HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-06-03; City Council; 6265; Magee Housefi CITY OF CARLSBAD , DATE : June 3, 1980 Initial: Dept.Hd. be.”:.’ C. AttyLm W DEPARTMENT : CITY MANAGER Sub j ect : MAGEE HOUSE - Amendment to Agreement with Carlsbad Senior Citizens Association. Aqreement with Carlsbad utor4-i Statement of the Matter On February 20, 1980, the City Council approved an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Senior Citizens Association for the use of a portion of the Magee House. Since that time the Council has approved the payment for the alarm system by the City. Since the payment for security alarm service was to be paid by the Association and was a part of the agreement, a resolution amending the agreement has been prepared to reflect the change. In May, 1976, the City Council approved the use of a portion of the Magee House by the Carlsbad Historical Society. It is standard practice between civic organizations and the City to have a use agreement for facilities. Such an agreement has.been pre@ared and signed by the Historical Society. Fiscal Impact $400 to install alarm - $720 yearly monitoring charge Exhibit 1. Resolution No. .&b -- amending Senior Citizens Association Agreement. 2. Resolution No.&7 approving an agreement with the Carlsbad Historical Society. Recommendation Authorize the Mayor to execute the amendment to the agreement with the Senior Citizens Association. Authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement with the Carlsbad Historical Society for use of facilities at Magee House. NOTE: Utilities will be paid by City. Council Action: 6-3-80 The matter was continued to the next regular meeting. 8-5-80 Counci 1 adopted Resol ution wband Resol ution approving the agreements. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 le 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 6266 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING AN AGREEMENT BETLEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS ASSOCIATION FOR USE OF CERTAIN CITY PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE MAGEE HOUSE. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That the Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the Zarlsbad Senior Citizens Association, dated February 22, 1980, Eor use of certain City property commonly known as the Magee House, is amended by the amendment of Condition No, 14 to read 9s follows: "14. The utilities shall be paid for by the City." PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Zity Council of the City of Carlsbad, California held on the 5th day of August , 1980, by the following vote. to wit: AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear and Kulchin NOES : None ABSENT : Council Member Lewi s b /AL m RONALD C, PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. (SEAL) AGREEMENT AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AND THE CARLSBAD SENIOR CITY PROPERTY COiW4ONLY KNOWN AS THE MAGEE HOUSE. CITIZENS ASSOCIATION FOR USE OF CERTAIN THIS PERMIT AGREEMENT is entered into by and between the City of Carlsbad, California, a municipal corporation (herein- , after called "City") and Carlsbad Senior Citizens Association, Inc., a California corporation (hereinafter called "Association") and is made in.reference to the following facts: A. The City owns a certain building located on City Park property known as the Magee Park. This certain building is rmx commonly known as the Magee House and is currently used for Historical Society He?.dguarters and City park and recreational purposes. B. The Association seeks to use the Magee House and certain other portions of the Magee Park property in a manner that will increase the enjoyment of the public who use the property and enhance the City's park and recreational programs.. C. The Association intends to use the property to provide social and recreational service to all Carlsbad citizens and particularly to Carlsbad senior citizens. D. Use of the Magee House and other portions of Magee Park property by the Association will benefit the public health and welfare and will enhance the park and recreation programs of.thc City for the bcncfit of the general public. -- THEREFORE, IT IS AGRXED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City agrees to permit the Association to use those portions of the Magee House designated on Exhibit A to this agree- ment, attached hereto and incorporated by reference, subject to the full and faithful performance of each and every obligation imposed upon the Association by this permit agreement. 2. Association agrees to use the Magee House to conduct social and recreational programs designed to promote the health, welfare and recreation of senior citizens and the general public and as a meeting place for senior citizens and the general public and for any other use prior approval must be obtained from the City hanager or his designated alternate. 3. The Association may use the Magee House at times other than the standard hours of operation with the prior consent of the City of Carlsbad, through the Director of Parks and Recreation. 4. The Association shall not allow any other organization or business to use those portions of the Magee House reserved for the use of the Association. The parties recognize that certain portions of the Magee House are used for the purposes of the Carlsbad Historical Society. 5. The City reserves the right to permit and schedule the use of the Magee House by organizations other than the Association. The City, through the City Manager or his designee, shall coordinate the use of the Magee House to avoid conflict with icheduled Association activities. -2- i -. 6. The Magee House and all activities conducted by the Association at the Magee House shall be open to the general public $t all times as the Magee House activities are open to the members of the Associztion. 7. Association may charge a fee to persons participating in Association activities conducted at the Magee House. The amount of such fees shall reasonably relate to the cost of the Association , for cond.ucting such activity and shall be approved in advance by the City Manager or his designee. 8. Association agrees to comply with all applicable laws and will not ‘erect any sign or install any fixture without the prior written consent of the City. 9. Association shall not assign or otherwise transfer its rights and privileges arising from this permit agreement. . 10. 11. Association shall care for and maintain those portions of City shall make all required repairs to the Magee ‘House. the Magee House and contents and appurtenances thereto which the Association occupies at its own expense during the term of this permit agreement to the satisfaction of the City. 12. In the event that the Magee House is destroyed beyond reasonable repair, the City, at its option, may reconstruct the Magee House or terminate this permit agreement and the parties shall bear no further obligations thereafter. 13. Association shall make no alterations to the Magee House or the Magee Park property without the prior consent of the City. 14. The utilities, including water, shall be paid for by the City. -3- 15. In order to provide funds for the operation of the Associ- ation's programs, the Association may establish civic and other services at the Magee House provided that the operation of such services does not significantly interfere with the provision of 'social and recreational services and programs. Revenues from such services shall be reported monthly to the City Council. 16. This permit agreement shall take effect and the term shall commence upon the date of execution by City. continue for one year. The term. shall 17. When the method of operation or quality and character of service rendered by the Association are not fully in compliance with the provisions of this agreement, or are not adequately meeting the needs of the public for reasons properly within the control of the Association, or if the Association violates any of the terms of this permit agreement, then the City, by the City Council, may terminate this agreement immediately and the parcies shall have no further obligation thersafter. 18. In order for use of the Magee House as described herein during the term, the Association shall pay to the City $1.00 due and payable on the date of execution of this permit agreement by the City. 19. Association agrees to hold City totally harmless for all costs, expenses, claims and liability arising out of Association's use of the Magee House, Magee Park or the old Library/City Hall building. with this provision, Association shall maintain a policy of lia- bility and property insurance with limits of $1,000,000.00 and To substantiate the Association's ability to comply naming the City as an additional insured and shall carry a policy of worker's compensation insurance covering any and all of the -4- -- Association's employees. insurance to cover any injury occurring to a volunteer providing service to the Association and arising out of the provision of that service. the City. The Association shall also provide adequate The insurance policies are subject to approval by 20. At the conclusion of the term or the earlier termination thereof, Association shall surrender possession of the property to the City in as good order and condition as existed at the time of the commencement of the permit agreement with the exception of ordinary wear and tear. 21. Association recognizes and understands that this permit agreement may create a possessory interest subject to property taxation and that the Association may be subject to the payment of property taxes levied on such interest. 22. ThlT permit agreement shall be automatically extended for successive one year periods, provided that Association has fully complied with the terms and conditions of the permit agreement and anless sixty day notice of termination is given by either party. 23. Association shall provide the Parks and Recreation Director with two sets of keys to all locks on the premises, except keys for any safe or safety box. is . EXECUTED this a”- day of 6 bfuQC\/ , 13 Gc by the parties as follows. CITY OF CARLSBAD, California, a municipal corporation ..I- ATTEST: ,. , *. ALETHA L. RAUTENK’RANZ, RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor .,, City Clerk CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS ASSOCIATION, IMC., a California corporation . -. . BY City Attorney 6. h . .. .., , .. . .. 'h Fc iJ F: ah .. v) X -. - .. cn ' X' .. .. .- ** .E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 le 19 20 27 22 22 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION No. 6267 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR USE OF THE MAGEE HOUSE The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Historical Society relative to the use of the Magee House, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof, is hereby approved. 2. The Playor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held the 5th day of August , 1980, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear and Kulchin NOES: /\lone fiJd&> ABSENT : Counci 1 ttember Lewi s / -- RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST (SEAL) LICENSE AGREEMENT -BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR USE OF THE MAGEE HOUSE This agreement is. made this $+4 day of flu&uJT , 19fo , between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California (hereinafter referred to as "City") and the CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. RE C I TAL S: WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Historical Society proposes to use certain rooms at the Magee House to establish a headquarters and to collect and display historical memorabilia; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has approved the use of certain rooms in the Magee House by the Carlsbad Historical Society and has determined that use of the Magee House by the Carlsbad Historical Society will provide a benefit to all the citizens in the City of Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, this lease agreement will facilitate the City of Carlsbad in fulfilling its responsibility of maintaining and utilizing the Magee House for the benefit of all citizens of Carlsbad, and WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Historical Society will provide its services at the Magee House to the public free of charge, unless otherwise authorized by the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals and of the mutual covenants herein expressed, the "City" and the Carlsbad Historical Society hereby agree as follows: 1. "City" leases to the Carlsbad Historical Society for purposes of establishing a headquarters and collecting and displaying .. historical memorabilia, certain portions of City property located in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, commonly referred to as the Magee House, and described more fully in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated by reference. The rights specified under this lease shall apply only to those specific rooms as are described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated by reference. also use such other rooms as may be approved in advance and in writing by the City Manager or his designee for temporary or The Carlsbad Historical Society may occasional use. Such temporary or occasional use shall be subject to any conditions imposed by the City Manager or his designee upon such use. 2. Carlsbad Historical Society agrees to pay an annual rent of one dollar due in advance on the anniversary of the date of execution of the agreement. 3. The City Manager or his designee may, upon the request of the Carlsbad Historical Society, approve in writing use by the Carlsbad Historical Society of such equipment and other personal property owned by the City as may be necessary for use by the Carlsbad Historical Society in the fullfilment of their purpose or in the presentation of any programs. The use of such equipment or I other personal property shall be subject to any terms and conditions that the City Manager or his designee may in his discretion impose. 4. Carlsbad Historical Society shall be fully responsible for custodial care in all rooms used by them. Such rooms shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition at all times. The Carlsbad Historical Society shall make no alterations or additions to the interior, exterior or surrounding grounds of the Magee House without the express written consent of the City Manager or his designee. -2- . >, ’. . 5. City shall remain responsible for all maintenance and repairs at the Magee House. Requests for such maintenance and repairs shall be made by the Carlsbad Historical Society through the City Manager or his designee. 6. Carlsbad Historical Society shall provide the City Manager or his designee with keys to all locks on rooms used by the Carlsbad Historical Society. 7. Carlsbad Historical Society shall train all of its staff members and employees regarding proper methods of locking, closing and use of the intrusional alarm system as directed by the City Manager or his designee to insure protection of the property and its furnishings. 8. Carlsbad Historical Society covenants at all times to indemnify and hold harmless the City, its employees and officers, . of any and all loss, damage or expense and shall pay in full all loss, damage or expenses as City, its employees and officers may sustain, incur or become liable for, resulting in any manner from the maintenance, use, state of repair, or any other operation or use of the Magee House by the Carlsbad Historical Society or .from the grant or exercise of this lease, including any such loss, damage, or expense arising out of (a) loss of or damage to property or (b) injury to or death of persons. Carlsbad Historical Society -shall be solely responsible for any loss or injury to any personal property owned or possessed by it and kept, stored, or displayed at the Magee House. 9. Carlsbad Historical Society shall procure and maintain a policy, or policies, of public liability and property damage insurance with an insurance company, or companies, approved by the City Manager -3- wherein the City is named as an additional insured. Such insurance to insure to a limit of not less than $300,000 for injuries or death of any one person, $500,000 with respect to any one incident or occurance, and to a limit of not less than $100,000 for property damage, City against any and all claims, demands, obligations, liabilities, cause, or causes, of action by reason of any act or omission by or on behalf of the Carlsbad Historical Society, its members, agents, employees, permitees or invitees whether negligent, intentional or otherwise, arising out of or in anyway connected to this agreement or the performance thereof. 10. This lease may be terminated by either party upon one year notice in writing to be served upon the other party stating the day of the month such termination will take place and uron the expiration of the time specified in such notice, this lease and privileges and rights of the Carlsbad Historical Society shall absolutely cease. 11. Unless otherwise terminated, this lease shall be for the period of five years and shall be automatically renewed for a subsequent year unless the City Manager objects to the renewal in writing. Such objection.shal1 be made not later than 30 days prior to the anniversary of the execution of this agreement. -4- . " .J IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this license in duplicate as of the day and year above written. CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation ATTEST: - - By -RONALD C . PACKARD , Mayor City Clerk 8- CARLSBAD HISTORWAL SOCIETY APPROVED AS TO FORM: Vincent;'P-ondo, Jr. -5- ,- 3 .. Policy KO. Policy Period GLL' GO 066896-5 4/27/80--81 ADDITIONAL ~N~~~~~ (Premises Leased to the Named Insured) Effective Date of Endorsement 4/27/80 [Named Insured I The above is required to be completed only when this endorsement is issued subsequent to the preparation of the policy. This endorsement modifies such insurance as is affcded by the provisions of the policy relating to the following COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE MANUFACTURERS' AND CONTRACTORS' LIABILITY INSURANCE OWNERS, LANDLORDS AND TENANTS' LIABILITY INSURANCE STOREKEEPER'S INSURANCE It is agreed that the "Persons Insured" provision is amended to include .as an Insured the person or organization designated below, but only with respect to liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of that part of the premises designated below leased to the Named Insured. and subject to the following additional exclusions: The insurance does not apply: 1. to any occurrence which takes place after the Named Insured ceases to be a tenant in said premises; 2. to structural alterations, new construction or demolition operations performed by or on behalf of the person or organization designated below. Designation of Premises (Part leased to Named Insured) Meeting ~oom Magee House Beech Am. Carlsbad, CA. Ivg/rr 5/15/80 SD545 McClellan Insurance Agcy, Inc SCHEDULE Name of Person or Organization (Additional insured) City of Carlsbad Prer Bodily injury Liability Waivl rms Property Damage liability 3' ",-.- ~E.971 fC109) 7.20.66 Prinlsd in U.S.A. AM[? INSURED CAiitSiiAD HISTORICAL SGCIETY P 0 3iiX 188 CARL S3 AD CA 92008 POLICY IS: RENEWAL OF PULICY NO,. GCP75i763 -- NAMED IKSUREI) IS: ASSOCIATION DCCUPATIGN: CIVIC AlilO SOCIAL ASSUCIATJON -. . - -_ i- 5 POLICY PERIW: FROM 04/27/80 TO 04]27/81 12:OL A,).\-, STANDARD TIME AT THE ADDRESS OF THE NAMED IkSljRED AS STATED HEREIN -. -t ---.-------------------------------.I-------. PR€HIlJM PAYMENT CQNDITIONS EACH -- - - EACH -- OfCtJRENCE AGGREGATE OC CUR ENC E AGGREGAT $5 00,OC)O - $100,000 $100100 OPlES OF THIS DOCUMENT HAVE BEEN SENT TO: TZGZ5-J . 803426 s * - ~. . I __ -. -__- _. -c -. ”- - , NAME0 INSURED CARLSd AD HI STOKI CAL S ClCi ETY P 0 33X 133 I; I SECCIdD AND SUBSEQUENT LINES -----u----------u-- LCCAT I ON COV EK A GE PREHIUX BASIS CODE EXPOSURE' RATE PREHIUH WHEN JSE3 AS A PREHIU3.t 8ASIS THE FULLOWING CODE DEFINITIONS APPLY: U-UNIrS - PW UNIT COKPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY I WURANCE 1 1-8 441 5 61 PD . CLUBS - CIVIC9 FRATEfiiJALg LUNCHEC~NI SERVICE OR SOCIAL - MO BUIL13INGS ai3 PREHISES OlJNEO OR LEASED EXCEPT FOR CFFICE PURPOSES U U 30 -4500 30 * * 048 0 NONE hMONN AT INCEPTION - CL~;EE~ED, IF ANY EXPOSUR~~ AT CONPANY*S MANUALS OF RULES AND RATES 26MP 24MP 41MP 28NP 1 3-1 7982 ' OPERATIONS - NOC BI IF ANY PO IF ANY L 9-9 F 3 6 (C3i9TIMdED ON NEXT PAGE) PAGE 2 COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT HAVE BEEN SENTTO: 1'45 600426 i - w - - - I ----I- _"---~ . . .. .. . ... ...,. P G niix 188 CARLSd AD CA 92008 EXCL UDEU TOTAL ADVANCE PREMIUM (COdPREHfNSIVE GENERAL LXABILITY INSURANCE) $119 $6415 CLUBS - CIVIC, FRATERNAL, LUNCHEUNT SERVICE OR SZCIAL - NO BUILDINGS OR PREHISSES Ulrs'NEl) OR LEASFrD EXCEPT F'3R CFFICE PURPOSES BRGAD FORM COYPREHENSIVE G 1 ENDORSEMENT $25 UMDER THIS ENDGRSENENT THE PREMIUH CALCULATION IS AS FDLLOWS: 1'5.0% CF THE TUTAL GENERAL LIABILITY BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE PKEN AS OTHERMISE 3 E TE RMI NED (CGNTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) PAGE 3 800426 S8 EMICRSEMENTS ATTACHED TO POLICY AT INCEPTION: I-- ----- ------ -u- -------------*--I------ GENERAL LIABo SJDo PROV JACKET CO?IPPKEHENSIVE GENERAL LIA8lLITY INS- kDDITXWAL INSUiiED (CLUB MEMBERS) CANCELLATXON FCR NOX-PAYNEXT UF PKSHIUM G.L ,-AMERDAT3RY WDT-ADDL DEFINITION PRUDUCfS iiAZARD EXCEPT1 CiFiS BRISAU FORM CbhPKEHENSIVE G L ENgQRSEMEMT BROAD FGRM COMPREHEYSIV E G L ENDORSEMENT ~XCL,-COKPLETED OPERSo E PRODUCTS HAZARD THIS 3ECLARATIUN AND COVERAGE ?ART(S) v WITH POLICY STANDARD PROVISIONS AND ENDDP.SEM~NTS, IF AIUY, ISSUED TO FORM A PART THEREOF, COMPLETES THE ABDVE Ntl&E;RED POL1 CY. DUkI;I3 THE PAST THREE YEARS Nil INSURER HAS CANCELLEL; INSURANCE, ISSUED TO THE NAMED IN5URED, SIMILAR TO THAT AFFitRDEO HEREUNDfR, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED HEREIN. GOUUTERSIGN€D AT: &b&h&dc&. * AUTHORIZED AGENT: --- DATE : y&i&lzg 000426 S COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT HAVE BEEN SENT TO: I i *s ~i + --. . . . - . -_ . . . - . . . . . . .. bILLINC DATE POLICY NO. COMPANY EFFFCTIVE DATE I EXPIRATION DATE .. .. . e Carlsbad Historical Society P.O. Box 188 Carlsbad, CA 92008 I CLIENT N0.W 2000 ! N? 18261 Comprehensive general liability policy I. $144.00 4.' ,' . .I . '! I , ., i ! t