HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-06-03; City Council; 6266; Renewal of city insurance'.'•'•"-.. .-'•'•..•"' -."'i; '..-:." •'.'',. '••'.:' •'. CITY jOF 'CARLSBAD: •''•.•-/;,":.• ' ' -:'''' '• .:."-:. ' *:' •...• "• " '•'•"-..•'..' :':/v' '' •" •' ' '•'••-.•'•••'.••''':''•!•' '• . AGENDA: BILL, NO., U> £ & 6 ^' i • Dept. Head DATE :i' ; .'•.•'•••': June : 3, 1980' ::' 'V "; City At ty..y Mgr-. .DEPARTMENT':-; '"• '[•• •':• " .'CITY MANAGER.- ^ ..'. ' '" -,; "v ./•. V; '>' ,-. •• ' . : . :; . -vRENEWAL 'OF CITY' INSURANCE/' Stateinent. bf^:the; Matter .; :;'•'•''•. : ' '• '. ''..•.• .V",'" '••"';•'•,"•;•- ••;'•••' :.;;'/:' -\ ••J<', \.'.';'',,-X-.'< •':.City .insurance , is handled by National Certified,' Inc. with ";; ,of f ices, in Whittier. and Carlsbad. They have been our broker ;''• for the'past, six years.. Attempts by staff to obtain additional ,',;, quotes, have been unsuccessful. For the most, part, insurance ' :;:. jcompanies-have discontinued municipal-'coverage -for. liability \ ' . ^insurance. ; .:.'„-.""'••" •'/.: "'. ,. ";• .. • •"•'' -;•'.,• :-'.-.;•-.' ..' •• -. ^ •'.''•'--; .•'-' ':•-, •'. ,.•••;-•. ••.'•.'•.''' ; . On .June 30, 1980, the City's General Liability policy, Water ' • ,. .-Department..Liability Policy,. :Auto Liability, and' Umbrella coverage .will ..expire. Costs for'this coverage is as follows: General Liability Municipality ' Limit $2, 00:0, 000: combined single limit (Liability and Property Damage) -Deductible .$25/000 .;.-••/ .... Annual Premium ': 1-31, 909-. 00 ' : • ;''.Ggn.era-l Liability --Water Department .Limit .$2 / 000, 000- combined single limit ''•v, Deductible $1,000. '• , . . - . ' Annual" Premium ' ' $ 33, 544 •Aujo -Liability and Physical Damage Limit ,$500yOOO combined single limit ^Annual Premium , ;. $ 41,592 • -.' _ '., •••":. ' - -••'-.*.... -f> *• • : _ _ •_ .'•_-. Umbrella ';" .-.:•' ''•''.-""*" '; --.;•."• This coverage brings all coverages up to, $5, 000 , 000 "including automobile liability and Errors and Ommissions. : • -..';' Annual Premium . „ $ 50,000 . •'•• •• ' .' '. •-" : ", "TOTAL -PREMIUM I98"p-8i . :, :; $-257,045 . ; ' .^ Staff is 'pursuing the possibility of joining with several other. San Diego cities to form a Joint .. Ppwers Authority Consortium to write insurance." This procedure -is complicated and the .study ., is .not yet complete. In the event the City joins the consortium, , a short rate - cancellation would have to be -paid which could amount to thousands of dollars, for .example: . . '••' • •. ' "•September 1, 1980 .' $ ; 73, 710. 00' . ; • / ' • ;/ . ' . •'.-•• , Jariuary ,1, 1981 , $166,500.00. . ., ': ' •'.'•' •••. • ' •'•'•. ( "• - ' . ' " •' ''':'• : .'.' '' The January 1,, 1981; date' is the .most probable date for the consortium to 'be operational. - ' . . - . ;. ; • . '_ , ,'. ...... .;.. Page 2 June 3, 1980 ,r RENEWAL OF CITY INSURANCE Fiscal, Impact- Annual expenditure of $257,045. These funds are included in the 1980-81 budget. Exhibit Letter from National Certified, Inc. dated 5-29-80 Recommendation That Council approve the renewal of the City's present insurance coverage by minute motion and authorize staff to continue the Joint Powers Authority study. Council- Action: 6-3-80 Council ^continued the matter to the next regular, meeting to allow staff time to evaluate the recent proposals from the broker as to alternative "deductibles. - National Certified, Inc. INSURANCE AGENTS & BROKERS ..;•.- '-SINCE" 1919 . • ..'. • 13026 E. PHILADELPHIA ST. WHITTIER, CAL 90608 P.O. BOX 1 89 ,. (213)698-0691 (213)723-1386 (ORANGE COUNTY) (714)523-7225 7682 EL CAMINO REAL, SUITE 101 CARLSBAD, CAL. 92008 (714)436-2231 (714) 744-4550 -May 29, i 1980 City of Carlsbad ( 1200 Elm; Avenue < Carlsbad; ,CA. 92008 , Attention: Mr. William Baldwin ; ' v Assistant City Manager ,Re: Municipality Liability / ; -Dear Bill:., s ;>:'..'-.:: ' '/'- . •-••'• •; "'.- :' '. •'"-' ' : As per your request, we have again negoitated with our, markets with respects to reducing the City's liability premium. Please be advised that we were success- fullin getting a new quote on the primary coverage, which reduces -your premium ;by $29,249.00, which would have the $25,000 deductible on defense. :,•-.'••' •If you would like to delete the deductible, and have first dollar coverage on defense the reduction in premium would be $16,120.00, instead of the $29219.00 figure shown'above.- •.•'.;. ;,:; '•' .-'''•;•''..••." ." '- '•-••„• ' ••"'."'• ' ':., •'•-" " • • ''• • - ' .' '• ,Ajso, Bill, we checked with at least six markets regarding the City's Insurance, and I would just like to let you know that we were told by all; markets that we have an excellent quote for; you. The revised quote for the City, excluding Workers' Compensation is $213,916.00 with $25,000 deductible on defense, or $257,045.00 with" no deductible on defense. Also, for your information, following on Page 2 is a breadown on General Liability losses, excluding auto losses and workers' compensatibn losses. ' • < * •• , » • >«,>,•„.„.« ' - * •> • ,' , , • ,' * ' ', * '' *' 4 * , "V ' ' t 4 1 ' f ' ' ! ' ' ' * '• '""''" i * • ' ' ' "' y •'> -" '/^"""-'.A'"",* \* ''"?"'" ,/*''*'* v ""*'.'" "•' % Page,2'-, \.\, '" l; ^'"'/!',/ y '' '- --' '^/!'"" * T '- ,/" 'f > V"-. , v' ^'""'V1, ,,b'Jf v,-'' ,;,'. v' ' ' -. "","'""/ *'' 1' ', '/"""»<-,,'. .,- ' '-'• i-' '', / " ,- Vr '/', ^ ;>",'. ^-" 'GENERAL LIABILITY LOSS EXPEFMENCE: .- '*.;"7 C ^ ''5™^ t^ l'!-*1').^ ill j. "* -* -i1^^!*^ ' "i1! '•l-'t-k'j "1 r- *,, St."* «-** *\. 1'b.f*1 I" ? "* ^ h ' /', '"i'-" "'1 ^ „''* YEAR: I976', • '' , *. ;I977, Vl978. V "'* \ ^1979 /;,'';'"^r '".'•- v ; /'.^ " ' "Y'rvY^' v"-^\'* /Bj' M * '• '''*'**>';'*' * ' " ^ f> t *" ' * " **""t;,., 1980, -*- PREMIUMS PAID: ,- ,' " s, - »/ , - ^~ ' - ;- $82,064.00, -\ ^ ' ',."'.*' o - - ,--." - 127,983.00 ' * ,,156,117.00 „ j / *, 234,048.'00 „ ' -4 "'''"*' ^," v' " \^',' /' ^'' < * > *< '" * ' " r ^* "*,' '/!" ',202,'324.00 t,, , > " ^ "'N' INCURRED LOSSES; ' $49,939.00 .- - f. • 113,701'. 00 . 492,870.00 9.00 .-> - ' ,23/°f .' f. • h ' ' \ '. 00 . J « , ' 52,243.00 [as of 5/1/80] " r " / left to- go -Renewal of 7/1 780 .' ; 7*r ••« '* „: Total Four;Years' Premiums:, f /-'$606,2I2;00 ;,'• ,"£ ''••', - '«//; * '»" ,' *" '* t/'\'.'""',,*''1 \«^4'l/-i''rf;-Total\FouirJyears'.Losses V'', , ;,,'a $708,J53.00j" , ;,'.' X -4'- ;_"/," '"" %,- ""V'^^^C^'^Pi^^5-'^^-' '••'•' '!V:^>y^Vr- ^J18*1'..,'''*'^* "''"-•':«"'•?';"': -\*/f 1},;'-''."'*:' ''j,'»V ^ Best regard s^4" J?'/>*„•:'' ,' ^J* -/'". r-' '< •- \^-/,--ji.- *'''"- \~ ',«'j', ) >,. " i1/,':-*\t^ '* ^^' %'< ' ' '-• Jim Davis ' ' , *, - JD:hc :\X« v.