . -. - ' This project is currently under review by-the City of Carlsbad Planning Department and is scheduled for Planning Commission re- view on February 27, 1980. 3. /- * -1 . , .. ~ Mzyor Ron Packhard --- -J a "February 13, 1980 Page Three a. I.look forward to a favorable action on this matter. Sincerely , MUSIL PERXOWITZ RUTH, INC. M. Lawrence Musil Vice-president MLM:dlp Enclosure's *- cc: Frank Aleshire/City of Carlsbad City Manager - dim Hagaman/City of Carlsbad Planning Dj.rector .. .. - Thomas Purcell/HUghes Investments - .. !- *- - 4: . 1 I. .. *.